aeroflot flight 593 passenger list
Aeroflot-vlucht 593 was een Airbus A310-304 van de Russische luchtvaartmaatschappij Aeroflot (RAL), die op 23 maart 1994 neerstortte tijdens een vlucht van Moskou naar Hongkong. [5] The remaining 23 foreigners were mostly businessmen from Hong Kong and Taiwan, who were looking for economic opportunities in Russia. With production of new, modernized Russian airliners having practically ceased, Aeroflots management saw only one solution: to buy Western aircraft. Throughout the flight, the plane had been flying on autopilot, with its vertical channel in altitude hold mode to keep the plane at 10,100 meters, while the lateral channel navigated the plane along a pre-programmed string of waypoints stretching all the way from Moscow to Hong Kong. [4][7][8] Relief pilot Kudrinsky was taking his two children on their first international flight, and they were brought to the cockpit while he was on duty. All the while, the feedback force on the control column increased until, at 00:55 and 29 seconds, the autopilots lateral channel quietly disconnected. The family includes the A318, A319, A320 and A321, as well as the ACJ business jet. Aeroflot Flight 593, was a Russian Airlines Airbus A310 passenger airliner, registration F-OGQS, operating on behalf of Aeroflot, which crashed into a hillside in Kemerovo Oblast on 23. Having already put them into a risky situation, Kudrinsky topped off his series of dubious decisions with the biggest whopper of them all: he gave Eldar permission to make inputs using the control column. Pull up gently! The aircraft was carrying three flight crew members, a cabin crew of nine, 63 passengers (including 25 foreigners), and 593 kg of mail and baggage. Le 23 mars 1994, l'Airbus A310 qui assurait ce vol s'est cras lors de la phase de croisire du vol. For their part, MAK representatives, unsure how to react and panicking about the leaks, flat out denied that any children had touched the controls at all. As a result, the roll rate rapidly accelerated, causing the plane to reach 90 degrees of bank in a matter of seconds. Der Grund war, dass der Sohn des Kapitns unwissentlich eine Funktion des Autopiloten der A310 deaktiviert hatte, die sogar den meisten Piloten damals unbekannt war. A second, larger indicator light came on to alert the pilots of the complete disengagement, and this time they did notice it. [10] The New York Times said, "A transcript of the tape printed in the magazine Obozrevatel shows that the Russian crew nearly managed to save the Airbus plane and the 75 people on board, but that it was hampered by the presence of children and its unfamiliarity with the foreign-made plane. Simultaneously, the airplane stalled, suffering a catastrophic loss of lift, triggering a stall warning for four seconds before the autopilot alarm overrode it. 2005 3 '10 ' 2015 8 30 MBC TV 2019 9 21 KBS JOY ' ' 1 . Yes, Kudrinsky said without hesitation. On the 23rd March 1994, Aeroflot Flight 593 which was a A310-304 crashed into a hillside of the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia, killing all 63 passengers as well as 12 crew members on board. Aeroflot published a list of survivors (in Russian) who have been identified so far. On board the flight were sixteen-year-old Eldar and 12-year-old Yana, who came into the cockpit to visit their dad Yaroslav. Forerunner Resetufologist. Shortly after, the flight path indicator changed to show the new flight path of the aircraft as it turned. Then, it seems, he got another dubious idea: Hey Yana, are you going to fly it? he said. On June 9, 1995 the de Havilland Canada Dash 8 aircraft flying this route crashed into hilly terrain in the Tararua Ranges, 16 km east of Palmerston North airport, during an instrument approach in bad weather. On the 23rd of March 1994, an Aeroflot A310 bound for Hong Kong suddenly plunged from the sky in the middle of the night, tearing a horrific scar across a snowbound forest in the depths of Siberia. eine Minute vor dem Aufprall am Boden Eldar Kudrinski, der 15-jhrige Sohn des Kapitns, am Steuer befand. [9][12][13] First, Yana took the pilot's left front seat. But if Piskaryov wanted to push the controls forward to level off, he might have been unable to do so the diminutive copilot topped out at just 160cm (53), and his seat was pushed all the way back to the stop. 593 . For a few minutes, Kudrinsky explained various aspects of the plane and what made it special, but he had bigger ideas, too. See it turn? Kudrinsky said. Abdulaev, Raffig, 20/06/1960 (Azerbaijan) 2. Tragically, investigators noted that after the first spin, when Kudrinsky had wrangled the plane into a 20-degree nose down position with 20 degrees of left bank, recovery would have been assured if he had simply let go of the controls. Their speed was beginning to increase again, but they were spinning around and around like a top, descending rapidly with the nose pointed almost directly at the ground. Eldar immediately placed his hands on the control column. , . Due to some turbulence which is unavoidable of course a few people got sick. But by that point the plane was already starting to level out, and their speed was decreasing. From the beginning, the plan was to incorporate the A310s into a special Aeroflot subsidiary which would act as the international face of the airline. Airbus A310-308 SU593 , 4 19 ( ) . For a few minutes, Yana asked about various systems, and Kudrinsky faithfully answered. La grabadora de voz y de datos revel que el hijo de quince aos del piloto, Eldar Kudrinsky, mientras estaba sentado en los controles, haba desconectado sin saberlo el control del piloto automtico del A310, en su seccin de alerones. Cockpit voice and . As the pilots debated the reason for the turn, the planes bank angle increased past 45 degrees. The autopilots still-active vertical channel, which had been set to hold an altitude of 10,100 meters, reacted by pitching the nose up and increasing engine thrust. 23 1994 A310-304 63 12 . Flight schedule. Aeroflot Flight 593 was a passenger flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, Russia, to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. 45m IMDb RATING 8.2 /10 162 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Crime History Enter the cockpit of RIA Flight 593, where pilots battle an uncooperative plane, gravity, and a teen at the wheel. Despite managing to level the aircraft, the first officer over-corrected when pulling up, causing the plane to stall and enter into a spin; the pilots managed to level the aircraft off once more, but the plane had descended beyond a safe altitude to initiate a recovery and subsequently crashed into the mountain range. The speed is high! Piskaryov exclaimed. In the event, the lateral channel disconnected when the roll force on the control columns reached 1113 kilograms, and did so with no warning whatsoever. Go ahead, take the controls., As Yana lightly placed her hands on the control column, her father stood between the pilots seats, reaching for the autopilot control panel, and switched the autopilots lateral control mode from NAV to heading select.. O voo Aeroflot 593 era uma linha area da companhia russa Aeroflot, ligando Moscou a Hong Kong. The pilots, who had previously flown Soviet-designed planes that had audible warning signals, apparently failed to notice it. One of the pilots of Aeroflot Flight 593 lets his children sit in the captain's chair of this passenger plane. Aerodynamic principles would have caused the plane to regain level flight from that position all on its own, but amid the panic, he never returned his controls to the neutral position, and the upset resumed. Within seconds, the airplane began to climb. 12. Furthermore, the disconnection threshold was met when the cumulative force on both control columns reached 1113 kilograms, meaning that Eldar and Piskaryov might each have been applying as little as 56 kilograms of force when the disconnection occurred. This confused the pilots for nine seconds, during which time the plane banked past a 45 angle to almost 90, steeper than the design allowed. Although some accounts insinuate that Kudrinsky was trying to give her a convincing illusion of control, it appears his actions were merely demonstrative, as he explained what he was doing throughout the maneuver. In the early 1990s, the biggest obstacle to this vision was perhaps Aeroflots fleet, which consisted of Soviet-built airframes designed for a different model of air travel. During that time, some passengers wrote letters to their family, which were recovered after the crash. In the distance, the last lights of the Kuzbass mining region faded into a near-endless expanse of night-darkened mountains. Once the system was in heading select mode (HDG/SEL), he simply turned the heading knob on the autopilot control panel several rotations to the left, and the autopilot dutifully placed the plane into a left turn. Theres the ground! Piskaryov said, regaining his bearings. Though Zhirnov made no attempt to avert the crash, he subsequently tried to save the passengers and died of cardiac arrest en route to hospital. No evidence of a technical malfunction was found. The feedback force on the control column relaxed until it disappeared. Contents 1 Background 1.1 Aircraft [9] Unlike his sister, Eldar applied enough force to the control column to contradict the autopilot for 30 seconds. Alle inzittenden kwamen om. $\begingroup$ There was also Aeroflot flight 593, in which the pilot allowed his son to sit at the controls, and the worst possible outcome happened. When the MAK released its findings in November 1994, proving that children in the cockpit had caused the crash, the reputation of Aeroflot was severely damaged. Representing 25 of the. The relief captain was Yaroslav Vladimirovich Kudrinsky, 39, who was hired by Aeroflot in November 1992; he had over 8,940 flying hours, including 907 hours in the A310. The pilots repeated unsuccessful attempts to regain control highlighted the importance of upset and recovery training, which teaches pilots to fly out of unusual aircraft attitudes. Whats the speed?. Automation had been one of the Soviet aircraft design bureaus biggest blind spots, and in 1992 Russia had not yet produced a passenger jet which could be flown by fewer than three pilots, let alone anything approaching the level of automation on the A310. What happened in the cockpit of this flight? The captain of Flight 593 was Andrey Viktorovich Danilov ( ), 40, was hired by Aeroflot in November 1992 with over 9,675 hours of flight time, including 950 hours in the A310 in which 895 hours as a captain. In total, Aeroflots A310 division was composed of five aircraft on lease from a holding company and registered in France. Vech 75 lid na palub pi nehod zahynulo. Afonasenkov, 09/04/1984 3. We understand that he became caught up in the moment, propelled forward by pride and excitement, slowly making more and more dangerous decisions amid a fog of complacency. Full information on one-way and round-trip MOW to SEL flights , compare last minute flight offers. Nevertheless, we are drawn to this story of a proud father showing off his plane to his eager children, because it is deeply relatable. He turned his controls hard to the left, and the wings rolled level, pulling the plane out of its spiral. The following list indicates the name and date of birth of each of the 82 passengers and 6 crew members aboard, and their country of citizenship (if not Russia) where available. The last moments of Russian Aeroflot Flight 593 which crashed, killing all onboard, after the pilot let his 16-year-old son play with the controls . One person didn't make . 5935931994 323 a310-304 . With the wings unable to maintain lift at such a high bank angle, the plane began to descend. 593 . Have we lost the route? Kudrinsky asked. Investigators took far more issue with Kudrinskys failure to mitigate the risk he was taking. Although the planes were purchased new from the factory, the A310 was hardly Airbuss latest model.
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