alive inside transcript
Could a pair of headphones change the lives of millions of Americans suffering from Alzheimers and dementia? I, I JUST WANTED TO PLAY IT. It discusses that the elderly community are on the decline in social status and that western society neglects old age to idealize youth. And, you know, that first day, I cried, literally, five times. But when they hear music thats familiar from their youth, because those memories are preserved, they come alive. song again?? Music was so important to my Mom on so many levels. Since his diagnosis in 2006 we have had to go through the painful decline over the years and it has not been easy seeing him disappear in front of our very eyes. She didnt respond. MICHAEL ROSSATO-BENNETT: Right. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Director Rodrigo Corts Writer Chris Sparling Stars Ryan Reynolds Jos Luis Garca-Prez Robert Paterson Shur is brother to Alive Inside filmmaker Michael-Rossato-Bennett. I went to see Mom after 3 years of not visiting. As a result, souls, hearts, and lives are receding when maybe they don't have to be. We want to give this to others. Mark Demolar is an editor and filmmaker, based in Brooklyn, New York. Geralyn Dreyfous has a wide, distinguished background in the arts and participates on numerous boards and initiatives. In the dialog that appears, select the language of the file you're uploading. Regina K. Scully is an Academy Award-nominated executive producer, most recently for the 2013 powerful documentary called the Invisible War, a film about the epidemic rapes of women and men in the military. Change an Elder's Life. He had been applying music therapy and believed the therapy is what had kept her from long-term care in a facility. My mother was 89 when she had a massive stroke. There?s this other one where she says, ?dormite nenita/ que tengo que hacer/ lavar sus pa?ales/ sentarme a coser / y si no te dormis/ te come el coyote cabeza de ayote? Even after she had stopped talking, she was able to sing along to each of the carols and hymns. Once you discover your loved one has Alzheimer's disease it becomes very apparent to you the lack of knowledge, research and assistance out there to get families through this heartbreaking transition. Well, the film Alive Inside is now done and has just premiered here in Park City at the Sundance Film Festival. Alexandra McDougald is the Distribution phase producer of ALIVE INSIDE. One of the central characters he works with is a 90-something Alzheimers patient named Henry Dryer, who was featured in a video posted online that went viral in 2012, with nearly 10 million views. She sang in the choir at church and loved the old hymns. She was sitting in an armchair, after a long walk. The Devil. Looking forward to seeing this movie! And so now we have these institutions where wed love to get the community in more. This stirring documentary follows social worker Dan Cohen, founder of the nonprofit organization Music & Memory, as he fights against a broken healthcare system to demonstrate musics ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it. This is my dad of 88 years of age in what seems to be the final stages of this disease and on one of my visits with my grandson Brett I was determined to get some sort of response out of him. Directed by Michael Rossato-Bennett Full Interview: Frank Mugisha on New Anti-, Former Guantnamo Prisoners Ask Biden to Let Them Keep Art They Made to Escape Inhumane Conditions, Watch all Democracy Now! The last year he was really out of it and music was so powerful for him. So I called up a local nursing home, and I said, I know music is already your number one recreational activity, but can we see if theres any added value if we were to totally personalize music for individuals? So I came in with my laptop and some iPods, and it was an instant and definitive hit with folks there. They dont want to keep saying, What? Michael, let me ask you about that, that experience of not just music, but hearing peoples voices in full throttle. ALIVE INSIDE is Shachar Langlevs feature film debut as Director of Photography. AMY GOODMAN: You know, years ago, my grandmother, well, lived 'til 108. He has Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Dementia. She?s a funny lady. -Amy Goodman. Prior to the therapy, he was very quiet and remained quite still, and could not recognize younger photos of himself. [3][4] It won the Audience Award: U.S. It has now been 3 years, my mother Rose Ross is 92, she laughs and jokes. In the early stages of her recovery from surgery she was very despondent and confused. One million people in nursing home. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Shes bedridden. Anyway, I knew a musician friend here in London who currently studies music therapy. I will never give up on my mom even if she forgets who I am. Text as delivered. AMY GOODMAN: and then theyre hanging out with the older people together. Theyre sometimes talking, and they havent talked in months. It has helped me to challenge people when I think they are wrong or to question if I don't understand. Gosh, I bought some 18 operas in sets of one more CD per opera. I was her first grandchild. They are considered "spoilery" for those who did not watch the specific episode and can be read to catch up. As I walked back to the hospital room my Son came running out and said, ?Where have you been? He also produces music for broadcast and computer animation. The music was very important because that was a way to communicate with him. When the song ended, Delia turned to Jeff, her husband, gave him a little shove on the arm, and told him what a funny guy he was. She feared being sent to a nursing home as her disease progressed. So he did that too, and we put him. To answer these questions and inspire action, we created The Alive Inside Foundation. This stirring documentary follows numerous visionaries fighting against a broken healthcare system, trying to demonstrate musics ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it. Its not an acceptable expense. She?s a very strong woman, she raised 5 children, and raised me practically. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. I was terribly sad, the Alzheimer?s was horrible but there were beautiful moment with it too and especially like when we moved him down here it was only 40 days before he died and I really had the opportunity to nurse him and mother him and baby him in ways that I never could have in other points of our lives. If you visit us daily or weekly or even just once a month, now is a great time to make your monthly contribution. Truly, it was a miracle. DAN COHEN: So, the nursing homesbecause our society reduces every year the amount of money going to nursing home care, the nursing homes, filled with great staff, dedicated people, have to do the samegive the same level of service every year to this group of people. AMY GOODMAN: What are the numbers were talking about? DR. OLIVER SACKS: So, in some sense, Henry has reacquired his identity for a while through the power of music. AMY GOODMAN: And certainly, Dan, this goes beyond people with dementia or Alzheimers. You are Meant to be Alive Inside! DAN COHEN: Well, thats very true. "[15] He says the film is "scattered but moving", adding that "The most potent emotional response comes from the mixture of joy, gratitude and recognition of the passage of time visible on a handful of respondents' faces as they're experiencing a song from their younger days. My Grandma Howard taught me unconditional love, acceptance, and commitment to family. But I never stop, and I drop. To what? He is my papa-bear (Neil), he would put me on the top of his feet and dance with me when i was little and a song he liked came on the radio. Documentary and through film he strives to incite conversations that interrogate issues related to cultural consciousness. Tired. All Michael Rossato-Bennett scripts | Michael Rossato-Bennett Scripts. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap. Viewers will see this language when they . YVONNE RUSSELL: I have one resident that barely opened her eyes. And you must always stand up for yourself. If I'm not singing familiar songs to her, I use my smart phone with a blue tooth speaker to play music from her era, trying to find something that gets a response from her. This is my granddad, Paul Wood. I am the fastest man alive. But I did manage. ALIVE INSIDE is a joyous cinematic exploration of music's capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. Matt Munro singing walk away, born free, for the good times, all three take us back to my dads passing. AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to Alive Inside: A Story of Music & Memory. The musicand very raw with emotions in all different directions, happy and sad and angry. I truly believe that every beautiful soul deserves this amazing opportunity and I am so inspired by the work of Music & Memory! What a great tip that I hope others will try! >> what was life like when you were a little girl? It was gorgeous. (the point of connection is in the fontanelle, the place where a baby?s skull is softer). It's as transformative as the music itself. An affecting look at a growing therapeutic cause. I was a dancer in school so music was important and Dad and I shared a love of classical music. Connection to game GLaDOS "Except the ones who are dead" - Peoples that are killed by GLaDOS via Neurotoxin Subscribe to TRAILERS: to COMING SOON: to INDIE & FILM FESTIVALS: us on. Martha brought along her guitar and played for my Mom and some of the other residents of the nursing home. The pace of the song is really quick and she had trouble catching all the lyrics, so for about 6 months or so every time I would see her she would ask me, ?What are the words to that ?could ya, could ya? Hymns and Christmas carols bring a light back into her eyes. Meet Orwyn, my Mother. Text ALIVE to 55741 ALIVE INSIDE 237 ELDRIDGE STREET, Suite #7. And you know, within a week, he really started to falter and I told Sandy, ?You have to go over and release your dad.? Contact Alive Inside: "Alive Inside" Five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementiamany of them alone in nursing homes. Its the clip about Denise. It just doesntits not reimbursable. Many of the subjects show deep emotional resonance to the music. Oh, god. After the therapy, Gill was depicted as being much happier, because as G. Allen Power, a geriatrician stated, "music creates spontaneity that you cannot create in an institution". I had a glimpse of my sister back. The film is amazing. Out of nowhere my Mom who had been pretty much out of it began to sing Edelweiss. Thats the name of a new documentary that examines how music helps those with Alzheimers. OK, can we stop? And then when I introduced the music to him, this is his reaction ever since. A couple of weeks into it, he went onto hospice, one day, the next day they said, ?He?s not in an active dying phase.? DAN COHEN: Yeah, so, with advanced dementia, when people no longer can recognize their own family members, they stop speaking. In addition to writing and recording, Shur has created an artist-development and production company. She took care of me. This is our Thank You page! My mom was found two years ago slumped over her computer, having had a very rare stroke. Youd have to have a heart of stone and bricks for ears not to be moved by the sight of Henry when the music hits him. Although a gentle thoughtful man, Grandpa Ernie used to belt out the chorus of the Hymn with eyes his closed, his head shaking and clear voiced, resolved in what he believed, I can still hear his voice, hand curled at his side singing "Our God, He is Alive" Very missed by many grandchildren. & there were several who would sing right along, remembering the melody & virtually every lyric!". At the time when I was born, she was working in a nursing home and my parents said, ?Hey, would you rather watch your granddaughter every day?? 1 May 2023. My sister can sing well and play, and she?d bring it in and we?d play ?Fiddler on the Roof? Transcript The director of Texas's Department of Public safety said, "It was not the right decision," after he revealed police waited more than an hour to enter the school in Uvalde during the. My mom was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's when my daughter was born. What was life like when You were a little girl? My mom loved music. Within minutes she started to nod with recognition and tears began to stream down her cheeks. But still, for people who are cognitively sharp as a tack but have physical issues, it really transformed their mood, their emotion. We learn from our sources that through music one achieves the highest connection possible with the Creator. Martha was sharing a story about the two Mary's who would patiently wait for their daughters to pick them up at the end of the day. 01:03:52!!!!! DENISE: Im being emphatic, and I have a very vivid imagination. Today my mother is in foreclosure and is facing the loss of her home of nearly 60 years. When I was born, she suddenly had a new thing to focus her attention on. Grandma just tried to crawl out of bed!? "[15] He says the film's shortcoming is that the moments of watching the subjects enjoy the magic of music are too often "relegated to part of a longer montage or used merely to enforce an industry professional's point", and that the subtitled "nod to Cohen's organization [is] where the film loses focus".[15]. Not all the money in the world, or medication can cure the unfair disease that has not only affected my dad. ALIVE INSIDE marks Demolars first endeavor as a feature editor. ALIVE INSIDE is a joyous cinematic exploration of music's capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity. For our radio audience, that clip, yes, began with Denise sitting in her wheelchair. tangle of nerves inside the human head makes much more sense when you realize it's the same basic wiring found in fish . Often, we entertain fellow residents with our music while we gather in a small sitting room, passing the time together. She did not use medication. 1 s10e10 - The Devil Inside Transcript detail (tense theme) (quiet chiming music) (tense theme returns) (indistinct street chatter) (knocking) (creepy music) (hair-raising music continues) Sir? Now she resides in a nursing home which has been a blessing for her and our family. It?s ok. You have permission.? In addition to ALIVE INSIDE, his first feature length offering, Rossato-Bennett has several documentaries in various stages of development, through his production company, Projector Media. To not feel intimidated. You?ve done a great job. Alive Inside Synopsis: The documentary follows social worker Dan Cohen, founder of the nonprofit organization Music & Memory, as he fights against a broken health-care system to demonstrate music's ability to combat memory loss and restore a deep sense of self to those suffering from it. One day we brought a cd player to the rehab facility along with some of her favorite music. [My parents] were very poor. Jenzi shares the power of music with residents of her mom's nursing home: "Almost from when I started doing this, I noticed something truly remarkable: Residents who had appeared virtually unresponsive to anything or anyone, & who could not even remember where they were or recognize loved ones, would perk up on hearing a familiar song, becoming more alert & oriented. These tiny virus packages . I think I?ve learned a lot from her. I was still finishing that undertaking at 4 am on the day of my flight - I slept 3 hours before it was time to get up and make my way to the airport. It was the most animated he was; he?d hum with my wife, who sings opera, she has a good voice, and it was beautiful. I've forgotten what I used to Do after I became a young lady. Moving and groundbreaking. In 2013, he earned a Grammy nomination for producing the soundtrack album to the feature documentary Marley. Each of those projects is inspired by Michaels dedication to the collective well being of society and progressive human change towards the greater, if not greatest, good. Domination, Sing Your Song: Remembering Harry Belafonte, Who Used His Stardom to Help. And it was actually sort of frightening for me to actually enter this place that was their home, you know? Today is the first of two Public Media Giving Days, a time to celebrate what public and independent media gives to you by giving back. The Bottom Line - A gloriously inspirational film documenting musics healing power in Alzheimer patients. He received his MSW from Adelphi University. JOIN THE FOUNDATION HERE!We respect your privacy. I felt bad for playing such a trick but at the same time tears of joy that for a brief moment he remembered who we were. His camera reveals the uniquely human connection we find in music and how its healing power can triumph where prescription medication falls short. Since that time, Cole has given music supervision to over 80 media projects. Please do your part today. He is currently in pre-production for his first narrative feature as well as for a documentary feature in collaboration with Elie Wiesel. Some days all I do is Snuggle up my Mommy, and that is enough no matter what mommy forgets or doesn't understand, I know she will always understand and feel Loved! I felt like my role in his last days was just, somehow or other, I was a conduit to him into another space that was peaceful and comfortable. I was afraid to believe playing familiar songs could actually work, but, I downloaded two songs I knew she loved and walked into her hospital room. So we?re going to get all of my mother?s music and put it on her iPod and get her some good headphones just for that and give it to her this Christmas. Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett chronicles the astonishing experiences of individuals around the country who have been revitalized through the simple experience of listening to music. DAN COHEN: No, Im not Spanish. AMY GOODMAN: An excerpt from Alive Inside: A Story of Music & Memory. We put the speaker in her wheelchair cupholder as we tour the halls of the nursing home where she lives. I couldnt believe the music let Denise push away her walker. AMY GOODMAN: That was Yvonne Russell, the recreation therapist in the nursing home, describing her patient. My sister. She has had Alzheimer's for about 8 years and she is at the stage where her verbal communication is very low. She?s been blind since she was about 57, she has something that?s called Retinitus Pigmentosa and I have 5 sisters and a brother, we?re from Punxatawney, Pennsylvania though I?ve been in California since 1963. I was surprised when he half opened his eyes and said " I love them both". So, as a society, we need to really support these long-term care facilities more. I got her her own iPod and programmed it with the music she likes. Geralyn was honored with the IDAs 2013 Amicus Award for her significant contribution to documentary filmmaking. My mom is a great singer! by her lovely therapist Ms Joanna, but would rather play the same tune on the piano over and over again. Filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett chronicles the. How do you mean, the Devil is inside you? And then, when he got his headphones and when he came aliveyou know, we talk about it in the film, but there is sort of a kinesthetic reaction that happens to you. and I would name everybody, ?Your granddaughter is doing this, and you can go. We held him and we released him. He killed my mom. >> mike: how old are you? She came to life. Music has an unmatched power to bring back our pasts.,, The Jacquelyn & Gregory Zehner Foundation.
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