applause talent adjudication levels
Solo performances added at the event or listed as Adjudication only are ineligible to register for the Title Competition. The use of safety railings is recommended. Performances that display these actions may be scored lower by the judging panel. Each winner will be presented with a custom award at the Star Showcase. All 2023 Regional Title winners and Title runners-up will be eligible to compete for the 2023 National Title Competition at National Finals as long as the Studio registers at least 1 Group performance at National Finals. What is applause talent? **If the competition is running ahead of schedule, dancers are expected to perform in the order of the program and when called upon backstage. The winner will receive a special award. The use of ANY electronic device for photography and videography is. Props must be loaded in and out of the venue on the same day they are used. If a performance is requesting to use rosin, KAR must know upon registration so that schedule adjustments can be made to clean up the. Male runners-up will be presented with a cap and sash. High Point NOVICE Group/Line, the highest scoring Super Line and the highest scoring Production are invited to re-perform for exhibition only at the 2023 Star Showcase. In the event of multiple stages at a National event, if there is a scheduling conflict an exception to the performance order rule may be made at the Competition Directors discretion. The average age of the dancers registered in a performance will determine the age division for Duet/Trios, Groups, Lines, Super Lines and Productions. THIS AWARD IS GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. What makes Applause stand-alone is the dedication and personal consideration that they provide to the staff and the clientele. ! Each Title runner-up will receive a tiara or cap. The Title competition is an additional competition open to soloists in the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE, and ELITE levels who pre-register for their respective Regional competition and are listed in the final/digital program. Super Line and Production performances will always receive cash awards regardless of the number of entries. Here is a quick glance and friendly reminder of the recent updates for our 2023 KAR season! **If the competition is running ahead of schedule, dancers are expected to perform in the order of the program and when called upon backstage. Same with title! All entries must be submitted online through the. ***In the above dance categories, a limited number of acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. There may be point deductions if KAR is not notified about the rosin usage and the marley floor is affected during the performance. Changes to Star Showcase performances will result in disqualification. Contestants in the first 10 scheduled acts should arrive ready to perform in full costume, hair and make-up. Any changes to groups sizes, age divisions and or levels should be made prior to competing performances. No gifts can be presented to the judges in conjunction with a performance. All the net proceeds of the donated awards will directly benefit our Dancers Against Cancer foundation. THIS AWARD IS GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. Any entry that does not comply may be disqualified. A separate entry fee will apply for each Title performance. Any number of acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. KAR CONVENTION SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships are presented to one or more outstanding soloists and duet/trio participants winning first overall in thePRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels. Absolutely no mailed photos or hard copy photos will be accepted, all photogenic entries must be submitted through the Studio Center or Parent Center. All props MUST be labeled with the studio name for identification purposes. Studio Owners/Directors must check the Release of Liability Clause on every official entry submitted. Currently, we tour over 30 cities in the United States, bringing with us great deal of fun, excitement and thrill that performers expect from a dance competition. Extended performance time is available for an additional fee: 1:00 minute for a fee of $3.00 per performer, 2:00 minutes for a fee of $4.00 per performer, 3:00 minutes for a fee of $5.00 per performer, 4:00 minutes for a fee of $6.00 per performer. As a judge for Applause Talent, I find that, with each city, I learn so much from all of the talent I get to see. All Awards and Titles from the original level are null and void for National Finals registration. Each Super Line has a 5:00 minute time limit for performance and is given a maximum of 4:00 minutes total for set-up and removal of props. The judging panel deems a performance to be promoted to the next level on site at the competition through our Level Promotion Program. The KAR Dance Convention Scholarship is not valid for in-studio conventions, is non-transferrable and cannot be redeemed for studio credit. Star Showcase runner-up performances will receive a $100 cash prize for qualifying and participating. Junior Dance and Miss Junior Dance: Soloists in the ELITE Level, age9-11. ALL entries must be registered with a dance studio and represented by a studio owner or director. Any number of acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. Recommended for Recreational Dancers (Non-Competitive), Not eligible for Studio of Excellence and Cash Prizes. Each performance will be adjudicated by a professional panel of three predetermined judges. Any changes to groups sizes, age divisions and or levels should be made prior to competing performances. How do I check my child support status in Texas? 155 were here. JUDGES CHOICE AWARDS These awards will be presented to Groups and/or Lines displaying standout qualities during their performances in the NOVICE, PRIMARY and INTERMEDIATE levels. All registered performances will receive Judges' commentary and score sheets. THIS AWARD IS GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. All props should be non-toxic substances. handheld microphone. The 20 & Above TEACHER / ADULT category will not receive Overall High Point awards. Please note that the 2022 November and December competitions are considered the beginning of the 2023 competition season. Space is limited, Studios within a 200 mile radius from the Specific City are eligible for registration. Please keep in mind the following variables may affect level placement: ***IMPORTANT*** A performer's performance level may NOT be adjusted after the competition final/digital program is SET FINAL. GRADUATING SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP This exemplary award is presented to one graduating senior per National Finals who has excelled both on and off the stage. Large Groups & Lines have a 4:00 minute performance time limit. Star Showcase runner-up performances will receive a $100 cash prize for qualifying and participating. Tell Applause Talent to create a profile on! KAR will not accept new versions of music files at the competition. 1 Intermediate dancer (1 x 4 = 4) If you do not have an Applause Studio Account please sign up at Studio Center Sign-Up. STUDIO OF THE YEAR AWARD These prestigious awards are presented to the studios who receive the highest total of Top 5 High Point awards at National Finals. These include: Music file submitted on site. All National Title winners will befeatured in the opening number at the Star Showcase. In order for a performance to be officially promoted, it must meet the following criteria: If a soloist is promoted to a higher level, all performances in which the promoted dancer is registered must be updated with the Level Calculator. . Teen Dance and Miss Teen Dance: Soloists in the ELITE Level. PRIMARY KAR Petite Dance, Mr. Petite Dance and Miss Petite Dance: Soloists in the PRIMARY Level, age 6-8. Some Junior categories are 8-10 year olds, for example. Solos, Duets and Trios are not permitted extendedperformance time. To be eligible for this award, a studio must have a minimum of one act represented in the Solo, Duet/Trio, Small Group and Large Group/Line divisions that perform in the same level of competition. Super Lines have a 5:00 minute performance time limit. For National Finals, substitution of dancers from the Regional qualifying entry is permitted in all divisions/categories except Solos. Entries received after the digital programis set final are for Adjudication only and are ineligible for High Point Awards and Title Competition. Failure to comply will result in point deductions or level promotion. The price for photogenic entry is Regional $30.00, National $40.00. KAR will only use backup media formats (iPod, USB) if there are technical difficulties. Price: Regional $50.00, National $75.00 (per dance, regardless of size). Any changes to dancers in performances must be made prior to the competition. Examples: A PRIMARY and ELITE Duet must compete in the ELITE level with the age of the oldest dancer. Each winner will be presented with a custom award at the Star Showcase. Winners will receive an informational brochure with details of these amazing events. All contestants must be registered at the Regional/National event to enter the Most Photogenic competition. To receive the highest savings amount only one payment method will be allowed, for example: you may not pay partial with a credit card then the balance with a cashier's check to receive the highest savings. Gender neutral runners-up have a choice of a cap or tiara and receive a sash. To receive the highest savings amount only one payment method will be allowed, for example: you may not pay partial with a credit card then the balance with a cashier's check to receive the highest savings, . These are, Magnitude, variety and quantity of technical training hours, Dancers capacity of individual ability, retention and work ethic, Regional differences of choreography, style, creativity and artistic expression. Grand Champion in each level and age division. KAR reserves the right to add additional competition days and/or move the competition location due to unforeseen circumstances. Thanks for participating and joining us for our first VIRTUAL dance competitions!! Applause tours to over 30 U.S. cities, bringing with it the excitement and pageantry you have come to expect from a competition. An ELITE dancer CANNOT perform in the NOVICE or PRIMARY levels. An INTERMEDIATE dancer, 5 Hours or more of Technical Based Class*, Recommended for dancers with competition experience. The 14 National Grand Championdivisions are as follows: PRIMARY - Ages: 5 and Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-19, INTERMEDIATE -Ages: 5 and Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-19. 1122 0 obj <>stream SONG AND DANCE Performance must consist of both singing and dancing of any type. Finals, unless a performance is coming from Australia, Mexico or Canada. ***Levels should also be determined based on the number of non-rehearsal, technical based classes per week, however, keep in mind that there is more than just class hours that define a dancers placement. New Virtual award buttons will be presented and shipped for General Placement and High Point Awards. be registered in the same level and age division and (3.) The 2022 November and December competitions are considered the beginning of the 2023 competition season. Levels should be determined by the dancers overall ability in accordance with the Leveling and Technical Skill Set Guidelines below. Progressive understanding of style and quality of movement. Checks should be made payable to: Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts 155 E. Anderson Street, Orlando FL 32801 Failure to comply will result in point deductions or level. Changes to performances at an event will incur a $10 fee per change. We offer workshops and masterclasses to enhance your Applause experience. If an act does not compete on the scheduled day and time, only a General award will be given, unless pre-approved by the Customer Care Specialists or Competition Director. acts may result in point deductions or be scored lower by the judging panel. Antoine has forever influenced and inspired the dance industry with his unique choreography that captivated audiences across the country. Admission is free and the general public is welcome to all events. Levels should be determined by the dancers overall ability in accordance with the Leveling and Technical Skill Set Guidelines below. No food, drinks or smoking is allowed in the competition performance area or inside the contracted venue. Once a competition is announced as SOLD OUT. This category may comprise of performers from all levels and ages includingTEACHERS / ADULTS. Doors will open exactly 30 minutes prior to the first scheduled performance. Male runners-up will be presented with a cap and sash. The fee to enter Title is Regional $25.00, National $45.00. There will be two separate and unique score sheets; one for the Solo performance and one for the Title performance. PLEASE NOTE: NEW for the PRIMARY Level- There is now a limit on the number of pirouettes, turn sequences and tumbling skills a PRIMARY performanceis permitted. as adjudication only at the Competition Directors discretion. All other competing dancers must be ready to perform at least one hour prior to their scheduled performance time. Dances not performing within 10 acts after their scheduled performance time may not be eligible for Overall High Point awards, unless pre-approved by the Competition Director or the KAR Customer Care Specialists. Performances that display these actions may be scored lower by the judging panel. Execution of Performance 20 points total. Any act that performs outside of its original scheduled performance time will receive General award placements at its assigned awards ceremony. Each winner will be announced and presented with a. No exceptions. Dancers who have more than one Solo can only place once in the Overall High Point awards. Small Groups have a 3:00 minute performance time limit. For more information please visit, STUDIO OF EXCELLENCE AWARD The Studio of Excellence Award will be presented to the studio that is represented MOST in the High Point Awards in the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels. Best Costume winners will receive a plaque. uses cookies to improve your user experience. Applause Talent not only provides me with an avenue to help positively influence dancers, but they also provide a stage with which dancers can grow, live, and express themselves. At the conclusion of the Applause Awards ceremony, our panel of judges select two Applause Award winners to represent Central Florida in the National High School Musical Theatre Awards competition held through Broadway League at the end of June. All on-site Title registration and fees must be submitted at the competition at least one-hour prior to the scheduled performance. A RISING STARZ dancer may only register a maximum of 3 SOLO performances. KAR requires that all studios bring a backup iPod or USB for all performances in the event of a malfunction of the original music submitted. For each Regional competition, there will be one Junior Most Photogenic winner (age 11 & Under) and one Senior Most Photogenic winner (age 12 & Above). The INSPIRATIONAL level is designated to celebrate dancers that have exceptional mental and/or physical disabilities or special needs. Should an act drop below the minimum number requirement for the group size during the competition, it may compete for adjudication only and remain ineligible for Overall High Point awards. and before their awards ceremony to be eligible for Overall High Point awards. All entries must submit a recent photo online through the Studio Centeror Parent Center. Point deductions may result if the stage is not completely cleaned in the time permitted and/or the stage is not returned to its original pre-performance condition. Eligible Grand Champion divisions are: 5 & Under, 6 - 8, 9 - 11, 12 - 14, 15 - 19, 5 & Under,6 - 8, 9 - 11, 12 - 14, 15 - 19. To be eligible for this award, a dancer must complete the official application process at. At every Regional competition, the esteemed judging panel will have the ability to promote dancers to a higher level based on the overall skill set, technical ability and performance quality of each performance. The Digital Program will be available for ALL to download 1 day prior to the start of the Virtual Competition. The competition at Applause has been very competitive and the sessions always run on time or ahead of schedule. The Title competition is open to soloists who pre-register for their respective Virtual competition. We periodically have to free up space on our servers and media from past seasons may not always be available. ***Once a group is announced as a qualified performance in the Star Showcase, NO changes can be made to the combination of performers, level, age division, performance type, props or music. Although acts are competing against an adjudicated point system for general awards, all contestants will compete against each other for the Overall High Point awards within their level and age division. Throwing items into the audience or items thrown from the audience is not permitted. Our performance venues are some of the best in the Nation, carefully selected to meet the needs of our clients. MOST ENTERTAINING AWARD These awards will be chosen by the panel of judges and presented to Groups and/or Lines deemed to be most entertaining in the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels. All National Title contestants receive a participation tiara. The PRIMARY dancer CAN move down and compete in the NOVICE level with a maximum of 2 performances. POM-PON Performance using pom-pons incorporating precise and definite movements. Cash awards will only be presented in divisions with 3 or more eligible registered performances. Solos and Duets/Trios have a 2:45 minute performance time limit. In the event that an infraction was overlooked during a Regional competition, it will be taken into account, Finals. INTERMEDIATE KAR Junior Dance, Mr. is set final and KAR is notified beforehand, the act may compete in the appropriate division and time for eligibility. The fee isrequiredper dancer and will be due 14 days prior to the start of competition. All balances must be paid in FULL prior to the competition. Three judges are given 100 points each, and the total score out of 300 is taken to determine the adjudication score.279.3. ACCEPTABLE PROPS: These items are permitted as long as the stage is cleaned and cleared in the time permitted and does not delay the competition. ALL CASH PRIZES MUST BE REDEEMED IN THE STUDIO CENTER. Click here to download your, To View the LIVE VIRTUAL COMPETITION - go to, Saturday 8am (EST) - Live stream continues, All Virtual Competitions will adhere to the. No gifts can be presented to the judges in conjunction with a performance. PRIMARY KAR Junior Dance, Mr. Please review the. What is the biblical meaning of a blood red moon? PLATINUM: 300-285. Dancers are only permitted three acts for a costume change. Should an act drop below the minimum number requirement for the group size during the competition, it may compete for adjudication only and remain ineligible for Overall High Point awards. hXrF~}j{ TTE:,)[I# k` HUzLdJTnu7IM.$U4?MM3424+%ZbCgiv-m+}> IHkT87K~AG[(,gWwl{/g\^y:>W#1cqP-[z-_'|qq Ran on time, fair judging. Title WINNERS in each Level and Age will be awarded crowns and caps. Duet/Trios WITH consecutive levels will use the LEVEL CALCULATOR to determine the level and average age division. National Title winners will be presented with a tiara or cap, trophy, sash and a $250 cash prize. Applause Talent, is a 30 year old Ohio based organization. When substituting dancers in a performance, be aware that any modifications may change the level or average age. General Awards placement will be posted on the results page. of dance workshops, auditions, video shoots, scenic tours and even Disneyland! All cash awards will be uploaded to the STUDIO CENTER 3-4 days after the completion of the competition. Up to three acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. Payments made after the deadline date must be in the form of a credit card payment only. Official online entries must be completed in their entirety. An additional 1:00 minute total for set-up/removal of props may be purchased for a flat fee of $25.00. Parents can access their dancers photos and videos inside their. Each winning act will receive award buttons and a plaque. The point break for all given awards is determined by the scoring range of that particular competition. Any cancellations of entries will result in a loss of all deposits and entry fees for that event. Starting, dancing, and/or ending the performance in the audience is not permitted. All National Title contestants receive a participation tiara. No additional sound equipment or microphones may be used or connected to KARs sound system. Props are mandatory and must be hand-held or free standing. All Regional IDA Peoples Choice Award winners will be featured on. This category may comprise of performers from all levels and ages. From the glitz and glamour of the National stage to the family-friendly vacation spots, Applause has it all! 6. Ohio If you have already paid and your parents link their siblings prior to the Event, the Studio will receive a credit for the difference of the media fee with the Family Package. These special invitations are presented to All Star Dancers that display a passion for performing on stage. Each winning act will receive. If there is a lapse of time in-between the trick then its considered multiple tricks. Therefore, the registered ages of all entries (Title entries included) must be bumped up to the dancers age as of January 1, 2023. For more information please visit, BEST COSTUME AWARD These awards will be presented to group performances in each of the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels based on design, originality, fit and appropriateness. Most Entertaining acts will receive a, JUDGES CHOICE AWARDS These awards will be presented to Groups and/or Lines displaying standout qualities during their performances in the NOVICE, PRIMARY and INTERMEDIATE levels. The 2023 National Title Competition is a separate event held at our National Finals with an additional entry fee. What is the difference between a group and contact list in Outlook? All Group and Line entries are eligible for this award. For safety purposes, these acceptable items may not be ejected or launched as projectiles from any sort of mechanism. ELITE KAR Dance Teen, Mr. SOLOS AND DUET/TRIOS: High Point Banners and full-tuition KAR Dance Convention Scholarships will be presented to the top scoring Soloists and Duets/Trios in the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE Levels to performers in all represented age divisions. Failure to comply may result in point deductions. All Star Showcase performances will receive a participation banner. ALL PAYMENTS WILL BE MAILED WITHIN 3-4 WEEKS. itle contestants have a choice of a cap or tiara and a trophy. We provide three different competitive levels with more than $30,000 awarded at our National competition alone. ELITE HIGH GOLD: 284.9-270. It is very important that your familiessign up and link their account to your studio. Any entry that does not comply may be disqualified. For more information please visit, The use of ANY electronic device for photography and videography is STRICTLY PROHIBITEDduring all performances as well as in dressing rooms and restrooms. Points may be deducted from acts that do not comply. BEST COSTUME AWARD These awards will be presented to group performances in each of the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels based on design, originality, fit and appropriateness. Professional judges, staff, and top flight venues are just the tip of the iceberg. Cash awards will only be presented in divisions with 3 or more eligible acts. PRODUCTION Performance must contain at least 15 dancers incorporating any style of dance or combination of dance styles. If a studio is registered as a participant in our DAC Award Donation program, their Duet/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Line, Super Line and Production performances will not receive an award at the awards ceremony. If prop set-up/removal exceeds these time limits, performances may be subject to point deductions. All IDA Outstanding Performance winners will receive a, These weekly winners will be in the running to be nominated for the 2023 Industry Dance Awards. Overall High Point awards and cash prizes will be awarded to the top scoring act. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a point deduction to the performance being recorded and/or photographed as well as confiscation of the recordings and/or photographs. Once a competition is announced as SOLD OUT, a $1000.00 non-refundable deposit willbe required for studios to guaranteetheir entries. If registered in the ELITE level, all solos must compete in the ELITE level. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT NATIONAL FINALS. Props are acceptable if they do not alter the backdrop, wings or the surface of the marleyfloor and can be easily removed following the completion of the act. Official online entries must be completed in their entirety. BALLET Performance must contain ballet technique incorporating formal classical movements. If a performance is promoted and the new division has not taken place, the promoted performance may re-compete in its appropriate division and will still be eligible for Overall High Point awards. We can't wait to see all of the incredibly talented dancers!! Voluntary Level Promotion- If a performer voluntarily promotes themselves to a higher level, all performances in which the promoted dancer is registered must be updated with the Level Calculator. If an act does not compete on the scheduled day and time, only a General award will be given, unless pre-approved by the Customer Care Specialists or Competition Director. The Title competition is open to soloists who pre-register for their respective Virtual competition. Online Title entries must be submitted one-hour prior to the scheduled performance. Overall High Point awards and cash prizes will be presented to the top scoring act. Hoverboards and motor vehicles are not allowed. Point deductions may result if the stage is not completely cleaned in the time permitted and/or the stage is not returned to its original pre-performance condition. The final IDA Outstanding Performance nominees. To learn more about the ADCC click here. A trio with 2 PRIMARY dancers and 1 ELITE dancer must compete in the Elite level with the age of the oldest dancer. with the most nominations by the panel of judges will be deemed the winners of these awards. Lines are expected to set-up props in 1:30 minutes and remove props in 1:30 minutes (3:00 minutes cumulative). Division types are determined by the actual number of participants competing on stage at the competition, regardless of participants originally registered. The atmosphere is always fun and welcoming. At Regional Competitions, the winner in each level will also receive a $500.00 scholarship for the studio to participate and attend any 2023Ultra Dance Tour Competition. No exceptions. For dance teachers watching their students perform the. Only sponsored winners from Australia, Mexico and Canada are exempt from this rule. In addition, any spectator that fails to comply with our No Photo/Video rule may be escorted and removed from the event. There is no guarantee that power outlets will be available for props that require electricity. What is the highest award in dance competition? Super Lines are expected to set-up props in 2:00 minutes and remove props in 2:00 minutes (4:00 minutes cumulative). For the affordable price of $35 per dancer or $45 per family (siblings only), your studio will enjoy ALL your National Photos and Videos including National Title and Star Showcase events. All balances must be paid in FULL prior to the competition. When substituting dancers in a performance, be aware that any modifications may change the level or average age. Junior Dance and Miss Junior Dance: Soloists in the INTERMEDIATE Level, age 9-11. If the original performance is not completed, the act will receive an automatic First Place award and is ineligible for High Point awards. P: (513) 844-6788. The winner of each scholarship is selected by the KAR Scholarship Committee. ALL STAR DANCERS INVITATIONS The recipients of these awards are invited to participate in one or both of our exciting summer All Star Dancer experiences in Hollywood and New York City! If a dance, costume, or music is deemed inappropriate for family viewing by the judging panel, it will be scored lower by judges and may not be eligible for Overall High Point awards. We have always enjoyed doing Applause Talent, and have participated in both your regional and national dance competitions for quite a few years now. featured in the opening number at the Star Showcase. Photos and Videos will be available 5-7 days after the completion of the competition. Teacher / Adult Category Any performance that contains a teacher and/or adult 20 years of age or above must compete in the TEACHER / ADULT CATEGORY. All promoted performances must competethe remainder of the Regional season as well as National Finals in their new promoted Level. Up to three acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. THIS AWARD IS GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. Teen Dance and Miss Teen Dance: Soloists in the INTERMEDIATE Level. Any special requests for the assembling of props must be discussed with the Competition Director upon arrival at. Dancers may now be promoted to a higher Level with the recommendation of our judging panel and Competition Director. An acro/gymnastic trick is defined as movements that pass through or stop at a fully inverted (upside down) position with both feet off the floor (the torso and or hips passing or stopping directly over the top of ones head/shoulders). Please make sure your performances are family friendly! Overall High Point awards will be presented in the respective Levels and Age Divisions. Any changes to groups sizes, age divisions and or levels should be made prior to competing performances. At this years Nationals, we will continue to bring our competitors the highest quality event!