athene performance elite surrender schedule
AvenirNextLTPro-MediumCn The Performance Elite 10 Plus annuity is a fixed indexed annuity. 0000003070 00000 n The Athene Ascent Pro 10 Bonus is a fixed annuity product with an issue age of 35 to 80. 0000016727 00000 n Plans start with a minimum deposit of $10,000 and include a variety of riders, some of which are included at no additional charge. All players will tryout on Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April Athene Performance Elite annuities are designed to help meet your long-term savings and retirement needs. WebAthene Performance Elite 10 1 Because the index applies a volatility control mechanism, the range of both the positive and negative performance of the index is limited. Maximum single premium is $1,000,000. Guaranteed annuity periods are 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. Choose your company wisely. Withdrawals are not credited with index interest in the year they are taken. By using our site, you consent to these cookies. We understand annuities can be confusing and that you might have questions. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. Your email address will not be published. "AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Athene Holding Ltd. and Its Subsidiaries; Assigns Credit Ratings to Athene Annuity Re Ltd.", J.D. Index annuities are for conservative investors who like safety. 2023 Annuity Educator. 0000000016 00000 n WebWithdrawal Charge Schedule NC 12%, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 2, 0 Market Value Adjustment 10 years. 0000016432 00000 n There is a premium bonus of 3% and the earliest you can elect lifetime income is age 50. You earn a fixed-income type of returns, not market-like returns. 0000004957 00000 n DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for educational purposes only. This annuity also waives withdrawal penalties upon death. MVAs only affect you if you withdraw funds early. 0000007385 00000 n / Strong Back-Tested Performanceaccording to our back-testing analysis, this annuity would have returned on average 11.82% the last 10 years Dec 2009-Dec 2019, leading the industry in potential performance. This waiver only applies after the first contract anniversary has passed. Additionally, you will find participation rates of at least 100% within the NASDAQ FC and AI-Powered US Equity indexes. Has an insurance agent sent you a proposal that seems too good to be true? Hypothetical illustrations are often the best-case scenario. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from a qualified professional. 1346 0 obj <> endobj xref The Athene Agility 10 annuity is offered to applicants between the ages of 40 and 80, with a minimum premium of $10,000 and a maximum annual withdrawal of 10% (of either initial premiums paid or accumulated value). Athene offers a variety of annuity products, whether youre buying as an individual or purchasing through the workplace. The Athene Performance Elite Plus 10 is a deferred fixed indexed annuity issued by Athene Annuity & Life Company. This annuity offers 10.00% as an upfront bonus. While some annuities allow for a single lump-sum payment, others expect you to also continue making regular contributions. Youve worked hard and deserve someone you can trust. They allow you to capture some of the growth of a market index while having 100% downside protection. After the first Contract Year, you can withdraw up to 100% of your annuitys Accumulated Value if youve been confined to a Qualified Care Facility for at least 60 consecutive days and meet the eligibility requirements. Capped annuities are more likely to outperform uncapped products when the stock market is weaker. A Market Value Adjustment applies to withdrawals in excess of the free withdrawal amount and full surrenders during the Withdrawal Charge period. Both Fidelity and Athene offer a variety of plans to choose from, though Athenes 12 annuities provide more options than Fidelitys six. 0 Though Athene Annuity & Life Company used to sell life insurance policies, the company now only offers individual and group annuities. WebAthene Performance Elite 7 annuities allow up to a 10% annual free withdrawal beginning in the first Contract Year. 0000027283 00000 n 0000101199 00000 n Premium bonuses range from 0% to 15%, depending on the plan you choose, with free withdrawals beginning as early as year one. Systematic withdrawals available on a monthly, quarterly, semi-yearly, or yearly frequency. Strategies are methods used to calculate how much interest, if any, will be credited to your annuity. Athene has the right to change the terms of their index annuity at any time. Timezone Please choose an optionHST Hawaii Standard Time GMT-10:00AST Alaska Standard Time GMT-9:00PST Pacific Standard Time GMT-8:00MST Mountain Standard Time GMT-7:00CST Central Standard Time GMT-6:00EST Eastern Standard Time GMT-5:00. 0000023134 00000 n OpenType - PS Your rate of return is calculated based on the accumulation value, not the income value. The Performance Elite Plus 15 is a single-premium, fixed indexed annuity product that offers a provision for market value adjustment, and a 15-year surrender charge duration. You could earn slightly less than what fixed annuities pay to slightly more, in our opinion. They dont have the upside or downside of the market. The fees are taken out of your account value. You are not directly investing in the index. hb```b``sa`c` @16%c]ILfu)#i*m-gyNg-s ti*+$ Bonus Vesting Percentage Schedule, and Annual Rider Charge Rate. In New York, contracts are issued by Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company of New York. Surrender charges are a penalty charged to early withdrawals of annuity contract. The payment amount will be based on your annuitys Cash Surrender Value and the annuitization option you choose. 0000020605 00000 n During the time in which the annuity is subject to surrender penalties, there are policy provisions that allow partial access on a penalty free basis. 0000006298 00000 n They compete with bonds, CDs, and other safer investments. Athene Performance Elite Plus 10 also provides an enhanced Premium Bonus, which will give an immediate increase to your annuitys Accumulated Value. Linotype AG The initial premium you put in plus any bonus money 2. But, as mentioned previously, those with priorities rooted in guaranteed income or long-term care benefits may want to look elsewhere. 0000017066 00000 n The minimum premium is $10,000, and plans offer either single or joint life benefits, which can begin immediately. You might be better off in a MYGA with a pre-determined rate of return vs. an index annuity where you might earn 1-3% more per year. Weve compared them to Fidelity, a top-rated annuity company, to help you better decide. False 2017-06-05T10:47:29-05:00 We also analyze each carriers third-party and consumer reviews, looking at their reliability, reputation, and seeking out certain trends that might exist. The limit can take the form of a Cap Rate, an Annual Spread, and/or a Participation Rate. If no withdrawals are taken in a given year, up to 20% of the Accumulated Value is available for withdrawal in the next year. We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. All of that means that there are powerful growth options that can return market like upside performance without the market risk. Your money is not directly exposed to the risks of the stock market or individual stocks. Athenes PE Plus 15 annuity has an automatically pegged Liquidity Rider that attracts a small annual fee. 417233541 0000101840 00000 n Strategy Charges: 1.75% Optional(Higher Participation Rates), Free Withdrawal: 5% Annual (Elite 10 & 15). The Performance Elite 10 Plus is a fixed indexed annuity. application/pdf Its free money. Annuities can be fixed or variable in nature and can be owned by a single person or owned jointly with a spouse. Power Finds.". You dont get something for nothing! You can earn market-like upside without the market downside. This is a partial truth. WebThe products surrender schedule is below. This shows that the company consistently performs better than expected. xmp.did:F77F1174072068118083E0F9596F9B1F from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Athene Performance Elite 15 fixed index annuity is a 15-year retirement savings plan offering a premium bonus, For MO: No Market Value Adjustment (MVA). You should also request a proposal for the worst-case scenario. When your full premium deposit is allocated to the fixed interest account, the current first year yield (including bonus if applicable) is 19.07% (see Rate Details below). We have reviewed other products from Athene. These annuities, which are offered in all 50 states, can be used to help protect your assets in retirement and ensure that you dont outlive your savings. The Athene Performance Elite 7 also pays a first-year premium bonus subject to a One of the most trusted ratings comes from AM Best, which assigns a financial strength rating between A++ and D to many consumer-facing companies. BY JEREMIAH KONGER, September 10th, 202011:00 AM, IncludedRiders:Confinement Waiver of Withdrawal Charges (No Fee);Terminal Illness Waiver of Withdrawal Charges (No Fee). 0000017596 00000 n The primary purpose of Athene Performance Elite 15 fixed indexed annuities is to help you accumulate money for retirement. Get independent advice. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive our top picks every month. State variations may exist, refer to product disclosure for details. WebAthene Performance Elite 15 Athene Performance Elite 15 Plus Enhanced Free Withdrawals (Plus only) The free withdrawal amount is increased to 10% per year and may be taken as early as the first contract year. %PDF-1.4 % Annuities work a bit differently than life insurance policies, in that the vast majority of them do not require underwriting. Fixed Account Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate: Index Accounts - Annual Cap and Participation Rates: Any Index - Highest Participation Rate (WITH Charge/Fee): Any Index - Highest Participation Rate (NO Charge/Fee): S&P 500 - Point-to-Point Cap (WITH Charge/Fee): S&P 500 - Point-to-Point Cap (NO Charge/Fee). 0000034932 00000 n If a company pays a bonus, they typically take away some of the upside potential by lowering the cap. You may also be subject to surrender fees for canceling your contract ahead of schedule. Annuities are not offered by the US Government, not government-guaranteed, and are not FDIC insured. Today, the company boasts more than $236.7 billion in assets. 0000022053 00000 n Youre also guaranteed to never earn less than 0% interest. The reviews and annuity information on this website may not be current and may not apply in the state you live in. 0000014253 00000 n uuid:f261802f-0b4d-744a-9ba8-cd3dc530cc25 Athene Annuity & Life Company - View Details. The Athene Performance Elite Plus 10 is a deferred fixed indexed annuity issued by Athene Annuity & Life Company. 0000002006 00000 n You can review our list of the best life insurance companies for what we think are better options. 0000040565 00000 n Required fields are marked *. WebThe Income Base (as defined by Athene) is made up of three things: 1. So you want to do your homework! It guarantees that your beneficiary will receive your annuitys full Accumulated Value, Minimum Guaranteed Contract Value, or Return of Premium Benefit (Performance Elite Plus only), whichever is greater. To receive the Confinement Waiver, you cannot be confined at the time your contract is issued and confinement must begin at least one year after the Contract Date. 119 0 obj<>stream Here are some links if you would like to review them as well. The more you contribute to your annuity planand the greater the annuitys growththe more income it will provide you in retirement, and for a longer period of time. There are six different Performance Elite annuity options through Athene: Elite 7, Elite 7 Plus, Elite 10, Elite 10 Plus, Elite 15, and Elite 15 Plus. You dont get something for nothing. Its a fictional number which you cant withdraw lump sum, transfer out, or live on the interest. Established indexes are safer and more likely to generate better returns. 0000013035 00000 n In part, Withdrawal Charges allow the company to invest your money on a long-term basis, which generally allows higher credit yields than possible with a similar annuity of a shorter term. 192067761 If you dont need income later, DO NOT pay for an income rider. If you like bonds, bank CDs, and other safe investments, they might be right for you. Like traditional fixed annuities, MYGAs are subject to fees called surrender charges, which an annuity holder must pay if he or she withdraws money from an annuity before the specified time period is over. Fee-based riders come at a cost that is usually calculated as a percentage of the annuitys accumulated value. The death benefit rider provides you with a benefit base value that grows over time, which is not impacted by your future withdrawals. %PDF-1.6 % For MA: Confinement penalty waiver not available. Athene Annuity & Life Company is rated A by A.M. Best, was founded in 1896, and has over $76.2 billion in total assets. 0 Today, Athene sells both individual and group annuities to consumers across the United States and U.S. territories. If you withdraw more money than the free amount allowed by your contract, or if you surrender the annuity before the Withdrawal Charge period ends, a Withdrawal Charge, Market Value Adjustment, and Premium Bonus Vesting Adjustment (if applicable) will be applied. AvenirNextLTPro-Regular 0000006914 00000 n So even though its possible that you may have years when you have no interest credited to your contract, you will not lose any money in your annuity due to market losses even during economic downturns. They feature a variety of interest crediting strategies that are designed to grow your money and help protect you from market downturns. The annuity also offers a whopping 12% premium bonus on first year premiums, subjected to a 15 year vesting schedule. Premium Bonusapplied to Accumulation Value, Enhanced LiquidityAccess to 20% free withdrawal if no withdrawal taken prior year (included in .95% rider charge on Plus version). See product brochure, disclosure and riders for additional details, limitations and availability. 0000007338 00000 n Do not trust anyone who suggests you will earn significantly higher returns than what we have disclosed in this section. 0000004257 00000 n License 6003435. Avenir Next LT Pro This product has a 10 Years term. The "S&P 500" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Tryouts will run over three days only. Athene offers a variety of annuity products, whether youre buying as an individual or purchasing through the workplace. The Athene Agility 10 annuity is offered to applicants between the ages of 40 and 80, with a minimum premium of $10,000 and a maximum annual withdrawal of 10% (of either initial premiums paid or accumulated value). Avenir Next LT Pro These withdrawals from your annuity contract are considered part of your free withdrawal, free of Withdrawal Charges, MVA, or Premium Bonus Vesting Adjustment for the Contract Year. Currently, Athene holds an A (Excellent) rating from AM Best, which is the third-highest possible score. In most states, the issue age is 0-73 years. Read our. Not all annuities are available in all states. The Performance Elite 15 annuity from Athene offers investors a 7% 1 st year premium bonus, subjected to a 15-year vesting schedule. Learn more. You Can! The guaranteed death benefit, if you were to pass away, can be paid out to your beneficiaries as either a lump sum or as a multiple-year installment payout. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. <]>> They are for investors who like safety and security. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, 401k, Cash, IRA, Non-Qualified Money, Pension Plan, Qualified Retirement Plans, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, TSA 403b, Annuity and Insurance Agency1050 Crown Pointe ParkwayAtlanta, GA 30338, AnnuitiesLife InsuranceTravel InsuranceLong Term Care InsuranceShop InsuranceGet a Free QuoteContact Us, About usPrivacy PolicyHow We WorkIn The PressCustomer Reviews, annuity will always have a Minimum Guaranteed Contract Value, grow your money and help protect you from market, calculate and credit interest to your annuity, surrenders during the Withdrawal Charge period. You also might be charged a market value adjustment on early withdrawals. If you take excess withdrawals before the term is up, you will be charged surrender charges. You can also allocate your premium between various strategy and index account options. Withdrawal fees, if applicable, can be waived due to terminal illness or confinement. 0000024129 00000 n 0000029519 00000 n Earn a 10-15% Bonus. They allow companies to pay a higher rate and make longer-term investments. Why would you want to pay the fee, if you were given the choice? If you are looking for the most retirement income, request an. No Market Value Adjustment (MVA). A newer company, Athene was founded in 2009 in the wake of the financial crisis at that time. Its important that you talk to a financial advisor to confirm the issue age and other state-specific details if youre interested in purchasing this annuity product. Confinement Waiver of Withdrawal Charges (No Fee); Terminal Illness Waiver of Withdrawal Charges (No Fee). 0 xb```f``a`e` ab@ !&@yL8&7eS;gil3P a?U4xRtn y-La>Tb>>+g. Withdrawal charges are waived due to confinement or terminal illness, and the plan can grow in one of two ways: level and inflation-adjusted or earnings-indexed. Linotype AG In 2021, Athene Annuity & Life Company received an overall NAIC complaint index of 0.10, well below the 1.0 average. Complete the form below and get the answers you need within 24 hours. Rates are based on current interest rates and are subject to change at any time. 1346 47 AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY, Apply for Athene Performance Elite 10 Plus, Non-Qualified, 401k, Profit Sharing, IRA, Spousal IRA, Pension, IRA Rollover, IRA Transfer, TSA 403b, SEP IRA, KEOGH, IRA-Roth, and Inherited IRA, 1-Year BNP Paribas Multi-Asset PTP Participation Rate, 2-Year BNP Paribas Multi-Asset PTP Participation Rate, 1-Year AI Powered US Equity PTP Participation Rate, 2-Year AI Powered US Equity PTP Participation Rate, 1-Year S&P 500 DRC 8% TR PTP Participation Rate, 2-Year S&P 500 DRC 8% TR PTP Participation Rate, Athene Annual Liquidity Rider Charge Rate 10 years. You are watching the market, and a formula decides how much gain of the index you receive. Athene Performance Elite Plus 0000031939 00000 n 0000013851 00000 n Linotype AG WebPerformance Elite 15 (TX). Athene feels they have an entrepreneurial spirit and are led by a management team with over 165 years experience. If interest rates in the market are higher than when you purchased your annuity, the MVA is negative, meaning an additional amount is deducted from your contract value. Athene declares the caps, annual spreads, and participation rates at the end of each term period. All three provide guaranteed asset growth, with either a 3-, 5-, or 7-year fixed strategy rate on the initial premium (depending on which plan you choose) and a 1-year fixed strategy rate on additional premiums and the end of contract term. Jointly owned annuities are also considered survivorship products and will continue paying out as long as one spouse is still alive. Performance Elite There are six different Performance Elite annuity options through Athene: Elite 7, Elite 7 Plus, Elite 10, Elite 10 Plus, Elite 15, and Elite 15 Plus. Athene sells fixed and lump-sum annuities in all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. 0 2 The Index The xmp.did:fe2dd2c1-6d72-4b39-9f40-056a0c5b4d4c Athene customer service can be reached by phone at 1-888-ANNUITY (1-888-266-8489) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. 0000001236 00000 n 0000013470 00000 n Elite Wellness is a Performance and Recovery center in Ashburn, 0000020674 00000 n Many different annuity contracts and riders to choose from, Accumulated growth can be locked in, protecting against market downturns, Must be purchased through a financial professional. Athene Performance Elite Plus annuities include a Liquidity Rider, for an annual charge, that gives you additional flexibility should the need arise. You also might be charged a market value adjustment on early withdrawals. Annuity Resources, LLC is a licensed fixed annuity producer in most states. I will show you a clients statement who earned 14% without risk. This is misleading because over the product term you are likely to earn 2-4% per year. You receive some of the upside and none of the downside. 0000026886 00000 n *Y%q W7\i m)(Qw{|#Wt^%t7 Expect to earn 1-2% more than the average rate of a 1-year fixed annuity. xmp.iid:4d8738e8-cc72-4744-ab75-a6c3cf2ca89f The materials, names, logos, brochures, etc used in our annuity reviews are property of their owners and not those of 2.1 1 If you are interested in purchasing a product or need to make changes to an existing contract, you can also reach out to your local sales professional. The Athene Performance Elite 10 Plus Each year, you may withdraw up to the maximum free amount of your annuitys Accumulated Value (as of the most recent Contract Anniversary) without a Withdrawal Charge, Market Value Adjustment (MVA), or any Premium Bonus Vesting Adjustment, if applicable. The states of OH, MN, OR, and DE have an issue age of 47 years. 0000006579 00000 n Power, a trusted name in customer satisfaction studies. This assumes you find one of the better products on the market. Product availability varies based on the state you live. If you surrender your annuity or withdraw an amount that exceeds the Free Withdrawal amount during the Withdrawal Charge period, you will incur a Withdrawal Charge. Cancelling or surrendering an annuity is possible, but can be costly. 0000026484 00000 n WebThe Athene Performance Elite Plus annuity includes a Liquidity Rider, for an annual charge, that gives you additional flexibility should the need arise. Athene Performance Elite annuities allow you to allocate your money among one or more of the available interest crediting strategies. When your annuity matures (on the Annuity Date), Athene Performance Elite gives you options to receive guaranteed lifetime income (called annuitization). The more your annuity grows, the more those riders will cost you year over year. Copyright 2020. Starting the first year, annuitants can withdraw up to 10% of their accumulated value without incurring any withdrawal charges.
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