can chinchillas eat pistachios

If their teeth gets too long, you must take them to a vet to get their teeth filed down or they could die.Always keep them in a cool environment because heat can cause heat stroke. I just got a male Chinchilla and I want to know if giving him house products like fruits and vegetables are good for him and won't do him harm? But why are we as humans being told corn puffs and of all things, caramel corn is healthy. only small pieces in small moderation isthe key Now before people start saying I am selfish for keeping him alive when he has so many issues, this has been a decision made by both the vet and I and we both agreed that his last operation would be his last unless we see the times between each operation getting longer and longer because it isn't fair on him. Chinchillas can get liver damage from too much fat content. But will he be okay if he ate the sand? The reason, aside from sugar is the high starch content. Sure they have corn meal in some pellets (not good) but corn is not good for their system and butter / excess amounts of salt are really bad. (That's why I think unsalted unsweetened banana chips are great, plus they gnaw on them!) Erica, I wouldn't advise feeding your chinchilla dog biscuits. Raisins help prevent constipation and every ranch in the world that doesnt kill there chinchillas for coats gives them raisins. I just did a search for jasmine poisonous and came up with this. Also, everyone on this site should also know that they have to keep their chinchillas cool in the summer months. I do have a thick extension cord in my room but I haven't seen him nibble it even once; he'd rather chew the wood shelves in his cage or the toys I put out. Chins have sensitive digestive tracts. Use your forefingers to brace the nut so that you can apply more force to the shell. The closest I will get to the pellet world is hay cubes, so long as the hay is not ground to a pulp and it encourages chewing. (Yes & How Much)Continue. Don't tell that to my 2 year old "Philip"!! Apple is high in sugar and acid, so even though they can have them, it's not something they should have often, and rather fresh (in my opinion) than dried, as the drying process makes the sugars even more unhealthy. We just rescued our third Chin. A safe treat for your chins are plain cheerios. I put 2 cardboard boxes together, the second with a 4" mouse hole as entrance after going into 1st one. 2. They do not require them to live. Healthy as can be (he goes to the vet every 2 months for wellness checks). While this is partly true, you can fill their bowl up,because chinchillas should not over eat. Please make sure their are no wires for her to get tochinchilla will chew on mostly anything. Fresh fruits are 100% off-limits. do not give things that are sketchy it might be a joke or a troll. is so, how can i? or if it's safe?? I lost one chinchilla the day after I put a Hay hut from "Living world" in their cage. Compare that to how long the average pet chinchilla lives ( 2-5 yrs) and see where the differences are. Good Luck and be patient with your pet! I fill my xhinchills food bowl up about halfway and clean stuff out of it and fill it up S needed. It's not THAT a food plant can be sprayed with one of the most deadly plant killers on the market, right up to harvest, it is THAT these food plants ARE sprayed with the most deadly plant killers on the market. - The chinchilla that I took care of, absolutely loves plain cheerios! Heya guys, Chinchillas can eat grass, bark, nuts and dried bananas, carrots, pretty much anything healthy. just be in a cage with a cardboard box as a hide. If you notice your chinchilla clammering to the edge of the cage and desperately wanting to lick you. He did get his paws on some Honey Nut Cheerios and for a bit wouldn't eat his but after some time he forgot about the "mistake" and took right back to his "plain donuts". Some foods are safe and some aren't. Luckily after an hour or so they revived - and survived. Can you feed chinchillas cat food if so what kind? I hate to harm any animal. They still need to have chinchilla pellets for vitamins. Check to see that your local pet food store carries it (Also make sure they are not doubling the price of said food) along with their bathing sand as well. Like children, if you give them an easier and tastier option, they will take it, leaving the one which is better for them. Specially Fruits that have high sugar and can cause gass, bloat, diabetes, blindness and death. I just want to do the right thing and get him into a loving home. My chin loves to chomp on a spinach piece of penneI give him that as a treat only once or twice a week. Also more about the diet you provide. Make sure you provide them with chin pellets and timothy hay every day. Because quaker oats are loose I am not sure on the measurement to give. I would give only 1 to 2 raisins a week as a treat. I give mine as much as she wants. He nibbled a hole through it and pulled out one of the blossoms. #6 Lantana. He was one of the sons of Aquarius. a small segment of apple is ok This is most likely the reason that you are not supposed to give them pistachios. Lauren, its best to feed your chin plain cheerios. They are higher in fiber with no problems in regards to sugar/acid/fat. One thing though, why the dislike of pellets? Heinz, Thanks for taking the time to share information. Note that I said INCLUDED, not sole source. and then you look at their profile pic, and its a pic of a chinchilla cage with the very same stuff in it. He seems to like to throw the hay around his cage vs eating it :) is just feeding him hay with no pellets the way to go with the occasional treat? . They're native to Western South America and live in the Andes Mountains. :). look at my posts. On occasion the girls will pick dandelion leaves as well. . I found some grape wood in the reptile section of the pet store, and they are great for chewing as are apple and pear branches from the back yard. I give them 1 red grape. The pain can get so bad they will stop eating. Pistachios are one food that chinchillas can eat, but there are some risks associated with, feeding them to these animals. He loves them and the twigs gives him wood to gnaw on too. I need to look that up, but I know a salt and sugar mix is used in humans. I never met a chinchilla that didn't love it and it is metabolism friendly to the chins. Tap water has chlorine and too many minerals that isn't healthy for your pets. He may like it, but that does not mean it is healthy over the long term. Does anyone have any advice on those treats made by "vitakraft"? safe, but in moderation. Chickens are known to be omnivores, which means that they will eat just about anything. Fruits have natural sugar that isn't quite the same as regular sugar. They are high in fiber and vitamin C. Dried Herbs (dandelion roots or leaves, rosemary, hibiscus, parsley, strawberry, and blackberry leaves). Even one or two fields over may not be safe as the wind can easily carry these dangerous chemicals more than several miles. I just scoop it up with a spoon and let him eat it from there. This can cause liver damage in the long run! I've taught both of mine to give me kisses by putting the raisin in my mouth and saying the phrase so raisin or not I get a kiss and that's pretty cute! I keep the room no higher than seventy. ever day comes to the cage trying to push her whole face out, and she doesn't even like me that well yet. Im worried about my little guy. I have three fluffy hammocks. If a chinchilla eats too many pistachios that contain aflatoxin, they could become sick or even die. Perhaps there is a site-meister who can dump the uncomfortable comments. I got that lamp out of there right quick!!! You can put your chin dust in a small pan for them to roll around in to clean their fur.Sounds like you really love your chins and are a great chin parent! Still organic, but not good for a chinchilla digestive system. If their teeth gets too long, they cant eat and will die. the multiple seeds in their bowl gives them variety and keeps them interested. He bit into in 2007 and as soon as he did it and I heard a flop (it was from the object the cord was connected too) I was moving that cage to get him away from it. ahem! Also, shredded wheat is ok, without the frosting coating on it. I am feeding her critical care and desperately trying to help her gain weight. One who owns a chinchilla should have the basic knowledge on how to care for them. for now he ( my chinchilla ) has not been allergic do not many things. Also, the food I was given by the pet store contains dried up corn kernels and peas along with the pellets. When you only feed pellets and hay they do not have a diverse flora of migroorganisms so you need to cultivate it via slow introduction to food :). I have a jasmine tree in my back garden and i am wondering if its safe for me to give my chinchilla the wood, i have some dried sticks i would give her.????? Lol, run out of towns eh! Ive noticed certain seeds seem to require more back of mouth chewing as they are too small to be broken up by incisors and too hard to be simply gummed. The gsy must be as green as possible so that their digestive system gets the correct nutrients. People say all kinds of things on these forums even Vets are incorrect often. Chinchilla Treats - What can Chinchillas eat? One per day is what I give them, but this is probably to much! i dont care what you sayyou dont own my chinchilla. A chinchilla liver cant digest fat. They're a great source of Vitamin C and have been proven to support a healthy immune system. Some woods are unsafe for chinchillas. An elbow noodle is pure sugar; it's starch, which is pure glucose. I have worked with people with disabilities for the last 15 years and if Jane is going to be disabled that is fine with me. :). I was wondering if anyone knows of chinchillas peeing on their food bowls. Phytonutrients are plant compounds that have health-promoting properties. Some chinchilla owners prefer never to feed their chinchilla fruit. My chins love the rosehips. This is why vets will not sterilise the female, as this procedure is more invasive and require a longer knock out time. You already know that a chinchilla will chew on anything and everything. J, some of what you say is accurate, particularly the part about the digestive system, but that has been posted before as has the hay part. sometimes once a week usually not that often and no more than a few small bites. Not honey nut cheerios! Pistachio nuts are fine for pregnant chinchillas; however, they should only be had on occasion. Obviously letting it cool prior to giving it to the chins. Some people give their chins sunflower seeds. Always provide chin pellets and timothy hay to keep your chin healthy and happy! So, can chinchillas eat pistachios? by payton, we are wondering if you should make a lot of noise around it (its going to be a class pet) this should give you some idea how much to feed a chinchilla., Sorry, but we don't have any specific knowledge about whether watermelon is safe or not. please search before you give Be a part of your chins life! In fact, they contain more antioxidants than any other nut. Cedar has something in the oil, which has made me stay away from any wood chips with cedar. I've read owners talk about vets who they'll "never go back to" because the Vet dared to tell them that a few fresh dandelion leaves were safe! Chin's livers cant filter out high sugar and fat contents. Just be careful with the raisins. Oxbow has a bled thats 3/4 western Timmothy and 1/4 orchard grass and its a good way to keep them balanced, its not expensive either its less than 20$ for a big bag that should last 1-2 months. A variety of vegetables is okay for chinchillas, but avoid fruits and seeds, as they can cause harm to your chinchilla. A chinchillas liver can filter out high sugar or fat content which can lead to liver damage over time. but anything else I give the way I think is good. At least as best as I can. I have just adopted a Chinchilla and its cage. Kim. I was wondering if chinchillas can eat small scraps of meat. They also think that the amount of each nutrient are not at the ideal percentages e.g. the key is gently. Applewood sticks are great as they love to chew. Chins don't really make great class pets, they sleep during the day, are susceptible to zoonotic diseases from children, and require cool conditions. Also, I would try to keep electrical cords out of the room. Chins have to keep their teeth filed down to eat. I had my chinchillas out in the bathroom(which I thought I had done a good job of chinchilla-proofing) little did I know Camille could jump high enough, and bounce off the wall to get up onto the counter-where I had a cactus plant. Avoid raisins as they are very high in sugar. I just cut a bunch of branches off the apple and hazelnut tree in our yard and have been cutting the bigger ones into disks. Occasionally unsweetened shredded wheat and unsweetened cheerios, No fruit, vegetables or sweet treats. Our 1st one love to be picked up and would play pass the chinchilla on the shoulder. Most owners online are full of half understood myths, just as in human science a recommendation or caution suddenly morphs into an all out ban. You can also get freeze dried soybeans, which taste like peanuts without the fat. Is your self esteem so low you must always attack people? For example, the banana chips re probably coated in sunflower oil, the pineapple, papaya and dates probably coated in some sort of nasty sugar (Simply because of how they are dehydrated) Freeze dried is best. Of course, Timothy hay is the largest part of their diet and the seeds are just toppers. Chinchillas should have a good quality kibble to balance nutritional needs. Chins cant digest sugar, high fats or fruits and vegetables. When I squeezed the bottle, she must have drank 3 to 4 tbsp. I guess he doesn't like the pellets. Also, mentioned on an episode of Dr. K's Exotic Animal ER on NATGEOWILD and contrary to popular belief, wood is not what grinds down the teeth of rodents like chinchillas. I have almost lost two of my chins when they accidentally ingested cinnamon in tiny amounts. Your comment is more of an adhomonym, than anything worthwhile. This can cause serious issues for the chin. Also, most banana chips from grocery stores are deep fried and full of oil. Although I have given mine very small amounts of dried carrots as a TREAT. but why did my vet tell me to fed them kale. Riven, im sorry but you dont know as much as you say. Since they do not digest it correctly it causes them to have severe gas which can cause their bellies to bloat. A raisin only once in a while. You are doing great by providing pumice as they need to keep their teeth trimmed and thus us s great way if doing so. Most of the information out there is from fur farmers, who are not concerned about teeth and lifespan and the rest is from pet food companies who love to push their brand of extruded mystery ingredients which do nothing for tooth health. Don't listen to what that uptight ninny had to say. I used to just feed pellets with occasional hay and apple sticks, but now The last thing you want is any weird stuff in their digestive system. A lot of dental issues are genetic or from lack of chewing options. Kim. He is much better now) on the list of his force feed food includes soybean meal, wheat germ, Timothy grass meal, and soybean hulls. Sadly we're not sure if that extends to fresh corn. If she was fed purely pellets, she would have died in agony by 8 or 9. I'm not saying go ahead and feed your chinchilla cactus, but it's definately not DEADLY. Protein helps to build and repair tissues. If you want to determine how oily a seed is, simply crush it on papertowel. The many chinchillas who died early due to their teeth growing into their eye sockets would disagree. Make sure the incisors do not overgrow and feel around the lower back of their chin and around their nose. We just got a chinchilla and for a treat I gave her some citrus foods such as oranges and lemons. i'm wondering what brand of hay is best for chinchillas?And is there any possible substitute for the hay? My website is not about chinchillas not does it have much in the way of relevant chinchilla information, I own an alarm company and I found posting pictures of chinchillas more agreeable to my way of doing things than the standard fear mongering pictures of some random Sara and Romeo breaking into someone's home. I have fed my chinchilla air popped, unflavored and unsalted popcorn. I've done a ton of research (literally hours on hours on hours) but there's so much conflicting info that im scared im still going to give them something thats going to hurt them. My wife and daughter call them Nibbles and Static, however I nick named them Thing 1 and Thing 2! They have strong jaws and sharp beaks that they use to tear, Read More Can Tortoises Eat Celery? I think the best would be to get some water directly from a clean outdoor natural source and boil it to kill any buggies. Yes chinchillas love fruit, kids also love candy and soda, but that doesn't mean it's good for them. That's funny :) as for fruits, while sugars are not ideal, certain fruits can be used in moderation. Hi, my chinchilla hopped up onto my desk and I think he ate something from my mini zen garden. They are both high in calcium and oxalates, and are a great source of fiber. They also like things like dried honeysuckle, rises and Rose hips. That does not make any sense to anyone who cares about their pets, or pets as a whole. Distilled water is just too clean, it's missing essential minerals. ), a fleece hammock and a nesting box. hay cubes are great, but i don't know if the shorter strands would be easier to chew than actual hay. I then noticed she wasn't able to eat properly, she was just sucking on a raisin, pulling it in and out of her mouth. just lay off guys! My sister got a Chin last year, but she did no research and she fed him crappy food and almost never cleaned his cage. This isnt good for chinchillas. Peanuts and Almonds are a prime example. I hope this helps you with your chinchilla! my friends mother gave their chinch a whole one, and latter that night found the cinch dead. Three weeks ago I noticed after coming home from work that she was not using two of her legs so I took her to the Vet the next day. I never tried prunes with my first but I let this one have a small piece. smaller than a raisin, and she LOVED it. Hi. Just trying not to spam here. Try to always keep your chin's treats low in sugar and fat content. Raisins and anything with high sugar content can cause tooth rot and diarrhea. Other healthy treats include raisins, apple slices, cranberries, or other small pieces of fruit. These fruits should be given in tiny amounts, no more than 1-2 small pieces a week. I personally haven't given my chins popcorn as a treat. They love em, but of course, just like raisins, moderation is key or they will get barnyard bum. It's fine to give them the odd rasin but I also buy woodland her age which you can get in a pet store which is a mixture of dried dandelions and nettle leaves hay and other goodies. i think they teach me more than i learn myself and they give alot of love and i do have one that does not like to be handled but still love my affection and responds every time!!! If that person did any research at all such a ridiculous question would never be asked. if anybody else wants to say anything then have them send money to help feed it too. I'll admit my anti pellet opinion is not a common one, but fresh hay is REQUIRED for optimum health, nutritional, intestinal and dental. Louie is. Pumice stones are great, but I am worried about possible lead content. Just another suggestion for a treat that should be given sparingly. If they get too much water content they could develop diarrhea. Jen that's great, and I'm sure you don't overfeed those treats! They also can only have certain types of wood. Aside from being poisonous, mild exposure is a proven carcinogen. Try to keep these ingredients on the low, low side. Anyone out there have an opinion on bottled spring water? He is so loveable and never had a health issue. Btw I raised 2 females to age 13 and currently own 3 brothers who are 9 years old at least (all were rescues), Very good points Claire. Actually alfalfa IS good for them and is a staple in good Chinchilla pellets. They also contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for a chinchillas health. A dish, on the other hand, is a magnet for all sorts of things meaning you'll have to clean it quite regularly. I just got a chinchilla a few days ago and this is my first chinchilla and I wanted to know if there are any types of lean meats I can feed her as a treat? same with green apples, i only give little pieces. Same digestive track as the wild one. Also it's best to feed you chinchilla just pellets. Im so sorry for your loss! Unlike Ferrets, who have been domesticated for thousands of years, chinchillas could be considered more "recently domesticated", used as food yes, but kept as pets or as work animals, no. This is the one treat, even the shyest chin will eat while being held. I was wondering if you can give chins dandillaions ?? Ingredients include food coloring. depending on which type is being left in your chinchilla's food dish you will want to use your own judgement and what you feel is safest for your pet. ? This little guy loves fresh carrots, broccoli, granny Smith apples. within hours he appeared to have inflammation of some sort before we could get him to the vet, he passed. Here is a breakdown of the nutrients your chinchilla needs in their diet and in what percentages. He had the sniffles and was dead a few hours later. He is such a piggins! Now Im sure none of you mistreat your chinchilla(s), but they definitely are one of the most mistreated when it comes to space, diet, and stuff inside of the cage. Make sure you check the ingredient list on the premade/processed food, pellets, and treats you give your chinchilla. You should never ever feed your chinchilla any fruits or vegetables raw or dried, no nuts., and thing like wheat germ & cereal should only be given when constipation occurs. No fruit, vegetables or sweet treats Pet stores are notorious for selling unsafe products (sigh) best example is how many open exercise wheels they push on gerbil owners. KIm. This is the equivalent of a parent thinking it's funny to watch their child play in the middle of a road or tease a mean dog Chewing on plastic and cords can cause impaction. Just use plain, though, no frosting, and get organic if you can. When I checked her, I was appalled to find her thin and with a broken and abscessed lower tooth. Infact Charlie chinchilla has more sugar & it's cereal based. Also is it ok to feed them lettuce? Ty we have had ours since she was 6 months she is now 6. she has had a few names but chewy is her name hence she chews so we watch her careful, her cage is in our kitchen as she loves all the activity that goes on. Water and dark leafy greens may also be a part of their regular diet depending on what you choose. With Purina I only supplement my pregnant and nursing chinchillas and they deliver very health beautiful kits. I'm sure am glad that not everyone is like you. My chinchillas likes dried apples, raisins, and almonds. what other fruits can they have, how long should they be outta their cage. Plain Cheerios: safe, but in moderation. A person wouldn't eat cupcakes that were baked over a year ago, but yet people feed their chinchillas food that was made over a year ago, feed loses nutrients after 6 months after the mill date, the mill date is printed on the bag, that is a prime example of how some owners just don't care. He drinks plenty of water and poops big poops. thanks a ton for any help!!!:). birgit!!!!! Bryan, I wouldn't suggest giving your chin citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons. They are actually one of the better vegetables for chinchillas to eat, because they contain fewer of the components that are hard on a chin's stomach. Several vegetables are as harmful as fresh nuts for . Chinchillas will eat a lot of things but only a few items are ok for them to eat. Most chins don't like to be handled very much. Look at their teeth, yellow is good. Chinchillas shouldn't be given meat of any kind. My chinchilla also loves dried organic apricots. as a treat coconut husk In a recent conversation, he said Monsanto has given the industry a bad name. Chins have to have hay to have proper digestion. They seem to love them best when fresh and then when dried. Try to never reach into their cage. You do not want them to have too much, but according to a vet I recently spoke with, is a necessary mineral in their diet.

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can chinchillas eat pistachios

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