chronicle why is andrew the strongest
Can I connect multiple USB 2.0 females to a MEAN WELL 5V 10A power supply? A lion does not feel guilty when it kills a gazelle. won't listen and causes more mayhem, dragging Matt into an intense battle throughout the city. Realizing that Andrew cant be stopped or reasoned with, Matt reluctantly impales Andrew using a spear from a nearby statue, killing him instantly. I have a monk (decent in combat but mainly for stamina on map), Paladin (good healer/tank with decent damage), Invoker is . He understood the Power better than anyone. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. A while later, the boys discover they have developed extraordinary powers from the events in the cavern and begin to exercise their abilities with progressively greater strength and agility. because andrew drained some of their power thats why in the end matt got his finger shot off because he didnt have enough energy to stop it and andrew is stronger because of he had his camera when they got there powers Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jan 14, 2013 at 20:13 user11934 1 Add a comment Highly active question. rev2023.4.21.43403. Later that evening, Andrew is approached by a classmate name Monica , who takes him upstairs to "get to know him". When they arrive, Matt receives another text telling them to "look up". Being unmotivated teenagers, none of them use their power for anything more than pranks and private amusements - most of which are harmless for the most part. He is a high school teenager who began videotaping his day-to-day life. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Andrew "Andy" Detmer is the main protagonist turned main antagonist of the 2012 found-footage science fiction action drama film Chronicle. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. A lot bigger, as this comparison via Eric Holthaus shows: Andrew easily overpowers his dad, telling him that he could crush him, and then throws him across the room. Andrew, we can just fly away, we can get out of here. As his powers, rage and mental instability increased, it became more apparent he would eventually kill the other two because they could potentially challenge him. During one harrowing close call, Steve is knocked unconscious and is falling to his death when Andrew swoops in to grab him, saving his life. - Andrew to Matt during their final confrontation. Moments later, he meets Steve Montgomery, the school president-to-be and one of the most popular of his fellow students. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them. However, a passing passenger jet knocks Steve unconscious and he begins free-falling, but Andrew was able to save both Steve and his camera and land them safely on the ground. When Steve was asking him to calm down and chill, Andrew builds his anger, telling Steve, "Leave me alone!". Who are Andrew Detmers friends in the Chronicle? Pulling pranks.Hanging out with his friends.Obsessively filming his life. Andrew was formerly a Creative Executive at . Why does Andrews camera Act erratic in the Chronicle? Andrew is arguably the strongest of the trio as he seems to practice his . And this is why Judge Andrew P. Only God has the authority to say what pleases him. After a series of committing a series of practical jokes on some store patrons, and moving a woman's car in a parking lot while she's shopping, Andrew later goes too far when he attempts to stop a car but ends up knocking a hostile driver off the road because he was tailgating the boys. Hi. Hancock shoved a guy's head up someone's ass. So that there were no reported hits is impossible according to physics. Some time later, Matt gets a text from Steve inviting him and Andrew to a random junkyard. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. Andrew has written for The Atlantic, Vice, SF Weekly, the San Francisco Chronicle, McSweeney's, The Bold Italic, Drowned in Sound and many other places. Steve tries to calm him down, but Andrew warns him to stay away, Steve doesn't leave out of concern for him. He asks Andrew why he's crying and asks if Andrew would like to join him and Matt. That night, the audience is forced to witness Richard Detmer breaking into Andrew's room and punching his son out of his chair for not opening the door that morning. Its winds of 165 mph at landfall only put it behind the Labor Day . However, Andrew Garfield took the character to new depths and offered a modern take on the beloved superhero. There exists an element in a group whose order is at most the number of conjugacy classes. Where they see that Steve has gained the ability to fly and he teaches them how to do the same. Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. Like, online about, like, just evolution and natural selection and how like there's this thing, right? With the death of the only friend who cared about him besides Matt, and the humiliation he endured at the party becoming public knowledge at school, the once-again unpopular Andrew becomes deeply embittered and begins to abuse his powers, dismembering a spider and later ripping the teeth out from a bully. Also, he easily deflected Matt's strike in the scene when they were arguing in his room. After killing Steve, I believe Andrew thought he was the most dangerous and strongest living creature on Earth, then taking his anger out on everyone else, anger due to the hard life he suffered with his mother suffering a terrible illness and his Dad abusing him horribly. Matt goes after him and tries to stop him, causing even more damage in the process, but Andrew now considering himself an "Apex Predator", Andrew realizing that he is now an "Apex Predator". Andrew: I need to go and pick up my mom's medication! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Who was the strongest in Chronicle? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Believing he had no friends, he kills Steve. Furious, he returns home, disguises himself in his father's old firefighting gear, and proceeds to attack the neighborhood thugs for the money in their wallets. The movie follows the definitions and theories of telekinesis. Understanding the probability of measurement w.r.t. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! in the movie chronicle three friends gain telekenetic powers which over time increase in strength and power but when overdoing the powers they get nose bleeds but yet when andrew (one of the friends) use his power or is under stress the others noesbleeds too because not only are their powers gaining strength their bond is also, so when Andrew is under stress their bond effects the rest of them as a hive like mind. Nervous and extremely drunk, Andrew only ends up vomiting in the middle of the act, leaving him once again shamed and publicly humiliated. You know -- when he was all "I miss you, I'm sorry, I wish I could take it back" etc. " I'm an Apex Predator." Outside of Andrew and Steve's traumatic events, we never really hear anything about Matt's past, but it's implied he had a really good upbringing and childhood in general. I really hope this doesn't turn into a superhero type series, I really liked how dark this was giving the feeling that the use of their powers were neither good nor bad. It's basically an ancient creature that lives deep underground, and came to the surface to feed by giving "Powers" to the living creatures it comes in contact with so they can bring it food, and because it is sick, it dies in the process of creating its "drones" leaving them free to keep the power and their lives. Throughout the fight, Matt tries desperately to calm Andrew down to no avail. He'd previously spent five years in book publishing, working with George R. How was his cousin alive, why was he alive- "Andrew.. Why was this happening suddenly? Andrew Dansby covers culture and entertainment, both local and national, for the Houston Chronicle. Chronicle why is andrew the strongest Where they see that Steve has gained the ability to fly and he teaches them how to do the same. The guy from Chronicle was flying around the tops of skyscrapers, hurling school buses and lamp posts around like it's nothing by the end of the film. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. [chronicle (2012)] The powers of the protagonists are strengthened by emotional distress and trauma. The book uses Greene's diary to chronicle his and his three companions' lives. Andrew on his computer before his father comes in and beats him out of his chair. After the two of them wind up in a city plaza next to a statue, an enraged Andrew unleashes his rage at random, sending cars flying in all directions and shattering windows all over the entire plaza with a scream of agony. Meanwhile, Matt's nose begins to heavily bleed as he senses Andrew's anger: this time, he chooses not to ignore it, and heads to the hospital with his girlfriend frantically tagging along. The Powers are a collection of psionic abilities that numerous humans throughout history, including Andrew Detmer, Matthew Garetty, and Steven Montgomery, have developed as a biological side effect from their contact with The Crystal. rev2023.4.21.43403. Steve, wanting to help his socially isolated friend, encourages Andrew to enter The Talent Show. Although it's his only extraterrestrial-level enemy, it's still quite impressive. 1 What happened to Andrew at the end of Chronicle? Barely able to support the family, Richard Detmer quickly descended into alcoholism, ultimately leading to his frequent physical and emotional abuse of Andrew. Finding out his best friend was violently killed, 2. Finding out it was his cousin who killed him, and 3. Did he actually say that? However, after spending the day at a shopping center playing pranks, a truck begins tailgating Matt's car on the way home; annoyed, Andrew uses his powers to push the truck away from them - only to end up knocking it off the road into a lake. Andrew dies from Matt moving a metal rod from a statue with his mind. There was a line of dialogue when Matt confronted Andrew after, Matt says, and I paraphrase because I just saw the movie on Saturday and don't remember it exactly, that. You do not need to be on or near the ground to be struck. As Andrew became more and more agitated, we see more and more lightning activity in the storm clouds. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. As Irma bears down on Florida, many are recalling the destruction wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Matt later confronts him about this, nearly leading to a fight until Andrew proves himself to be the stronger of the two by deflecting Matt's punch, telling his cousin to stay out of his life. Who is uncle Andrew in Chronicles of Narnia? The three bond over their newfound abilities, with Andrew clearly leading the pack in terms of control and strength. Why in the Sierpiski Triangle is this set being used as the example for the OSC and not a more "natural"? It's bigger. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. "That loss to Thomas (in the semifinals), that was a game we should've won. However, Trank apparently had a terrible time getting Chronicle made and has since said he would never return for a sequel. Lewis symposium in Montreat, Douglas Gresham stepson of C. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office. Hello Freddie and welcome to the SF & Fantasy Stack. It turns out to be hole in the ground emitting unusual vibrations and strange sounds, prompting Matt, Steve, and a reluctant Andrew to investigate further. A high school student imbued with telekinetic powers, his descent into villainy and destruction is the focus of much of the film. He appeared as the secondary antagonist in the Chronicles of Narnia book The Magicians Nephew, and was also one of the first humans to ever set foot into Narnia, and he also witnessed Narnia being created by Aslan. So how does Irma compare to Andrew in size? Chronicle now available on Blu-Ray and DVD takes the best of found footage films like Cloverfield, the original heart of the quality-sagging series Heroes, and gives us a more intimate look at the superhero craze sweeping Americana with a more realistic view of what might happen if great powers happened to average boys.
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