coventry and rugby ccg pod call back

Maternity cost of living help (reminder of free dental and prescriptions), Shape the future of nursing and midwiferySurvey for nurses, midwives and nursing associates, Launch of new Conversational ESOL grant fund- Warwickshire Migration Partnership, Research Network West Midlands (CRN WM), Primary Care Research Event 18/05/2023, Increase in invasive group A streptococcus (iGAS) infections, including empyema, in children, Covid-19 Vaccine hesitancy clinics now available. Published by on June 29, 2022. For a text call back - patient to text 07903586972 with the word REPEAT and the name of the GP practice. If urgent or out of hours call 0300 200 0011 Option 1 for Adult Mental Health. Please email, Redmoor Health Practical support to Primary care, Update on re-opening of the Minor Injuries Unit at Stratford Hospital, Have your say on Warwickshires Plans for Walking and Cycling, Primary Care Data Gathering Programme Facet Surveys, Consultant Connect Service Reminder: Your Consultant Connect service is summer-ready, Information and Advice for Neurodivergent People and their Families e-booklet, Leading the Way the role and value of nurses in general practice phase 3: a survey, Advance care planning listening and learning event, Healthwatch Warwickshires Summer Projects, Access to Dental Care and Access to healthcare services for LGBTQ+ people within Warwickshire, Access to healthcare services for LGBTQ+ people within Warwickshire, Communication to GPs regarding A & G request process for cardiology, Development of new national safeguarding guidance for under 18s accessing early medical abortion services. 05 April 08:30 09:30 , Social Prescribing Webinar Series: Book your place now, Free Webinar: World Hypertension Day Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longerWednesday 17th May 2023 at 630pm 8pm. Reminder: Letter from the CCG Governing Body.. Resources for patients anxious about cervical screening, COVID-19 vaccination status in the NHS App and the new Fast Track ID feature, RISE CYP Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team, Changes to Mental Health Service contact details at Stratford Healthcare, Crisis Plus Initiative to support people in mental health crisis, NCMD report on child mortality and deprivation, Ethnicity-specific BMI cutoffs for obesity based on type 2 diabetes risk in England: a population-based cohort study, CCG Change of Email Addresses and Junk Mail Issues, Consultant Connect Webinar for Warwickshire North Practices, Primary Care Mental Health in Coventry and Warwickshire including Mental Health Practitioner Roles (ARRS), Insulin Safety Week: 17th 23rd May 2021, Microsoft 365- FINAL REMINDER Devices with Office 2010 will be disabled from 21 May 2021, Patient Removal Guidelines for GP Practices, Support being provided to India during Covid-19 Crisis, Important Information Roro Chan Challenge recent suicide of 13 year old female, Domestic Abuse Act What do you need to know, Please Read: CQRS Service Offers 2021/22 Reminder, Mental Health support services available to Warwickshire residents, Standardised GP Appointment Categories Guidance and Webinarse also some National Standards of Cleanliness (NSoC) Policies, Two Week Wait Referrals for Gynae and Head and Neck at UHCW, Arthroplasties Wound Advice from Surgeons. Mr Paglia added that he has often had difficulty getting through to the phone line, but that this is the worst it has been since the service launched. Vasectomy Providers in Coventry & Warwickshire From April 2023 Central Surgery in Rugby will no longer be completing vasectomy services for the ICB. por ; 1 de novembro de 2021 . when is a felony traffic stop done; saskatchewan ghost towns near saskatoon; affitti brevi periodi napoli vomero; general motors intrinsic value; nah shon hyland house fire CWPT IT Assetsregularly review the Practice IT asset lists and user lists that they receive from CWPT IT on the first of every month to ensure that the list is accurate with regards to any new starters or leavers- any differences must be reported to CWPT IT. PCN data submissiondeadline 30th June 2022. The UHCW Haematology team will continue to support the Advice and Guidance service for Coventry and Rugby GPs via ERS. RCN Nurses Industrial ActionAt the time of writing, there are no dates for when action will take placeand no hospitals in Coventry and Warwickshire taking part in strike action. Powered by 100% Renewable Energy. Coventry & Rugby CCG consider funding of treatments designed to improve aesthetic appearance to be of low priority in allocating limited NHS resources. Extension of temporary changes to GP Contract under the pandemic regulations. Do you have an opinion on this story? Serious Shortage Protocols HRT products, Supply issue with Estradiol (Oestrogel) pump pack 0.06% gel, Estriol (Ovestin) 1mg cream, Estradiol (Sandrena) 500microgram and 1mg gel sachets and Estradiol (Lenzetto) 1.53mg/dose transdermal spray, Developing a learning hub to support primary care staff to deliver annual health checks for people with learning disabilities and autistic people, DementiaActive New sessions Nuneaton and Warwick, General Practice/111 Signposting Survey Closing Date 1 June, Coventry and Warwickshire Primary Care Collaborative, NHSE/I West Midlands Vanguard Coventry and Warwickshire -Trauma Needs Analysis Practitioner Briefing, Change, Grow, Live- Drug and Alcohol Service, Serious Shortage Protocol fluoxetine 10mg tabletsInsulin isophane human (Insuman Basal SoloStar) 100 IU/ml suspension for injection in a pre-filled pen, Integrated Care Record service announcement, Routes into Eye Emergency Referral Service (EERS), Making a Prevent Referral in Warwickshire, Time for Care Capability Building offers May July 2022, Free On-Line Training: STRANGULATION AND SUFFOCATION, Integrated Sexual Health engagement survey, How to beat burnout in the new ways of working in Primary Care, Diabetes Prevention Programme Comms for May 2022, Primary Care Campaign materials for practices to display, UKHSA Health Protection Briefing Note 2022/040: Identification of genetically-related vaccine-like poliovirus type 2 (PV2) in London sewage samples, GEH Directory of Services change for Geriatric Medicine Falls. CCG News View all news News 24 June 2022 It's not too late to get your 'Spring Booster' If you would like to specify a time for a call back that is moreconvenient for you and is between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday please type this into the additional information box. See, Three integrated care systems join for large, shared care records project, Every Mind Matters helps Be kind to your mind this World Mental Health DayMore about, Impact of Long-Term Health Conditions Masterclass, Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership awareness. On a Tuesday up until midnight you will receive a call back before the service closes on Wednesday. A spokesman for Coventry and Rugby CCG confirmed that the system is currently facing issues and has apologised for the issues faced by Mr Paglia, and offered advice. This body was responsible for commissioning (buying) services such as mental health, urgent and emergency care, hospital services and community care in the area it operated within. Accelerate Programme Recruitment Webinars Phase 4 Link for registration: GP Teaching Programme Autumn Term 2022 : Long Covid Community Connections Delivery Group meetings. Something went wrong, please try again later. We want to hear from patients, carers, the public, communities, voluntary groups and anyone else who would like to get involved. Consultant Connect Service Local Heart Failure Specialist Nurses available via Consultant Connect. If you have any difficulty in accessing the service then please complete the online form to request a call-back. Telephone (024) 7624 6072 Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00. Integrated teams commenced in Rugby, social services roll out in Coventry, ambulance integration next step Adults and Children's Safeguarding training Telehealth(dermatology pilot and roll out of Florence) . Help more people find and retain employment across the West Midlands, Save the date Race Ahead NHS Big Conversation on Race, Delivering improved diabetes care through PCNs Sharing & Learning Webinar, Practice Safeguarding Lead and Named Safeguarding GP Virtual Conference, NEW, FREE, womens mental health project Warwick and Nuneaton, Letter providing guidance on Rotavirus vaccination Midlands, Extension of temporary changes to GP Contract under the pandemic regulations, Pharmacy Technician Workforce Expansion Programme 2021/22: Guidance for Employers and System Leads, Workforce Data Extraction for PCNs and Practices, Coventry and Warwickshire CCG Non-Obstetric Ultrasound Service, Removal of Home Oxygen Order Form (HOOF) email facility, Supply issue with Metformin 500mg/5ml oral solution, Covid Vaccine Deployment Suggested Wording, Training Opportunity Key Health Needs and Complexities of Asylum Seekers 12/10/2021, Free online training for NHS Healthcare Professionals Physical Activity for the Management and Prevention of Long Term Conditions, World suicide prevention day 10 September, MENtalk sessions in WarwickSt Nicholas Park Leisure Centre in Warwick (CV34 4QY) starting on Tuesday 21st September from 11am till 1pm. NHS Coventry and Rugby CCG Please note we also support NHS South Warwickshire CCG and NHS Warwickshire North CCG, should you wish to seek the same information for those CCGs please advise accordingly. We may need to contact you by telephone if there are any queries with your request. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. EMIS: ICR: GP Drop-in sessions every Wednesday 12:30-13:30 from the 10th July to the 28th September: Learning Disability Awareness training sessions, Weds 7 September 2022 Pensions Education Session, Advancing Health Equalities Masterclass: Marginalised Communities on Tuesday 27 September 2022 11.00am-12.30pm(, New Online Learning Opportunity: Young Black Men Crisis Tools Guides. Virtual Remote Monitoring Team (Docobo): New contact details: New Integrated Physical Health Service Launching July 2023, Clostridioides difficile Exploring the needs of general practice colleagues, 1. Consultant Connect Service Reminder Did you know you have access to over 15 specialties via Consultant Connect? If you have any difficulty in accessing the service then please complete the online form to request a call-back. POD and Christmas orderingthe POD Service will be closed on the weekends and Bank Holidays but remain open from 8am to 5pm at all other times. Patient's can do this by simply going to and click on the link . Patient Date of Birth (click on the year to scroll up), Working with the Voluntary and Community Sector, You said, we did it how youve influenced our work, Please check your medication cupboard before ordering, We ask patients to order their prescription when they have 7 days of medication left, If you have a build up of medication please let us know so that we can adjust the quantities, so that everything falls in line, Please do not order just in case. Supply issue with Quinapril (Accupro) 5mg, 10mg, 20mg and 40mg tablets, Supply issue with Glycerol 1g and 4g suppositories, National Outpatients Referral Optimisation Team Coffee Morning, WATCH | In the news BBC West Midlands: How SWFT and WMAS are using Consultant Connect to support Frail and Elderly Patients, Coventry and Warwickshire Trauma Needs Analysis Practitioner Briefing, Continuing our Learning Journey . Warwickshire North Remote Monitoring Newsletter April 2022, Hot Clinic Service for Coventry, Rugby and Warwickshire North, Completing a Medical Certificate for Cause of Death (MCCD) notification, The role of GPs with the Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP), Arrivals from Ukraine -Advice for primary care V1, Ukraine Shadow Information Management Technology IMT, Coventry Counter Terrorism Local Profile 2022local threat level information, Sites Offering Covid Vaccinations Across the CCG, Update for LFT queries and orders via gov portal, Living with COVID-19 testing update letter, The Cass Review- Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people: Interim report, Serious Shortage Protocols Atorvastatin (Lipitor) 20mg chewable tablets/Salazopyrin EN-Tabs 500mg, GPA update: Respiratory@Home Referrals for nMAB Treatment, DOC@HOME Online Drop-in Training sessions, Resources for Ukrainian refugees entering the UK: How to access NHS service, Pathway to Partnership development programme for new Partners working within General Practice, Health Coaching Academy/ The Collaborative, Postvention Assisting those Bereaved By Suicide (PABBS), Reminder: New employee benefits scheme for ALL General Practice, PCN, Federation and Alliance staff, Communication on Spring Booster for practice websites, Workforce data submission reminder for practices and PCNs, C19 Vaccs: Immunosuppressed simplification of evidence to prove eligibility, Supply issue with multiple products (Tier 2 MSNs and Tier 3 MSN), Supply issue with Fluticasone 50microgram / Formoterol 5microgram per dose (Flutiform) inhaler CFC free, Coventry Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme and CSCP training programme, Immunisations Changes to the claiming process for pneumococcal vaccines from 1st April 2022, GP registration of Crown Servants and their dependents returning from overseas postings Returners from Ukraine Please, St Giles- West Midlands Turning a Past into a Future Webinars, A message to all Ukrainian health and care staff in the UK, Primary Care Colleague Recognition Scheme (PCCRS), MENtalk Expansion to Rugby and Invitation to Our Professional Network, Consultant Connect Service Update New Radiology A&G, Medicine Supply Notification: Sulfasalazine (Salazopyrin En-Tabs) 500mg, Coventry and Warwickshire Suicide Prevention Strategy: stakeholder engagement workshops, Ukraine Crisis AppealPlease donate to Red Cross, NHSE: General Practice 2022/23 contractual changes please see, B1322 Changing to a 2 dose NHS HPV vaccination schedule for eligible adolescents and adults starting the course after, NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme: Timeframe for blood result eligibility is reverting to 12 months, Living with COVID white paper C1594 update letter Please see, Supply issue with Levomepromazine 25mg/1ml solution for injection, Serious Shortage Protocols paracetamol 120mg and 240mg suppositories and atorvastatin (Lipitor) 10mg and 20mg chewable tablets, Reminder:Final Immform Seasonal Influenza Patient Uptake Survey (Main and Child). Patients will receive a call back within 48 working hours. Posted on 25th April, 2019. Re-opening of CWPT Diabetes clinics from 1st August, Supply issue with Clexane (enoxaparin) pre-filled syringes, Go Live of Myton Hospice Read Only Access to SWFT Community EMIS, GP referral form for Covid-19 vaccination with history of allergy, COVID-19 Encouraging Vaccinations Arts Project. Consultant Connect Service Reminder Did you know you can use an IG secure messaging service to easily contact secondary care clinicians for Advice & Guidance? Information Governance UpdateArden & GEM provide an Information Governance service to Coventry & Warwickshire ICB as well as GP Practices. For online request form POD online order form - these will be handled within 24 working hours with a call back given or e-mail confirmation sent. National Inclusion Week Event LGBT+ Inclusion with Warwickshire Pride: Homes for Ukraine- How to support families experiencing trauma 6pm27, Clinical Lead for Community Dermatology Commissioning, seeking expressions of interest up to 10 flexible hours, Midlands Patient Digital Engagement (PaDE) Project Update. If you would like to specify a time for a call back that is moreconvenient for you and is between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday please type this into the additional information box. For a text call back patient to text 07903586972 with the word REPEAT and the name of the GP practice. This is an online call back request service and is simple to use. Due to unprecedented demand for this service we have had to extend our guaranteed call back times. Same Day Emergency care (SDEC) at GEH amedical SDEC which accepts referrals from 111,primary care and WMAS via a GP liaison nurse service contact : Mob 07786 523 558. Town: Coventry NUTS code: UK UNITED KINGDOM Postal code: CV1 2NJ Country: United Kingdom Contact person: Craig Stephens E-mail: Telephone: +44 1111111 Internet address (es): Main address: Address of the buyer profile: Call NHS Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) on 024 7624 6025 between 8am and 5pm, Mon-Fri Coventry & Warwickshire Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) NHS Prescription ordering direct (POD) service is the easy way for you to order your repeat prescription. Ophthalmology Advice and Guidance Referral RequestsCurrently UHCW is unable to electronically capture all theurgent and emergency OPHTHALMOLOGY Advice and Guidance meaning that the referral requests are not captured in data submissions made to the Region. More than 5,600 packs have been sent directly to people who are registered across 133 GP practices. Winter Plans and Arrangements for Primary Medical Care Services during the Christmas and New Year PeriodTo support practices over the holiday period, additional capacity has been put in place as below: Surge capacity will continue to be provided for those practices that find themselves needing support due to sudden changes in staffing such as short notice absence / sickness leading to reduced capacity. General Practice Appointments Data (GPAD): Changes to PCSE Online Contribution rates & Locum forms, Coventry and Rugby Practice Managers meeting tba, Tim Hamson role profile: Population Health Management, Midlands Diabetes Newsletter- November 2022, Sky Blues in the Community Mental Health Update October 2022, System Briefing Patient access to online GP records from November (Update). Email: Details. Kidney The narrative 53 The data 54 . Vito Paglia has been left without his medication after being unable to reach the service for three days, Our free email updates are the best way to get headlines direct to your inbox. waiting for my call to be answered is unbelievable. The sessions will take place from 13:00pm until 14:00pm and can be accessed using this link: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app, Local Transgender Patient Care Talkinformation on a Transgender patient care Q&A Talk, NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit Medicines Matter Edition July 2022, Administrative Triage using Digital Tools in General Practice, C&W primary care guidance re monkeypoxMPX toolkit, Patient Access to GP Data through the NHS App, Mental Health in Schools Teams Results Day Leaflet, Multi Agency Risk Assessment Committee (MARAC) letters, Supply issue with Paroxetine (Seroxat) 20mg/10ml oral suspension and Alendronic acid 70mg tablets, Supporting patients (and colleagues) who stammer, Cost of living crisis and support to families this summer, COVID-19 Autumn booster and flu vaccine programme expansion UPDATE, Wellbeing4Life event at Claremont Children & Family Centre 10.8.22 10am till 2pm, Domestic Abuse Health Advocate Educator (Part Time), Spirometry Results Errorsending out from GEH, Notes fromExtreme Heat Response Co-ordination Group meeting, GP Liaison Nurse at UHCW MDU Email from 1 August, Two new, FREE products to help staff communicate with patients, families and carers, Warwickshire County Council Drugs Needs Assessment, New online eating disorder learning available for GPs and primary care clinicians, Diabetes Prevention Programme-Revised Referral Form, Supply issue with Promethazine hydrochloride 25mg tablets, Supply issue with Buserelin (Suprefact) 5.5mg/5.5ml solution for injection vials, Buserelin (Suprecur) 5.5mg/5.5ml solution for injection vials and Buserelin (Suprecur) 150microgram/dose nasal spray, Letter to all NHS organisations re: the timing of the statutory medical examiner system, Understanding Extremism and Radicalisation FREE Training Courses available to book now, Patient Digital Engagement (PaDE) Webinars, Amended Comms Diabetes Prevention Programme Importing Documents within EMIS, Heat-health alert from Met Office Level 3 heatwave action, Sky Blues in the Community Mental Health Developments June 2022, NEW DEMENTIA Active sessions in Nuneaton and Warwick, Medicines Optimisation (MO) support in practice, Supply issue with eletriptan (Relpax) 20mg tablets. NHS Prescription ordering direct (POD) service is the easy way for you to order your repeat prescription. Important Consultant Connect Service Updatenow integrated with EMIS/SystmOne. Feedback from francis69 about NHS Coventry and Rugby CCG Since this arrangement has been in place, there is obviously not enough 'call agents' to respond to incoming calls ! If you dont want to wait on the line, you can request a call back - the message played whilst youre on hold to POD explains how to do this and you will usually receive the automated call back within 10 minutes. MIDLANDS COMMUNITY PHARMACY INTEGRATION WEBINAR, Exploring the link between Arts Interventions and Degenerative Brain Conditions, Docobo: Remote Monitoring Training Sessions, CARS Midlands COVID-19 vaccination bulletin 35, Quarterly research update from the Unit of Academic Primary Care, Diabetes Programme:New Provider & New Referral Form, Coventry & Warwickshire Monkeypox Guidance, PCN EMIS Clinical Services Videos & DSAs, The GPs role in reducing inequalities in child mortality, FOR INFO OFFICIAL SENSITIVE Queens Baton Relay Coventry and, Non-specific 2ww referral pathway Problems Reminder, FOR INFORMATION: C19 Vaccs: C1666 Next steps for COVID-19 vaccination and aligning routine vaccination and immunisations in 2022/23, WORKSHOP: Safeguarding Against Radicalisation in Communities, Coventry & Warwickshire Systemwide Womens Network Launch Event 13th July 2022, Launch of new WS Multi-Agency Training Programme 2022-2023, GPN Webinar Friday 1 July 2022: 1pm-2pm, Awareness Training for Professionals Supporting the Autism Community, Vaccination Stakeholder Briefing 24/06/22. Cheryl Williams is on Facebook. Sat-Sun 9am-12am). POD (Prescription Ordering Service) are introducing a call back service. Please see the survey link below and disseminate within your organisation if possible. Coventry, United Kingdom Infection Prevention and Control Commissioning Nurse supporting Coventry and Rugby CCG. The NHS POD Service is open from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Visit our new website to learn more about how we are working together to achieve more for our population, Home Health Services Your local services Prescription Ordering Direct. Call NHS Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) on 024 7624 6025 between 8am and 5pm, Mon-Fri. Mrs Coventry and Rugby CCG Sep 2018 - Present4 years 8 months. Although this cant be guaranteedwe will do our very best to accommodate your request. stopping the over-medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people (STOMP) elearning, Rise stakeholder newsletter Summer 2022, Guidance on management of laboratory confirmed monkeypox cases, Next steps for COVID-19 vaccination and aligning routine vaccination and immunisations in 2022/23, Polio: detection of VDPV2 in London sewage samples GOV.UK (, Police involvement in an incident notification form Care Quality Commission (, New stop smoking service in Warwickshire. But the Prescription Ordering Direct (POD) service in Coventry and Rugby has been inundated with higher than usual call volumes in the run up to Christmas, as well as IT issues which have made the system slower than usual. DA: 27 PA: 8 MOZ Rank: 37 Call NHS Prescription Ordering Direct (POD)on 024 7624 6072 between 8am and 5pm, Mon-Fri Quick and easy The NHS Prescription Ordering Direct (POD)service is the easy way for you to order your repeat prescription! "Mondays and Tuesdays are normally the busiest days for the POD service, even more so in the run up to Christmas. Mr Paglia said until around a year ago, his repeat prescriptions were dealt with by a pharmacy, and he would receive a text when it was ready to collect. The POD have created a new service available for practices in Warwickshire North. Paediatric Hubs are now in place to support capacity until 3, Warwickshire libraries-ESOL resources/ bilingual books and books in different languages, Frozen Water Local Resilience Forum, message to Communities. If you have given an e-mail address we will confirm your prescription has been processed via this route. DAYS Tips5 for using POD DAYS 5 DAYSDAYS 55 DAYS 5 VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Telephony Coventry, Rugby and North Warwickshire, Diabetes Prevention Programme- Final Date 15th November 2022 Removal of Know Your Risk Tool for NHS DPP Direct to Consumer (DTC) Self-Referral Pathway. Housebound patients: please email a referral to: UKHSA Health Protection Briefing Note BN2022/037 Increase in scarlet fever and chickenpox incidence and outbreaks in England, UKHSA Health Protection Briefing Note 2022/038: Updated advice on post-exposure prophylaxis for chickenpox and shingles, Notice of Members Council meeting 9 June 2022 1-1.45 pm, St Nicolas Medical Centre: New centre will help meet the growing demand for healthcare in Nuneaton, Primary Care Education team Summer programme, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training Opportunities, Welcome to General Practice Event 19 May 2022, Weekly Round-Up from C&W Training Hub 6.5.22, Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) screening as part of an evaluation in England and BCG changes from September 2021, EMIS Live Session and Weekly Roundup Sign Up, Booking Urgent Telephone Eye Consultations with UHCW, Consultant Connect GP Feedback on UHCW Paediatrics A&G Pilot, Supply issue with Nalcrom(sodium cromoglicate) 100mg capsules, regarding national shortage of blood sample tubes, Getting ready for patients to have access to their future information | NHS England Events,, attached General Practice Pay Transparency Guidance, Working with Allied Health Professionals to enable and support social prescribing, NHS England National infection prevention and control, New User and Locum Account Creation for GP Practices, Remote Access to CWPT Resources from a Personal Computer,,, Please follow the link for the latest NHSE bulletin,,, complete a short wellbeing survey by the end of February, GP Connect 111 instruction sheet attached,, Wellbeing Wednesday: 25th January 2023 Coventry & Warwickshire Training Hub (, NHS England Workforce development framework: social prescribing link workers, Reporting Template- Cancer Care PMS Schemes- Cancer Care Champion and Mental Health Champion , Reporting Template- Mental Health Champion,,, Self Care University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire (, Wellbeing Wednesday: 18th January 2023 Coventry & Warwickshire Training Hub (, 4th UK Annual #LinkWorkerDay2022 Conference & Awards, Download the Winter 2022/23 Autism newsletter here, Midlands Deep Dive Audit and Evaluation here, Wellbeing Wednesday: 4th January 2023 Coventry & Warwickshire Training Hub (, Arrivals from Ukraine: advice for primary care GOV.UK (,, Training Hub Wellbeing Wednesday Newsletter- 7th December 2022.

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coventry and rugby ccg pod call back

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