duck clubs sacramento valley
I guarantee you because if you wing one down like that, and we didnt wing down many because I got to say this, and I know everybodys tired of hearing me talk about this on this program. Thats a legal practice now. But its the same circular spinning wings that they see all the time. Ramsey Russell: Yeah, I dont want a newbie, I want one of the originals. Say goodbye to all that gimmicky high recoil compensation science hype, and hello to superior performance. I pulled on my waders this morning, I got my jacket, got my stuff together while yall were backing off your quad. And I mean thats how it was back then. Quinns following in her footsteps. Casey Stafford: Oh, absolutely. Ramsey Russell: Thats a long time from now. Identity Verification (Reverse Phone Lookup) We conduct a reverse business phone lookup to identify records matching the phone number information provided by the business. Hes making the call lanyards with the drops. MotoDuck, the Original Spinning-winged Decoy. And he says, Well, Dad, in his little kid voice. The best thing to get rid of that straw is to get it under water. And we had that conversation this morning and I said, Are you busy? And hes got four employees! Some guys are using ten, fifteen in their spread. Tetra HearingDelivers premium technology thats specifically calibrated for the users own hearing and is comfortable, giving hunters a natural hearing experience, while still protecting their hearing. Ramsey Russell: We hunted a big old rice farm today, and whats so interesting to me about hunting in California, especially as a duck hunter back home, a lot of those farmers burn off their stubble. Forget the surfboards and Hollywood version of California beaming at you over the TV. I continue shooting Benelli shotguns for their simplicity, utter reliability and superior performance. True or false: Way back in the day, fifty, sixty years ago as a little boy, you once saw somebody shoot eight geese out of ten shots in the air with a 22 long rifle. Whats the specklebelly hunting like, whats a Tule Goose and whats the Sac Valley Goose Management Unit? I wanted to roll around in the mud and rain and watch ducks fall out of the sky, and these kids, some of them just dont care. Casey Stafford: Yeah, you can put people from all walks of life together in a duck blind, and we all have that one thing in common is the love for the duck hunting. They have a hill ranch, thats seven thousand acres that I manage for them. All waterfowlers share the dream of having their own private marsh, where they can hunt without the pressures and restrictions of public areas. And she got to where she enjoys it. And its one I want to check off my list. It behaves exactly like a feeding mallard, making slick-as-glass water roil to life. Whats up with that? This 316-acre club is strategically located between the 7,400-acre North Grasslands Wildlife Area. If you are a CWA member you will find a number of clubs and blinds advertised in the back of their magazine. Ramsey Russell: Tell me. Our club offers 15 two-man pit blinds and only shoots 11 of those blinds on a fixed rotation to ensure the best hunting experience for all members. Its just at some point in time, geologically, those glaciers that are melting up there didnt exist, and Arizona was the bottom of the ocean. We have nearly 5,000 acres of flooded rice fields and over 1,000 acres of upland bird hunting habitat for your hunting enjoyment. If I have a cancellation or if I get done early one morning, the kids are off school, Ill come home and get them and take them. I was just thinking about that. Ramsey Russell: And you were telling me this morning youre the original, that thing is at least thirty, forty years old. Theyd throw nails, rocks, bolts, whatever you had down the end of the barrel. Ramsey Russell: And yall dont just duck hunt. People just like you across the country volunteer for DU Varsity (high school), Ducks University (collegiate) and local fundraising chapters, all while supporting DU's conservation mission. Ramsey Russell: Which are doing pretty damn good based on my hunt yesterday. It really does. And it is duck season in California. I mean theyre stuck down there in the urban jungle. We got a lot more hunting to do and a lot more good shows coming up. He brought it here. Ramsey Russell: I can remember back, Casey, in the early to mid-nineties, this new contraption that I heard described for a year and a half, two years coming out of California that was this magic decoy. Thats all they want to do is kill ducks. But the way he said it indicates to me he buys his own ammo, and hes buying Boss Shotshells. Do they? It almost pains me to tell yall about Duck Creek Decoy Works new Flashback Decoy because inthe words of Flashback Decoy inventor Tyler Baskfield, duck hunting gear really is an arms race. At my Mississippi camp, his flashback decoy has been a top-secret weapon among my personal bag of tricks. Ramsey Russell: And I had heard, somebody told me years ago that you wanted fog to hunt like we hunted today. Shown by appointment only! And back in the day when they were doing this to survive, that was the time to shoot. And anybody that cant leave the outside world out of the duck blind really needs to go to another duck blind. The property is surrounded by the most famous duck clubs on the west coast. Every single person Ive hunted with out here, about a dozen of you, is shooting Boss Shotshells. View NEW Full-color brochure online:Ramsey Russells Catalog Contact us to receive a hi-res printed copy. Our professional diligence produces deeper satisfaction, richer travel experiences and undistracted, best-of-the-best hunting. This check applies primarily to smaller business entities. Its a people business. This club is famous for waterfowl, pheasant, and deer hunting. And they had more fun watching me. I mean its a jaunt for those guys to get away for a couple hours to go hunt or to go fish. Casey Stafford: She probably would have been twenty-eight, twenty-five, somewhere in there. And boy, I tell you, I love hunting shallow water with a dog. Call to make an appointment to view our available properties. Ramsey Russell: So its not even originally a Speck zone. Lets try that. That never would have crossed my mind in a million years to do something like it. During Covid, layoff, the zombie apocalypse. How long have you been doing it? I forget the dates this year, but it usually starts like the tenth, twelfth somewhere in February and goes for five days. DO NOT TRESSPASS!!! I mean you start driving up through here, and you realize its just like driving through Arkansas. Even though weve had some cold fronts, were just not getting the penetration of birds that we have in the past. Ive seen teal hit it. But still to this date, I have not seen a board come out of it yet. Theres a million different ways that guys do it. But they say they did it. Ramsey Russell: But how long have you been duck hunting and what are your origins? Can you hear me now?! Casey Stafford: The CICC is the Colusa Indian Community Council. The Sacramento Valley is a rich mosaic of farmlands, cities and small communities, and managed wetlands and a vast network of meandering rivers, streams, canals, and agricultural drains. Even if we remain in the closure, if they knock it down to two birds and let us shoot them all season long, Ill quit my griping or give us three all season long, Im not asking for the ten because theres not that many days where everybody is going to go out and shoot their three specklebellies. Its guys that are looking for something in particular, like the Pintail. Casey Stafford: If I have heard the origin, I dont remember it, but I do remember the craze. Ducks Everywhere is celebrating 28 years as a club! Equinox is a temple of well-being, featuring world-class personal trainers, group fitness classes, and spas. They were up by Lake County, and then her and I met in college at Chico state. The beak is longer, definitely longer, the feet are longer. Have you met some interesting people along the way? We didnt have the big hunting clubs in Washington and Idaho, Oregon like we have now where theyre growing the corn and leaving the standing corn and the birds stop there, and unless it freezes them out or it snows so much they cant get to that feed, they have feed and roost water with those running rivers all year long. Ramsey Russell: Well I crawled those snow geese back in the day. They were young. Were going to get you one found here and fixed up and send it back. I just remembered from the time we stepped out of the pickup truck until the time we left, the whole time I felt like I was in a fish bowl. It was over in District 10, and I would be willing to bet thats what it was. The rest is history I guess. Hell, when I was ten years old, thats all I wanted to do. Join our team of nearly 60,000 DU volunteers and become a leader in wetlands conservation! I mean, thousands. I mean she helped me pick up decoys, put decoys out, brush blinds, we did that on the side for money. Beyond the sea of sameness, Voormis wool-based technology is engineered to perform. I rent seasonal duck blinds too, and I dont care if I have fifty, if I have a hundred, those seats dont sit unfilled. Casey Stafford: I am proud of him. All my duck blinds, the one we hunted today, like I was telling you this morning, Id already pulled like five hundred decoys this week just because the ducks were starting to not like the big spreads, and were skirting them, but we start the season typically with about five hundred goose floaters at every duck blind and a couple hundred duck decoys. And I was talking to a guy about my age, and he was telling me, Back when I was young, we went out with the old timers and we were the muscle, we did all the work, they did some, but we did all the muscle. Then he said, Now Im the old guy, and theres no muscle behind me. He said, Its tiresome because these young kids arent getting into it. Casey Stafford: Yeah that box was originally created for the Aleutians. What are some of the stories you remember about your dad and your uncles, the guys? We have a three hundred thirty acre wetland that they own that I manage for them. They just sat down and didnt move. You look at all the cases that are all Boss Shotshells. And the only guys flooding were duck hunters. Im like, what in the heck is up with all these chickens in Yuba City? Casey Stafford: I do, and I think it helps to get the birds attention. But in the last fifteen years, the population, its incredible how many. Connect with Ramsey Russell as he chases waterfowl hunting experiences worldwide year-round: Insta @ramseyrussellgetducks, YouTube @DuckSeasonSomewherePodcast, Facebook @GetDucks. Theyre stone dead. And, in fact, I can remember being in my jon boat over in Lowndes County, Mississippi wrapping up a goose hunt, Canada goose hunt for resident geese on Super Bowl Sunday when I first heard this decoy described, and it wasnt an accurate enough description except just to capture my imagination. I would say there is, there is a heck of a herd of them. And how old is he, sixteen, seventeen? You show up. You go into the Raleys parking lot, and you got to fight them off to get into your car. And if they were, maybe we could only shoot two of them, it was very minimal what we could kill. Its got to be the right RPM. But Voormi is not your ordinary wool. Ramsey Russell: I mean, fifteen years old, boys got four employees making duck totes. I am good, buddy. The Sacramento Valley has mild winters and hot, dry summers. If anybody listening wants to plug into you, Casey, how can they plug into you in social media? If you have never been on a guided duck hunting trip, you are going to have the time of your life. This wasnt coordinated, nothing. We can crawl snow geese, and Lord knows theres so many of those snow geese. Flashback Decoy by Duck Creek Decoy Works. If you cant tell it yet, you can tell I love California. Ramsey Russell: Brought over to the dark side of water fowling. Back in the day, theyd showed me some of the stuff they did. They tend to hold up in the Butte Sink area. She absolutely loves to bow hunt. Ramsey Russell: California doesnt have the lax conservation order that some of the other parts of the country does. They called it a T-Post, they called it a Goalpost, some people called it the Blade, and some people called it the Davis Machine. There are a number of deer who frequent the club. Ramsey Russell: A Peruvian wedding singer. I went duck hunting in the California Sac Valley , and that as a really cool deal. And Ive seen them as big when they first started being made that were thirty-six inches long. I said, Yeah? he says, I think you guys have got nothing without my whistle. He was convinced he called them all in, man. He sure is, for a young man to give me a lot of optimism for the future of America. Yeah. Casey Stafford: Im going to say theyre hitting the nail right on the head with that Boss copper-plated bismuth. Im constantly turning it on and off, but it will run four, five days. Ten, twelve inches. Like I have my core of my clientele right now, I would say is in the 50 to 80 year old range, and dont get me wrong, I mean I got some 30 year olds, 40 year old guys in there, but you see those thirty and forty year old guys that come up hunting, and very few of them have a kid with them, their kids just havent been brought into it, initiated into it, or they just dont enjoy it. As a duck hunter, its worrisome that for whatever reason, and I dont hang it on any particular habitat or user group up the Flyway as much as just the weather. Casey Stafford: Im so busy guiding and have been for the last twenty years, that during duck season, I dont get a lot of time to hunt with my family. Bordered by the Colusa National Wildlife Refuge as well as two private natural marshes, this area is a major attraction for the annual migration of waterfowl down the Pacific Flyway. Ramsey Russell: And you said that thing will run forever on that thing. Duck Loads (2 " - 3" #2'3, 4's, or 6's) Goose Loads (BB, BBB, T) Chest Waders Rain Gear/Parka/Jacket Camo Clothing Camera Ice Chest for transportation of birds Drinks and snacks for day . But the biggest thing I think Ive seen is in years past, up until about ten or fifteen years ago, every bird, once it got cold, they come out of Canada and they ended up here, they made their way here eventually. But thats really the only way to get rid of it anymore. Casey Stafford: No, we get five days following the duck season. Folks, yall have been listening to Casey Stafford CICC Outdoor Adventures. Casey Stafford: I dont know. You started guiding, putting yourself through college when you were eighteen years old. Casey Stafford: Yeah. I mean the motel you stayed at this morning, thats the center of town. I want ducks from wherever to be able to see my decoys and do this, do that. They need to be managed. Ramsey Russell: I say it all the time, thats exactly right. We bring to the table over 45 years of duck & goose hunting experience. We do a lot of afternoons. Mallard Pacific Duck Club Sutter County, California Proudly Offered By 707 Merchant Street, Suite 100, Vacaville, Ca 95688 . I mean, one of the biggest surprises Ive had so far coming out here is theres a significant waterfowl hunting culture in California. Steel shots come a long way in the past 30 years, but well never, ever perform like good old fashioned lead. Im not in any way affiliated with Boss, but I can tell you its good stuff. Well see you next time. And then they would start showing up, and they would end up down here in big piles. Casey Stafford: Its a twelve-volt, little twelve-volt. They would come over that tree line of that refuge and see that thing, and they would dive straight for it. Casey Stafford: I would say it was. But Ive heard it called Goalpost, Ive heard it called blades, Ive heard it called Davis-something, Ive heard all kinds of names, but it doesnt even look like a Mojo, it doesnt look like a bird, it doesnt look like a duck, it looks like a goalpost with a two and a half foot long blade going down the middle, and you turn it on, and it flashes. HomeAdvisor verifies the social security number (s) of the owner/principal for identity check purposes. Ramsey Russell: Yeah. Right about the time I think Ive seen and done it all, Im in Sac Valley in California hunting over a 1994 edition of an original spinning wing decoy incarnation. And as they got older, they handed it off to you. I mean its a bigger bird and then I have noticed over the years, its not, I would say a fact, but 99% of the stuff that I can tell you that Im sure is a Tule goose, has like an orange eyelid. Well we can certainly try to get them, like I said, they mix right in with the regular White Fronts, theres nothing really any different to them other than theyre a little bigger bird. You probably dont remember. And I didnt, I see a lot of people, I talked to a lot of people since that, and somewhere along the way in our conversations in the quiet between the volleys this morning, I go, Wait a minute. The Tensas Jacket is like the one my grandfather wore. Everything still has to be the same, you have to have a plug in your gun. I said, Is that what I think that is? You go, Yep. And Im going to say that thing was twice as old as your son is, and youve been using it all these years. Ramsey Russell: Because you told me some pretty cool stories this morning. Well, I know that I didnt have a signal. Theres a lot of almonds, a lot of walnuts and stuff going in. And from that idea they had this idea of why dont we create this illusion of movement? and the rest is history. Guided ducks hunts are the way to go for the best hunting experience., your proven source for the very best waterfowl hunting adventures. Ramsey Russell: Was everybody just kind of making them themselves? We did a lot of goose hunting. I cant say I ever tried it. Do you remember your first duck? And I think theres shortstop in a lot of the birds now, for sure. Ramsey Russell: Well my whole point is, and Ill probably say this every episode we do in California: when people think of California, they think of downtown San Francisco, Los Angeles, all these big cities and all the stuff you see on television, Hollywood, and we were as country as country gets today.