first families of bledsoe county, tennessee
Bledsoe, a parcel of land known formerly as the Thomas Ball plantation. Additions or corrections to this page? 11 (1986), pp. Click here to view the Tennessee State Library and Archives directory listing for the Bledsoe Archives. Ye old court house at Jasper towne. Flood insurance study: town of Kimball, TN, Marion County. 1852 (Swift, 1995), Bledsoe County Court Minutes, April 1856-March 1860 (Swift, 1995), Bledsoe County, Tennessee 1836 Tennessee Civil Districts and Tax Lists [1837, 1838, 1839] (Douthat, 1993), Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Baptist Church Minutes, 1882-1938 (WPA, 1938), Bledsoe County, Tennessee Chancery Court Loose Papers, 1840-1940 (Hobbs, 1999), Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Chancery Court Minute Book, Vol. Elizabeth Bledsoe. Early tax lists generally include all white males over 21 and indicate whether they owned land or slaves. WebApply for a Health Connect America Family Development Specialist- Bledsoe County, TN job in Pikeville, TN. The effects upon local finance of real property purchases by the TVA, survey #8: Guntersville Reservoir counties. The Long Hunter" by SECTION 11. The county seat is Pikeville. There was a fire at the Bledsoe County courthouse in 1908. Bledsoe County at the Bicentennial 1976: A Short History of Bledsoe County, Tennessee 1807-1976 (Robnett, 1977) Bledsoe County, Tennessee, A Pictorial History (Bledsoe County Historical and Genealogical Society, 1998) [surname index] * Link, Gertrude B. Roll includes Deed Book A of A & B (1819-1830), Deed Book B of A & B (1819-1830), Ebenezer Cumberland Presbyterian Register (1889-1918), Register of Sulphur Spring M.E. 5 1920-1989, S-Z] (Harris, 1993?) On July 18, 1706, the case of Abraham Bledsoe and wife Kate, late Katherine Ball, against John Burne and wife Elizabeth, administrators of Thomas Ball, WebThe specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. These families migrated in the early 1800s to settle in the rich valley land along the Sequatchie River. 1748 in Granville Co., North Carolina d: 01 Nov 1810 in Wake County, North Carolina Mother: Elizabeth Harrison Father: John Terrell BE IT ENACTED, That so soon as the treaty lately made with the Cherokee Indians, shall be ratified by the government of the United States, this act shall take effect and be in force, and until that period the inhabitants therein shall still be attached to, and considered a part of Bledsoe County. Social & Ec. Signal Mtn, Mountain Press, 1993. TheCherokeewere indigenous people who lived in the southern Appalachian mountains. * Indicates this title may be borrowed on interlibrary loan from the Library and Archives. I thought you might )* [surname index], United States Census, Marion County, Tennessee, 1900 (Hobbs & Goins, 198? 2 1920-1989, A-G; vol. Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Moses Bledsoe my plantation whereupon I am now living, to him and his heirs forever lawfully begotten of his own body. Mountain Press and Southern Genealogy Books, Downloadable PDF File, 330 Pages, 8.5x11, Full Name Index. She married John Stewart after Thomas died. 32 pp. From 1706 to 1714 he was on the Lancaster County, Virginia tithe list in Christ Church Parish. 111 pp. He lived in Northumberland County, Virginia. The three-person commission voted unanimously last week to approve the settlement, which calls for Bledsoe, 46, to receive an initial payment of $1.5 million with the remainder to be paid UT thesis, 1951. WebFirst Families of Tennessee (FFT) was established by the East Tennessee Historical Society (ETHS) in 1993 as a Tennessee Bicentennial project. 22 (1966), pp. Click here for location, hours, and contact information. Union Primitive Baptist Church book, 1821-1868. SECTION 13. He also serves on 16 boards and commissions, on two of which he is the presiding member. 164 pp. The library maintains many published family histories and a family histories file. Hide Event Map Show Event Map. 2 - 5], Ocoee Land District Maps (Douthat, 2013) [name index], Seventh Census of the United States, 1850: Marion County, Tennessee, Free Population Schedules (Carpenter, 1971) [surname index], Teague Cemetery Records Marion County, Tennessee (Judge David Campbell Chapter, NSDAR , 2010) [name index], Tennessee Records of Marion County, 1819-1830 [deeds - 2 vols., 1819-1830] (19?? An inventory of microfilmed Marion County records is available on our website. Soc., 1965. Additional county and community histories can be found at the Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Marion County. If you need immediate assistance you may call the reference desk at (615) 741-2764 or visit us in person. Abraham Bledsoe was born 1673 in Wicomico Parish, Northumberland (then Lancaster) County Virginia. In 1787 and 1788, Anthony received warrants for land in Sullivan County, Tennessee. N.p., 1977. The items in the bibliography may not all be available at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. His station was not far from Long Island. WebBledsoe County was formed in 1807, with the town of Madison as its county seat. European Americans called their towns in eastern Tennessee, the Overhill Towns. WebThe father was born in Bledsoe county, Tennessee, in September, 1845, and was a son of Samuel McReynolds, also a native of Bledsoe county, where he owned a large plantation. The 1769 long hunt began on June 2nd. 92 pp. Bledsoe County [videorecording]. BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the collector of public taxes of Roane County from collecting the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and seven, and all arrearages of taxes. 2 1917-1924] (Goins and Hobbs Genealogy Service, 1988-), Minutes of the Circuit Court of Bledsoe County, 1834-1841 (WPA, 1941), Population Schedule of the United States Census of 1850 for Bledsoe County, Tennessee (Hutcherson, 1963), Records of Bledsoe County, Tombstone Inscriptions (Madewell, 1982), Sequachee Valley News Gossip Columns (Harris, 19? (its Miscellaneous paper #7). BE IT ENACTED, That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of Bledsoe, viz. Soil survey, Bledsoe County, TN. 1-20. (Pikeville, Tenn.) 1910s-1945, Bledsonian-Banner. Among his children was Anthony Bledsoe, born in (then) Orange County, Virginia, 1733, married about 1760 to Mary Ramsey, of Augusta. Captain Looneys company remained at Fort Blackmore about 5 miles north of present day Gate City in Scott County, Virginia protecting local residents against marauding Indians. Research Sec. She was in her teens and he was a widower with grown children. Betsy, TN Valley Authority. . Agricultural-industrial survey of Marion County, TN. Sec., 1988. 1 1881-1910; vol. William LytleBledsoe, et al. Nashville, TSLA, 1971. WebHistoric Sumner County, Tennessee By Jay Guy Cisco, 1909. Melear, Nathan D. The clay mineralogy of the Raccoon Mountain formation in its type area, Scratch Ankle Hollow, Marion County, TN. Luther, Edward T. Mineral resources summary of the Pennine quadrangle, TN. Eleven months later, his son Anthony fell mortally wounded in an Indian attack near Daniel Smith's Rock Castle home. Quadrangles: Lonewood, Herbert Domain, Vandever, Grassy Cove, Sampson, Ballingsley Gap, Melvine, Pennine, Smartt Mountain, Brockdell, Pikeville, Morgan Springs, Savage Point, Mt. )*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1920 (Goins, 1994)*, United States Census, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, 1930 (Goins & Hobbs), *WPA Records, Bledsoe County (Record Group #107, Roll 4, 1 reel) Roll includes Deed Books A-D, F-I, L (1807-1826 & 1829-1854), Circuit Court Execution Docket (1810-1824), Circuit Court Minutes (1834-1841), County Court Minute Book 1 (1841-1846), Baptist Church Minutes (1882-1938), Chancery Court Minute Book 2 (1836-1847) and Tombstone Inscriptions (undated). Whitwell, the author, 1987. Sta., 1937. Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers, the taxpayers, by operating at the highest levels of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and accountability in a customer-centered environment. US Geol. The three-person commission voted unanimously last week to approve the settlement, which calls for Bledsoe, 46, to receive an initial payment of $1.5 million with the remainder to be paid BE IT ENACTED, That elections for company officers for the county of Marion, shall be at such places as the commandant of militia in said county may appoint, which said elections shall be held on the first Thursday in June next, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are prescribed in like cases. . When Sumner County was created from eastern Davidson County in 1786, Bledsoe served in the first Sumner County Quarterly Court, was first major of the county militia, and became lieutenant colonel commandant in April 1788. Lasater, Lee. 282 pp. Service, 1971. [name index in each volume], Marion County Tennessee Population Schedule of the Sixth Census of the United States, 1840 (Broyles, 1983) [surname index], Marion County, Tennessee, Vital Statistics, 1914 Through 1925 (Wiefering, 1995)* [name index], Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church book, 1888-1916: Church Located in the New Hope Community, Marion County, Tennessee (Blevins, 1988) [surname index], Obituaries of Marion County, Tennessee [vol. from Historical Sketches of Southwest Virginia, March, 1970, "The Long Hunters," by Emory L. Hamilton. ), Bledsoe County Court Letter Book Containing Minutes From Jan. 1847-Mar. He was probably the son ofAbraham BledsoeandKatherine Ball. Geol., 1964. (originally published in the Sequachee Valley News in 1946 & 1947). It is temporary and has a primary focus on gaining self-sufficiency through employment. After serving with British colonial troops in Lord Dunmore's War, he hunted and explored extensively along the Cumberland River. Driskell, Boyce N. Cultural resource investigations in the Nickajack Reservoir area, Marion County, TN. 13-47. Posting id: 837126172. Secretary Hargett is the chief executive officer of the Department of State with oversight of more than 300 employees. Webb, Nonie H. The story of Ketner's Mill. People Projects Discussions Surnames BE IT ENACTED, That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions, shall be held in and for the county of Rhea, on the fourth Mondays of March, June, September and December; and that the first court shall be holden on the first Monday of December; and the justices for said county shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by the commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as are or shall be prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state. Ancient owners of Marion farms, & early history of Owen Methodist Church. Abraham Bledsoe was born in 1737 in Orange County, Virginia. He also serves on 16 boards and commissions, on two of which he is the presiding member. Nashville, TN Dept. 179 pp. 158 pp. Census of Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Pikeville, Tennessee (Bledsoe Co.) taken July, 1982, Census of Wesley Chapel cemetery, Pikeville, Tennessee (Bledsoe Co.), Mount Zion Independent Baptist Church and Cemetery, Pikeville cemetery and obituaries, annotated, Tennessee Deaths and Burials Index, 1874-1955, Index to Naturalization Records of the U.S. District for the Eastern District of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1888-1955, Deeds, 1807-1854, Bledsoe County, Tennessee, Bledsonian and Pikeville banner (Pikeville, Tennessee) 1926-1945, Bledsonian-banner (Pikeville, Tennessee) 1945-1960, 1779-2008 Tennessee Wills and Probate Records, Bledsoe County High School - Beacon Yearbook (Pikeville, TN), 1942, 1953, 1954, Bledsoe County High School yearbooks, 1942, 1953, 1954, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 (included in US School Yearbooks), Mary Wheeler School yearbook, 1979 (included in US School Yearbooks), Pikeville Elementary School - Charger Yearbook (Pikeville, TN), 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, Pikeville Elementary School yearbooks, 1975, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981 (included in US School Yearbooks), Wheeler Elementary School - Mountaineer Yearbook (Pikeville, TN), 1979. She includes a source of references for each of the families that will help in your own search. 31 pp. 114 pp. mental health services to individuals and their family members. Middle Name. Polly, born in Virginia 1780; BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the returning officers for the counties of Rhea and Bledsoe, to meet the returning officer of Roane county, in Kingston, on the succeeding Monday, with the number of their respective polls, and with him compare the same; and the returning officer of Roane, those duly elected members of the general assembly, and give certificates accordingly; and it shall be the duty of said sheriff to transmit a just statement of the polls of election for governor and representatives to congress, to the speaker of the senate, in the same manner as by law directed. Washington, D.C., FEMA, 1979. The library archives and special collections contain many items of interest, including the following: TNGenWeb Project is a Tennessee-chartered non-profit organization, Ephraim Hixson, Jr. War of 1812 Veteran, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Applications, Charles Thurman Revolutionary War Pension Application, James Loden Revolutionary War Pension Application, William Ingraham Revolutionary War Pension Application. Isaac Bledsoe was born in Culpepper County, Virginia, but as a young man settled with his brother Anthony on the Holston River a few miles west of Bristol. Colonel Anthony Bledsoe. Abraham died near Moccasin Gap in the summer of 1801. Norris, TVA, 1989. Thomas and Susannah's son was Loving Bledsoe. ), Exploring the Oldest Historical Map of Marion County, Tennessee (Webb, 1999) [name index], Hale's Bar Lock & Dam; Guild, Marion County, Tennessee History: Its Past, its People and its Events (Webb, 1991?) Copyright Statement: Unless otherwise indicated, all data and information on this site are copyright 1996-present to TNGenNet, Inc. All international rights reserved. 1 vol. 1 vol. Knoxville, TVA, 1934. var. Sta., 1935. The Bledsoe family lived at Mansker's fort in 1782-83, but moved into Bledsoe's fort about 1784. View this and more full-time & part-time jobs in Pikeville, TN on Snagajob. The only child on record was Abraham Bledsoe, who after marrying settled in that part of Orange County which was later embraced in Culpepper County. BE IT ENACTED, That said county of Bledsoe be, and the same is hereby declared a part of the district of Hamilton, in the same manner and for all purposes, civil, criminal and military, in as full and ample manner as any county in this state, and shall send two jurors to the superior court of said districts. In 1772 Isaac Bledsoe married Katherine Montgomery, a sister of the veteran frontiersman Colonel John Montgomery. Bledsoe County Chancery Court Loose Papers, 1840-1940. [1] Carl Mydans photo showing local residents "spelling" themselves in front of a Pikeville store in 1936. First Families of Bledsoe County Files (courtesy of the Bledsoe County Historical and Genealogical Society) Civil War Soldiers from Bledsoe County Pension The Archives is maintained as part of the Bledsoe County Public Library. 2 1920-1925] (Tate, 199?) TN Valley Authority. 119 pp. George Bledsoe was the first of the Bledsoe line traced in America. He lived in Northumberland County, Virginia. His will was probated there July 23, 1704. The only child on record was Abraham Bledsoe, who after marrying settled in that part of Orange County which was later embraced in Culpepper County. Nashville, 1887. N.p., M.S. Sequachee Valley News, Marion County, TN, gossip columns. 121 pp. [8] Adjacent counties [ edit] Van Buren County (north) Bledsoe County (northeast) Hamilton County (southeast/EST Border) Marion County (southwest) Grundy County (west) Nickajack Reservoir land management plan. They feared polluted water and believed in alcohol's nourishing and medicinal properties. Flood insurance study: city of South Pittsburg, TN, Marion County. WebBledsoe County,TN historian. Scattered early issues are available from 1873, and a complete run begins in 1922. ), Index to the Wills of Marion County, Tennessee [1875-1900, 1925-1968] (Harris, 19??) 25 pp. Submitted to TVA by Economics Research Associates. of the valley now called Bledsoe County. "Excavations in the Nickajack Reservoir: season 1." NOTE: Additional records that apply to Pikeville are also found through the Bledsoe County and Tennessee pages. Div. 29 pp. 51 pp. 65 pp. They had eight children. & South Pittsburg Board of Mayor & City Council. Individual reels of microfilm may also be purchased. About 1742 he moved to Edgecombe County, North Carolina and was in Granville County when it was formed from Edgecombe in 1746. Isaac Bledsoe In 1770, Abraham became the constable of Botetourt County, Virginia for the Reedy Creek area. BE IT ENACTED, That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions shall be held in and for the county of Bledsoe, on the first Mondays of April, July, October and January; and the justices for said county, shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by said commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the power and jurisdiction as are prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Both settled in middle Tennessee about 1784, Isaac, at this time about twenty-four years old, and after surviving years of border warfare in Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, spent two or three years in Kentucky, and, when that was safe from the Indians, went back to Bledsoe's Creek, and there he was killed as was his brother Anthony, by the Indians. TN Div. UT thesis, 1990. Harris, Euline. The county was named for Anthony Bledsoe Children of THOMAS FERGUSON and MATILDA CHILDERS are: 9. i. JAMES SCHOOLFIELD4 FERGUSON, b. April 09, 1839, Bledsoe County, Tennessee; d. December 24, 1915, Pikeville Bledsoe County Tennessee. WebFamilies First, the states Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, is a workforce development and employment program. Essex County was established in 1692 from the oldRappahannock County, Virginia. Rachel, 184 pp. 1 (1976), pp. The Bledsoe County Public Library is recognized by the Tennessee State Library and Archives as the Bledsoe County Archives and Historical Records Repository. He marriedSusannah Fulkersonon about 1755 in Patrick County, Virginia. MEMPHIS, Tenn. Governor Bill Lee and First Lady Maria Lee are set to give away meal boxes to foster families in Memphis on May 3. Transportation [county maps] issued periodically. SECTION 7. UT thesis, 1979. Public Records Policy and Records Request Form, Aaron Russell's Personal Ledger, 1861-1878: Marion County, Tennessee; Dade County, Georgia (Rushing, 1997) [partial name index], Along the River (Harris, 1997)* [name index], Ancient Owners of Marion Farms; & Early History of Owen Methodist Church (Lasater, 1985) [surname index], Digging for your Roots in Marion County, Tennessee (Marion County Genealogical Group, 199? WebFirst Families of Bledsoe County, Tennessee Hardcover See all formats and editions Hardcover Publisher Mountain Press See all details Product details ASIN : Individual reels may also be purchased. He marriedCatherine Ball about 1702 in Northumberland, Virginia. One of the court of triers of the original Cumberland Association, Bledsoe was a justice of the peace in the first Davidson County Quarterly Court in 1783, first major of the county militia, and a guard for the surveyors of the North Carolina Military Reservation. [surname index], Old Miners & Mining in Marion, 1800's, Marion County, Tennessee (Webb, 1993)* [surname index], Sequachee Valley News, Marion County, Tennessee, Gossip Columns [vol. Anthony Bledsoe had lived, in 1769, at Fort Chisel, and, in a short time after, with his brother Isaac and the Shelbys, removed further west, into what is now Sullivan county. 36 pp. Knoxville, TVA, 1939. BE IT ENACTED, That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds, shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of Rhea: Beginning at a point on the above described line of Roane County, on the extreme height of the mountain dividing the waters of Sequatchie, from those of Tennessee; thence along the top of said mountain, leaving all the waters running through said mountain in the county of Rhea, to the river Tennessee; thence up the meanders of said river to the beginning. Item: I give and bequeath to my well beloved son Jacob Bledsoe five shillings sterling. 31 pp. Washington, D.C., FEMA, 1987. Biographical directory, TN General Assembly, 1796-1969 (Bledsoe County, Preliminary #26). Chattanooga, 1880-1916 (Microfilm Manuscript #1477, 1 reel)*, Census on microfilm for Madison County: 1830-1880, 1900-1930, State-wide census index on microfilm (Soundex): 1880, 1900-1930, Madison County census records in book form: 1840, 1850*, 1860*, 1870*, 1880*, 1900*, 1910*, 1920*. Our genealogy and Tennessee history collection includes research materials for the Sequatchie Valley as well as adjoining counties. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Civil War Soldiers from Bledsoe County Pension and Record Files. Marion County Planning Comm. Mountain Press and Southern Genealogy Books, Downloadable PDF file, Elizabeth Parham Robnett, 294 Pages, 8.5x11, Full Name Index, 58 Photographs/Maps. Please check the Tennessee State Library and Archives Online Catalog or visit the Ask Us a Question! His will was probated there July 23, 1704. Early Bledsoe County births, deaths and marriage records (compiled from official sources), Bledsoe County Eleventh Census Special Schedule 6th Civil District 1890. "Plant remains from the Westmoreland-Barber & Pittman-Alder sites, Marion County, TN." *, Lewis Shepherd Pope Papers, 1825-1971 (Microfilm Manuscript #1069, 5 reels)*, Tolletts Mills (Bledsoe County, Tenn.) Ledgers, 1839-1879 (Microfilm Manuscript #1650, 1 reel)*, Trustees Revenue Ledger. In 1772 he discovered Bledsoe's Lick and Bledsoe's Creek in an area of North Carolina that later became Sumner County, Tennessee. 71 pp. The items in the bibliography may not all be available at the Tennessee State Library and Archives. . Cultural resource investigations in the Guntersville Reservoir area, Marshall & Jackson counties, AL, & Marion County, TN. Davies, Gareth J. Geology & chronology of two caves in the Cumberland Plateau, Marion County, TN. Web1 week ago Be among the first 25 Therapist Bledsoe County, TN role at Health Connect America. Knoxville, UT Dept. His wife was named Catherine. USA (1,373,456) > Tennessee (45,643) > Bledsoe County (365) > Pikeville (123). Apply online instantly. Chapter Five. Chattanooga, n.p., 1969. 1 vol. Catherine Bledsoe (1710) Abraham Bledsoe became a professional hunter, but Isaac and Anthony were interested in land. Ms. Robnett, a long time high school teacher of history, has taken the history from the early Cherokees into the 20th century. The original Div. In 1770, Abraham became the Anthony, junior, Hiatt, Ellen O. Sequatchie Valley: a historical sketch. Murfreesboro, 1953. 76 pp. A history of Marion County, TN. July 8, 2016. Col. Bledsoe was killed by the Indians at Bledsoe's Creek, Sumner County, Tenn., on July 20. WebSelected Published County Histories. "An Act to reduce Roane County to constitutional limits, and to form two new and distinct counties south-west of the same.". 56 pp. was heard in Northumberland County. SECTION 6. N.p., 1973.