how to make a 4 stroke scooter faster

Any advice or info on what I should do to increase my scooters performance especially for the annoying hills would be appreciated. Best parts to make your 4 stroke scooter faster , hands on reviewsFollow me on twitter@mopedtuninghelp I have noticed you dont monetize your blog, dont waste your traffic, you can earn extra cash every month. Mhm normally this sounds like a carb adjustment issue (too big mainjet), but since you run the stock carb it should rather be too lean (too small jet). It is a NH 125 Honda engine. If you know of any CDI for my scooter (IF its CDI restricted ofc) PLEASE link it, I live in Europe btw. The exhaust restriction is applied to most scooters and can be easily removed. ), Honda ruckus, Yamaha zuma. You want a solid 75 to . The carburator needs to be adjusted according to the amount of air it is processing. And those CDIs have 6 pins, which also mine has. You have to have a longer and hotter spark to ensure the entire Air Fuel mixture gets combusted. How to derestrict a 50cc Scooter - the variator ring actually damage the variator over time. how do i get my btm 125 4 stroke to go faster To emphasize that with a performance variator we are not going to increase the horsepower of the bike, but we will modify the power curve and get all the horses of the scooter to reach our wheel. Will replace with new one anyway for DIRECT comparison for future reference. Many thanks! Fast vehicles are dangerous. I just cant wrap my head around a carb getting to much air Really Lol Thanks. 3. Also, find me on Google+, or Twitter. That will limit your top speed. I currently have a 2016 50CC TaoTao (chinese). There is two things you can do: 1. Hi, Sure but I need some more details. I found some circuit diagrams of CDIs on an image search and they seem pretty simple. I would like to increase the speed but not sure what I should buy, nor if thats what is the problem or if they are even able to be customized to high performance engines. Some people say these routing channels limit air flow and therefore act as a restriction. Im now wondering if it could be the pulley making this noise due to some kind of interference. No, usually not. The throttle opening restriction prevents the rider to open the carburator completely. Mhm, it sounds like a carb issue then. Can you get a vespa lx50 derestricted or something to make it faster. I have had a problem with the auto choke as the bike is hard to start and does not rev slightly higher when first started but seems ok when it warms up. No risk for engine damage or anything! The variator is the part that connects the power generated by our engine with the transmission system. Buying these usually will cost more than buying a 70cc kit off of ebay and learning how to do it properly will also take a lot of time. Those restrictions from the manufacturer are kind of funny in Colorado. What carb is it? It has a Minarelli 50cc engine. ROLLERS (weight: TBA) My bro the mechanic, so to speak, who grew up fixin scooters is my only source of experience in this field and i ask him bout anythin first, but when i asked him bout the rollers bein too small an affectin the gs on the plates resulting in not fully closin, he looked at me with a look as to say what $h|t is he chattin and replied with an answer that suggests that any weight rollers should automatically fully close the plates And when it was in the garage for its MOT last week I asked the mech the same Q and got the opposite answer! Not sure if this cost-per-part-to-solder issue is true for simpler devices, though. For example here in Germany we have a very popular license class that allows riding 50cc mopeds with the age of 15 already. Im looking to get into customising mopeds but would like to find out some information as to what the restrictions are in German. Hello all. Brought to you by Leaf Group Step 1 Detach the kickstart from the variator system. Otherwise the carburator can not work at its maximum performance. How to de-restrict/de-limit a 50cc Euro 4 GY6 (Chineese) moped. . The easiest way to remove the catalyst of your scooter is to replace the stock exhaust with an aftermarket model. The most common would be to increase the cubic capacity of the bike by changing the cylinder, piston and cylinder head, but, besides being a very expensive modification, we would be outside the law. Kymco Super 8 - 4 stroke - more speed | Scooter Forums dont know too much bout them at the mo, but understand the value of their weights acting in relation to the centrifugal force to produce torque on the belt system. how DO you tell a chink bike from a jap? What other ways do Chinese manufactures do to restrict RPM and performace. Removing restrictions and riding a scooter without having the appropriate drivers license is illegal. Hi Dan, What do you know about restrictions on SYM jets port 50x 2013, A catalyst has to operate at a high temperature to perform in its intended way. Hi ,daniel ,I have a yamaha neos yn50 2 stroke,I have put a q-tre sports exhaust on will I have to put a different jet size on carb the one I have on is size 60. size 60 should be ok. Maybe size 65 check the spark plug! You should lower the weight of the rollers! Thanks so much for your comment! I bet most bikes use AC CDIs for example. Thanks in advance Martin. I dont have the money to pay a workshop so would appreciate a little advice. Hi, I live in Spain and my 50cc scooter has just failed its test because it goes too fast :)) There doesnt seem to be a single article to tell me how to restrict it. Simply grind off the small welding spot that hold the restriction in place and it can be easily removed. I was curious whether or not i should apply to a light bike/motorcycle frame, to get that kind of bobber or kikker look. Ultimately it is best to get a 70cc kit and some matching exhaust. Basically, tiles are placed on a surface and the spacing in between tiles is filled using a powder called grout. You will need to buy a new one here. However the top speed of the vehicle needs to be restricted to 25km/h to be compliant. 50cc scooters are available in two . Hi, Its really difficult to find information about your scooter. How can I make my 4 stroke, 50cc yamaha vino a bit faster? Some catalyst exhausts have a hose connected to the transmission housing (Piaggio). Thank you for the info and hope to help some other people that have the same desire of better speed. I am new here. Hi, I have a friend who just unplugged the cdi( black box in battery area if the name is wrong) and just uses his kick start and it worked for him, will this work for all models or only certain ones. Idle Speed This needs to be adjusted when the engine is warm. Its been hard to get thia restricted but I am getting there. The belt is too narrow. Variator weights are so light, that the given engine speed does not produce enough g-fore to pull the variator plates together. I tried fitting the old Aprilia thermostat into the Italkit cylinder head and it fit, but when I tried to put it together I noticed that the thermostat is too long to fit into the cylinder and let the head seal to the cylinder. How to make electric scooter faster? | Step By Step Guide hi daniel, I have an aprilia Rx50 2009 model and when accelerating down a hill after 40mph it will not accelerate anymore could this be the CDI restricting it? ;), On Google, this found the correct schematics: gy6 cdi mod For practical intents and purposes, unless you know a lot about electronics and EXACTLY the schematic of yours, CDIs are pretty hard to clone and even harder to mod. Derestricting your four-stroke scooter requires you to remove a small washer from the pulley system which transfers energy produced by the engine into the wheels. Step 2 Open up the variator system. Whilst this can be done it is usually not worth the effort. Here, just the thinner air does a number on your effective HP. And its restricted, though Im not sure if its the CDI box. The 150cc, air-cooled, 4-stroke engine is . Also, removing catalyst from exhaust is illegal. Hi I have two kemco scooters 2013 50cc likes would like them to go faster need some help thanks. 3. i believe the vario roller weights need increasing is this correct and to what sort of weight ? In most cases, your bike won't even start or idle roughly . In most cases derestricting the scooter not only improves the performance of the engine it also allows it to perform better, longer. Buying an unrestricted CDI overcomes this limitation. Is it going faster downhill? In most cases, the connecting rod is shortened the same distance that the big end bearing is moved. Pull the old muffler off of the exhaust system. Besides the discussed stock restrictions below there are other restrictions possible that allow you riding a scooter with a drivers license it was originally not designed for. Derbi has Minarelli engines I believe. I have ready that changin the main carb valve for a 60 valve is a good option. Youre right it is difficult! Currently the scooter has had the carby rejetted and some sort of derestriction on the stock exhaust by the previous owner. Hi mate I have a Kawasaki j125 limited edition abs and would like to gain a bit more power I have a arrow exhaust full system on it already its a 66plate and done 3000 miles what can I do to my bike to get more power out of it without do I g damage to the engine, I must say you have very interesting articles here. The kickstart is attached to the variator system by a small . What kind, where, how many etc). There really isnt much else out there, than the described restrictions! Ive got a 1984 honda nh125 / 1999 af28 dio you will have to see it to get what I mean but the problem is for me that it is only getting up to 1/2 the speed that the specks say it can reach and thats after having a few aftermarket parts can you help please. what manifold do i need to buy? You can make your four stroke scooter faster by installing a number of products or making one of a handful of aftermarket alterations. Any tips would be appreciated, cheers colin. Removing the variomatic ring is difficult as the variomatic is sitting on the crankshaft which spins when trying to unscrew the nut. BELT (default width = TBA)(verified width = TBA) never thought about it being too narrow?! Thanks for the help have ordered some new sprockets thanks shaun, Hi, I just got my Vespa Primavera 50 2T derestricted in certified Vespa garage, but on my way home I noticed that acceleration isnt what it used to be. I also dont understand your full question. Do you have any idea, how to make this scooter faster? After numerous attempts to set the carb idol screw to bout 1,800 revs (1.8k) which is just enough to stop me mirrors vibrating and the thing takin off whilst stationary, it just keeps on fluctuating. Following your guide I have now removed the variator ring, and looked for the exhaust restriction on the Leo Vince Touring, but it was not present. We're always willing to return your call if you have questions. Removing the glue will take forever and I think it is unlikely that you are able to free the circuit without breaking it. There might even be a second limiter indtalled! Does it rev up cleanly or are there problems? Tho, even without the restriction, those new 4st engines are made for fuel efficiency rather than high speeds, so dont expect too much :-/, Hi I just bought a 2010 kymco super 8 50 2t I enjoy it but it tops out at 25mph is there any advice you could give me to increase the mph to at least 40. i have a gilera ice 50, ive recently bought a stage 6 exhaustm which should have fit on my ped, but the mainfold where i join them together are 90 degrees out? P.S. It should be cut off as close to the manifold as possible. On the other hand when derestricting the engine it should always be ensured to setup the carburetor accordingly. But I believe you should replace after every 10.000km. ( I noticed you mentioed Here in Germany ) And was hoping you could tell me where I can find out information regarding what is or isnt legal in German ? This is due to some restricting parts not allowing the engine to perform as it is was designed to. It might be the case that your gears are simply to short and you need to install longer ones! They come with a speed restricted engine that lets you touch a maximum of 30mph or 48kmph. They are incompatible with other engines on the market and therefore less attractive for Western tuning companies. Maybe 0.5-0.8g less! 50cc scooters are built to offer limited speed and range. Either by air intake or by not allowing the full opening of the throttle. The filter is one of the cheapest components of a 125cc motorcycle but one of the most important. as is the carb. And yes, China Scooters aint so good, a Piaggio or Japanese model is certainly less of a hassle :-/, Im curious, also. Is it only nessesary to change this if I am adding a performance exhaust?? This means that the manifold at its smallest point needs to have a diameter of at least 12mm as well. The following restrictions can be found on pretty much every scooter sold nowadays and can be split into two categories: Whats meant by added parts? Thanks. If you aren't, sell it and buy a reputable brand's 2 stroke, it'll automatically be peppier and easy to hop up. Hi Steve did you find out what restrictions you have ? It is an old scooter and it comes out of the hole hard esp when the clutch is cold. Got to thinkin bout rollers in vario. they all look the same! Your local scooter shop (if its a good one) should know what adjustments need to be done after derestricting the engine. either way ill be getin a de-restricted one. Quick Answer: How To Make 50Cc Dirt Bike Faster - BikeHike Restrictions through replaced parts on the other hand cant be simply removed. Do you know what engine it has? Quieter and Reliable. Get an unrestricted CDI if the scooter wont go faster, even downhill. Do anybody know if that bike is restricted if so how can I disable it so I can get the top speed, Hello Daniel, I have a 2008 yamaha yq50 2st what are the best checks to see if this has been de-restricted it will do about 38 on the flat and just a touch over 40 down hill , I used to own a 2003 Gilera runner 2003 50cc and this did 50mph (on the speedo) just on the flat. Get an unrestricted CDI (apparently the stock CDI is limited). NONE of this explains to me why the belt is not traveling fully up the vario and so allowing the bike to reach its intended potential, or maybe im just missing something thats staring me right in the face and i just dont know to look for it yet? Hi, This sounds a bit odd. The ring also grinds into the aluminium of the variomatic over time causing it to break. ring previously removed, no slider openin ress, no carb air supply ress, intake manifold size unchecked as further reading required. 40mph would be great! It is not limited CDI as I have run 91-92k rpm at over 50mph. What also helps most likely is installing slighlty lighter vario sliders. Whats the jetting like? I would go with 1. and buy an unrestricted CDI. Removing the catalyst from the exhaust is much more difficult as the exhaust needs to be cut open and after removal welded together again. Normally unrestricting doesnt require any settings changes at all, so you should be good to go. Hey i have a Dongfang 50cc SST (DF50SST), Its restricted and only goes a max of 31 mph after 15sec of full throttle. Search for: Murgrabias tools go viral. The carburator is responsible for supplying a mix of petrol and air to the cylinder. How does the bike feel. To stroke an engine, a tuner relocates the big-end bearing further outboard on the crank halves. Is the rev increasing then? This page has stopped me dead in my tracks and made me re-evaluate everything i thought i knew about scooters! How to Make My Honda Elite Scooter Go Faster | It Still Runs LIST: Peugeot Speedfight 50cc, Keeway f-act 50cc, Aprilia sr50cc (ditech? Place your scooter on the main stand and make sure it's secure. Hey Daniel, I live in the states and ive been looking into getting a 50cc engine. You basically need an oscillator, a way to control its speed, a way to control duty, and advance phase(advance timing in ECU terms)? Anyway the engine still bogs down after the initial acceleration, in fact it has the opposite of the very sharp 2 stroke acceleration I was used to with my previous 96 Piaggio. Count the teeth on the front cogwheel and and get 1 size bigger one (means one more tooth there). Hey, I have a taotao racer and idk which wire to pull to derestrict it if you can text me@ 302-272-2012. When i drive on flat surface my moped comes up to 50 KPH and stops there, it sounds like something is stopping the rev because it sounds like drrrrrrr (bad impression but yeah), it sounds like it wants to go faster. so, bore big drown the engine and only necessary dwarf pipe hail brute force !!! The safest way to block the crankshaft is to buy the special blocking tool. 5. make your Scooter Faster by Inducing a Turbo There are a few tricks you can try to make your scooter go faster. Would this simply be a case of wear-an-tear? Detach the kickstart from the variator system. These are the most common restrictions applied to scooters nowadays and probably the main reason why you are reading this post. Any ideas? Hi daniel, bike has standard exhaust with the baffles removed, It revs up fine and does 35mph downhill bit the revs just keep increasing till it sounds like its going to explode. Welding a washer onto the hole should do the job. Can you tell me if its possible to increase the speed. In the case of the Spanish territory, you should know that a person with a B license (3 years old) or with an A1 license is limited to drive a motorcycle up to 125cc and 11kW, which translated to horsepower is 15hp, with a weight/power ratio of 0.1 kW/kg. The scooter most likely has a variator ring installed. Have a look at our derestriction article to read more about this [], No further news to add as of yet altho did hit 50mph yesterday in the liverpool tunnel (down hill) on my nifty ;). What exhaust are you running with the 90cc kit? I appreciate it that you like it so much. If, on the other hand, we drive more on highways or interurban roads, we can install higher weights in our variator to achieve more top speed. Also didnt notice much wear on rollers when last looked but will double check anyway, While I get the weights & measures TBAd above, heres another one for ye. Simply remove the limiter and you will be able to fully open the slider. We hope this article has been of interest to you and that you have been able to learn how to increase the power of your 125cc motorcycle. Does anyone know what restrictions there are on a Yamaha YN 50 E Neos ? You will then remove each pulley wheel by unscrewing the centre bolt holding them in place. But did you know that there is a tool that allows you to create new posts using existing content (from article directories or other blogs from your niche)? Out at half throttle anybody know why. Alter the variator system by installing aftermarket variator pulleys. Magnum tuning sells a programmable rev limiter for $165. The exact process of installing aftermarket pulleys depends on the size and type of pulleys you purchase, but for any scooter it will require you to remove the faceplate of the variator case which is held on by six bolts. Honda engines are often carburator restricted. i dont have any money to use to upgrade it or buy parts otherwise i would buy a new one that goes faster. also how would I go about finding an unrestricted CDI? It will increase speed to about 35-40 I suppose, but wont be much of an improvement when going up hill. no part changed or anything. cheers for the info on the springs makin the noise, wouldnt have bin able to diagnose that myself. Now although his nifty is noticeably smaller in size to mine, Im having to push myself off when starting up even the smallest of inclines, my god i went to my grandmothers the other day an she lives on a fairly steep hill an as i was leaving i couldnt even get the bike to move up hill with me on it! List of questions still remain unanswered tho! These restrictions are usually provided by third parties which means it is not a restriction applied by the manufacturer of the scooter but a kit bought from a company that specialises in restricting scooters to comply with local drivers license laws. 2-Stroke vs 4-Stroke Scooters - Pros & Cons! The bike starts and ticks over and runs at low revs OK but when I give it a hand full of throttle it bogs down and backfires. Base your decision on your performance desires. Certainly too heavy rollers. Thanks mate. So you took the clutch a part and now it only goes half speed? The intake is attached to the scooter by two or three bolts, usually with two attached to the underside of the rear wheel well and one attached to the variator case. Thank you for recommending the page and I hope to see you on 2.0! The Yamaha Minarelli engines have a dummy pipe and a variator ring applied, similar to the Piaggio 2 Strokes. Parabrezza Givi 288A + A5602A Piaggio Typhoon 50-125 (11-14) moto. More fresh air in the mix increases the temperature during the ignition process. Rollers Not sure what you mech meant, but you need the right rollers for your enigne configuration. There is an article on how to build a mid race engine and an article about which parts match with what! This is often contradictory to the speed limit requirement as fast accelerating scooters also reach high top speeds. Get involved in the comments, or post to the forum to make this page more fun for everyone. The intake manifold needs to be replaced when using a bigger carburator. Check your rear tyre's pressure with a tire gauge. One of the advantages of installing a performance variator on our scooter is that we can modify the performance according to our needs. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. One is to induce a turbo. Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Step 1 Drill holes into your Elite's intake or remove the intake entirely, to increase the airflow into your engine. My highest was 45 and that was down hill. at 12mm the mainjet should be 55 or 60! If you are looking to enhance your scooter enter our store and find all the components of the highest quality for your model at the best price. Its given to me as a company vehicle, so i only want to derestrict it, because quite honestly the lack of performance scares me more than my Ninja, and its definitely got more go in it than Honda is giving me from the factory. TBH, if I was to do this properly, Id use a PLL with the appropriate timing diagrams to design a CDI. It currently does 87kmh but it can only do 62kmh max to pass the test. Is the CDI the only restriction i should worry about? Although I have zero experience with these seemingly disposable 2 wheelers Everything breaks Lol. the thing is that the bike does not respond as I would like it to respond, it is stock. This is possibly the thread with the worst advice on here right now, so I'll chime in. There are 24 to 48-voltage batteries available in the market. How to get massive traffic? Is driving with a derestricted CDi bad for the scooter in anyway? Larger Air Fuel Mixture + Hotter Spark = Increase Horsepower and Speed Hi I was looking through these posts and it seemed interesting! 2. This will cut down on wind resistance. Never even considered opening it up and by-passing the restriction, which is, im guessing, the mod youre talkin bout!? Thank you. 50cc Scooters and up.. 125cc Scooters and up.. 250cc Scooters and up.. 2 Stroke Scooters. CDI The problem with those CDIs is that they are a) not documented, so youd need to reverse engineer the circuit yourself and b) they are usually one big piece of glue underneath the plastic. Hi Nigel, Its actually the other way around. I wrote this article with the goal, of having a complete overview about the different forms of restrictions applied to 50cc engines nowadays. Almost all China engines have the limited CDI installed. Ive built many engines in past years Cars Twin turbo 300zx, Corvettes, Porsche v8 928s4 etcand crotch rockets as well as dirt bikes.

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how to make a 4 stroke scooter faster

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