hoya kentiana vs hoya wayetii
Hoyas belong to the famous milkweed family. After about 3 months, you will see a young grown-up Hoya. It is very hard to put a name to an unidentified plant if you don't know where it was collected, you can't call a plant Hoya sp Haraku if it is not from Haraku. I guess I could try to fiddle around and see how close I could get to my flowers. and the girl that swapped this cutting told me it is a NOID. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOYA KENTIANA VS WAYETII? After watering the potting mix in your new container (or repotting if needed) make sure that all excess water drains out so that there isnt any sitting at the bottom of the pot after an hour or two. These organic materials help create a porous soil structure providing good drainage and air packets for oxygen. Small bunches of numerous tiny reddish to mauve flowers grow on the vine on warm days to enhance its beauty. For more information, please see our If you want this indoor plant to be added to your collection, read below to find out more! The Hoya kentiana is a night flowering species pollinated by night critters such as bats and moths drawn to the sweet, sugary-scented nectar. I have both, and the one exposed to more light flowers more readily. I often hear that there are only two ways to identify a Hoya, though Im not a huge subscriber to this belief. The Hoya kentiana is primarily a foliage plant. Currently, its not on a fertilizer at all. Not many plants like wet roots, and if you grow this plant outside, use a bark mix and soil that includes perlite for the healthiest roots. If you grow them outdoors, they make excellent ground cover in shady areas. How do we tell them apart? Remove a few leaves from the lower end keeping some at the upper one. . It had no label aside from the price tag. To prevent another infection, repot the plant in fresh soil and a clean container. Place the cutting in potting soil or liquid rooting hormone and place it under good light. Looking a little rough, but still worth a shot at redemption, dont you think? If your budget allows for it, Id recommend buying two plants so theyre not too stressed during shipping or transplanting since one will be able to take over while the other recovers.. But online transactions are a great alternative especially during this time of the pandemic. Additionally, a temperature below 10F can freeze and even kill the plant. Hoya wayetii plants require 70 90% of sunlight every day. Hoyas like to grow in water as well. You can buy a well-draining, peat, or moss-based potting mix that is ready to use. You should also consider re-potting plants every two years if you are using a potting mix that does not drain well and needs to be watered more often than once per week. They cost $4.50 each, marked down from $9 each. Fungus gnats often happen with overwatering. These peeps cant withstand coldness. I've never seen your hoya NOID before, the leaves remind be a little of pubicalyx but the flowers resemble Kentiana? Hoya kentiana loves bright indirect light. While Hoya Kentiana has longer leaves than Hoya Wayetii, this advantage is most apparent when both plants are fully matured. This was late March. I purchased two plants, actually, each in four inch nursery pots from the dead rack at a nursery in Indiana. Fertilizer for your plant is a matter of personal choice. However, patience and proper care are rewarded with beautiful lavender flowers after a couple of years. This species can actually grow up to 20 inches or more, depending on how favorable the growing conditions are. A sunroom would work great for this type of environment because there are plenty of windows around with lots of natural light and they can be closed off if needed if it starts getting too warm at night. One of which is the Hoya kentiana. If one were to look closely, you would see that each Wayetii flower is home to dozens of little blooms. I watered it infrequently when it was in lower light, and now that its in more light, I take visual cues from the plant. They were growing straight up like little rockets, following the macrame up until their weight brought them down. Hoya kentiana grows best in warm, humid conditions that replicate its native tropical climate. Houzz Pro: One simple solution for contractors and design pros, Personnaliser mon exprience l'aide de cookies, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Hershey Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Lake Oswego Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Set me on the right track with my first hoya, Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. Genus: Hoya. the Wax Flower Plants, Porcelain Flower Plants, and the Wax Vines. I would never recommend anything that I do not use and trust myself #HOYAWAYETTI #HOYASHEPHERDII #HOYAKENTIANA #VARIEGATEDKENTIANA #HOYAPLANT #JACLYNNSJUNGLE So, were just going to use words as it pertains to kentiana. Its considered to be the growing season of the plant thats why water is most needed. !.Succulents Box https://succulentsbox.com/?rfsn=5841237.563a902Use code Jaclynn15 for 15% off at checkout!2. This means that picking a properly sized pot with proper potting mix is crucial. It is important to let the soil dry first before watering the plant once again. I posted some info about this with pictures a while backlet me see if I can find it. The plant has thick elongated leaves about 5 inches long. They both have green and maroon leaves and similar flowers. At least two nodes should be clipped below your cutting. You should only fertilize the plant during the growing season. Unlike other Hoyas, this vine is not a heavy bloomer. The Hoya wayetii is known as a vining plant that works well on a trellis or in a hanging pot. This will encourage new growth of. The best way to do this is by means of stem cuttings. In addition, the care and requirements are also the same as shared in the next section. This might involve moving the plant around your house like I did, or it might involve a grow light if your house doesnt have much natural light. Fungus gnats are the most common culprits of hoya neglect. Poisonous Plants In Virginia: Pretty But Deadly. thanks Denise. no, it is not longifolia since the flowers are not white.Both must be different since the first one, I believe to be kentiana/wayetii has fleshier, stiffer leaves than the one which leaves are not dark rimmed. If you want to propagate your Hoya plant, take a cutting from the stem and allow it to callous for about five minutes. There are many poisonous plants, including poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Far from it, in fact. Theyre medium as far as succulence goes in comparison to the other plants, too. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments, this vine makes pretty pots, containers, and hanging baskets. Grouping the plants is also helpful to maintain a nice moisture level around them. Light is the key. The growing cuttings prefer medium light over a strong exposure to bright light. Ill be using two photos Hoya wayetii and Hoya longifolia. SHOPMy Etsy!! Hoya kentiana | Vermont Hoyas Vermont Hoyas Home About Cultivation Disease and Pest Control Fitting Them All In Greenhouse Growing! Blooms always inspire me to write a plant profile. It is important to remember that the most successful hoya care includes only watering your plant for a few minutes every week, or adding water if it appears dry on the surface of the soil media. They dont actually need that much water to survive during cold seasons. The long thin stems grow in an attractive popping out manner with an average length of about 30 inches. During late spring to early summer (spring and summer), your hoya needs a medium amount of water. Hoya sp Haraku and several other Hoyas from islands that are part of Indonesia look very similar to your unidentified plant. Moreover, they have bunches of small, waxy, and colorful flowers. Philodendron Splendid Care: Unlocking the Secrets to Successful, Orange Rocket Barberry: A Vibrant Winter Addition to Your Landscape, 10 Kaleidoscope Abelias Rainbow of Companions Plants: Complete Your Garden, Does Gasoline Kill Weeds? And then I saw someone asking about their kentiana, and the comments are telling them it's a sherpedii. As always, I prefer close fitting terracotta for Hoya that Im trying to bloom. Alocasia kentiana:Pointy, spear-shaped leaves that sprout small, butterscotch-scented flowers. Hoya Wayetii vs. Hoya Shepherdii & Hoya Kentiana | do you have variegated Kentiana or Wayetii? It hasnt been since last fall. here the flowers, right the EA plant, left the no id: Mike, thanks for the link to the close up pictures. You can use a lid or plastic wrap, but make sure you leave an opening at least as big as your stem for air circulation. Its likely that your plants need to be re-potted into new pots with fresh soil since theyre getting root-bound and cant take up any water from the old soil anymore. However, they arent a problem only for Hoyas; they can occur on any plant. This elevation means it can stay up high and devour as much of the natural light as it can. First, theres identification by actual plant DNA, genetic testing for a plant. I find that the biggest difference between the two plants are the length and shape of the leaves with Hoya kentiana having far longer and more pointed leaves. This can be a problem if youre trying to create a, Read More Ferns That Look Like Weeds: How To Tell Them ApartContinue, When you think of a flowering plant, you may picture its colorful blooms growing upwards towards the sun. The vine itself grows to approximately 30 inches. You May Also Like: Hoya Pubicalyx: The Ultimate Care Guide. It also does not have as much branching in comparison with Kentianas many branches which come off from large stems that can be found at both ends of it. The potting mix is a vehicle that helps transport and maintain water levels for the plant, and knowing your watering habits as well as the needs of the plant will help you find that perfect fit. I could rant about this forever, but I wont. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whether you are using organic or synthetic fertilizer, we recommend that you dilute its concentration to half. The Hoya wayetii is not a fast grower. Be careful to cut below the node and have at least five cuttings for each plant. They can even grow indoors without any special care. There are approximately 300-450 species of hoya plants. Hoya aff. Complete knowledge on the Hoya kentiana care guides the gardeners on providing the plant an excellent growing condition. Sometimes we have a Hoya plant for actual years before it flowers, and thats a frustrating amount of time to wait just to get a reliable ID. On the other hand, lesser water should be given to the plant every fall and winter period. The second factor was the light. These plants are suitable for both indoor and outdoor ornamentation. I love the colors and textures that are present here as the flower begins to open. Hoya wayetii, Hoya kentiana. Phu Wua), Hoya undulata (Smooth Edge Indonesian Clone), Hoya sp. Wayetti also has a burgundy margin around it's leaves. I dont own a Hoya kentiana, and I try not to grab photos from the internet because I dont know whose work Im using. Moreover, the plant grows small bunches of tiny reddish to mauve flowers in spring and summer. I also recently acquired a Dischidia (a fasciated form of acuminata) with the same long, thin leaves, and have been growing Dischidiopsis paristica for awhile, whose leaves are much like H. shepherii but much more delicate. If it was there, it was subtle enough to sneak past my nose blindness. The leaves may look yellowish, dry, and limp while growth will slow down considerably. Keep the plant in a warm area with plenty of indirect sunlight. Increase the humidity around your plant by running a humidifier or keeping it . Hoya kentiana or wayetii? We are now offeringHoyakentiana in our marketplace! I had to dip around them as I walked by because they reached straight out into the hallway. Common 2:1:2 or 3:1:2 will suffice to keep the plant healthy. So instead, stick your finger or a stick in the soil. Always choose healthy cuttings free of pests and disease since this will provide you with a solid starting point. Let's figure it out together! Hoya wayettiplant features medium green leaves that are shorter and thicker, with a dark border down the edge. Click on the link below to see kentiana vs. wayetii pictures and information. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); [quform id=2 name=Feature Request Feedback], [quform id=3 name=Need Attribute Feedback], [quform id=4 name=Others/Suggestions Feedback], [quform id=5 name=Plantly Plant Finder]. The most prominent feature of these plants is their thick shiny leaves. Add a layer of mulch around the outside edge but not touching where you will be planting this is optional but helps keep moisture in when it starts getting cooler out. Kloppenb. The wax plant belongs to the family of hoyas. If the infestation is bad enough, it can spread to other plants too. I hope someone can tell you what the 2nd one is because I especially love the long-leaved Hoyas. The majority of Hoyas are climbers with an epiphytic trailing habit. If you are using tap water make sure to let it run until cold and then add room temperature bottled water (or distilled) in order to avoid chlorine from sitting overnight with roots soaked in it. The Hoya kentiana is known to be a tropical plant. Very pretty though! The flower cluster wasnt excessively dripping to the point of needing cleanup, and overall it wasnt any trouble. It will take about three months to see growth. You should plant at least 5 cuttings to get a bushy new Wayetii Plant. Hoyas have a natural charm that finds their way into most gardens and outdoor spaces found in the tropics, but they are also sensitive to too much sun exposure, so be sure not to overwater if you live in a hot climate with full sunlight! The width:length ratio increases substantially from kentiana to longifolia, respectively. However, you can pinch and prune it as you need, depending on your desired length. Unless, like me, you love to own multiples of each plant. Kentiana is another popular vine from the same genus. In my neck of the woods, this plant blooms in the summer if its happy. If youre living in areas under these growth zones, then, theres a high chance of success in growing hoya plants. Its one of the fastest-growing Hoyas and very easy to propagate just put a cutting in water. Since its a tropical plant, it wants warm temperatures only. So, avoid direct exposure to strong light intensities. However, once it starts flowering, you will see flowers on the plant annually. Hoya kentiana has longer leaves than wayetii. Krabi, South of Thailand EPC-188, H. aff. If you let it grow, pull off dead leaves, especially at the tips of the stems. After growing three longifolias, I really do see why it has these nicknames. Change the water every week to avoid letting it go murky. If youre okay with using fertilizer, look for one made for Hoya wayetii plants. kentiana. You also need to make sure you have room indoors Hoyas prefer being rooted outside so you may want to designate part of your porch or patio for the plant. Plants should not have temperatures below 55 degrees nor 65+ unless necessary during winter months when heaters arent running. This plant can be green or variegated. Most Hoya enthusiasts arent going to be hitting up their neighborhood plant laboratory to get DNA testing done on their plant. The foliage can be plain, variegated, crinkled, or otherwise textured. Cut the stem below the root development and plant it in moist soil or a suitable growing mixture. If you plant it outside, consider shady areas with some sun exposure, but not direct sun. However, it also does well in hanging pots, allowing it to grow on its own. If youre in an area where it gets really hot or cold easily then the best place for your plant would be somewhere that is protected from drafts or air conditioning/heating vents but will still get enough sunlight early morning through midday. The best time for an indoor installation maybe before Thanksgiving when you transition it back outside around March. A white milky latex runs in the plant body which causes allergic reactions on ingestion and close contact. Exposure to direct sunlight is harmful to the delicate waxy leaves. Hoya plants dont have many problems; however, pests can be an issue. It was all I had on hand at that time to accommodate the plants, so I told myself it would do. You can use a houseplant fertilizer with 2:1:2 or 3:1:2 NPK. In many ways, ferns are the perfect plant. Best Ways on How to Get Rid of Bugs on Your Plants, How To Care For Holiday Plants After Holidays. In this article, well discuss what you need to know about Hoya Wayetii Care so that your Hoya will continue to thrive! These plants dont need additional nutrition on cold days. Place your hands, one under each side of the plants rootball, just beneath where you want it planted in your container or potting mix. ), H. davidcummingii (Just the Flowers Maam), H. dolichosparte (Just the Flowers Maam! The width was fine. This is of course up to you, you do not have to purchase through my link. Waterless frequently than usual but make sure they do get enough water so the soil stays moist. All Right Reserved. And we know this is one reason why youd like to multiply your kentiana plants. Yes, Hoya wayetii plants are succulent vines. This certainly isnt going to be happening as common practice. I grow this plant in the same epiphytic potting mix that I use for all of my Hoya. This plants, otherwise known as a Sweetheart Hoya or Lucky Heart, is commonly sold as a single, heart-shaped leaf planted in a small pot. Hoya plants are tropical, so they dont like cold temperatures. ), H. kloppenburgii (Just the Flowers Maam! Becoming a plant enthusiast and an environmentalist myself gives me the edge of writing about them. This plant gets my highest recommendation. Not only do plants present in completely different ways when exposed to two different sets of growing conditions, they can even present differently when the growing conditions are alike. . Hat Som Paen IML 1438 (Just the Flowers Maam! I promptly potted the two plants together, hoping for a more full specimen. Make sure the plant is placed in a well-ventilated place and doesnt remain wet for long. They are all divided deeply down the middle length-wise. Dont judge the soil by the surface, as it can be deceiving. Even if the top of the soil is dry, underneath the surface may still have plenty of water. After that, Ill talk growing conditions, potting mix, watering, bloom tips, and any other information that Ive found to be crucial for growing this plant. Keep the plant shaded especially during summer where sunlight shines the brightest. Sticker weeds, also known as lawn burrs or grass burrs, are a homeowners nightmare. Kentiana and Wayetii are nearly always distinguished by the color of their pedicel and peduncle. I really do not think the two are the same? I felt like this plant had been hanging on for a year, and it deserved a chance to grow. The plant is excellent for beginners or anyone who wants a plant that doesnt require much care. If you're new here WELCOME! My plant now displays the dark red . Usually, I only notice a moderate or strong fragrance when a plant has more than one bloom open at a time and Im right up on it. Bright indirect light is ideal for these elongated leaves. The leaves are smaller and more delicate than the Kentiana. Once these spots are filled up and compacted tight against its new home, put a thin layer of the substrate over everything (again without breaking many roots) then take your time watering it all down with some water; dont worry about getting too much because excess can be drained out later on. Kalanchoe Tubiflora Mother of Millions Plant: Tips and Tricks, Bring Nature Inside With Calathea Concinna | The Prayer Plant, As needed, press soil to gauge saturation below surface-level soil, Can be irritating if ingested by those who are lactose intolerant. Avoid underwatering or overwatering your hoya to prevent further complications. Look for healthy plants with a lot of leaves and buds on the plant. High humidity is preferred by hoya plants including kentiana. The flowers had no detectable fragrance. 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By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ), Hoya Notions and Potions The Products I Use to Grow and Flower My Hoyas, Setting Up a Control System For the Hobby Greenhouse, Setting Up A Reverse Osmosis System For Your Hoyas, H. archboldiana x onychoides (Best Photos), Famous Paintings (American Artists) in Mosaic, Famous Paintings (European Artists) in Mosaic, Doug Chamberlains 99.5% Hoya Video Extravaganza. Hoya wayetii is a plant that can definitely be grown in basic household conditions. You can transfer the plantlets to the soil after about 3 months. This seems counter-intuitive since the plant is dormant and might need less watering but hoya plants are sensitive to drying out during dormancy. I dont follow a routine for watering, but generally speaking, I water about every 10 days. Use pots, containers, or hanging baskets with drainage holes at the base. Hoyas will do better when grown with moist but well-drained soils such as bark mixes; organic composts which contain peat moss, leaf mold, and bark; or a commercial potting mix that contains perlite.