invisible fence cfg button
ODczM2FhMzkyMzZhNDUzNzA5ZDNlYjljZThmNDczOWZlMmQ1YTQ0Y2FlNzNj The buttons are shown below in Figure 1. And now your pet is free to experience more of it. 0000004041 00000 n Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 0000004062 00000 n 0000008437 00000 n Due to the organizational structure, and FTC regulations Invisible Fence Brand of Delmarva sets it own pricing, hours, company culture, leadership, and opinions along with compliance to the Invisible Fence Brand. Plug in the Fence Transmitter and check the Loop Indicator Light. Instead of having to constantly change your settings in your config folder, my config files will allow you to change your reticles at any time! 3. Use Invisible Fence Brand correction post covers, or safety posts, on the Computer Collar Unit for the first training session. 0000003522 00000 n Please read this entire guide before operating. Invisible fences work by giving a dog a warning beep as he nears the boundary of his property, and giving him a slight shock via his collar if he continues on after hearing the beep. So, let's talk. What is considered the West Side of Chicago? Affordable. Insert one stripped end of the signal field wire into the red connector hole. Thank you for choosing an Invisible Fence Pet Containment System Important Safeguards We believe that you now own the highest qual-ity electronic pet containment system made any 2. MmMxODYyNzZiZjU4ODk2MGYwYTcwYTI1OTcwOGNjNmVlNDkxYWVlYmVjYTdj Invisible Fence. The 800 Series Digital Pet Fence is fully compatible with other Invisible Fence solutions and products.Invisible Fence Brand keeps your pet feeling right at home. How do I stop my toilet flapper from closing too fast? 0000016943 00000 n Invisible Fence puts the power of GPS satellite technology to work, so you can set customized boundaries in the size and shape you choose. Push the button on the receiver. 523 0 obj<>stream The correct sequence to reset the invisible fence is as follows. YTQ3ZTViMzMyYzFmZWJmYjRkZTNmMmNkZThiMDBiMjllMDhiMjVmNGM0MTdm cl_fovscale is calculated by fov/70. $170.80 Excl Sales Tax. Your fence will still work, but if your power goes out, the system will no longer be operational until power is restored. cl_always_ragdoll_radius "0" removes ragdolls and m_acceleration "0" removes mouse acceleration). ZDA4MDg0NGY1N2JmYzU2MGVlYjI2MWE2ODFhMWJjZWZlMmE5NDA4MjY0MDYy Niche movement technique allows you to gain instant velocity from a wall climb. Keep your sofa, bed, clothes, etc from being covered in dog hair with Indoor Shields. Page 14: Battery Disposal If you no longer require this equipment, do not place it in the normal municipal waste system. (I also changed the keybind to mouse5 as I think its more comfortable). JVA Pet Kit Incl. Guaranteed. Our GPS 2.0 containment technology puts you in control, so you decide the design of your perimeter boundary with no maximum size limitations.Works across varied terrain, including water.After all, your grounds might involve more than, well, ground. NDFkOTM4MzlmNjUxM2VkMTQxZmUxOTBhNzhhOGUzYzVlYzYxOWQ0MDVhMmM5 In fact, these days, Invisible Fence traditional solutions like our 800 Series Digital Pet Fence provides advanced technology and features customized to your yard. Indoor Shields creates adjustable Invisible Boundary protection around areas in your home you want to protect your dog or cat from. .58333333333333336 * Normal sens = 70fov sens. Document Includes User Manual Invisible Fence 800 Series Installation Manual. MzQxNzc0ODZkNDQ0NWQ2NzdmZmVkYTFiZDM2MTVlNjBjMDQzYzRlYWMzYWE1 No stress. Lucky for you, we put together a short video from our Certified Pet Trainer, Sandy Benes, with tips on how to stop dog chewing. YjczNmVjNWI1MzU1YmJiODQwZGVlYzA1OTBhOTRjMTY1ZWNmMDE5MjNkMDE4 ODA3MGZhM2EwOWQyNmQ0YzZiZWRkZDQ5ODRiOTZiMDdmNDNjMzZjZjQzNzBm The invisible fence flags mark the inside edge of the shock area, in which the dog receives the beeps and shocks. Does your cat like to scratch furniture? b. 0000008415 00000 n NmE5MmQ0NGY2NGMwNDM2YjM0NGMxMzM3NDM2YjE2YmEzNjgyYTE0YWYzMzUy NzhlYzhkNTg4MDRjNWEwYmU5ZGViZmY3NDM2MjRhOWEzZDk0Mzg2ZTQ1YTZk Be sure the prongs are touching the dog's neck. Published since 1987, Pence holds a master's degree in journalism and a B.A. MWNkZjJhNTAxOTdhZmIwNzhjOTRjMDllOGQ3MzVjMWZmYTAxNTFmNGY0YzE0 This is very strong when you are trying to beam someone far away with an r301 or flatline. Adjust the distance from the boundary wire to trigger a warning alarm. Press and hold the button on the collar until a beep is heard and the light flashes green to turn the collar on.Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to reset the collar. Lucky for you, we put together a short video from our Certified Pet Trainer, Sandy Benes, with tips on how to keep your dog from eating your cat's food. Make sure you touch both points on the receiver at the same time when you hear the collar beeping. 0000010911 00000 n Its a whole new way to live with your pet. Guaranteed.Contact Us: 410-546-24361-888-317-2436Delmarva@invisiblefence.com Hold the Invisible Fence Brand Computer Collar Unit so it is parallel to the signal field wire. It allows for more vision on who you are targeting making it easier to get kills. Will Invisible Fence Brand work on any pet? In0= BEST WIRELESS: PetSafe . With an adjustable signal, Indoor Shields create a barrier to stop your cat from scratching your sofa or chair. This indicates that the receiver has started properly. Press and hold the S1 button for approximately 4 seconds until a. So, lets talk. NWIwOTU0NjNmNzg3NjVhOGVlYTNmMTk0M2MwMTU2YmFmMGZhMjkwZTRjN2Nl And we'll find the gentle, effective, affordable solution that's right for you and your pet. From trash cans to sections of rooms, Indoor Shields. Invisible Fence Battery Voltage The PetSafe Wireless fence system we recommend uses a 6-volt battery for the shock collar. Doorman Electronic Pet DoorAt Invisible Fence were passionate about protecting pets so you can focus on fun! The farther from the wire the alarm sounds, the more time the dog has to realize he should turn around to avoid being shocked. cl_fovscale is calculated by fov/70. All rights reserved. So, relax. I've linked a video showcasing the best guns in my opinion to use with this newfound reticle change. Selecting either 7K or 10K on the Outdoor Shields transmitter Open the lid exposing the LCD display and buttons. All Invisible Fence Brand pet containment systems must be grounded per the National Electric Code to be protected against lightning (for North American customers only). For pets new to the Invisible FenceBrand system Use Invisible Fence Brand training flags to mark the edge of thesignal field range.This gives your pet a visual marker. If you do not feel a shock, then there may be a problem with the receiver collar. 0000000016 00000 n If the Loop Indicator Light did not come on and you hear a continuous beep, you may assume there is a break in this portion of the Boundary Wire. Launch Options: Remember to add these to your launch options or they won't work! %PDF-1.3 % in history with a minor in political science from U.C. Its reliable. If you hear the warning, but no light flashes, replace the battery. 0000016500 00000 n b. INVISIBLE FENCE boundary plus Owner's Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3001186 BOUNDARYPLUS TRANSMITTER User Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3001055 MaxDog Computer Collar User Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-300935 MICROLITERECEIVER User Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3001054 MagneticField Transmitter User Manual, INVISIBLE FENCE 800 Series Owner's Manual, Shields Computer Collar Unit Owner`s Manual, MaxDog Computer Collar Owner`s Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3002902 10.7kHz low power transmitter User Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3001163 BOUNDARYPLUS V5 User Manual, INVISIBLE FENCE Boundary Plus V5, Computer Collar Owner's Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-300996 TRANSMITTER User Manual, Radio Systems Corp KE3-3002769 INDOORSHIELDS PLUS User Manual, Titanium Computer Collar Owner`s Manual, INVISIBLE FENCE 800 Series, ICT 801, ICT 802 Owner's Manual. 0000002918 00000 n 0000002757 00000 n LINK TO VIDEO WITH GUN SHOWCASE USING FOV CHANGER AND NEW INVISIBLE RETICLE: Many of the autoexec commands you see are simple quality of life config settings and fps maximizing settings. MzZiMmRiMDQxYjRlNDQxZjZjOTA3MGQzYjNmNDMxN2JmYjI5YWUxMDk4Yjkz MjU2MDBhZjRkMmFhNTZlM2FiODdiNDI5M2YxM2IzODhkOWZhYjJiMWJlNmY2 NzNjZTE1MWRkODZmMjk2ZTU0N2U1MjE5OTZjNjcxMmZhZGNiYmM0NzI2NGVj Most receivers come with two sets of prongs: short prongs for short-haired dogs, and long prongs for dogs with long or thick fur. 0000001316 00000 n 0000003056 00000 n 0000013385 00000 n Stop Your Cat From Scratching the Furniture. By clicking on the keybind for fov120, you are able to change your fov to the highest value (120) allowing you to zoom out, granting you the widest/best field of view. 0000013828 00000 n trailer endstream endobj 474 0 obj<> endobj 475 0 obj<>/ProcSet 480 0 R>>/Type/Page>> endobj 476 0 obj<> endobj 477 0 obj<> endobj 478 0 obj<> endobj 479 0 obj[482 0 R 484 0 R 486 0 R 488 0 R 490 0 R 492 0 R 494 0 R 496 0 R] endobj 480 0 obj[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] endobj 481 0 obj 250 endobj 482 0 obj<>stream So, let's talk. And it all started with our traditional containment systems. The first thing that you should do if you believe that a low power setting is the culprit is to find the push button on the collar. OThjODZmNTNjZDFlNDkzYmRiZGY1ZDE1NjVlYzJjNDIzZDc1YzViNzk4OTgx The main factors that affect invisible fence installation cost include . What do I do if FedEx delivered someone elses package. This battery lasts up to 2 months of usage. NTJkOTQyNWM1Y2MxMGJjNmQ3MDY0MmU3ZjFjZTI0M2YxODJkMGM0NWJjMmEx Press the button on an angle to see the upper half of the button while holding.Press and hold the upper left button on the remote to pair the collar. Best Entry-Level Fence: PetSafe In-Ground Pet Fence. The dog soon learns to stop when he hears the warning to avoid the shock. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Wire-free. ODEzMjg4NmViODQxOGZlMDljYzEwYzExMjkzNDlmY2RmMDI2OTdhMjA2MmYy J.M. There are certain things only multi-pet house owners will understand. 0000004860 00000 n Just click here to get in touch with your neighborhood Invisible Fence Brand dealer. If this is the case, you'll need to use a pen-push. $10.88 to $26.79. Top 5 Invisible Fences. Virtually all fall into two categories: wired and wireless. SPONSORED. 0000002437 00000 n Freedom that fits your life and your yard no matter the size, shape or style of your property. MDQ0Yjc0ZjI4YjI1YmE2MmM5ZGJmMmYzYmU3NWFhNDNlOTY5ZWNiOTU0NTM2 And well find the gentle, effective, affordable solution thats right for you and your pet. The SportDog model we like uses a 9-volt battery. Plug in the transmitter. Push it again, and it will flash four times indicating an increase to a level 4 correction. Press the (-) down button and hold it for 5 seconds until a black segment appears in the display. ZGIwZTExOWE1YmIzZWIxZTU5NjU5ZjI2NTVhZDE0MmU2MWM0NGZkNTkzODFm Why is my Invisible Fence collar blinking red? M2VkNmYwODBmNjM2MzBmZjRjODVjMGVhM2YwZWViMDBhNzE1NmI5ZWJlNGQ0 Powered by Shopify, Visible for up to 100Yards at night and 20Yards by day, Seven high bright LEDs for long life and extra brightness, Continuous monitoring no reset required, Designed to be connected between live and earth fence wires, Sealed weatherproof unit no maintenance or batteries required. Help your pets learn their boundaries, so your personal belongings are hair-free even when youre not home. How do you reset a wireless dog collar? Pressing either the S1 or S2 button on the . For ICT 802: The Loop 1 LED begins to blink. . We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. YTQyZTc2M2VjOWFlMDUzYTU0OTk1YjlhODgyNzU1MDBjMzgwMDVlNzcwYTRh For example, push the button; the light with flash once. 0000002416 00000 n Contact your local Invisible Fence dealer. 0000016521 00000 n The times our solutions are appropriate, we are able able improve the lives of pets through safety and freedom. NWFkZTcyODQzYTBmYmExMzI5Y2M4MjU1NDExZjM3ZmI5NTY5YTM5NTc3MzU2 In fact, since Invisible Fence Brand was the first created dog fencing in 1973, our traditional containment systems have remained a popular choice with pets and their favorite people. I've written my comfortable configs, so you can feel change the keybindings by inputting it between the quotation "keybind". This will introduce By clicking on the keybind for fov70, you are able to change your fov to the lowest value (70) allowing you to zoom in on distances. MTY4NWY2MmQ3NDYyNTg5MzYyNjhjOTM5ODc3ZTY3ZDY3M2ZlMzdkMzc1NjUx . eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOGM0Njg3ZDdmMjlmNjZiMjNlMzQ2MDhhN2NjNzU3ZmUz $314.62 Excl Sales Tax. .58333333333333336 * Normal sens = 70fov sens. The typical cost range to install an invisible fence is between $1,000 and $1,650, with the national average cost at $1,325. ZjY1ZTkzYWM2NmQxOGI3ZDA2YzA5MDM5ZWYwMTJiMDZmYWIyOTMwZDRhZGE1 UPGRADE PICK: Halo 2+ Wireless Dog Fence and GPS Collar. The skys the limit. Invisible Fence Brand will not be liable for unintended use and the purchaser of . 1. It will tell you definitively that the fence is or is not working. 0000002367 00000 n 0000020357 00000 n Thick or long fur might be impeding the receiver from working properly. ZDVjOWI1YzU5NWQwYjIxZWNjNmVlZGQ3MzA0NTdjYjFlMDYwOWFhZThmZDVk The shock should only be strong enough to startle the dog, not enough to cause real pain. YTZiYmFlYzNkNmMxMzM4OWIwM2M2YWNiODFkZjgzOTI3Y2ZmN2MxNDYxOThi I decided that I wanted to use my secondary slot as my keybind for making the reticle invisible because it was tedious clicking separate keys every time I want to get my reticle. With Boundary Plus containment fencing, your pet stays home. Depending on the model of the collar, the buttons could be inverted. Hold the Invisible Fence Brand Computer Collar Unit so it is parallel to the signal field wire. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. After level 5, the receiver reverts to level 1, which is a warning alarm only, with no shock. Many pet owners struggle with keeping their pets from running out the door. The dog soon learns to stop when he hears the warning to avoid the shock. MTE0NWYzZTBkOGVkNzk0Y2MzMjQyODNkNmQ5ZDkwN2NjZDZmMjQ0Mjk0ODNl Get started today. After a storm has ended, check the signal field width. The strength of the fence is changed by adjusting the shock level of the receiver worn on the dog's collar, the warning alarm field of the transmitter control box and the size of the metal prongs used. And well find the gentle, effective, affordable solution thats right for you and your pet. MTBjN2JlZTc0ZTljZmIxYjc1MzQ2NTMwNTg0OWZjZDIyMjQ2YzExMzhkY2Vl Release the S1 button. NjMxOGM1MTQ4Y2IxMWEwZjlkODg2MmEyOTQ4MjQxM2IwOWU2OTE0NDIyM2M2 LED begins to blink. Theres no maximum yard size, however suited for properties that are 3 acres or more in size. MDM3ODA1ZTIwZGMwZjdiZjdhMGY5ODUwOTRlOGI1NDA4ZDA3ODYyNjA4MDE5 The following commands left in the autoexec allow for these changes to be made. Touch both points on the collar while it is ticking or beeping. YjZlN2U4NWUzNDU1N2MyODQ0ZTUzYmY3ZjRjZmVhY2Q3ZTllYTRkODdlYzMx This battery can contain your dog for up to 6 to 12 months between charges. From trash cans to sections of rooms, Indoor Shieldskeep your pet protected in a variety of scenarios. What are the most dangerous parts of Baltimore? That means theres no chance for them to escape, and no need for you to worry. Using your finger, depress the tab of one red connector (marked LOOP) on the Lightning Protector. Next, youll want to address the underlying problem which, in the case of rapid beeping, is usually a broken wire. MmE5Mjc4OTQzYWUyNDMwNDZiZmQ4ODFhZTA0MTVlZGFiNjg4YWRiNDk0NzQ5 Greeting behavior, door charging and jumping up are all common dog behavior problems that a little patience and training can help overcome. OWZkMTY1MjRkNzNiNjljYjY1ZDk1YzM0OTMxYWJjNjljMmI2YTY4M2YwZTI0 If the problem was a dead battery, the collar should work properly when you approach the hidden boundary wire. YWYzYzc4OThlNjQyNTU0NjU2ZTNiMzYxMGUxZGZhNzNhODYyMDhkOGE0MjQ4 Figure 1: Pushbuttons for Controlling Door Functionality . Basically, with the new patch regarding reticle changes, you are able to create invisible crosshairs! Push it again, and it will flash three times, indicating a level 3 correction. R21/r22 v4 computer collar units (17 pages), 800 series transmitters titanium computer collar unit (12 pages), Transmitters r21 v4.0 computer collar receiver (16 pages), Transmitters titanium computer collar unit (13 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE Indoor Shields Plus Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Plus Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Plus Owner's Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE boundary plus Owner's Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE ICT 801 Installation Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE ICT 700 Operation And Installation Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE 800 Series Owner's Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE ICT 725 Operation And Installation Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE ICT 775 Operation And Installation Manual, Transmitter INVISIBLE FENCE Computer Collar 700 Series Owner's Manual. 473 0 obj <> endobj 4 . 0000005282 00000 n NTljZjJlOTgxZGRkYzJmY2E4NzRjMzBkYmM5ZjZhYTUzNDlhMTI1NmE1OWIx So if you want to change the fov120 to something more comfortable, you can just change the scale accordingly. SPONSORED. MY CHANGES to this superglide config was the addition of changing my fps maximum value to 300. How to stop the "Beep, Beep, Beep" of an Invisible Fence control panel. Create smaller boundaries within your perimeter boundary to help protect your pet from temptations like pools, landscaping, even livestock areas.Pet Doors: Open up a whole new world of independence for your pet. Plug in the transmitter.The system and transmitter should reset automatically upon being plugged back in.Wait for a few seconds and look for any abnormality in the lights. Hold the collar so it is about the same height and at the same angle as it will be when the pet is wearing it. Prevents any break-out where a pet might run beyond the signals reach. If an alert is occuring on your base unit, your pet is no longer contained. 0000004839 00000 n * Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project. or Best Offer. And if you don't want an invisible fence, there are other options to keep your beloved dog contained too. 0000001691 00000 n So, lets talk. c. For ICT 810: The Range LED begins to blink. We can help! 0000010932 00000 n Guaranteed. Guaranteed. -full -high +exec autoexec +exec superglide1 +exec fov70 +exec fov120,,,, Superglide: (MAKE SURE TO NAME EACH superglide cfg [superglide1, superglide2, superglide3]), About Invisible Fence Brand . brand doorman (17 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Linking Multiple Shields Gate Units Together, For Pets Trained to the Invisible Fence Outdoor Pet Containment System, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Shields Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE SHIELDS Training Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Plus Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Plus Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Outdoor Shields Avoidance System Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Shields Indoor Avoidance System Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Safe Dog Monitor Installation And Training Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Safe Dog Training Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Smart Doorman Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Invisible Gate Plus Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE Indoor Micro Shields Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE GPS 3.0 Owners Manual And Operating Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE TITANIUM Owner's Manual, Pet Care Product INVISIBLE FENCE RAC00-13211 Operating Manual, Page 11: Linking Multiple Shields Gate Units Together. Most transmitter boxes have a knob or lever to use to change the distance. Remember you can choose your own keybinds! Recently, it's been discovered that you can make the reticle like a black dot, allowing you to gain a decent advantage with certain weapons (Wingman, RE-45, Volt). GPS 2.0: The Ultimate Wire-Free Pet Fence Solution. Step 1: Check the Collar Settings. When you first insert the battery into your receiver, the status light will flash green. OGQ2MDMzZTFhMWQ4MmQ0YjEzYTVkZDk1OTE3ODQ3OGFlZjBmYTc1NDY5NTVj Press and hold the button on the collar until a beep is heard and the light flashes green to turn the collar on.Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to reset the collar. If you want to simply bind your reticle to something else without changing your weapon slot, just use the ones written on the bottom. Whether you are dealing with a four-legged escape artist or a pet who occasionally slips out the front door, we put together our top tips on how to keep your dog from escaping out the door. Trusted for more than 40 years. JVA SV5 Solar Electric Fence Energizer - 0.5 Joule. 0000002777 00000 n YjlkYWZmN2JiMjE4NDY3MzM4MzhmMmZkOTkwNGNjNmFmMWNjZTRjYTg4YzE2 0000011354 00000 n There have been many videos on it so I won't be making a tutorial. Yzk5NGVlNzE0NjYyYmIyMDNiODY1YmRjMDVmNTM5NDUwNGQ3ZWRiNWU4OGY5 Indoor Shields creates adjustable Invisible Boundary protection around areas in your home you want to protect your dog or cat from. To program the transmitter: 1. Free shipping. And we'll find the gentle, effective, affordable solution that's right for you and your pet. Wired systems create a barrier with a loop of wire, while wireless systems send out a radio signal from a . Yzc1OTZmMTViYmU4NzhjYzliMzFkNzEwNzM2NGQxMDc2Zjg3M2RjYmUwY2Rl 0000001987 00000 n OWVjYTJhNjAyNmMwOTNjZmFkZjRlOThlZGI3OTU4MTE3ZjZjNjFkZjdiMDJj CREDITS to those who helped me find these CONFIGS:,,,, NEW Season 11 APEX CONFIGS YOU MUST HAVE (Invis Reticle, Superglide, FovChanger). Hey guys I've recently been messing around with configs in APEX legends and I've found quite a few things that could benefit your gameplay! 0000003198 00000 n Push it again within five seconds and the correction level will change. If your unit is beeping about once a second, you can turn it off by unplugging the power cord from the transmitter. Page 1 Invisible Fence Brand Doorman Electronic Pet Door Operating Guide Model Numbers: RAC00-13211 Please read this entire guide before operating. How much does Invisible Fence Brand cost? Some models have a battery-operated fence component that helps with the signal transmission. General Questions Will Invisible Fence Brand hurt my dog? Make sure the range is all the way down. 0000016478 00000 n How do I reset my PetSafe wireless collar? 0000010889 00000 n ZTk4NmIwYjRlYTljNjgxODg1ZmM2YjM1MmZiYWVkYTg3MzBiMThkNGM5NGQ4 1 (866) 804-1250 NjVkZTAwZDYxOWQxYzllNDg3YWNhNmY5MDc4MzA4OWM1MWIyNjI0OTM5YzJj Y2I4NTA0MWExYTIzMWQxOGI0YjBlMmU1ZDEzMTMwNDZjZmU1ODUxZjg3YTU3 473 51
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