most powerful demons in mythology
Jinn: Jinn (commonly known as Genie) is a popular supernatural being that comes from Islamic demonology. Much like the Shedim, Mazzikin is not a name referring to any demons of Hell specifically, but rather a broad range of evil spirits that Judaism regard in the same way we see demons. However, as their wings spout, their legs separate from their bodies. Taku Skanskan, capricious master of the four winds. Therefore, an association with Bagdana should never be regarded as an alliance, and he should always be kept under close watch because a demon cant ever change its spots. Envy is an emotion that begins small, however, it quickly spreads further and further, consuming you. With that in mind, lets take a look at some of the different types of demons found in Hinduism. Well, maybe not, but Sathanas is the other name for Satan. This book was written around 1583, and lists sixty-eight demons. 32. Majin Buu, This Demon name comes from the Dragon Ball series. Ghoul: It is ademon ormonstroushumanoid originating inpre-Islamic Arabian religion. 14. Zeus. From where we can acquire knowledge about the faith, fear and beliefs of the people in the older times. 16. AZAZEL - This demon is attributed to teaching men how to make weapons of war and destruction. As a writer and novelist, I can see the appeal to researching demonology and the rich well of stories and information that reside within the various pages. 20. Therefore, different cultures started using the concept of angels, and demons to give out a message of victory of good over evil. Spawning from the Latin word for wealth, the bible references Mammon as a demon that preys upon those interested in money and hoarding wealth. The classic look for Lucifer is that of a winged human-like entity with horns growing from his head. Decarbia: This demon name is from the video game, Lineage 2. This hierarchy is essential not just in terms of classifying the demons themselves, but when looked at closer, it is important in establishing and maintaining the complex world that starts at the center of Hell and spreads through all levels of existence and theology. That is not to say they are nicer or worse in character. One common bond that is shared between all different types of demons is their desire to harm, inflict pain and revel in the suffering of others. The mouth split open ear to ear while the eyes roll loose so that they can see in all directions. Some cultures share demons but tweak their story to suit, while others have creations unique to them. 43. These symptoms are classic signs of sleep paralysis, a fantastic affliction to associate with the supernatural. [21], Written in 1494, this grimoire contains a list of 37 demons.[22]. Ars Goetia is the first section of The Lesser Key of Solomon, containing descriptions of the seventy-two demons that King Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a bronze vessel sealed by magic symbols, and that he obliged to work for him. However, we who name Jesus as Lord need never fear them. Instead, he is a demon who is seemingly happy to help humanity and hunt other demons when necessary. I am no theologist, nor do I proclaim to have an in-depth knowledge of the worlds different religions. Of course, we all understand the concept of inflicting pain until it becomes pleasure. The other saints are cited only by their name without making clear, i.e., which Francis is mentioned (of Assisi?). . This is especially prevalent when looking at the demons of Hell linked with Christianity and Judaism. In popular culture, Jinn is depicted as a spirit trapped in a Genie bottle, which grants three wishes to human beings. 3. There is a very clear demon hierarchy, certainly in Christian demonology. With chaos and disruption being the order of his life, Kali chose to make his home in the areas of ill-repute. The evil god was not worshipped; he was feared. Halphas: Many manuscripts describe Halphas as a hoarse-voicedstock dove. Charybdis: Deadly Sea Monster (Greek Mythology) 32. The bringer of light, representing pride and enlightenment, the element of air, the direction of the east, and candles during ritual. He is the ultimate get-rich-quick scheme and undoubtedly the demon behind almost every clickbait ad on the net today. A Towering, Terrifying Demon Horse Isn't Even the Weirdest Part. St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist are the two St. Johns to whom Michaelis refers. Then, below this core group, you have second and third-tier princes before you tumble down into the general classification of demons as individual species. Others believe that demons breed with each other but also with humans. He tempts men against the vow of obedience and is opposed by, Olivier was the prince of the Archangels. There are different numbers of princes quoted in different texts, but these are most commonly linked to the angels that fell directly with Lucifer. It seems that Spina was inspired by several legends and stories. This ancient Chinese myth tells the story of a powerful female white snake demon who lives underwater but takes human form as Madame White, or Bai Suzhen. In this post, we will take a walk on the dark side and look at the different types of demons across the world. There we have it, a list of the different types of demons throughout the world. Accept him as a lover or face the death penalty for her crime. Great strong Duke of Hell commands over 36 legions, he appears as a lion . Asura(Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto): These are a class of beings in Indian religions. It is not a list of names of demons, although some are listed by more than one name. They are the embodiment of a moment: a feeling of dread and bewilderment, or awe and wonder over an extraordinary event; or a strange sound or peculiar scent that demands an explanation; an ineffable phenomenon explained only by a supernatural entity.Little wonder then that the Japanese characters for Yokai are . Thus joining the unholy ranks of the demons of Hell. Eventually, a great war ensued, and Bhandasura was overwhelmed and killed. There are obviously a great many sexually transmitted ailments and maladies that can be rear their ugly head, and many people report waking to feel a heavyweight pressing down against them. If that is the case, then numbers would be infinite or, at the very least, too vast to even give a number to them. However, I feel we have an interesting collection of demons from a range of beliefs that make interesting reading. Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 01:00. Intermediate beings between the sacred and profane realms assume various forms in the religions of the world: celestial and atmospheric beings; devils, demons, and evil spirits; ghosts, ghouls, and goblins; and nature spirits and fairies. However, I think the core differences between ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, and demons are power, intent, and general savagery. The Dictionnaire Infernal (English: Infernal Dictionary) is a book on demonology, organised in hellish hierarchies. Belphegor is a prince of Hell who is always looking for the easy way out. This is one the popular demon names that come from Christian mythology. It is one of the demon names that come from Greek mythology. In his description of them, he relates that demons are under the direct supervision of God and are unable to act without permission, that he should deceive the nations for I have put it on their hearts to do so King James Version. The list of demons in fiction includes those from literary fiction with theological aspirations, such as Dante's Inferno. Demons - A Complete List of Demons | Demons In the ancient cultures, a demon didn't always have an evil connotation. In Abrahamic religions, we see Satan as devil and in Islam there is Azazil. Many of the names and ranks of these demons appear in the Sabbath litanies of witches, according to Jules Garinet's Histoire de la magie en France, and Collin De Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal. Whilst, in some literature demons are portrayed as having no souls and in a few, they are shown as half grey and half white. When Ninurta started to lose his confidence, Sharur gave the god a . Ruled heaven and earth before the Olympian gods. 2) Asmodeus. Again, harking back to the theological debate of whatever demons breed. Aamon/Amon: The name Aamon/Amon comes from thegodAmunor from thegodBaal-hamonofCarthage. Kabandha(Hindu mythology): This name means headless torso. Jesus himself mentions the demon when he says, You cannot serve both God and Mammon.. The CEO, CIO, and CFO of pride, pain, and punishment. 31. 1. So lets take a look at some of the different types of demons linked to Christianity. The first creature on our list is the sphinx; a monster that was said to have the body of a lion, the head of a woman, and the wings of an eagle. Rakshasas have the power to change their shape at will and appear as animals, as monsters, or in the case of the female demons, as beautiful women. Satan is viewed as the demon who tempts humanity and goads them into sin. Mapuche, Even in the gaming culture, one can see the dominance of demons, especially as the main villain. Indian and Syrian Shaitans are described as the strongest of their class. Wiyohipeyata, god of the west winds who oversees endings and events of the night. Zoroastrian. They lurk in even the tiniest of shadows, and if folk are to be believed, they are always ready to lead us into temptation. The Bible refers to them as fallen angels. This changes the mindset of demons slightly and beings to break away from the concept of Demons as specific princes of Hell and more as an entire supernatural species. In many depictions, he is seen surrounded by or spewing flies. names of asuras in hindu mythology. However, it will forever be the Germanic lands that he calls his true home. mythological demons. Think about almost every episode of the early Supernatural seasons and most other demon-based horror stories ever written. Waziya, giant of the north winds who brings icy weather, famine, and diseases. Faber, Lee. Demons categorized by office are often depicted in a militant hierarchy, in which a general may hold command over some designated legion for a specialized function which they may trouble men. Out of all the demons on this list, Asmodeus is the one who gets my attention. This female demon turns into a terrifying winged vampire-like creature. Uranus was the god it all started with, while Cronus managed to bring a Golden Age of peace. The real answer varies depending on your faith and belief levels. It is by no means a complete list. Which makes it easier to create a negative aura of them, that terrorizes the audience. The visions of tempting demons that some early (and not so early) saints had, perhaps inspired the eighth category (e.g. Familiars, goblins, and other mischievous demons belong to the folklore of most European countries. here's our new youtube video about the whole monster list: 1. 29. The story behind Mephistopheles is that he, too, once made a deal with the devil. Counting Your Blessings How Many Demons Are There? Archimonde, this demon name comes from a series of video games called Warcraft. Krampus is always portrayed in human form, with a twisted body and horns protruding from his forehead. Check out our, Best Portable Fire Pit: Easy Smokeless, Wood, and Propane Gas Fire Pits (Reviewed 2023), 20 Types of Mens Hat Styles Explained (with Pictures), An Embarrassment of Riches: The Worlds Top 10 Most Expensive Tequila Bottles, Fire and Brimstone: Types of Demons From Around the World, Understanding the Christian Demon Hierarchy. However, should your life have been suitably horrid, and your existence on this planet was beyond redemption, then an eternity of loneliness was prescribed. The legend behind it claims the original Manananggal was abandoned at the altar, explaining why they also desire to feast on the flesh of grooms-to-be. Note that many demons' names are exclusively French or unknown in other catalogs. In 1613 Sebastien Michaelis wrote a book, Admirable History, which included a classification of demons as it was told to him by the demon Berith when he was exorcising a nun, according to the author. Jude says that there were some who were actually conversing with demons as if they had a power of their own to deal with these devils. He further quotes previous authors who state that each devil has the ability to appear in diverse shapes or forms for varying arrays of purposes as well. He created evil 2 Zozo 3 Valac One of the scariest demons I have ever see. The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total. Agares: In Christian mythology, he is described as an old man, riding a crocodile, and carrying a hawk on his fist. 13. Throughout history, there have been many different attempts to classify demons, extending into literature, art, and video games. While certainly never referred to as an ally to humans, he is not the nastiest scourge to ever crawl from the fiery pit. When they cant find the young, it is said that they hang around in graveyards, feeding on the dead. The Manananggal is a dark-hearted demon and arguably one of the most gruesome types of demons on this list. Apophis was perhaps the only Egyptian god to be all-powerful, with an army of demons at his disposal. Those that say yes are treated to her sliced open maw beneath the mask. Medusa ranked among the most feared, powerful monsters to dominate early Greek mythology. After convincing the servant girl she had lost the plate, he gave her a choice. Shaitan: A class ofjinn(spirits) from Islamic folklore. From the classic red imp through to the goat-headed demon. Paimon: This is one of the best demon names from the 2018 hit horror film Hereditary. They then get asked the same question. Serving the king are the princes of Hell. Leviathan truly is a beast that makes the Kraken look like a cute little seahorse. The concept of Karma. By the late fifteenth century, these she-demons were well known and often discussed by theologians, who tried to explain their origin, their ability to reproduce, etc. Lilith is always depicted as a very feminine figure and usually an attractive, naked, red-headed woman placed in a provocative pose. They serve as an excellent tool for the danger of sex before marriage and the problems that can be encountered by those of a more promiscuous nature. However, as a prince of Hell, he is not a demon to be trifled with. Ultimately, he met his match when Japanese folk hero Minamoto Raik separated his head from the rest of him. God put his tools to one side and never returned to the work once the Sabbath passed. However, if we were going to go through them all, this post would likely never end, and you would undoubtedly give up reading. The Demon of Gluttony, Beelzebub, is always hungry; however, the concept of gluttony is one that extends beyond food and incorporates a desire to have or the gathering of materialistic possessions. However, that is not where it ends. Once again, there are different tales surrounding these wily old creatures. There are many different texts that make reference to Lilith, who is often portrayed as a firey, red-headed woman. In Norse mythology, the goddess Hel is a powerful figure associated with death and the underworld. This demon name comes from Christian mythology. At the same time, his darker double follows close behind, only rather than leaving gifts he deals out behaviors correcting punishment; flogging naughty boys and girls with a birch wood switch. A line that can not only be blurred but fused together. Devils are generally regarded as the adversaries (enemies) of the gods, while the image of demons ranges from mischief makers to powerful destructive forces. 42. While it may be very easy to lump all types of demons into a single mass, it just isnt that simple. Yet, no matter their appearance, mannerism, or kinks, they are used to represent all that is bad and evil. Depending on which scriptures you read, she is regarded as one of two things. Typhon is literally the big daddy of the most frightening Greek mythological monsters. The size, shape, and color are open for poetic interpretation, as is the addition of a pitchfork. The Leyak seeks out pregnant women and feeds on their unborn childs blood. [8] Francis Barrett, in his book The Magus (1801), adopted this classification of demons [9][10]. One thing I did learn while compiling this article is that many demons appear in several forms across different beliefs. He pulls a wagon made of human thigh bones and covered with human skin. 37. The Ars Goetia assigns a rank and a title of nobility to each member of the infernal hierarchy, and gives the demons "signs they have to pay allegiance to", or seals. Alichino, almost everyone, especially in academia is familiar with Dantes legendary work, Inferno. However, the Kappa need to remain in the water because if the liquid-filled dent in their head dries up (or spills), then so do they die. There is no shortage of demons associated with Christianity. Wiyohiyanpa, god of the east winds who oversees beginnings and events of the day. Bambadjan, This demon is from the TV series, The Good Place. In many religions, devils and demons stand on the opposite side of the cosmic balance from gods and angels . He was killed by Bhima, one of the five Pandava princes. So its clear that we should view them as things to avoid doing; however, this article is about demons, right? Demons were summoned using special incantations found in demonology catalogs. Id wager every family has that one aunt who turns up at Christmas just to sit in the corner and spout threats and warnings related to this demons cunning ways. Its a simple concept, really. Every country needs a headless horseman legend, and in Ireland, that is the Dullahan. One of the concepts of Hinduism is that the way a person lives their life determines what happens when they die. It is rumored that when the elderly were no longer an asset to a home, they were taken out to the woods and abandoned. The true definition is an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in Hell. Hindu, That said, this is quite a lengthy post, so feel free to bookmark us (Ctrl + D) if youre short of time, so you can come back and read a bit more later. Cerberus: Three-headed dog referred to as "Hound of Hades" associated with guarding the gates of the Underworld. As a horror author, this is a post that speaks to my heart. However, once the sun goes down, their heads and entrails come away from their bodies, and they fly around looking for human flesh to sink their teeth into. Hold on tight; keep your hands and feet inside the margins at all times because things are about to get a little freaky. Shew haunts the men of the house, driving them mad. This name comes from Semitic mythology. Gamigin: He is described as a marquis who initially takes the form of a small horse before transforming into a hoarse-voiced human. Thus the seven deadly sins surely become a lifestyle philosophy that is guaranteed to hear you big points among the different demons from Hell. Folklore is a teaching device that predates the written word. "les demons estans interrogez rpondirent qu'ils estoient trois au corps de Louyse, y estans par le moyen d'un malfice, & que le premier d'eux se nommait Verrine, l'autre Gresil, & le dernier Sonneillon, & que tous estoient du troisiesme ordre, sauoir au rang des Thrones." It is a one of the common female demon names in Jewish mythology. They are most powerful in the evening, particularly during the dark period of the new moon, but they are dispelled by the rising sun. Lamia, one of the lesser-known demons of classical mythology, is a bit of a shapeshifter. 50. She is said to eat the souls of the damned. Shedim is not a single demon but rather the name given to a group of evil spirits. 49. On and around December 5th Saint Nicholas travels around the Alpine countries delivering candy and gifts to all the good boys and girls. He is an influential member of the demon hierarchy and is said to command the power of 72 legions. 24. Vapula. Their offspring are considered incubi and succubi demons. With that said, lets now take a look at some of the most interesting demons of Hell linked with Judaism. De Plancy presented a hierarchy of demons based in modern European courts: Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier used some of these names and ranks for the demons who tormented him, in his autobiographical work Les farfadets ou Tous les dmons ne sont pas de l'autre monde (1821). indian demon. 18. Achlys: Achlys is one of the figures depicted onHeracles shield, representing the personification of sorrow. 56. We help curate your cool through deep dives into topics of self-actualization, lifestyle, and interpersonal intelligence. However, much like The X-Files before it, the show might be the most fun when it takes on the Monster of the Week episodes.. Sam and Dean Winchester were hunters, battling all kinds of supernatural . The Lesser Key of Solomon or Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis is an anonymous 17th century grimoire, and one of the most popular books of demonology. Theologists continue to debate his presence in various writings. Roman, 7. Many of the authors of such classifications identified as Christian, though Christians authors are not the only ones who have written on the subject. Some Popular Demon Names from Hindu and Buddhist Theology: Demons Names from Christian, Jewish, Islam and Greek Folklores: Popular Demon Names from Fiction, TV shows and Movies: 108 Best Demoness Names (Female Demon Names) for your Baby, 48 Awesome Male Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins, 40+ Awesome Female Vampire Names with Meanings and Origins, 85 Awesome Vampire Names with Meaning and Origin (Male &, 107 Best Names with Dark Meaning (Male & Female), 40 Best Stefan Salvatore Quotes from The Vampire Diaries, 101 Best Mc Names with Origin and Meaning, 123 Awesome The Vampire Diaries Quotes thatll Make You Wanna Watch it Again, 80 Flirty Texts to Make Your Lover or Crush Feel Special, 15 Major Signs Someone is Secretly Jealous of You, 10 Habits of Couples having Strong Relationship. Her name derives from the words for Night Monster, which is appropriately fitting for a figure widely regarded as a screaming, child-stealing demon. [11] The demon of hyperthermia, Yuki-onna, appears before her victims asking them to hold a child. The moral of that parable being that all work is finished once the Sabbath arrives. The Kappa believe this organ can be found in the anus of their victims. Instead, they are just evil bastards who enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on those they come across. Not even close. But then you have the Kappa. Bael: In Christian mythology, he is described as a hoarsely-voiced king with the power to make men invisible and ruling over 66 legions of demons. Rightly placed as a prince among the demons of Hell, his high ranking in the demon hierarchy is safeproviding we continue to follow our own insatiable appetite for riches. The innocence of youth must make the meat extra tender. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum does not attribute seals to the demons.[24]. Other theologians have determined the classification of a spirit's office depending on the times or locations which they roam the Earth. Samael would later to kicked from heaven and becomes known as a demon king. Not because the number will take so long to read you will need a Red Bull to make it to the end although you might. However, Kali certainly seems like a demonic character you dont really want to mess with. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; [12][13], Nine princes ruling over nine orders of devils (with biblical references):[14], As part of his 1589 Treatise on Confessions by Evildoers and Witches, German theologian Peter Binsfeld prepared a classification of demons known as the Princes of Hell. In some Hindu texts, Dakini is a demon, or rather, a race of female demons who devour human flesh and feast on their vital essence. Balthazar: this name is from the horror film, Constantine. His rule was guaranteed to last, uninterrupted for sixty thousand years. Last Rites Final Thoughts on the Different Types of Demons, wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams, 21 Amazing Mosques, Temples, Synagogues, and Churches, Adramelech, who happens to be the Minister of Beelzebubs Order of the Fly, Baal-Berith, who is considered to be Hells secretary as well as being considered the demon of blasphemy. Beelzebub is another widely recognized name in the world of angels and demons. Almost all cultures and beliefs have their version of the incubus and succubus types of demons. If only he had paid more attention to a young Austrian boy with a funny haircut back at the turn of the 20th century, perhaps the world would have been saved some terrible atrocities. The demons Vassago, Seir, Dantalion and Andromalius are not listed in this book. Interestingly, I also find that when it comes to Hindu demonology, there is a far greater story behind the different characters one encounters. Mammon is a powerful demon indeed, and it would seem to me, as an outsider, that he is getting stronger with each passing year. One can also find his name mentioned in the Buddhist Mahayana text Lakvatra Stra, inBuddhist RamayanasandJatakas, as well as inJain Ramayanas. For every person determined to work their way to the top, there are ten willing to take a shortcut. Arunasura (Hindu mythology): He was a demon who had attained the boon from LordBrahmaof not getting killed by any two or four-legged creature. When looking at a list of the different types of demons, Leviathan is an interesting one for sure. 2. Demon of inferior order who maintains the oil in the infernal boilers. Do you have any thoughts? Oni (demons) and yurei (ghosts) have played a role in Japanese culture for thousands of years, and stories of new spirits continue to be told today. Puloman(Hindu mythology): He is an Asura from Hindu mythology. In the end, her victims kill themselves to escape her screams. The most aggressive of all demons is considered to be the so called "Lord of Blood" named Ihrinwe. No, in this article, we are going to look at some of the biggest, baddest, weirdest, and scariest types of demons from different parts of the world. The 72 Kings of Hell: Ars Goetia - The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton) | The most powerful and worst demons of Judaeo-Christian Mythology: Demonology 1: In. These experiences also add fuel to the ongoing debate regarding the mating rituals of demons and whether their copulation with humans, be it willingly or taken by force, results in the further spread of demons throughout all levels of existence. Ruby fools everyone into thinking she's one of the good guys, even the Winchesters. These illustrations are drawings that depict the descriptions of the appearance of a number of demons. Given this, Bhandasura was left alone while other gods transpired against him. Wierus omitted, however, the four demons of the cardinal points: Orient, Ponymon, Amaymon and Equi (see Agrippa's classification) and the three great governors of all the other demons: Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan. Now, he must spend his life as the Devils henchman. Zeus was the man. 412-415). As it fits perfectly into the image of a strong antagonist. LaVey utilized the symbolism of the Four Crown Princes of Hell in The Satanic Bible, with each chapter of the book being named after each Prince. If money is the root, then Mammon is the mighty oak that grows from it, stretching greedily up into the air, snatching at valuables as it growsgnarled, twisted, and bitter. These types of demons are the cheeky little blighters of the demon hierarchy. Kali was the lord and ruler during the Kali Yuga. Michael Psellus prepared the influential De operatione dmonum (On the Operation of Demons) in the 11th century, with a taxonomy dividing demons into six types: Leliurium (Igneous), Arial, Marine (Aqueous), Terrestrial (Earthly), Subterranean, and Lucifugous (Heliophobic). most powerful demons in hindu mythology. Keeping to matters of the supernatural, demons are all evil, but not all evil things are demons. So it is here that we shall give into some of the more colorful and inventive demons of Hell or whichever place of punishment it is they choose to dwell. This particular demon was created from the cremated ashes of the Hindu god Kmdva. After Bai falls in love with and. Behemoth: Massive beast, believed to be like a hybrid of dinosaur or crocodile (Ancient Jewish) 33. 15. He is widely considered as the second in command to Lucifer himself. Anybody who accepts is frozen to death by the child. Some of the popular demon characters in Hollywood films are Pazuzu (The Exorcist), Azazel (Fallen), Deadites (The Evil Dead), and Annabelle (The Conjuring).
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