music sponsors contacts in kenya
Even if they haven't sponsored any local events before, they could find your offer attractive enough if you present it in a professional way. Who is a music . In a nutshell, success in the music industry of today demands that you become a diverse musician who does not only specialize in one thing but many. Music ; Editorial . I sent 6 songs to Les Butler, he listened to them and emailed me back and said."Glo! Businesses will be far less likely to invest in unproven events than one that has a track record of success. You can reach out to such companies and explain the prospect of sponsoring your event. If you're thinking about organizing a music event, especially a big one, you're probably going to need sponsors. Kenya Region during a meeting at the Oaks Place, Kiambu to update them on the MCSKat40 activities and strategies for 2023 operations. E-mail:, lets spread the gospel to the world Heb:10:25 Thank Q in Jesus name. Dj Kapps from Kenya is an active mixer with loads of style, energy & passion.Here's a dj with no bull - just raw talent for the music he plays With. SPONSORSHIPS Fans perceive music sponsors as more authentic and trustworthy and are more likely to purchase and recommend their products. Follow these three tips to improve your odds of getting endorsed by your favorite brands. In other words, the companies sponsoring you want to see a return on their investment. Even at that, it isnt about just getting product. Once you start to get to know people, you might be surprised by how many connections open upnot just for endorsement deals for musicians either. I know for a fact I can bring alot to a compony, il put 1000% at promoting it! We got a fan base of over 11000 followers across the country and still growing with over a 1000 downloads a week of every new item dropped. by. I represent a Scottish Rock band called 'Gleadhraich'. Add data to your proposal and the potential reach your sponsors might get from it. I make requests and fullfil them more then expected . Now you need a beat (instrumental track). Make it a Sales Call:Treat every contact like you would asales call, because essentially that is what you are doing. Include things that sponsors would want to know, such as: All of this information is essential for sponsors, as they have many offers coming in, and they want to pick the best fit for their businesses. How prominently will sponsor ads be featured, and where? Why? Hey guys! We are currently preparing for our elections here and i have recorded a great song that is motivativating ecouraging and youth like. 20+ BEST Online Cakewalk by Bandlab Lessons and Courses in 2023, 13 EASY Ways to Find Your Singing Voice and Start Your Music Career, 16+ TOP Songs You Will Find On A Stalker Playlist, If You Are About to Open an Online Store Then This Guide Will Help You To Make The Most Of Your Endeavor. Once youve developed your sponsorship package, you can start selling them to sponsors. Keep it simple, take baby steps towards your goal, and you won't feel overwhelmed. This can give sponsors leverage to negotiate with you, in order to get a better deal for themselves. For more information and to see Simons blog on music industry advice, please visit Securing sponsorships is a huge amount of work, and some people are just not good at it. Your sales proposal will need to look professional, so you should invest enough time and money to make it look great with quality images and effective messaging. You can mention your sponsors on social media. Therefore, you should always look at your existing connections for potential sponsors first. The top sponsors of Education in Kenya are; 1. Often, companies will sponsor events by giving away their services for free free food, free security, free merchandise, etc. This is a brand new band. But it's always gratifying when you can make money from your event, and it might be what keeps you going year after year. Dan Wanyama, music icons and MCSK members Esther Akothee and Wahu Kagwi who are also members of the Creative Arts Technical Committee who paid us a courtesy call. You can mention your sponsors from the stage and thank them. Or on occasion if you tour a lot & talk to a rep a lot you might get to road test an item (though I've known some folks who've had road tests go bad, somethings are too delicate for that life). If that wasnt enough, Netflix has been creating more and more original content for their platform. I am an Afro fusion singer in Nairobi Kenya. 623 were here. Therefore, you should always look at your existing connections for potential sponsors first. You can take a look at the list and try to match actually companies that you know of with this list.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'gemtracks_com-box-4','ezslot_8',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-box-4-0'); For example, if you're able to identify that most of the attendees are naturally biking enthusiasts, then contacting a bike company would probably be more interested in hearing about the sponsorship opportunities that'll help them reach more people. We are based out of southern NJ. Never be afraid of getting creative. Please read our Terms of Use for more. Glo Harbison. Also, smaller indie music instrument companies are often untappedcomparedto the big brands you see at Guitar Center. Location: Kiambu Road Contact: +254 724 216 191 Email: 11. Hello my stage name is solloboy, a Kenyan doing Hiphop against drugs music, currently recorded couple of songs but seeking a promoter to realize impact of my music to the society. Thank you for any tips or adivice you may offer, Sharon Klima. Makeeverythingmore about we than just me.. It doesn't do you much good to make promises and then fail to fulfill them. DK Mwai is one of Kenya's most well-known Kikuyu musicians who promotes the pure entertainment and enjoyment value of music throughout civil society. In case they aren't the right person for discussing sponsorships with, you can ask them to get you in touch with the correct contacts. They have a big vision for their event. VIEWS. You must recognize that youll need to be paying deposits on artists, sound, security, rental fees, and more before you sell a single ticket. If you would like to call and discuss detailsmy number is 1-210-858-6712. They are now in Los Angeles and they recently dropped an album on itunes. 7. The more you'll understand their story and tie them into benefiting from sponsoring your music event, the better. Most Recommended Marketing Tools and Services For DIY Musicians. Look for businesses who your attendees are likely to utilize. So to begin with, you have to switch the mentality from What can I gain from this? to What canwegain from this relationship? Below are a few things that I recommend in your approach: Ask, straight up:Theres a saying that the answer is always no until you ask. In the music industry, there are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who wait for things to happen, and those who wonder what the heck just happened? Dont wait for an opportunity. Thank you again!-Sarah. Aligning with you provides them with the chance to reach these target customers who happen to constitute your fan base. For example, if you're targeting the air show industry, companies like ADC Group, Inc. and Air Show Network know the air show market pretty well. With your demo track ready, it's time to hit the recording studio. This is because the topics that we choose to talk about through our music can relate with anyone. And so on. They know that getting their brand in front of an audience often isn't enough to drive sales. What is Music Sponsorship? A third of the US population are paying $120 a year on music streaming. Me and my baby mother is still together so i even want success to happen even more. These will be to negotiate with high-priority sponsors only. For creating your sales proposal and sponsorship offers, you need to work on building your social media following. The Gaithers have written the best Christians on of this century The great television Gaither Homecoming professional singers are legiendary. Research the company and determine what they're working on and what is important to them. If there are other sponsors that have already signed up, you should mention them. You have to figure unless your name is at a level that they are approaching you, you aren't famous enough for them to get more from you than you are from them. When going for a live performance, such as a concert or talk show, be sure to carry along some of your physical merchandise that you can sell to those in attendance. Hey what's going on? What are their demographics? This institution is a private institution approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. This band has extensive experience and we want to kick off in all the right places using all the right social medias as well as promoting this bands songs. At a fee, they will monitor to ensure that you are not underpriced and collect your full dues on your behalf, which you can always collect as per your agreement with these copyright agencies. If you want to get sponsored by Fender, play Fender guitars and amps. As "the gateway to East Africa," Kenya plays a vital role as a . However, we kindly ask you to provide a clickable link back to Its no secret that the music industry is saturated with hopeful artists, and there are only so many companies out there interested in providing endorsement deals for musicians. The problem is that these considerations may not be grounded in any sense of reality. There are three key steps to music event sponsorships -. My philosophy is that if this is your point of view, youre probably already doomed. Gemtracks is a marketplace for original beats and instrumental backing tracks you can use for your own songs. I met a talent manager in Dallas Texas, his name is Rick Lee Hollywood. Once you have the information ready, you could start pitching the event to potential sponsors. Hi,my name is Thabang James Moitsi aka TJ.Butterfly frm Katlehong in Eastrand,I am a singer nd dancer who sing Afropop nd Jazz,i recorded one hit song called "change",m currently looking for sponsorship to record full album,i promise if i get the sponsored i will definitely make change in music industry nd be able to promote the company that sponsored me through my artistic talent,i currently performing nd promoting my single and every one like nd support me as a creative and talented musician,they compare my talent as brenda fassie,Lebo Mathosa,Mirrium makeba etc.I hope and believe i will get feedback soon from a sponsor that support and believe in Natural nd solid African Talent, My name is oladayo and stage name is SUPERBi'm upcoming and aspiring rapper and rnb singer,but mainly rap artiste..I'm 22yrs old,Nigerian and my newest song link is ..I need a sponsorer for support..u can reach me on 08189298328 for support..or add me on facebook with SUPERB and listen to d song..thanks, Thank you for posting this!! Share the sponsors' results like leads, website visits, sales closed, or other metrics that you tracked. For every musician you want to be at your festival, think of another that could fill their shoes. They will sponsor an event for results and branding. I am on Facebook as Gloria Harbison. Narok, Narok County, Kenya See Phone Number. Another fantastic sale. I really needed to see something like this. EXCLUSIVE: You might want to take a look at our article on 15+ Sites that Pay to Record Your Voice as well. Who else is sponsoring the event? While the revenue generated from music sales has decreased over the years, other avenues have emerged through which you can make money in Kenya based on your musical talent. Don't be afraid in emailing, calling, or scheduling an appointment to do an in-person presentation on why they should sponsor you. i am a composer, rapper, singer, and a very good literature student. Organizing a music festival can be quite a fun and exciting task but you'll need to have access to money to do it. Sponsors care most about return on investment (ROI), so don't go into more depth than you are required to. Its always easier to get sponsors for an event thats three years old and has some traction, compared to a brand-new event. With your music talent, why not make some extra money by nurturing the next crop of great musicians in your genre. YOU CAN ALSO CHECK ME OUT ON YOU TUBE. Cadillac is an amazing sponsor of Save The Music, generously fully funding the delivery of a J Dilla Music Technology Grant to Central High School in Detroit Public Community Schools (DPCS) in Spring 2020. Oftentimes, festivals host volunteer parties, so just loop that in with the sponsor party to hit two birds with one stone. Uploading your songs on YouTube provides a great chance to get some extra cash; a case in point is when your song features in video ads. Kenya Region during a meeting at the Oaks Place, Kiambu to update them on the MCSKat40 activities and strategies for 2023 operations. my DEATH OF FORMER MCSK CHAIRMAN MICHAEL NJEHIA MAGANZO, MCSK-KAMP-PRISK MUSIC & COPYRIGHT RELATED LICENSE, NOTICE OF THE 30TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, PRESS STATEMENT ON DISTRIBUTION OF ROYALTIES COLLECTED BETWEEN JANUARY 2021 AND JUNE 2021, Amendment of Memorandum and Articles of Association, HIGN COURT SETS ASIDE KECOBOS DECISION TO DEREGISTER CMOS, INVITATION FOR COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED TARIFFS FOR 2022-2024, MCSK-KAMP-PRISK PUBLIC NOTICE DATED 20TH JANUARY 2022. At Elite Focus Entertainment we provide music distribution services for digital content on over 36 platforms worldwide and regionally. If youve ever wanted to learn how to become a full time musician, youre in luck. You should review your Rolodex, your email list, and your social media connections. In this proposal, you'll discover the sponsorship opportunities for our upcoming music event, [Event.Name] We realize how important our sponsors are to an event's success. In this article, we have compiled a list of some of the Top Sponsors in India from sectors such as technology, healthcare, IT, engineering and many more. There are certain musicians they want to book, certain emcees they want running the show, certain expectations around keeping it green or eco-friendly, certain attendance or donation numbers they want to meet, and so on. I wasn't expecting something so great at such reasonable price! These factors have helped the country become a leader in mobile money and information and communication technology. They may tell you that they like you as an artist, but you'll still need to deliver tangible benefits. Bringing the leaders in the business and sponsors together with the music community will promote diversity and togetherness in the community. Hi am Piatah from Nairobi,Kenya and my fiance has a great passion and desire to nature talents of young upcoming artsist especially the ophaned and those from poor background.To me i see it as a call because he began talking about when he did not have any clue how it would come to be a realit..We are both Christians and we just began comiting this dream he had to God.One day God and also he started sharing his dream with people wherever he went including his relatives.One day God touched his uncle who went bought him audio recording instrument and opened him an audio studio at umoja estate in Nairobi which he named Victorious Sound Studio cause indeed this was Victorious deed by God.That was in 2012.Since then he has seen his dream come true through assisting many talented and windowed gospel artist record albums and also those from poor background realise their dreams and reach out the world with the gospel of Christ through Music.However due to the nature of this job challenges have been many.First many times he has had to struggle with the Landlord to an extent of being asked to vacate because of house rent.Secondly other challenges like paying the producer have been an headache not to mention finances required to make the studio known to many and getting the artists work marketed through media.For a long time we have had to use facebook to populise it on the endevouer of realising this big dream and a call.I thus call for advice and help in realising this big dream of my fiance and I of Channging and affecting lifes through helping the less fortunate but with talents reached to the world through gospel music.For more details and evidence please contant me trough this email. How do I get sponsors for my music? But you know to show your professionalism and prove that you're trustworthy by being prepared for such questions. Now Muzik Now Muzik is one of Nigeria's premiere 360 degrees entertainment solutions company focusing primarily on music. What do I mean by one to one child sponsorship you may ask. After all if you think that the "free" stuff you got isn't up to your standards than not only are you unhappy, but the company isn't getting bang for their buck and you may damage your own reputation as well as someone who doesn't believe in the products they endorse. You're going to be spending a lot of time planning and organizing your event anyway, so you may as well make the most of it. OUR STATEMENT ON THE COPYRIGHT AMENDMENT BILL SIGNED INTO LAW BY H.E PRESIDENT UHURU KENYATTA. You should be prepared to answer all the questions. Would it match the business demographic? What do they like? Again, this will help with your credibility. Today not only am I going to share with you a typical day in the life of five full time musicians, but Im also going to show you the common traits they all share. Ababu Namwamba Met with CMO and KECOBO Officials, Meeting with the CS in his first day in office, POLICE SERVICE TO ENFORCE COMPLIANCE WITH THE COPYRIGHT ACT, PRESS STATEMENT ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COPYRIGHT ACT, Amendment of Memorandum and Articles of Associations.
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