my dream job is to become a flight attendant
81. Be sure to mention that youre up for the challenge and are excited to help passengers have a great traveling experience. I have all the motivation and work ethics to become one of the best. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem. 5. The experience would be amazing, and getting away is my ultimate goal of mine. On this video, tuturuan ko kayo na sagutin ng tama ang question na to. I love flying, and I love being around people! The experience would be amazing, and getting away is the ultimate goal of mine. Im ready for this life-changing career. 59. Im ready to start my career in my passion for traveling and diversity with customer service. Copyright 2023 The Flight Attendant Academy All rights reserved. Are flight attendants trained to land planes? 84. 33. Try to avoid this answer. Refer back to my last point be yourself and be unique. Most interviewers will respond to I love to travel by asking where you have previously been, or where you would really love to see. assume youre on board with our. In this article, we will provide tips on answering this question effectively. Are you excited about the opportunity to see new places? I have wanted to do this my whole life! Sign up for notifications from Insider! I love people and travel while hearing their travel stories. My best work skills are always surrounding interactions with people, and I seem to get along with most people splendidly. is to convey your long-term interest in a high-level position, without overshadowing your interest in the job youre applying for. sometimes youll even sleep on the plane! Im open with life and dont have anything holding me back from an opportunity like this. 95. Align these skills to the most important preferred qualifications listed in the job posting. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. After an application process that took two and a half months, I was offered my dream job. Weve covered this before, but it is well worth repeating. Many airlines also offer their staff discounted travel perks. 2. 69. ", Interview Question: "Why Are You Looking for a New Job? is owned and operated by MAGMA EUROPA S. z O.O. Flight attendants have an average salary of $16.71 per hour. I want to live outside of my comfort zone and experience new beginnings. I love everything about it. Answering this question effectively will demonstrate that you have the right motivation to become a flight attendant and understand the job. To find out if you are not only the right person for the job but that you have the right reasons for wanting it. In this article, well give you five great reasons why becoming cabin crew is everyones dream job. 21. But how can you answer interview questions about why you want to be a flight attendant? I want to be a flight attendant too when i get older but iam really nervious for the interview even though i got 2 to 3 years till then. Becoming a flight attendant is a dream job for some. This is their story, as told to writer Fortesa Latifi. 93. Next candidate, please. Im confident I have the people skills required to be a successful flight attendant. 57. I lost both of my parents last year and really need to do something that I always want to do. It is a much bigger world out there and I want to take part in viewing it with my own eyes. 80. Im so ready to change my career. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. (2017, Apr 02). Im ready for a change and this is the career I really want now. Being a flight attendant was my goal, and all the things I loved about it were still there I got to travel, take care of people, and have a flexible schedule. I want to give back to the people who make this world what it is. They spoke on condition of anonymity to protect their career, but Insider has verified. I think I could be useful and help people be as comfortable as possible and at ease while they are getting to their destination. As an example, many airlines put on charter flights to Jeddah and Medina during, Many airlines hire international crew, and. Why It Works:This answer works well because the candidate both showcases the customer service skills he would bring to the position and also alludes to a relevant career trajectory. Registration number: 7252303643 This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with a flight attendant for a major American airline. To think that I CAN FLY is an amazing thing in itself. I love meeting new people, being able to travel and I have a love for flying. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; 53. 61. Im 51 and want to live a different life. Its been a dream for a long time and I finally have time to do it. ", Interview Question: "What Challenges Are You Looking For in Position? I have a wonderful personality I get along well with others, Im a team player and I believe I have the communication skills to be great at this job. It would be adventurous. Wow Thank you so much I will talk from my heart I am trying to memorize so much but i will not I will just be me thx you. Thank you so much. 4. I understand that addressing passengers needs, making sure they are safe and delivering outstanding service is a priority in this airline. I have very good people skills. I am 39, I have an excellent demeanor that is genuine, and I love working with all types of people! 10. 83. I believe that the skills that I have outlined have prepared me well for this new challenge. It was almost like we didn't know any better, so we were able to cope with how strange our jobs became. I love making people smile, sometimes I can win over the toughest customers. Because, somewhere along the way the unfortunate schedules, reserve, and terrible flights you had a moment when you thought, "I can't believe my job took me here." Even when I feel it's hell, I know there is a reason I stay. These 4 things will change the way you view leadership forever. Im turning a new leaf. Retrieved from I need to be in the sky. what is my hawaiian aumakua quiz. Opportunities are unlimited its all up to you how far you want to go. And if your dream job is to write novels professionally or become a sommelier, that's information best kept to yourself during an interview for a staff accountant position. 29. Insider spoke to a flight attendant at a major American airline about their job during the pandemic. I have a passion for helping & serving people. Now that the children are grown, I have the opportunity to go for it. EXPRESS YOUR ENTHUSIASM:Keep your tone of voice and your facial expression upbeat and positive as you describe your dream job. Your interviewer will be gauging the amount of interest and dedication you can offer their organization. 15. 41. 13. 14. Tell them the qualities you have that are important to the job and back them up with your experience.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thesegoldwings_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',642,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thesegoldwings_com-leader-1-0'); This is your chance to shine, to show that you have that little extra something that the company will want. 75. Which means that Im educated to a high level, and trained in scheduling, interacting and communicating with groups of people from all over the world. As you travel to new places, youll have the chance to experience different cultures first-hand and learn about the customs and traditions of other countries. No doubt. You could always mention that this job will help you to travel in your leisure time using these perks. 37. I want a job with a feeling of independence. You can make it! Your profile can also include skills you enjoy using and the type of company culture you thrive in. Ive always had a passion for hospitality and quality service with a smile. 1. Since I was 9 years old Ive always told my mom I would be a flight attendant or pilot. Requirements to become a private jet flight attendant may vary by operator. match. I really want this, there is nothing holding back except the excuses Ive been telling myself, but that ends today. I also love the feeling of freedom while traveling. When you go for an interview for a position as a flight attendant, you will be asked the question Why Do You Want to Be a Flight Attendant?. Take a few minutes to answer these questions for yourself and you . Receiving a pleasant flight with everything handled is a great feeling I want to give to others. I know its a clich too often used nowadays, but there really is no I in the word team.This reply makes you sound selfish and self-serving and wanting the airline to do things for you, not the other way around. If youre looking for more job interview advice, check out our other articles! The time has come because I have always wanted to do this since I was a little girl! Some people still rolled their eyes when we asked them to put on their masks, but usually they did what we asked. ", How To Answer Interview Questions About Teamwork, Interview Question: "What Motivates You? Learn more about what information interviewers hope to discover through your response, along with some do's and don'ts for answering this question. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements? Its something I always thought about in my mind. This would be a huge opportunity that Im ready for. There are plenty of other great answers as to why cabin crew is a great job. Because I enjoy working with people and Im so passionate about travel, this is a wonderful way to blend my two interests together and see where it takes me. My dream job is to become a flight attendant, WRONG ANSWER! If you had asked me in college what I planned to do with my journalism degree, I would've described my job at YourTango. My kids are grown and I am ready to go! This is another chance to show that you have done your research. Below are the 7 best questions to ask yourself if you're considering taking the plunge and becoming a flight attendant. I am very friendly, caring & outgoing, I think I would be a great fit for this job. And, in surveys of cabin crew, one of the most common reasons cited for loving their jobs is the sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing youve made someones journey more enjoyable. Glad it helped you.I have more content about how to prepare an interview and examples of questions they ask, do not hesitate to check that out too.Fingers crossed for your interview on Monday . Traveling has always been a love of mine and working in the air has always been a dream of mine. Because being a people person comes naturally to me plus I would love to fly around the world while helping guests at the same time enjoy their flight. Im young, single, and dedicated to creating the life that I desire. From what I have been reading and learning about the skills needed in a flight attendant, these are the ones that I am able to bring to the team.. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career., I want to be a flight attendant because it is a job that would allow me to travel and see the world. As with any open-ended questions, it's easy to feel like anything goes. I have a lot of compassion for others. I have worked in customer service for many years and understand the importance of providing excellent customer service. Cruising has afforded me a wealth of travel experience. I am also passionate about flying, and I think that becoming a flight attendant would allow me to combine these two interests.. In your answer, you can refer both toskills you currently have and want to use, and ones that you think you'll be able to develop in the position. ", Interview Question: "How Would You Describe Your Work Style? I love helping others with their needs. When I talked with my high school career counselor, this was the career I decided was the best fit for me. 7. Equally, we hope it has got you thinking about cabin crew interview questions and what to say if youre asked this question during the recruitment process. Ive always wanted to be a Flight Attendant since I was a child but I had kids and never reached that goal. Highlight your interest in travel:Talk about how you love traveling and exploring new places. To get your dream job, you need to make sure that you have a reputable online presence. If things dont go as planned the first time, there are always other airlines to consider, or you can reapply to the same airline after six months. Being able to travel & get paid while meeting new people would be a dream come true for me. I used to work for the airport and I always thought Flight Attendants are great role models for people. FAA issued Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency.. Do go into the interview with a lot of practice and preparation. Im ready to make the change. April 30, 2023 . And as vain as it sounds, having an answer that made people say "Woah! You may not agree with me, but I think that as long as you enjoy your activities earning little money, you can call the work your dream job. ", Interview Question: "What Were Your Job Expectations? This will show that youre interested in the company, not just the job. 96. I want to get the experience to meet people from around the globe, get to learn about different culture, languages and just to see the world in a whole different aspect would be one of the best decisions and opportunities I ever made and had. Are You Ready to Become a Flight Attendant. Travel Elle | Content Creator (@elle_lovess) on Instagram: "GETTING PAID TO TRAVEL ?! 76. That definitely wasn't something I expected when I started my dream job, but it was the reality of the situation. There are often opportunities to expand on these skills, furthering your personal development. I started as an intern in 2014 and left my position as Deputy Editor in February 2019. This means that they are not at all interested in people who are applying because they can't find anything else that suits them or just have a vague interest in becoming a flight attendant. I want to peruse my dream. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your 12. Your answer will be more convincing if you reflect on why you found these types of activities rewarding in the past, and how yourskill setmatches the type of job you're after. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; I want to work for your airline specifically because it is one of the most respected airlines in the world. Youre very welcome Nivian. Also, I dont like being cooped up in an office so I feel this would be the perfect job for me. If you intend to base your answer around a love of travel, make sure you tailor it to the specific airline you are applying to! Ive worked in the public for years and enjoyed the interaction with the customers. It is true that it is tiring to face passengers, even those who behave badly with a smiling face all the time but I would get the chance to travel around the world, and that is, in my eyes the best job. The more prepared, the better. I have been working as a dairy queen for the last 2 years. In conclusion, the best way to answer the question Why you want to be a flight attendant? is to highlight your interest in travel, customer service experience, and people skills and explain why you want to work for a specific airline. Being a flight attendant is what interests me most. I am sure, that each of you once had had a desire to have an extraordinary job in his early childhood, be it an astronaut or a scientist. I want to pursue it now to better myself and finally make my lifetime dream come true I would love to be a Flight Attendant because I'd love a career where my smile and hospitality matters most. I must admit, people love me too. As a truly international role, flight attendants have the opportunity to work with a great team of people from varying backgrounds. I have always struggled to figure out what I want to do with my life. The flight deck wishes you a pleasant read, and we thank you for flying with Zety Airlines. I would like to travel and see different places now! Be ready to share some examples of how you have enjoyed utilizing those skills in the past. For airlines that dont have overnight trips, or operate in a different part of the world to where you want to travel, a love of travel can still be a valid answer. You can also focus on the industry in your response to this question: If you are applying for a job at an environmental nonprofit, for example, you can mention your passion for environmentalism. I definitely want to be able to have a career I would like and enjoy. I have dreamt about it. 74. That is flat-out boring and doesnt convey any real information. writing your own paper, but remember to Im a team player and I believe I have the communication skills and smile to be an exceptional airline attendant. I know that working for your airline would be an excellent opportunity to develop my career.. I want to pursue it now to better myself and finally make my lifetime dream come true I would love to be a Flight Attendant because Id love a career where my smile and hospitality matters most. Im very good with people, I think this will be something great for me. ", Interview Question: "What Was Your Biggest Challenge as a Student? However, the pleasure I am thinking of does not exclude stress or barriers, because work otherwise would be aimless and without any outcome. But you're still in a job interview, and your responses will be closely examined. Im looking for a major career move. 70. In the beginning, we got a lot more pushback. I believe becoming a flight attendant would fit my skill set. Every so often your working day will be 5 hours long, sometimes it could be 15. Here are some other things to avoid in your response: KEEP YOUR RESPONSE RELEVANT:Make sure that the elements you list as part of your dream job are work conditions and functions relevant to the job you are interviewing for. I also like meeting new people from all around the world and learning new things. 44. Bad weather, inflight emergencies occasionaly there are even easy days with blue skies and quiet business passengers! Applicants should prepare to meet the following minimum requirements: At least 21 years of age. So how about taking exactly the same list and answering the question like this? The one thing I missed in that line of work was putting smiles on peoples faces. My dream was always to be in a plane or fly a plane. Welcome aboard Flight #1 heading to Your Dream Job. 20. This is something completely different from what Ive done. 11. ", Open-Ended Job Interview Questions and Answers. I know that this job opportunity is available, its just up to me to go for it. I know its the best job in the world. While airlines may have thousands of employees, when youre up in the air we only have each other to rely on. requirements? I am a friendly person and I would love to travel and meet new people from all aspects in life. My work as a waitress gave me an insight into how to deal with difficult customers and my work as a lifeguard taught me to understand that safety relies on being prepared and paying attention to detail. Finally, I want to work for your airline because it is one of the worlds most reputable and respected airlines. I have excellent communications which have been honed by my work as a travel rep and my face-to-face customer dealings with a large retail outlet. 6. Five examples of a great answer to this question "Why You Want to Be a Flight Attendant"? At Flight Attendant Career Connection we're in the business of helping people chase their aviation dreams and earn their wings. I am passionate about any job that I do. I like customer service and traveling. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The new daily encounters of working with different customers intrigue me. cite it correctly. I get along well with others. I am looking for a career as a flight attendant to utilize my hospitality and customer service skills. I have great people skills and love working with the public. Ships from and sold by A mismatch between your interests and what your job can make you dread going to work. So, the take out from all that?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thesegoldwings_com-box-4','ezslot_1',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thesegoldwings_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thesegoldwings_com-box-4','ezslot_2',196,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thesegoldwings_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-196{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. 72. I see this career as the ultimate customer service job. Im ready to move forward in my life. Now the CDC's mask mandate is over, I hope the interactions between flight attendants and the customers we serve get even better. For example, rather than simply setting your sights on working in a particular industry, choose the role you want. All rights reserved. But stand out for having all the right qualities and by letting the interviewer know why those qualities will be an asset to her company. And Ive been a lifeguard and interpreter as well.. 94. As cabin crew, youll have the chance to see the world and visit remarkable places that you might not otherwise have had the chance to go to. I love interacting with people from all walks of life. You lost the interviewers interest after about the tenth word because you just gave them a verbal list, not participated in a conversation. I enjoy working with people and I think it is an exciting and new experience every time you fly. I feel like I would be a great flight attendant I want a new fresh start and Im determined and dedicated to doing this. If leadership doesn't come naturally to you, it can be very . Welcome PAs What do pilots say before takeoff? Being in an airplane, in this enclosed space with people you don't know, is kind of a perfect place for those fears to incubate. 3. Which Is More Important: Qality Job or Doing the Job Under Time Limits? 65. We will also provide an example of a great answer to this question. 92. ", Interview Question: "What Are Your Career Goals? Why cabin crew is your dream job 5 Great answers Alissa July 4, 2022 Flight attendant If you're applying to become cabin crew, you'll likely be asked why it's your dream job. 98. No matter what space of flying you find yourself in hold onto wanderlust, kindness, and hope. Please explain why you want to work for the airline:Do research on the airline youre interviewing for and explain why you want to work for them specifically. This is the most common mistake people make when trying to land their dream job as a flight attendant: they underestimate how important it is to maintain an appropriate level of professionalism in . Firstly, youll sound like a robot and completely without personality. I would love to travel, experience new things, and I would like to do something that makes me happy while giving great customer service! So if youre preparing for a job interview as a flight attendant, be sure to keep these tips in mind! I understand the pressures of traveling. In the interview, your potential employer will likely focus on figuring out whether or not you have theright skills to be successful in the job. 88. Example 1 "I love to travel and explore new places, and becoming a flight attendant would allow me to do this regularly. It's such a glamorous job Don't let serving flight attendants ever tell you that they don't like getting dressed up in their uniform and feeling like a million dollars. Salaries may range from $7.25 per hour to $41.05 per hour. Understand the difference between those two things and youre well on your way to a successful interview.
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