nca officer salary uk

We achieved our highest level of disruptions during this time. Many of our hard to fill roles are situated in this geographical area, and we continue to face acute recruitment pressures here. This creates an often complex process. For example, the NCA are a proactive, rather than reactive, organisation, and we operate on different contractual terms and working patterns. We have built an increased understanding of our skills gaps through our learning annual review processes, this has ensured that training is aligned more closely to the requirements of the role. 63. The areas that we need to build specialist operational skills are prioritised for capability-based pay. The NCA are a proactive, rather than reactive, organisation, and we operate on different contractual terms and working patterns. The 2021 NCA People Survey results reported in December 2021. Anomaly correction in location allowances -97 additional officers receiving a South-East allowance. Across operational roles, in particular at grades 4 and 5, capability-based pay has gone some way to improve our comparability with policing, though the gap remains, particularly at grade 5. This can be found at Annex A. This will include reviewing our approach to overtime, shift arrangements and wider contractual terms. This publication is available at Roles based in Chelmsford/Stevenage will receive an additional. To afford this activity, and as we are constrained by the public sector IRC, we will need to seek contractual savings to re-invest spend back into pay. This is set out in chapter 1. Overtime claims by Command follows a similar distribution as overtime, with operational areas having the largest total. Tackling SOC requires a coordinated and national response. There are areas which will need more time to analyse the sustained impact. The Home Secretary has accountability for the pay process and has developed a positive, partnership approach to working with the NCA. This is being developed for 23/24, subject to wider agreement. Intelligence analysts, also known as officers, work primarily for the UK's three intelligence and security agencies (GCHQ, MI5 and MI6) and also the armed forces and the police. The turnover for this group is low. 81. Table 10 addresses the key feedback. 22. This chapter has shown the alignment between our pay strategy and the organisational context. The NCARRB feedback from their 2021 visits is reflective of the Agency engaging more, directly with the workforce. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. The Agency forecast that this proposal will have a positive impact on diversity outcomes, including a reduction of the gender pay gap through reducing the length of the pay ranges and applying targeted uplifts to the lowest earners. NCA officers work at the forefront of law enforcement. Investigations Officer These are frontline roles investigating Serious and Organised Crime, which includes the arresting and interviewing of suspects. 256 officers benefited from a 250 uplift if they earned less than 24,000, and an additional 94 officers received a small payment to ensure they were not leapfrogged on the pay scale as a result. Location: Ideally based in the UK, Germany or Denmark. The associated costings of our proposals are broken in table 14: Increase the coverage of capability-based pay: 1.33m, Adjustment of London Weighting anomalies: 170k, Current Spot Rates and Standard Pay Ranges, 3) Initial Operational Training Programme (IOTP). Government defines SOC as a tier two national security threat, with cyber sitting alongside terrorism as a tier one threat. 14. To support this work, we are developing a revised benchmarking matrix. Table 57: Total overtime claimed by command. 69. Since the introduction of capability-based pay, it has been a priority to bring more operational roles into scope of the framework. However, the NCA expects to continue to own our skills framework, whereby we determine the coverage of capability-based pay in line with operational need. Table 22: spot rate eligibility by religion. Receive newsletters. These roles are categorised by the following headings: Firearms These are Specialist roles within our Armed Operations Unit (AOU), these roles can receive the Expert Spot Rate salary. When looking at the grade breakdown, we can start to see some of the challenges we face with the gender pay gap, with the majority of female officers sitting in the lower end of each grade. The operational examples outlined in chapter 1 present the unique and complex skills mix that we require, and these types of direct operational requirements will be considered as we implement uplifts. It is important to note that the Agency operates as both a civil service department, and as a law enforcement organisation. Looking at overtime claims by officers with and without powers, the split is even with powers officers claiming 51% of overtime. In future years, we will review our approach to professions and functional pay, as other organisations have started to implement targeted, professions-based models. As part of the case for 3% IRC this year, we anticipate some reductions in spending elsewhere including overtime and time off in lieu (TOIL) , as our pay increases drive efficiencies. Our officers, and the partners we work with, deliver outstanding operational results to ensure the public are protected. The level of personal accountability and risk associated with the role. It is important to note that there are some issues that will be addressed more fully through the three year pay deal that we are planning to submit next year: Table 10: NCARRB feedback and NCA Response. An area where attrition has been quite high has been in our Armed Operations Unit (Firearms), where a combination of an ageing workforce and high numbers of officers moving to the police has meant the team have struggled to maintain operational capacity. The NCA has generally looked to policing as our key comparator, given the similarity in the types of skills that are required in our operational roles. There are many different areas that we need to apply our budgets organisationally, including infrastructure and people, and it is a fine balance to manage total investment. The Agency has made some progress against our pay strategy, through introducing a capability-based framework, whereby officers are rewarded as their expertise develops. 44. The challenge is more acute where these roles are also located in the South-East, as we require specific capabilities to tackle the threat in this area. We decided not to focus extending capability-based pay to large numbers of grade 3 officers. Authorised overtime is payable at the following rates: i) Overtime worked on a rostered working or non-working day is paid at plain time up to 37 hours (or 40 hours if on spot rate framework) per week; ii) Overtime worked on a rostered working or non-working day is paid at time and a half rate where over 37 hours (or 40 hours) are worked; iii)iii) Overtime worked on a rostered rest day or Bank Holiday with less than 14 calendar days notice is paid at double time (with no requirement to have worked 37 (or 40) hours); iv) Overtime worked on a rostered rest day or Bank Holiday where 14 or more days notice is paid at plain time in line with i) and ii) above); During 2020-21 the NCA spent 13.31m on overtime with the majority of overtime claimed in operational roles, with Intelligence and Investigations the biggest claimants. As we plan for the future, we recognise there is a need to accelerate transformation to achieve our pay principles. With the increase in hours from 37 to 40 hours, compared to those on standard terms and conditions, the tables below outlines percentage of sickness days lost. A three year pay and workforce transformation deal ,which is currently in the preliminary stages of discussion. This is to negotiate on employees T&Cs whereby officers are not covered by an independent body. This means a proportion of our work force (8.56%) are in Spot Rate posts, whilst remaining on the standard pay framework. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Evidence submissions to NCA Remuneration Review Body, 2022 to 2023, Chapter One: NCA Context, Pay Strategy & Economic Case for Change, Chapter Four: Conclusion and Total Costings, Permanently employed staff make up 90% of our total headcount. The cohort data below shows the number of officers undertaking the programme since last years report. Accountable for developing and delivering the intelligence in response to support the 4 P planning developed by Threat Leadership. Our major responsibilities and skills requirements are set out in table 7. 6. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This aligns with the work that we have completed on identifying hard to fill roles, through the vacancy gap and attrition data that is outlined in chapter 2. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: Intelligence Officer/Analyst These are campaigns which fill vacancies across the NCAs Intelligence command, as either an Intelligence Officer or within an Analyst team. 67. Funding our pay reform programme is a challenge, and impacts the pace of change. We identified and arrested prolific online offender David Wilson, who was charged with 96 sexual offences committed against 51 boys aged 4 to 14. Targeted investment at grade 3 to reduce overtime reliance. 56. We need to reduce the number of officers in operational roles on different terms and conditions. Salary & Allowances (NCA average compared to law enforcement average). Responsible for planning and driving the most effective and impactful whole system response to the SOC threats. 77. The 22/23 submission continues to execute the current pay strategy through applying the 3% IRC in line with our strategy principles of attractiveness, fairness, sustainability and looking forwards. As detailed in our Annual Plan, we are developing the Agency so it can best lead the whole system. It is comprised of senior leadership team representatives from all commands in the Agency. Sustained, unforced attrition within the roles team over two years, A track record of difficulty recruiting over a two-year period. The role is included in the hard to fill list agreed by the NCA workforce planning committee, please check your data pack to see if the role is classed as Hard to fill. 11. 82. Table 15: workforce by sexual orientation. Intelligence Analyst 3 salaries Intelligence Analyst 1 salary View More Media & Communications Based on 5 salaries Internal Communications Manager 1 salary Senior Communications Officer 1 salary View More Product & Project Management Based on 5 salaries Project Manager 1 salary Project Manager 1 salary View More Administrative Based on 4 salaries

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