newsweek opinion submission
Op-eds: Email: and CC When reporting a story from another news organization, Newsweek will credit the source or sources high in the article. 6. That's the troubling implication from an email exchange I had with Newsweek Opinion Editor Nicholas . May become property of the Star. Article should be exclusive to the Chronicle. Submissions should be limited to 800 . The shorter the better. Letters are published online and in print. Letters: Email: Letters: Email: Letters: 200 words. Due to the volume of submissions, we cant respond to all columns sent to us. You must sign a freelance agreement. More info and form here. The Rumpus specializes in fiction and poetry but will also accept interviews and book reviews from time to time. Email: They run about 650 words usually. Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. The more complex and longer the post is (within reason), the higher the pay. April 11 2020 Receive free Financial Times updates We'll send you a myFT Daily Digest email rounding up the latest Financial Times news every morning. Email: Newsweek's newsroom operates in service of the audience, with complete editorial independence from the management of the company. Email to George Pyle at Highest priority to local writers writing about local topics. The Washington Post provides award-winning news and understanding about the politics, policies, personalities, and institutions that make Washington, D.C. the worlds seat of power, and is a critical tool and information source for those who call Washington, D.C. home. As with any assignment, there are a few guidelines. Email: Letters: 200-250 words. We always use language such as "allegedly" or "accused of" or "arrested in connection with". There's a 30-page maximum for short stories, 15 pages for screenplays, and 10 pages for poetry. The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT) is a global media organization dedicated to enhancing society by creating, collecting, and distributing high-quality news and information. Both headlines and stories must be nuanced. More specifically, it would prefer to receive submissions from marginalized groups or minorities, including writers from outside the United States. Email: Letters: 250-300 words max. They cannot be election endorsements or un-endorsements, although at times the editorial department will solicit op/ed columns on both sides of an election for publication. Letters: Under 300 words. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. Specifically, they're looking for art that creates change pieces that challenge powerful institutions, educate, and generate activism, all with the goal of peace and justice. To increase your chances of publication, join us any Thursday at 5pm ET for our Ask A Journalist office hours. Letters: Include above mentioned requisites. Motivational and productivity articles are popular, as are mindset, gadget, and methodology pieces. Nobody at Newsweek should post anything on personal social media channels that they wouldn't say to a large, diverse, unfamiliar crowd of individuals. Topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to print and digital readership. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, use their online form. Parties must be given adequate time to respond. Email: To help you develop an idea of a publications readership, the following are the top 10 U.S. daily news/opinion outlets as of January 2021. Editorial staff are strictly prohibited from using someone else's work as their own. AGNI specifically looks for writing that pushes the boundaries of accepted norms, while writing in a style that is all your own. You can submit to the above mentioned online forum or email address. Include one sentence description on author. Traditional fiction is always welcome at Archive of the Odd, but the weirder the pieces, the better. Among magazines that accept freelance submissions, their articles are unique. Include your name, mailing address, and day number. Email: But until now, there hasn't been one. Each issue has its own theme, so remember to check the website before compiling your submission. Such a decision would need approval by senior editorial management. Word count for most articles is between 1,500-3,500 words. If Newsweek needs to retract a story so flawed it cannot be corrected, it does so transparently. Mslexia is only open to women, but the types of writing that you can submit are as varied as they come. Submit here. Email: We update this information regularly and are always looking for new thought leadership publications to add to the list. Letters: Click here to submit your letter to the editor. Letters: Max 250 words. Newsweek reporters must be aware of inflected language and avoid editorializing or implying motive without sourcing to support the implications. We do not speculate about a cause. Facts and Arguments is personal rather than political. Newsweek operates an automatic renewal policy and as such, renewal reminders are not issued. Form here. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. If you have questions about your essay, you can call 585-258-2434. The piece should be between 800-1000 words in length. We do not publish the contents of a suicide note unless the family has purposely made it public and we can identify a clear journalistic purpose for doing so. The Threepenny Review is a very well respected literary magazine that exclusively publishes fiction stories and poetry. Short stories, activities, articles, and cartoons are their bread and butter, but non-rhyming and humorous poetry are also accepted. Content Pit Review: Is it Possible to Find Fast, Inexpensive, and High Quality Content? Chosen articles will be contacted. All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. Op-eds: No more than 600 words. Important - Please email your request directly to confirming your registered email address. Include job title, home address, and telephone numbers. Include a bio. Op-eds: Op-eds are views of an expert in a particular field. Dark science fiction and fantasy is okay, but no horror. Payment: $50 per author for online issues, $5 per printed page (minimum of $20), This magazine claims not to be genre-specific, but in the same breath, Orchardadvertises that they're after anything that is dark, intense, and terrifying. E-mail: Anything from academic papers to medication warning sheets are considered, but editors prefer their pieces to be horror-based. Letters: Submit online here. A fantasy magazine that has won numerous awards in the science fiction and fantasy category, Clarkesworld publishes short stories and nonfiction along with audio. Name a side hustle, and hes probably done it: kindle books, Amazon FBA, affiliate sites, even dog walking. Letters: No pseudonyms or or anonymity. Letters: Email: Preference given to Atlanta and Georgia writers who focus on local and regional issues. Reply to the confirmation email to schedule a live call. Kalamazoo - Seeing your name in print is a special feeling. This magazine rarely buys flash fiction of a thousand words or less or short stories over 20,000 words, but anything between that is considered. Letters: See instructions for submitting op-eds. Include name, email, and number. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. They prefer exclusivity. Letters: Email: New York, NY 10007 Articles typically run from 400-1200 words; submissions of any length will be considered. Word limit is between 1,000 and 1,700 words. Editors will respond in two weeks to submissions they intend to print. Include links to previously published work. Op-eds: The Register's Opinion section welcomes submissions of guest essays. Sepia Quarterly is another of the magazines that accept freelance submissions that are looking for writing that makes us feel hazy, golden, and sepia-toned. Instead of provoking a single attitude, this magazine looks for works that evoke nostalgia, melancholy, and sentimentality. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be original and exclusive to The Washington Times. Letters: Generally, we limit letters to 200 words. Include name, number, and address. Op-eds: 500-700 words. They must check every single fact included in an article: dates, spelling of names, titles, timelines, numbers and other statistics. Submit completed works for consideration. They are flexible. The article has not been previously published and you are submitting it for potential publication on CNN exclusively. There should be a well-reasoned expert analysis. Payment: $75 per poem, $100 per illustrated page, $200 for 12 art images, and $100 for prose. Newsweek will always be as specific as possible in describing sources used in an article, the terms on which they were speaking and the reason why anonymity is necessary. All letters become property of The Bee. Ideally, these stories would play well in audio format, and have some variation of experimental or avant-garde writing. They require publication rights for print/online. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Op-eds: 800 words. Op-eds: 650 word limit. Include name, address, and day phone. They encourage a diversity of voices and views in our letters. To preserve the space for the pieces we think our readers will most appreciate, we have these guidelines for submissions: Letters: To submit a letter, fill out this form or email Payment: $200 per poem, and $400 per story. Newsweek adheres to practices that minimize the possibility of contagion when writing about a suicide. Include address and numbers. Op-eds: Write 600 words. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Email USA TODAY and reach a combined seven million readers daily. It is at the manager's discretion to determine how much content is required to constitute plagiarism. Letters: 150 words. Letters: Limited to 200 words. If you qualify, a member of our team will confirm by email. The essay should be persuasive, not promotional. Email: Payment: Horrorku, Horror Tanka, and Horror Haibuns will receive a dollar each, and cover art is $10. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, Newsweek's latest Diversity Report can be found here. Also provide your number. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. There's a hard word limit of 5,000 words or less. 4. Submit through form [here][1]. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. Letters should be signed, except e-mail. Email: Op-eds: Piece should be up to 700 words. Berkeley is a subsidiary of Random House publishing and publishes most genre fiction, including full-length romance in women's fiction. Generally speaking, Escape Pod is interested in genres like science, technology, and alternate history. Submit your 500-600 word piece to They should be no longer than 400 words and include the name, daytime phone number and e-mail address of the author. Want to learn step-by-step how I built my Niche Site Empire up to a full-time income? Need 250 words or less. Letters: Click here to reach the online forum where you can submit your letter, which should be 200 words or fewer. Word limit is 22,000 words. You will emerge with an op-ed draft, access to our national network of journalist mentors for individual follow-up, and a clearer idea of your potential impact on the world. Their preference is short essays on highly topical issues or themes of particular relevance to the Pacific NorthWest, Oregon, and the Portland metro area. Only by confronting the bare-bones of reality do we understand our place in the world. That sentence accurately describes the fiction, nonfiction, and artworks that The Antihumanist is actively seeking. Submit online here. Email: With the digitization of news, firm circulation numbers are hard to come by. How can I order a recent printed back-issue? Anyone can get in touch with us via Must include name, address, and day number. Every day publishes a wide range of analysis and opinion pieces on topics ranging from politics and world affairs to cultural and social issues. You may submit via this online form, Letters: 150 words. Jasper AI Review (Jarvis AI): Is It Still The Best AI Writing Assistant? (About Us). Flash fiction is also accepted. They should to be accompanied with an electronic photo of the author for publication. Please include a full name, home address, occupation and daytime phone number, for verification purposes. Building on its heritage as the leading source of business and financial news, the Journal has expanded its core content offering in recent years to include coverage of the arts, culture, lifestyle, real estate, sports, and personal health. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please inform if the piece is accepted elsewhere. They cover national and international affairs and arts. Letters: All material must be exclusive. Submit here. COMPENSATION The standard rate Newsweek pays is $200/piece. If you have a pitch for an op-ed or article that is policy-focusedwhether about technology, defense, agriculture, labor, education or other issuesit might be better . All letters must include the writer's name, full home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. Op-eds: Must include middle initial, and must be exclusive to Union-Tribune to be considered for publication. As the name implies, Elevator Stories is interested in flash fiction or personal essays that are less than 2,000 words. No unsigned letters, or letters with pseudonyms. Payment: $10 per page for poetry, $200 for short stories and personal essays. Letters cannot exceed 200 words and often run shorter. A former chief Washington commentator for the Financial Times . Letters: Email: Please read our policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. We must say whether the accused person pleaded not guilty or whether they or a lawyer otherwise denied any allegations. Pieces should include links (URLs, not headlines or footnotes) to back up quotes and factual material. Payment: $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction in print, $250 for poem, and any online works are $250. Op-eds: About 750 words. Your letter should be exclusive to The Courant. You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. Writers are encouraged to submit for both, and they will also consider topics on history, geography, and exploration. Past contributors include Richard Wilbur, Donald Hall, and Joyce Carol Oates. Letters: Letters should not exceed 600 words. Op-eds: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.comLetters: Submit to their online form here. They prefer that you do not send it as an attachment. This is great news if you are just beginning to research magazines that accept freelance submissions. You must send a 300-word query letter first. Letters: Two to three paragraphs with a clear premise. Newsweek recognizes that social media provides unique opportunities for staff to participate in interactive discussions and share information on particular topics. Op-eds: They prefer a length of no more than 550 words and the subject should be something the author or authors know well. Only credible third-party sources must be used. When you buy something through one of the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Results should not be oversold. The Barefoot Writer is one of the more popular writing-based magazines around, and has several different types of articles to inspire the reader base. Letters will be edited for length and clarity. Newsweek journalists have responsibility for checking the facts of their articles. Newsweek's latest Diversity Report can be found here. Submit here. Articles are 1500-2500 words, which present reporting and analysis. Give preference to local, regional, and Californian topics and writers. Approximately 600 words. Must be exclusive to the State. Payment: $25 per printed page of prose, and $2.50 per line for poetry. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. Write the article and then begin your next phase in the long chain of submitting an Op-Ed article to a major website. For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. Staff members who work in the realm of opinion are exempt from these political restrictions but are expected to be transparent about financial conflicts of interest. Email: Spinner created with custom SVG and CSS Animation, Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. Freelance Mom is all about actionable advice that readers can put into practice. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Times has been covering Southern California for more than 133 years. Email: Letters: 350 words. There is a hard cap of five poems or 10 images (art), as well as 7,500 words in prose. If this is a correction, please include a link to the story in question. If a submission is accepted for print publication, notice of publication is generally send concurrent with posting. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it.
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