north devon journal deaths
He asked her where, and she said never you mind. Coroner, on the body of FRANCES MARSH, a fine girl, five years of age, living with Mr Edwards, mason, St. Sidwells. 'Doctors at Dawlish do not visit patients so readily as they do here.' This letter (which we think it right to withold from publication) is couched in the most affectionate language, and represents his distracted state of mind in the strongest colours. Saturday last. ?onight, G>orgeham, Mr. George Chugg, aged 36. The Jury returned a verdict of "Died from poison taken while labouring under Temporary Insanity. Had witness been aware that his certificate would have been used in that manner, he would not have given it, and if he had had any idea of the man being removed in the way he was, he should have opposed it, on the ground of great danger. At the direction of the Coroner, R. W. Grace, Esq., the Jury retired to examine the body, which was lying in the bed room of the deceased, in the position in which it was first discovered. The deceased has left a widow and seven children unprovided for to lament his premature death. This was agreed to; but in their way they called at the sister's house in Mary-Arches-street, where after remaining some time, the woman who lived on St. David's-hill took her departure; the sister of the unhappy creature expressing her intention to see her safely to her destination; but unfortunately leaving the room a few minutes after for something she wanted, the maniac took the opportunity to escape; and on her sister's return, judge her surprise and consternation when she found her wanting. "Legally, we must now postpone the election in the Burrator ward. - At Salcombe Regis on the 18th inst. The deceased has left a wife and twelve children to lament his melancholy end.Thursday 17 May 1832 An Inquest was held on Monday last, by T. Copner, Esq. At what point, or by what means ROWDEN and WILCOCKS separated from Howe is not at present known, but the latter got safely home; their residences being however apart on the Powderham estate, this circumstance was unknown to the friends of the two former, (who under great anxiety had waited up all night,) until the following morning, when an instant search was set on foot for the missing men, and by tracking the Marsh in the usual direction they were soon found on the respective sides of one of the dikes, MR ROWDEN quite dead, and WILCOCKS with scarcely a perception of life remaining. It appeared that deceased on Monday evening had been visiting some friends at Whimple, and left them in perfect health and sobriety at 12 o'clock; the next morning he was found about three quarters of a mile from his home lying in the road quite dead. He raised an alarm and ran to the spot, when deponent saw the deceased lying on the rocks below, motionless and apparently dead. but he merely came in and went out again. The vessels of the brain were turgid, whether owing to vomiting, which he thought she necessarily had, or from other causes he could not say. - On Thursday last, at East Buckland, on the body of GEORGE LEWIS, servant to Mr Smith. ?onight, G>orgeham, Mr. George Chugg, aged 36. Coroner, and from the evidence that was then adduced, it appeared that GEORGE CUDMORE was a labouring man, with whom Grace Dunn resided as a lodger, between whom and the said GEORGE CUDMORE, an improper intimacy subsisted. She had been for some time in a state of temporary derangement.On Tuesday last, at Chittlehampton, on the body of CHRISTOPHER LEWIS, servant to farmer Luxon; he had been drinking in the evening at a public house; and on his arrival home, finding the door locked, he went to the cow house, where on the following morning he was found dead.Thursday 8 May 1828 EXETER - An Inquest was held at the Swan Tavern, in this city on Wednesday afternoon, on the body of a lady, named WILLIAM STROUD, who was unfortunately drowned the preceding day, whilst bathing at Sandy Point. MR SMALE was 42 years of age, son of the late MR SAMUEL SMALE, of Newton Abbot, a family for many years engaged as carriers between this city, Newton, Totnes, Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, and Dartmouth; he was unmarried, and in his situation in life, much respected. on each of the two wheels; at the same time they very strongly recommended that proper application be made to the Commissioners of Improvement, that more lamps should be immediately placed in those dark parts of Paris-street, which can be very easily pointed out. In the trench a boat might have remained without his notice, as the bastion caused a whorle at that place. An Inquest was taken on the body, on Monday, before Joseph Gribble, Esq., one of the Coroners for Devon, at Friend's Seven Stars Inn, St. Thomas, and a verdict returned accordingly.BARNSTAPLE - An Inquest was held in the Guildhall, on Tuesday last, before Charles Roberts, Esq., Coroner for the Borough, on the body of a man called WILLIAM MABEY, a mariner, which had been discovered early in the morning lying about five feet off the quay with his face and head under water. One of the two children used generally to bring their father his breakfast, but on the Saturday morning MRS FOWELL, whom deponent had not seen in the yard for months, came in with it herself. On the morning of the 28th Mr Blackmore went from home, but previously to starting gave directions to the deceased to rack a hogshead of cider and look after some malt. Deceased, who had been low spirited for some time, on the previous day destroyed herself, by hanging herself in her bed-room. He left home on Thursday afternoon, with intention of visiting some friends near Pynes, taking with him as was generally his custom, his double-barrel gun. Coroner, charged with killing and slaying ELIZABETH BAKER, his wife. In consequence of some statements made by her to her sister and medical attendant, suspicions arose that some deleterious drug had been administered for the purpose of producing abortion. Interment will be at the St. Josephs Catholic Cemetery. Coroner. - It is our painful duty to record a most calamitous accident which occurred in our river on Monday last; on the flow of the morning tide, W. OATWAY, the owner of one of the regular passage boats from Appledore to Barnstaple, left Appledore with five passengers, and his son, a lad who assisted in managing the boat, and having passed Heanton Court and arrived at Bassett's Sands, in the midst of a strong gale, a sudden gust of wind caught the sails, and in an instant capsized the boat, and all on board perished. The surgeons each took a portion of the contents of the stomach to analyze and the Inquest was adjourned to Thursday the 12th. It being thought it might be a piece of the fractured rib, it was examined particularly, and which, when analyzed, was found to be a piece of flint; it weighed between 2 and 3 grains. What became of the boat and crew from that hour until 3 o'clock has not been ascertained; the last time she was seen from the ship was near Drake's Island, when making for the point. MR E. THORNTON and the hind corroborated this testimony, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned. Send your story ideas to About half past two he saw two persons pass towards Stonehouse. Verdict, Divine Visitation.Thursday 30 September 1830 PLYMOUTH - An accident occurred on Friday morning last at Oreston, which although attended with the loss of one life, might have been productive of still more fatal consequences. The sister of the deceased gave a plain and clear statement of conversations which passed between them relative to the means used to produce abortion; but not being given on oath, or under the impression that she was dying, it could not be admitted as evidence. The pistol appeared to have fallen from his hand and was lying at his side. He was much respected by his master, in whose service he had lived 27 years. Thomas Benson was Sheriff of Devon and in 1746 he presented to the Mayor of Barnstaple a large silver punch bowl. Barrett, of the Dispatch, of this port, at his residence in Topsham. Lately, at her residence. The deceased had fallen from a haystack and was found dead: but as there was no appearance of injury upon him, nor any thing to induce an opinion that the fall had caused his death, it was supposed that he had been seized by apoplexy, and had expired before his fall. Mr Luxton and Mr Cock had also carefully analysed the contents of the stomach, and agreed with Mr Kingdon. The deceased was a very honest trustworthy man, and had been in the employ many years. B. An Inquest has been held on the body; and a verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.Friday 27 July 1827 An Inquest was held on Wednesday last, before F. Kingdon, esquire, Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM SAVERY, of Chawley, who fell down dead, as he was going up Chawley Hill, aged 72. Contrary to all human expectation, by the application of medical aid those wounds were nearly healed, when in the absence of his attendants he inhumanly stripped off the plaister, and laid them open afresh; failing herein to accomplish his purpose, he contrived to get a hammer, with which he violently beat and bruised his forehead, from the veins of which the blood flowed so copiously as to exhaust his little remaining strength, and terminated his life on Monday last. Deceased had been for some time unwell but still capable of attending to her usual employments, and on the above day as she was walking along the street in Axminster, she fell down and instantly expired. Coroner, at the vestry-room, St. Leonard's on the body of SAMUEL DARBY, 22 years of age, who, early on Monday forenoon was drowned while bathing in the river Exe, just below the cotton factory. Verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.A melancholy event shewing the dreadful effects of unrestrained passion, occurred on Monday, at Luppitt, in this county, to which a fine youth, between 16 and 17 years of age, the eldest son of MR BRADLEY, a respectable farmer of that parish, fell a sacrifice. Verdict - that the deceased committed self-destruction, while in a state of delirium and lunacy. This girl was the daughter of a respectable couple residing at Lambhay-hill, and was but sixteen years of age. The facts of the case as detailed in evidence before the Coroner, are as follows:- The prisoner, who is a rat-catcher, &c., of Weir, in ferreting rats, when having drank too much in the course of the day, it was with considerable difficulty he could make his way home. He had had two seizures in the course of the preceding week. Verdict - Visitation of God.TORRINGTON - An Inquest was held here on the 10th inst. Consequently the boy Taylor, who was detained in custody, was liberated. Coroner, and a very respectable Jury, held an Inquest on the body, by whom it was ascertained that the deceased had been previously drinking to excess. Casey passed away on Dec. 21. - On Saturday last, on the body of a man called WILLILAM RUSSEL, of High Bray, who hung himself in a linhay on his farm the day before, and his wife, who knew the state of excitement in which he had been for some time, missing him from the house, went to seek for him, and found him suspended by a rope, quite dead. Chas. he was much respected in his neighbourhood, and has left a widow and large family of children to mourn his loss.Thursday 25 December 1828 EXETER - Death By Fighting. She exhibited no previous symptoms of ill health. Mr Jameson stood as a parliamentary candidate for Poplar and Limehouse in London in the 2019 general election. About seven o'clock on Sunday morning last, she went to ANN SMITH'S bedroom, and finding her unwell she asked her to take tea, which she refused, stating that she was going to get up. Not the slightest bruise or blemish appeared on the body, and the Jury were unanimously of opinion that he died of an apoplectic fit, and brought in a verdict of Died by the Visitation of God. Verdict - Accidental Death.Distressing Circumstance. The facts appear to be these; WILLIAM BROADMEAD left his home on Sunday morning, without the knowledge of his family, who, finding him wanting during the forenoon, and missing him also at dinner, became alarmed, and caused an immediate search to be made for him by WILLIAM WINSLEY and JOHN PINCOMBE; after seeking him for some time, they found his clothes on the banks of the Taw, and concluded he must have gone into the water to bathe, and had been drowned. Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 28 May 1835 SOUTHMOLTON - An Inquest was held on Friday last, at Chittlehampton, by T. Copner, Esq., Coroner, on the body of GRACE HEALE, 70 years of age, who suddenly dropt down and died the day before. Here Quaintance said he had bought it for the deceased SAMUEL WESTCOMBE, who gave him the money for it. These reports reaching the ears of Henry Hole, Esq. John Phelps, the gamekeeper, about one in the day, on his return from Church, seeing the dog on the grounds, went for his gun in order to shoot it, and on regaining the part of the Park in which the pond is situated, ordered the men off. The Coroner would not exclude persons from being present, but in the existing state of the proceedings, publicity would be highly improper - perhaps prejudicial to the cause of justice. - On Monday afternoon, an Inquest was held at the Tyrrell Cottage Hospital, by Dr Ellis Pearson, Deputy Coroner, on MABEL VAVASOUR PECK, lately in the employ of Mrs G. Glyde, Broad Park Avenue, Ilfracombe. James Partridge, Esq., the Coroner for that division, held an Inquest on the body on the following day, when a verdict of 'manslaughter' was returned against Selly; and the day following he was conveyed to the County Jail, but it is said he is to be liberated on bail; he is about 30 years of age, and the deceased was 41.Thursday 12 June 1834 An Inquest was held by T. Copner, Esq. The deaths of two people found dead inside a property in a Devon village are being treated as unexplained. While his household were engaged in milking, they heard the report of a gun, a servant went into the house, and called the deceased by name, but received no answer, she then went towards the garden and on looking over the garden hedge into the orchard, saws the deceased lying on his back with his legs across the trunk of a tree. The other child SCOINES, whose parents reside near Exe-lane, had experienced a similar fate only whilst its mother had gone a short distance to the well for water. No suspicion was however entertained that the young woman had come to an untimely end; nor was it known at the time that she was in a state of pregnancy. Neither of the party having escaped, to tell the sad and mournful tale, we have only conjecture on which to found it; but it is presumed that the coachman, while going the under road, across the sands, from Starcross, and when a little beyond the residence of General St. Leger, mistook the light of a ship for the turnpike light, and inadvertently got into deep water, where, as the tide was drifting strong, and the wind rather high, the vehicle was in an instant overwhelmed. The evidence corroborated the melancholy statement of the unfortunate man's companion, Charles Wiltshire, who stated that he had been working at Mamhead Park, as a stonemason. He had been absent from his home from Friday last, and appears to have visited Exmouth, Dawlish, Teignmouth, and Torquay, whence he crossed the country to Ashburton, and on Sunday arrived at Moreton. The Jury, on the Inquest, before Joseph Gribble Esq. A Coroner's Inquest was held before Alderman Law, and a verdict accordingly returned.On Saturday last an Inquest was held before T. Copner, Esq., Coroner, on the body of GEORGE WALTER, aged 18, who was found dead in the road between Barnstaple and his father's house at Newton Tracey. Coroner for the County. In later years when Hospitals appear, people can be dying away from their parish after having been admitted to that institution, and the Inquest is therefore conducted where the death occurred, rather than where the person was living. one of the Coroners for Devon, when, after an investigation of the circumstances, the Jury returned a verdict of Manslaughter against Phelps, and, on the Coroner's warrant, he has been committed to the Devon County Gaol to take his trail accordingly.Thursday 5 March 1829 A Coroner's Inquest was taken on Monday last, at Chittlehampton, by T. Copner, Esq. - An Inquest was held by Isaac Cox, Esq. A Jury was immediately impannelled, at the Pottingdon Limekilns, who returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." Passed away peacefully at Meadowside & St. Francis Care Home on 19th April Michael Sargent, aged 72. The deceased had had banns to seven men, was married to four of them, and died a widow, aged 76.Thursday 13 October 1831 EXETER - Sudden Death. Mr Copner, (surgeon) when called in deceased was on the bed, the room was covered with blood, and his throat was cut almost from ear to ear; it was an immense gaping wound, which had divided the windpipe, but not separated the principal arteries of the neck, and his death was occasioned by the loss of blood; that the deceased was conscious of his attendance, and spoke to him by name, but expired soon after the medical operation had been performed. 3.1.1867 The band of the South Molton Rifles welcome in the New Year by marching around the town at 4 a.m. in the morning. Faces from The man was then attacked with shiverings, and the formation of an abscess was suspected. It appeared by the evidence that her clothes caught fire on Sunday afternoon, when she was so severely burnt as to cause her death on the Tuesday following.MURDER - A man of the name of William Berry was committed to the County Gaol on Wednesday, charged on the warren of J. Partridge, Esq. Coroner's Verdict - Insanity.Thursday 27 May 1830 TORRINGTON - An Inquest was held on Sunday last at Merton, before Francis Kingdon, Esq. The length of time he was absent caused a search to be made, when he was discovered to be dead, and his body nearly cold. Elections in a Devon council ward have been suspended after the death of a candidate. He had been in the army, and served under the Duke of York in Holland, and subsequently in the 17th regiment of foot, in the East Indies, and was in the receipt of a pension. WebDeath of Professor Willon.Professor Wilson ( Christopher North died in Edinburgh, in Gloucester-place, on the 3rd inst., at a few minutes after midnight- In May next he would
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