pace ready meals discontinued
See Note 5D. 3.3 A An easy read illustrated version should also be provided if available (see Note 3A). See section 13 and Note 13B; (b) that in addition to the continuing rights set out in paragraph 3.1(a)(i) to (iv), the detainee is told clearly about their right to interpretation and translation; (c) that the written notice given to the detainee in accordance with paragraph 3.2 is in a language the detainee understands and includes the right to interpretation and translation together with information about the provisions in section 13 and Annex M, which explain how the right applies (see Note 3A); and. 6ZA No police officer or police staff shall indicate to any suspect, except to answer a direct question, that the period for which they are liable to be detained, or if not detained, the time taken to complete the interview, might be reduced: if they do not ask for legal advice or do not want a solicitor present when they are interviewed; or. (v) their informed agreement to be interviewed voluntarily must be sought and given in the presence of the appropriate adult and for a juvenile, the agreement of a parent or guardian of the juvenile is also required. If a detainee is deaf or a vulnerable person, particular care must be taken when deciding whether to use any form of approved restraints. Offences under the following provisions of the Fraud Act 2006: section 1 (fraud), section 6 (possession etc. 16.3 When a detainee is charged they shall be given a written notice showing particulars of the offence and, subject to paragraph 2.6A, the officers name and the case reference number. If during that same period the charge condition is also met in respect of that detainee, the sample which has been taken shall be treated as being taken by virtue of the charge condition, see paragraph 17.4, being met. 10.10 When a suspect interviewed at a police station or authorised place of detention after arrest fails or refuses to answer certain questions, or to answer satisfactorily, after due warning, see Note 10F, a court or jury may draw such inferences as appear proper under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, sections 36 and 37. must be informed as soon as practicable that the juvenile has been arrested, why they have been arrested and where they are detained. If the suspect has asked for legal advice, their solicitor should be involved in the assessment and in the case of a juvenile or vulnerable person, the appropriate adult should be involved. Remember to take into account the possibility or presence of other illnesses, injury, or mental condition; a person who is drowsy and smells of alcohol may also have the following: 1. (d) communicating with practitioners and others who have some formal responsibility for, or an interest in, the health and welfare of the suspect. already at the police station, the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 to 3.5 must be complied with in the appropriate adults presence; not at the station when these provisions are complied with, they must be complied with again in the presence of the appropriate adult when they arrive. 12ZA Live link means an arrangement by means of which the interviewing officer who is not at the police station is able to see and hear, and to be seen and heard by, the detainee concerned, the detainees solicitor, any appropriate adult present and the officer who has custody of that detainee. 1GA For the purposes of paragraph 1.4(a), examples of relevant information that may be. by refusing to leave their cell to go to a suitable interview room or by trying to leave the interview room, they shall be advised that their consent or agreement to be interviewed is not required. 5C If the detainee does not know anyone to contact for advice or support or cannot contact a friend or relative, the custody officer should bear in mind any local voluntary bodies or other organisations who might be able to help. See Note 8A. A person need not be cautioned if questions are for other necessary purposes, e.g. 10. In these cases, a person whose confirmed preference is to be dealt with as being male should be asked in private whether they wish to speak in private with a member of the custody staff of a gender of their choosing about the provision of menstrual products and their personal needs, notwithstanding their confirmed preference (see Note L3A); (ii) if there are grounds to doubt that the preference in (i) accurately reflects the persons predominant lifestyle, for example, if they ask to be treated as a woman but documents and other information make it clear that they live predominantly as a man, or vice versa, they should be treated according to what appears to be their predominant lifestyle and not their stated preference; (iii) If the person is unwilling to express a preference as in (i) above, efforts should be made to determine their predominant lifestyle and they should be treated as such. 11F The appropriate adult may intervene if they consider it is necessary to help the suspect understand any question asked and to help the suspect to answer any question. They must also be told that at any time live-link interpretation is in use, they may make representations to the custody officer or the interviewer that its operation should cease and that the physical presence of an interpreter should be arranged. PACE, section 55A allows a person who has been arrested and is in police detention to have an X-ray taken of them or an ultrasound scan to be carried out on them (or both) if: (a) authorised by an officer of inspector rank or above who has reasonable grounds for believing that the detainee: (i) may have swallowed a Class A drug; and, (ii) was in possession of that Class A drug with the intention of supplying it to another or to export; and. When the person has recovered from the effects of drink and/or drugs, they should be re-assessed in accordance with paragraph 1.4. (ii) when a solicitor, including a duty solicitor, has been contacted and has agreed to attend, awaiting their arrival would cause unreasonable delay to the process of investigation. (iii) failing these, some other responsible adult aged 18 or over who is other than a person described in the bullet points in sub-paragraph (ii) above. If the person making the statement cannot read, or refuses to read it, or to write the above mentioned certificate at the end of it or to sign it, the person taking the statement shall read it to them and ask them if they would like to correct, alter or add anything and to put their signature or make their mark at the end. See paragraphs 3.12 and 13.1. The dish has 411 calories, 46 grams of protein, and 20 grams of carbohydrates. 17.8 Authorisation by an officer of the rank of inspector or above within paragraph 17.3(b) or 17.4(b) may be given orally or in writing but, if it is given orally, it must be confirmed in writing as soon as practicable. 9.16 If a healthcare professional does not record their clinical findings in the custody record, the record must show where they are recorded. Any officer or police staff with relevant information must inform the custody officer as soon as practicable. This entitlement lasts for 12 months after release. 13.10CIf a detainee complains that they are not satisfied with the quality of the translation, the custody officer or (as the case may be) the interviewer, is responsible for deciding whether a further translation should be provided in accordance with the procedures set out in the arrangements made by the chief officer, see paragraph 13.1A. If the custody officer has any doubts about. A detainee not asleep during the review must be present when the grounds for their continued detention are recorded and must at the same time be informed of those grounds unless the review officer considers the person is incapable of understanding what is said, violent or likely to become violent or in urgent need of medical attention. The interviewer shall certify on the interview record itself what has occurred. Learn more about our range of British Classics Ready Meals This includes the detainees prompt release when the power no longer applies, or their transfer if the power requires the detainee be taken elsewhere as soon as the necessary arrangements are made. (b) to whom the Code of Practice issued under paragraph 6 of Schedule 14 to TACT applies because they are detained for examination under Schedule 7 to TACT. 6.14 If the inspector refuses access to an accredited or probationary representative or a decision is taken that such a person should not be permitted to remain at an interview, the inspector must notify the solicitor on whose behalf the representative was acting and give them an opportunity to make alternative arrangements. This risk assessment must include the taking of reasonable steps to establish the detainees identity and to obtain information about the detainee that is relevant to their safe custody, security and welfare and risks to others. Any questions that are necessary, e.g. If they cannot be contacted, the person in charge of detention or the investigation has discretion to allow further attempts until the information has been conveyed. 1. This confirmation shall be recorded in the interview record made in accordance with section 11 of this Code (written record) or Code E or Code F. 3.22 B Action taken under paragraphs 3.21A to 3.21B shall be recorded. 2A The purpose of paragraph 2.6A(b) is to protect those involved in serious organised crime investigations or arrests of particularly violent suspects when there is reliable information that those arrested or their associates may threaten or cause harm to those involved. If the arresting officer is not physically present when the detainee is brought to a police station, the arresting officers account must be made available to the custody officer remotely or by a third party on the arresting officers behalf. 11E Significant statements described in paragraph 11.4 will always be relevant to the offence and must be recorded. This period should normally be at night or other appropriate time which takes account of when the detainee last slept or rested. 1E A detainee should always be given an opportunity, when an appropriate adult is called to the police station, to consult privately with a solicitor in the appropriate adults absence if they want. For this reason, the appropriate adult is expected, amongst other things, to: assist them to communicate with the police whilst respecting their right to say nothing unless they want to as set out in the terms of the caution (see paragraphs 10.5 and 10.6); and. (b) if the statement is made at a time when the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence applies: say. See Note 10D. 6E An officer who takes the decision to exclude a solicitor must be in a position to satisfy the court the decision was properly made. Such assessments should therefore always include a check on the Police National Computer (PNC), to be carried out as soon as practicable, to identify any risks that have been highlighted in relation to the detainee. With effect from 3 April 2017, amendments made by the Policing and Crime Act 2017 require persons under the age of 18 to be treated as juveniles for the purposes of all other provisions of PACE and the Codes. whether the rest period under paragraph 12.2 is imminent) and the requirements of other investigations. Authority to delay a detainees right to consult privately with a solicitor may be given only if the authorising officer has reasonable grounds to believe the solicitor the detainee wants to consult will, inadvertently or otherwise, pass on a message from the detainee or act in some other way which will have any of the consequences specified under paragraphs 1 or 2. If applicable, the officer shall be informed of the comment as soon as practicable. Certain provisions of this and other PACE Codes explicitly state that searches and other procedures may only be carried out by, or in the presence of, persons of the same sex as the person subject to the search or other procedure or require action to be taken or information to be given which depends on whether the detainee is treated as being male or female. They must be adequately lit, subject to such dimming as is compatible with safety and security to allow people detained overnight to sleep. 14.1 If a person is arrested by one police force on behalf of another and the lawful period of detention in respect of that offence has not yet commenced in accordance with PACE, section 41, no questions may be put to them about the offence while they are in transit between the forces except to clarify any voluntary statement they make. The tomatillo and lime sauce isn't spicy. I understand that I do not have to say anything. they must be brought before the custody officer as soon as practicable after their arrival at the station or if applicable, following their arrest after attending the police station voluntarily. The period may not be interrupted or delayed, except: (a) when there are reasonable grounds for believing not delaying or interrupting the period would: (i) involve a risk of harm to people or serious loss of, or damage to, property; (ii) delay unnecessarily the persons release from custody; or. 17C A prescribed person in paragraph 17.13 is one who is prescribed in regulations made by the Secretary of State under section 63B(6) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. See paragraph 13.1C below if the person is in Wales. Ond gall niweidio eich amddiffyniad os na fyddwch chin sn, wrth gael eich holi, am rywbeth y byddwch chin dibynnu arno nes ymlaen yn y Llys. Either or both of these privileges may be denied or delayed if an officer of inspector rank or above considers sending a letter or making a telephone call may result in any of the consequences in: (a) Annex B paragraphs 1 and 2 and the person is detained in connection with an indictable offence; Nothing in this paragraph permits the restriction or denial of the rights in paragraphs 5.1 and 6.1. Paragraph 6.1 applies if legal advice is required. Where the person elects which gender they consider themselves to be under paragraph 4(b)(i) but, following 4(b)(ii) is not treated in accordance with their preference, the reason must be recorded in the search record, in the officers notebook or, if applicable, in the persons custody record. 12.12 Any decision to delay a break in an interview must be recorded, with reasons, in the interview record. This is because after that caution: (i) you asked to speak to a solicitor but have not yet been allowed an opportunity to speak to a solicitor. 15.11 When a review is carried out by telephone or by using a live link, or the requirement in paragraph 15.3 will be satisfied: (a) if facilities exist for the immediate transmission of written representations to the review officer, e.g. (b) the grounds for giving the authorisation. For screen reader problems with this website, please call 1-844-995-5545. Whether a healthcare professional is appropriate depends on the circumstances of the duties they carry out at the time. See paragraphs 13.2 and 13.5. 9.5A This applies even if the detainee makes no request for clinical attention and whether or not they have already received clinical attention elsewhere. See paragraph 3.21. If the custody officer authorises a persons detention, subject to paragraph 1.8, that officer must record the grounds for detention in the detainees presence and at the same time, inform them of the grounds. 1GC When a person is under the influence of drink and/or drugs, it is not intended that they are to be treated as vulnerable and requiring an appropriate adult for the purpose of paragraph. In the case of a juvenile or vulnerable person, the appropriate adult must be involved in accordance with paragraph. A detainee must be immediately discharged from detention if a registered medical practitioner, having examined them, concludes they are not mentally disordered within the meaning of the Act. See paragraphs 13.12 to 13.14 and Annex N for application to live-link interpretation. If a specific notice is not available, the notice given to detained suspects with references to detention-specific requirements and information redacted, may be used. Anything you do say may be given in evidence., Does dim rhaid i chi ddweud dim byd. L3A The reason for the exception is to modify the same sex/gender approach for searching to acknowledge the possible needs of transgender individuals in respect of menstrual products and other personal needs relating to health, hygiene and welfare and ensure that they are not overlooked. See Note 4A and Annex L. 4.2 Subject to paragraph 4.3A, detainees may retain clothing and personal effects at their own risk unless the custody officer considers they may use them to cause harm to themselves or others, interfere with evidence, damage property, effect an escape or they are needed as evidence. A telephone call may be terminated if it is being abused. that the purpose of their presence is to: observe whether the interview is being conducted properly and fairly; and. The officer consulted will then decide if the interview should continue without the attendance of that appropriate adult. (b) Documents and materials which are essential to effectively challenging the lawfulness of the detainees arrest and detention must be made available to the detainee or their solicitor. This is important so as to maintain the dignity of the person and any officers concerned. For this reason, the custody officer must consider whether the ability of the particular suspect, to communicate confidently and effectively for the purpose of the interview is likely to be adversely affected or otherwise undermined or limited if the interviewing officer is not physically present and a live-link is used (see Note 12ZB). The person taking the statement shall certify on the statement itself what has occurred. The arrangements also apply, with appropriate modifications, to persons attending a police station or other location (see paragraph 3.22 and Notes 3I and 3J) voluntarily who are cautioned prior to being interviewed. (v) When the interview starts and the interviewer reminds the suspect of their right to legal advice (see paragraph 11.2, Code E paragraph 4.5 and Code F paragraph 4.5), the interviewer shall then ensure that the following is recorded in the written interview record or the interview record made in accordance with Code E or F: confirmation that the detainee has changed their mind about wanting legal advice or (as the case may be) about wanting a solicitor present and the reasons for it if given; the fact that authority for the interview to proceed has been given and, subject to paragraph 2.6A, the name of the authorising officer; that if the solicitor arrives at the station before the interview is completed, the detainee will be so informed without delay and a break will be taken to allow them to speak to the solicitor if they wish, unless paragraph 6.6(a) applies, and. (c) the officer in charge of the investigation, or in the case of a detained suspect, the custody officer, see paragraph 16.1, reasonably believes there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction for that offence. (ii) in all other cases, by allowing those who are given the opportunity to make representations, to make their representations orally by means of the live link. These meals come with a variety of items including a main meal, a dessert, accessories, drink mixes, sides, etc. 1.2 This Code of Practice must be readily available at all police stations for consultation by: do not include the Notes for Guidance which form guidance to police officers and others about its application and interpretation. Before a detainee is asked to give appropriate consent to an x-ray or an ultrasound scan, they must be warned that if they refuse without good cause their refusal may harm their case if it comes to trial, see Notes K1 and K2. Reminders of the right to legal advice must be given as in paragraphs 3.5, 11.2, 15.4, 16.4, 16.5, 2B of Annex A, 3 of Annex K and 5 of Annex M of this Code and Code D, paragraphs 3.17(ii) and 6.3. Annex C, paragraph 2 sets out the alternative terms of the caution to be used when the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence applies. When healthcare professionals identify risks they should be asked to quantify the risks. The custody record shall show when a delay has occurred and the reason. However, the officer or designated person given custody remains responsible for making sure the procedures and tasks are carried out correctly in accordance with the Codes of Practice (see paragraph 3.5 and Note 3F). The detainee may, at the custody officers discretion, have meals supplied by their family or friends at their expense. If the requirement for privacy is compromised because what is said or written by the detainee or solicitor for the purpose of giving and receiving legal advice is overheard, listened to, or read by others without the informed consent of the detainee, the right will effectively have been denied. The persons gender as established under paragraph 4(c)(i) to (iv) above must be recorded in the persons custody record or, if a custody record has not been opened, on the search record or in the officers notebook. 3.21 A The interviewer must inform the suspect that the purpose of the voluntary interview is to question them to obtain evidence about their involvement or suspected involvement in the offence(s) described when they were cautioned and told that they were not under arrest. 10.1 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence, see Note 10A, must be cautioned before any questions about an offence, or further questions if the answers provide the grounds for suspicion, are put to them if either the suspects answers or silence, (i.e. When free advice is not limited to telephone advice, a detainee can ask for free advice from a solicitor they know or if they do not know a solicitor or the solicitor they know cannot be contacted, from the duty solicitor. The responsible officer will normally be a member of a Youth Offending Team, except for a curfew order which involves electronic monitoring when the contractor providing the monitoring will normally be the responsible officer. On that return, both must report the manner in which they complied with the Code during period in question. (d) For juvenile and vulnerable suspects (see paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5): (i) the information must be provided or (as the case may be) provided again, together with the notice, in the presence of the appropriate adult; (ii) if cautioned in the absence of the appropriate adult, the caution must be repeated in the appropriate adults presence (see paragraph 10.12); (iii) the suspect must be informed of the decision that an appropriate is required and the reason (see paragraph 3.5(c)(ii); (iv) the suspect and the appropriate adult shall be advised: that the duties of the appropriate adult include giving advice and assistance in accordance with paragraphs 1.7A and 11.17; and. 13A Chief officers have discretion when determining the individuals or organisations they use to provide interpretation and translation services for their forces provided that these are compatible with the requirements of the Directive. After a whole week of eating the ready meals, and sticking 100 per cent to the Slimming World plan throughout the rest of the day, I'd have been gutted if I didn't lose any weight. be brought before the custody officer at the police station where they are arrested or (as the case may be) at the police station to which they are taken after being arrested elsewhere. 16.10 If arrangements for a juveniles transfer into local authority care as in paragraph 16.7 are not made, the custody officer must record the reasons in a certificate which must be produced before the court with the juvenile.
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