send republicans to 're education camps
After going on a tangent about how "Loving a white person does not make me a cultist," Faulkner came back on the other side of the commercial break to have the panel discuss the notion of "deprogramming.". Ask Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones. 30 Apr 2023 18:46:24 Aside from the Robinson clip on "Morning Joe," the other came from former CBS anchor Katie Couric during an appearance she made last Friday night on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher.". Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Steve Bannon, who suggested beheading Dr. Anthony Fauci, defrauded Trump supporters into donating to build a border wall and then used some of the money for himself, according to a federal indictment. If we allow employers like the Dolphins to censure, fine, suspend or fire a player for his thoughts or his political or religious beliefs, have we made progress? Wayne's Twitter. Americanism is the coin. Republicans remain largely uneducated, and therefore rigidly stuck in a 1950s black & white TV rerun loop of Father Knows Best starring the erstwhile Dr. Marcus Welby. Roy is a member of the far It Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested using forced labor at the camps, compelling Republicans to run on giant hamster wheels to generate enough energy to run the country under a Green New Deal. 30 Apr 2023 18:55:31 Youre gonna die for it motherf***er! said the Sanders activist. If not, soon in Obamas America, Christians who oppose gay marriage or abortion will be forced to the back of the bus. All that Sensitivity Training planted the Psyco seeds for the current generation of Biden supporters. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. Couric is just the latest left-leaning public figure to suggest deprogramming Republican voters and lawmakers a term that has been associated with so-called reeducation camps, which are utilized by authoritarian regimes to pacify political opponents. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Because thats a big deal.. Reeducation camps. New definition of BLM=Biden Loves Minors! Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. BizPac Review is under attack by progressive Silicon Valley zealots. All the kids liked to run their fingers through it. Lets start with Michael Sam. Democracy is a word used by Republicans to pull the wool over our eyes. #Expose2020, $bannerservice ='gtm'; Didnt the ACLU defend the rights of a Neo-Nazi group to march in Skokie, Illinois (a city with a large number of Jewish Holocaust survivors)? Were already unified. Is that progress? What were her critics angry about? $ishomepage = is_front_page(); And heres our email:, Katie Couric (@katiecouric) January 15, 2021. But half a century ago we didnt need the racist George Wallace wing of the Democratic Party, and today we dont need the wing of the Republican Party that embraces conspiracy theories and winks at violence. Now is the time. Free speech is no longer tolerated by the left. ", In another segment earlier in the same show, host Harris Faulkner described "a new call from the left" to "deprogram" Trump supporters as cult members, citing an MSNBC soundbite from Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson on "Morning Joe.". Americanism and Republicanism are not two sides of the same coin. And ever since then government has been seen as a major impediment to arrogant entitlement. He has every right to believe and say what he wants. Republicans believe in original sin. "Is the plan of Couric and others to cram everyone into a digital reeducation camp, or are they gonna set up a concentration camp like that for the Uighur Muslims in communist China to make sure everyone gets reeducated and deprogrammed?" The law will ensure that Mr. DeSantis does not have to resign the governorship early if he runs for president. But in this case, the ACLU is surprisingly silent. [sharequote align="center"]For the first time Im rooting for the ACLU to take a stand. This theme of punishing Trumps supporters isnt a new one for Atkins, who writes for Washington Monthly. The far-Left darling of the While the material was lumped in with tech companies severing ties with Trump-related accounts, the only mentions of Trump supporters being "deprogrammed" over their beliefs that the election was stolen came from just two soundbites. Beller also called for people to go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails in the event President-elect Joe Biden didnt win the election in November. Heck, in my day, wed have killed to go to camp. "This employee no longer works for PBS. Let's not do unto Republicans as they do unto you. Make sure you see our stories daily directly to your inbox. Send any friend a story. I gently told them that they were in no peril and I was stung that they felt greatly relieved to hear it. Wait.I thought that was the purpose of the government day prison system.aka da skoolz. Republicans don't spread democracy, they spread fear and panic. (AP Photo/L.G. This is a football team. Another undercover expos from Project Veritas shed new light on Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign this week, with a different field organizer calling for Republican re-education camps while urging supporters to Guillotine the Rich.. In this Feb. 15, 2014, file photo, Missouri's All-American defensive end Michael Sam claps during the Cotton Bowl trophy presentation at halftime of an NCAA college basketball game between Missouri and Tennessee in Columbia, Mo. Fox News did not respond to Insider's request for comment. We love hearing from our readers and invite you to join us for feedback and great conversation. I thought this was a Republic with a Constitution guaranteeing our right to express ourselves? I mean, Im serious, he says. The latest investigation by Project Veritas has a PBS staff attorney on video calling for the children of Republicans to be put in reeducation camps. Kind of reminds me of the old phrase; You will join my peaceful protest movement, or we will beat you to death. Im no cap bro, Ill straight up get armed. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Project Veritas then displays a graphic recounting that up to 25,000 laborers died at the Belomorkanal, according to Soviet documents. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider All rights reserved. "There's nothing that'll make Republicans want unity more than a nice, relaxing stay in one of our Unity Camps," said Joe Biden. Don Lemon out at CNN; 'stunned' former host blasts management in Twitter post, 'That young lady attacked me, and she went for blood': Teacher who fought back against HS student over confiscated phone defends her actions, Pirates call up 33-year-old infielder from the minors after 13-year wait, leaving him in tears: 'A dream come true', Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The world has been made dangerous by the criminal and anti-human policies of Republicans as they wage genocide to make the world safe for "democracy.". Whats great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. -----------------------------------------------------, Inquiries about advertising opportunities can be made by emailing me at, Guess which Big Tech executive just bought a second passport, The Scary Truth About Living in Big Cities During the Turbulent Times Ahead, This museum visitor decided he wanted a snack so he ate a $120,000 piece of modern art taped to the wall , How Civil Wars Start Book Review: Leftists Are Idiots, JPM CEO Says System Is Very, Very Sound After Second Largest US Bank Failure In History, Is the Collapse of the Petrodollar Imminent? We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. Interestingly, in each case I personally disagree with the views expressed, but vehemently disagree with the actions taken against those who expressed the views. Will there ever be accountability for Mass Murder by Covid vaccine? Biden faces fierce backlash over bizarre claim: 'Our nation's children are all our children! The fundamental core Should a CEO in America be fired for his personal belief that marriage is between a man and a woman? And no, I'm not talking about Chinese re-education camps during the cultural revolution or America's re-education camps in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and dozens of secret facilities around the globe. Well, Ill Tell You What in Cuba, What They do to Reactionaries? But her honorary degree was cancelled because of student protests. just wait til the Internet gets paused. It's the smile of a grifter. Wayne Allyn Root is the national bestselling author of The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive and Prosper During Obamageddon. Worse, he wasn't fired for leading the battle, but rather just for writing a check to a cause he believed in. I remember one summer, I was sitting in the pool watching my leg hair change color in the water. There is no evidence suggesting the incoming Biden administration plans to take Trump voters into custody because of their voting records. At the camps the Uighurs are educated in a process their Chinese elders describe as washing brains, cleansing hearts, strengthening righteousness and eliminating evil.. Take the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Leave the purity tests for God. Its time to start getting nervous about expressing your views publicly - if youre a conservative. I may not agree with what Don Jones said publicly, but I think the Miami Dolphins and the NFL should be sued for $100 million dollars for violation of the employee rights of Don Jones. Whether you are gay or straight should not matter. I dont want to wait and have to wait for f***ing DNCThe billionaire class. But does that mean that others should now be forced into the closet? The opinions expressed in this channel are solely those of each individual author. And You Deserve a Violent Reaction, he added. This is not ok. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! WebDuring the Second World War, the Jews of occupied Europe were mostly sent to the six death camps in Poland, including Auschwitz. On that issue, Republicans have been more right than many Democrats. I think its great that being gay is now openly accepted in America. But Trump supporters are the baddies. When 80% of the people say the country is heading in the wrong direction, it's because we're heading in the direction Republicans have championed. Republicans believe in unlimited freedom inside a very small box while Democrats believe in personal responsibility on an open prairie. It's called re-education. $bannerservice ='dc'; There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individuals views in no way reflect our values or opinions. You know the citizens that paid the LEOs salary. I guess this could be written on banners for antifa and Bow Legged Men. To a Republican, Oligarchy is as close as they ever want to come to democracy. "Well I know one thing, all of the Trump supporters are getting Ring doorbells so they can see who's knocking, because they think it might be some government goon coming to take them away because they voted differently than Eugene Robinson or Katie Couric," Huckabee said. Jones was immediately fined and barred from team activities until he finishes "training for his recent comments made on social media." Its already reality. Where have we heard those before? These days, its much more effective to just censor all your social media accounts whenever you commit a thought crime and let it slip out on them. I say congratulations. But thats not the issue. It's not like we're trying to teach Republicans quantum Euclidean geometry. Leave the purity tests for God. The f***ing media, pundits. In short, Republicans are decidedly un-American and need re-education as regards both the human condition and the American project. Not a funny BB article its TOO close to the truth. PBS lawyer who called for re-education camps for Republican children; no longer with network By KWWL Jan 13, 2021 0 (KWWL) The Associated Press reports, a Can you imagine Mitch McConnell? "I mean, it's really bizarre, isn't it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten," Couric said in the clip shown on "Outnumbered," referring to Republican lawmakers who still dispute the results of the 2020 election along with President Trump. Where is the ACLU? People came from America to work on the Belomorkanal, the Soviet project, for the communist project, he said. It's a personal and religious issue. When I told him he was wrong, he was astonished that I could be so poorly informed, and he helpfully advised, Dont pay attention to those liars in the mainstream media.. Where is the public outrage? Is the free speech of a NFL player, or conservative CEO, or courageous womens rights crusader worth less than the free speech of a Neo-Nazi group? Lib to Conservative: We WILL all work together to heal in the unity camp. 30 Apr 2023 18:46:24 The overall topic of "big tech censorship" has become a mainstay of Fox News coverage over the past two weeks. Walk into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf***ers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets,said Jurek in one stunning exchange. "What do you do about people who are in the government who don't believe in our way of government?" Leftists Propose Re-Education Camps, Firing Squads, Banning Talk Radio to Deprogram Trump Supporters. ", Now, because Republicans tend to be so clueless and ignorant of the consequences of their thoughts and actions which tend to be destructive and cruel, not to mention, Un-American, it's easy to hate them. Communist China-- and now, apparently, Katie Couric. Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis,Jurek explained. The ominous package on Tuesday A Democrat Party official in California is calling for national re-education camps for families who voted for Trump. Youre not a rEaL conservative Youre not a rEaL Christian Youre not a rEaL republican Listen, slave, none of this will matter when you end up in a gulag or re-education camp. As a mid-level staff attorney, he did not speak on behalf of our organization, nor did he make any editorial decisions. Weissgerber is the second Sanders organizer to call for sending Republicans in re-education camps. Support our commitment to credible conservative news. One can only speculate back in Republican history, its forefathers, Jack the Ripper, Robber Barons and Monopolists were somehow thwarted in their addiction to egregious greed by some arm of the government. This isnt supposed to happen in America. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was the lone vote in opposition. [emailprotected]. Oops- thats already happened. So, instead of following our instinct which would be to put Republicans in zoos, museums, kennels and pounds - to teach our children what happens when men and women of the Republican faith are allowed to attain power; bankruptcy, hunger, poverty, class war and a steep decline in the national sense of humor - but instead we've got to try and rehabilitate Republicans to at least the outer boundaries of what it means to be human. These are some of the same charlatans who argued last year that, as Fox News put it, the coronavirus is just like the flu and that mask mandates are a step toward tyranny. More than 400,000 coronavirus deaths later, some people are dead because they believed that drivel. Can you imagine Mitch McConnell? We use cookies to better understand website visitors, for advertising, and to offer you a better experience. Maybe in 4 years next term. Well see signs openly displayed at businesses Republicans or conservatives need not apply.. But, Im thinking thats exactly what the Dems would like to do, if they could get away with it. Katie Couric expresses desire to 'deprogram' Trump supporters, Over 165,000 died of abuse, starvation and torture. No seriouslyhow *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Democratic and Republican members of Congress An undercover video released by Project Veritas on Tuesday shows a second organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaign whitewashing the Soviet Unions gulags and fantasizing about Republicans being sent to re-education camps., Im ready to start tearing bricks up, says a man identified as Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, according to hidden camera footage. Well put them into the reeducation camps, principal counsel for the Public Broadcasting Service Michael Beller said, according to Project Veritas, which published the video on Tuesday. Wheres Alan Dershowitz when you need him? The Purpose of a Political Detention Camp (ie FEMA Camp) Hitler, Mao, et al., used concentration camps to dispose or re-educate citizens who might not be on board with the totalitarian regime change in their country. Father Knows Best. Some of them. RT @mplpodcast305: Youre not a rEaL conservative Youre not a rEaL Christian Youre not a rEaL republican Listen, slave, none of this will matter when you end up in a gulag or re-education camp. Kyle Jurek, who works out of the Sanders campaign Iowa office, has been paid at least $9,775 since starting in his official campaign role, writes Project Veritas. April 30, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. The Chinese and American models are not about education, but coercion. Because either those people wont come out to vote for Trump, you know the red states, or a lot of them are sick and dying, Beller said. It's happening across America. BREAKING: Project Veritas tapes show @PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller advocating for political violence.Go to the White House & throw Molotov cocktails Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away, Theyre nice, Beller said. 2023 Blaze Media LLC. Im ready to throw down now. Yes, I know that Fox News is peddling nonsense about Democrats setting up re-education camps, and that a Wall Street Journal column asked, If you were an enthusiastic Donald Trump supporter, are you ready to enter a re-education program?. candidate for president has won the popular vote in the last three decades, and the loony Arizona Republican Party has lost about 10,000 members since the riot in the U.S. Capitol and its censure of party elders like Cindy McCain. Jan 13, 2021. But the issue here isnt gay marriage, its freedom of speech. Certainly hope so, but chances are it wont happen soon. It is so shocking. The fundamental core principle of Republicans is: Government is the enemy. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To Unity Camps Via The Babylon Bee U.S.Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and Breaking: Tucker Carlson has left Fox News, Stephen King tries to virtue signal over Twitter verification, Elon Musk silences him with one question, 'Straight up assassination': Family suing after police shoot, kill man while at the wrong house, LGBT activist threatens anyone who would try to keep him out of women's bathrooms or protect their kids: 'It will be the last mistake you ever make'. It's the soothing balm of a hypnotist's voice. This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. Lindsey Graham? he asked. Let's teach Republicans how far off course they hi-jacked the nation. We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. ?>, Sean Hannity and 2023. As I see it, the last, best hope is twofold. Fox News dedicated multiple segments on Monday and Tuesday to a new conspiracy theory, baselessly floating the false idea that Democrats, "big tech," and the news media are pushing for "reeducation camps" or forms of "reprogramming" in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill. Extremists enjoy free speech but shouldnt be buttressed by advertisers or our cable fees. Patterson, File). And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump., President-elect Joe Biden was blasted by Sens. Father does not know best just because he is father and if you look at the facts the misogynist, chauvinist, patriarchy of Western Civilization has ballooned this world into a dysfunctional family which makes the Manson family look like the Cowsills. We rightly criticize and condemn China for sending more than one million Uighurs Muslims to re-education camps. In another part of the video, Weissgerber suggests imprisoning Republicans in re-education camps will help the country. To a Republican "democracy" means the right of bullies to fuck you up for fun and profit. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) A different group is running the witch-hunt. A growth opportunity for the Comrades that have been liquidating people for the Clintons; they are all right at home with the CIA, NSA, FBI. They shot them on the beach. First, Republican leaders must learn that extremism is a losing strategy. TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. Kos Media, LLC. DeSantis like every other Republican wading into the campaign, except maybe the two Chrises, Sununu and Christie seems to have drifted, almost by default, into the first camp. Excited for this! Ill tell what, in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? Only when government does not respond to the will of the people do the people aver for a change of government. Into Fireteams, Squads, Platoons and more. Do you have any idea how we start that process, much less complete it? Robinson said. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Republicans have rejected imposing stricter work requirements on families with dependents between ages 7 and 18, an idea floated by Rep. He also expressed joy that the coronavirus was spreading in states where the president saw high approval, saying people wont go to the polls to vote for Trump. Dont laugh too hard I can bet you there would be Democrats literally dreaming about doing this. As a start, dont force people to subsidize Fox News by including it in basic packages. ), Ways to get involved in the upcoming elections. If you disagree with the party line, you get the shit beat out of you until you recant. But youve been scammed in ways that have hurt the country we all love. Or we will kill you. Michael If you've commented with us before, we'll need you to re-input your email address for this. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) greets Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.) But because Republicans are so selfish - and it no secret major universities unwinding the Republican genome are astonished at the magnitude of corrupted DNA strands - they have not understood the FIRST PRINCIPLE of the American Project: We are the Government. Another undercover expos from Project Veritas shed new light on Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign this week, with a different field organizer calling for Republican These things are basic American Principles: People power; integrity, honesty, truth, equality and loving tolerance. Can that same employer demand thought training to get your job back? If you are fed up with letting radical big tech execs, phony fact-checkers, tyrannical liberals and a lying mainstream media have unprecedented power over your news please consider making a donation to BPR to help us fight them. Couric, who is set to guest-host Jeopardy!, dropped her straight news reputation to offer a distinctly partisan take. Let me give a few examples of political correctness run amok. Bernie Sanders Field Organizer suggests people who resist change would be shot and killed. A different group is now in the closet. It passed the house overwhelmingly on Tuesday by a vote of 407 to one. Training? Im ready for the revolution, bro.. You mean like a reeducation camp? You mean the NFL now believes it has the right to train its employees how to feel and think? There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. We need you to keep us honest. Please share BPR content to help combat the lies. Truth has never been more critical! for the food stamp program. U.S. - Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and they've found a new way to implement the unity in a mandatory way: "Unity Camps," special institutions designed to teach and train Republicans to unify. He also said we go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children awayWell put them into the reeducation camps.. While the thought that re-education camps could ever be set up in this country seems preposterous today, you can never underestimate the vast propaganda WebThe FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement, [1] that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis. One glimpse of the conundrum: The G.O.P. Republicans will never be like us - good, decent and sexy - but deep down Republicans are people too. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Come to think of it though; I could use a few days off with free room and board. Glenn Beck says: You want to see this film. DeSantis like every other Republican wading into the campaign, except maybe the two Chrises, Sununu and Christie seems to have drifted, almost by default, into the first camp. CEOs will be forced out of their jobs for publicly opposing minimum wage increases. But we all recognize that there are red lines: Neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan grand wizards have First Amendment rights, but we shouldnt pay to give them microphones, nor should commentators on the left or the right get megaphones to promote violence. Project Veritas recorded a lawyer for PBS saying the children of Trump supporters should be taken to re-education camps and he was joyful that red states had COVID outbreaks. To Contact Hardscrabble Farmer before supplies run out: or on a mobile device, scan this QR code: To Donate Monthly via Stripe, click here. Not only are they not conceding, Bill, but their thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress, some are refusing to go through magnetometers to check for weapons, theyre not wearing masks during this siege, she said. 2022 Blaze Media LLC. Republican policies have proved the opposite of solution. ABernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme leftist fringe views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders radical policies. ', Longtime 'Dancing with the Stars' judge dead at age 78. By signing up to the Blaze News newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from Blaze Media that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. How many more bank failures will it take to shake Americans confidence in the full faith and credit of the U.S. government? A PBS staff attorney was caught on video calling for children of Republicans to be put in reeducation camps as retribution against supporters of President Trump. Hold us accountable, but please do the same for the charlatans who deceive you, use you and cheat you. The subject was the Republican Party of Texas platform, and claims that the GOP explicitly opposes critical thinking.
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