volga german surnames
http://www.ahsgr.org/?page=VCs, Combined lists of German settlers in Russia, years 1764-1767, by Pleve: > d. in Russia d. in Russia > >Their children > >Johannes Kuhn >Michael Kuhn m. Therea Rohleder >Martin Kuhn m. Elizabeth Haal >Martiann Kuhn (single) >Barbara Kuhn m. Franz Younger >Anna Kuhn m. Andreas Richmeier > >Michael and Theresa (Rohleder) Kuhn were the parents of Joseph Kuhn >married to Barbara Riedel. His name has not been found in any of the 1798 census that have currently been translated. Children of Jacob Weber and Michelle Moore are: Aaron Weber, born April 16, 1976. FAMILY OF ROY CHARLES BONGARTZ FATHER: Roy Charles Bongartz Jan. 1, 1930 MOTHER: Ellen Fleming ? had fine race horses, and did much harness racing at county fairs and other events. Albinus Goetz, b. Isadore T. Dreher, b. 12/05/1886 12/10/1960 SIEBERT, Albert J. Martha Sue Weilert, b. February 03, 1952. 1925. JOSEPH DECHANT was BORN 1812. Stanislaus Wasinger married Anna Barbara Dreiling on Oct. 25, 1885. The reader will notice that in many instances in this book there are also several spellings for certain given names--for example, Catherine, Catharine, Catharina, Katharina, Catalina, etc. 27, 1928 CHILDREN: 105. 1896 in Halbstadt, Beresan, Odessa, Russia, and died Abt. He was born June 19, 1937. March 11, 1945.Isidore J. Pfannenstiel, was born August 08, 1901, in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas, and died November 06, 1977 in Ness City, Ness County,Kansas, daughter of John Sauer and Katherine Wassinger. She died Aug. 5, 1932.Next, Anna Mary, she married a man with the last name of Ludwig. George Albion Bongartz Oct. 31, 1908 to April 8, 1960 26. Willie Jacob Brull; b. September 12, 1927, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Margie Hildebrand, April 15, 1961; b. June 24, 1937. Heinrich Gottschalk Aug 12, 1881 to Nov 8, 1871 1. 1922. Paulina stared at the tiny house. Children of JOHANNES SCHUMACHER AND ANNA DECHANT are: Joseph J. Schumacher, b. November 20, 1883, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. October 03, 1947, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas. JACQUELYN9 BOSDJK (DIANA DOROTHY8 HEICK, PETER PAUL7, MARY ANN6 MECKLER, ELISABETH5 GARECHT, BARBARA4 SATTLER, JOHANNES3, PAUL2, PETER1) was born December 31, 1974 in Sacramento, CA. She always wore dark clothes and a kerchief over her head called a "Babushka." There are also about 500 cassette tapes which will need to be carefully sifted before deciding what to keep. In January, 1899 deeds were issued for the town lots only. Edwin Lee Billinger was born April 15, 1948. Louise Gottschalk Feb. 14, 1923 341. Children of JOHANNES BEFORT AND ELIZABETH ERNEST are: Catherine Befort Jospeh Befort Mary Befort Pauline Befort William Befort Angela Befort, b. September 26, 1892, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. October 21, 1985, Denver, Denver County, Colorado. Generation No 10 Kimberly Kay Herl was born December 17, 1961.She married Kevin Lee Krinhop April 1980 in Salina, KS, son of Harvey Krinhop.He was born August 12, 1956. DENNIS HERMAN. He was born January 16, 1872 in Russia, and died March 02, 1938 in Walker, Ellis County, and Kansas. Generation No. Memorials are suggested to the Mary Elizabeth Maternity Home in Hays Anton Hammerschmidt Born: abt 1740 at: abt 1730 Koln (Cologne) Married: abt 1759 at: Germany Died: aft 1767 at: Remmler/Rommler Other Spouses: Wilhelmina Marx Wife: Anna Born: 1740 at: Abt1733 Germany Died: aft 1767 at: Remmler/Rommler Children: Name: Anton Hammerschmidt Born: 1794 at: Koln (Cologne) Spouses: Maria Eva Knoll Name: Johann Reinhard Hammerschmidt Born: 1753 at Koln (Cologne) Spouses: ? Ida Befort. Ralph J. Befort, b. February 02, 1930, Antonio, Ellis County, Kansas; d. April 27, 1991, Victoria, Ellis County, Kansas. Shannon Leigh Klaus, born August 11, 1986 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. She was born Abt. He was the of is II Balthazar D. Dreiling and Anna Poppelman He married Helen Wagner Helen Wagner, died 1696. Generation No. 25, 1901 to May 24, 1943 22. 10, 1947 34. She married Peter Michael Leiker 1879 in St. Francis Catholic Church, Munjor, Ellis county, Kansas, son of Peter Leiker and Anna Unrein. Rodney Pfannenstiel, b. He was the son of Georg Welscher Goetz and Maria Anna Frank. Children of Amelia Pfannenstiel and Franz Wendler are: Frieda Wendler, b. Ness City, Ness County, Kansas. Michael Wasinger was born April 15, 1883 and died Oct. 26, 1957. He traveled on the SS GELLERT but was just listed as John Jacob (without a last name) and his wife and children were listed under his name. Within a few years the parish added 16 feet to the original church. Anna Marie Gottschalk Jul 14, 1879 to Oct. 1, 1880 9. 8 Gilbert William Meis, Jr. was born July 10, 1948 in Hays, KS, St. Anthony Hospital.He married Betty Kay Holdren July 30, 1971 in Concordia, KS, St. Joseph C.C., daughter of Edwin Holdren and Ruth Jacobs.She was born September 22, 1947 in Superior, Neb. 18, 1906 332. Most of their business, advanced schooling, and other needs, were taken care of in this large city. Timothy Gottschalk, b. Children of Diane Dreher and Ronald Dinkel are:Medesa Ann Dinkel, born January 28, 1968 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas.John Alan Dinkel, born July 11, 1970 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas Jennifer Lynn Dinkel, born November 15, 1971 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas Cynthia Maria Dreher was born March 26, 1954 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas, and died April 14, 1992 in Salina, Saline County, Kansas. At that moment, she saw the rattler had bitten it. Robert F. Brull, b. February 16, 1923, Hay, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Lucy Ann Schulte, November 01, 1956; b. August 18, 1927. Children of Donald Dreher and Brenda Stoppel are: Fedelis Pfannenstiel was born January 28, 1900. He was born March 19, 1845 in Herzog, Susly, Russia, and died April 18, 1925 in Victoria, KS, b. St.Fidelis Cem., Victoria, KS. Aletha Befort, m. ? He married Anna Mae Robinson May 14, 1940. WebUniversity of North Florida 1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32224-7699 (904) 620.5432 Email: brent.mai@unf.edu Copyright law strictly prohibits copying or distributing any parts of this work, digitally or on paper, without an explicit license by the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. FAMILY OF GARY GOTTSCHALK FATHER: Gary Gottschalk Feb. 10, 1946 MOTHER: Melody Ann Sair Sept. 9, 1947 MARRIED: APR 8, 1967 CHILDREN: 100. She was born May 12, 1950. John Hertel, b. April 30, 1887, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. July 22, 1975, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. Valentina Polifka, b. February 14, 1916; d. July 17, 1918. was BORN 1764 in from OBERMONJOU, RUSSIA. Steven Lynn Weilert, b. June 10, 1947; m. Marlene K. Johnson, August 03, 1968; b. November 11, 1947. On November 1, 1876 an additional group came to MUNJOR. xi. I remain active with crafts, interior design and in home care of the elderly, and above all, our grandchildren are our pride and joy. Aug. 13, 1877d. He paid the ten-dollar filing fee and set to work. More about Adolph Binder: Burial: Munjor, Kansas Aloysius Binder, b. January 19, 1908, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. December 16, 1997, Lacrosse, Rush County, Kansas. Children are listed above under (1497) Harvey James SchmidtbergerTheresa Dreiling was born December 13, 1956. MARRIED: Aug 19, 1967 CHILDREN: 38. Nov. 18, 1954P: Conrad BiekerMagdalena PfannenstielDOROTHEA--Feb. 22, 1898 (d. July 5, 1899)LEO--March 30, 1899 (d. April 10, 1900)JOSEPHINE--Aug. 30, 1900 (d. Aug. 25, 1903)MARY--Jan. 23, 1902 (m. Joseph J. Dreiling) (d. Feb. 24, 1980)CLARA--Aug. 24, 1903 (d. Aug. 27, 1903)JACOB--Aug. 24, 1903 (d. Aug. 25, 1903)WENDELIN--Sept. 1, 1904 (m. Catherine Gassman) (d. June 27, 1972)BONAVENTURE--May 2, 1906 (m. Catherine Brungardt) (2) Mary Rupp Leikeernee Hertiein)OTTO--Oct. 19, 1907 (m. Evelyn Windholtz) (d. Jan. 16, 1984)PHILIMENA HILDAD--Feb. 13, 1909 (m.. Anton Windholz)ANSELM--Dec. 1, 1910 (m. Aureila Staab) (d. Feb. 15, 1975)LEO--Feb. 17, 1911 (d. Feb. 20, 1911)HERMAN JOSEPH--June 23, 1912 (m. Teckla Sander)LAWRENCE--Oct. 26, 1913 (m. Rose Haas)Carolina Anna--May 5, 1915 (m. Edward Schant (2) Joe Dubois)CATHERINE ELIZABETH GEIST--Aug. 23, 1892 (m. B.J. Among those people resettled were several Kranewitter families. James Peter Pfannenstiel, b. December 08, 1934, Ness City, Ness County, Kansas; m. Carol Kay Legg, April 12, 19558. ii. ELIZABETH BEFORT was born August 06, 1860 in Obermonjour, Russia, and died March 10, 1919 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas. Hedwig Gottschalk Nov. 3, 1923 to May 7, 1957 11. Veronica Befort, b. April 23, 1907, Schoenchen, Ellis County, Kansas; d. March 07, 1994, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. ANNA CATHARINA DECHANT, born 1847, OBERMONJOU, RUSSIA. Stella Polifka, b. January 06, 1912; d. September 22, 1979, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. He was born February 12, 1908, and died October 02, 1973. Carl Befort, b. September 13, 1886, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. August 13, 1961. In 1884 Indiana was one of the two states that decided Mr. Cleveland's election, and Mr. Gottschalk thus had more than local prominence in the election of the first democratic president from the time of the Civil war. 1909; m. ? Children of Anna Sander and Michael Hammersmith : Fredolin Hammersmith b. Hays, KS. Ludwig Befort, b. July 16, 1880, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. March 23, 1948. FAMILY OF REGIS SAMUEL McAfee FATHER: Regis Samuel McAfee May 17, 1945 MOTHER: Norma V. King ? He was born March 06, 1880, Catherine, Ellis County, Kansas. Shannon Leigh Klaus, born August 11, 1986 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. She was born April 12, 1958 Aug 6, Children of Kenneth Richmeier and Ceysta Daymon are: Kerri Richmeier, born March 14, 1978 in Denver, Denver County, Colorado Amy Richmeier, born April 26, 1982 in Denver, Denver County, Colorado Geneva Suppes was born September 24, 1951. Children of CAROLYN GARECHT and WILLIAM HARDMEYER are: 52. i. DWIGHT7 HARDMEYER, b. September 01, 1944. Reim, Rohleder, Walter, Glokar, Delf, Brungardt, Hoffmann, Boni, Kahlman, Braun, Dreiling, Benz, Auer, Paul, Wolf, Doppler, Wittmann, Lederhos, Schmidt, Pauly, Frank, Mahr, Glassmann, Pommer, Schreiner, Weber, Kreutzer, Kohlmann, Kimmel, Kapp, Schneider, Golai, Schoenberger, Springer, Eckhardt, Auer, Benz, Boni, Braun Doppler, Dreiling, Eckhardt, Frank, Glassmann, Gloker, Gref, Hoffmann, Kapp, Kohl, Kohler, Kohlmann, Kreutzer, Kummel, Lederhose, Mohr, Paul, Reim, Rockar, Rohleder, Schmidt, Schoenberger, Schreiner, Springer, Walter, Weber, Wittmann. They also corresponded very much by mail and their letter were very lengthy and of a very spiritual nature. She was born FEBRUARY 15, 1825 in Schoenchen (Paninskaya), Russia, and died JUNE 15, 1901 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas. Gottlieb Bieker (1861) (Barbara Bena) 2. There was a major economic crisis in all Europe after the war, poverty was rampant and soldiers were roaming the countryside looking for work and something to eat. May 10, 19919Beatrice Brull, b. April 02, 1911; d. February 12, 1997; m. Adolph rome, March 15, 1934; b. October 30, 1913; d. October 26, 1974Martina Brull, b. August 11, 1914Gabriel J. Brull, b. October 30, 1915, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Cecelia Keane, September 08, 1956; b. January 25, 1924Philomena Brull, b. June 18, 1917, Hays, Ellis county, Kansas; m. John August Lowe, November 27, 1941; b. December 29, 1908Richard John Brull, b. August 15, 1918, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Laura Juanita Bailes, August 15, 1941; b. December 16, 1923; d. Ausgust 18, 1974.Julius Brull, b. April 01, 1920, Hays, Ellis County, KansasAnthony Brull, b. November 18, 1921, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas, d. February 12, 1986, Glendale, CaliforniaRobert F. Brull, b. February 16, 1923, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Lucy Ann Schulte, November 01, 1956; b. August 18, 1927.Mary Ann Brull, b. January 02, 1925, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; d. July 17, 1998 Las Vegas, NevadaElmer Joseph Brull, b. September 21, 1926, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas; m. Grace Snell, March 22, 1951; b. She was born May 08, 1916. 9, 1919. Children of PAULINA BEFORT and JOSPEH PFANNENSTIEL are: Alvin Pfannenstiel Bertha Theresa Pfannenstiel, b. Abt. Children of JOSEPH MECKLER and UNKNOWN UNKNOWN are: i. BOY8 MECKLER, b. , , England. She nodded, thenlifted her stylish black skirt and slowly descended the steep train steps. The pictures of the village will give you some idea of the lovely, quiet Remsede, in which our early grandparents lived their early lives. ANNA BEFORT was born August 20, 1886 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas, and died July 02, 1967 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. Mathias is now a farmer in Miami County and is married and has a family. She was born November 26, 1879 in Brazil. He MARRIED a second wife. The Beginning of the Gottschalk Genealogy Since the parish of St. Anthony's at Remsede was a Pilgrimage Chapel over the centuries, all of the church records for both Remsede and Laer, Germany, were kept in the St. Mary's Parish Church records for both Remsede and Laer, Germany, about two and a half miles from Remsede. May 21, 1954. Generation No. Child of Florina Schmidt and Eugene Mermis is: Harriet Eugenia Mermis, m. Wilfred Roberts. The charts listed below are clearly marked with purchase methods. Anna Schumacher, b. October 20, 1881; d. January 24, 1960. 19, 1942 CHILDREN: 87. Thus a person (farmer) that grew spelt was named Dinkel occurs in 1364. Fidelis J. Befort, b. December 21, 1900, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. December 14, 1985, St. Anthony's Hospital, Hays, Kansas. LUDWIN BEFORT was born July 16, 1880 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas, and died March 23, 1948. She married PHILIP BARNETT SR.. Child of ROSA MECKLER and PHILIP BARNETT SR. is: i. PHILIP7 BARNETT JR.. 20. 3. Rosa Befort, b. Valentine Sommereisen said mass in this building once a month. He was born November 27, in Smithville, Clay County, Missouri Child of Amy Hammersmith and Jeffrey Yallaly is: Ashleigh Yallaly, born November 11, 1991 in Bolivar, Polk County, Missouri Jacqueline Marie Gerstner was born August 20, 1968 in Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. Johannes "Weisse" Kranewitter and his wife Margaretha C. LEIKER migrated to Valle Maria in 1880. Stories The rest of Johannes' children remained in New Mexico, but he and his wife also eventually returned to ELLIS COUNTY, AND KANSAS where they settled in Hays, the county seat (Pleve 1998; KRANNAWITTER (Michael J. 1905Isodore Julius Binder, b. February 14, 1905, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. September 25, 1992, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas More about Adolph Binder: Burial: Munjor, Kansas Aloysius Binder, b. January 19, 1908, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. December 16, 1997, La Crosse, Rush County, Kansas Helena Binder, b. July 14, 1911Adolph Binder, b. June 12, 1914Paul Binder, b. December 24, 1917Julius Binder, b. September 09, 1921, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; m. alma Amelia Weigel, April 10, 1944; September 04, 1922, Victoria, Ellis County, Kansas Mary Binder, m. (1) William Reid; m. (2) Eugene Lafferty CARL BEFORT was born September 13, 1886 in Munjor, Ellis county, Kansas and died August 13, 1961. The reason for this is that each given name is presented as it was spelled in the record that it was extracted from, as are the surnames. Many were taped off Mother Angelia's Eternal Word Television Network, which he loved to watch in his last years, but many others are recordings of interviews he conducted over the years of family members and other people from earlier eras. More about Rose Jrjewski: Cause of Death: Auto accident Children of Leonard Weber abd Rose Jrjewski are: Chelsy Ann Weber, October 17, 1986. 1904 to Act. Bernadine Brull, b. He was born October 07, 1959. STEINBOCK, Elizabeth 39 yrs old 11/15/1906 STEINBOCK, Susanna 11/03/1906 02/28/1907 ST. BERNARD CATHOLIC CEMETERY IN WAMEGO, KANSAS known info: STEINBOCK, Anthony (born 6/19/1903 and DIED 01 of1952) MARRIED Anna, Ballinder, STEINBOCK (BORN 0721 1905 AND DIED 03/28/97),they gave birth to Aloysius (al) p. STEINBOCK in summit county on MAY 7th of 1937, Al had 4 siblings at the time. He was born May 18, 1937 in Djkarta, Indonesia. It is especially dedicated to those of our relatives who stayed in Russia and endured over fifty years exiled in prison work camps for their crime of being of German ancestry. 69. vii. Occupation: 1880, Servant More about Getrude Rohr: Burial: Munjor, Kansas Departed: 1876, Mariental, Russia Children of Joseph Befort and Gertrude Rohr are: Elziabeth Befort, b. January 01, 1884, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. April 11, 1885, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas. Daniel Joseph Stecklien, b. September 01, 1950, Ness City, Ness County, Kansas; m. Mona J. Hedwig Gottschalk Nov. 3, 1923 to May 7, 1957 11. She married (2) Donald Birkholz May 07, 1982. Christina Maria Weber, born March 18, 1986. Since the Catholic Church in OBERMONJOU available for that early a date, it is impossible to verify this claim using those sources (Pleve 1999). Jacob Schreibvogel, b. Abt. She was born 1772 in Obermonjou, Russia. Jeremy Thomas McAfee Sept 22, 1969 41. She married Leo Gross May 10, 1932 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas, son of Peter Gross and Amelia Staab. Anna Elizabeth Bieker 6. Jerome Schumacher, b. December 08, 1888, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. September 09, 1964, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas. Margaret Schumacher, b. June 1893, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas Adolph Schumacher, b. She MARRIED JOSEPH J. RUPP NOVEMBER 20, 1906 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Gorham, Kansas, son of MICHAEL RUPP and ANNA WALDSCHMIDT. Albert Benedict Befort, b. June 17, 1903, Antonio, Ellis County, Kansas; d. January 02, 1985, North Platte, Nebraska. 9 Donald Lee Herl was born September 03, 1937. He married Kristie Lynn Dreiling September 02, 1995 in Victoria, Ellis County, Kansas; born September 20, 1973. Albina Befort, b. June 28, 1904, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. May 11, 1972. FAMILY OF REGIS GOTTSCHALK FATHER: Regis Gottschalk Aug. 20, 1937 MOTHER: 1ST Wife: Constance Adams Aug. 13, 1938 MARRIED: Mar 1954 2nd wife: Karen Kuetz Sept. 14, 1940 MARRIED: Dec. 23, 1969 CHILDREN: 116. FAMILY OF CHARLES WILLIAM McAFEE FATHER: Charles William McAfee Dec. 7, 1941 MOTHER: Mary Louise Dancison ? Bernhard Heinrich Gottschalk Feb 7, 1836 to Apr 26, 1915 to U.S.A. 8. March 25, 1948.Karen Marie Gottschalk, b. October 13, 1949..Randall Gottschalk, b. January 09, 1951.Loren Gottschalk, b. January 24, 1954.Michell Ann Gottschalk, b. April 14, 1958, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas.Dee Ann Gottschalk, b. July 21, 1961; m. Jerry Garrison, September 10, 1984.James William Gottschalk, b. November 16, 1943. Alvin received minor orders from. Therefore (concluded that the parents of JOhn Werth were Carl and Catherine (Kern) Werth. 1905.Isadore Julius Binder, b. February 14, 1905, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. September 25, 1992, Hays, Ellis County, Kansas. The last living child of this family. Helen Befort was born February 02, 1925. 32. She was born May 09, 1888 in Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas, and died May 06, 1954. 3/11/1924 Viola Hammersmith b. Eugene Peter Goetz, b. November 05, 1910, m. Rose Ann Schoenfield. He purchased his first parcel of land, the north 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of section 32-13-16, from Magdalena Riedel, on 24 October 1884, for $425.oo. She was born May 4, 1844. She almost single-handed raised nine children, made sure they all went to High school and they never went hungry. Children of MICHAEL HEICK and GERI YOUNG/MCDOUGAL are: ii. Philip S. Gottschalk and Dorothy McGuire had the following child: 5 i. Lou Ann3 Gottschalk. Philip Befort, b. August 06, 1913, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas; d. August 24, 1913, Munjor, Ellis County, Kansas More about Phillip Befort: Burial: Munjor, Kansas Armella Befort, b. February 28, 1916.
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