which naruto clan are you based on your zodiac sign

Naruto: Which member of the Uzumaki clan are you based on your Zodiac sign. He knows he's skilled and has confidence in his abilities, but he's also ready to stop what he's doing and party at a moment's notice. Born March 28, Sakura is canonically an Aries. RELATED: Naruto: 10 Lessons We Can Learn From Naruto Uzumaki's Biggest Mistakes. Naruto characters rarely celebrate their birthdays during the series, but fans still know their birthdates. Sasuke can't help but be magnetic to those around him even Naruto himself. Neji and his cousin Hinata, have their differences, but he learns from her and grows to truly appreciate their connection. Note: These answers were provided by student posts to the forum in past years, or by the lecturer. Aries- Sarada Uchiha The first sign of the Zodiac is Aries. Naruto: What Would Your Chakra Nature Be Based On Your Zodiac Sign. As such, the Rinnegan would align well with the Libra zodiac sign. Still, that doesn't mean the fun-loving fire sign can't rise to the very top. If your Zodiac sign is a tailed beast what would it be? Just like so many Aquarians, Shino marched to the beat of his own drum, and it's hard not to love that for him just from over there. Her charm in spite of her sarcastic digs is part of the reason she gets along so well with her teammates and is able to make up with Sakura years after falling out. Do let us know . Similar to Nagato, who was once an emotional, gentle, and reserved young man prone to tears, his metamorphosis to Pain transformed him into a solemn, cold, cynical, and unrelenting being. A Maiden and wheat indicate this sign's hard-working, practisomewhat a little analytical personality. One of the most defining characteristics of the Sarutobis as a clan is their tenacity and willpower. She wants to be worthy of being a Hyuga. Do you want a reliable answer to, Which Naruto clan are you? If yes, take the test with no hesitation. This Am I Cute or Hot Quiz reveals if you are adorable or attractive by analyzing your fac, This ACE quiz reveals if you have had Adverse Childhood Experiences. Zodiac signs don't determine a character's entire persona, but plenty of Naruto characters match theirs very closely. Sasuke was born on July 23rd, making him a Leo. In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask that you confirm your identity as a human. Pisces, known as the loving fish, base their identity on finding their soulmate. Find out which member of the Uzumaki clan you share a connection with based on your Zodiac sign. While she might be known as a one-note character and simply a love interest, Hinata's character arc is based on deep emotion. He's suspicious of others, no matter how trustworthy they may seem, letting his insecurity prevent him from making meaningful relationships. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Perfectionists, like Virgos, are noted for their thorough and unwavering pursuit of growth. The Jogan only hails from the Otsutsuki clan, although the reason why Boruto has it is unknownthis may be because Hinata is a descendant from the Otsutsuki clan. His signature aloofness just makes us want to know more. One of the most defining characteristics of the Sarutobis as a clan is their tenacity and willpower. He just shows it very differently. Choji might be the butt of a lot of jokes from his teammate Ino, but that doesn't stop him from being the most protective member of his team. While its stereotype isn't accurate, there are two sides to a Gemini: a lighthearted, intelligent side and an insecure, indecisive side. As the first person to have the Rinnegan, Hagoromo Otsutsukialso known as the Sage of Six Pathswas also a character fan saw who wielded it. Itachi lived an unconventional life, to say the least. As the Byakugan allows users to see opponents chakra points, and it can also be used for scouting. Their personality is characterized by a strong desire to connect with others. However, there are certain downsides to their scary potency. Leos, after all, are typically seen as the life of the party with a desire to be the center of attention. It takes time and growth for her to temper that, but she never loses her Aries qualities. Fans who want to see for themselves if their zodiac sign matches up to how the characters approach their challenges can watch whenever they want. Its a title given to the most skillful fighters in the Land of Fire. Like many Leos, he may come off as self-centered as he focuses more on himself than appeasing others. From Byakugan to Sharingan, here's the best pick that aligns with your star sign. Its extreme power is appealing to Arien sensibilities - this sign likes everything big, bold, and robust. Leos are powerful and fearless, and they're willing to take on everything they put their minds to. Gaara's canon birthday is January 19, making him an Aquarius. Like a Taurus, Choji is an incredibly patient and kind person who cherishes his friends. While he might not fit the mold when it comes to being the center of attention, Shikamaru's abilities demand respect and acknowledgment. While he may seem cool and calm on the outside, his passion makes him impulsive and manipulative. Pisces can adapt to any scenario since they are a flexible sign. Aside from that, they're witty and like engaging in lighthearted conversations with one another. They are well-meaning and constantly eager to start new initiatives and learn novel things. Shino also has one of the most unique abilities in Naruto: controlling insects. Quiz introduction. Born September 22, Shikamaru is a Virgo, which also seems to be a fair placement. It's not just seeing other talented shinobi that motivates her, but proving herself to her father and little sister. 1 of 50 Clan Matching. What are you guys basing this off? It's obvious that Gaara wants to be loved so much, and his unwavering loyalty to those around him proves how deeply he cares. The Jogan is the last dojutsu that was first introduced inBorutoafter Masashi Kishimoto forgot to give Boruto the Byakugan. Geminis are known for their versatility, but this also means that they may be impetuous at times. Her favorite heroines include Black Widow, Blake Belladonna, Poison Ivy, and Sailor Jupiter. Interestingly, Kurenai's Cancer traits are also shown through her relationship with Hinata. They may quickly and easily alter their thoughts, owing to their high adaptibility. I'd attack them before they get a chance to, I admire them, but I wouldn't want to be one, I don't trust them and would never become one, Set traps and prepare for a counterattack, Send a messenger to negotiate and stop the attack, No, because I don't want to reveal my techniques. His fighting style, which involved controlling a breed of aggressive insects, isolated him and led others to think he was "creepy." Known for being independent, eccentric, and original, Aquarians are in a league all of their own. She was willing to jeopardize her own health and safety in order to provide a safe and secure environment for the pair. Despite spending most of her time away from her family, it's also clear that like most Capricorns, Hinata places a lot of value on family. Shikamaru doesn't push people away as often as Kakashi does, but this is still evident in his early actions concerning Temari. She is more on-point regarding her appearance and social life, but she might be just as adept at strategy as Shikamaru based on her Chnin Exam match against Sakura. This fits well with the Pisces zodiac sign, as it is the last one of the signsand it is also the one that has experienced everything the other signs have throughout, such as pain, sadness, and happiness. Jiraiya, on the other hand, is definitely a more typical Leo. Considering their different personalities, the two appear to be opposites, but they have more in common with Virgo's traits than fans assume. As the sixth Hokage, he's known to be analytical and hardworking. The things that bring Jiraiya joy are obvious: women, alcohol, and taking care of his village. Born on March 28th, she falls right in line with the more impulsive side of her star sign, Aries. What category of forecasting techniques uses managerial judgment in lieu of numerical data? His uniqueness never held him back and never prevented him from having friends. Including birthdates means fans can also figure out the Zodiac signs of their favorite characters. She knows what she wants to prove she's a capable shinobi and she works harder than nearly anyone else in the series to overcome her shyness and fear to do just that. Tsunade's birthday is canonically August 2, making her a Leo. When Naruto returns to the village after two years away, Shino repeatedly makes his hurt about Naruto not recognizing him known. Go with options that you feel are the best. Fuso, in contrast to the majority of the Uzumaki clan, resided in Amegakure with her little family. They want the world to be balanced, and Naruto's noble spirit can be shown in his desire to aid those who are being persecuted by others with more power. Mito had a stately air about her, similar to Taureans. Although his rigid, hyper-focused attitude may help him with his ninja training, it prevented him from acknowledging any complex emotions. Spanning more than 700 episodes, "Naruto" and its popular sequel "Naruto: Shippuden" captivated audiences with natural charm and action-packed story arcs. He certainly didn't have to take Naruto under his wing, especially when he was so busy writing his rated-x romance novels, but he knew that he had to get serious for the sake of the village. Tobirama was seen by many as a Senju who harbored resentment for the Uchihas and was prone to rage. Known to be childish by nature, Geminisignsare the "twins" of the zodiac. Well-informed His pessimistic, fatalistic philosophies held him back, which only made him harder on himself. Shikamaru tries not to let any angle escape his attention. People with the Sagittarius zodiac sign are talented, one-of-a-kind, and have a loyal, intelligent and sympathetic character! A Libra's outlook on life is one of optimism and positivity, as shown by the members of Uzumaki family in Naruto. Libras are among the most outgoing zodiac signs. Be the first one to comment on this story. In fact, a furious tour de force might be unleashed on anybody or anything that threatens this feeling of security. Gemini: Sasuke Uchiha. Like Kiba, she shows a great deal of empathy for Hinata, taking the young girl under her wing when Hinata's father essentially casts her out of the clan. People with the Sagittarius zodiac sign are talented, one-of-a-kind, and have a loyal, intelligent and sympathetic character! With his distinctive red hair and fighting style, Gaara is one of the key members of the Kazekage clan. He approaches everything with enthusiasm and turns every event in his life into a valuable lesson. The term smog was first used around 1950 to describe the combination of smoke and fog in London. Born January 23, Shino is absolutely, unequivocally an Aquarius. Scorpios are incredibly passionate about what they want, and Saggitarius are always thirsting for knowledge to expand their horizons. That's why fan-favorite villain Itachi Uchiha aligns so well with the earth sign. Born December 27, Hinata is technically a Capricorn but we know the truth. As the loner of Team 7, the one who turns his back on the Leaf Village's teachings and aligns himself with Orochimaru, Sasuke seems like more of a villain than a hero. Bold. He leaves home as a teen to prove himself as worthy as a shinobi beyond his family name. The Sharingan is the first dojutsu fans are introduced to inNaruto, but not by Sasukeby Kakashi, as he was famed for being the Copy Ninja for him possessing the Uchiha clan's Kekkei Genkai. Notice at collection . Leos know they don't really have to work as hard as everyone else, just like everyone's favorite apathetic ninja, Shikamaru. What Is the Naruto Clan Quiz? He may live in the sand, but he's a water sign through and through. In astrology, Cancers are known to be sensitive and moody. Aries is a dynamic sign that is competitive and strives to be number one. They also have a laid-back approach to the unknown, which allows them to embrace change as it occurs. Although Cancers can be a difficult water sign, Piscesare on a whole other level. The Naruto Character Your Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign. The Uzumaki clan includes some of Naruto's most strong heroes and is known for their fierce demeanor. So, youll find your perfect match in less than a few minuteswith unbelievably high accuracy. Let's find out. But it's not just an aspiration to Naruto; he has the confidence to honestly believe it's going to happen. Virgos are practical, grounded, and unconcerned with ethereal energies or abstract notions. While that can be true, Kiba does prove himself to be a pretty level-headed Cancer. "Naruto" may not have many strong female characters, but when it comes to Tsunade, there's literally no one stronger. Its members are usually involved in politicsand its said that radical otakus often match this one. Just like Senjus, Scorpios too are born with a strong sense of power and Oh, Sasuke; everyone's favorite little emo runaway. It makes me feel godlike. (We know he was just joking, though.). They also are very much outsiders in their communities, walking their own paths no matter how others view them. Onlya few prominentcharacters were shown to have this transformationKakashi, Itachi, Danzo, Madara, and Sasuke. This is the article on the episode. The Naruto audience doesn't get a chance to know Tenten as well as they do the other characters in the manga. While it might not make for the strong female characters we want to see, Hinata's desire for love makes her strong in a different way. They have a strong desire to be the best in all they do. Like Choji, Itachi is an incredibly protective person. The Hatake clan defines the Virgos' diligence and patience, and as such, they are considered masters in their respective fields. They are a species that is always evolving, either by the consumption of the planet's human energy or the consumption of the planet's genetic material. Even though she faces constant danger, Sakura always presses on. Sags are one of a kind. Please logout and login again. Through their extraordinary proficiencies and distinctive practices, as well as their intricate connections and . Naruto's teammate, Sakura, does a lot of growing up a lot throughout the series. So, you need to pick the options that make the most sense to you. Leos are well-known for their willingness to share their resources, including their time, energy, esteem, and money. While she is gentle and kind, she gets so overwhelmed with emotion that she often faints at the sight of him. Every time he's left out of a mission, like the Sasuke Recovery Mission that sees Shikamaru take all of the boys he went to school with except for Shino, he makes it well known that he should have been included. The series managed to introduce several memorable characters. But the questions are in forced-choice format. He has backup plans for his backup plans, and backup plans for other people's plans. This clan, in contrast to humanity, has no bounds, and the members' abilities defy all reasoning. That charm, and her ability to flip on a dime in a new situation, just scream Gemini. They may quickly and easily alter their thoughts, owing to their high adaptibility. What's better than having boththe Rinnegan and Sharinganrolled into one for such a sign? Fuso was a kind person who worked for a good cause by assisting war victims. Jiraiya knows how to get things done, but he also knows what he likes. Libras are just as charming as Geminis, able to see both sides of a conflict and play peacemaker. Tauruses are known for their stubborn streak, but they also appreciate the finer things in life. Enter Your Name. Born July 3, Neji is supposed to be a Cancer. 100% Fun & Surprising Results. They are Find Your Style 100% Accurately, Quiz: Which Blue Lock Character Are You? Once upon a time, the Uzumaki Clan was a strong ally of the Konoha village. He knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means manipulating innocents into doing his bidding. Where stories live. NANA Anime Quiz: Which NANA Character Are You? Tenten is open to the possibilities of the strange shinobi world, like believing in the existence of ghosts. Like Himawari, they are brilliant and smart beyond their age. So is Choji's appreciation for a variety of cuisines in the shinobi world. NEXT: 10 Most Emotional Characters In Naruto. Have you been abused,, The 7 Feminine Archetypes Quiz reveals if you are the Lover, Maiden, Sage, Queen, Huntress, If you are a superfan of sports animes, you may want to know which Blue Lock character you, This fun NANA Anime Quiz reveals which character you resemble IRL. Born at the beginning of the Capricorn seasonDecember 27Hinata might not seem like a fit for the Zodiac sign that symbolizes ambition. That's in part thanks to people generally finding them likable, but also due to an instinct to shoulder the responsibility in a tough situation. That's why Leos are so susceptible to falling into stubborn, inflexible, and downright lazy behaviors. That explains her longtime friendship with Shizune, and her ability to mentor the younger generation. He regularly tries to protect her on missions, even though he trusts her skills. For the character, head to Obito Uchiha. Tsunade and Jiraiya both characterized Kushina as a tomboy with a bad temper. Geminis are known for their versatility, but this also means that they may be impetuous at times. As a compassionate and idealistic human being, Naruto Uzumaki firmly believes in the goodness of all human beings.He harbors profound empathy for everyone, even those who do not deserve his love. represent the fiery aspect and the duality of the Aquarians. The answer to your nerdy question is written in the stars - a Naruto character for each zodiac sign exposes your inner ninja warrior. Because of these diverse attributes and features among clans, ninjas with specific family names tend to have certain roles and duties Pierrot holds the rights to all the said pictures, and no copyright infringement is intended. Both of them misplace their passion in revenge schemes before they realize they can use their skill and power to help people instead. Aburame family exemplifies the best of this personality type by striking a perfect balance between independence, intelligence, and empathy. always eager to mend their negative conduct. If you want to know, click the link! He was only seen in flashbacks because he has been dead for a long time. She has been writing pop culture lists for Comic Book Resources since 2019. The most prominent users of it are prominently the Hyuga clan, with the most recent one being Hinata and Naruto's daughter, Himawari Uzumaki. Though the manga and data books do include birthdays for the characters, allowing fans to figure out their canon zodiac signs, not all of the characters fit the personalities of their zodiac signs exactly. Gaara, one of the most important Kazekage clan members, is known for his striking red hair and . That makes sense because a Pisces is incredibly in tune with their surroundings and the people they encounter. People with the Taurus zodiac sign, belong rightfully to the Yamanaka clan, because just like the clan's members, they If youre a newbie, a clan (, Ichizoku, or household) refers to a group of shinobi with Kekkei Genkai abilities living together in a village. Sagittarians also tend to be the zodiac sign with the most wanderlust. Though Kiba is the one who will tease her about fainting in Naruto's presence, he also is right by her side when she's training and encouraging her, never allowing her to doubt herself the way her family doubted her as a child. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Naruto's world is full of fights, jutsu, and feuding families, where clan names bear a great load and typically distinguish the best from the underdogs. Born September 15th, Kakashi is canonically a Virgo and the stars never lie. Rejected by her family, Hinata really only has the love of her friends and her love for Naruto to keep her going. Fans never learn Tenten's surname in the series, but her birthday is March 9th, making her a Pisces. As a result of this perception, they are able to discern the intents of others and seek guidance from the cosmos. When people think about the Sagittarius sign, they likely do not associate it with a serious, composed ninja. They like being among other people, and are also good at meeting new ones. Discover now As for Scorpios, they're also believed to be calculating, a quality that is applicable to any Senju. While he might not be like other boys, he certainly acts more like a water sign than anything else. In the Naruto series, Its not like we are looking to find your anime character match. They were allowed to stay as long as the mother used her healing abilities to help the villagers. . A relatable Narutocharacter,Shikamaru is the mom friend, even if he pretends to be the uncaring slacker. When the audience first meets Neji, he doesn'tgive the best impression. Their personality is characterized by compassion, big-heartedness, awareness and leadership, all of which can be seen in the characters of Shikaku and Shikamaru Nara in RELATED: 5 Power Rangers Who Would Make A Great Naruto Hokage (& 5 Who Wouldn't). However, his birthday falls on November 27the same day as the late Bruce Leemaking him a Sagittarius. This %100 Accurate Quiz Find It, What is my spirit animal? and always eager to learn, Geminis are always well-informed and known for their love of reading. Byakugan's capacity to reveal information. SoSasuke's passion in Naruto. 100% Honest Guess, Quiz: What Is Your Fatal Flaw? Notoriously forget to let us know which Naruto clan you belong to in the comments section! Having awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan is not so much as an accomplishment, as it shows how many trials one had to have gone through. Sagittarius is known for their strong sense of self-reliance. She's always in the present and is fast to respond to any scenario.Tsunade, like other Leos, is impatient and prone to lash out, and this has been proved throughout the series, but she has a genuinely warm personality. Known to be incredibly social, Leos love to be the center of attention, which seems to be against Sasuke's nature. He is the first to volunteer to stay behind and cover the enemy for his friends, and the one member of the team who can step up and take on a zombie-like Asuma even though it hurts. As Capricorns are capable of both being mentally and psychically stable, this is a matchup that makes the most sense. His unyielding passion and optimism fuel his ability to fight through any obstacle. Which is yours? Just like the fire sign, Jiraiya is a traveler of the world literally and figuratively. Sagittarius is known for their strong sense of self-reliance. The fire sign is known for its impulsive, short-tempered outbursts, but these negative qualities often overshadow the fiery passion and courage that comes along with it. We've compiled a list of the twelve most popular Naruto clans, based on your zodiac sign, to help you find out which clan you belong to. However, it takes a while to earn their trust, so don't anticipate a lifetime of devotion from the beginning. The Naruto Character Your Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign Netflix By Sam Vargas / Feb. 16, 2022 12:50 am EST Spanning more than 700 episodes, "Naruto" and its popular sequel "Naruto:. As the most prominent example, Kaguya possesses the Rinne Sharingan in her third eye on her forehead. Virgos exude confidence because they know the outcome of every situation, crafting the perfect mental state for a powerful ninja. Based on her initial interactions with Sakura, Ino seems like a typical mean girl. Still, it's obvious that sometimes Kakashi manages to kick his feet up and enjoy one of his favorite x-rated romance novels, rather than focus on work all the time. Nawaki, a Pisces, is an excellent confidant and close companion due to his capacity for love and compassion. Weve created an entertaining and helpful questionnaire that reveals your Ichizoku in no time. For It has a detailed database including all the canon and lesser-known households. Just like his sister Hinata, Neji faced a hard childhood. too place a high priority on honesty. And so far, the world has only had seven of them. Uzumaki members are tolerant, tough, and intuitive with their unbelievable long lifespan and exciting healing powers. While he leans into the negative traits of the sign towards the beginning of the series, Naruto and his friends manage to chip away at his rough, pessimistic exterior.

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which naruto clan are you based on your zodiac sign

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