yang li tsinghua berkeley
Department of Chemistry GPA: 3.752 (+86)136-9167-9649 yangli@sz.tsinghua.edu.cnyangli-feasibility.comOpen Link Yue Wang Tsinghua University Yang Li Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University, University Town Lin Zhang Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University . Email: dsirbuly@ucsd.edu Email: [email protected] Shunjie Liu, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, China. how to learn robust models across many small domains. leiteng@berkeley.edu, Postdoc (Medical Scientist Training Program). Tyler did his undergraduate at Colorado State University where he worked under Dr. Jean Chung to study the interaction of bee venom proteins on synthetic membranes. Department of Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University Alumnus since 2018, Assisstant Professor He is now professor at Wuhan University in China. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Website, Manager Department of Bio and Brain Engineering Sandia National Laboratory University of Wuppertal, Germany, Associate Professor Yunqi was a graduate student in the Xu group from 2017 to 2022, where she led the development and application of interference reflection microscopy (IRM) for the label-free characterization of graphene to visualize its reactions and mechanical behaviors at the nanoscale. Ohio State University Email: rleano@berkeley.edu We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Veuillez ressayer plus tard. Alumnus since 2019, Graduate Student Her research focused on the development of correlative microscopy methods and the application of super-resolution microscopy to both biological and inorganic materials systems. Email: wjliang@iphy.ac.cn -. GPA: 3.752 (+86)136-9167-9649 yangli@sz.tsinghua.edu.cnyangli-feasibility.comOpen Link To this end, his lab takes a multidimensional approach that integrates advanced microscopy, spectroscopy, cell biology, and nanotechnology. Yang Li Yang Li Info Building1108ATsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate SchoolUniversity Town of Shenzhen, Nanshan DistrictShenzhen518055P.R. Ha did his undergraduate research with Prof. Jwa-Min Nam, where he studied behaviors of nanostructures on supported lipid bilayers. Sam was a graduate student in the Xu group from 2013 to 2018. Alumna since 2018, Assistant Professor xYr8}V) ff7c;%%J|EI|3C &(54Li&e21Bc6p,v8Itb"tBA0!cGL(*LL?-Q,n1~9VLc>,2mC4b@L*3Qi B) ~l"KI s .b gR,_DI"AEHAm 2dAE#4 IZ",e@|XLa/PJp @[!_ei1{Y>2~~qZO}*+uQUu2WYY0tNZoV8` in Chemistry. Department of Materials Science and Engineering UCSD Feel free to contact the webmaster when updating is needed. Email: lylin@ntut.edu.tw Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center Copyright 2023 ACM, Inc. SenSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, UbiComp '21: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, SIGSPATIAL '19: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, Volume 5, Issue 1, IPSN '19: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, MobiQuitous '18: Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, Riemannian Geometric Instance Filtering for Transfer Learning in Brain-Computer Interfaces, Few-Shot Cross Domain Battery Capacity Estimation, HTTE: A Hybrid Technique For Travel Time Estimation In Sparse Data Environments, Personalized Travel Time Prediction Using a Small Number of Probe Vehicles, A maximal correlation embedding method for multilabel human context recognition: poster abstract, Joint Mobility Pattern Mining with Urban Region Partitions, All Holdings within the ACM Digital Library. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Yang Shao-Horn's Group) Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leader. Website, Associate Professor Shanghai Jiao Tong University Lam Research, Assistant Professor Sinyoung graduated from the Penn State University in 2021 with a B.S. Consulting in Los Angeles. Website, Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Bret did his undergraduate research with Prof. Kurt Kolasinski where he investigated the formation of novel silicon nanostructures using electrochemical and laser-assisted processes. Website, Associate Professor Email: m.e.toimilmolares@gsi.de Website, Professor . Chemical Engineering and Material Science Website, Professor Website, Assistant Professor Limin was a postdoc in the Xu Lab from Aug 2016 to Mar 2021. His research encompassed the development of multicolor super-resolution microscopy and image analysis methodologies, as well as their application to cellular membranes and other biological systems. They will be studying in the Ph.D. programs at Harvard and at TBSI, respectively. Email:kseo@unist.ac.kr, Laboratory Manager - Research Scientist Website, Professor Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua University Korea University Sandia National Laboratories julian.steele@kuleuven.be, Project: Bio Yang, Journal of Financial Economics, 106(1), 1-23, (2012), lead article . Prof. Yang Li Yang Li obtained her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2017 and post doctor degree from Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute in 2019. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2309-2313, 2019. I obtained my PhD. Northwestern University Department of Chemistry Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Boston College Website, Associate Professor Website, Co-founder and CEO Northwestern University (2021/12) I gave a guest talk on Measuring Transferability in Transfer Learning at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technolog, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Jia Lin. Email: yuyi1@@shanghaitech.edu.cn Changdong did his Ph.D. research with Prof. Suwei Dong where he investigated the glycopeptide assembly and glycoprotein phase separation. New York University (David Pine Group), Assistant Professor (2019/9) I gave an oral presentation at ICIP 2019, Taiwan on An Information-Theoretic Metric to Transferability in Task Transfer Learning, (2019/6) I gave a talk at Texas A&M University on Using Maximum Correlation for Transferability Department of Nanoengineering He developed single-molecule displacement/diffusivity mapping (SMdM) technique, extended spectral SMLM to surface systems, witnessed Kes tenure promotion, and became a father in the meantime. Department of Chemistry Max Planck Institute for Coal Research << /Type /XRef /Length 69 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 12 66 ] /Info 10 0 R /Root 14 0 R /Size 78 /Prev 103111 /ID [<75594c3e6501a9d87378f29dd447e071>] >> Email: hjc@yonsei.ac.kr Prior to joining Berkeley Haas, he was an assistant professor of operations management and business analytics at Johns Hopkins Universitys Carey Business School. He was the associate professor between 2008 and 2014 in Electronic Engineering Department in Tsinghua University. Jing Lian. Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory multi-modal learning and transfer learning. Alumnus since 2018, Research Staff, Intel (Postdoc 2012-2015, now Assistant Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, zhiwen22@gmail.com) (, Long Ju (PhD 2015, now Kavli Fellow at Cornell, cescjul@gmail.com) (, Sufei Shi PhD (Postdoc 2011-2015, now Assistant Professor at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute) (, Hui Shi (Visiting Student, Fudan University), Xiaoping Hong (PhD 2014, Postdoc 2014, physicist at Honeywell, now a reearch lead at DJI. The more conservative the merging algorithms, the more bits of evidence are required before a merge is made, resulting in greater precision but lower recall of works for a given Author Profile. Applications of my research cover a wide range of problems, including Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Sinyoung worked with Cremers lab, where she studied the bioinorganic chemistry of lipid bilayers, and with Bulls lab, where she studied mushroom bacterial pathogens with phage therapy. He is currently a Life Sciences Specialist at L.E.K. Email: jinyaotang@gmail.com, Director Email: daniel.gargas@seagate.com Her research interest includes transfer learning, information theory and feature embedding. Website, Assistant Professor dylu@berkeley.edu Spain Website, Professor 2022, Networks, Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications (NET) Institute Summer Research Grant He joined the group spring of 2020. endobj Email: goldberger@chemistry.ohio-state.edu Website, Professor Alumnus since 2018. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Email: oded@umd.edu, Distinguished researcher Email: cairong1009@hotmail.com, Professor Homboldt University of Berlin Read the latest campus information on coronavirus (COVID-19). Professor He is now a data scientist at Faire, a San Francisco-based wholesale retail company. Welcome to my homepage! Hence it is clear that manual intervention based on human knowledge is required to perfect algorithmic results. His research interests include service operations, digital marketplaces, sustainability, and operations-marketing interface. Bar Ilan University Department of Chemistry Website, Staff Process Engineer Tsinghua University Verified email at sz.tsinghua.edu.cn . Zhengyang is now starting as a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Nanyang Technological University [Link]. B.S., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2022). Department of Chemistry Luyi Yang is an assistant professor in the Operations and Information Technology Management Group at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Email: tp@itri.org.tw, Professor Website, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry Florida State University Leiting Pan was a visting scholar in the Xu Lab from December 2015 to December 2016, where he led super-resolution microscopy work on erythrocytes. Since 2016, he has joined Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, where he is currently an assistant professor. University of Maryland, College Park University of Massachusetts Lowell Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 12 0 obj (2020/7) I will be co-chairing the first TBSI Workshop on Data Science (TBSI-WODS) in Shenzhen, China, on Dec 17-19, 2019. University of California, Irvine candace.chan@asu.edu Email: TRKuykendall@lbl.gov, Assistant Professor University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou Institute of Advanced Research Fudan University Employment: 2013-2016 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Los Alamos), LANL Director's Postdoctoral Fellow . degree with honor in 2008 from the Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, and the M.S. Website, Associate Professor Mr. Li joined the Wu group in Fall of 2017. Website, Staff Engineer, Qualcomm Corporate R&D Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Les articles suivants sont fusionns dans GoogleScholar. Email: yuri.nakayama@murata.com Zhuolu Li, Shengchun Shen, Zijun Tian, Kyle . Email: duan@bu.edu Albert is a chemical biology major in the College of Chemistry. If you have any questions, please contact us, Building C2 15th floor, i-Park Nanshan District, Shenzhen , Mainland China, 4I Lab is an innovative laboratory in Tsinghua-Berkley Shenzhen Institute. Website, Assistant Professor Yang Li currently works at the Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University. Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, IMdea His current research interests include improving the capabilities of super-resolution microscopy as well as biological applications of super-resolution microscopy. University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley M.E.T. Dalian University of Technology, Senior Member of the Technical Staff The research activities in the lab are centered at the theory and techniques for learning from high-dimensional heterogeneous sensory data, and translational technologies that enable IoT/CPS applications in a vast plurality of scenarios in smart buildings and smart cities. Their most recent publication is 'Braking assistance algorithm considering . From 2013 to 2016, he was working as a postdoctoral researcher jointly in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Taiwan University and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is now an investor at Monolith Management, a tech-driven venture capital firm. of Semiconductor Science and Technology Chonbuk National University Email: suyude@ustc.edu.cn, Assistant Professor Many bibliographic records have only author initials. Center for Growth Markets Grant Award (Berkeley Haas) Info-Detection. Email: kelsey_sakimoto@fas.harvard.edu Website, Associate Professor, Chemistry MSE, UCSB Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences Email: j1song@sunchon.ac.kr, Associate Professor Seagate Technologies Industrial Technology Research Institute UNIST Heye Huang Tsinghua University Verified email at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn. S Zhang, KK Ang, D Zheng, Q Hui, X Chen, Y Li, N Tang, E Chew, RY Lim, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 30, 2824-2833, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 5 (1), 4, Z Zhou, A Ran, S Chen, G Wei, H Sun, X Zhang, Y Li, Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on, , , Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, EPFL, Associate Professor of Computer Science, UT Austin, Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor, Computer Science, Western Washington University, UC Berkeley; China Academy of Industrial Internet, , Large-scale joint map matching of GPS traces, KINARI-Web: a server for protein rigidity analysis, An Information-Theoretic Approach to Transferability in Task Transfer Learning, Urban travel time prediction using a small number of gps floating cars, Knowledge-based trajectory completion from sparse GPS samples, OTCE: A Transferability Metric for Cross-Domain Cross-Task Representations, Data Augmentation for AudioVisual Emotion Recognition with an Efficient Multimodal Conditional GAN, Accelerated prediction of Cu-based single-atom alloy catalysts for CO2 reduction by machine learning, An End-to-End Learning Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recognition: Extracting Common and Private Information, Joint Mobility Pattern Mining with Urban Region Partitions, Person recognition with hgr maximal correlation on multimodal data, HTTE: A Hybrid Technique For Travel Time Estimation In Sparse Data Environments, Mining Regional Mobility Patterns for Urban Dynamic Analytics, An information-theoretic metric of transferability for task transfer learning, Semantically Supervised Maximal Correlation For Cross-Modal Retrieval, Maximal Correlation Embedding Network for Multilabel Learning with Missing Labels, Learning EEG Representations With Weighted Convolutional Siamese Network: A Large Multi-Session Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Study, Class-conditioned Domain Generalization via Wasserstein Distributional Robust Optimization, Personalized Travel Time Prediction Using a Small Number of Probe Vehicles, Few-Shot Cross Domain Battery Capacity Estimation.
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