blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

How can I know the Holy Spirit is still with be and I havent shut him out? I don't feel repentant so to speak, but I say sorry. Because i live for Him and for people who love me. The fear was debilitating and it was the main reason I fell into a depression. There are much healthier ways of getting them to go away, but harm is not one of them. Thank you for your article, it helped me see that we are all in the same boat and we must encourage one another. Unwanted thoughts about God or religion happen to every spiritually inclined person. Hi! I am sure you will have the same experience as well. Scientists suggest that about 50% of OCD is biological and other half is environmental. Bees rarely sting a calm, quiet human that is not invading their territory. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), for example, considers such actions to be acts of apostasy. I finally understand what it means to fully trust that all is forgiven. And would feel my heart beating very fast sweating with my mind almost shutting on me. Id encourage you to take a look at it. So yes that particular one is less common but is part of the mix. And now they are back with a different form the form that i dont wanna live anymore but not to kill myself. It is the appropriate response given to a person that duly recognizes his or her status and role. Some people benefit from therapy, while others are able to manage on their own. Consider how Matthew 12:31-32 reads in The Message Bible: Theres nothing done or said that cant be forgiven. Rhonda, you don't have to be scared. Whenever that thought comes to mind, Zach responds with overly-exaggerated, sarcastic rhetoric. Jesus took it all on Himself, let it go and lay it on Him. Its just been confusing me because I dont know what happening and Ive been questioning like whether I am really a Christian or whether I truly love God or if Ive just been living a lie with myself. Same I wish someone wrote a book about this bc reading the comments were all going through THE SAME THING AND FEELINGS! It tells you that if you have an intrusive, unwanted blasphemous thought, that you are actually a blasphemer. I truly believe that the Lord put this in my path to understand this condition, at the time of the depression I did not know what it was. que the insanity here. The Bible is not a book about mental health treatments. I definitely did not and do not mean that He is anything bad, and of course God is good. Be true to You. Can multiple methods be used, for instance Dr Osborne's method and mockery? They can neither cause evil nor prevent it. Anuraj, God bless you precious child of God. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Strange, intrusive thoughts about God or the Holy Spirit are dangerous thoughts because we feel they could cause us to lose our relationship with God or even our eternal life. I said one of his prayers out loud and it helped. AS YOU SAID I ALWAYS LOOK FOR INFO. Whenever i pray, i'll say Jesus' name and automatically the devil stuff pops into my head and says i'm praying to the devil. When I try to say something praiseworthy of God/Jesus, the sentence becomes mixed in with something else which will make it sound incredibly blasphemous. He came to me during the Aberystwyth Conference in the Great Hall of the University this year. Will God turn his back on me? Lets answer these questions and learn more as we look into this very important topic of blasphemy. As slaves, who is responsible? I love God and believe in Jesus and have given my life to him many years ago. This website has been very helpful. It's hard to even read the New Testament when I'm constantly having thoughts of blasphemy against the Spirit and so not being fully convinced of Jesus' divinity. You arent going crazy, and you arent losing your faith in God! Then we have this word, but. That means theres a big difference now. If youre looking for one-on-one support, you can also consider getting therapy from an OCD specialist on the NOCD app. Hey Jen, I've been dealing with similar things as well, something with the devil associated with holy things or Jesus. Give yourself time and mercy, and I think youll see things reduce back down to a manageable level. These are the things that Christians do and regret doing and have to repent of doing and ask forgiveness for doing. I think it may be very probable that the reason I want to get back to God is purely because of selfish/intellectual reasons. The intrusive thoughts of OCD are like that: the more you focus on them, the bigger and stickier they get. They have seriously disrupted my life for years. Luke 4:1-13 The Bible speak of 3 temptations, however I believe there were possibly more that wasn't mentioned, as I believe Jesus performed miracles that weren't mentioned in the Bible. I feel so much better about my blasphemous intrusive thoughts, Hi Jamie, First of all thank you for all these informations. 1 Corinthians 6 gives a list of sinful behaviors that will not be found in the kingdom of God, but notice how the Apostle Paul shifts the conversation at the end to show how forgiveness works. It was not ethically right, but it was internally harmonious for their egos. I am so desperate, I had those too. How can I reduce my anxiety and panic while ignoring the blasphemous thoughts? When a person blasphemes, slanders and rejects the true work of the Holy Spirit, they disconnect their source of conviction. I just found out a few years ago that what I have been suffering with is an OCD. She broke it off because of church and God, so I started going to her church hoping to win her back. He hears your cries for help, and already has an immense rescue team working on your behalf. No. The reason why I am focusing on the unbeliever is because I dont believe a Christian or true believer can commit this sin, but more on that later. There will always be a healthy fear about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and there should be. Like now I feel like Im upset with the Holy Spirit and I dont know why. I want to stop. This cookie is set by Youtube. It is so true that God knows all our true hearts for Him. Youre part of Gods flock. When they brutally murdered the Jews during the holocaust, many were acting in accordance with their values and beliefs. How does this relate to mental blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? I met a girl in AA who was a church member. Turn on radio stations like KLOVE or Air1 or any Christian station and walk around the house speaking beautiful truths to God. You are correct, people can have different religious beliefs, and get along as long as you're both respectful of each other beliefs. How can I know God still loves and cares for me? It felt like I willfully kept the thoughts going on purpose when most likely it was nothing but intrusive thoughts and urges. But the discussion needs to take place with an understanding of of mental health, which is often not the primary focus of Bible passages. Do i still have the scrupulousity or it is just myself? God loves you and will help you through this. However, part of the equation is also your own inner beliefs and life experiences (yep, its the nature-nurture balancing act in OCD, we have both). Their claims were unfounded on logic and were instead instigated by an unwillingness to accept Christ. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request a quick prayer for myself and everyone else who's been having these unwanted thoughts. If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. What will this mean for my eternal salvation? So no, a Christian cannot commit what Jesus calls blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Will you help me? Sometimes it is orderliness. Jesus loves you and He wants a relationship with you! He will never lose no matter what and even the peoples failures in the Bible such as King David, Paul and even Jacob has brought people hope. When the demoniac came, rushing upon Him at the beach, it was to frighten Him away. Also, are there any online support groups for this topic? Knowing what to DO about them is another. Two years later to day and I can really testify that the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you !! Its a feeling that you didnt do it right last time and must reach a sense of completion or perfection in order to move on to step two of your plan. For that reason, compulsions are generally viewed negatively during the recovery process. Those actions might be considered sinful if the thoughts lead to actions or behaviors. Been suffering for a month after some trauma that happened. This is typical OCD. I've even bought a book about dealing with Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, I have researched on the internet, and watched videos on Youtube. But that doesnt work. On three different times they were so bad I felt like he was rebuking me. As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided. I have talked to dozens and dozens of others who express the exact same concerns. Its like Ive been dealing with it for so long that it seems like I've become accustom to it. That verse, as well as Hebrews 10:26 and Hebrews 6:4-6 always scared me because of the things i said and did. Since this can always be done during one's life (cf. The truth is that this kind of thinking gets us bogged down in a never-ending cycle of despair and anxiety. However, the key to forgiveness is repentance. I often dont get tired or it takes a lot for me to wind down.. Hi, thanks for expressing your feelings about how this is affecting you. Youre absolutely right Jesus wont let you go. And I feel like it's blocking me, isn't letting me come back to God: I've been having a problem with pornography for just too long. Do you know any doctor located in Bronx, NY that is really good with these themes? We can trust Him to judge rightly. You push back frantically, trying your best to stay true to what you really believe and love. hello jaime is scrupolosity an unforgivable sin please reply im scared. Then I get numb and feel like God has left me, which I know is not true but can't help the feeling. I was finally out of my room and able to get out again. However, when Christ died on the cross, it was to adopt us all as sons and daughters again (see Romans 8). The best thing you can do is just ignore these thoughts (if it's possible to ignore them.) They attempted to explain away His supernatural miracles by claiming He was empowered by a devil or unclean spirit. Jaimie. Tho I've never been diagnosed with OCD,I've done research on OCD and Scrupulosity in particular, and I pretty much share all the symptoms. I'm crying right now.. Thats incredibly encouraging for people who suffer from scrupulositys blasphemous thoughts. Dont worry, this is not the unpardonable sin. God Bless You! After that, he read about self-control, and he cut down to eating only a scanty amount of food each day a piece of fruit, a few nuts. Jesus was surrounded by questioning with many words, vehement accusations, contempt, and mocking. Does it sound like the voice of OCD? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

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