4. Clintonis a four-hour documentary divided into two parts: "The Comeback Kid" and "The Survivor". Six months after Clinton took office, his friend and deputy counsel at the White House, Vincent W. Foster Jr. (c. 19451993), committed suicide. Madam Secretary: A Biography of Madeleine Albright. Dictionary of American History. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/clinton-scandals, Berman, William C. "Clinton Scandals The film traces Bill Clinton's rise to power as well as the major initiatives and setbacksthat marked his eight years in the White House -- an era during which America was at peace and enjoyed greater economic security than at any other time in its history. Clinton played this song at the 1992 Democratic National Convention and then got Fleetwood Mac to reunite and perform at his 1993 inauguration. If an item is already correct, write C above the item. Key aspects of this plan involved health care reform, reduction of tariffs, tax increases for the wealthy, tax cuts for the poor, spending increases for job training, and programs to increase the efficiency of the federal government. He was a fifth-generation Arkansan. Why does Clinton point to his decision to order an investigation into Whitewater as "the worst mistake" of his presidency? After successfully running Carter's Arkansas presidential campaign in 1976, Clinton won the office of state attorney general that same year. In spite of this unsuccessful debut, Clinton continued to be active in national politics. She was the first female Mormon preacher. A. In 1976 Clinton was elected attorney general of Arkansas. ." The national security system, re-designed by the new president, would also de-emphasize military issues in favor of a greater emphasis upon economics in the formulation of policy. All quizzes. Have a great day! Edit. "Clinton, William Jefferson He received 55 percent of the vote and once again became governor of Arkansas. On January 20, 2001, on his final morning in office, Clinton granted more than 170 presidential pardons and commutations, including those for two fugitive financiers who allegedly had traded illegally with Iran in the 1980s and defrauded the U.S. government of about $48 million in taxes. The roots of Clinton's impeachment began in 1994, when Starr began his investigation and Clinton faced a series of accusations regarding sexual misconduct. (April 27, 2023). His political career was superior to that of his opponent. Nonetheless, the House of Representatives impeached Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice on December 19, 1998. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Choose one of these figures and write a brief update on his or her life and work since 2001. What did Reich mean? History. Describe his path to the presidency. Please refrain from making such comments in the future. Clinton's actions in office also affected his status as a lawyer, as both the Arkansas Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court suspended his law license for the perjury and obstruction-of-justice charges stemming from the Lewinsky and Paula Jones affairs. Watch the Fleetwood Mac song "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" on YouTube and read the lyrics. Powell, Colin, with Persico, Joseph E. My American Journey. 9C But the complexities of the currency problems in Mexico and East Asia may deprive the administration of some of the credit it rightly deserves for resolving these problems. John Whiteclay Chambers II "Clinton, Bill Visit Lyon. d. sest aggrav. (You may find it helpful to review Chapter 2 (Political Ambition), Chapter 3 (Early Life), and Chapter 4 (Entering Politics) of Part 1 of the film.) What happened in the midterm elections of 1994? . 2. Berman, William C. 2001. "Clinton, William Jefferson Answer: On Saturdays, my friends and I perform in front of the plant store. What adjectives, anecdotes, and images from the film capture Clinton's style as a politician and as a manager, both on the campaign trail and in the White House? International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. opposition from a Republican-controlled Congress. President William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton argued that the end of the Cold War did not mean that the United States could abandon its long-standing aim of ensuring national security by promoting democratization around the world. answer choices he was the youngest governor in the country he was the oldest governor in the country he was the first white governor of Arkansas he was the first president to serve as a governor Question 14 30 seconds Q. "Clinton, William Jefferson What was one effect of the government siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas? It did not slow him down for long. Some conservative critics also accused Clinton of ordering the murders of Vincent Foster (1945-1993), the deputy White House counsel, and Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown (1941-1996). When Clinton campaigned for election in 1982 against White, he explained he had learned the price for hubris and the importance of adaptability and compromise. While this is a PBS documentary to be aired for the general public, teachers should note that the film contains explicit references to President Clinton's extramarital affairs and alleged affairs. 2023 . Imagine that you are part of the scene in the photograph below. Clinton also commuted the sentence of Carlos Vignali, the notorious head of a Los Angeles cocaine ring, who was serving a fifteen-year prison sentence. 12. But the failure to act in Rwanda, in particular, seems likely to loom large in future historical evaluations. Among the Democratic groups, most say Clinton was right to stay in office and that the House was wrong to impeach him. ." Americans do not condemn adultery that much. Quiz not found! Why was the Iran-Contra Affair considered a scandal? 1. Retrieved April 27, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/law/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/clinton-william-jefferson, Born: August 19, 1946Hope, Arkansas American president and governor. Gore stayed away from Clinton's campaign due to the president's sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky and eventual impeachment. Clinton was awarded a Rhodes scholarship and spent the next two years as a postgraduate student at Oxford University. 2003. 1995. As Gore criticized Bush's lack of experience, Republicans condemned Clinton's transgressions. What happened when the Senate found Clinton not guilty on both articles of impeachment? How would you have advised Clinton to act in this situation? George Bush Al Gore Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan 3. They can also track student progress and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000. Executive Office of the President. UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography. Critics felt he had no experience on the federal level and no understanding of foreign policy. [1993]), also called the motor-voter law, permits citizens to register to vote by mail or while obtaining a driver's license. Clinton chose U.S. senator Al Gore Jr. (1948) of Tennessee as his running mate. Berman, William C. From the Center to the Edge: The Politics and Policies of the Clinton Presidency. . Rabin was assassinated two years later. Civil war in Bosnia erupted when the Bosnian Serbs fought for control against the Croats and Bosnian Muslims. Define your variables. Without a declared enemy, United States engagement depended on persuading the American people to support American policy. For teachers, it's charged at $34 per year to get some extra features, such as the ability to upload your own images and to record you own voice - both powerful options if you want the freedom to create your own study sets from scratch. The timing of the retaliation, in the midst of a sex scandal, also drew fire from Clinton's opponents. California went to war with Mexico. The deal centered on the Whitewater Development Corporation, a proposed real estate development near Little Rock. Clinton won the election with 43 percent of the popular votes. (page 5 talks abt the effect) The first president to take office after the end of the Cold War, President Clinton was also the first to come of. . Unit 13: Reagan, Bush, and Clinton: 1980-2000 4. He was re-elected to a second term in 1996. At the same time, the film tells a story of loss and recovery, of missed opportunities and triumphant strides forward, of scandal and redemption as a new generation ascended to political leadership in America. The administration responded to its critics by making overseas actions more modest in scope. Clinton wanted to avoid a stronger military response toward Iraq that might alienate European and Middle Eastern allies, the United Nations, and the American public. On February 27, 1980, Bill and Hillary Clinton had a daughter they named Chelsea Victoria. 3A Note who is interviewed about Clinton. Consider welfare, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and the federal budget. . Where is he at the mercy of the media? My Life. Clinton's speech was considered to be excessively long and was not well received. I think it's B. kyungsoo (bts is my ult i just love kyungsoo). He then became a Rhodes Scholar and studied at Oxford University in England. ." James and Susan McDougal, along with former Arkansas governor Jim Guy Tucker, were convicted of fraud in 1996 for their roles in several transactions, including the Whitewater affair. Herrnson, Paul S., and Dilys M. Hill, eds. Bushs administration, and whether you agree with Bushs Americans at War. Choose 1-2 examples to support your response. What "line in the sand" did Clinton draw in response to the shutdown? As the end of Clinton's term approached a new scandal threatened the President's credibility. What qualities do you think propelled Clinton to be selected as the Democratic nominee for President in 1992? The content here may be outdated or no longer functioning. ." These questions can be used for small-group or whole-group discussion, or as writing prompts. ." On election night, it was unclear who had won because Florida's electoral votes were still up for grabs. if ( 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window ) { achieving its goals. What in the world is the job of the pre-established Pentagon, State Department, and Defense Department, if it is not the security of our homeland? 3. He was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. What is the term for the unique way of life of a group of people? The dramatic Senate trial was held in January and February of 1999. the need to coordinate trade and security measures between former Soviet countries. Still, the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was a sensitive topic for Yeltsin and caused tension between the two countries. The Clermont-Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes Centre brings together the units located in the Auvergne region, from Bourbonnais to Aurillac via Clermont-Ferrand, with 14 research units and 14 experimental facilities, representing 840 staff (permanent and contractual staff). Clinton's Legacy Quiz Answers 1A 2B 3A 4ESSAY 5Bill and Hillary, The investigate, The House of Representatives Bill Clinton 6C 7B 8C 9C 10B 11B 12ESSAY 13A answered by stan bts April 6, 2021 Yo Grammarly, what's the advertisement about Grammarly all about if no one even asked about it. Images and perceptions. 1796). Do you feel it was a good choice? The Clinton Legacy. CLINTON SCANDALS. John Whiteclay Chambers II "Clinton, Bill However, the date of retrieval is often important. Bill Clinton is considered one of the most talented politicians of our time, but one compromised by failure and redemption. He later used some of the lyrics and played the song at several key political events during his presidency. After his mother's marriage to Roger Clinton when Bill was eight, the family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Clinton's personable nature and good communication skills gave him high approval ratings among the American public. The historic scandal of Clinton's presidency was his affair with the White House intern Monica Lewinsky, which threatened to capsize his presidency. 6. Her work helped lay the foundation for modern codebreaking today. A. a former U.S. Army soldier bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City. What events in Somalia and Rwanda led to calls for the U.S. to intervene in each country? He thus became the first elected president in American history to be so indicted. The Whitewater scandal was the most damaging to Clinton in the first term of his presidency, drawing comparisons to the watergate scandal under President richard m. nixon and the iran-contra scandal under President Reagan. Among the charges later directed at Clinton was that he had benefited from criminal actions of James McDougal, an Arkansas savings-and-loan owner. You can ask a new question or browse more History questions. They considered themselves to be New Democrats, moderate Democrats who hoped to move the party back to the center (away from political extremes). ." (You may wish to review the article onClinton's Legacyon the website.). In some of these charitable efforts, Clinton teamed with former president George H. W. Bush. Clinton continued to receive high job approval ratings, and the Democrats gained five House seats in the 1998 elections. February 17. As Clinton's second term began, the U.S. economy soared. As a result the Office of the Independent Counsel (OIC), headed by Kenneth Starr, submitted a report to the House of Representatives stating that Clinton may have committed impeachable acts as a result of his testimony and action in the context of the Jones civil trial. Gaddis Smith He also appointed his wife to be the head of a task force to explore national health care reform. The Best of Times: America in the Clinton Years. At the age of 15 Bill made it clear to his stepfather that he would protect his mother and half brother, Roger, Jr., from any further assaults. The previous Bush administration's National Security Review (NSR) and National Security Directive (NSD) series were abolished in favor of a Presidential Review Directive (PRD). Of the many comebacks chronicled in the film, which strikes you as the most dramatic? It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. In what ways do these clips show Clinton's mastery of the media? Clinton has remained in the public consciousness, although his legacy in U.S. history is difficult to assess thus far. . The story concerned a land deal and a failed savings and loan bank in Arkansas and involved Clinton and his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton. Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, and grew up in Arkansas . One of Clinton's core missions as president, he often said, was to prepare Americans for a world in which global economic forces failed to respect national boundaries. After Viewing: For Discussion or Writing Encyclopedia.com. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. 6. Angel Urea, a. In addition questions arose over the constant flow of people into the White House for kaffeeklatsches and sleepovers who paid substantially for their close proximity to the president. What was the outcome? If the women who claim to be advocates for people like Paula and Monica dont have the guts to condemn Clinton (I could have said something else there), I doubt history will either. Hogwarts Legacy takes place approximately one hundred years before the events of Harry Potter. West's Encyclopedia of American Law. a month ago by. Conservative Republicans, on the other hand, were eager to see Clinton removed from office. In 1976, he ran the presidential campaign in Arkansas of former Georgia governor Jimmy Carter (1924), and he was elected state attorney general. In his speech, he said that Russians did not need to fear America's missile defense program and that their future would be vital to the twenty-first century. What is unclear is whether this great economic success will weigh very heavily in the judgment of future historians, who tend to evaluate presidents more on enduring programs than on the quality of their budgets; a new national health care system would have been just such a program. The law made it easier for the White House to withdraw oil from reserves in case of emergency. Despite his rocky relationship with his stepfather, Bill changed his last name to Clinton as a teenager. New York: Knopf. yvnca150028_82604. Among the participants in this money-driven environment at the White House was an individual with shady political connections. Thomas H. Henrikson , Clinton's Foreign Policy in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and North Korea, 1996. . History Remembers Slick Willie Our former president, William Jefferson Clinton, has always been somewhat obsessed with the way in which history remembers him. (April 27, 2023). Then and now. In 1970 he entered law school at Yale University. b. A.They encouraged people to return to traditional values. In 1994, Paula C. Jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton, alleging that Clinton had made unwanted sexual advances in a hotel room in 1991, when he was governor of Arkansas and she was a state employee. 10: 1: 50: 3. I must also be at peace with the fact that the public consequences of my actions are in the hands of the American people and their representatives in the Congress. There are a number of biographies of Bill Clinton, including The Comeback Kid: The Life and Career of Bill Clinton (1992) by Charles F. Allen and Jonathan Portis, Clinton, Young Man in a Hurry (1992) by Jim Moore with Rich Ihde, America: A Place Called Hope? In 1978 Bill Clinton was the elected governor of Arkansas, which of the following facts is true? Later that year, Clinton signed into law a bill that set the blood-alcohol limit for drunkenness at 0.08 percent. He entered college at Georgetown University in 1964. He became one of the youngest U.S. presidents in history. Thus if scandal or rumor of scandal accompanied Clinton's move into the White House, those controversial last-minute pardons of Rich and Vignali provided a scandalous backdrop to his departure from the presidency. The scandal was termed Whitewater for the suspicious Arkansas land deal in which Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved. (You may want to review Chapter 13 (Midterm Elections) of Part 1 and Chapter 2 (A Change in the President) of Part 2 as you consider these questions.). Along with the highly visible defeats, there were some major successes. This is FRONTLINE's old website. As Bill Clinton prepared to leave office in 2001, he attracted controversy when he pardoned Marc Rich. If you have been alive and awake this last week, you probably have seen and/or read repeated year in review news features. How did Clinton respond? Painful as the condemnation of the Congress would be, it would pale in comparison to the consequences of the pain I have caused my family. Before Viewing: Questions for Discussion How did Bill and Hillary Clinton approach their effort to overhaul healthcare in America, as described in Chapter 12 (Health Care) of Part 1 of the film? Responding to public opinion, which overwhelmingly opposed the action taken by the House, the Senate refused to convict Clinton of the charges. On October 5, 1998, the House Judiciary Committee voted 21-16, along party lines, to recommend that the House begin formal impeachment proceedings. Nevertheless, Clinton's claims to a lasting, positive legacy for the Democratic Party have been severely undermined by two realities: the shift in control of Congress to the Republican Party on his watch and the loss by his would-be successor, Vice President Al Gore, in the 2000 presidential election. DISCLAIMER: Question 4 and Question 12 are essay questions that I cannot provide the answer to but the correct answers to the multiple-choice will be provided down below!!! As a candidate for president, what was Bill Clinton's vision for America? Under this policy, homosexuals are free to serve in the military as long as they do not display their homosexuality or engage in homosexual conduct. Clinton did not deny the affair, and the small scandal did not seem to affect public opinion of him much. 27 Apr. Posner, Richard A. He was the youngest governor ever to enter office in Arkansas, and the youngest governor in the nation since 1938, when Harold C. Stassen was elected governor of Minnesota at the same age. During the Bush administration, unrest had broken out in multiethnic Yugoslavia as republics broke away and constituent ethnic and religious groups fought for power. var googletag = googletag || {}; Browse Catalog Grade Level Pre-K - K 1 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 Other Subject Arts & Music English Language Arts World Language Math I have come to the conclusion that I do know how history should, and will, remember Bill Clinton. Responding to Al-Qaeda. 27 Apr. C. They were strong supporters of Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. Clinton appeared to gain confidence with time, however, and claimed a number of foreign policy victories later in his administration. He came from a small state that many people thought of as unsophisticated and underdeveloped. Clintons inexperience in dealing with Congress was evident in his withdrawal of Lani Guiniers nomination as assistant attorney general for civil rights following criticism of her writings on affirmative action. When Clinton was seven years old, the family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he spent the rest of his childhood. What do you already know about Bill Clinton? // cutting the mustard The most urgent issues that the NSC dealt with in the first years of the Clinton administration were Bosnia (genocide suppression), Haiti (democracy and humanitarian relief), Iraq (strategic arms control), and Somalia (humanitarian relief). What is one reason the results of the 2000 presidential election were considered controversial? ." There were numerous voter irregularities in traditionally Democratic-leaning counties in Florida. Digital National Security Archive. Lyon is France's third-largest city and a major tourist destination. (April 27, 2023). B. Jerry looks ill today. Many homosexual rights advocates voiced their disappointment with Clinton's compromise on the issue. Dick Morris and the role of polling. What perception of his character is it intended to convey? - Bill and Hillary are accused of improper involvement in a failed real estate venture. Drew, Elizabeth. In 1966 he worked as a summer intern for Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright, who was at that time the leader of antiwar sentiment in the U.S. Senate. That is simply all I can dothe work of the American people. President Clinton entered the White House in 1993 with little experience or enthusiasm for international affairs. He would later be criticized for trying to avoid going to Vietnam. They were pleased with the growth of the federal government. Clinton was only the second president in U.S. history to face a Senate impeachment hearing. In 1996 Clinton was elected to a second term as president. How do you think Clinton's image has changed since leaving The White House? In Clinton's second term, the administration sought to integrate Eastern and Western Europe without provoking tensions with Russia; to promote more open trade; to improve defenses against such transnational threats as terrorism and narcotics; and to encourage a strong and stable Asian-Pacific community by seeking trade cooperation with China while avoiding confrontation with it on human rights issues. Fearful of becoming stuck in a Vietnam-like quagmire, the Clinton administration would employ force as a tool of coercive diplomacy and punishment but avoid full-scale conflict. Clinton Administration (19932001), United States National Security Policy What was daring or unexpected about this video? What other questions would you ask those interviewed in the film? In 1976 the Clintons moved to Little Rock when Bill was elected attorney general of the State of Arkansas, an office he held from 1977 to 1979. His grandparents ran a small store in a predominantly African American neighborhood and, despite the racist practices of the South in the early 1950s, Bill's grandparents taught him that segregation was wrong. The two held several cordial summits during the course of Clinton's presidency, discussed economic issues, and agreed to some arms cuts. He appointed Hillary Clinton as the chair of the Task Force on National Health Care Reform and announced this task forces proposal in a speech to Congress on September 22, 1993. Take a stand. Warren Christopher served as Secretary of State, with Anthony Lake heading the NSC until his replacement by his deputy Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger in 1997. The following year, he ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives from Arkansas's Third Congressional District. The Clinton Presidency: The First Term, 199296 New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. They felt that politicians ignored the problem. OF all the presidents, Grover Cleveland is unique in several ways. ), European Al-Queda cells surfaced all over the continent, with direct financing links from Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden. On election night, it was unclear who had won because Florida's electoral votes were still up for grabs. 9:Clinton's Rose Garden Statement . In March 2001, Attorney General john ashcroft announced that he had launched an investigation into the pardons, dubbed "Pardongate" by the media. Clinton tallied 43 percent of the popular vote, against 38 percent for Bush and 19 percent for Perot. Along with such other southerners as Albert Gore of Tennessee, he worked to shift control of the party away from the northeastern liberal wing and to reshape a new party constituency.
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