csulb staff directory
Comparative Literature, UCLA Lecturer in Comparative Literature Phone COB Dean's Office: 562.985.5306 Campus Operator: 562.985.4111 Campus Police: 562.985.4101 Emergency: 911 M.A. 1212 Bellflower Blvd., USU-229, Long Beach, California 90815 | (562) 985-4834 | asi-studentunion@csulb.edu Student Government | SRWC | 22 West Media | CSULB In the Lyon and Grenoble metropolitan areas, and the Haute-Savoie department, INRAE units contribute to research activities at the Lyon-Saint-Etienne, Grenoble-Alpes, and Savoie Mont Blanc . Comparative Literature and English, University of Zagreb, Interests: Cultural Studies, Post-colonial Literature, 20th Century Literature, East European Literature, Kelsey Bright, M.A. Associate Director, Bookstore Operationspatrick.joyce@csulb.edu, Josie Ramirez To carry out these responsibilities, Stewart is guided by a strong work ethic and a priority to always treat others with kindness.Read more September's Essential Piece of the Puzzle, 1212 Bellflower Blvd., USU-229, Long Beach, California 90815 | (562) B.A. kristin.bonetati@csulb.edu. Office Manager Director of Marketing & Communicationsrosa.hernandez@csulb.edu, Kristin Bonetati Comparative Literature, UCLA The Centre is part of a particularly dynamic ecosystem, within the second French . Office: MHB 701, Ph.D. ARROYO SARAH By Appointment Only via Email sarah.arroyo@csulb.edu ATHERTON ANTHONY Mon & Wed 2:00p-3:15p or By Appointment anthony.atherton@csulb.edu BASS JENNY Tue 11:00a-12:00p; . Literature and Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego, Interests: Latin American, Ethnic American, and postcolonial literatures and cultures; conceptions of identity and difference in neurodiverse, popular, and digital contexts, Vlatka Velcic, Ph.D. Lecturer in Comparative Literature English, CSULB, Interests: Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, British Literature, Poetics / Poetry and the Self / Confessional Poetry / Stand up Poetry, Identity Theory, Comedy, Comics and Graphic Novels, M.A. Lecturer in Comparative Literature katherine.mcloone@csulb.edu MenuClose pravina.cooper@csulb.edu Lecturer in Comparative Literature christopher.shaw . 1250 BELLFLOWER BOULEVARD Rico Ovalles Associate Director, Academic Resources rico.ovalles@csulb.edu. nancy.comito@csulb.edu Contract Administrator/Facilities Manager Humanities, University of Chicago christopher.shaw@csulb.edu kathryn.chew@csulb.edu Archaeology, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA Exotic Animal Training and Management; Animal Behavior, Wildlife Education, Moorpark College, Interests: Comics Studies, Popular Culture Studies, Video Games and Digital Narratives; Ecocriticism; Animal Studies; Science Fiction; Myth; Comedy; Medieval Literature, Thomas Haeussler, M.A. B.A. Associated Students, Inc. Comparative Literature, UCLA 1250 BELLFLOWER BOULEVARD jessica.brooks@csulb.edu CSULB English Department Faculty & Staff Directory SPRING 2021. Operations Managermargie.ramirez@csulb.edu, Susie Uriarte Page 2 of 8 Updated: 2/7/21 DILTS TYLER Fri. 4:00p-5:15p via Zoom; Mon . It takes high standards and dedication to maintain the large number of accounts associated with ASI. Anthropology, UCLA summa cum laude, Interests: Aegean Bronze Age and ClassicalArchaeology, women in the ancient world, mortuary and ritual analysis, and worldmythology, Kathryn Chew, Ph.D. Creative Writing, emphasis in poetry, CSULB Comparative World Literature, UCLA We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Office: MHB 606, Ph.D. 985-1626. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90840562.985.4111, Clint Campbell Manager, Bookstore Retail Services, Art Store and Beach on 2nd Streetlily.lopez@csulb.edu, Patrick Joyce A.S. Comparative World Literature and Philosophy, CSULB, Interests: Colonial and postcolonial literary theory, Marxist literary criticism, Comedy of the diaspora, Identity and the self in motion pictures, Christopher Shaw, Ph.D. B.A. Copyright 2023. From student organizations to internal finances, Accounting Analyst Stewart Ohanesian has his work cut out for him. Professional Diploma After Degree (for teaching French), University of Alberta (Canada) stream English, CSULB (562) 985-1368 Jump to Content Advisor, Latin Teaching Credential English, CSULB Advisor, CWL, Director, CWL Director of Residential Diningalfredo.macias@csulb.edu, Cyndi Farrington Senior Associate Athletics Director/Capital Enhancements, Facilities, Operations and Event Management. M.A. Name Department / Area Contact Achola, EdwinAssociate Professor ASEC/ Special Education/Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Email: Edwin.Achola@csulb.edu Phone: 562.985.7889 Allen, PhaedraFaculty School of Social Work Email: Phaedra.Allen@csulb.edu While its values are mostly the same, heRead more Those who have had the pleasure of chatting with Jaime Garcia would agree with one undeniable aspect of his character - his helpful energy is contagious. Manager, Hillside Dining Hallmanuel.gil@csulb.edu, Margie Ramirez Office: MHB 608, Doctorat, Comparative Literature, Universit de Paris-IV, Sorbonne (562) 985-4248 levon.parseghian@csulb.edu Professor of Classics and Religious Studies Manager, Campus Copy Centerjosie.ramirez@csulb.edu, Jason Eisenmann B.A. Director of Bookstore Servicescyndi.farrington@csulb.edu, Rosa Hernandez Christopher Shaw, Ph.D. Office: MHB 508, M.A. 985-4834 |. Professor of Comparative Literature vlatka.velcic@csulb.edu Manager, Warehousejason.eisenmann@csulb.edu, Jenny Lew Professor of Comparative Literature (562) 985-5810 M.A. M.A. Only a handful of ASI staff can boast the years of experience that Aaron Elimelech has, and his commitment to creating an environment of support and growth at ASI Communications is undeniable. English, emphasis in British Literature, CSULB B.A. Office: MHB 515, Pravina Cooper, Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Alberta 4 0 obj M.A. Lecturer in Comparative Literature Comparative World Literature, UCLA English, UCLA, Interests: Disability Studies, Health Humanities, Contemporary Literature and Life Writing, Graphic Narrative, Visual Culture, Katherine McLoone, Ph.D. British and Continental Philosophy, Interests: World Cinemas, Transnational Literatures, Genre, Literary Theory, British and French Modernisms, F. Elizabeth Dahab, Ph.D. !|rR6U*\~wzf7@@+zsC]vm[g}~s5ZY|h~?TCR/r?-}omw{Y|nE,}[saNL*oIu]!n`>,z; [2fqBQw4kO6YW]N*1wlif}mSR 45$PMVU6"(ak.JXuIWEUHIb9b#ZLA4 01Rfbc3x7{_B!>gmf2Bu9H6&)|n{W{w`9vy>"X)Z5;sO[c3S9w+@V . Comparative World Literature, CSULB Manager, Outpost Grill,Outpost Convenience Storesusie.uriarte@csulb.edu, College of Professional and Continuing Education. B.A. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Director of Retail Dining Servicesclint.campbell@csulb.edu, Alfredo Macias Classics, UC Irvine, Interests: Greek and Latin Novels, Greek Literature, the Hellenistic Period, Late Antiquity, Hagiography, Sanskrit Literature, Latin Teacher Preparation, Nancy Comito %PDF-1.3 B.A. Associate Director, Parkside Dining Hall,jenny.lew@csulb.edu, Manuel Gil B.A. x\k_3fc! Associate Director, Bookstore Serviceskristin.bonetati@csulb.edu, Rico Ovalles Comparative World Literature and Philosophy, CSULB. B.A. 985-1626. Tiffany.Edlin@csulb.edu. Interests: Colonial and postcolonial literary theory, Marxist literary criticism, Comedy of the diaspora, Identity and the self in motion pictures. Today's top 343 Engineer jobs in Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, France. Comparative Literature, UCLA Psychology, McGill University (Canada), Interests: Post-colonial Literature, Cultural Theory, Middle Eastern Literature, Interdisciplinary Studies, 19th Century French Literature, Exilic Francophone Literatures in Canada/Qubec (More), Letitia Deon, M.A., M.F.A. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90840562.985.4111, University Access & Retention Student Affairs, Student Development in Higher Education Educational Leadership, Office of Undergraduate Research Services, College of Education - Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling, College of Professional and Continuing Education, ASEC/ Special Education/Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, College of Professional and International Education/ Student Services Center, Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling, Center for Evaluation & Educational Effectiveness (CEEE) - CED, Civil Engineering & Construction Engineering Management, Men's Success Initiative (MSI) / Access and Retention, College of Liberal Arts Advising Center - ATLAS, Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. letitia.deon@csulb.edu, M.F.A. (562) 985-4248, Ph.D. English Language and Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (562) 985-4241 Lily Lopez Manager, Bookstore Retail Services, Art Store and Beach on 2nd Street lily.lopez@csulb.edu Comparative Literature Classics, UCLA M.A. Search, Jessica Brooks, M.A. Associate Director, Academic Resourcesrico.ovalles@csulb.edu, Lily Lopez Director of Human Resources Office: MHB 701, Ph.D. Classics, UCLA Jump to Resources, Menu M.A. crystal.lie@csulb.edu Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Classics The Catholic Directory is a free website for finding, reviewing, and connecting with Catholic churches, organizations, resources, and businesses. B.A. Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature M.A. Post-Baccalaureate in Classics, UCLA Lecturer in Comparative Literature << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> English Language and Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Lecturer in Comparative Literature Our mission "to provide a safe website for parishioners looking to connect with churches and find Mass, ensuring God's grace may touch the heart of every man and of every woman and lead them to Him." (562) 985-4239 Mark Edrington. (562) 985-8660, Crystal Yin Lie, Ph.D. New Engineer jobs added daily. Located in a very diverse region rich in assets, not only geographically (relief, climate), but also economic and human, the Lyon-Grenoble Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes is the latest INRAE centre to be created. Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley, Interests: Medieval Literature, Disability Studies, Popular Culture Studies, especially television and fandom, Levon Parseghian, M.A. History, Mumbai University Office: MHB 513, M.A. English, CSULB B.A. 985-5661. (562) 985-1815, Ph.D. M.A. Office: MHB 611, Ph.D. Deputy Athletics Director/Chief Of Staff/SWA. Beginning as a student assistant in 1998, Aaron has over 20 years of experience working at what is now ASI Comm. Humanities, University of Chicago B.A. levon.parseghian@csulb.edu Office: MHB 513. kelsey.bright@csulb.edu, Disability Studies, Health Humanities, Contemporary Literature and Life Writing, Graphic Narrative, Visual Culture, Current Comparative Literature Conference, College of Professional Education (CPACE), Carl Fisher, former chair, now at the Chancellors Office, Crystal Yin Lie, new hire in Disability Studies and Health Humanities, Fall 2020. M.A. The Clermont-Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes Centre brings together the units located in the Auvergne region, from Bourbonnais to Aurillac via Clermont-Ferrand, with 14 research units and 14 experimental facilities, representing 840 staff (permanent and contractual staff). elizabeth.dahab@csulb.edu %