doby funeral home obituaries
There's no words to describe how sorry I am for your loss, my condolences for your family and friends. Words aren't enough comfort in this moment. Luego mis padres lo cambiaron de escuela y con los aos todo mejor. . Me rompio el corazon lo que ha pasado. We too have run into him being bullied at school and ensuring that we still support him with standing up for himself and keeping the communication open with school and with my husband and I - Hearing this story has torn my heart that someone so young could not take the pain anymore and take his life. Keep his memory alive! A tight hug to the whole family. As a mother I am very sad for her loss, I cannot imagine her pain as a teacher I will fight every day so that bullying disappears from our classrooms. I pray for your family and believe that one day youe meet again. I can not even imagine how you feel now, I just used to know how he felt because I used to be bullied by cowards too. Why him? This truly breaks my heart. We did not know you or your family. Lamento profundamente y con mucha tristeza su terrible perdida. Mr. Lonnie Baldwin departed this life on Monday, Trina Williams departed from this life on Monday, January 9, 2023. It's so hard reading this emailIt has hurt me so much knowing to the world that real children are exposed with all my heart, I join you in this pain because despite not knowing them, that child deserved all the good things in this world and it hurts like everything else he now rests in peace and left a very big mark on this world , There are no words to calm your pain, I am very sorry for the loss of such a beautiful angel, we only have the consolation that God has received him in his kingdom and that from there he will take care of you as a family, you will always have that little angel that will accompany you and your family forever, rest in peace little Drayke, No Encuentro Las Palabras Para Describir El Aosmbro & Tristeza Que E Sentido Desde Que Conoc La Noticia , Soy Una Chica De 28 Aos Que Desde 4 Aos Padezco Depresin & Ansiedad , Se Que Es Vivirla, Sentirla & Tener Que Luchar Contra Ella No Me Imagino No alcanz A Dimensionar Como a Sus 12 Aos Tuvo Que Luchar Contra Esto & con Esta Sociedad Que Cada Da Es Ms Destructiva Que Dios Los Bendiga & Los Llene A Todos Ustedes De sabidura, Pasiencia & Mucha Fortaleza Para Afrontar Todo Esto & Que Esto Ojal Ayude A Que Porfin La Salud Mental Sea Tomada En Cuenta & Que Desde Casa Se Ensee El Valor Del Respeto & Que Por Ms Diferencias Que Existan Siempre Merecemos Esto , Un Abrazo Desde Aqu Estoy Segura Que El Mundo entero Esta Con Ustedes. There were so many condolences I almost didn't write. Sus hijo. I'm so beyond sorry you're sweet boy was going through so much at such a young age. He didn't deserve it.. anyone deserve such a bad thing.. Rest in paradise Drayke. Que lamentable que esto te haya pasado a t, que triste que no pudimos evitarlo, como t hay muchos nios que hoy sufren, pero tus hermosos padres conmovieron al mundo con tu historia, y ayudaron a muchas personas. Lamento demasiado su perdida porque se lo que siente, yo fui victima del Bullying y ver su historia me conmueve mucho. I know that your sweet boy will be the brightest star in the sky. Pequeo angelito, no es justo que termine tu bella vida de esta manera . Los siento con el alma, es increble que existan personas tan danias que nose den cuenta del sufrimiento que causan. Bullying is hate, it's painful and it needs to come to an end! Oh, your beautiful boy! Mucha paz y alma a toda su familia por esta prdida tan gigante. Maybe peace is an utopia, but I'm sure we can do it better, let's do it for Drayke. #Stopbullying. Un abrazo fuerte a la distancia. Sending you tons of Love. Love everyone no matter what. Let's spread love ,kindness and awareness, so loving angels like Drake can share with us all their shine. Se por lo que estn pasando. Such sweet boy. I don't know you, or your pain, and I know there are no words I can say that will ease it. He will always be here with each of you in your thoughts, your memories and more - those can never be taken from you. Although we do not know each other, my heart has broken for each of you. His life will be valued and cherished by all who hear his atory. Gods speed in your healing to not only your friends and family but to those who read my message.. Angel hermoso, ojal encuentres paz y tranquilidad all alado de Dios . Much love. Cada noche he pedido a Dios que les de resignacin a tus seres queridos, pero mas que nada, le he pedido por tu descanso y que en l tengas la paz que tu corazn necesitaba. **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters.**. Es tan triste, tan injusto, que un pequeo angelito haya tenido que sufrir tanto. Siento tanto su prdida, un nio tan pequeo y tan amado nunca tuvo que haber pasado por esto que lo llevo a tomar la decisin. May the Lord console your family during this difficult time. Espero que esto no le pase a alguien mas. Estas en paz pequeito. Ihr kleiner Engel htte niemals so viel Schmerz erleiden drfen, und kein Kind hat es verdient, eine solche Situation durchzumachen. Let your story change many hearts for the better, prevent tragedies down the road, and heal your family from the immense sorrow they are experiencing. Muy triste. No one deserves to suffer, especially our children, who are the purest and most sincere that we have. Vuela alto muy alto pequeo Dejas un vaco muy grande y una leccin enormeQEPD. I just wanted to send my deepest condolences to you and your family, its a very awful tragedy you guys went, and are currently going through I stand with you and say No More Bullying!! He left his mark in this world to hopefully support kids to not be afraid to reach out for help. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. Pequeo ngel, no encuentro palabras para el dolor que siento en el alma. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at JW Turlington School Auditorium. Now this is personal. pediremos para seguir creciendo, asi seamos adultos, por nuestros nios, en tu nombre! It was not your fault. May you be the guidance of your family in the mission of spreading love and kindness all around the world. I shared your heartbreaking story, to get the message out that bullying must be stopped. This story broke my heart. May your next journey be filled with love, peace & happiness. Descansa en paz angelito. Cunto dolor siente uno, an siendo ajeno a la familia. She was born on May 3, 1934, in Puerto Rico to the late Herakio and Carmen Gomez. Vuestro hijo es un heroe y jamas sera olvidado porque permanecera para siempre en nuestros corazones . May God bless you all. Oh God.. I am very sorry for what happened, I want to thank Drayke's parents for sharing his story, today many children in the world, including in Spain, suffer from harassment, thank God for allowing us to meet Drayke, I hope they find who harassed him, today was tomorrow who it will be ? My deeply condolences to Drayke's family. Y an as, me duele el alma y el corazn. Nothing I can say is that it will take away so much pain, but if you can alleviate your pain, knowing that your son will be free from so much evil that they did to him, he will be a reference and an image to the world. It has to stop, and Drayke may have inspired people to take the issue more seriously. Much strength. My heart is broken this is so sad i am so sorry for lossing your son and brother he is so beautiful why bulling him so sad praying for his family, Lo siento mucho les mando un abrazo fraternal voy a compartir su caso para que cada padre lea y como dicen,se sienten 5 minutos con sus hijosyo tuve. Drayke and you are in my prayers I will continue praying for you. #doitfordrayke. God Bless you all and R.I.P Drayke. The way you lost your son impacted me, I will never understand how we are the thinking species and we act without affective responsibility, without wanting to realize the weight that our actions have on others. Marian Doby, aged 20, who settled in America, in 1892; Doby Settlers in United States in the 20th Century. (Retrieved 2015, December 10) . Vuela alto nio bello, tan alto donde la maldad no te toque, si puedes hasle saber a tu mami, a tu papi ya tu hermana que encontraste la paz que te quitaron.. Descansa nio rubio con ojos color cielo, May your sweet baby rest in pease. Querida Mam, no sientas que ests sola, muchas otras Mams y Paps te acompaamos en tu dolor, estamos a tu lado y comprendemos tu pena. Yo s que me sientes. That is why I am writing to offer my condolences. May he rest piece. There's no words to explain the pain for u. Sending love and prayers. Tendrn un angelito que cuidara y guiar. Craig was born October 27, 1947 in San Diego, CA. Que descanse en paz y ustedes llenen su corazn de paz. Nos pesa tanto esta vida pasajera. I have a 12 year old boy and I can't imagine life without him. Spread your wings and fly you kinder soul. I don't know what to say and I don't believe what happened. Que Dios te tenga en su amor infinito y que tu pena se haya transformado en alegria eterna. There is no more pain for Lost Drayke , He is Free and Watching Over now , In Loving Memory of Lost Himself and my personal sympathy to wonderful You ! My condolences go out to your whole family . Un abrazo. Y eso es lo doloroso si tena todo esto por qu tuvo que ir. Now there is no consolation, there is pain, but everything will change over time and it will be a lesson for many. Ahora hay un ngel en el cielo cuidando de vosotros. _Que dicha verdad!! , Mis ms sentidas condolencias para su familia de verdad en un dolor muy fuerte perder una de las personas ms importantes como lo son nuestros hijos este dolor no se lo deseo a nadie pues ya lo estoy viviendo y de verdad lo nico que queda seria aferrarse a Dios que el nos da las fuerzas que nesecitamos para salir adelante, May you Rest In Peace. How can someone do that to a child? We keep failing you and other children to such a extent that, it seems, you angels choose to sacrife by living a much shorter liefe in order to remind others of a huge elefant still to be addressed. Mr. Vernon McDougald departed this life on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at Firsthealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, NC. La vida es tan hermosa y bella para que seamos felices y viviamos momentos hermosos. I will pray for his family that God gives them strength and now Drayke is the most beautiful angel in heaven, Drayke I've cried so much , forgive us for not being there for you, we all are responsible of this and believe me you will be remembered as the angel that makes us realize how important is as a parent to teach with love , the importance of empathy and respect, my son Santi will have your name as the reminder of PLEASE be empathic and love all the people you have around , Rest In Peace my little angel , Siento mucho que esto pasar ,no puedo imaginar el dolor. I send you all my love and all my strength. It is very sad this moment. Al leer la nota, se me destroz el corazn sin siquiera haberlo conocido, no imagino lo que deben estar sintiendo en este momento, pero quiero que sepan que todos los que estamos aqu y los que no, los acompaamos en este proceso. Y todos los padres, cuiden a sus hijos, escuchenlos, amnlos, jams los dejen solos, no permitan que nadie los lastime. words cannot describe the hurt i felt when i read this story, and no amount of words can make it better what you as a family are going through. Dios tenga en la gloria a este hermoso nio y le de paz y consuelo a sus padres y hermanas, me duele sin ser mi hijo, solo espero que sean fuertes y crean que su hijo es un guerrero. Pray and share the importance of being nice to all around us, children and adults alike. I send a lot of strength to the family especially to his mom, rest in peace sweet angel, I am so sorry for your loss. , Lamento tu prdida Drayke. No one deserves to get treated this way just because they are different from other people. I can only tell you that my heart hurts, a lot. I lost my best friend to suicide 5 years ago, I'm so sorry you have to go through this, nobody deserves to feel like they are not good enough for this world. Today you are a beautiful angel who takes care of us from heaven. Although I never knew Drayke, his story has absolutely broken my heart. Rest easy sweet boy. This system has failed so many kids my heart is with you all! The big difference is that my Sean was 31, not 12! Mi ms sentidas condolencias a toda la familia Hardman y amigos de Drayke Que triste noticia, como un nio tan pequeo tiene que sufrir en silencio por el hecho de que otra persona no supo entender que cada uno de nosotros venimos al mundo a ser y fluir como, , a ser libres con nuestras emociones , pensamientos y sentimientos. i could never tell you i know how this feels but i can tell you the world is here to help change and keep this from happening to any other beautiful little boys and girls. Your boy could easily pass for one of my boys. Desde Venezuela le envo un abrazo y de verdad lo siento mucho, Dios los bendiga a ustedes y Drayke sea su gua, Heartfelt condolences to your family in the loss of your beautiful son. I will forever use the hashtag doitfordrayke. Drayke's story will not be in vain. Fly high, Drayke, you will always be in our hearts. A sweet boy who didn't deserve this. Your story has touched so many around the world, and a lot of children are #doingitfordrayke. Radney Funeral Home - Mobile Shirley Ruth Ardion Doby, 79, was born August 12, 1942, in Mobile, Alabama to the late Neson Ardoin and Lucy Lee Kelley Blackerby. draykes family, you guys don't know me. mucha fuerza querida Familia yo no tengo hijos per se lo q es sufrir acoso escolar Que ms podra haber deseado que ese angelito se haya podido levantar de esa cama y renacer junto a sus padres y hermanos, pero creo que ya lo hizo, en otra vida destina para el. soy madre y me imagino estar en su lugar es terrible, a la distancia un fuerte abrazo. You have a whole planet with a broken heart. Que Dios permanezca siempre en sus corazones. I am so sorry for your loss. Gracias a una compaerita que lo quiere mucho, pudimos terminar con l tormento que sufri cambindolo de colegio ya que ellas autoridades del mismo no hacan nada para parar ese abuzo. My heart cries because what he went trough. Truly sorry for your lost I ask Gof to hill and protect you and your family as y'all take the time to heal. Continue to love your family, and give them the strength to continue life on earth, until they see you again. My heart goes out to your family. Drayke is watching over you all. There is nothing we can say that will lessen his pain or bring Drake home, but his story has moved and touched many lives, and has caused families to stop and reflect on what we are teaching and allowing in our families, to our kids. Shirley was a member of Forrest Hill Church of God. His story has reached all corners of our country, if not the globe. El cielo se gano un Angel, y aca en la tierra nos dejo una enseanza, espero que podamos aprender de el, el ser como el. May you rest in eternal happiness knowing how much your friends and family loved you darling , To Drayke's parents, family and friends, I felt so compelled to send my love to you all at this bitterly difficult and sad time. your angel Will be always with you . I feel so sad and hurt to see your suffering. Now you must be together as family more than ever, because of him. I am so sorry for your loss. SO sorry You havevto love this. Messages run for up to one year and you can stop at any time. Your light will forever shine bright rest easy little man , Our condolences to your family , reading this breaks my heart stay strong. My respect to you today and forever. You can cry and close your mind,be empty and turn your back. Paz y luz en este momento de tanta dolor y tristeza a sus padres, hermanas y familia. This boy deserved so much better. #DOITFODRAYKE. Ms. Carolyn Smith departed this life on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at her residence. Abrazo fuerte. What an adorable little boy Drayke is. Mr. Brian Dudley departed this life on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at Cape Fear Valley Medical Center. I'm a single mum to 11 and 9 year old boys. Graveside service will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:00 PM at Freedom Chapel Church Cemetery. I can't imagine the pain you are all in. My deepest condolences to your family. Visitation will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2022 from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. "I've been with you, I can never lose you" - jacques werup. Thank you for using your platforms to spread suicide awareness and to highlight the damage bullying has on us all. Families and school must work together to help our children. Read Vernon Mcdougald's Obituary. LOVE. Rest in peace beautiful boy. He will never be forgotten and will live on in all of your memories. Mis ms sinceras condolencias para la familia y amigos que estn pasando por este momento tan doloroso. From one Mom to another - I wish I could just hug you! Oh, my heart shattered right in that moment. Nunca te conoc pequeo, pero con solo mirar esos profundos ojos azules s que eras una alma llena de sabidura y amor incondicionalme dueles demasiado. In your silence will remain the remorse of those who hurt you so much. Estoy sin palabras, desde que le la noticia he llorado y lamentado tu partida. Bullying should definitely not be allowed by any means! I pray that the Lord Jesus will heal your hearts and everyone involved in this and also help us all learn from this ordeal. May Drayke's love and compassion shift the world. May his story bring more awareness to every child going through bullying to speak up, to every bully to STOP and realize it's wrong and to every parent to be more involved and teach their children to be a kind human. I wish your family all the best. Descansa en paz pequeo angelito. I can not fathom the pain you are feeling. Esto es algo serio, y las consecuencias pueden ser terribles. Rest in peace sweet and handsome angel, my deepest condolences from my family to yours. God made sure that he touched every single one of us even around the world. Read Brian Dudley's complete obituary here: My deepest condolences, love, hugs, and prayers continuos! My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. His eyes show such love and kindness. Mis condolencias: desde hato mayor del rey. From Argentina, I send you my biggest, deepest and strongest hug in this hard times, your boy is now surrounded by million of angels. I know that any word of encouragement I can give you will be empty of meaning for your heart. Lastly, forgive those people that bullied your little one. RIP Drayke. Lamento que esta sociedad te haya matado. I am so incredibly sorry and our family is sending you all of our love across the miles! Como docente me comprometo a estar siempre atenta a este tipo de situaciones discriminatorias. May God comfort your hearts and fill you with strength. I hope the time bring peace to the broken hearts of Draykes family. Tengo 15 casi 16 y me pego muy fuerte la historia, Por qu existen estas situaciones?No lo se, espero que podamos mejorar como seres humanos que somos, puedo expresar a traves de esta carta que su nio es un guerrero fuerte que ya termino su batalla, la gano y ahora descansa en paz en el cielo.Lo recordarn como el nio hermoso y feliz que alguna vez fue, no con lo ultimo. I pray you are at peace and I pray for your family. But you will learn how to live with it. Create a funeral plan and price estimate in less than 5 minutes. Sin dudas que esta terrible noticia rompi mi corazn. Let us acknowledge the gift each one of us is. The Doby family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. I thank God for every day I have with him. Sending so much love and strength to your family. Whoever the bully is, him n his parents need to be charged.. My condolences go out to your whole entire family. I'm so sorry that today they have a broken heart I am very sorry. Te prometo que te recordar siempre. Soy mam de un beb y me intento poner en vuestra situacin y se me parte el alma en mil pedazos. schools need to be more aware and take a stronger response to this behavior! Un abrazo. Los nios son nios y deben jugar. Read Trina Williams's Obituary. Since I've heard about what had happened I haven't stopped thinking of his family or him. My heart and thoughts are with you and Drayke. I have cried and suffered with this and I am with you and your pain. Les abrazo en la distancia a tua padres y hermanas. Familia Hardman envio mis mas sinceras condolencias por la perdida de su hijo. It's heartbreaking. Bullying is very serious and it is very much overlooked. With much love from our heart to yours. May his little soul Rest In Peace and his tears and silent fears wash away. What a beautiful little boy. Eres Esperanza de quienes sufren. Te recordaremos siempre y espero que tu familia supere tu prdida vuela alto Drayke! Vivir en los corazones de aquellos que tienen la bendicin de poder amar. Rest in peace beautiful boy, may you only know peace and happiness xxxxxxx, Mi sentido pesame, espero que puedan seguir siendo fuertes y firmes por la memoria de su hijo. Tienen un ngel en cielo que los cuida!!! Heaven just got blessed with an angel. <3. Te quiero madre desde aqu, l est orgulloso de ti. Im so sorry for yall's lost, I hope that one day whoever bullied yalls sweet handsome boy learns his lesson. Prayers during this unimaginable time. Hermoso angelito, que Dios te reciba y te guarde por la eternidad, ruego por tu alma y que descances en paz. I'm sending my love your way. You sowed in me a little seed of reflection and change - I want to thank you for that, because for you and for those who also suffer, I want my son to be a good person and I want to contribute to this to end. Dales fuerzas desde el cielo a tus padres y hermanas! I am writing to you from Mexico City Sandy Alvarado Castillo. Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. KEITH DOBY OBITUARY An obituary is not available at this time for Keith Devon Doby. Love to you all forever x, You didn't deserve to feel like the only option was to leave this world, may you have eternal peace sweet Drayke, Thinking of all his family at this devastating time. You will be missed dearly. My deepest condolences and prayers to your family little one, give them all the strength they need to continue this life without you. Dios te tenga en su gloria eterna. Ich wnsche Ihnen, dass Gott Ihnen Kraft gibt, diesen unwiederbringlichen Verlust zu berwinden und die Seele Ihres Engels zur Ruhe zu bringen. I'm just so sorry that this little boy had to die before anyone knew about what he went through on this Earth. Un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia a toda su familia. About Dolby Funeral Chapel Address 434 River Road Windham, ME 04062 Send Flowers Send sympathy flowers Price $ $$ Website https://www.dolbyblaisseg Phone (207) 892-6342 This Ever Loved listing has not been claimed by an employee of the funeral home yet. I hug you with all my love!! Les deseo a los familiares de Drayke que su corazn pueda mantenerse puros, su alma es ahora nuestra estrella. Please send all sympathy cards to: I was bullied my whole childhood so I know how he felt and I'm truly sorry. Lo siento mucho. a big and strong hug wishing you find peace in your pain. May he Rest In Peace. greetings from Chile . Nothing anyone says can ever take your pain away, I'll be praying for your family's healing. Love from Spain. I really hope that you family found the peace and learn to listening Drayke in another dimensional plane. Y para los que dicen que no es nada. Me parte el corazn. Tengo el corazn partido de tristeza a pesar de no conocerte Drayke . What a beautiful boy! Los abrazo con el alma, ojal puedan encontrar La Paz, He is a very cute sweet boy who did not deserve to make that decision since it was not his fault, he was just a child, I am sorry for my loss and count on me to fight against the damn bullying, My heart broke in two when I read this what a beautiful boy, God give you courage and strength to keep fighting, God bless you all xxxx. He is watching over you now and your beautiful family. Pido mucho a mi Dios tan grande y maravilloso para que les de la fortaleza que necesitan para salir adelante con su perdida tan irreparable, mis oraciones para que tenga a este chiquito gozando de su gloria Un abrazo fuertemente con todo respeto pero con todo mi cario!! My heartfelt condolences to the family. Funeral Homes Local obituaries for Raeford, North Carolina 271 Obituaries Saturday, April 29, 2023 Friday, April 28, 2023 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Monday, April 24,. He was such a beautiful soul. I'm a young church drummer this needs to be dealt with towards the bully with a punishable way possibly jail time but I can never understand how pain you're going through plz stay strong for young beloved drayke I wish I can hold your pain I will keep you in prayers and he may be the hero but a hero always needs a heroic team. But, I will say, that in my darkest hours, God never abandoned me. Didn't know you but with the kindness and lovely words that your parents describe you, tells me you were the sweetest boy ever. Siento tanto que tengan que pasar por este terrible sufrimiento. I am now 44 years old. RIL Drayke Xxxx. He will be here and there until you see him again. No puedo dejar de pensar un solo minuto en vos, hermoso pequeo, te miro y lloro. Sean fuertes por el. Everybody needs to take action, this is heartbreaking, younger and younger this tends to happen, all because people choose to be bystanders. Work here? Su luz nunca dejar de brillar, un inmenso abrazo. I pray god gives you all your answers you have and takes all your pain away. The great battles that life gives are for the best warriors. Craig Doby September 13, 2020 Craig Doby passed away peacefully on September 13, 2020. Your passage through this life was very short, but I am sure that you marked the lives of all those who knew you for good. May your departure has not been in vain, you left a legacy of love and we pray that bullying ends and there is love in the hearts of your and all aggressors that also are victims of broken adults that dont heal traumas of the past and are not open to love to respect ans be kind. l os aseguro que os va dar mucha fuerza desde arriba. I am truly heartbroken with this story. May the love you have for Drayke, help keep you going each day. Funeral arrangementsfor Ms. Carolyn Smith areincomplete at this time. Arika. Lo recordarn como el nio hermoso y feliz que alguna vez fue, no con lo ultimo. Your story and legacy has spread so far and wide. I don't know you but I realidad sorry for your loss, I have not children but I know you have suffered the biggest lost in your life's. Jim Chletsos. We love you Drayke. Los abrazo con el alma. You are suffering and I hope I don't go through your situation but don't cry your son he would feel bad if he sees tears welling up in your eyes.
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