fivem giveitem list
pistol_ammo , sniper_ammo , rifle_ammo etc. Can be purchased from hardware store (wrench icon)/spitem[ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Places an item from your inventory into the safe./stitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the safe and puts it in your inventory./safeitems- Shows the items in safe./sdeposit [AMOUNT]- Deposit money into a safe. You can add /houselock and /buyplayervehicle as well! (98% chance of unlocking a new recipe when crafting items)RecipeUnlockSleepManual - What Dreams May Come (96% chance of unlockin a new recipe when sleeping)ReducedAggroTimeManual - The Importance of Not Being Seen (Hostile NPCs forget about you slightly faster)SleepHealthManual - Early Bird (Sleep gives slightly more health)SleepSurvivalManual - Sleep is the Poor Man's Dinner (Sleep makes you slightly less and hungry and thirsty than before)StaminaMaxManual - Long Distance Runner (Increases maximumem stamina by a small amount)StealthSilenceManual - Creeper (Reduces noises caused by 4%)SuspicionReductionCrierManual - You Seem Familiar Somehow (Reduces crier suspicion by a small amount)SuspicionReductionManual - Guide to Fitting In (Reduces all suspicion rates by a small amount)TakedownSpeedManual - Strangler (Increases speed of stealth takedowns by a small amount)TrapDisarmerManual - Artful Hands (Increases speed of disarming traps by a small amount)WeaponBreakerManual - Weapon Breaker Manual (Melee weapons have a small chance of breaking opponent's weapon), MedicalAdvancedFirstAidKit - Best First Aid KitBandage - BandageBandageAntiseptic - Antiseptic BandageBandageDirty - Dirty BandageCurePlagueSyringe - Phenocycline JabEliteHealingBalm - Medicated BalmFirstAidKit - First Aid KitFoodPoisoningCure - Sick Up TeaHealingBalm - Healing BalmOlliesPlagueCureGrog - Ollie's GrogVaccinePlagueSyringe - Plague Vaccine Syringe, Misc45RPMRecord_Gold - Gold 45 RPM RecordAwfulTea_TeaTime - Odious MacLear TeaBrokenBobbyHelmet - Broken HelmetBucketEmpty_Faraday - Faraday's BucketBucketFilled_Motilene - Motilene Bucket (Full)BucketFilled_Motliene_Faraday - Faraday's Bucket (Full)BurdenOfGuilt - Totem of Parental NeglectChemistryUpgradeKit - Chem Lab Upgrade KitCodLiverOil - Cod liver oilCoin - SovereignCoinPile - Pile of coinsCrutches - CrutchesDartNoSuspicion - DartDoctorBag - Doctor's BagElectrowaveBattery - Electrowave BatteryEmptyCup - Tea CupEmptyPillBottle_SallyRocket - Planted EvidenceFakeMarbleCat - Replica Mini Mrs. ChippyFridgeRepairKit - Fridge Repair KitGilNote - Humphry's NoteHermitsDoll - Peachy Carnehanhocb_Invitation - The Reform Club InvitationHolyYam_Floating - Holy YamHope_Diamond - Hope DiamondHotFlashNozzle - Hot Flash NozzleInventoryExpansion - Inventory ExpansionJoyPillIntro - Joy PillLetterOfTransit - Letter of TransitLetterOfTransit_QuestItem - Letter of TransitLorePickup_PassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerLore_OblivionNotes Notes on OblivionMarbleCat - Marble Mini Mrs. ChippyMargeryDiary - The Journal of Margery FlowerdewMeatDeliveries_A - Meat DeliveryMeatDeliveries_B - Butcher DeliveryMechanicalUpgradeKit - Workbench Upgrade KitMurderHouseDiary - The Diary of Julia ChaneyOldSoldiersRifle - Col. Lawrence's Antique RifleOnyxCat - Onyx CatPassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerPercysPortrait - Percy's PortraitPocketExpanison - Pocket Expansion KitPressPass - Press PassSadTreasureDoll - Tearstained DollSallyFlier - Sally's Travel Agency FlierSaltyDog - Salty DogSaltyDog_Gutted - Salty Dog (Gutted)SImonSaysMedal - Simon Says MedalSpawnerRepairKit - Spawner Repair KitSpeakersFlierStack - Speaker Stack of FliersSublimatorValve - Valve HandleSuspiciousPackage - Suspicious PackageSwitchRepair - Switch ReplacementToiletRepairKit - Toilet Repair KitYamReward_Dog - YamReward (Dog)YamReward_Horse - YamReward (Horse)YamReward_Wolf - YamReward(Wolf), PlantsLilyBulb - Lily BulbRareFlower - Night Blooming NonsuchRedBerry - Rowan BerryWhiteBerry - Blue Currant, SurvivalBasicLockpick - LockpickBouquet - A Lovely BouqetCleverTrapTool - ShortspikeElectro-LockShocker - Electro-Lock ShockerExpendableSafeCracker - Disposable Safe CrackerJimmyBar - Jimmy BarMultiTool - Multi-ToolPolarityDevice - Polarity DevicePumpRepair - Repair KitTorch - TorchTorchEmpty - Torch (Empty), Melee WeaponsAxe - AxeBobbyNightstick - Bobby TruncheonBoneSawBoneSawTargetingBoneSaw_DoctorBranch - BranchBranchWeakest - BranchButterflyNet - Butterfly NetCleaver - CleaverCricketBat - Cricket BatCricketBatPadded - The "Sledger"DoubleRollingPin - The "Double Plus Wood"DoubleScourge - Double KnockerElectroBaton - Electric TruncheonElectroBaton_Child_TheTickler - The "Tickler"EliteHammerPipe - The "Sandman"Enhanced_Cleaver - The "Eager Cleaver"Enhanced_CricketBat - The "Just Not Cricket" BatEnhanced_Rifle - Battle ProdFlamingAxe - The "No Questions Axe"FlamingLeadPipe - The "Spitfire"FlamingLeadPipe_Weak - The "Pipe Down"FlimsyCricketBat - Flimsy Cricket BatFryingPan - Frying PanGoldenScourge - Golden KnockerHammerPipe - The "Winning Argument"HammerPipe_Padded - The "Nighty Night"LeadPipe - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weak - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weakest - Lead PipeLightstick - "Jack the Nipper"PaddedBranch - "The help"PaddedBranchDurable - "The Staff"PointyStick - Pointy StickPointyStickDurable - Pointy StickRifle - Lee-Enfield RifleRollingPin - Rolling PinRollingPin_Padded - "Mother's Little Helper"RustyShovel - Rusty ShovelScourge - Head KnockerShovel - ShovelUmbrella - BrollyWrench - Wrench, Other WeaponsAtomizerHallucinex - Hallucinex AtomizerAtomizerPersuasion - Persuasion AtomizerAtomizerSleeptite - Sleeptite AtomizerAtomizer_DONOTUSE - Atomizer PlaceholderBeeCannon - Bee CannonBetterMousetrap - Better Mousetrap, Thrown WeaponsBanger - Bigger BangerBanger_Weak - BangerBerserkDart - Berserk DartBlueMolotov - Blue MolotovBreakdownBomb - Berserk BombBrick - BrickBrick_Enhnced - Spiky BrickCaltrops - CalropsCrashBomb - Crash BombCrashDart - Crash DartDart - DartDepleted_MustardGasBomb_AppleSauce - Depleted Gas BombDickTheNaughtyDuck - Dick the Naughty DuckDoctorSlowBomb - Smoke BombEmptyBottle - Glass BottleEnhancedRock - Enchanced RockExhaustionDart - Tranquilizer DartMusicBox - Music BoxNaughtyDuckTearGas - Mick the Nasty DuckRickTheStuntDuck - Rick the Stunt DuckRock - RockRottenTomato - Rotten TomatoRubberDuck - Rubber DuckShockerGrenade - Shock GrenadeShockerGrenade_Bobby - Bobby Shock GrenadeSickBomb - Vomit BombTearGasGrenade - Tear Gas Grenade, WearablesArmyBoots - Army BootsAthleteShoes - Boxing ShoesBlendingSuit - Suit of BlendingBlendingSuit_Sally - Burglar SuitBobbyHat - Bobby HelmetBobbySuit - Bobby UniformDeliveryBoyOutfit - Delivery Boy OutfitExtraBlendingSuit - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraBlendingSuitSally - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraThickSuit - Reinforced Padded SuitExtraThickSuitSally - Reinforced Padded SuitFancySuit - Fab ThreadsFiremanOutfit - Fireman's CoatGasMask - Gas MaskGasMask_Sabotaged - Sabotaged Gas MaskImprovedGasMask - Better Gas MaskMaidOutfit - Maid OutfitMendedSuit - Mended Proper SuitMilitarySuit - Sergeant's No. /greet[ID/PartOfName] - Lets you perform synced animations with others (handshake, hug, kiss). How long it takes to get a response from the server (round trip time). Example: bind keyboard F9 "say hi; wait 250; say bye". Example: onesync_logFile "1s_today.log"; wait 5000; onesync_logfile "". Must have a safe already. /seasharkpassenger- Lets people sit on your seashark as a passenger. Alternatively, just type /outfit to be able to enter an interactive menu to access your outfits./outfitname [slot]- Allows you to name the outfit slot to a choice of your own. You can put items in vehicle by accessing "Inventory" option./vtitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT]- Takes an item from the vehicle inventory that is closest to you. Example: net_statsFile metrics.csv - this will create a CSV file called metrics.csv in your Alias:/placewire. This page contains the master item list including information for all Virtual Items, Weapons, Clothes and Vehicles. Learn more about the CLI. Hey there, Yorzen here with a quick & easy tutorial for adding items into your server. Access to the FTP Server. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Item ID - Name of Item. /pfaction-Used by someone on their own property to add their property to be accessible by faction members. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. INDEX must be a valid Weapon ID. We guarantee premium quality because we check all our products that are uploaded to our shop. /bar removelisting (Shop ID) (Amount) - Removes listed item(s) from your shop. For more info including a list of components for each weapon, checkout this page. /trunkremove[ID/PartOfName]- Removes the specifiedplayer from the trunk/createscene [duration] [text]- Adds a temporary scene information marker on the ground (it looks like a /me) (duration: between 1 to 30 in minutes)/deletescene - Removes the temporary scene information marker. Toggles your PLD (Player Display) to only show when in a vehicle. Alias:/joueurs/uptime- See the current server uptime from the most recent restart/crash./id [PartOfName]- Tells you the ID of a player/admins- See the list of on/off-duty admins online./helpers- See the list of on/off-duty support members. Number of slots refers to player slots (2-10) and whether you want a Table or not. Please /bdeliverypoint [BusinessID] confirm- Allows you to set a delivery point for truckers to your business. Ensure you type "confirm" at the end. It costs $10,000. Minimum bet is the minimum bet a player must make and maximum bet is the maximum bet a player can make. routing packages. Running latest ESX, you can change any command code to RegisterCommand to register command. Can cause crashes. You also need to be in a vehicle and have the GPS module on your vehicle (can get from a garage) - case insensitive. If you change your mind then use/cancelbreakin/outfit[number] - Enter your outfit numberto switch to that outfit. Default is 100. This is a little overview. /sirenkey (up/down) (keybind) - Changes the default ELS Keybinds for LEO / EMSSirens. /kicktenant- Kicks a tenant by ID. /weaponattachment (/wa)- Opens up the weapon attachment menu to hide/move weapons on the body. Type the same command with "clear" to remove the current description./injuries [ID/PartOfName]- Check the injuries description for another player. Server Commands. and object and if they're allowed or not allowed to use it. Default is 100./chatsize [NUMBER]- Increases or decreases your chatsize(more text without having to scroll). All rights reserved. Please feel free to add commands I missed out as there is a huge list and I might n, As of today's update (or a future update); chat drafts will now be disabled by default. - This will remove a specific Component from a weapon that you have equipped. Starts a local game loading a level (or commonly known as a map) from the name supplied. /giveitem[ID/PartOfName] [ITEM ID] [AMOUNT]- Give an item to another player. DO NOT ABUSE. by but i want that each hour there will be 1 bread or 1 water per exemple. The giveitem console command gives any item in the 2DA file to the active character. An asterisk (*) can be used to specify a partial channel name, as a placeholder for 0-or-more characters. significant amount of collision or map files, to speed up initial loading for players. The issue is, the commands that used to work in the console no longer does when using essentialmode 6.x. You are given 9 radio slots from 1-9 and access to channels from 970 to 99999/setslot [SLOT]- This is to change your radio slot. Ok wait. You can add additional variations and locations of drugs. Changes your name to MASK_XXXXX. streaming certain items, for example when the world stops loading. Add "clear" after slot number to remove the name. How i need to change code if i want give weapons for group like mod in the server? Server -> Client), the event name, and the size of the data sent (e.g. Below are a list of clothing commands to remove/wear your clothing back. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: give ITEMID given NUMBER ITEMID. Alias: /support /supports /testers/onduty- Lets you know the number of FD, Coroner, Hospital,Taxi and Mechanic members online. (eg;- /sf kitchen)/ptime [TIME]- Change property time. This is my first release /unlockweapon- Allows you to unlock the weapon firing mode as a Weapon Specialist. The variables are saved in %AppData%\CitizenFX\fivem.cfg and %AppData%\CitizenFX\redm.cfg. You will receive all your components back, as long as it fits into your inventory. /pldvehicletoggle. variables that have been set by using the set, sets and seta commands. The world's largest fivem & ragemp & gta 5 development community. /setjob give job to a player. /checkcell- Checks the target's cell number. {name = bread, count = 2} FiveM give all players item or money. Not of use to a regular user unless asked to run. Must be purchased at a hardware store (wrench icon), /stopalarm- Stops the alarm. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Feel free to post more commands if you guys remember any, thanks! Looking for good scripts for your server? (can be used locally) Patience and a functioning brain. Set in a drug-fuelled, retrofuturistic city in an alternative 1960s England, youll have to blend in with its other inhabitants, who have their own set of not-so-normal rules. /setcoords teleport to coordinates. /vehattach - Attach a vehicle to a flatbed truck. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. [Release][ESX] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto give. Useful to see why some people do or don't have access to certain commands, example output: Set an archived variable on the client. It should keep track of metrics like ping, received packets and bytes, sent packets and bytes and the amount of Equal to bind above, but will only run if the specified resource is in use on a server. 3 Likes. You can use the con_miniconChannels to display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console. All our scripts are tested and rated by our team. FiveM application data directory. Make sure the engine is off and you don't move. That is the layout, So to gte pistol ammo it would be /giveitem 1 pistol_ammo 50. (Yes for table, No for no table). All this information will be stored in a file, using a CSV format. This is my first release a simple plugin, hope you like You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In Game Commands: /giveallitem <item> <count> /giveallweapon <weapon> <ammo amount> /addallmoney <account> <amount> On Console Commands: (need changed prefix to "_") _giveallitem <item> <count> _giveallweapon . All legal complaints about will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be given by our site . /cleanblood - Clean a blood sample on the ground. /delinfomarker- Removes the placed information maker./gdelinformationmarker-for Government-Employees and the removal of cleaning-related /cims. Also spawns back in once the server crashes or restarts. (need changed prefix to _), You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. and our Only people in the car can hear this./anim || /anim [ANIMNAME]- Use as /anim to open an interaction menu or use as /anim ANIMNAME to do the anim. /removealarm- Removes the alarm and puts it back into your inventory. /deletemyinformationmarkers- Deletes all your active CIMs in the DIM you are in. Accepted values: 0-23 (these are hours) or -1 for real-time sync. Binds an input to execute the specified command when pressed in-game. Do you have an idea how to setup a random chance for the item. No problem. example: REMEMBER TO ROLEPLAY EVERYTHING./vmenu - Opens an interaction menu to show you various vehicle options like neon, locking, hood, trunk etc. Developer commands require the client to run in a developer mode, or they'll show an error like Access denied for command resmon or Command strdbg is disabled in production mode. Typically not of use to a regular user. /atc -Communicate on the Air Traffic Control frequency while piloting an aircraft. Find business ID from UCP./vunbusiness- Removes a vehicle from the business garage./pbusiness [BUSINESS ID]- Allows employees to control property (lock/unlock doors etc). Off by default. coke. Alternatively use the "X" menu. Example: loadlevel gta5, loadlevel rdr3, loadlevel blank-map. what slots have what frequencies on them./part- Leaves your current radio channel. /enablepointing- Command to enable/disable pointing with holding down "B". Using our advanced and unique features, you can make anything you wish: roleplay, drifting, racing, deathmatch, or something completely . /dmute- Mutesan active recording device. Must be property owner. The world's largest fivem & ragemp & gta 5 development community. We Happy Few is the tale of a plucky bunch of moderately terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful denial. DO NOT ABUSE./fixloc- Fixes your character in an interior, teleporting you back to the entrance if it bugs out. /holsteranim- Toggles the way you unholster and holster your gun. Purchase from 24/7. resource and shows this in a nice overview. To check weapon ID, type /inv or press "I" and access "Inventory" option and then go to "Equipped Weapons" or type/weapons/useitem[ItemID] - Uses an item from your inventory. /highlight [ID/PartOfName]- Highlights the target person's roleplay commands for you. All GTA V Weapons. REMEMBER TO ROLEPLAY EVERYTHING./hotwire- Attempt to hotwire a vehicle. Subtitle.Custom ("Reserve parachute has been added."); #region Setup weapon category buttons and submenus. /wireremove- Removes a wire from yourself. a simple plugin, hope you like, You can give all players item or money or weapon with command Type the same command to make the display go away./cam- Pulls out a camera. The netgraph command will give you real time metrics about the FiveM client network usage. Note that other update channels may And thats how it works for all weapons . Find ID in /tenants. I think item # 600 is the highest, which is Elixir of Amnesia. /refresh- Refresh and sync your character attributes (2 minutes cooldown). /togww- Switch between old and new weapon wheel. To find XMR IDs go to the UCP and click on 'XMR LIST'/radioshow- Opens an interaction menu showing the currently connected radio station as well as a volume slider to change the volume./radiohide- Hides the interaction menu that is opened with/radioshow All of our members are responsible for what they share. Alias /sellvehicle/buyplayervehicle [ID] [Bank/Cash]- Lets you buy a vehicle that a player is selling. You can take items in vehicle using the "I" menu by accessing "Vehicle Inventory" option./vpitems- Puts all your inventory items into the vehicle./vtitems- Takes all items from the vehicle inventory./pmenu- Opens an interactive menu with commands related to your property/buyproperty- Buys a property if its available, you would see this prompt on the door of the property if its available./tenants- Shows all the tenants currently residing in your property/givepropertykey [ID/PartOfName]- Gives the target player a key to your property. Enabled = You can click to move somewhere without pressing WASD (imagine league of legends), /toggle adnotify - Toggles the bottom right screen notifications on/off. /rhelp- It shows you information about your radio handset i.e. You can also equip items using the "I" menu./unequip[INDEX]- Unequips a weapon in your inventory. Enables a tool displaying all network event traffic. Change highlight colour with/highlightcolour/highlightcolour [COLOUR]- Changes the color of /highlightcommand - needs to be hexcode./walk- Puts your character in a walking anim so you don't have to stop while walking./gps [TEXT]- Makes a waypoint marker at destination of your choice. All legal complaints about will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be given by our site . SD: /ptake (/prisontake)- Takes items from prisoners. All of our members are responsible for what they share. (This happens automatically when you use "/unitstatus code 6" as well). /nof- Used to enable/disable faction chat. Enables a tool displaying all network event traffic. Running the client on a non-production update channel (such as Beta or Latest). You must have the cash on hand. If you need help, our vendors are always available for best support experience. This allows you to use the client console outside of the game. Find business ID fromUCP./punbusiness- Disallows employees from using the property./bdeposit [AMOUNT]- Deposit money in the business bank/bwithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdrawsmoneyin the business bank/startshift- Start shift at a business that supports it(24/7, gas station, garage etc. The command takes the item's material code from the 2DA file as the code to represent that item. /mask - Wear or remove a mask. You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front./leavejob- Allows you to leave a scripted job./brecruit [ID/PartOfName]- Recruit the specified player into the business./bfire [ID/PartOfName]- Fires an the specified employee from the business./bmanager- Open the business manager/bgarage[BUSINESS ID]- Add a garage to your business. MUST BE ROLEPLAYED THOROUGHLY./scuba- Allows you to get infinite breathing/air if you have a scuba mask on./taxistart- Starts taxi duty./taxistop- Stops taxi duty. We offer premium-qualityFiveM scripts. It will only appear to people very close to you./w [ID/PartOfName] [TEXT]- Whisper - Sends a whisper to person of your choice. as The car has some dents. You also need a deck of cards that you can buy from a 24/7 to play Poker. Lists all the aces (access control entries) in the console. Drugs, food, water etc. /clearchat- Clears chat for you by sending you a bunch of hyphens in the chat. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! All of our members are responsible for what they share. You will receive all your components back, as long as it fits into your inventory. Toggles your AOP (Area of Patrol) on your PLD on/off. /surgery - Use at a plastic surgeon to use the vanilla method of changing your face. How does one open up the consle to type these commands in? Press F7 to completely remove all HUD./blindfold- Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black./help- Brings up an interaction menu with a lot of sections that provide you details about commands, interaction etc./fixfall- Fixes your character if you're falling. Right-click on the character you want to receive the item. /fixrevive- Revives your character if injured. Our multiplayer modification framework provides a vast set of tools to personalize the gameplay experience of your server. Hello guys, while working on Better Weapon Ragdoll and Weapon Recoil I was in need of knowing the correct attachments for every weapon. The purpose of this list is to help new or old players navigate through all of the servers commands in one location. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Item ID List for Console Commands. /bar help - Provides a detailed explanation for each command. Open the console by pressing the tilde key (~). PD/SD: /getdnastring (Firstname) (Lastname) - Get the blood string of a player. Internal dev tool. 2 bytes). Enables or disables showing performance metrics in the screen corner: Will force the client to close immediately. Must be in a vehicle you don't have the keys of. Alias: /acn/cancelcontract [NUMBER]- Cancels the contract on the given number./resetphonecode- Resets the phone code(only if you own it) at a phone store./contacts[sorting] - Displays your contacts (they're unique to every phone)Sorting: 1 = A-Z, 2 = Z-A, 3 = Offline to Online, 4 = Online to Offline, 5 = Only Online/addcontact [NUMBER] [NAME] -Adds a contact to your phone using the arguments phone number and name of contact./removecontact [NUMBER]- Removes a contact from your phone using the arguments phone number./p- Pick your phone up if it's ringing./h- Hangup your phone after the call./ph- Bring out your phone's display if it's a CEF phone (Nokia is not a CEF phone). You can only adjust windows adjacent to you./cancelorder- Cancels a shop order or a gas station order./vlockor press L- Locks the nearest car that you have the keys of./exitcar- Exits the car you're in currently. Find business ID from UCP./vbusiness [BUSINESS ID] -Stores a vehicle of your choice into a business. Masks can be bought from mask stores./me [TEXT]- Roleplay command (example: /mesmiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. Example: connect, connect "", connect /helmet noneto remove if on a bike, or else use/hat off/helpup [ID/PartOfName]- Allows you to pick-up a wounded player assuming they don't have any fatal injuries. Shows a listing of streaming memory used by specific streaming assets, as well as a global overview. If successful, you will receive a confirmation message. If you have downloaded a script which has an SQL file, you will need to import the SQL into Heidi or manually add the items. Also disables cruise control if enabled./fuel || /refill || /refuel- Command used at a gas station to fill fuel in your vehicle. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and name is the name of the note./note [ItemID] [AMOUNT] [CONTENT]- Add content to a note in your inventory. Valid name must be an RP name of the item created./createdrink[base-alcohol_id] [amount] [name]- Allows you to create a drink. Multiple patterns can be combined using either a space or a plus sign (+). here are the best FiveM Scripts for a cheap price and a very good quality! Otherwise, the excessive Components will remain attached to your Firearm. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Valid values are 0-23. We have the best scripts for Roleplay, freeroam and ESX servers! It will first prompt you with possible solutions of common problems, if your problem isn't listed, Type the command again with the text and the report will be sent./cancelreport- In-case you found resolution before an admin is able to respond, type this commandtwiceand it will cancel your report./phones- Displays all the phones you own./namephone [NAME]- Gives a name to your current phone for easy-switch./setmainphone[NUMBER or CUSTOM NAME] (/smp)- Switches tothe phone of your choice either by inputting the phone number or a custom name set through/namephone. The command takes the item's material code from the 2DA file as the code to represent that item. ((Rowan Smith))), /my [TEXT]- Roleplay command (example: /my hands are tied would appear as Rowan Smith's hands are tied), /movemenu [X OFFSET] [Y OFFSET] - Changes the position of interaction menu on your screen. Only works for NON-CEF phones(Nokia), /sendlocation [NUMBER/CONTACT NAME]- Sends your current location to the specified number or contact./removelocation - Removes the red waypoint marker that is shown through /sendlocation, /phoneoff- Turns off your NON-CEF phone(Nokia) - To turn off CEF phones, double click the round button below the screen-display. Here you can see some of our items we have created for the world. 700 and 800 are called unarmed and 601 crashed my game. /ddisable- Permanently disables a device. Valid 'factioncode' is LSPD/LSFD/LSSD/LSGOV (need to be caps)/banktransfer[AMOUNT] [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] [COMMENT(optional)]- Pays the specified amount to the specified player. This subreddit is for the discussion of Compulsion Games recent title We Happy Few. Sorry, i have found the problem, thank you, Any idea why the commands dont exist after the script loads succesfully? /vfines- Checks the fines on the vehicle./fines- Tells you your fines/payfine [ID]- Allows you to pay your fine. /leavefaction- Leave the current faction you're in. Thank the lord this isnt client-side lmao. sign in Please contact Wiki Member To get it corrected. /makeup - This opens the make up menu and can be used anywhere. Opens the NUI dev tools window from the game process. This Table contains all Virtual Items (F3 Menu) found in Los Santos.
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