leicester city council highways contact number
Finance, ** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. Leicester City Council has recently introduced the free Hop service in the city centre which travels between all three sites. It is a major investment that will help ensure this busy and important part of the citys transport network is able to accommodate the predicted growth for decades to come.. . Follow us on Twitter; Like us on Facebook; Subscribe to us on YouTube Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland road safety partnership. It will be used by Leicester City. As far as possible, the following parking standards have been related to the land uses in the Use Classes Order 1988. Find out about getting married in Leicester or registering a birth or death. Home. Council tax, housing benefits and . Website: LCFC.com/tickets Call: 0344 815 5000 (Option 1 Sub option 1)Email: ticketsinfo@lcfc.co.uk, Website: LCFC.com/shopCall: 0344 815 5000 Option 3In person: Visit the Foxes Fanstore at King Power Stadium, Website: LCFC.com/hospitality Call: 0344 815 5000 (Option 1 Sub option 3)Email: hospitality@lcfc.co.uk, Call: 0344 815 5000 (Option 3) Email: venuesales@lcfc.co.uk, Call: 0344 815 5000 (Option 2)Email: help@lcfc.co.uk, Call: 0344 815 5000 (Option 1 Sub option 2)Email: grass.roots@lcfc.co.uk, General enquiries email: press@lcfc.co.ukAccreditation email: accreditation@lcfc.co.ukUse of LCFC digital content: content@lcfc.co.uk, Please note requests for trials should be directed toacademy.recruitment@lcfc.co.uk, For other non-safeguarding matters please contactlcfchelp@lcfc.co.uk, LCFC Safeguarding Team email:safeguarding@lcfc.co.uk, Club Head of Safeguarding: Beverly HuffBeverly.Huff@lcfc.co.uk07395 790959, Training Ground Safeguarding Lead& Academy Safeguarding Officer:Dale BradshawDale.Bradshaw@lcfc.co.uk07739 852779, Leicester City Women Safeguarding Lead & Welfare Support: Vienna Osborne-RickettsVienna.O-Ricketts@lcfc.co.uk07706 311825, There is a Club confidential text message service for any safeguarding concerns and ideas: Text80818and start your message with the word SAFE, Leicester City in the Community Safeguarding Lead:Stuart HitchonStuart.Hitchon@lcfc.co.uk07714 133747. The park and ride lets you avoid city centre traffic by parking at one of the sites on the routes into Leicester, then getting the bus into the centre. Planned work will reduce congestion, improve air quality and provide faster local journeys in Britains 'rural capital of food'. Leicestershire Highway Design Guide | Leicestershire County Council If you want to 48,923 with the opportunity to progress to a maximum of 54,145 per annum, Hertfordshire has successfully secured funding to deliver a programme Bus Priority and Active Travel Improvements. A MAJOR programme of improvements to one of Leicesters most confusing junctions and its connecting roads will begin next week. Leicester City in the Community Safeguarding Lead: Stuart Hitchon Stuart.Hitchon@lcfc.co.uk 07714 133747. By navigating this site, you agree to our. leicester city council highways contact number It will tell you where a street is, what its official name is, and the maintenance responsibility of that street. Completing the work in phases will help to address this as this busy junction is made safer and more attractive for all users.". Find help if you are struggling with the rise in the cost of living. NSPCC football helpline: Call 0800 023 2642, The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC): Call 0808 801 0331 or visithttps://napac.org.uk/, Survivors UK: Call 0203 5983898 or visithttps://www.survivorsuk.org/, Leicester & Everton Forced To Share A Point, Striving To Improve Bobby Amarteys West Ham U21s Reaction, More Quality On The Ball Needed, Says Smith. Environment and planning | Leicestershire County Council Hereford, Herefordshire, 50,000 - 60,000 Plus car or car allowance, To provide support to the Commercial team with the administration of the Area 9 M & R Contract, (Highways Maintenance & Response Contract). Contact a community centre about classes, social activities and hiring enquiries. Please enable JavaScript in the browser settings. Matlock, Derbyshire, Can you make a real difference in shaping the future of a beautiful rural county? Information from Leicestershire County Council on local Work on Fosse Road North is expected to take around 14 weeks to complete and will require the road to be closed to southbound traffic. Contact the teams at City Hall including democratic and electoral services. If you would like to explore any of the traffic schemes further, visit the next steps page to find out what you need to do. report or pay for something. We want to make sure that everyone has access to information which will help them to play a part in making Leicestershire a greener place to live and work and a net zero . Find your local council - GOV.UK Contact details: For queries relating to the highways development management (including pre-application enquiries), email hdc@leics.gov.uk For queries relating to Section 38, Section 278 and. Local councils and services. Home About the council. If you are worried about the immediate safety or welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk, or you cannot contact a club representative, you can also contact: The Police - dial 999 The NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 Leicestershire County Council Copyright 2023, Opens the main council website in new window, Typical cross section and edge details series 700, Cover-page-leicestershire-highway-design-guide-interim.pdf, Part-2-preparing-development-proposals-interim.pdf, Part-4-materials-and-construction-interim.pdf, Part-6-working-on-the-existing-highway-section-278-interim.pdf, Part-7-appendix-b1-a-review-of-Highway-Requirements-for-Development-consultations.pdf, Part-7-appendix-b3-residents-survey-summary.pdf, Part-7-appendix-b4-the-office-of-the-deputy-prime-minister.pdf, Part-7-appendix-b6-consultations-on-the-guide.pdf, Part-7-appendix-c-assessing-the-transport-impacts-of-development.pdf, Part-7-appendix-e-additional-information-on-requirements-for-private-areas.pdf, Part-7-appendix-f-protecting-trees-when-carrying-out-works.pdf, Part-7-appendix-g-landscaping-on-new-developments-and-in-highway-improvement-schemes.pdf, Part-7-appendix-h-air-quality-management-areas.pdf, Part-7-appendix-j-advance-payments-code.pdf, Part-7-appendix-k-the-leicestershire-highways-design-guide-your-views.pdf, Part-7-appendix-l-our-definition-of-a-residential-road.pdf, Part-7-appendix-m-residential-car-parking-research.pdf, Part-7-appendix-p1-s184-advice-for-developers.pdf, Part-7-Appendix-p2-s184-application-for-permit-to-work-in-the-highway.pdf, Part-7-appendix-p3 -s184-vehicular-access-application.pdf, Highway-requirements-for-development-part-4-parking-standards.pdf, Specification-for-highway-works-for-new-developments-interim.pdf, Sd-5-2-group-d1-filter-drains-alternative-details.pdf, Sd-5-3-sewers-and-drains-bed-details-notes.pdf, Sd-5-4-sewers-and-drains-trench-and-bed-details.pdf, Sd-5-5-tables-of-strengths-and-depths-notes.pdf, Sd-5-6a-group-d2-tables-of-strengths-depths-under-roads-verges.pdf, Sd-5-7-group-d2-tables-of-strengths-depths-under-roads-verges.pdf, Sd-5-8-group-d3-tables-of-strengths-depths-under-fields-gardens.pdf, Sd-5-9-group-d3tables-of-strengths-depth-under-fields-gardens.pdf, Sd-5-10-group-d4-shallow-sewers-drains-or-ducts-group-d5-land-drains.pdf, Sd-5-12-fixing-adjustment-of-gully-frames-and-covers.pdf, Sd-5-13-trapped-road-gully-design-group-1.pdf, Sd-5-16-manholes-catchpits-and-backdrops-notes.pdf, Sd-5-17-frames-and-covers-for-manholes-and-catchpits.pdf, Sd-5-18-fixing-and-adjustment-of-ironwork.pdf, Sd-5-19a-catchpits-group-cp1-precast-concrete.pdf, Sd-5-21a-manholes-group-mh1-precast-concrete.pdf, Sd-5-22a-manholes-group-mh1-precast-concrete.pdf, Sd-5-23-manholes-group-mh1-brick-type-b.pdf, Sd-5-24-manholes-group-mh1-brick-types-s-and-sj.pdf, Sd-5-32a-formation-and-sub-formation-drainage-grips.pdf, Sd-5-33a-treatment-of-diverted-ditches-under-new-carriageways.pdf, Sd-5-37a-double-and-single-field-troughs-notes.pdf, Sd-5-38-double-and-single-field-troughs.pdf, Sd-5-39-identification-of-services-by-colour.pdf, Sd-5-40-lcc-ducts-laid-under-carriageways.pdf, Sd-5-41-street-lighting-duct-in-carriageway.pdf, Sd-5-42-cable-trench-and-duct-details.pdf, Sd-5-43-ducting-arrangements-for-splitter-islands-and-roundabouts.pdf, Sd-3-5-temporary-fencing-type-4-and-4a.pdf, Sd-3-8-rectangular-wire-mesh-and-hexagonal-wire-netting-fencing-to-bs-1722-part-2-notes.pdf, Sd-3-9-rectangular-wire-mesh-and-hexagonal-wire-netting-fencing-to-bs-1722-part-2.pdf, Sd-3-14-wooden-palisade-fencing-notes.pdf, Sd-3-22-leicestershire-county-council-boundary-post.pdf, Sd-3-28-timber-wicket-gates-types-1-and-2.pdf, Sd-3-33-self-latching-stop-posts-for-timber-and-metal-gates.pdf, Sd-3-36a-high-visibility-pedestrian-guardrail.pdf, Sd-1-1-information-board-major-scheme.pdf, Sd-11-2-construction-details-kerbs-channels-and-footway-edgings.pdf, Sd-11-3-construction-details-safety-kerbs-and-footway-edgings.pdf, Sd-11-4-granite-setts-and-slabs-laid-on-edge.pdf, Sd-11-5d-footway-vehicular-and-agricultural-field-access.pdf, Sd-11-6d-construction-of-footway-cycleway-or-combined-footway-cycleway.pdf, Sd-11-7-flush-dropped-crossing-type-a.pdf, Sd-11-8-flush-dropped-crossing-type-b.pdf, Sd-11-9-agricultural-field-access-details.pdf, Sd-11-11-medium-duty-vehicular-access-light-business-use.pdf, Sd-11-12-heavy-duty-industrial-access.pdf, Sd-11-14a-cycleway-or-combined-footway-cycleway.pdf, Sd-11-15-start-of-cycleway-on-principal-and-major-routes.pdf, Sd-11-17-tactile-blister-paving-types-a-and-b.pdf, Sd-11-18-tactile-blister-pavers-type-c.pdf, Sd-11-19-use-of-tactile-paving-at-controlled-crossing-points.pdf, Sd-11-20a-tactile-paving-at-uncontrolled-crossings.pdf, Sd-11-22a-narrow-refuge-islands-1.2m-upto-2m-wide-without-pedestrian-facilities.pdf, Sd-11-23a-narrow-refuge-islands-1.2m-upto-2m-wide-with-pedestrian-facilities.pdf, Sd-11-24a-wide-refuge-islands-greater-than-2m-wide.pdf, Sd-11-26-standard-foundation-for-miscellaneous.pdf, Sd-11-27-staggered-barriers-on-footpaths.pdf, Sd-fp-7-footpath-bridleway-byway-fingerpost-signusing-ff-set-brackets-and-uni-clips.pdf, Sd-fp-10-chilton-bridle-gate-one-way-opening.pdf, Sd-fp-13-woodstock-kissing-gate-for-medium-mobility-vehicles.pdf, Sd-fp-15-woodstock-kissing-gate-for-large-mobility-vehicles.pdf, Sd-13-1-column-foundation-and-reinstatement-details.pdf, Sd-13-2-flanged-base-column-general-arrangement.pdf, Sd-13-3-details-of-tubular-steel-lighting-column-post-top-column.pdf, Sd-13-4-details-of-tubular-steel-lighting-column-bracket-column.pdf, Sd-13-5-details-of-tubular-steel-lighting-column-raise-and-lower-10-and-12m.pdf, Sd-13-6-details-of-tubular-steel-lighting-column-raise-and-lower-5-6-and-8m.pdf, Sd-13-8a-cast-iron-cardiff-column-4.2m.pdf, Sd-13-9a-cast-iron-newcastle-column-6m.pdf, Sd-13-10a-cast-iron-edinburgh-column-8m.pdf, Sd-13-11-lighting-column-locations-within-highway-boundary.pdf, Sd-13-13-details-of-tubular-steel-column-for-vehicular-activated-signs.pdf, Sd-13-14-single-and-twin-arm-column-brackets.pdf, Sd-13-16-schematic-details-of-wall-pole-brackets.pdf, Sd-13-17-wall-mounted-pole-bracket-and-cut-out-box-assembly.pdf, Sd-13-18-temporary-overhead-feed-details.pdf, Sd-13-21-hazard-warning-plates-for-road-lighting-columns.pdf, Sd-13-23-hazard-warning-plates-for-road-lighting-columns.pdf, Sd-14-3-feeder-pillar-type-sd-installation-details.pdf, Sd-14-4-feeder-pillar-type-dd-installation-details.pdf, Sd-14-6-three-phase-feeder-pillar-layout-with-12-out-going-ways.pdf, Sd-14-8-earth-pit-and-electrode-detail.pdf, Sd-14-10-feeder-pillar-labelling-details.pdf, Sd-14-12-cable-termination-type-t1-eme.pdf, Sd-14-14-cable-termination-type-t3-and-t4.pdf, Sd-12-1-sign-post-and-foundations-notes.pdf, Sd-12-3-sign-assemblies-dos-and-donts-part-1.pdf, Sd-12-4-sign-assemblies-dos-and-donts-part-2.pdf, Sd-12-5-sign-assemblies-dos-and-donts-part-3.pdf, Sd-12-6-sign-assemblies-dos-and-donts-part-4.pdf, Sd-12-8a-post-details-and-foundations-sign-areas-upto-3m2.pdf, Sd-12-9a-post-details-&-foundations-sign-areas-3.01m2-to-9m2.pdf, Sd-12-13-concrete-base-for-large-direction-signs.pdf, Sd-12-14-tubular-steel-large-based-traffic-sign-post.pdf, Sd-12-15-concrete-foundation-for-straight-and-large-base-traffic-sign-posts.pdf, Sd-12-16-stiffening-of-standard-traffic-signs.pdf, Sd-12-19c-base-illuminated-deformable-bollard-type-a.pdf, Sd-12-20c-base-illuminated-deformable-bollard-type-b.pdf, Sd-12-24-fingerpost-sign-using-offset-brackets-and-uni-clips.pdf, Sd-12-25-fingerpost-finial-ball-design.pdf, Sd-12-26-sign-mounted-to-gantry-on-i-section-supports.pdf, Sd-12-27-plank-type-construction-for-direction-signs.pdf, Sd-12-28-footpath-bridleway-byway-fingerpost-sign.pdf, Sd-12-30-installation-of-traffic-signals-ducting-details.pdf, Sd-12-31-installation-of-traffic-signals-inspection-chamber-b.pdf, Sd-12-32-installation-of-traffic-signals-inspection-chambers-type-a-and-aa.pdf, Sd-12-34-7m-signal-tall-pole-foundation-details.pdf, Sd-12-35-pole-socket-pole-setting-out-details.pdf, Sd-12-36b-numbering-system-for-street-lighting-and-illuminated-signs.pdf, Sd-12-39a-flexible-bollard-non-illuminated-and-solar-powered.pdf, Sd-12-40-base-light-unit-for-chevroflex-sign-system.pdf, Sd-12-41-illuminated-sign-school-crossing-signal-assembly.pdf, Sd-12-42b-belisha-beacon-and-refuge-beacon.pdf, Sd-12-43a-numbering-system-for-illuminated-bollards.pdf, Sd-12-47a-teeth-markings-for-speed-reduction-sites-with-gateway-markings.pdf, Sd-12-48a-teeth-markings-for-speede-reduction-sites-without-gateway-markings.pdf, Sd-7-1a-typical-cross-section-and-edge-details-notes.pdf, Sd-7-2-single-carriageway-metre-strip.pdf, Sd-7-3-single-carriageway-metre-strip.pdf, Sd-7-7-dual-carriageway-kerbed-and-metre-strip.pdf, Sd-7-9a-edge-details-embankment-toe-drain.pdf, Sd-7-10-edge-details-metre-strip-with-drain.pdf, Sd-7-11-edge-details-metre-strip-without-drain.pdf, Sd-7-12-edge-details-kerbs-in-cut-alternative-1-and-kerbs-in-fill.pdf, Sd-7-13-edge-details-kerbs-in-cut-alternative-2.pdf, Sd-7-14-reg-courses-in-area-of-build-up-on-existing-carriageway.pdf, Sd-7-15a-construction-details-adjacent-to-existing-carriageway.pdf, Sd-7-17-construction-of-kerb-to-kerb-speed-tables-and-junc-tables.pdf, Sd-7-18-temporary-steel-shoe-fabrication-detail.pdf, Sd-7-19-speed-table-ramp-edging-for-kerb-kerb-speed-table.pdf. Welcome | Leicestershire County Council Date: Monday 1 May. The scope of this procurement exercise is to provide LCC with a HAMS that will meet the requirements of the following teams: The solution will also have the potential to be expanded to support teams managing non-highway assets. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme. You can report a problem or defect with a Leicestershire road. These systems and the management of the assets are supported by several other systems and solutions. Hereford, Herefordshire, Elvet Recruitment are recruiting for a Civil Site Engineer on behalf of a reputable civil engineering main contractor. The priority is to ensure the main roads and footways across the city are clear and safe. If you can't find what you're looking for above. If you have a question you can. "As with any project of this scale, there may be some disruption during development. The role Leicestershire County Council as Local Highway Authority 1.4 Leicestershire County Council is responsible for a range of highways and transport issues including: all publicly-maintained highways in Leicestershire except for the M1, M6, Contact us Nearly 80 groups and individuals already planning to mark a special weekend Planned work will reduce congestion, improve air quality and provide faster local journeys in Britain's. Six firms including five SMEs have won places on a highways minor works framework agreement with Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council worth a total of 14m. The solution will also have the potential to be expanded to support teams managing non-highway assets. A - Z | Leicestershire County Council Highways presentsCargill from Hemming Group Video on Vimeo. 01524 582000. Time: 10:30 - 16:00. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports, Find a postcode on Royal Mail's postcode finder. Taunton, Somerset, You will be responsible for assessing applications for planning permission on behalf of the Local Highway Authority. Council tax. What Leicester's city councillors do and why you should vote Any personal information that you provide will be processed in accordance with current Data Protection laws. This notice has no specified response deadline. services, latest news and events. Highways England provides day to day management of these routes. We will not disclose any personal information to anyone else unless required or allowed to do so by law. Contact us about our venues, events and exhibitions. Find your local council - GOV.UK. Contact us quickly and easily online to apply. Opening times and contact information | Leicestershire County Council The Ombudsman will usually expect you to have gone through the council's complaints process before they can consider your complaint. Contact Us | Leicester City Complaints and comments | Leicestershire County Council . Website: http://www.highways.gov.uk Highways Agency. Contact us General enquiries Council tax Find out about payments, bands and exemptions. Section DG2: Road layouts 3.4 This section sets out our design guidance for adoptable . Salford, Greater Manchester, This is a unique chance to join a dynamic and progressive team in a forward thinking authority. You can report a problem or defect with a Leicestershire road, https://leicestershirecc-self.achieveservice.com/en/service/Customer-Services-Contact-Us-Form, call: 0116 305 0002 (Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm). Transport policy, plans and studies | Leicestershire County Council National Highways exploring new CCTV stopped vehicle option, Experts learn facts and friction of skid resistance, Milestone to recycle award-winning solution. Highways management - Portsmouth City Council County Hall Switchboard: 0116 232 3232 Monday - Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, Fridays 8.30am to 4.30pm. Denbighshire (Sir Ddinbych), We have set out an ambitious and exciting agenda to grow and thrive in a sustainable way that protects the character and environment of the county. FM Conway is currently seeking a Quantity Surveyor to join our industry leading Structures division. Cost: Flooding and Drainage Highways permits and licences | Leicestershire County Council Get help with language and translation services. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Schools and colleges, term-dates and admissions and advice for parents and students. Highways Magazine - leicestershire Leicester City Football Club King Power Stadium Filbert WayLeicesterLE2 7FL. Andy Reed OBE, Co-Chair of the LLEP, said: "This project will improve access by linking the city centre up with surrounding neighbourhoods. Leicester politicians set out highways and transport election pledges Would you like to help positively impact on Waste & Recycling within Kirklees? This will involve narrowing its junctions with Blackbird Road and Colwell Road; the installation of a new raised table on Colwell Road to improve safety for people walking and riding bikes; and existing car parking on verges close to the shops on Buckminster Road will be removed. Kensington and Chelsea, London (Greater), Recruiter: The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Council, Head of Strategic Transport and Sustainable Travel, Senior Transport Development Management Engineer, ITP (Integrated Transport Projects) Senior Strategy & Programme Manager, Head of Highways and Environmental Services, Senior Transport Planner (Healthy Streets & Neighbourhoods), Transport Planner (Healthy Streets Neighbourhoods), Principal Engineer - Highway Electrical Engineer, Tweets from https://twitter.com/highwaysmag/lists/industry-tweets, National Highways celebrates 100 years of A roads. leicester city council highways contact numberthe renaissance apartments chicago. Housing and local services. You have accepted additional cookies. Details of future phases of work which are due to begin in April will be publicised nearer the time. This initial phase of work is expected to take around six to eight weeks during which time a lane restriction will be required on part of Blackbird Road, and Buckminster Road will be closed to through traffic. Contact general - Transport and streets - Self Any personal information that you provide will be processed in accordance with current Data Protection laws. the local planning authority. Rotherham, South Yorkshire, This provides the opportunity to take on a wide range of challenging and rewarding work. Customise how you view our website using the options below. The scheme which is expected to cost about 10.4million will be paid for through a mix of Enterprise Zone funding through the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), and the Transforming Cities Fund following the city councils successful bid for 32million of second tranche funding to support improvements to public transport and providing more safer cycling and walking routes into city neighbourhoods and the city centre. Information from Leicestershire County Council on local PDF Part 3 Design guidance - Leicestershire Time: 10:30 - 11:30. Contact Us | Leicester City However, funding for this is only guaranteed for 18 months. You can report most types of problem with. Well signed diversions will be in place. Information from Leicestershire County Council on local This will incur a charge. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Leicester City Council (LCC) is seeking to procure an integrated Highways Asset Management System (HAMS), to support its teams in the management and maintenance of its primary highways assets. Email: atcgroup@leicester.gov.uk Telephone: 0116 299 5665. Here is more information about how to enable it in your browser: Need some help using My Account or want to give us some feedback. Denbigh, Denbighshire (Sir Ddinbych), We are looking for an innovative, self-motivated and committed professional to join our Traffic Control and Information Systems Team. A minimum of 10 working days' notice is required for this. A full refresh project is now underway, which will be subject to consultation. Our website uses cookies to help us keep improving. Leicestershire County Council (LCC) has introduced a highways permit scheme to further help us minimise the disruption caused by works on our road network. Highways enquiries For all other highways enquiries: Contact: https://leicestershirecc-self.achieveservice.com/en/service/Customer-Services-Contact-Us-Form call: 0116 305 0002 (Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm, Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm) Website issues If you have any problems with the website: email: trafficwebsite@leics.gov.uk **. Our Community Hub phone linesare open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday. Colas stores around 950 tonnes of salt at a depot in Farlington to ensure it's ready for heavy snowfall. WJ has secured a combined contract with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council worth 1.5 million per annum over two years. 01524 582491. Local Elections 2023: Key Leicester City Council wards to watch out for Crime, noise related incidents, anti-social behaviour, hate crime and environmental crime. A similar service for other local roads and pathways is provided by Leicestershire County Council (LCC) who deliver front-line highways services under the name of Leicestershire Highways.. Find out more about how we deal with snow and ice on the roads. The current experimental road closure on Buckminster Road will also be removed at the start of the FiveWays redevelopment work, and a review and surveys will be carried out after the highway works are completed to fully understand the impact of the new junction on traffic flow on Buckminster Road and surrounding streets. Council will quiz utility company on disruption, Nearly 80 groups and individuals already planning to mark a special weekend. Reporting problems with roads and pavements If you are worried about the immediate safety or welfare of a child, young person or adult at risk, or you cannot contact a club representative, you can also contact: The Police dial 999The NSPCC 0808 800 5000Childline (for children and young people) 0800 1111, Premier League safeguarding@premierleague.comThe FA safeguarding@thefa.com.
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