murderer of blue skies about vicky
It's been mentioned that discovery of these activities and much other deception led to the downfall of Chris Cornell. He also never recovered Chris Cornells cell phone or his computer, both of which were on the scene and both of those items should have been taken in as evidence in the homicide investigation that should have taken place. He did NOT take more than his prescribed Ativan; if he truly had taken more meds than prescribed, his Ativan level would have been higher in the tox report. ), the U.N., the I.R.C., etc. . Why was Chriss head trauma not in the autopsy report? Many of us fans see that these two men were suicided by people wanting to shut them up. Though I may bend Thanks again! Your email address will not be published. Now their son.he looks nothing like either parent of any of Chris brothers or sisters. That is fumble number one in this case, and a big on at that. He said he was as gracious as always to sign autographs for 15 min. At this point, I must now bring in the results of Chriss toxicology report. All I seek is the truth, the Higher Truth. Please forgive me for the puzzle-form of this write-up, but the case itself is a huge puzzle that is still not put together. Do you have any suggestions? I also believe that he was murdered. Then I think since Chris was the bigger cash-cow, she told him the baby was his. think it's a ballad for a woman and his tenor vocals really are pwnage here, I will get to that damning fact in a moment. Is there any truth to all of this? Straight out of rehab, marriage falling apart under the stress , advised by his negligent counsellors at Promises rehab to not return to Seattle where he would be triggered into using again , he was a prime target for her when he arrived at the Audioslave after-party on that equally tragic ""starry night in Paris" where Vicky the gold digging fame whore was waiting to pounce . All the ruckus vk caused about too many meds is plain ignorant. Want to know what everyone in the music business is talking about. The 1st time I heard that song my jaw dropped and I told my husband that is not a song written by a happy man. Also, Weaver wrote in the report that Martin gave Chris those pills when Martin was in Chriss room fixing his computer for him with the hotel IT person, but Martin stated that he gave those pills to Chris right when they first arrived at Chriss hotel room, and that after he [Martin] went back to his own room, Chris called [Martin] and said that Apple TV was not working. I can't wait I wish I could read this. If all of this is true, Im heartbroken for those children. An official Blue Alert was issued at 7:27 p.m. . I too, loved and adored Chris for many years. He shouldve been buried near one of his homes near loved ones. Were they still on the phone when Martin went to Chriss room? More and more people are opening their eyes to the evils in this worldevils done by people who claim to be good. Yes, I said people because over the course of this past year I have found hundreds of people asking many of the same questions I have been asking. Though I may bend And this person, or people, is allegedly responsible for the murder and the murder cover-up of Chris Cornell. Here are the crime scene photos of the broken lock on Chriss hotel room door and the undamaged hinge and brace of that lock and the undamaged door frame of that same door. Martin said that he had already taken the red band down and that Chris was found on the bathroom floor. I dont. There is no way in hell that CPR caused that many broken ribs. I always thought that I pride myself on patience And I can't wait That is quite a stretch she is making. That was around 11:34 P.M. Weaver wrote in the report that Martin said that Chris took those pills for anxiety. The red exercise band that was around Chriss neck would not have caused scratches, abrasions; it is made of smooth and stretchy rubber. She uses Cornell as her middle name. That head injury, along with the blood running from Chriss mouth, the blood spatter on the bathtub, and the nine broken/fractured ribs he hadYes, Chris had nine broken ribs.are clear evidence of foul play, and this evidence makes it clear that a thorough homicide investigation should have been conducted. And Vickys lawyer and Martin have stated on the record that Chris was taking Ativan for his anxiety. You know more than I do. That Detroit News article, along with the information Amy claims to have, places a dark shadow over all of Vicky Cornells actions and words. (allegedly Vicky, allegedly Geffen). In Martins statement, he did not perform full CPR on Chris; Martin only performed one-handed CPR, which would not have caused any injuries. (Link to Soundgardens 5/14/2017 concert: )And Vicky Cornell also knows about the head trauma Chris had before his death, as do many of Chriss fans, and allegedly Chriss bandmates knew he had the injury. Now, whether he commited suicide or was suicided is a whole other web of drama with much weight to the claims but I won't go into that, only to say that it is not beyond the realm of possibility tjst the Karriyannis Klan would be very easily paid off to shut up. Just as long as it doesnt catch someone elses house on fire. It seems as though it was meant for more than just one person, and it seems as though there is a much bigger picture here than marital issues alone, but I will get to that more in just a moment. It has been a long hard year since Chriss passing, but I will continue to speak out for Chris Cornell. Murderer of Blue skies is about Vicky . The other info you mentionyes, I, too, have heard about all of that. If Chris did indeed take it knowingly, then Martin, his bodyguard, would have known he had taken itsince it is the bodyguards job to be with their employer at all times in order to provide them with protection. Also, it only takes 2-5 minutes to throttle someone. And that I would not regret it This is more information that Vicky would not want known by Chriss fans. Moving on from the drug talk, Martin states in the police report that after he had gone to his own room, Chris called him and said that the Apple TV was not working. That is very strange that you say it is gone. The case is being explored on ID's true-crime docuseries . Vicky admitted directly to me on Twitter on March 3, 2018 that she knew about Chriss head trauma, and she said that, Yes, it most certainly exacerbated all the symptoms. I am going to put out a video hopefully tonight questioning why emergency personnel moved Chris body. Had Vicky not immediately cremated Chriss body further bodily investigation could have lead to more information for a more clearly defined cause of death, and the head trauma could have been confirmed. Producer Rupert Hine talks about crafting hits for Tina Turner, Howard Jones and The Fixx. A rock icon, the voice of a generation, and a blazing force that will forever shine on, He was married to each wife for about 13 years. The different medications do look a lot alike, and in the police report Martin never named, not in his quoted statement, what those sleeping pills were. Ativan: Fioricet: Or did someone slip the drug into Chriss drink without him knowing? LIKE A PI . Her and Josh Browlin seemed rather chummy at the Benefit concert. All the while pretending to be This is the case with Vicky Cornell; she has told more than one lie, which now discredits everything she says and does. Coroners ultimately ruled the singer's death suicide by hanging. Vicky getting pregnant was also why he divorced his ex because it was one to the other in the same year. Most men dont like being alone so its no surprise that he could have had a girlfriend. Do you really think he would have approved of their behaviour in this last year in his memoriam? What is up with that? Author LotsoHugginBear [a] 96. And I can't wait It is also said that Chris and the Troll separated in late 2016, he was already involved with someone else (that I have not been able to verify although there were rumors of Taylor Mumford who was on tour with Soundgarden, and that his brother had to pick his body up because of legal matters do to divorce papers!!!! Vicky is the "Murderer of Blue Skies" That was around 11:34 PM. Weaver adds in the report that Martin told him that Chris was on the phone with Vicky at this time when IT and Martin were in Chriss room. Thank you for your kind words! (NOTE: See the note at the end of this post for a copy of the police report.) Money equals power. I have read your 2 Blogs only now and I can not thank you enough for writing them. And I won't break The side effects of butalbital are: drowsiness, lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and an intoxicated feeling. If Im remembering correctly, I think hes an Italian actor. Here is a crime scene photo of the blood spatter on the side of the bathtub. My email is One example of Chriss anger is seen in Soundgardens Jacksonville, Florida concert from April 29, 2017. Note that Chris was recently out of rehab when he and Vicky met, rehab for alcoholism and pills (opiates). You flew in on the wind Was a day that I won't forget Told me to let you in And that I would not regret it But you had a touch as cool as rain And only once the weather changed Murderer of blue skies I can't wait To never be with you again And I can't wait To lead a life that you're not in And I . Well, he had been fighting with Vicky and he had just come from visiting with her, and he arrived to his final concert with a head injury. If Chris had been working with these billionaires at the time of his death, why would he speak of them the way he did during that April 29th concert? 2011-2023 - Free Lyrics from A to Z. 2023 Billboard Media, LLC. It also strongly implies that Chris and Vicky were fighting during that final phone call, though Vicky now denies they were fighting at all. Kudos to a well written considered blog. Its strange that so many people just dont wanna see the obvious facts just because I dont know, I guess its easier to believe all BS than to start thinkin and questioning statements. And the whole "keep the promise" b.s? There are more than enough oversights that I have already gone through to show that this case points to homicide more than suicide, but I will continue with my findings. But what exactly were those two pills that Martin had given to Chris? That doesnt make any sense. Do you think it could be true? great vocals here by chris cornell Cornell replied: "Some of it is autobiographical and some of it isn't, but I think being a sensitive kid who grows up in the world of adult relationships, my tendency has always been to allow myself to accept responsibility for everything. Every single line is about her and how she had conned, decieved, controlled and caged this patient, warm hearted , loving empath who lived for his family , his children, more to the point .Extremely vulnerable when entrapped by Vicky the trained from infancy predatory opportunist. Also, in that Twitter conversation prior to my comment, Vicky twists the words of the medical examiner in Chriss case to make them fit her drug over-intoxication narrative. Literally says she murdered the blue sky. . . So this adds another witness to that nights tragic eventa witness that was never asked for a statement by Investigator Weaver. Or was Weaver paid to write that in the report? People change. They could have paid his body guard to go far away , which south Africa is pretty far and his nondisclosure contracts probably an easy fall back if questioned further by investigators. If the ME meant that the drugs were not the mechanical cause of death then that is how he would have written it in the report. Billboard is a part of Penske Media Corporation. As mentioned earlier, Chris ended up with 9 broken/fractured ribs, his t-shirt was torn (though it was not torn while he was in concert that night), and Chris had the large bloody head wound during that final concertthe head wound that was never mentioned in the police report, nor the autopsy report, nor the official narrative released to the public. All the while pretending to be Very well written. Did Martin know of someone else who had put Chris in that state? I included the bit about the scratches because, to add more suspicion of foul play to this case, the autopsy report states that, . FOUL PLAY! Great job spelling it all out. This is a medication taken for tension headaches, and it contains caffeine, butalbital, and acetaminophenall are substances that were in Chriss system at the time of his death. Did Chris take Fioricet knowingly? But it's wearing thin It is important to note that with the release of the music video for Chriss song The Promise, for the movie of the same name, (which coincidentally was released, per Chriss request, on April 20, 2017World Refugee Dayone month and two days after his death) was set by Chris to have all proceeds go to the IRC. A living saint with a thorny crown Why didnt they look into that? The Soundgarden frontman is currently touring the world in support of Higher Truth. Casey White's felony murder trial for the death of Vicky White is currently set for June 12. ), Next, Martin says that they then went up to Chriss hotel room, Martin gave him 2 of his sleeping pills, and then Martin went to his own room. That person could have confirmed or denied whether anyone else had been present in Chriss room that night while they [the IT person] were there. Stains of suspected blood are present on his [Chriss] face and on the floor next to and beneath his head. This is where Chriss head trauma comes in. Im so happy to hear that my work helped you understand more about the case and find some peace with it. Now her daughter is free to go make some other man miserable. In the medias narrative of the case Martin Kirsten, Chriss bodyguard, appears in 2 out of 8 of the suspect categories. I must let you know that Vicky is a publicist. I am not accusing anyone of anything; I am just showing that the list of suspects is much larger than at first appearance when looking at the case of the mysterious death of rock legend Chris Cornell. He got to his room around what 11:35 and by 12:15 hes dead? Has anyone seen the Louder Than Love Extended preview that came out 4mo. He did not have control of his faculties due to toxicology, perhaps even exacerbated by other factors, including a head injury, which was referenced in two EMS reports that were left out of the autopsy report. She mentions audio of the EMT first responder that many fans have mentioned hearing but that Detroit PD says has mysteriously vanishedalong with any and all audio from during the time period of Chriss death and the EMTs response to his death. The pills that Martin gave to Chris are stated in the report to have been (Adalan)that is how Investigator Weaver wrote it upbut in Martins quoted statement he never stated the actual name of the pills. Vicky says that Chris was prescribed Ativan, though she claims the medication was prescribed to Chris for shoulder pain that was making it difficult for Chris to sleep. ., (2) where the clothing of the deceased is torn or disarranged, (3) where there are injuries, either offensive or defensive. There is so much in that Detroit News article to analyze. There is documentation of Chris and the Troll being kicked off a flight because of her fit throwing, hitting him in public and the song lyrics you posted are so telling. The crime scene photos actually show two prescriptionsPrednisone and Omeprazole that were not found in his system but should have been. Tatiana was also pictured with little Tony in Greece when her family was vacationing there. Martin goes on to state in the police report that, Upon entry [into Chriss hotel room], I found the bedroom door locked. I believe there was ample room in the bathroom in the suite to have emergency personnel work on him. Why does the autopsy report ignore the head trauma? Why did they ignore that injury? Chris was a truth seeker, a no bullshit person. I applaud you as you take a bow. The "electrical bananas" in the Donovan song "Mellow Yellow" were vibrators. There was not a high dosage of the medication in his system, but if you combine the butalbital with the Ativan that was also in his system, the effects would be intensified. Was that drink laced with Fioricet/butalbital by someone with ill-intentions? Privacy Policy. its a great song. And there we have my opinion . You flew in on the wind Was a day that I won't forget Told me to let you in And that I would not regret it But you had a touch As cool as rain And all at once the weather changed. All that blood was present at the scene of a suicide by hanging? Yuck!) Why didnt Weaver question any hotel staff contacted that night by Vicky and Martin, or any hotel staff that were on the scene at some point that night? It is clear. Chris finally woke up possibly a few years previous to his death . Did they not see if Chris had a grievance with someone before his death? Yes, Vicky got a fucking nose job less than six months after her husband allegedly killed himself! (Vicky has gone on record to state that Chris had gone home between his May 14th show on Mothers Day and his final show on May 17th to spend time with the kids.) They are getting him down to do CPR. If Martin had already forced the band from wherever it was hanging, why would anyone need to get Chris down to do CPR? It states, Trauma noted to back of skull. But it seems that what YOU loved most was his money, workhorse . And I wont break Chris immediately married her, not wanting to look like a dude who just abandons all his children and all the women he knocked up. And I just recently saw a claim by someone that says they play basketball with a couple of the Detroit PD that were at the scene, and this person says that Chris had the broken ribs BEFORE CPR was conducted, and that he had 2 gashes to the back of his head. Thanks again for your comments and your interest in the truth behind all of this. Very sad that such evil people controlled his destiny. Chris Cornell released his latest solo album, Higher Truth, back on Sept. 18. Or so and then went on his way .I believe there was a picture of Chris along with this statement from the fan. And only once the weather changed Crime scene death investigation is a huge interest of mine. It's a song everyone will relate to, but I'm not really sure, emotionally, where it's coming from. The web of these billionaires connections is so vast that it is easy to get lost and chalk it all up to a crock of conspiracy theories created by delusional people. I want answers and am happy to donate to a fund which will do just that. I [Martin] arranged for hotel IT to bring the remote that provides access to the hotels network. Martin says that he was on the phone with Vicky during this time, giving her updates. Just wanted to leave a comment here to let you know that you were part of the inspiration for getting me to write and publish my own posts on Chriss death. And I cant wait And in the Detroit News article Vicky makes it a point to state that, We didnt fight; I was just upset that he took more [Ativan]. Again, Martin never said in the police report that Vicky was upset that Chris took more Ativan; Martin said Vicky was angry that Chris wouldnt answer his phone. Lionel Richie hosted the American Music Awards the night he recorded "We Are The World.". When the police need to get into a hotel room door that is latched from the inside they need to use a police breaching ram AND it takes quite a few hits with that ram to bust through the door. ", Filmmaker/writer Cameron Crowe told Cornell this is "the most loving anti-love song I can imagine" and asked him how he could write a song so tender that is so lyrically tough. I have a strong suspicion that she is not Chriss biological daughter. Some of those billionaires include: The Clinton Foundation and the IRC (International Rescue Committee); Dr. Eric Esralian, producer of The Promise, AND he was also a close friend of Chris and Vickys and Chriss doctor at the time of his death, the one who prescribed Chriss medicationsthe Ativan that Vicky is blaming his alleged suicide on, AND Eric Esralian manages multiple companies alongside various Board of Directors members of the MGM International Resorts; Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, and he is also on the board of directors for the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) . Why did Investigator Weaver ignore the obvious sign that a homicide took place that night, not a suicide? Also, with both of those medications in his system, it would have been extremely difficult for Chris to rig up the red elastic exercise band the way it was in order for him to allegedly hang himself. His best friend? More than just Geffen, more than just Vicky Cornell and Martin Kirsten are on that suspect list. Homicide should be suspected (1) where there are signs of violence . His poor wife ,whom he was still married to at the time was oblivious to all of this, but Vicky knew exactly what she was doing and shock horror suddenly she was pregnant and the trap was snapped shut on him . This was done to encourage more people to donate to their humanitarian causes (The IRC: International Rescue Committeeis one of many of these causes, and it is linked to many scandals.). - The Other Stories. The level of anger and distress that have been witnessed from him during that last concert of his life makes it understandable why he may have felt the need to take that medication, but, again, where did it come from? Cornell is my favorite singer and the first time i heard this i literally wanted to copy the lyrics and send it to my ex wife - it is exactly what i want to say to her its sooo eerie. But I also want to state that this piece of research was conducted with the utmost respect and is free from any bias. In a typical suicidal hanging it is saliva that is normally found running from the victims mouth, not blood. The empath subconsciously believes they are restoring balance when realistically they are just destroying themselves . His band mates? Explosive and yes the Troll is included in picture after picture of offenders. Now, the truth will set you free. Looking at his eyes makes me want to cry (I'm an empath too). Martins exact words were his 2 sleeping pills. But you had a touch as cool as rain If nothing else, these bodily injuries and evidence of a struggle show that a thorough homicide investigation is how this case should have been handled, but, as I already stated above, suicide was declared in less than two hours. He was a light in this dark world. He most definitely wrote "Murderer of Blue Skies" and the song entitled "Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart" with the aforementioned narcisstic golddigging fame whore in mind . Cantrell is well eeewww! Did they not look to see if Chris had confided in someone via email, text, or social media messaging? Here are three articles linking David Geffen to (1) accusations of trying to have someone killed, (2) working with and financially backing businesses run by pedophiles in Hollywood, (3) attending Hollywood parties where sexual abuse of minors had taken place, and (4) an actor feared for his safety to mention in a court of law his relationship with David Geffen: & & . Those effects also fall in line with what Investigator Weaver wrote in the police report about what Vicky had told himthat Chris had said he was just groggy and he kept repeating, I am just tired, and then he hung up on her and would not answer her calls after that. I do not have actual proof, only things in my research that point to the possibility. And why does Detroit PD not mention the written report from the ambulance company? (BTW: I dont know why your previous comment has disappeared. (Vicky now claims that those words were not the last thing that Chris had said to her and that he never hung up on her. Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting this together and more so, for sharing with those of us who refuse to rest until we know that he can as well. I had at one time thought that Chris had died an accidental death that had been staged as suicide, but that theory is hard to believe because it is hard to believe that the Detroit PD are so terrible at their jobs or so overwhelmed with their work load that they made all the oversights in this case that I have pointed out. I wish I knew what else I could do to help open peoples eyes, but it seems to have all been buried and no one really talks much about it anymore. Hummm. Would love to see reports. Murderer of blue skies [Chorus] I can't wait to never be with you again I can't wait to lead a life that you're not in And I won't break, though I may bend from time to time I can't wait to never. Minor bleeding noted upon crew arrival. I was not aware of this written report until this Detroit News article came out, but, as you see in the earlier screenshot, I have since found a copy of that report. She has sued the Dr.,she is suing his 1st daughter to cut her off for taking time off from college to grieve her dad, she filed against his ex, she has 3 lawsuits with Sound Garden(royalties, benefit concert, and unreleased music) etc. And the people who do not bury their heads in the sand are discredited with the title conspiracy theorist. . I can't wait to never be with you again. Martin reported that he then, kicked the door 6-7 times before it somehow popped open. The detective does name them as Adalan, which could have been Ativan. Thank usuch a tragedy but I find an odd solace knowing he did not do this as I knew he never would. Also, if Chris was over-intoxicated and acting strangely, Martin, of all people, would have been the first to notice because he was the one paid to be with him at all times and he was there with Chris in his hotel room while Vicky was only talking on the phone with Chris. Yes, thats one of her exes I was thinking about. Why did Investigator Weaver never mention anything about Chriss head injury? Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. Was a day that I won't forget Ill answer that question for you: THEY CANT. point to manual strangulation. (link: Manual strangulation, also called throttling, is asphyxia produced by compression of the neck by human hands. (Link: ) Though a homicidal hanging is difficult to accomplish by one person, it becomes much easier to carry out if the victim becomes unconscious by injury or by a drug. (link:
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