not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi
plz rep as soon as possible. The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) have described all cases, and their comments may be divided into three categories: 1 - Cases in which ghusl is required according to consensus: (i)Emission of maniy (semen) even if it is not through . what happens then to the prayers???. Your email address will not be published. So, this is not obsession, it is giving it its fair due. When a woman is sure she didnt climax in a dream but still feels wetness, sweat etc washing her private part, can she consider it as a discharge that breaks wudu only? Im very often having wet dreams. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. it is hard to explain a female ejaculation but if she had an orgasm she has to take a shower. Interacting with married folks on personal matters. If I get some discharge from my vagina when I think about sex, do I have to do ghusl after that? I am a bit hurt and shocked. I will tell you a time i had a bad dream. So there is a difference, and what cuts off the prayer is passing in front of the one praying only. 5. And also this only happens rarely and totally uncontrollably. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope" [al-Baqarah 2:286] "If a man experiences a wet dream this does not invalidate his fast, because it was involuntary on his part; it is similar to the case when something enters his throat whilst he is sleeping." (See al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah, vol. The person has the intention in his heart before he starts praying. Having said this, I want to encourage mothers to inform and educate their daughters about such dreams. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Jazakallahkhair. 2.Is the female semen yellow and thin?if so then does if she sees such discharge without remebering any orgasm both during the day or after sleeping will the ghusl be invalid? What good is a manual when its instructions become obsolete? So, should I have done a ghusl or must an orgasm be completely fulfiled? If this is what is meant, then it is better to say that Allaah is not shy to speak the truth. 4. Is it permissible to watch recorded videos of female teachers, as part of an online course, during Islamic fasting? It is important to note here though that sometimes a female may wake up in the middle of the dream, before having an orgasm. I dont know what you mean by the treatment. Reading this article and others I have seen on this website, I get the strong sense that Muslims obsess too much about sex. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. He embarked on his journey of learning through the various teachers at SeekersGuidance, including his mentor Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. This is the view of the Shaafii School. However, the other opinion is inferred from a number of ahadith that state that the rulings are to be established at time of menstruation, like the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alihi wasalam: Allah does not accept the prayer of a menstruating woman [i.e who has gotten her menstruation] unless she wears a veil [khimar]. Please help me! I have no idea on how to contact you, so I am posting this comment hoping that you can help me. Keep in mind that I dont have my own family or kids yet, so what I said is only based on my observations, so I might be completely wrong, and Allah knows best. They said, Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people). I said, You have made us (i.e. Is this true? in the qna for the likeagarment course shaykh yasir stated that it is not haram. This answer was indexed from, which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various scholars. Let us remember, as one of the shayookh on board, quoted: I dont know what to do because I feel I am constantly going to the bathroom and cleaning myself, so much so that I change my pad at least two to three times a day. Stress on INVOLUNTARY. Heavy sprinkling is certainly not recommended as it has no real effect other than extreme discomfort. 3. Brother, the fact that you are having wet dreams (assuming you are not married yet) means you are abstaining from big and detrimental sins of zina and masturbation (MOST cases, a person who does those shameful things doesnt have the physiologic need for a wet dream). From what I have read, the same can happen to men also, yet the ghusal doesnt become obligatory until they have an ejaculation and/ orgasm. Reading about wet dreams makes me scared to fall asleep for fear that I will continuously get wet dreams and then continuously have to take a shower. Everything thats relevant to know was in that hadith. there are a number of questions related to orgasm from sexual thoughts while awake or ejaculation while awake from sexual thoughts The scholars of the Hanafi school stated that if someone wakes up and finds Mathy and he remembers having a wet dream, then he is obliged to perform Ghusl. wet dream is involuntarilyhence out of a persons control if a women get wet dream in day time and his vagina get wet but she doesnot find any drops of liquid in her inner or pant. And to be honest, i would even tell my sonnot in whole details up to a certain age, but tell him what happens and how a girl cannot pray or fast during this time and how they need extra support and care by the men of the family etc. Ibn al-Mundhir said: All the scholars from whom I acquired knowledge are unanimously agreed on this If he wakes up and sees maniy, but does not remember having a wet dream, then he must do ghusl. thats why people are asking anonymously, some sisters wh have wet dreams could be in distress and too shy to ask anyone thats why we need posts like this educateing sisters so that it doesnt become taboo. Maybe an older woman reading this would know? How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). please help. Does she still have to take a gusl if she had a wet dream with arousal and throbbing but no orgasm ? a woman can have an orgasm without any vaginal insertion, can someone please answer my question ? It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps want to thrust her pelvis spasmodically. I wanted to know if you have to do ghusl, if you cant remember whether you had an orgasm when sleeping or not? `Aishah said: Someone asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about a man seeing himself discharging in his dream though he does not feel wet. Convert: Issues with Family Dog & Learning Fiqh. it continued untill 7 am the next day. Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. Remember, if a matter is doubtful the certainty takes over, i.e. Salaam You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I have a question; I had a (wet)dream where I was sexually aroused. As for how to use the bathroom, I use high quality toilet paper, then moist wipes, and then always wash my hands twice, with hot soapy water, for at least thirty seconds. Um Reem, Is masturbation haraam? Sister Hena, jazakullah khair for your response. its normal for a woman to have vaginal discharge and its normal for a womans vagina to become more wet or lubricated when she is aroused. Its not the easiest thing to ask someone either. I did have had wet dreams but never did i do ghusl as I didnt know about it is my ibadah accepted? The issue of whether masturbation is permissable or not is an area of disagreement, as there are no explicit evidences to prohibit it. But I was still thinking its wet dream so I went to the toilet to check. Yes, she can count it as only breaking wudhu. I know there are a lot of questions from my side, but i really want to discuss these, Thank You for the consideration, 1. yes she does Sometimes your bladder is full after a nap and you cant really walk or wait to see if something flows out. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios? For those with a passionate nature, like myself, this is a difficult message to absorb. She explained to her mother that it felt good. He would then go on pouring water on the rest of his body and wash his legs. My question is that when I need to go to the bathroom to urinate, as soon as I stop urinating, it is like there are continuous urine drops, but I can control it for up to two hours. I m confused now?? 3. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 4. This is not a very accurate statement. )then carry on the conversation from there on to telling them about the changes they may see, in future, in their bodies and how it is normal, and what they should do when it happens. im hoping it will stop soon. May Allah reward your work, amin. Also, do those ejaculations while awake require ghusl because if it did people could end up taking so many ghusls? Firstly: If a man feels the semen moving when he feels desire without intercourse, and he holds his penis and nothing comes out, then he does not have to do ghusl according to the majority of scholars; this is unlike the well known view of Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy on him. Is it permissible to watch recorded videos of female teachers, as part of an online course, during Islamic fasting? And orgasm was not completely fulfiled, because I stopped it in the dream thinking this is not okay. 2: [correct me if im wrong ] but i dont think thats a problem as long as youre covered. If you had an orgasm, you should make ghusal, Assalamualaikum Sister, do i have to take ghusl if I have wetness that is caused by arousal ? i never masturbate nor even touch my private parts for pleasure or any i just think of a guy in the need of love and suddenly i realize its just fake and try to push away those thoughts from my mind yet some times i find a colorless liquid after that, is ghusl mandatory in this case? I have a questio. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Yes, if she sees water (discharge of fluid).. Those scholars, who support the opinion that wet dreams are an indication of a girl reaching the age of puberty, base their opinion on the signs of male puberty and do not make any distinction between the two genders; they include menstruation as an additional sign for females. All rights reserved. Could you please advise me too? It is a strong sexual sensation that sends waves of pleasure from abdominal area to vaginal area, which makes a woman arch her back a bit and perhaps want to thrust her pelvis spasmodically. So according to this hadith, the three things that cut off a persons prayer if they pass in front of him are a woman who has reached the age of puberty, a donkey, or a black dog. Sister umm reem you have said that ghusl becomes obligatory for women if they have an orgasm but according to the hadith of Prophet ghusl becomes obligatory on women if they have discharge during an orgasm and not due to orgasm without discharge.Please reply. However, since vaginal discharge is a common quandary among Muslim women and a subject of controversy among the scholars, I wanted to write a separate entry on this. 4. In this hadith, the sign of a baligha (a woman who has reached puberty) was indicated by her menstruation, wAllahu taala alam. As for just the discharge, as you can read in the QA with sh. Jazakillahu khayra Umm reem for handling the awkward dept while the rest of us sisters shy away! Subhanak Allah wa bi Hamdika wa tabarak Asmuka wa taala jaduka wa la ilaha ghayruk. Do you know their laws of modesty recently justified air brushing the U.S. Secretary of State from a historical photograph? asak..please let me know about this clearly im much confused. Do not underestimate what others are capable of teaching your daughter, including her friends (inside or outside the schools, Muslims or non-Muslims) or even teachers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". If one wants a wet dream, stop masturbating. Sleeping position may also affect frequency of these emissions. 3.WHAT is the ruling over discharge secreted without sexual passion like that by cold or diseaseh And Allah knows best. JazakAllah khair for such an informative post. However, if you are lucid dreaming and intentionally decide to have a wet dream by masturbating to porn in a dream or having intentional orgasm (if you are on a Hard Mode) then I would consider it a relapse. Can orgasm happen when we are awake? So please give me clear answers whether its completely wrong or just fine and give some proof if you can. It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. ..its been few days that Ive noticed Im getting wet dreamsIm also a med student but am totally confused bout what shariah have for itshould weve to do ghusl? And Allah Taala ( ) knows best. For a pre-teen, its incredibly tough knowing that their body is changing especially when they dont have anything other than their Biology classes and their friends to go on. 2. Mothers, for some very odd reason, act as if female discharge and menstruation is a taboo topic. All you brothers who have a problem with this article, or the details in it, WHY are you guys reading it then, why have u CLICKED on something that says female wet dreams it does not concern you guys so, the author can post whatever she likes!!! You will get obsessed about not thinking about it which essentially gets you more focused on it. It helped me clear up so many confusions that I had regarding this particular issue. Similarly, once a sister saw her young daughter (around 7) using the shower massager on her private areas while taking a shower. Therefore, if a person has what seems to be a wet dream, but upon waking finds nothing, then he does not have to bathe. Dream. With regards to your statement there is no haya in issues concerning the deen, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Shyness is part of faith. So shyness in religion is part of faith, but when someone says There is no shyness in religion, what he means is that there is no shyness in matters of religion, i.e., in asking about something concerning which one may feel shy. That was why I wanted to ignore it but I was like what if it was maniy and since ramadan is coming that I will fast in a state of being junub so I decided to just do the ghusl but since then till now I have been very disturbed about the emission of maniy. Then water should be poured on his head, covering the entire body with water. And precisely why Islams instructions are always fresh. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. and prayed and didnt know. Am I to just live in my bathroom? If you wake up from sleep and you find wetness, even if it is just Mathy (pre-seminal fluid)as you said, and you remember having a wet dream, then you are obliged to perform Ghusl according to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence. And so, I want to remind the parents and the husbands to educate themselves on this subject before making any hurtful or psychologically damaging remarks to their womenfolk. Related: It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. I think it is a matter of personal choiceFrom what Ive gathered, in East women dont regularly wear undergarments, but in West it is an unknown concept not to wear one, 5. making wudu before the rest of the shower is from the sunnah, 6. Novels/magazines/internet anything that triggers emotional cues I wake up and i feel little extra virginal discharge but read somewhere that if the fluid is not excessive, excessive meaning on clothing as such, then GHUSL is not mandatory. Wassalam But if parents support their children prior to puberty by preparing them for the 5-10 year journey theyre about to undertake and supporting them at every stage, then they will come out much better on the other side knowing that their parent has been their best friend. Pingback: Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge | unless you know for sure there was an ejaculation/orgasm you should ignore the doubts, and Allah knows best. Let me ask you a question and anyone else who may deem it acceptable to ask about such matters on a forum, with men and women speaking about their own experiences on having an orgasm or a wet dream, rather than ask a scholar: If RasoolAllaah sallallhu alayhee wsalam was reading everything in this forum, would you dare utter such words like: It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. What Should I Do after Seeing a Wet Dream. and should I make gushul, if you didnt have an orgasm, you dont need to make ghusal. And a lot of taboo topics are in the area of human sexuality. - IslamQA Answered by: Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah! Been wanting to talk to the children but have no idea how to start. May Allaah have mercy on us, grant us Haya and guide us to whats most pleasing to Him. How would a woman or a man know if they had an orgasm during their sleep if they had no discharge? If a women experiences such a discharge should she simply clean up her vaginal area with water and make fresh wudu or is she required to make ghusl? Can it come out in small quantity asin that its wont get to the underwear but just the private part? Sex and the Ummah Series | New Initiative: Like a Garment | Yasir Qadhi, Dealing With Homosexual Urges: Yasir Qadhi to Muslim Student. Many ppl, both men and women, think shower=ghusl, but dont realize that they may have not been purified. 2. I never really had sexual thoughts before but once I read this I thought to myself that I should refrain from thinking these things. This is the closest that one can get to being sure. Some days ago I think I had a wet dream but I was not sure because all the wet dream I use to wake up feeling aroused and sometime I remember the dream but this particular one I dreamt only of a male coming into a room with a group of people and then I woke up so the doubt begins again. Sometimes Ive expressed this worry to the girls and apologised. First, the Muslim should make their intentions for purification, then wash the private parts. Wassalam, you dont t need to make ghusal from the arousalbut if the wetness is followed by an orgasm then ghusal is compulsoryAllah knows best, okay after reading this article entirely and everything i seriously got to know alot of things, i my self get in to alot of troubles because seriously i too my self feel shy talking to my mom even. will b thankful to you, Um reem sis Assalamoalikum!! If I read quran and duas they stop but if i dont then i get them again, are these still wet dreams? Im not sure I tried rubbing my index finger and thumb together to feel its texture and it felt somehow on my finger. He said, He does not have to do ghusl. Umm Salamah said, O Messenger of Allah, does a woman have to do ghusl if she sees something like that? He said, Yes, women are the twin halves of men. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). No doubt one most ask in order to educate themselves. A side note about making the intention, the place of the intention is in the heart, and saying our intention out loud is not from the sunnah. At what age do wet dreams usually start? You can break the ice and start educating them BUT if they are already teenagers then it will be a bit complicated to connect with thembut still possible inshaAllah, and Allah knows best. So i had a bad dream and it was just not appropriate(but not anything involving intercourse). maybe this article will help you about the regular vaginal discharges: So if a person has a sexual dream but when he wakes up there is no wetness to indicate that he did have an orgasm, then the doubt of having an orgasm without discharge during sleep does not remove the certainty of being in a pure state. I am not an expert on this subject but I can share some of the ways that helped me but it cannot be a in a line or twoso just to give you a head start: If your children are still under 10, then it is good. Sister, I was referring to this hadith: but when she wakes up and no wetness then thats fine although its better to perform ghusl. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Would explaining wet dreams to a girl who may never experience them confuse her? Answer: The asl (original) is that she has not had a wet dream, so until there is yaqin (certainty) she does not have to take a bath. Allaah knows best why that happened. Ghusl may be waajib (obligatory) or it may be sunnah and mustahabb. The same goes for all other acts of worship like prayer, wudu the intention should not be said or pronounced out loud, and a person should have the intention in their heart only, and it should not be uttered with the tongue because this is not from the sunnah. How do you explain orgasm to your non married daughter? And Allah knows best. Wet dreams do not reduce sperm count. These include shellfish, excessive spice, etc. Now I am not sure what to do due to the Hadith that a Junub person cannot recite the Quran. However, you will have to filter that to appropriate information and in mild terms. I think doubts are baseless, but cant judge in a state of doubts.. i want to ask i do not see the typical wet dream which you already mentioned (like being involved with some guy) but i felt strong throbbing sensations in my vagina which somehow made me feel little bit good and also i did not notice any wetness after waking up.was that orgasm?is gusl mandatory for me now? Most of this is cultural. When waking up from wet dream, do we immediately have to take shower? Should I perform Ghusl every morning or just perform ablution when I see wetness and am not sure whether it is a wet dream or not? Copyright IslamWeb 2023. Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. I am not sure if the fluid is mainly or math I either as it was a clear type fluid and not exactly thick almost like a normal discharge. Once a sisters 9-10 year old daughter used her mothers body massager on her private areas; and ,very innocently, explained to her mother that it used to feel good. 2:- Avoid sleeping on your stomach. i agree with the sister that there is no shyness in religion and one should ask if in doubt. It happens as a result of human nature which Allah azzawajal has created Himself and no blame can be put on a person. Uncertainty about purity and wet dream. 1. a hadith somewhere but I cant remeber the exact words that the prophet said if you see your discharge is thin and yellow. So maybe it might raise the status of this Hadith to Hasan li Ghayrihi? ['Ala' al-Din Abidin, al-Hadiyya al-'Ala'iyya] Why? It is better to educate her once the signs of puberty start appearing in her. Of course as any fiqhi matter, this too, had ikhtilaf (difference of opinions). He studied numerous texts in Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith, and other areas with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani and other teachers, including Shaykh Abdurrahman al-Shaar, Shaykh Ali Hani, and others. Just to clarify, Umm Salamah ra. If ignore it in this case and then it turns out its maniy will my fast and solah be affected? Balance is always advised, but we are humans like other humans, and we make mistakes. Finding Peace at Home: Dua for Family Harmony, 9 Years of Marriage: My Struggle with Abuse and Infidelity, Maghrib time entering while one is performing Asr Salaah, Making qadha for Salaah missed intentionally, Circling money around the head for protection, Placing a book with the name of Allah on the floor. So how about when Allaah, Who sees everything including whats in our hearts, is Watching. Ibn Naafi said: If he is uncertain whether it is Maniyy or Mathy, then he has toperform Ghusl. Im an unmarried female who dont know about wet dream. Then im not sure if ive been aroused or not. assalam alaikum dear sister Keeping this in mind, and inshaAllah for the benefit of all my sisters-in-Islam, I posed these questions to a few sisters I trust, and below is a collated reply from them: 1. Ive been wondering the same thing. May Allah reward you. Home Hanafi Fiqh Female Wet Dreams: Clearing Up Confusion. There was a time when I was unmarried, in college(with fitna EVERYWHERE especially during summer sessions), and abstaining from masturbationthese 3 factors increased the frequency of my wet dreams to at times 3 times a night. What if the discharge is transparent and more like any other secretion like the ones that comes from nose during flu? The intention is different from that. ejaculation while awake by indulging in sexual thoughts is voluntarily and CAN be controlled by seeking Allahs protection, distracting thoughts with something positive, not indulging in actions that might lead to sexual thoughts like movies, magazines, websites etc. I didnt went to the bathroom before sleeping so it could have been there before I went to sleep but it could have occured during sleep also, Im not sure. Now when i sleep in those clothes and wake up i still find them wet although i now deep its wetnes frm sprinkling as i dont recall seeing wet dream. Salam! 1. We perceive that you are affected with some sort of Waswaas (devilish whisperings/obsessive doubts), so we advise you to ignore them and not pay any attention to them. She was homeschooled and i strictly monitored her friends, however, some of them knew too much so i talked to her before someone else did, Also, I am a firm believer, that if children ask then a parent must answer their questionsdepending on their age (and they usually ask when they are small)no need to give too much information but at the same time we must not give them incorrect information in the name of shyness, i hope it helpsif not then maybe you can ask specifically what you have in mind and inshaAllah I will try to answer that. If one sees a dream in which one has sexual intercourse but does not notice any semen or wetness when one wakes up, ghusl is not necessary. i also have a question already published above but not answered! I woke up just as it was happening. Hence why wrote this in my last post: You said: I didnt smell anything. That was about ten years ago and over the time; our society has only become more corrupted. Please show me the best way for dawah to someone who used to pray fast, etc? Just wondering if theres a hadith to this? How much value and peace of mind such information could add to these young people. Perhaps if a person indulges in sexual thoughts, it may/can cause an ejaculation and he/she will have to make ghusal. Can we summarise as follows therefore: We often leave our tricky subjects aside, like brushing them under the carpet, when really, we need to see them being discussed within the limits of the Shariah, for the sole purpose of educating people. Recently, its been happening alot, it never used to happen before and Im 19 so it probably would have happened before if it was to do with puberty but it never did. 4. Im a young muslim below the age of 18 How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari)., This cannot be understood from our fatwa. so can you please tell me something about this because am totally fed up of this. Sister Hena, when you say having an orgasm during sleep do you mean having a sexual dream? Do not feel offended as you may be aware that there are very few websites which cater to the issues of female unlike men as most of the scholars are men and there are very few female scholars. I have OCD and doubts if I have a wet dream, I didnt see any man in my dream or any such just saw a rubbing of sorts in my parts. 3. Dont be so hard on yourself stay away from anything that induces these thoughts: sexual movies, magazines, pictures etc. Praise be to Allah. Please keep in mind that this fatwa is in answer to a mans question. It was for antoher sister on another thread but similar situation: Its perfectly natural to have these thoughts and I suggest you dont focus too much attention and energy NOT to think about if. So Im not quiet understanding when is the time i need to do ghusl. After that he performed wudu like that for prayer. when waking up and finding discharge: I know the article says if there isnt certainty, no ghusl is necessary but can the discharge be from sexual excitement even if we cant remember the dream? Next he took some water and ran his fingers in the roots of his hair until he used three handfuls of water on his head. Al-Shawkani rahimahullah said in Nayl Al-Awtar that there were no mutabaaaat for Al-Umaris narration of this hadith, so it seems like Al-Shawkani rahimahullah did not comment on this mutaabaa which Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahullah had mentioned in his takhreej. If one is really not sure what it is at all then one must perform the bath as the Hanafi school emphasises extreme caution in this issue, and rightly so for he that has no purification has no prayer . (And I read here that if you are uncertain there is no need for ghusl right). Secondly, there is no haya in issues concerning the deen.
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