ogaden population in kenya

The changed mode of the presidential election also introduced new competitive elements. While the government aimed at confining Somalian refugees to camps far away from central Kenya, it lifted the emergency regulations governing the North Eastern Province in 1991.Footnote32 This move, which allowed more Kenyan Somalis to take part in the countrys socio-political structures, was not only inspired by constitutional reforms in the 1990s and the introduction of multi-party politics, but probably also out of fear that the conflict in Somalia could spill over into Kenya.Footnote33, The crisis in Somalia and the changes in the Kenyan political framework (in combination with a drought) resulted in a transformation of the economic and political structures in the northeastern territories. Even the existence of Somali heroes, as seen in the Westgate Mall AttackFootnote100 or initiatives against that image (#KenyaImNotATerrorist)Footnote101 do not seem to change this picture. . Throughout the paper the term Somali is used when referring to the ethnic category, the term Somalian as a national category denotes people coming from Somalia. 88. On the massacre see also TJRC, Final Report 2A, 221367, and Sheikh, Blood on the Runway. This makes it more difficult for the vast majority of Somalis not involved in these movements to claim their Kenyanness. 82. The population is predominantly Somali, and there have been attempts to incorporate the area into a Greater Somalia. [8] In particular, the ONLF operates in Ogaden areas. The Portuguese arrived in the 1490s and, using Mombasa as a base, sought to monopolize trade in the Indian Ocean. She was curious about him and argued that the good thing about him was that he came from the country of her father: from home, from Somalia. Lochery discusses citizenship as being graduated.Footnote5 Using the example of the screening exercise of 1989, when all Kenyan Somalis had to get registered, she demonstrates how institutions negotiate and produce citizenship, resulting in graduated access to rights and protection. Almost 40% of Kenyans are under the age of 15 as of 2020 because of sustained high fertility, early marriage and childbearing, and an unmet need for family planning. Interview with Waez, Nairobi, October 2010. The position of Kenyan Somalis is, to speak in Yiftachel terms, situated in gray spaces, between the whiteness of legality or approval, and the blackness of eviction or destruction. Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC). When applying the population growth of Kenya (3.2%), a conservative approach ignoring the high number in children in many Somali families, to the census figures from 1962 (about 270,000 counted as Somali), one should have expected to count about 640,000 people. 52. 12. In 2013, the elections fostered a co-optation of the Kenyan Somali population; at the same time, they were the focus of a securitization discourse, which in turn resulted in another alienation of the Somali population of Kenya. 22. Before moving to Nakuru as a teenager, he lived in a small town at the coast. McIntosh, Autochthony and Family, 253. Kenya's involvement in the peace talks is based on security cooperation with . The ambiguousness of citizenship for Kenyan Somalis was complicated further in the 1990s, with the increasing number of Somalian refugees in Kenya.Footnote29 While this number officially includes only those registered as refugees, many more Somalians live outside the camps in the northeastern region as well as in Kenyan urban centres.Footnote30 From the early 1990s onwards, anti-refugee sentiments were aimed at Somalians. )spirits: 0.81 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. Even though Kenyan Somalis have been treated as ambiguous citizens since independence, the question for many of them is not so much if they belong to Kenya, but rather how. ), on food: 52.9% of household expenditures (2018 est. Interview with Abdullahi, Mombasa, August 2011. McIntosh, Autochthony and Family, 265. ), fresh water lake(s): Lake Victoria (shared with Tanzania and Uganda) - 62,940 sq kmsalt water lake(s): Lake Turkana (shared with Ethiopia) - 6,400 sq km, Atlantic Ocean drainage: (Mediterranean Sea) Nile (3,254,853 sq km), population heavily concentrated in the west along the shore of Lake Victoria; other areas of high density include the capital of Nairobi, and in the southeast along the Indian Ocean coast as shown in this population distribution map, recurring drought; flooding during rainy seasons, volcanism: limited volcanic activity; the Barrier (1,032 m) last erupted in 1921; South Island is the only other historically active volcano, the Kenyan Highlands comprise one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa; glaciers are found on Mount Kenya, Africa's second highest peak; unique physiography supports abundant and varied wildlife of scientific and economic value; Lake Victoria, the world's largest tropical lake and the second largest fresh water lake, is shared among three countries: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, Kikuyu 17.1%, Luhya 14.3%, Kalenjin 13.4%, Luo 10.7%, Kamba 9.8%, Somali 5.8%, Kisii 5.7%, Mijikenda 5.2%, Meru 4.2%, Maasai 2.5%, Turkana 2.1%,non-Kenyan 1%, other 8.2% (2019 est. In 1993, a Somali parliamentarian narrated a justification he was given by the Principal Immigration officer after Somalis were barred from entering the passport-issuing office: A Somali, whether from Somalia or from Kenya, is a Somali because mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka [The child of a snake is a snake].Footnote110 These processes of inclusion and exclusion can take place almost simultaneously. ), Uganda 14%, Pakistan 8%, Netherlands 8%, United States 8%, United Kingdom 7% (2020), tea, cut flowers, refined petroleum, gold, coffee (2020), $21.853 billion (2021 est.) . Similar harrowing testimony -- dismissed as rebel propaganda by the Ethiopian government -- was repeated by various Ogaden refugees who have trickled recently into different parts of Kenya's . 25. Burns, Feeling the Pinch; HRW, Death and Disappearances, 14, Lind et al., Killing a Mosquito, 2, 10. The widespread use of rape in Ogaden has . In the late 19th century the Ogaden was claimed by both Ethiopia and the Italian protectorate of Somaliland. )wine: 0.04 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. 78. 14. This prevalence of extended kin-networks and of living in co-ethnic neighbourhoods is, however, not only true for Kenyan Somalis, but widespread in Kenya (and beyond). This strategy of stigmatization informed the security measures taken. It was terrible, I became crazy. [7] The Ogaden clan "constitutes the backbone of the ONLF ". The vision of a unified Kenya gained importance after the violence that followed the elections of 2007. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. The main part of the data, consisting of open and structured interviews (such as social network interviews) as well as participant observation, was collected in several periods of extended field research since 2010 mainly in urban Somali neighbourhoods, Somali shopping centres, and Islamic institutions. ), 54.2% of GDP (2017 est. Aminas father came from Baidoa, Somalia, and married her mother in Mombasa in 1990. Similar living experiences can also result from internal migration, often for educational reasons or because of work. Our background is more or less the same. 3. Kenyan Somalis at times naively buy into this national delusion until they are violently awakened to the reality by events like the current exercise [operation usalama watch], and then put in their rightful place. )$8.297 billion (31 December 2020 est. In the multi-ethnic state of Kenya, there are other groups as well who are ambiguous citizens including Asians, Whites, Nubians and Arabs for whom two main dimensions along which Kenyanness is constructed come into the foreground: a racial dimension and a cultural dimension. )5.73% (2020 est. (English)The World Factbook, Chanzo cha Lazima Kuhusu Habari ya Msingi. Instead, a de jure count was undertaken, followed by sampling. These social networks, therefore, not only separate Kenyan Somalis from fellow Kenyans, but also from Somalians. These developments, however, are overshadowed by the securitization discourse in the Kenyan public sphere. M. Otsialo, Kenya-Somalia fence to keep away unwanted elements, says Mandera governor Ali Roba. Daily Nation, 2 December 2016. http://www.nation.co.ke/counties/mandera/Kenya-Somalia-border-fence/1183298-3472166-hyn3f6z/. 113. Otherwise the background can have a very big impact on somebodys life.Footnote95. Interviews with Mzee Jamal and with Nabiil, Nakuru, October 2010. Thirdly, there are SomalianFootnote2 refugees (officially, they numbered about 285,000 people in December 2017).Footnote3 The last, and smallest, group are the relatively affluent Somalian returnees, who migrated from Somalia to Europe or North America in the 1990s and later returned to East African urban areas. Administrative boundaries and names changed over time. At the same time Kenyan Somalis complained about being overrun by the Rer [reer, Somali for clan or group] Somalia.Footnote37, In the cities outside of the northeastern region, the situation for the Somali population likewise changed from the 1990s onwards. 109. This paper deals with the way the politics of belonging have been enacted in Kenya in the last decade and what this has meant for Kenyan Somalis. 0-14 years: 36.45% (male 10,447,425/female 10,349,611)15-64 years: 60.26% (male 17,196,347/female 17,185,035)65 years and over: 3.28% (2023 est.) In 2013, presidential elections coincided with the new county-level elections, intensifying this feature of Kenya politics. There had been warnings that were not taken seriously concerning the attacks on the Westgate Mall (2013), the coastal town Mpeketoni close to Lamu (2014), as well as on the Garissa University College (2015).Footnote69 Moreover, when the Kenyan security apparatus reacted, it did so in an incoherent and chaotic way.Footnote70 Instead of improving coordination between the multiple security agencies, political actors responded in the same manner as before by blaming terrorism on Somali refugees in particular and the Somali inhabitants of Kenya in general, externalizing insecurity by utilizing the image of Somalis as ambiguous citizens, ignoring that many of the attackers were neither Kenyan Somalis nor Somali nationals.Footnote71. Interview with Mzee Jamal, November 2010. [9] History [ edit] Pre-colonial era [ edit] See also Menkhaus, Conflict Assessment, 94 and 110. Even though the High Court nullified parts of the bill, especially those concerned with the freedom of press and a clause limiting the number of refugees in the country to 150,000, most of its sections remain in place.Footnote77 This last step taken by the government indicates that security measures targeting Kenyan Somalis are part of a wider political landscape, encompassing not only the global war on terror,Footnote78 but also changing political structures within Kenya. Carrier and Kochore, Navigating Ethnicity, 144. Citizenship does, however, not only mean a formal affiliation to the state. The region has an estimated population of about 4.5 million. )103.41 (2017 est. Not only are they singled out by the police because of their physical appearance, but when walking along the street people whisper terms like warya,Footnote85 strengthening feelings of not-quite belonging. The system we have gone through, the schooling, brings people closer together, the way we understand things. There are 18 countries and 2 dependencies in East Africa. As a result, this area remained separated from the rest of Kenya and was ruled under emergency regulations. Unlike Abdullahi, who always insisted on remaining in Kenya, both of his brothers now live in Europe. Ceuppens and Geschiere, Autochthony: Local Or Global.. But the Somali dwellers outside North Eastern Province were those who really suffered.Footnote20, Although the emergency regulations persisted until the early 1990s, the northeastern region and its inhabitants became gradually more included into the Kenyan state.Footnote21 After a foiled coup in 1982, President Moi incorporated Somali elites into his apparatus to secure his power base,Footnote22 enabling some of them to make a career in the state administration. 49. )consumption: 821,000 metric tons (2020 est. And when he talked about marginalization, Kenya was the point of reference, not Somalia. The establishment of Jubbaland in 2013 cemented the return of Ogaden political relevance to Somalia. McIntosh, Autochthony and Family, 257. McIntosh argues that one way for white Kenyans to claim Kenyanness is to appeal to a cosmopolitan ideal, a civic nationalism, in which all groups invested in the nation are equally welcome.Footnote113 As it was shown, the citizen-making instruments of the state in the last decade discussed with taking the example of the census and the elections reflect in content and usage the imagination of Kenya as a nation of diversity. This was the time when economic and political developments in Somalia had begun to look more promising than before.Footnote107 Just a short while before she had told me that there were three groups of Somalis in Nakuru: those from Somalia, those from Kenya, and returnees. Meanwhile, the situation in neighbouring Somalia worsened, starting with the Ogaden war (1977-1978). The host population within a 50km radius of the refugee complex has been growing at a rate of 11.7% per year since the refugees moved into Dadaab, according to a study commissioned by the Kenyan. Ceded to Ethiopia by the British in 1954, Ogaden has twice been fought over with Somalia, which claims the region . This is especially pronounced in the case of urbanized Somalis living outside the northeastern region. ), -$5.744 billion (2021 est. In 2013 it was merged with the Ministry of Devolution and Planning. His family did not know that Abdullahi lived a very different life, going to clubs and only very rarely to the mosque. Although some of these instruments potentially open new spaces for the socio-political involvement of the Somali inhabitants of Kenya, those spaces are constricted by securitization discourses persistent othering of Kenyas Somali communities. Interview with Ibrahim, Nairobi, September 2010. Meanwhile, the situation in neighbouring Somalia worsened, starting with the Ogaden war (19771978). Collective punishment, however, persisted in the North Eastern Province. This notion laid the basis for rendering all Kenyan Somalis as non-native Africans after independence.Footnote81 In the late 1990s and early 2000s Somali Members of Parliament spoke about a policy of apartheid and of biological nationalism.Footnote82 The only other group having such an in-between status are Nubians,Footnote83 who have to go through a similar vetting process when applying for national identification documents, which includes not only the presentation of numerous documents (such as parents birth certificates), but also the recognition by a chief to indeed belong to the local community.Footnote84, The racial component also plays out in the daily life of Kenyan Somalis. In the violence following the elections 2007, he was almost killed in a targeted attack, which he blamed on economic competition based on ethnic categorization. Weitzberg, The Unaccountable Census.. Following McIntoshs contention that one way to claim Kenyanness is to appeal to a civic nationalism, in which all groups invested in the nation are equally welcome, this article argues based on ethnographic data gathered since 2010 as well as archival sources that many Kenyan Somalis are ready to take this possibility up, if they have the chance to do so. 66. 86. The Ogaden War 1977-78 In Kenya, Mogadishu merely supported local armed groups to further its irredentist ambitions, but in Ethiopia, it launched a full-scale war. All Somalis were required to register and to prove their belonging, consolidating their position as ambiguous citizens.Footnote17 The various counterinsurgency measures taken by the Kenyan state had severe economic impacts and to this day, the northeastern region remains one of the least developed, producing a dual exclusion of both the region and its people,Footnote18 with the regular internal checkpoint in Garissa still resembling a border station to Kenya for many Somalis.Footnote19, Outside of the northeastern region, urbanized Kenyan Somalis also felt marginalized: they were not only held responsible for the secessionist movement, but also lost the socio-economic status they had occupied in pre-independence society. Hansard, Parliamentary Debates, July 21, 1993, p. 1524. )permanent crops: 0.9% (2018 est. 28. ), definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 81.5%male: 85%female: 78.2% (2018), total: 13.8%male: 12.8%female: 14.9% (2021 est. A shrinking presence of the state and the proliferation of small arms destabilized the region. Typically, the concrete emergence of stubborn informalities is handled [] by a range of delegitimizing and criminalizing discourses. However, fellow Kenyans at times treat him essentially as (ethnic) Somali. Fifty years of abuse and neglect is too long to endure. One Imam in Nakuru,Footnote97 for instance, who was born nearby Garissa, went to a local state primary school and then to different Islamic educational institutes on the coast, in Garissa and in Nairobi. Registered in England & Wales No. Amina dresses like any other urban (Muslim) girl in Kenya, she typically wears Somali attire (often hiding her Arsenal shirt underneath) and a Kenyan bracelet. Diaspora Somalis Negotiate Their Citizenship, Remembering Wagalla: State Violence in Northern Kenya, 19621991, Counting as Citizens: Recognition of the Nubians in the 2009 Kenyan Census, Feeling the Pinch: Kenya, Al-Shabaab, and East Africas Refugee Crisis, Urban Refugees in Nairobi: Problems of Protection, Mechanisms of Survival, and Possibilities for Integration, Navigating Ethnicity and Electoral Politics in Northern Kenya: The Case of the 2013 Election, Autochthony: Local Or Global? If you are coming from a very different background, its difficult to match the same level. The region has an overall low population density and is home to Somali-speaking nomadic pastoralists. Those who reside in southern Somalia (e.g. 35. 11 Mainly . )industrial: 300 million cubic meters (2020 est. 10.9% vs 4.9% 36.62% lower obesity rate among adults? )2.83% of GDP (2019 est. I met only a few Kenyan Somalis who had family networks spanning across the border to Somalia or who had moved for work reasons to Somalia. )note: data represents median age at first birth among women 25-49, 530 deaths/100,000 live births (2020 est. )5.01% (2019 est. 72. 23. 55. Wiesmann, Kiteme and Mwangi, Socio-Economic Atlas, 122128. At the same time, new trade routes emerged between Kenya and Somalia. Turton, The Isaq Somali Diaspora, 327. 79. These fears were at the core of two discussions I was present at, taking place during the Coast Regional Peace Summit, Mombasa, 2011 and among Kenyan participants of a Conference on Refugees and Forced Migrants, Kilifi, 2016. 29.6% vs 36.1% 2.22x higher real GDP growth rate? This relevance is reflected in arguments about the census, taken every 10 years. )hydroelectricity: 32.6% of total installed capacity (2020 est. )subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 123 (2021 est. ), total petroleum production: 0 bbl/day (2021 est. Some perceive Somalis as doing better than other Muslims in Kenya, economically and politically.Footnote41. This was widely celebrated across the Ogadeen population in the Horn of Africa and in the diaspora. During the Wagalla massacre in 1984, for instance, between 1,000 and 5,000 Somalis were killed by security personnel, demonstrating a continuity of military and state policy towards the north.Footnote23 Yet despite the violence of the Kenyan state in the northeastern region, Lewis could write in the late 1980s The large Somali community in Northern Kenyatends tobe quite firmly integrated into Kenya.Footnote24. Both the increased visibility of Somali politicians in Kenya, even in areas with a non-Somali majority population, and the growth of the Kenyan Somali population, according to the 2009 census, have intensified anxieties about Somalis taking over Kenya. The two countries went to war in 1888, but the conflict was ended by the . While they have been treated as ambiguous citizens since independence, many think of themselves as Kenyans and at least in the last decade, Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland have not been central points of reference for many. Almost 40% of Kenyans are under the age of 15 as of 2020 because of sustained high fertility, early marriage and childbearing, and an unmet need for family planning. 44. In Ogaden, there is no protection from rape and sexual assault of women and girls. Interview with Mzee Jamal, November 2010. Morgan, "Ethnic Geography of Kenya," 79. Intersectionality, Citizenship and Contemporary Politics of Belonging. KHRC, Foreigners at home, 42. Firstly, politicians demanded the closure of the refugee camps near the Somali border.Footnote72 Developments indicate that, this time, the Kenyan government seriously intends to shut down the refugee camp complex of Dadaab, despite a High Court ruling denouncing the planned closure as unconstitutional.Footnote73 Secondly, there were crackdowns on Somalian refugees living outside the camps. )solar: 1% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Abdullahi, who is in his mid-40s, sees himself first and foremost as Kenyan. The report argues . Together, these attacks claimed over 400 lives.Footnote68 The attackers persistently targeted non-Muslims, and claimed that they were reacting to non-Muslim occupation of Muslim territory. Daily Nation, Kenya Vows to Appeal Verdict Blocking Dadaab Camp Closure, 9 February 2017. http://www.nation.co.ke/news/High-Court-cancels-closure-of-Dabaab/1056-3806030-7enmgdz/index.html; Daily Nation, Weve to Shut Dadaab for Security, Uhuru Kenyatta Tells UN, 8 March 2017. http://www.nation.co.ke/news/-Dadaab-Uhuru-Kenyatta-UN-Antonio-Guterres/1056-3841890-2qvff6z/index.html. Yuval-Davis, Intersectionality, Citizenship, 563. East Africa is the most populous subregion of Africa, with a population of approximately 455 million people. )proven reserves: 0 cubic meters (2021 est. 54. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. 76. 11. Sometimes the status of insider is almost impossible to reach. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. In the 1960s and 1970s, Kenyans pursued higher education in the UK because of colonial ties, but as British immigration rules tightened, the US, the then Soviet Union, and Canada became attractive study destinations. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? The practices around the issuance of identity papers, the discrimination through vetting processes, as well as the forgery of papers, led to hopes that the introduction of biometric databases could make the registration and recognition process more transparent. Both of them, as good Muslims, did not go out to bars, but instead played video games in the evening and enjoyed Somali music. See for instance the 2016 exhibition Who I Am, Who We Are in Nairobi and an article in the Daily Nation discussing this exhibition. It attempted to recruit Kenyan Somali youth . The term Somali is used as an umbrella term, applied to a very heterogeneous population. ), 26.01 births/1,000 population (2023 est. ), $29.289 billion (2019 est. ), 17.709 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. The 2009 census was accompanied by plans for the devolution of power and resources, strengthening the importance of the local. AIAI's goal was to establish an Islamic government in Somalia and the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. 36. )wind: 10.7% of total installed capacity (2020 est. 53. In the following, I will discuss three further citizen-making instruments, which have particularly influenced the position of Kenyan Somalis since the post-election violence of 2007/8: the census of 2009, the elections of 2013, and the securitization of politics since 2013. 30. which may lead them to rule in a biased way against women and girls. . In Nakuru, I met several families neither registered with the UNHCR nor the Kenyan state.

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ogaden population in kenya

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