qui est william marrion branham selon la bible
En la lisant, vous pouvez comprendre l'importance de la rvlation de Dieu et de la . [276], Branham's followers are widely spread throughout the world. [191] Prior to 1957, Branham taught a doctrine of eternal punishment in hell. [157] In 1955, he reported a vision of a renewed tent ministry and a "third pull which would be dramatically different" than his earlier career; he began to increasingly refer to the vision as his popularity began to decline. [190] Not all Pentecostal sects accepted the idea. Branham generally prayed for a few people each night and believed witnessing the results on the stage would inspire faith in the audience and permit them to experience similar results without having to be personally prayed for. Despite Branham's objections, some followers of his teachings placed him at the center of a cult of personality during his final years. [114], Branham's meetings were regularly attended by journalists,[115] who wrote articles about the miracles reported by Branham and his team throughout the years of his revivals, and claimed patients were cured of various ailments after attending prayer meetings with Branham. N le 06 Avril 1909 5h du matin sous un signe avec un Etre surnaturel qui l'accompagnait toute sa vie, accomplissant des signes et miracles. [211], According to Steven Hassan, "Branham's sermons lay the foundation to believe that black people are the inferior race. Branham claimed Walker failed to recover his hearing because he had disobeyed Branham's instruction to stop smoking cigarettes. [269], Some groups of Branham's followers refuse medical treatment because of their divine healing beliefs. [70] At the time they were held, Branham's revival meetings were the largest religious meetings some American cities he visited had ever seen;[71] reports of 1,000 to 1,500 converts per meeting were common. Allen. 4th 691, 188 P.3D 580, 80 Cal. [182][177][139], Branham's death stunned the Pentecostal world and shocked his followers. [96] Branham amazed even fellow evangelists, which served to further push him into a legendary status in the movement. 1 likes. [223] Branham compared the messenger to this last age to John the Baptist and said he would come in the spirit of Elijah the prophet and cited the Book of Malachi 4:56 (3:2324 in Hebrew) as the basis for claiming the Elijah spirit would return. [157], His correspondence also decreased sharply. Branham thought the decline was temporary. He explained that the allegations eroded the trust of the crowds who attended the healing services. [237], Beginning in 1958, Branham began to claim Luke 17:30 was being fulfilled. wmb dit vs ne pouvais pas fonde votre destin eternel sur votre don ainsi dit le geant de l'age william marrion branham. [25], In his later years, Branham began to preach almost exclusively on biblical prophecy. [97] Kydd reported that by watching films of the revival meetings, "the viewer would assume almost everyone was healed", but "results were less promising whenever follow-up was made. [169], As the healing revival began to wane, many of Branham's contemporaries moved into the leadership of the emerging Charismatic movement, which emphasized use of spiritual gifts. [87], Branham partially recovered from his illness and resumed holding meetings in October 1948; in that month he held a series of meetings around the United States without Lindsay's support. [10] While Branham was away, his brother Edward aged 18, shot and killed a Jeffersonville man and was charged with murder. [187] As a result, Moriarty concluded Branham has "profoundly influenced" the modern Charismatic movement. [185] Branham's teaching on divine healing were within the mainstream of Pentecostal theology and echoed the doctrines taught by Smith Wigglesworth, Bosworth, and other prominent Pentecostal ministers of the prior generation. 21 Jsus a dit, dans Jean, au chapitre 3: Si un homme ne nat de [173], At first, Branham taught his doctrines only within his own church at Jeffersonville, but beginning in the 1960s he began to preach them at other churches he visited. In 1947, Rev. [137][138], Similar allegations came from Branham's European campaigns. See? They claimed that many of Branham prophecies were only publicly reported after their fulfillment. And she can sway more of them to hell than any other instrument Satan has got. In the United States, Branham was charged with tax evasion for failing to account for the donations received through his ministry; admitting his liability, he settled the case out of court. [43] Because of the way Branham's telling of the baptismal story changed over the years, and because no newspaper actually covered the event, Weaver said Branham may have embellished the story after he began achieving success in the healing revival during the 1940s. [168] Weaver also believed that "fraud and chicanary" by the revivals evangelists also played a major role in the decline. Upshaw explained to reporters that he had been able to walk two or three steps without the aid of his crutches prior to attending Branham's meeting, but following Branham's prayer his strength increased so that he had walked four blocks. [167] Harrell attributed the decline to the increasing number of evangelists crowding the field and straining the financial resources of the Pentecostal denominations. He is credited as "a principal architect of restorationist . [153] Except Allen, who won his legal battle, the evangelists settled their cases out of court. [252] One common theme among all groups is the belief that Branham was the return of Elijah the prophet and receiving his prophetic revelations is necessary to escape the impending destruction of the world. [98] Branham's final major overseas tour in 1955 included visits to Switzerland and Germany. Branham also openly opposed interracial relationships and connected people of mixed race ancestry to the wicked "hybrid" race of the serpent. [192] Branham's teaching was particularly damaging to his relationship with Pentecostals denominations who were angered that he would associate them with the mark of beast. [262] In 1986, there were an estimated 300,000 followers. The FBI reported that, "rather than using the investors' capital to support the two funds, the defendants used the vast majority of investor money to purchase lavish gifts for their friends and themselves"[306][307][308][309][310], In 2020, Vinworth Dayal, a minister who promoted Branham's teachings in Trinidad was arrested and charged with money laundering through his church. [169] Gordon Lindsay's eulogy stated that Branham's death was the will of God and privately he accepted the interpretation of Kenneth E. Hagin, who claimed to have prophesied Branham's death two years before it happened. [181][182] His unique arrangement of doctrines, coupled with the highly controversial nature of the serpent seed doctrine, caused the alienation of many of his former supporters. [160] Branham also began to criticize Oral Roberts and Billy Graham. [21], Branham was involved in a firearms incident and was shot in both legs in March 1924, at age 14; he later told his audiences he was involved in a hunting accident. [200], Branham strongly identified with the lower-class roots of Pentecostalism and advocated living an ascetic lifestyle. [44], Besides Roy Davis and the First Pentecostal Baptist Church, Branham reported interaction with other groups during the 1930s who were an influence on his ministry. In Iran, Branham's followers have faced persecution, with the government shutting down ten of their house churches in 2018 and jailing several Branham followers. [248], On December 18, 1965, Branham and his family except his daughter Rebekah were returning to Jeffersonville, Indiana, from Tucson for the Christmas holiday. 2010 Voice Of God Recordings, All . [275] Enroth reported instances of families being separated, with children being taken from their parents and reassigned to other families to be raised as a form of discipline. [69][96], This second sign did not appear in his campaigns until after his recovery in 1948, and was used to "amaze tens of thousands" at his meetings. [186] Charismatic writer Michael Moriarty described his teachings on the subject as "extremely significant" because they have "impacted every major restoration movement since". Branham faced legal problems as a result of his practices. [10][29] Branham had no experience with religion as a child; he said that the first time he heard a prayer was at his brother's funeral. "272 God don't deal with organizations, He don't deal with groups. [9] His racial teachings on serpent seed and his belief that membership in a Christian denomination was connected to the mark of the beast alienated many of his former supporters. ", "This Alberta woman spent 26 years in a religious community. The news media has linked Branham to multiple notorious figures. "[279], "In one instance,Mercer ordered that [a girl's] hair be cut off to punish her because he had had a vision from God that she was being sexually inappropriate with young children. "[239] His final statement on the subject convinced a number of his followers he was indeed claiming divinity. [217][218] Hassan wrote that Branham's followers use "deceptive tactics to recruit and indoctrinate unsuspecting people," and that "recruiters do not tell new members" about the historic "deep ties to white supremacy groups. William Branham dont le ministre de la parole avait trois tapes : la . "[144] When Branham attempted to visit South Africa again in 1965, the South African government placed restrictions on his visa preventing him from holding any healing revivals while he was in the country. [179] Kydd and Weaver have both referred to Branham's teachings as "Branhamology"; other sources refer to his teachings as "Branhamism". In response, the churches which hosted Branham's campaign conducted independent follow-up interviews with people Branham pronounced healed to gather testimonies which they could use to counter the negative press. A. Allen concerning the validity of a miracle reported in his campaigns. The movement began in the teachings of the healing revival evangelists and grew as their teachings came to receive broad acceptance among millions of Christians. [60] Their obituaries reported Branham as pastor of the Pentecostal Tabernacle, the same church where their funerals were held. The tribe filed a racketeering case against them to recover their money. [99] Supplicants seeking healing submitted prayer cards to Branham's campaign team stating their name, address, and condition; Branham's team would select a number of submissions to be prayed for personally by Branham and organized a prayer line. [69] His healing services are well documented, and he is regarded as the pacesetter for those who followed him. QUI DITES-VOUS QUE WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM EST-IL ? [187] This led to denominationalism, which he viewed as the greatest threat to true Christianity. Some thought he was an end-time messenger sent from God, and some still do. [90] After one year of campaigning, his exhaustion began leading to health issues. [179] Throughout the 1960s, Branham demanded his listeners leave any denomination they were part of to demonstrate their loyalty to him and his message. [186], The teaching was accepted and widely taught by many of the evangelists of the healing revival, and they took it with them into the subsequent Charismatic and evangelical movements. [127] Branham was openly confronted with such criticisms and rejected the assertions. [195] Weaver wrote that Branham held a "Christ against Culture" opinion,[195] according to which loyalty to Christ requires rejection of non-Christian culture. [30] Branham said that he heard a voice speaking to him while he was recovering from the accident, which led him to begin seeking God. The government of Chile banned Ewald Frank from entering the country after finding he had been visiting and holding revival meetings with Schfer's followers at Colonia. [81] Following the Shreveport meetings, Branham held a series of meetings in San Antonio, Phoenix, and at various locations in California. [39][34] Peter Duyzer noted that Branham's story of the events surrounding the death of his wife and daughter conflicted with historical evidence; they did not die during the flood, he and his wife were both already Pentecostals before they married, and he was pastor of a Pentecostal church at the time of their deaths. Carl Dyck wrote, "Those who have come out of this group give solemn evidence of the devastating effect that Branhamism had on them, both emotionally and psychologically. Military personnel involved in the launch stated that they had "immediately recognized the McDonald cloud as from an explosion of a rocket the afternoon of 28 February 1963". [152] The IRS asserted income reported by the ministers as non-taxable gifts was taxable,[150] despite the fact Branham had not kept the gifts for himself. He claimed the king was healed through his prayers. Branham later claimed he saw a car in 1960 that fulfilled his vision. To his surprise, his wife died only days later of her illness. [34] Branham's congregation was badly impacted by the disaster and his family was displaced from their home. [213] Although not widely accepted, Parker's teachings were well known among Baptists in Indiana and Kentucky; Parker also connected the serpent's seed to the non-white races. [97] While he stated his personal admiration for Branham, the troubling number of deaths led him to suggest "there is a possibility that this whole thing is wrong". Walter Hollenweger, "Branham filled the largest stadiums and meeting halls in the world" during his five major international campaigns. Branham's birthdate has also been reported to be April 6, 1907, and April 8, 1908. Rptr. [196], Pentecostalism inherited the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification and outward holiness from its founders, who came from Wesleyan-influenced denominations of the post-American Civil War era. [228] Weaver wrote that "the importance of the revelation of the seals to Branham's 'prophetic' identity cannot be overestimated". [89], In the first part of his meetings, one of Branham's companion evangelists would preach a sermon. [118] El Paso Herald-Post reported hundreds of attendees at one meeting seeking divine healing. [177], By 1987, it was widely known the cloud Branham believed to be supernatural had been manmade and was reported as such by Weaver in his first biography of Branham. [129], At his 1947 meetings in Winnipeg, Branham claimed to have raised a young man from the dead at a Jeffersonville funeral parlor. [151] During the early years of his campaigns, donations had been able to cover costs, but from 1955, donations failed to cover the costs of three successive campaigns,[8] one of which incurred a $15,000 deficit. He made all nations. [81][77] At the first of these meetings, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadian minister Ern Baxter joined Branham's team. [175] Branham acknowledged their rejection and said their organizations "had choked out the glory and Spirit of God". Gumbura and his followers were polygamous. [200] Branham did not view financial prosperity as an automatic result of salvation. If I was a colored man, or a brown man, or a yellow man, or a red man, I would be just as happy about it. [190], He believed that "eternal life was reserved only for God and his children". That's right; hybrid again. [98][7] According to Lindsay, the altar call at his Durban meeting received 30,000 converts. [182] Many of his followers regard his sermons as oral scripture and believe Branham had rediscovered the true doctrines of the early church. [228], According to Weaver, the sermons were primarily "a restatement of the dispensationalism espoused in the sermons on the seven church ages". [173] His criticisms of Pentecostal organizations, and especially his views on holiness and the role of women, led to his rejection by the growing Charismatic movement and the Pentecostals from whom he had originally achieved popularity. [146] Some people left his meetings disappointed after finding Branham's conviction that everyone in the audience could be healed without being in the prayer line proved incorrect. [248] Most eulogies only tacitly acknowledged Branham's controversial teachings, focusing instead on his many positive contributions and recalled his wide popularity and impact during the years of the healing revival. E-11 (20) Et Jean tait l'un de ces hommes qui ne mchaient pas leurs mots. He held meetings that month in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and drew a crowd of 25,000 with attendees from 28 different states. [164] Branham was an important influence on Jones, who copied many of his styles, methods, and teachings. [187] Branham viewed Martin Luther as the initiator of a process that would result in the restoration of the true form of Christianity, and traced the advancement of the process through other historic church figures. The confusion created by the situation led ministers to claim Branham had deceived them. Reporters attempted to confront Branham over these issues, but Branham refused to be interviewed. 1,866 likes. "[25] Leaders in Branham's movement have taken actions to prevent followers from discovering the true origin of the serpent seed teaching. [63] Christian writer John Crowder described the period of revivals as "the most extensive public display of miraculous power in modern history". [212] Branham's embrace of the serpent seed doctrine alienated most of the members of his Pentecostal audience. [186] It supports the restoration of apostles and prophets, signs and wonders, spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and the elimination of non-primitive features of modern Christianity. Rev. [146] Branham generally attributed the failure of supplicants to receive healing to their lack of faith. "[32][56][34], Branham and his future wife Amelia Hope Brumbach (b. July 16, 1913) attended the First Pentecostal Baptist Church together beginning in 1929 where Brumbach served as young people's leader. Si a devait lui coter la. [177] Following the 1964 prophecy, Branham again predicted the rapture would happen by 1977 and would be preceded by various worldwide disasters, the unification of denominational Christianity, and the rise-to-power of the Roman Catholic Pope. [289][290][291] Schfer and his compound were portrayed in the 2015 film Colonia. [106] Branham believed the light was a divine vindication of his ministry;[105] others believed it was a glare from the venue's overhead lighting. The percentage of healings that stood up after investigation was embarrassingly low. 24 likes. [252] Even Branham's son Billy Paul seemed to expect his father's resurrection and indicated as much in messages sent to Branham's followers, in which he communicated his expectation for Easter 1966. [190] In 1960, Branham claimed the Holy Spirit had revealed this doctrine to him as one of the end-time mysteries. [81] Roberts and Branham had contact at different points during the revival. [174] Branham argued that his entire ministry was divinely inspired and could not be selectively rejected or accepted, saying, "It's either all of God, or none of God". [223][i] According to Weaver, Branham's "obsession with Luke 17:30 and Malachi 4:56 dominated the end of his ministry". Cet Elie est William Marrion Branham, l'homme qui Dieu a rvl sa parole pour le temps de la fin selon Amos 3 :7. [84] Lindsay was impressed with Branham's focus on humility and unity, and was instrumental in helping him gain acceptance among Trinitarian and Oneness Pentecostal groups by expanding his revival meetings beyond the United Pentecostal Church to include all of the major Pentecostal groups. [39][34] Branham said he made several suicide attempts following their deaths. Reporters at the meeting also attempted to follow up on the case of a Calgary woman pronounced healed by Branham who had died shortly after he left the city. [151] Branham became increasingly reliant on the Full Gospel Businessmen to finance his campaign meetings as the Pentecostal denominations began to withdraw their financial support. [185] He believed healing was the main focus of the ministry of Jesus Christ and believed in a dual atonement; "salvation for the soul and healing for the body". [101][102] Branham's use of what his fellow evangelists called a word of knowledge gift separated him from his contemporaries in the early days of the revival. [218][217], In 2017, street preachers promoting Branham in Canada began to make national news in the United States and Canada for their aggressive behavior. Joseph Coleman, a follower of William Branham in the United States with influence over multiple churches, was connected to "a multi-million dollar fraud through an investment management company". God is a segregationalist [sic]. In a 2003 case, he pleaded guilty to theft of government property in U.S. District court. [134][106], Churches in Canada continued to experience crises following Branham campaign meetings as they attempted to explain the numerous failed healings to their congregations. [147] According to Pohl, Hollenweger, and Steiner, Branham's practice of blaming the supplicant for lack of faith was severely damaging in multiple churches and left many people who failed to receive healing in despair. [130] The same year the news media in Winnipeg publicized Branham's cases of failed healing. [157], Amid the financial issues in 1956, Lindsay left Branham's campaign team. No matter what they do, or what, I still there is something, and that stays with me". [210], Doug Weaver, Jon Schambers, and Michael Barkun have investigated Branham's serpent seed doctrine to identify its origin. Some groups prohibit their members from having relationships with outsiders. When man gets into it, he ruins it. [106] Taylor presented evidence that claims of the number of people healed were vastly overestimated, and that multiple people pronounced healed by Branham had subsequently died. [212] All three have suggested Branham may been influenced by the teachings of Baptist minister Daniel Parker's two-seed doctrine. [281] The organization disbanded in 2018 following widespread allegations of sexual molestation of children. [48] Branham married Brumbach in June 1934. 2 Vous pouvez vous procurer gratuitement cet ouvrage en consultant le lien : www.branhammessage.info Edition Mars 2014 Ddicace A mes fils, Voici ma petite contribution au sujet de la Nouvelle Naissance, aprs ma premire brochure sur Les 2 veaux d'or introduits dans le Message de W.M. The CBC investigated Branham and focused their reporting on his connections to Jim Jones and the Ku Klux Klan and labeled Branham's followers a "doomsday cult". Although he had hinted at it many times, Branham publicly stated for the first time that he was the return of Elijah the prophet in his final meetings in Shreveport. [318], In 2018, Pastor Thodore Mugalu, a leader of Branham's followers in the Democratic Republic of Congo encouraged his followers to violence against Catholics in his country. [247] Branham's followers believe his prophecies came true, or will do so in the future. [297][298][299][300], Roberts Liardon commented, "According to Branham, since women introduced men to sex, polygamy was brought about. "Will it come after while, Brother Branham?" Davis later became the National Imperial Wizard (leader) of the KKK. [292], In April 2023, government authorities discovered a shallow grave were thirty-one bodies were buried. They were the tools of the Devil. [254][255] Branham is most remembered for his use of the "sign-gifts" that awed the Pentecostal world. The first time he published any information about the visions were in 1953. [187], He stated the corruption came from the desire of early Christianity's clergy to obtain political power, and as a result became increasingly wicked and introduced false creeds. Parole Parle TV (PPTV) est une chaine TV du Message du prophte William Marrion Branham selon Malachie 4/5-6. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, "Not all Branham churches are racist or embrace the anti-race-mixing position," "but the theology clearly invites racism. [263][n] In 2000, the William Branham Evangelical Association had missions on every inhabited continent with 1,600 associated churches in Latin America and growing missions across Africa. [201] Branham believed women were guilty of committing adultery if their appearance was intended to motivate men to lust, and viewed a woman's place as "in the kitchen". Describing Branham's method, Bosworth said "he does not begin to pray for the healing of the afflicted in body in the healing line each night until God anoints him for the operation of the gift, and until he is conscious of the presence of the Angel with him on the platform. LA FOI 29.12.1957 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN, USA . Branham claimed to visit and pray for King George VI while en route to Finland in 1950. [200] Branham openly chastised other evangelists, who seemed to be growing wealthy from their ministries and opposed the prosperity messages being taught. "48 Now we understand, also, that God is perfected in threes. [177] Branham lamented Mercer and the actions of his group as he worried that a cult was potentially being formed among his most fanatical followers. [199], Weaver wrote that Branham's attitude to women concerning physical appearance, sexual drive, and marital relations was misogynistic,[202] and that Branham saw modern women as "essentially immoral sexual machines who were to blame for adultery, divorce and death. By her beauty and her sex control, her shape that was given to her by Satan, the by-product that Satan did, she is sent to deceive sons of God. That's the way that my Maker wanted me and that's the way I am. [54] Branham's popularity began to grow following the 1942 meetings in Milltown, Indiana where it was reported that a young girl had been healed of tuberculosis. [194] Branham lamented that more so than any other teaching, Pentecostals criticized him for his predestination teachings. By the 1960s, he began to make frequent references to the scripture claiming that through his ministry the "Son of Man was being revealed". [173] Branham refused, arguing that the purpose of his healing ministry was to attract audiences and, having thus been attracted, it was time to teach them the doctrines he claimed to have received through supernatural revelation. Seven is "completion," like the world.". [251] Most believed he would have to return to fulfill a vision he had regarding future tent meetings. "[7] The many revivalists who attempted to emulate Branham during the 1950s spawned a generation of prominent Charismatic ministries. [57] Their first child, William "Billy" Paul Branham was born soon after their marriage; the date given for his birth varies by source. [172][235] Branham did not directly claim to be the end-time messenger in either of his sermons on the church ages or the seven seals. . They believe that William Branham, or "Brother Branham," was the final prophet to the church, in fulfillment of Malachi 4:5. It's a pitiful thing. But he has to cause great fusses now calling our causing riots, and big fusses, and everything else across the nations, and across the world just because he wanted to stick his head out about something. And by that time the healer would be too far away to be questioned or to explain. That's exactly right. [179], Scholar Robert Price and Doug Weaver suggested that Branham's stance on denominations was developed in response to their rejection of his teachings in an attempt to maintain the loyalty of his closest followers. [160], In the closing years of the revival, Branham helped launch and popularize the ministry of Jim Jones, the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple. [88][8], During early 1947, a major campaign was held in Kansas City, where Branham and Lindsay first met Oral Roberts. [173] According to Weaver, Branham's views on modern culture were the primary reason the growing Charismatic movement rejected him; his views also prevented him from following his contemporaries who were transitioning from the healing revival to the new movement. [319][320], In 2021, Steven Hassan's Freedom of Mind Institute published an article labeling Branham's followers a cult stating, "Branham's ministry was characterized by white supremacy and deeply misogynist attitudes.
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