rotary monthly themes 2022

/ColorSpace << /DefaultCMYK 16 0 R /CS16 16 0 R /CS25 25 0 R /CS28 28 0 R >> 31 October - 5 November World Interact Week. Rotary has wide-ranging social and . July Transition month/New beginnings Imagine Rotary " is the 2022-23 presidential theme that RI President-elect Jennifer Jones revealed on 20 January. /Filter [/FlateDecode ] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] Rotary International monthly themes reflect the areas of focus. Special Interest Groups for Members & Friends, The Rotary Foundation (including District Grants), Book a zoom meeting on the District zoom account, Book a zoom meeting on the Rotaryoceania account, Find a Rotarian in Rotary Oceania (all 6 districts), District Directory 2022-23 (login required), Guidelines for Rotary clubs sending containers to the Pacific, Communications, Public Image & Public Relations, Risk Management, Legal Compliance & Health and Safety, Membership and New Club Development Month. Please help us improve. A series of graphics for Facebook Headers have been provided for use by clubs by Andrew Mahoney (9940) on the proviso that if used clubs either: (1) Use them consistently month to month and create a post on why Rotary does this and how it benefits the community; or. All Rotary marks, logos, and copyrighted content is owned by Rotary International, used with permission. ]@0lM3jU6<6x:T6sH6PMuW. Clubs are encouraged to plan special programs on the appropriate topics during these months. On Monday, February 1, Rotary International President-elect Shekhar Mehta encouraged members to be changemakers and announced that his theme for the 2021-2022 Rotary year is Serve to Change Lives. All materials and photos, unless otherwise specified, copyright of Rotary Zone 8. In 1992, he and Past District Governor Peter Lagarias also from the Rotary Club of San Francisco founded Rotaplast International to treat children with a cleft lip and . The monthly themes are meant to highlight the wide range of Rotary's good work and give clubs some suggestions, timing and guidance for their programs and activities. Theme brochure for James L. Bomar Jr. (1979-80). Percy Hodgson, at the 1951 Rotary Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S., was the 1949-50 Rotary International president credited with starting the tradition of crafting a theme. W4e#[I]AaJ %~c[CY_mQ&IT=\u January - Vocational Service Month. The Rotary Monthly Themes | District 9640. Visit this calendar throughout the year to findawardnomination due dates andconventionand event information. Other early themes include Rotary Is Hope in Action (Joaquin Serratosa Cibils, 1953-54), Kindle the Spark Within (Nitish C. Laharry, 1962-63), and Good Will Begins With You (Ernst G. Breitholtz, 1971-72). /BleedBox [-9.0000 -9.0000 604.2756 850.8898] D9640 Members. /Contents 5 0 R Jennifer Jones, Rotary International's 2022-23 President, has named Imagine Rotary is the 2022-23 presidential theme. Baker, 1955-56), and Three Targets (Gian Paolo Lang, 1956-57). She is asking Rotary members to dream big and take action: "We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. April - Maternal and Child Health Month. Rotary International President Elect, Jennifer Jones announced theme for 2022-2023 Rotary Year According to the Rotary International website. Grow Engagement! *August 2022 Membership and New Club Development Month* *September 2022 Basic Education and Literacy Month* We have a rich history in Stockton. /Properties << /Pr7 7 0 R >> When people, especially children, have access to clean water, they live healthier and more productive lives. All dates are subject to change. 15 December - Last day for early registration discount for the Rotary International Convention. Visit this calendar throughout the year to find award nomination due dates and convention and event information. Rotary Monthly Themes 2022-2023 Plan meeting agendas, projects, or public image campaigns based on these special occasions. Immediate Past District Governor Jeff Egan, 2022-2023 Zone 8 Regional Leadership Team, Rotary International South Pacific Office, RI Vision Statement and Action Plan 2022-23, Rotary Centres for Peace and Conflict Resolution, The Rotary Foundation Club Recognition Program, District 9640 Recognition of Significate Effort (ROSE) Awards 2023, Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), Structure of Youth Leadership Program Committee (YLPC) and Operational Committees, Youth Protection and Duty of Care Policy and Procedures, How to Update your Interact Club's Information to Rotary International, How to retrieve Login Name and Reset Password, Member Access to Rotary International Website. July - New Leadership Month. d o c x) /Producer (Amyuni PDF Converter version /CreationDate (D:20200810184408-08'00') >> endobj 7 0 obj Was this page helpful? You can also download a PDF with samples of the graphics used for each Rotary month. All materials and photos, unless otherwise specified, copyright ofRotary Club of Middletown. However, at least 3,000 children die each day from diseases caused by unsafe water, which is what motivates our members . Jennifer Jones, Rotary International's 2022-23 President, has namedImagine Rotaryis the 2022-23 presidential theme. endobj Rotary Month Themes. The more clubs that use these the better as this creates a consistency of branding. President-elect Shekhar Mehta encourages Rotarians to grow more so we can do more. Rotary Club of Stockton was formed in 1914 just the 92 nd club worldwide. ROTARY CALENDAR and THEMES Month Theme. Dr. Angelo Capozzi joined the Rotary Club of San Francisco in 1971. << Our club members are dedicated people passionate about community service and friendship. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Join Us! Hodgson's 83-word theme, which included a list of four objectives, was substantially longer than today's punchier themes, but it captured his hope that incoming leaders have essential knowledge of Rotary. RI President-elect Jennifer Jones imagines a Rotary where members act to make their dreams become reality and they make the most of their club experiences. 8-12 January - International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA. Grow Rotary! Users may experience occasional disruptions when accessing areas that require sign-in, including donations, invoice payments, grants, reports, Rotary Club Central, Learning Center, and club and district administration. Posted on April 27, 2023. /Resources << August - Membership and New Club . Together, the circle and dots form a "navigation star our guiding light." She explains, As we celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion, I wanted all of us to be able to express ourselves differently in what we wear, but still have connection.. Using the Rotary months, programme organisers, bulletin editors, publicity coordinators and others can focus speakers and publicity to support Rotary International's programme and showcase the club's activities in those areas. Please note also that there are PowerPoint presentations for the months of January, March, June, November, December (as per theme months for 2020) that can be found for download under Documents via the Member Area. The tradition of crafting a theme is credited to Percy C. Hodgson, Rotarys president in 1949-50. Box 0726 - Manitowoc, WI 54221-0726, Serving Rotary Clubs in Southeastern Wisconsin, USA. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. 4 0 obj Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels. These are the correct size ratio for use as Facebook Headers so save each picture to your computer and upload in the relevant month to your Rotary Facebook page. 2022-2023 1 2720 202223 2720 202223 monthly letter governor's 11 [2023.05] rid2720 2 February 2023 For example,purple representspolio eradication;green, the environment;and white represents our central mission,peace. Riki Salam, an Australian graphic designer and artist specializing in contemporary Indigenous art, design, and communications, designed the colorfullogo for our new theme. 5W(":9D|PEW;-gFMf#f|F'{[f;`g:"a$Lw] z8\kT& XmUdU"]:v0g00{!,M`ULfA&$4#m#b 4"F@_%=*KU]{T*v*&2Q^CN:MvZYe cLp)"`=q/a_Kk%6$HA"eg,:Z47p AY9xPk%|{{KXs" XPsm45 About Rotary. Develop meeting agendas, projects, or public image campaigns based on these special occasions. The 2023 Crazylegs Classic is Saturday, April 29. Download 2022-23 theme logo materials (.zip) References and links to archived newsletters 42. Refer Brand Centre for material. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. Here's the list: January - Vocational Service February - Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention March - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene April - Maternal and Child Health Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges. See theBoard and Trustees meeting dates. Title: Microsoft Word - Rotary monthly themes.docx Created Date: 8/10/2020 6:44:08 PM . The club chose the name because it unites three themes diversity, equity, and inclusion into one project. Sakuji Tanaka, 2012-13 Rotary International president, and his wife, Kyoko, select patterns and fabrics for his theme tie and scarf. Rotary has identified a theme for each month. The color scheme can be interpreted in several ways. Our club accepts new members by invitation. The Rotary 2022 -2022 annual theme is "Imagine Rotary." The monthly themes are meant to highlight the wide range of Rotary's good work and give clubs some suggestions, timing, and guidance for their programs and activities. Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we . Jennifer Jones imagines Rotary fulfilling big dreams. *August 2022 Membership and New Club Development Month* *September 2022 Basic Education and Literacy Month* *October 2022 Community Economic and Development Month* 3-9 October - Rotary Alumni Reconnect Week Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, revealed the 2022-23 presidential theme, Imagine Rotary, as she urged people to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality. This month, we celebrate the work Rotarians worldwide are doing to combat diseases through effective treatment and prevention. There is a choice of blue or grey to use according to your preference. News & Features(down arrow opens sub-menu)>. Did you know Rotary International changes the themes to reflect our areas of focus? Meetings are brought to you live at the Stockton Golf and . July is the first month of the Rotary year and is when the annual theme kicks in. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with diverse people who share your drive to give back. 2022-23 presidential theme branding guidelines, 2023-24 presidential theme branding guidelines. "Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference." Rotary projects around the globe May 2023. . . Download 2023-24 theme logo materials (.zip), 2023-24 presidential theme branding guidelines (PDF). Please help us improve. Scarves first appeared in 1998-99. Other marks, logos, photos are copyright the owners and used with permission. Develop meeting agendas, projects, or public image campaigns based on these special occasions. Download 2022-23 theme logo materials (.zip), 2022-23 presidential theme branding guidelines (PDF). Many designs incorporate the theme logo for the year. Using the Rotarymonths, programme organisers, bulletin editors, publicity coordinators and others can focus speakers and publicity to support Rotary International's programme and showcase the club's activities in those areas. Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the worlds most pressing humanitarian challenges. See a complete list ofUnited Nations observances, including international days, weeks, and years. A series of graphics for Facebook Headers have been provided for use by clubs by Andrew Mahoney (9940 . Rotary Foundation Month 31 October - 5 November World Interact Week December 2022 Disease Prevention and Treatment Month 15 December - Last day for early registration discount for the Rotary International Convention January 2023 Vocational Service Month 8-12 January - International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA February 2023 You are the Missing Piece! Says Jennifer, "We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. Monthly Themes. According to the Rotary International website. Rotary International will do everything in its power to bring aid, support and peace to the region. Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship. Rotarians are both women and men with a passion for service. /Type /Page Keep in touch, or reach out to us from via our social media websites! They give you more flexibility if you use this structure to develop your schedule of programs. The 2022-23 presidential theme logo was designed by renowned Australia-based Indigenous artist Riki Salam to represent RO President Jennifer Jones' theme and initiatives. RI President-elect R. Gordon R. McInally calls for Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. December 2022 Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. Others, such as those selected by William Boyd from New Zealand and Sakuji Tanaka from Japan, use colors or imagery that reflects their home country. /Length 5350 What makes a Rotarian and drives us to make a difference each day? For more of the story, see below! All dates are subject to change. 2021-2022 Rotary Theme 2021-22 RI President Shekhar Mehta announced his theme "Serve to Change Lives" during the opening session of the International Assembly. Imagine Rotary is imagining what the future upholds and what it will feel like to live in a better world through Rotary and Rotaract action. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels. Our younger members have significant opportunities for personal development. May - Youth Service Month. 31 October - 5 November World Interact Week, 15 December Last day for early registration discount for the Rotary International Convention, 8-12 January - International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA, 13-19 March World Rotaract Week31 March Preregistration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention, 30 April Rotary International Convention registrations and ticket cancellations are due, 27-31 May Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia, 30 June Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs Award nominations are due, 7-11 January Rotary International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA25-29 May Rotary International Convention, Singapore. Over the years, monthly themes have changed, been re-named or extended, all in maintaining an awareness and focus on today's ever changing and . /Font << /F8 8 0 R /F18 18 0 R >> We are in virtually every community in NZ and the Pacific. Monthly Themes. Clean water is a basic need for human beings. x\]7r}p*1n`1]kR9E{3s,;}ojq|7E??~?_}/o?>7z\9m49.\~%9 G,r ]7\~?O|P+AO?C|\^s)+b\Jw;o3N3p7Wj_)V$|5??wVc\,r&RbW/%tv]. The logo represents key elements of Rotary while honoring the Indigenous culture. June - Rotary Fellowships Month. RY2022/23 Monthly Themes - Rotary Club Of Singapore North RY2022/23 Monthly Themes July 10, 2022 admin Leave a Comment Report admin More Posts Previous Article RI President Imagines Installation of the Board of Rotaract Clubs of AMK, ITE College West and College Central Yet 400 million people in the world can't afford or don't have access to basic health care. Hi-res png files are available from Documents on this website. 31 October - 5 November World Interact Week, 15 December Last day for early registration discount for the Rotary International Convention, 8-12 January - International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA, 13-19 March World Rotaract Week Youth Services. 2022-23 Theme Graphics Files (pptx) The 2022-23 Theme Logo downloads from RI in a different format than past logos. When Hodgson addressed the International Assembly in 1949, he impressed upon the incoming leaders that they had a glorious opportunity to impart Rotary knowledge and that lack of Rotary knowledge can be a deterrent to the successful operation of a Rotary club. Hodgsons 83-word theme, which included a list of four objectives, was substantially longer than todays punchier themes, but it captured his hope that incoming leaders have essential knowledge of Rotary. Rotary International has designated certain months of the year as times for Rotary clubs to emphasize the involvement of all Rotarians in designated activities. Grow Impact Page, Options for Membership Extension (Traditional Club, Satellite Clubs & e-Clubs), Additional Resources for Membership Development, One Stop Shop for RI Membership Materials, Membership Presentation by PDG Larry Petrash at Nov 6 Fireside Chat, Rotary Youth Exchange Program in District 5790, Rotary Youth Exchange Information Rotary Members. Monthly Rotary Theme (March 2022) March: WATER AND SANITATION Month . See a complete list of United Nations observances, including international days, weeks, and years. 2023 Rotary International. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back. The intent is multi-fold: it offers some program diversity, it offers some aspects upon which a club may wish to focus. Privacy Policy October 2022 , 2020 Page 2 Support our Sponsors 41. Clubs are encouraged to plan special programs on the appropriate topics during these months. Rotary International was formed by Paul Harris in Chicago in 1905. When INSERTED (Insert Picture) into a PowerPoint or Word file, it is downsampled to very poor resolution and when expanded only slightly (worse if full screen) it is pixelated, fuzzy and unslghtly. This month we feature some of the clubs that entered the contest. /CropBox [-9.0000 -9.0000 604.2756 850.8898] The seven dots surrounding the circlerepresent not only people and society, but Rotary's seven areas of focus. Rotary Foundation Month 5-11 November World Interact Week 10 November Rotary Day at the United Nations December 2018 Disease Prevention and Treatment Month 15 December - Early registration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention January 2019 Vocational Service Month 13-19 January International Assembly, San Diego, California, USA Rotary International 25-Feb-2022 Disaster Preparedness Rotary District 7020 Disaster Preparedness Resources Our annual theme sheds some light, and our newest Imagine Rotary says it all. 2022-23 Theme Graphics Files. /Parent 2 0 R November - Rotary Foundation Month December - Disease Prevention and Treatment Month January - Vocational Service Month February - Peace and Conflict Resolution Month . It is an action. The line underneath represents a basic tool -- a digging stick-- a metaphor for doing hard work: indeed, Rotary In Action. February - Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month. Jennifer Jones imagines Rotary fulfilling big dreams. The white flowers represent the iconic cherry blossoms of Japan. In Aboriginal culture, the circlerepresents our connections to one another. Rotary brings together a global network of passionate volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the worlds most pressing humanitarian challenges. ", Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference. RI President-elect R. Gordon R. McInally calls for Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. Rotarians' desire to celebrate and support their president's annual program of service has continued. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Mags & Media. November 2022 Rotary Foundation Month. March - Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Month. Anticipate delays in the campus area from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Watch the theme address %PDF-1.3 % 1 0 obj << /Title ( M i c r o s o f t W o r d - R o t a r y m o n t h l y t h e m e s . With over 1.4 million Rotarians worldwide. P.O. The Rotary Foundation Areas of Focus. photos, and essays showcasing their accomplishments for the 2022 Interact Awards. ", Rotary International President Elect, Jennifer Jones announced theme for 2022-2023 Rotary Year, According to the Rotary International website. 5 0 obj 2022-23 presidential theme branding guidelines (PDF) 2023-24: Create Hope in the World. 2022-23: Imagine Rotary RI President-elect Jennifer Jones imagines a Rotary where members act to make their dreams become reality and they make the most of their club experiences. /MediaBox [-9.0000 -9.0000 604.2756 850.8898] October to December graphics can be found, Rotarians are both women and men with a passion for service, Our younger members have significant opportunities for personal development, We are in virtually every community in NZ and the Pacific, Rotary has wide-ranging social and networking opportunities, You are welcome to ask about how Rotary can enhance your lifestyle and its service opportunities, If you would like to visit a club to assess whether Rotary is for you, this can be organised at no obligation to you or the club, Give Every Child a Future - Regional Immunisation Project, Showcasing NZ Pacific Rotary at the Alice Springs Virtual Conference 2020, Donate to Give Every Child a Future centenary project, VIDEO: End Polio Ride the Train 2020 event (short version), Official Launch of our Centennial History book, Book a Zoom Video Conference (login required), Document and Resource Centre (login required), International Caravanning Fellowship of Rotarians, The "BEST" CLUB WEBSITES in the Zone (requires login), For Xtra email users - how to fix mail rejection, Chenery, Lois Dalley and June Gray Trusts, Rotary Oceania member search (login required), Rotary New Zealand World Community Service. See the winners. Rotary International has provided a Theme for each month. Jennifer asked the slate of newGovernors to wear one or more of the three new theme colors when attending official events, as opposed to a traditional single-design jacket. Clubs & Partners. The new Rotary Presidential theme for 2022-2023 is more than just its meaning. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust thats necessary to realize these values. . =O{giUSG9|`odnFf Monthly Themes Rotary International has designated certain months of the year as times for Rotary clubs to emphasize the involvement of all Rotarians in designated activities. % Something that we all need to mark in our minds and our hearts and something that we should work hard for. {_-zqv) bPp ORk-#Lh0No{B5 "Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference. Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.". She urges members to engage more with each other and use these connections to build partnerships that change the world. In July, about . The monthly themes are meant to highlight the wide range of Rotary's good work and give clubs some suggestions, timing, and guidance for their programs and activities. Each January, Rotary members enthusiastically await the incoming Rotary International presidents announcement of the next Rotary theme. >> Rotary marks, logos and content is. All rights reserved. Here is a chart of the old and new monthly themes during the Rotary Year (July - June). Rotarians desire to celebrate and support their presidents annual program of service has continued. From left: Six Objectives (Herbert J. Taylor, 1954-55), Develop Our Resources (A.Z. Rotary International, used with permission. Says Jennifer, "We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. /ExtGState << /GS6 6 0 R /GS15 15 0 R >> Imagine Rotary the theme for 2022-2023 explained by incoming President Jennifer Jones. January 2023 Vocational Service Month. Read morestories about Rotary's history. Congratulations to Angelo Capozzi of the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for May 2023! Jennifer, the first female President in the history of Rotary International,noted that the color scheme in part also pays homage to the global women's suffragette movement. Here is the list. Jennifer Jones imagines Rotary fulfilling big dreams. See the Board and Trustees meeting dates. The special months, listed in sequence of their occurrence during the Rotary year (July 1 to June 30) are: All materials and photos copyright District9940. >> Welcome. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. << Theme ties were introduced in the 1990s, and are now crafted annually. The theme urges all Rotarians to "dream big and take action", uniting to work toward positive global change. In the decades that followed, RI presidents introduced theme logos, lapel pins, ties, and scarves. Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.. Two different courses (8K and 2 mile) will travel through campus, causing lane closures and Metro Transit detours. stream Monthly Rotary Theme (December 2022) Our health is everything. x}[O0fkGXAi&54S.%Xw&k&$Ur||C q(~J P? 31 March Preregistration discount ends for theRotary International Convention, 30 April Rotary International Conventionregistrations and ticket cancellations are due, 27-31 May Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia, 30 June Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs Award nominations are due, 7-11 January Rotary International Assembly, Orlando, Florida, USA Some of the symbolism includes: Circle connections to one another Dots around it - our people There are 7 Dots for Rotary's 7 areas of focus Circle + dots around it - a navigation star, our guiding light >> 2022-23: Imagine Rotary. /TrimBox [0.0000 0.0000 595.2756 841.8898] The theme is a special one: the theme graphic was designed by an Australian Indigenous artist to link with the Melbourne Convention in 2023. Was this page helpful? Terms of Use. His goal is to have 1.3 million members by July 2022. Please help us improve. Here isthe latest list Use these topics andlinks to help structure meetings, service projects, and other events. Rotary Monthly Themes 2022-2023 Plan meeting agendas, projects, or public image campaigns based on these special occasions. It will still be possible to make donations as a guest on any of the donor sites. Inspiration Rotary 40. Stockton Rotary celebrated our 109 Anniversary just in February. (2) Use them to highlight a project they are doing within that month or the month after that relates to the themes. Early theme brochures were almost entirely textual and did not include theme logos. The president announces the theme at the International Assembly, an annual training event for incoming leaders. << /Length 8 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Did you know that Rotary International decided to update the monthly themes to reflect the areas of focus? The theme urges all Rotarians to "dream big and take action", unitingto work toward positive global change. Your browser does not support the video tag. January - Vocational Services Learn more about RI President Jennifer Jones and our new global theme here: 25-29 May Rotary International Convention, Singapore. Theme Months (continued) This is the second page of Monthly Theme graphics - for January to September go to HERE. Rotary at a Glance. ", For full announcement shown on the Rotary,org website, click. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that's necessary to realize . %PDF-1.7 She urges members to engage more with each other and use these connections to build partnerships that change the world. Was this page helpful. The UW-Madison Police Department (UWPD) will direct and adjust closures . stream Copy and save from below these as needed. The theme serves as an inspiration for all Rotarians and a rallying call for our efforts in 2021-2022. In 1985, Rotary pledged to eradicate polio, and look at the . K.R. Programs. Ravindran, 2015-16 Rotary International president, presents his theme, Be a Gift to the World, at the 2015 International Assembly. A selection of RI presidential theme ties.

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rotary monthly themes 2022

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