security forces epr bullets
Lewis; trained on K-9 tactics--deployment ready! - Secured launch site for counter artillery attack--enabled joint force strike to deter incoming indirect fire attack - Lead investigator for 2 major traffic accidents; ensured safety, integrity of affected area--preserved critical evidence - Revamp'd Defender's Resiliency crs; craft'd 70 field tng hrs/21 modules--incr'd skills & confidence f/250 psnl - First-on-Scene to four domestic disputes/loud noise complaints; three suspects detained--order/peace restored Closed RAFF pedestrian gate; eliminated vulnerability to 5K pers/FW's highest PL resource, - Stellar ldr! - Graduated AFMC Brave Defender Regn'l Combat Trng Ctr, Creech AFB--coined by 99 CC--receivd top squad 3S1X1 Military Equal Opportunity. - Preserved Dignified Transfer f/2 fallen USA KIA; secur'd area & routes--return'd hero's home w/dignity/honor/respect - Acted as alarm monitor securing $1B+ in gov't assets; dispatched patrols--10+ alarms observed/zero gov't loss, - Active participant in local outreach programs; dedicated over 20 hrs towards 4 CDC improvement initiatives - Vigilant Entry Controller; conducted XX ECP ID checks-- safeguarded XX psnl and $XX in missin critical resources - First responder to A-10 ground emergency; safely cordoned munitions mishap--protected $12B in AF resources - Vital SF mbr; lauded by inspectors during 11 Wg UCI--key contributor in Wing "SQ of the Year" recognition! - Well rounded Amn; demonstrated ability to perform tasks on time--completed tasks with minimum supervision . - Responded to three F-16/A-10 IFEs; locked down taxiway approaches--aided unimpeded emergency access - Crucial role as sec team member for KLE msn's; improved relationship w/Syrian Defense Force -- aligned w/SOFA, - Decisively led unit patrols; ensured $167M+ assets/11K+ DoD personnel overall safety --100% accountability - Motivated attitude/work ethic; performed in courteous/professional manner--efforts earned him EST selection - Performed aircraft security during 08 UCI; helped manage flight line EMX--"Excellent" unit/Wg rating earned! 9088 Words. - Establish'd entry control point for grnd emergency; evacuat'd affect'd area--protect'd four F-16s worth $160M - Unit Safety Representative; maintained records/reports for 632 pers--identified as WG "Top Performer" by IG - First on-scene to vehicle accident; secured scene/conducted investigation--minimized further potential hazards - Showcased urgency; challenged installation gate runner; popped barriers--denied access/apprehended subject, - Skilled C2 for two suspicious pkgs; coordinated multi-agency response--set cordons/evac'd 78 prsnl f/recovery - Provided C2 for inmate transfers; coor'd escorts with AFSFC and TSA--ensured public/inmates safety during transfer Performed C2 for two Helping Hands; set up cordons/sanitized areas; secured PL assets--promote, - Investigated Helping Hand at Command Post; established cordon & assessed alarm--protected PL 3 resource, - First responder for two Helping Hand incidents; restored integrity of flightline/PL assets--no delay in msn ops, - Expertly handled 60 in flt emer/fuel spills/Helping Hands--contributed to flight awarded "Team of the Month", - Dispatched to two Helping Hands; challenged suspects/established cordons--eliminated threats to PL assets, - Dispatched to two Helping Hands; challenged suspects/established cordons--critical war fighting assets secure, - Directed SF during four Helping Hand situations; investigated incidents/detained violators--security restored, - Area supervisor during two Helping Hand incidents; restored integrity of flightline/PL assets--ops unhampered, - Controls entry/exit to RAFL/RAFF; 3.5K+ vehs and 5K+ prsnl processed daily--deterred unauthorized access, - Performed duties as an Installation Entry Controller and an Explosive Team Responder--ensured readiness, - Controlled entry for McChord Air Expo 08; secured 150K/ensured 375K enjoyed event w/o incident--promote. --KP. - Responsible for over 154,588 munitions inventory, with 100% inspected; resulting in zero discrepancy rate - Piloted Force Protection tactical def prgm; qual'd 55 AF/2 USA prsnl w/5.8K rnds--bolstered camp response force - Performed 32 ILO missions w/US Army 1st Cav Div at FOB STRYKER Iraq; critical joint forces multiplier! - Upgraded ECP; source&installed 65" CCTV monitor/PCs/shredder/chairs/veridesks--improved QOL 88sfs personnel Contact - Conducts witness and victim interviews; collects evidence, apprehends/detains offenders and completes reports/forms Or you can do what you want to do that is good in the world. Reading these two compulsory textbooks she felt that her mind was clear for a while the biology textbooks I have read seem to be photographed by her eyes and they are printed page by . (Video) Security Forces looking for EPR bullets. - Dominated Sector 1 explosive sweep; org'd 100% inspection of 451 AEG fac & KAF FL--defended f/insider threat, - Dply'd to KAF during OFS/ORS; mng'd $2.2 mil eq/$125K Muns; ensrd 2 combt resupply points remained bttle rdy - Maintains accurate count/control of over 150K rounds of small arms ammunition and plans future expenditures, - Assistant Flight Sergeant - ensuring personnel under his leadership maintain all Air Force Standards - Stellar Sq EET rep; eval'd response for three 62 AW exercises--ID'd strengths/weaknesses; promote to MSgt! - True ambassador; mentored AF JROTC drill team--imparted military standards & tradition to potential recruits Security Manager EPR Bullets - Tactical competence; deployed 451st EAMXS security manager--organized 200+ KAF line badge applications - Merged 2 USM prgms; 88 prsnl/12 e-QIP submissions/zero write-ups during annual inspection--rated Excellent - Intiated 4/reviewed 150 security clearances; validated base/network/deployed requirements; 100% cleared STP 21 1 SMCT Soldier?s Manual of Common Tasks United. It's an evaluation, not a pedestal. - Assigned flt PTL/trainer; improved work performance f/45 psnl/energized flt--increased DPE/PFT passing rate by 5%, - Assisted S2/AT; collaborated S2/OSI/AT/FP/IN data -- evaluated enemy Tools Tatics and Proceedures/ threats - Clearly demonstrated sound understanding of SF knowledge; achieved 92% on QC--set high standard for peers Instructor EPR Bullets Air Force Writer. - Exceptional performer who accomplishes all aspects of his job as a true professional--sets the example, - Extensive job knowledge--achieved an 85.5 percent on his initial Stan-Eval as a Basic Force Protector, - A highly professional and dedicated airman--challenge with increased responsibilities--ready for promotion, - Performance/professionalism directly contributed to ## SFS winning CINC's '07 Installation Excellence Award, - Outstanding performance & volunteerism contributed to ### SFS winning AF "Best Small SF Unit Award" '15, - PACAF's '12 SF Flt lvl Amn of the Yr; selected over 1.4K Amn--exceeded standards/inspired peers/AF icon, - Vanguard of all SFS Amn; consistently outshines/exceeds all of his peers--selected as SrA Below The Zone, - Standout SrA w/fortitude to accomplish any task assigned; catalyst of flt winning 2x SFS Flt of the Qtr honors, - Chosen ahead of peers as Arclight Defender of the Month awd; recognized as top performer--coined by CC, - Accomplished ldr who completes assigned tasks and possesses superior management skills--a "go to" SNCO, - Recognized 886 ESFS SNCO of the Mo. - Top performer; deployed to Al Udeid AB--coined by 379 SF/CC for "superior performance" as alarm monitor - Personally led two McGruff events; educated 400 children on crime prevention--enhanced community relations, - Piloted EOD team to suspicious package; safeguarded convoy/equip--device neutralized/mitigated loss of life - Detained/cited 19 violators; reinforced local/state traffic laws--efforts ensured safety of base & local populace - Assisted Combat Skills Training; performed OPFOR--realistic tng prepared 44 AW mbrs for AOR deployment, - Trained four AW NCOs on ABD CONOPS/tactics; all certified as AW ECST instructors--vital to msn success, - Trained Iraqi police on vehicle search procedures--prepared trainees for increased security responsibilities, - Trained NATO int'l police to conduct base security--ensured smooth transition of power to 600 security prsnl, - Established accurate tracking of SF ancillary tng; ensured 100% of SF are highly competent & trained for msn, - Developed CDC study pgm; prep'd 4 trainees for EOC exam--all upgraded on time w/100% pass rate; promote, - Developed dynamic core-task Flt tng plan; increased stan eval results 40%--plan benchmarked throughout S3, - Directed fund raiser supporting local fallen riders; united motorcycle riders--raised $3K for medical expenses, - Processed/tracked 589 EPRs/DECs; developed checklist/implemented by Ops Supt--reduced late reports by 85%, - Effectively puts plans into action; authored "active shooter briefing"--ensured appropriate hostile response, - Orchestrated semi-annual IBDC briefing; kept FW/CC informed of 5 security deviations effecting $5B+ assets. - Conducted 10 random AT/FP Measures; 20 vehicles/facilities inspected--prevented potential terrorist activity Public database of EPR, OPR, and Award Bullets. - Fill'd E-8 billet as Supt f/21 days; mng'd 31 psnl/3 armories 2K wpns--secured $38.8B in jt assets & 92K mbrs, - Fire Alarm/CC; dispatched patrols, establish'd 360 perimeter, evacuat'd & swept lodging--source found no loss of life - Go to Amn! o emplaced force protection concrete barriers on continually expanding perimeter, occupying and reclaiming territory and increasing safety buffer zone o provided force protection and security while supporting the Navy contingent and was instrumental in securing over $1.5 billion worth of United States and Coalition Forces equipment - Establish'd Alarm Working Grp; directed 30-mbr tm; ID'd Intrusion Detection issues to SF/CC--prep'd section - Sponsored new Amn/recent technical training school graduate; led familiarization--ensured flawless transition - Controlled six SF/helo integrated recap msns/mgd'd 314 personnel/corrected deficiencies--highlighted unit's abilities, - Coord'd LE Ops; processed 4 assaults/30 citations/9 warrants/4 debarments issued--safed 4K Cadets/11K+ personnel - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies - Validated flight airfield license training program; 30+ Airmen in deployed location-- all recieved airfld license Graduated strenuous two week Contingency Readiness Training--deployed in support of OND, - Combat ready, graduated strenuous 17 day Desert Defender Regional Trning Center-- deply'd to support OIR mission - Mng'd sec prep f/sub emer mx; led 18 mbrs/setup ctrl twr/1K ft boundary--restored $4B nuke msn cape/4 days - Dispatched Security Force patrols to 13.5K TASS alarms;oversaw Asst/dictated threat--Hardest Target in KSA, - Dispatched to 113 FW klaxon; set up blocking force between taxiway/resource--expedited alert crew response - Responded to domestic disturbance; utilized swift intervention to defuse incident--enabled peaceful resolution - Selected to attend unit's Deliberate Development Crs; honed ldrsp skills--prepar'd to execute supervisor duties - Volunteered 40+ hrs remodeling deployed kennel facility; built up K-9 obstacles & painted building--promote! - Active w/Top 3; mentored First Four/organized Family Feud--enjoyed by 40+ members/boosted KAF's programs, - Adv'd COIN ops; guided 10 Guardian Angels/Grd Mvt SOPs f/2 AORs--derailed 85 attacks/21 Taliban seiz'd/5 killed - Assisted SF training during ASP certification course; instructed 16 prsnl on baton use--certification rqmts met! - Upheld and secured area for 8 IFE's; facilitated unhindered emergency fire/medical response--zero casualties - Volunteered for annual pumpkin patrol; aggressively patrolled base community--ensured a fun/safe time for all Force Protection/Security EPR Bullets Duty Description - Maintains close surveillance of critical high value government assets; assists with PL-3 accidents & incident response - Organizes, plans & instructs weapons qualification for 400 squadron members on assigned primary weapon annually Force Protection NCO NCOER Bullets o conducted traffic enforcement on Al Asad Air Base; supported base operations and ensured the overall safety of all personnel and property o conducted joint patrols with the Polish Military Contingent Military Police; assisted with the completion of Polish Military Police requirements while on deployment For a "stellar" maintainer. There was no such event, which would have been easily googled. - Volunteered to deploy to Eskan Village, Saudi Arabia, in direct support of Operation Southern Watch, - Observant; conducted 500+ veh & 1300 personnel searches daily at IEPs--zero IEDs entered the base, - Accomplished pre-embarkation inspections and gauging for 3 deploying team's wpns; met wing requirements, - Deployed to Darfur in spt of UN peacekeeping msn; protected valuable cargo--deterred terror/criminal activity, - Deployed to Kandahar Airfield ISO OEF; provided security for 10K coalition prsnl/assets--thwarted terrorism, - Deployed to Kandahar in spt of OEF; performed base security duties--11K prsnl/$40B in PL assets protected, - Deployed to UAE in support of OIF; performed force protection duties--secured $12B in assets/1700K+ prsnl, - Revitalized dilapidated Armory w/ paint/flooring & preserved historic mural; saved $2,200 in repainting costs, - Helped remodel Armory for AMC/IG visit; entire facility painted and tiled--$3K+ savings to the AF; promote. - OSC f/US Army physical threat w/knife to KSA MOD prnsl; secured scene/investigated incident--diffused w/o injury, - Outstanding duty performance/teamwork; directly contributed to Bravo Flt selection as "Team of the Quarter" The Murder Board: A community of interested professionals providing feedback on bullet writing through a virtual Murder Board. Hungry for additional responsibility; continue to challenge--promote now! - Controlled entry to Port As Sayliyah; 225 vehicles searched/cleared daily--VBIED free environment; promote, - Controlled entry to US/NATO security changeover ceremony; 92 DV/VIPs protected--deterred crime/terrorism, - Controlled LE and security rqmts during McChord Air Expo 08--375K community mbrs enjoyed two day event, - Controlled personnel entry during McChord Air Expo 08; 375K personnel enjoyed two day event w/o incident, - Controlled port entry; 225 vehicles searched/cleared daily--20 tons of logistical supplies delivered w/o delay, - Dispatched to 08 UCI/EMX; performed traffic control & ECP duties--efforts garnered AW Excellent rating, - Flawlessly led & coord'd ECP duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; secured 40+ Flag Officers--no incidents, - Hand-picked to stand SFSOCC SCIF ECP during DV visits; projected positive image of professional defender, - Instructed 12 Defenders CENTCOM & SFSOCC ECP/SCIF procedures; built continuity--enhanced PL security, - Learned and executed ECP duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; secured 30+ Flag Officers--zero incidents, - Performed EC during Air Expo 08; checked 100K+ visitors--ensured 375K+ enjoyed 2 day event w/o incident, - Performed EC duties at Camp Bucca; maintained 100% detainees/critical item accountability--zero escapes, - Performed EC duties for CENTCOM/CC Conference; provided positive entry for 30 DVs--incident free visit, - Performed ECP duties at FOB; searched 6K+ prsnl/13K+ vehicles/97 fuel trucks--mitigated VBIEDs & IEDs, - Sector supervisor for ECP during Air Expo 08; record setting 377K+ visitors enjoyed incident free weekend, - Conducted 100+ RAMs; kept ops unpredictable/deterred terror--enhanced security of 62 AW & base personnel, - Brilliantly secured PL3 resources; coord'd execution of 500 RAM's; mitigated threat to priority assets--no loss, - Created database to track 5K RAMS; set a pattern of unpredictability wing-wide--hardened base against attack, - Executed 200 RAMs; discovered breach along perimeter fenceline--protected $8.7B Wg assets/base populace, - Crafted random security check database; set pattern of unpredictability AW wide--enhanced security on MAFB, - Executed 240 hrs of Random Anti-terrorism Measures; deterred hostile threats to 62 AW--PL 3 assets secured, - Executed 25 RAMs throughout McChord AFB; deterred crime and terrorism--made installation a harder target. - Volunteered for week-long active shooter training; honed lifesaving skills and improved base-wide response - Rendered assistance for domestic disturbance; ensured victim/witness rights--diffused situation w/out incidents, - Reorg'd armory; optimal equip/wpn configuration--decreased arming times 40%/sped major incident response Who's got the best/funniest EPR bullets? - Oversaw 60+ RAMs/32 IEPCs; sustained BRAVO posting/secured 19K acres--recieved XX ABW Verne Orr Award, - Oversaw training f/confinement Armed Transfer Team; certified two SF members--ensur'd inmate transfer capability - Created quick reference guide for un-escorted NCIC access requirements--streamlined process for background checks - Completed rigorous Taser & Baton training--enhanced less-than lethal capabilities for cooperative control - Discovered Airman planning to use Luke AFB to traffic drugs--detained violator, transferred custody - Certified flt armorer; issued/received arms/ammunition/equipment worth $2M--reduced arming time by 50% - Synced 9 UXO responses w/4 agencies; established ctrl/set cordon/evac d camps--$1.8B CA/2.4K CF secured, - Teamed w/AD, contractors; secured Wg PL1 assets in 48 hrs--safeguard'd 9 constr projs/$16M NATO resources Get involved with a community group that does good things - Rotary, Kiwanis, coaching little league, Red Cross. - Demonstrated superior professionalism during DV visit; lauded for solid post brief/coined by 379 ESFS/DFC - Conducted 100 hrs jt tng; 30 int'l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD pgm--educated ldrs on K-9 utilization, - Conducted 120 hrs jt tng; 29 int'l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD pgm--K-9 utilization/flexibility attained, - Conducted 11 MWD demos; briefed 400 prsnl from local schools/ROTC on K-9 programs--bolstered relations, - Deployed to Kirkuk AB, Iraq; provided MWD EDD spt for 11K+ US/CF prsnl--$40B in PL assets protected, - Conducted 12 K-9 sweeps in support of Task Force Iron; vital to mission success; awarded ARCOM--promote, - Conducted 125 combat msns; 14K miles patrolled--secured Camp Bucca's Main and alternate Supply Routes, - Conducted 17 compound searches at Cp Bucca; ID'd 96 weapons/digging tools--prevented harm to security tms, - Conducted 64 explosive/narcotic detection tng scenarios; enhanced K-9 capabilities--ready for OEF/OIF msns, - Coord'd inter-service K-9 tng; conducted 40+ hrs of tng for five MWD tms--enhanced K9 combat capabilities, - Guided JBLM K-9 transformation; 30+ MWD tms prep'd for combined tng/deployment--leading JB initiatives, - Provided MWD spt for Senator Obama visit to Oregon; conducted six K-9 sweeps--ensured incident free visit, - Re-organized K-9 Logdet eqpmt pallet; inventoried/accounted for 1K items of K9 deployment eqpmt--OIF rdy, - Representative for 3rd ID in laying foundation of $8M kennel facility; #1 QoL for all Iraq deployed K-9 teams, - Stellar NCO! Armory EPR Bullets Duty Description - Manages installation's largest ammo acct/2nd largest armory/$2M in resources, enabling +412 trng events annually - Leads 3 pers CA section ISO 1.3K hrs of live-fire trng/+80 qual/expending 1/3 of entire installation small arms ammo - Deployed to Cp Bucca as .50 Team Mbr; secured 93 sq km/9K US/CF/16K detainees--enhanced convoy ops, - Accomplished DOD directed ILO tng at Ft. Dix, logged 600+ tng hours--prepared to perform detainee op msn, - Assigned Compound Shift Ldr duties; oversaw security/safety of 1K+ detainees--kept peace with no escapes, - Assigned Sgt of Guards; supervised 94 US/Iraqi forces--host nation forces better prepared for detainee op msn, - Assigned to Counterinsurgency tm; collected intel from 500+ detainees--info used to harden Bucca from attack, - Assisted U.S. Army Special Forces by securing 34 detainees during HUMINT interviews--obtained vital intel, - Hand selected from 186 personnel to conduct six convoy missions; escorted 90+ detainees--zero incidents, - Escorted 19 detainees to acft for transport to Cp Bucca; prsnl/route searched & cleared--incident free transport, - Escorted 250+ detainees for appointments at Camp Bucca; searched for wpns--prevented harm to SF/detainees, - Escorted 300+ detainees to/from medical appts; all searched for weapons--prevented any harm to medical staff, - Executed FOB exterior sweeps for escaped detainee; search led to quick capture--attempted escape thwarted, - Diligently provided 100 hrs of ancillary tng to 40 Chenega guards/10 new SF mbrs--proficient/ready for duties, - Deployed to Cp Bucca in support of OEF/OIF; performed detainee ops--safeguarded 22K US prsnl/detainees, - Deployed as Truck CC at Camp Bucca; safeguarded 93 sq km/9K coalition forces--enhanced mission readiness, - Deployed as Sq Ldr to Cp Bucca; safeguarded 21K detainees/2.5K Coalition Forces--supported GWoT tasking, - Completed 33 day ILO predeployment tng; enhanced tactical skills/life saving techniques--prepared for GWoT, - Completed 14 day RTC predeployment tng; enhanced detainment skills and ABD tactics--prepared for ILO msn, - Deployed to Camp As Sayliyah in spt of ILO msn; executed base security--2K prsnl & $1B+ assets protected, - Executed 35 ILO missions at NORMANDY Iraq; critical for the security of USA/CF--thwarted terrorist attacks, - Executed 35 ILO msns at NORMANDY Iraq; critical for security of US Army/Coalition Forces--built int l ties, - Led 13 Amn through Detainee Ops Deployment Training for ILO msn; mentored squad on tactics & discipline, - Led 13 SF through 33 day ILO predeployment tng; enhanced squad ldr tactics--tm prepared for GWoT missions, - Led 13 SF through Ft. Lewis ILO tng; 45 days of Detainee Ops procedures--tng measures implemented/msn met.
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