tamu ecen courses
WebMagnetic circuits and field distribution of electric machines; main flux path calculation; calculation of magnetizing and leakage inductance; calculation of electric machine The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M sustains and strengthens its teaching and research program to provide students with inspiration and quality education in the theory and practice of computer engineering. Design and fabrication of microelectronic circuits such as registers, selectors, PLAs, sequential and micoprogrammed machines via large scale integrated circuitry with emphasis on high-level, structured design methods for VLSI systems; design small to medium scale integrated circuits for fabrication by industry. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. WebECEN 755 Stochastic Systems - Texas A&M University . Courses must be from the College of Engineering and/or ECEN640 Thin Film Science and Technology. Introduction to the design, modeling and verification of complex digital systems using hardware description language and electronic system level language. Cross Listing: STAT683 and CSCE725. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor. ECEN772 Introduction to Microelectromechanical Devices and Systems. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter architectures including Nyquist rate and oversampled converters; definition of basic data converter specifications and figures of metric; background and foreground calibration techniques to improve performance of data converters; low-power (green topologies) data converters design; state of the art mixed-signal interfaces such as transmitters and receivers front-ends in wireless and wireline communications transceivers; introduction to calibration techniques for digitally-assisted transceivers. ASSIGMENT 5 . WebECEN - Electrical & Comp Engr ECMT - Econometrics ECON - Economics EDAD - Educational Administratn EDCI - Educ Curriculum & Dev EDHP - Ed Healthcare Prof EEBL - Ecology & Evol Biology EHRD - Ed Human Res Develop EMED - Emergency Medicine ENDO - Endodontics ENGL - English ENGR - Engineering ENTC - Engineering Technology ENTO - Entomology Prerequisites: ECEN322; ECEN 351 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in MATH 251 or MATH 253; Grade of C or better in ECEN 248. Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours. Introduction to the continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems; time domain characterization of linear time-invariant systems; Fourier analysis; filtering; sampling; modulation techniques for communication systems. Prerequisites: MATH 140 or MATH 150, or equivalent or acceptable score on Texas A&M University math placement exam; also taught at Galveston campus. Office: WEB 318C. Analog & Mixed Signals. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. ECEN611 General Theory of Electromechanical Motion Devices. Digital communication systems; coding for discrete sources and quantization; source and channel waveforms, signal spaces; modulation and demodulation, random noise; detection, error control coding, efficient decoding algorithms. ECEN648 Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Students must send syllabi, transcript, and TAMU course equivalent to the Graduate Office. Transfer hours are subject to the approval of the GSC. Only 400 level undergraduate courses can be included on degree plan. Courses must be from the College of Engineering and/or College of Science. Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions, Poynting's theorem, electromagnetic potentials, Green's functions, Helmholtz's equation, field equivalence theorems; applications to problems involving transmission scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves. MATH 147 Calculus I for Biological Sciences Credits 4. ECEN 306) cannot be substituted for any of the following courses. Prerequisite: ECEN605 or approval of instructor. 3 Lecture Hours ECEN 629 Applied Convex Optimization. Calculation of power system currents and voltages during faults; protective relaying principles, application and response to system faults. Cross Listing: CSCE678/ECEN757. ECEN677 Control of Electric Power Systems. Electrical and Computer Engineering | Texas A&M University WebOnly one of the following will satisfy the requirements for a degree: MATH 142, MATH 147, MATH 151 or MATH 171. Techniques available to analyze and synthesize nonlinear and discontinuous control systems; modern stability theory, time-varying systems, DF, DIDF, Lyapunov Theory, adaptive control, identification and design principles for using these concepts; examples from a variety of electronic and electromechanical systems. WebAll computer engineering students take courses in the following areas: electrical circuits, electronics, digital circuits, computer architecture ranging from embedded systems to data centers, interfacing, programming languages ranging from assembler to high level, data structures, analysis of algorithms, operating systems, software engineering Prerequisite: ECEN605. Single input single output systems, multivariable systems, linear servomechanism problem and linear quadratic optimal control; emphasis on linear systems, classical linear control theory and modern state space control theory. Low-noise design; surveying the subject of handling electronic noise from theory to measurement, design, research and developments. Logic representation, manipulation, and optimization; combinational and sequential logic; Boolean function representation schemes; exact and heuristic two-level logic minimization; multi-valued logic representation and manipulation; multi-level logic representation and minimization; testing; technology mapping. Online Courses | Texas A&M University Engineering Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor. Provides a broad overview of the past and current developments in the emerging area of MEMS (microelectromechanical systems); discusses the fundamental working principles, designs and fabrication techniques; consists of several special topics, discussing the latest important applications in different fields. ECEN750 Design and Analysis of Communication Networks. Electrical Engineering - BS < Texas A&M Catalogs < Texas IDIS 343-701 - Distribution Logistics IDIS 424-701 - Purchasing Applications in Distribution Turn in your lab04bs file here when complete attach Credits 3. Prerequisite: Graduate classification or approval of instructor. Basic principles of parameter identification and parameter adaptive control; robustness and examples of instability; development of a unified approach to the design of robust adaptive schemes. Application of semiconductor switching power converters to adjustable speed DC and AC motor drives; steady state theory and analysis of electric motion control in industrial, robotic and traction systems; laboratory experiments in power electronic motor drives and their control. ; techniques to optimize hardware implementation of cryptographic systems; different types of side-channel attacks and countermeasures; supply-chain vulnerabilities hardware Trojans, IP piracy, and reverse engineering; security modules for system-on-chip; physical unclonable function. Sustainable energy sources such as photovoltaic, fuel cell, wind, and others require power electronics to perform energy conversion and conditioning in order to convert their native form of electrical generation to a format compatible with the ac utility grid; exploration of the salient electrical characteristics of solar photovoltaic sources, the requirements for grid-connection and the power electronic circuits and controls needed to perform the interconnection and control. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. ECEN760 Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models. WebECEN 215 labs - Texas A&M University . Uploaded By wieberg.mackenzie. Prerequisite: Graduate classification; approval of instructor. Light propagation and interactions in anisotropic media; electrooptic and acoustooptic effects; passive and active guided-wave devices; fabrication and characterization. Dr. Hamid Toliyat is leading efforts for a multidisciplinary project through the U.S. Department of Energys Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy to design, manufacture and test a lightweight and ultra-efficient electric powertrain for aircraft propulsion. ECEN 314 Signals and Systems. In keeping with the legacy of an Aggie Engineer, graduates will be successful in attaining positions of leadership in their professional careers. ECEN687 Introduction to VLSI Physical Design Automation. Learn more about how our faculty and students are making a positive impact on the world. ECEN715 Physical and Economical Operations of Sustainable Energy Systems. Graduates will lead and work effectively on diverse teams to promote a breadth of perspectives in developing, communicating, and executing solutions across a broad range of electrical engineering application areas. WebAny 600-level or 700-level ECEN course can be used for honors credit except for ECEN 681, ECEN 684, ECEN 685, and ECEN 691. Linear discrete time systems analysis using time domain and transform approaches; digital filter design techniques with digital computer implementations. Office: WEB 318C. Introduction to the theory and design of magnetic resonance imaging systems; fundamental physical and mathematical introduction to image acquisition and reconstruction using magnetic resonance; overview of imaging system design, including magnets, imaging gradients and radio-frequency systems, contrast mechanisms, resolution. Credits 3. F 26 Aug. Class 2: Principles, Part 2. Wireless applications, modulation formats, wireless channel models and simulation techniques, digital communication over wireless channels, multiple access techniques, wireless standards. Email: karsilay@tamu.edu. Cross Listing: BMEN627/ECEN763. Prerequisite: ECEN646 or equivalent. It is recognized that many students will change the sequence and number of courses taken in any semester. Probabilistic signal detection theory and parameter estimation theory; Neyman-Pearson, UMP, and locally optimal tests; discrete time Markov processes and the Kalman and Wiener filters; bayesian, maximum likelihood and conditional mean estimation methods. WebFour elective courses must be taken among the following options: ECEN 613 - Rectifier and Inverter Circuits; ECEN 614 - Power System State Estimation Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University 301 Wisenbaker Engineering Building College Station, TX 77843-3128. Cross Listing: CSCE676 and STAT639. Areas of specialization include analog and mixed-signal electronics; biomedical imaging, sensing and genomic signal processing; computer engineering and systems; device science and nanotechnology; energy and power; electromagnetics and microwaves; and information science and systems. Credits 3. MATH - Mathematics (MATH ECEN ECON - Economics (ECON Fundamental concepts of distributed systems with a focus on the emerging application of cloud computing; design, analyze, and optimize distributed systems; includes MapReduce, synchronization, peer-to-peer systems, election, distributed agreement, replication, job assignment. Courses 2 Lecture Hours. Instructor: Sebastian Hoyos . Introduction to advances in nanobiotechnology; includes fabrication of micro or nano structures, molecular manipulation, medical diagnostic and treatment options, nano scale machines such as molecular motors for drug delivery. Quantum properties of light and matter as related to optical and optoelectronic devices such as lasers and their applications; Maxwell's equations, classical optics and optical devices; basic quantum theory of light and atoms; laser resonators and short pulse generation. Prerequisite: Graduate classification in engineering. WebAreas of specialization include analog and mixed-signal electronics; biomedical imaging, sensing and genomic signal processing; computer engineering and systems; device science Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. WebElective courses offered by Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Prerequisites: MATH411; approval of instructor and graduate classification. Cross Listing: PHYS674/ECEN674. Pages 3 Ratings 85% (13) 11 out of 13 people found this document Photonic bandgap optical circuitry, photonic crystal fiber; visible to infrared semiconductor quantum lasers; semiconductor quantum dots; plasmonic field enhancement, plasmonic optical circuitry, sub-wavelength optical lithography, negative refractive index and sub-wavelength optical imaging; nano-structure characterization techniques, atomic force microscopy, near-field optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Analysis/design of single phase, three phase rectifiers; phase control and PWM rectifiers; line harmonics; power factor; harmonic standards; passive and active correction methods; inverters; PWM methods; effect of blanking time; zero voltage switching and multilevel inverter; application of these systems in UPS and AC motor drives. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Technical Electives | Texas A&M University Engineering Prerequisite: Graduate classification. Scientific analysis of large-scale data; introduction to advanced methods that are designed to analyze structured data represented as networks. Fiber optic waveguides; directional couplers; polarization; poincare sphere fractional wave devices; PM fiber; interferometric devices and sensors fiber gyroscope; faraday effect devices; multiplexing techniques. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor and graduate classification. View your progress in the EH status portal. Introduction to the underlying principles of classification, and computer recognition of imagery and robotic applications. ECEN 215 labs Fundamental concepts of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles introduced, component requirements and system design methodologies discussed; vehicle system analysis and simulation methods presented. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Modeling, analysis and real-time control of electric power systems to meet the requirements of economic dispatch of voltage and power. See the syllabus for detailed course information. . Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering. WebECEN-610: Mixed-Signal Interfaces . The theory and techniques of testing VLSI-based circuits and systems, and design for testability. ECEN663 Data Compression with Applications to Speech and Video. 1 Lab Hour. Steady-state, dynamic and transient stability of power systems; solution techniques; effect of generator control systems. ECEN650 High Frequency GaAs/SiGe Analog IC Design. Application of data science methods including machine learning to research problems; team project-based training for project management, interdisciplinary collaboration and communication skills. ECEN711 Sustainable Energy and Vehicle Engineering. Credits 3. Example 1: Bring your work to class for discussion. Wide spectrum of Internet protocols that make it work; analytical capabilities to evaluate the performance of complex Internet protocols; aspects of the Internet protocols, including principles, design and implementation, and performance modeling and analysis; core components of Internet protocols such as transport (TCP, UDP), network and routing (IP, RIP, OSPF, EGP, BGP-4, etc.) Test results will be used in selecting the appropriate starting course which may be at a higher or lower level. Prerequisites: BMEN major; graduate classification or approval of instructor. Cross Listing: CSCE680/ECEN680. Analysis and control of semiconductor switching power converters using specialized methods such as Fourier series, state-space averaging, time domain transfer functions, sliding mode, quadrometrics and other discontinuous orthogonal functions; application of the above techniques in practice; selected research publications. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Engineering Honors Scholars may complete regular sections of senior design courses (ECEN 403 and ECEN 404) in addition to their UGRS and Honors Thesis requirements, if they so choose. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. WebThe Departmental Qualifying Exam is based on material covered in a set of nine fundamental undergraduate courses in electrical and computer engineering. Electrical and Computer Engineering BMEN, CHEN and MSENrequire 8 hours of fundamentals of chemistry which are satisfied withCHEM119 or CHEM107/CHEM117 and CHEM120; Students with an interest in BMEN, CHEN and MSEN can take CHEM120 second semester freshman year. Prerequisites: ECEN453, ECEN 456, ECEN474. WebService courses (e.g. M 29 Aug. Class 3: Principles, Part 3. WebOnline Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering (DL MEN_CE) Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design Online Certificate Electric Energy Systems Online Certificate Admission requirements Bachelor of Science degree in the area of electrical engineering, computer engineering or other closely related fields. The educational objectives of the electrical engineering program are to produce graduates whose expected accomplishments within a few years of graduation are: Before commencing course work in the major, students must be admitted to the major or have the approval of the department. BMEN - Biomedical Engineering < Texas A&M Catalogs < Texas CHEM120 will substitute for CHEM107/CHEM117. ECEN767 Harnessing Solar Energy: Optics, Photovoltaics and Thermal Systems. Prerequisites: ECEN459 and ECEN460. Phone: 979-458-3555. ECEN654 Very Large Scale Integrated Systems Design. Prerequisite: ECEN 656 or approval of instructor. ECEN 322 Electric and Magnetic Fields. Copyright 2023, Texas A&M Engineering Communications, All Rights Reserved. Analysis and design of monolithic analog and digital integrated circuits using NMOS, CMOS and bipolar technologies; device modeling; CAD tools and computer-aided design; design methodologies for LSI and VLSI scale circuits; yield and economics; test and evaluation of integrated circuits. Prerequisites: ECEN214, ECEN303, or STAT211; graduate classification. Variational approach to the development of algorithms for the solution of optimum control problems; necessary and sufficient conditions, numerical methods, and analysis and comparison of optimal control results to classical theory. ECEN722 Field Programmable Gate Arrays Information Processing Systems. Fast Track Suggested Courses | Texas A&M University Design and application of mathematical models for estimating various measures of reliability in electric power systems. Prerequisites: Graduate classification; ECEN303 or previous undergraduate or graduate course in probability or statistics; or approval of instructor. 2022-2023 Texas A&M University Vector Norms; Induced Operator Norms; Lp stability; the small gain theorem; performance/robustness trade-offs; L1 and Hoo optimal P control as operator norm minimization; H2 optimal control. Broad overview of various probabilistic graphical models, including Bayesian networks, Markov networks, conditional random fields, and factor graphs; relevant inference and learning algorithms, as well as their application in various science and engineering problems will be introduced throughout the course. Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design Certificate Application of Maxwell's equations to determine electromagnetic fields of antennas; radiation, directional arrays, impedance characteristics, aperture antennas. Students wishing to take ECEN 485, ECEN 489, or ECEN 491 must receive approval from the Prerequisites: Equivalent of ECEN322 and ECEN370 or approval of instructor. ECEN WebIndustrial Academics Degrees Undergraduate Technical Electives Technical Electives 18 hours of required technical electives At least 12 hours MUST be ISEN courses **ISEN technical elective course offerings vary each semester** Please check Howdy to see which electives are being currently offered. Prerequisites: Approval of instructor. Prerequisite: Graduate classification. Prerequisite: ECEN322. ECEN651 Microprogrammed Control of Digital Systems. Introduction to the foundation of high dimensional statistics; data analytical tools necessary to model and operate a modern power system; projects offer realistic data sets to construct tools and models for smart grid operations. Download PDF of entire Undergraduate Catalog. Advanced topics of current interest in electrical engineering. Research problems of limited scope designed primarily to develop research technique. WebECEN - Texas A&M University - Course Hero Schools Texas A&M University ECEN ECEN * We aren't endorsed by this school ECEN Dept. May be taken four times for credit. Prerequisite: Graduate classification. Class 1: Principles, Part 1. Overview of energy conversion and basic concepts on electromechanical motion devices; different control strategies including the solid-state drive topologies; electromechanical motion device and DSP control implementation discussed and implemented in the lab. ECEN733 Advanced Micromachining Technologies for the Informational Era. W 24 Aug. ECEN615 Methods of Electric Power Systems Analysis. Director of Undergraduate Programs, Electrical & Computer Engineering. Gate and wire delays, CMOS transistors, DC and AC characteristics, VLSI fabrication, Static, Dynamic, Pass-gate and PLA implementation styles, SOI and GaAs technology, DRAM, SRAM and FLASH memory design, leakage and dynamic power, sub-threshold computation, clocking, transmission lines, packaging, off-chip IO, process variation and compensation, radiation tolerance. Requirements Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or graduate classification. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor. Digital computer methods for solution of the load flow problem; load flow approximations; equivalents; optimal load flow. Prerequisite: ECEN605. Prerequisite: ECEN635 or equivalent. ECEN Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor. Hardware and software concepts involved in the design and construction of microprocessor-based digital systems; microprocessor architecture; bussing; interfacing; data input/output; memories; and software development for operation and testing; design projects with microprocessors and related components. Toggle Tuition, Fees and Other Financial Information, Toggle College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Toggle Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, Toggle Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Toggle Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Toggle Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, Toggle Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Toggle Information and Operations Management, Toggle School of Education and Human Development, Toggle Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Toggle Civil and Environmental Engineering, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toggle Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Toggle Industrial and Systems Engineering, Toggle Bush School of Government and Public Service, Toggle School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, Toggle Texas A&M University at Galveston, Toggle Marine and Coastal Environmental Science, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, Toggle College/School Specific Information, Toggle Colleges, Schools and Interdisciplinary Degree Programs, Toggle Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Toggle Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, Toggle Environmental and Occupational Health, Toggle School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Toggle Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, Board of Regents and Administrative Officers, International and Cultural Diversity Requirements, Tuition, Fees and Other Financial Information, Agricultural Economics - BS, Finance and Real Estate Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Food Marketing Systems Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Policy and Economic Analysis Option, Agricultural Economics - BS, Rural Entrepreneurship Option, Agricultural Economics - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications, Agricultural Communications and Journalism - BS, Agricultural Leadership and Development - BS, Animal Science - BS, Production/Industry Option, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - BS, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Ecoinformatics Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Ecology and Conservation Biology Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Forest Resources Track, Ecology and Conservation Biology - BS, Vertebrate Zoology Track, Forensic and Investigative Sciences - BS, Pre-Law Emphasis, Forensic and Investigative Sciences - BS, Science Emphasis, Food Science and Technology - BS, Food Industry Option, Food Science and Technology - BS, Food Science Option, Nutrition - BS, Didactic Program in Dietetics Track, Nutrition - BS, Molecular and Experimental Track, Poultry Science - BS, Technical Emphasis, Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Natural Resources Management and Policy Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Rangeland Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS, Wildlife Management Track, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences Track, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Vertebrate Zoology Option, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences - BS, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Option, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - BS with Certificate, Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Crops Emphasis, Plant and Environmental Soil Science - BS, Soil and Water Emphasis, Environmental Design Architectural Studies - BED, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Urban and Regional Planning - BS, Urban Design Track, Urban and Regional Planning - BS, Urban Policy Track, Urban and Regional Planning - BS/MLP, 3+2 Program, Urban and Regional Planning - BS/MUP, 3+2 Program, Neuroscience - BS, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience - BS, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, Neuroscience - BS, Translational and Preclinical Neuroscience Track, Chemistry - BA, Biological Chemistry or Medical, Dental, Pharmacy School Track, Chemistry - BA, Chemical Education Track, Chemistry - BA, Environmental Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Biological-Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Environmental Chemistry Track, Chemistry - BS, Materials Chemistry Track, Telecommunication Media Studies - BA/MA, 3+2 Program, Telecommunication Media Studies - BS/MA, 3+2 Program, English - BA, Middle School Teacher Certification, Environmental Geoscience - BS/MOS, 3+2 Program, Environmental Geoscience - BS/MWM, 3+2 Program, Geographic Information Science and Technology - BS, Geographic Information Science and Technology - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Classics - BA, Classical Civilization Track, Classics - BA, Language and Literature Track, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Actuarial Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Biological Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Computational Science Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Cryptography Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Economics Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Math Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS, Statistics Emphasis, Applied Mathematical Sciences - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Physics - BS, Computational Science Track, Physics - BS, Physical Science Teaching Track, Physics - BS, Physics and Mathematics Teaching Track, University Studies - BA, Journalism Studies Concentration, University Studies - BA, Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration, University Studies - BA, Religious Thought, Practices and Cultures Concentration, University Studies - BA, Society, Ethics and Law Concentration, University Studies - BS, Arts and Sciences Concentration, University Studies - BS, BioInformatics Concentration, University Studies - BS, Biomedical Sciences Concentration, University Studies - BS, Business Concentration, University Studies - BS, Child Professional Services Concentration, University Studies - BS, Dance Concentration, University Studies - BS, Geographic Information Science and Technology Concentration, University Studies - BS, Geography Concentration, University Studies - BS, Global Arts, Planning, Design and Construction Concentration, University Studies - BS, Leadership Studies Concentration, University Studies - BS, Liberal Arts Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Business Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Pre-Professionals Concentration, University Studies - BS, Mathematics for Teaching Concentration, University Studies - BS, Race, Gender, Ethnicity Concentration, University Studies - BS, Science for Secondary Teaching Concentration, University Studies -Journalism Studies Concentration BA/MA Communication, 3+2 Program, Management - BBA, Consulting/General Management Track, Management - BBA, Entrepreneurial Leadership Track, Management - BBA, Human Resource Management Track, Marketing - BBA, Advertising Strategy Track, Marketing - BBA, Analytics and Consulting Track, Marketing - BBA, Healthcare Marketing Track, Marketing - BBA, Professional Selling and Sales Management Track, Marketing - BBA, Strategic Retailing Track, School of Education and Human Development, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, Education - BS, Bilingual Education EC-6, Education - BS, Special Education EC-12, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise and Sport Science Track, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Applied Exercise Physiology Concentration, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Basic Exercise Physiology Concentration, Kinesiology - BS, Exercise Science Track, Motor Behavior Concentration, Education - BS, Early Childhood-3 Certification, Education - BS, English Language Arts/Social Studies, Middle Grades Certification, Education - BS, Math/Science, Middle Grades Certification, Education - BS, Pre-K-6, Generalist Certification, Civil Engineering - BS, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Construction Engineering and Management Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Environmental Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, General Civil Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Geotechnical Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Structural Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Transportation and Infrastructure Materials Engineering Track, Civil Engineering - BS, Water Resources Engineering Track, Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Electronic Systems Engineering Technology - BS, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology - BS, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, Electro Marine Engineering Technology Track, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, Mechatronics Track, Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology - BS, STEM Education Track, Industrial Engineering - BS/MPH, 3+2 Program, Industrial Engineering - BS/MS, 3+2 Program, Architectural Engineering - BS, Mechanical Systems for Buildings Track, Architectural Engineering - BS, Structural Systems for Buildings Track, Interdisciplinary Engineering - BS/MPH, 3+2 Program, Interdisciplinary Engineering - BS/JD, 3+3 Program, Bush School of Government and Public Service, International Studies - BA, Global Cultural Studies Track, International Studies - BA, International Commerce Track, International Studies - BA, International Communication Media Track, International Studies - BA, Environmental Studies Track, International Studies - BA, International Geographic Information Systems Track, International Studies - BA, International Politics and Diplomacy Track, International Studies - BA/MIA, 3+2 Program, Political Science - BA/MPS, 3+2 Program, Political Science - BS/MPS, 3+2 Program, School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts, Performance Studies - BA/MA, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Epidemiology - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Health Policy and Management - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences - MPH, 3+2 Program, Public Health - BS/Occupational Safety and Health - MPH, 3+2 Program, University Studies - BS, Oceans and One Health Concentration, University Studies - BS, Marine Environmental Law and Policy Concentration, University Studies - BS, Tourism and Coastal Community Development Concentration, Coastal Environmental Science and Society - BS, Coastal Environmental Science and Society - BS/MMR, 3+2 Program, Marine Engineering Technology - BS, License Option, Maritime Business Administration - BS/MMB, 3+2 Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, MEPS - Molecular & Env Plant Sci (MEPS), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), Notification for Students Pursuing a License, Rules and Regulations for Determining Residence Status, Academic Expectations and Program Requirements, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colleges, Schools and Interdisciplinary Degree Programs, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences - MS, Water Management and Hydrological Science - MS, Water Management and Hydrological Science - MWM, Agribusiness and Managerial Economics - PHD, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences - PHD, Water Management and Hydrological Science - PHD, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications - MS, Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications- PHD, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - MEN, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - MS, Biological and Agricultural Engineering - PHD, Nutrition - MS/Kinesiology - MS, Combined Degree Program, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - MS, Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management - PHD, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - MS, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences - PHD, Architecture - MAR/MUP Combined Degree Program, Architecture - MS/MAR Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MAR Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MRE Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MS Combined Degree Program, Land and Property Development MLP/MUP Combined Degree Program, Maritime Archaeology and Conservation - MS, Economics MS/MIA Combined Degree Program, Industrial Organizational Psychology - PHD, Business Administration MBA/MS Combined Degree Program, Oral and Craniofacial Biomedical Sciences - PHD, Educational Human Resource Development - MS, Educational Human Resource Development - PHD, Engineering - MEN/MD Combined Degree Program, International Affairs - MIA/MPH-PHPM Combined Degree Program, International Affairs - MIA/MUP-HPCH Combined Degree Program, National Security and Intelligence - MNS, Executive Master of Public Service and Administration - PSA, Public Service and Administration - MPS/PHD - EDAD Combined Degree Program, Public Service and Administration - MPS/PHD - HRSA Combined Degree Program, Education for Health Care Professionals - MS, Medicine - MD/PHD Combined Degree Program, Nursing in Family Nurse Practitioner - MSN, Public Health in Health Policy and Management - MS, Health Promotion and Community Health Sciences - MPH, Health Policy - MPH/JD-JDLW Combined Degree Program, Veterinary Public Health-Epidemiology - MS/DVM Combined Degree Program, Veterinary Public Health Epidemiology - MS, Veterinary Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Marine and Coastal Management and Science - PHD, Maritime Business Administration and Logistics - MMB, Maritime Business Administration and Logistics - MMB/JD Combined Degree Program, Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, General Chemistry for Engineering Students, General Chemistry for Engineering Students Laboratory, Experimental Physics and Engineering Lab II - Mechanics, Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science, Introduction to Program Design and Concepts, Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science, Experimental Physics and Engineering Lab III - Electricity and Magnetism.
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