the almighty god sermon by pastor adeboye
read more. Father, make me a great vessel unto honour in Your hands. By the following August, she came back and bought a big cow for the convention. Pentecost 14 - May the peace of the Lord be with you. Go to church in the morning, worship God, come home, eat pounded yam, and go. Father Almighty, may Your Name forever be Blessed. WONDERS OF HIS BLOOD: Leviticus 17:11, That blood cleanses from sins 1 John 1:7.WONDERS OF THE BLOOD. But if you are young, stand or knee: this is a very serious period. The Almighty God will grant your requests today. I hope take it to the very back. ADEBOYE AT RCCG ABUNDANCE MEGA PARISH, UYO, AUDIO: PASTOR E.A. That is the best? King of kings and Lord of lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the One who is, was and is to come, the Almighty, we bless Your holy name, thank You for giving us another Sunday, thank You for keeping us alive till this moment, thank You because Your word is forever settled, thank You because Your promises are yea and amen, thank You because we can rely on You for safety even in the time of storms, please, accept our thanks in Jesus name. This mercy of the Almighty God is specific in its operation. Those of you who were here yesterday will pray some serious prayers. OPENING PRAYER. Please my Father and my God, dont let me go away empty handed, dont let me go away empty handed, please Lord let me meet with You tonight, dont let me go away empty handed, dont let me go away empty handed. That is while the Bible says the just shall live by faith. INTRO: Our nation is blessed with the freedom of religion. After all you are going to become divine treasurer. WELCOME TO OFFICIAL RCCG YouTube channel.You are watching Pastor E.A Adeboye Recorded Sermon YOU CAN ALSO WATCH THE PROGRAMME FROM THESE LINKS: www.holyghost. When we became born again, one day, I was reading Luke chapter 1:37, for with God nothing shall be impossible, doctor and the laws of nature might say impossible, but with God nothing shall be impossible and I told my wife we are going to have another child because I love children so much. Adeboye, Festival of Life, London October 15th, 2021. They were an elderly couple whose dream has died; they were a couple without a future. In Handels Messiah, the famous Hallelujah Chorus quotes the Book of Revelation, proclaiming: For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth! (19:6). To be more than a conqueror means God will fight for you, winning battles while sitting down and doing nothing. )+K5P Yea^-.q@a}PD@D4zb4DVbV ?rkl61-.P,bv,|:2D8 gzU#8H1U#0@E;dzb?+eN Everything you have ever lost shall be fully restored to you. 3 WONDERS OF HIS MERCY: If God wants to boast, He boast of His wealth, He also boast of His mercy.,, e.gHow long are His leg wonderful Isaiah 66:1, How big is He together 2 Chronicles 16:18. When the results begin to come, you will remember tonight and glorify God. God will make you mighty divine treasurer. THE TESTIMONY OF A SECRET PLACE THE NAME OF JESUS. Lutheran. No more sickness, no more pain, no more sorrow. Oh thank You Lord! Maybe we feel like were insignificant, nothing special. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Theme: Divine Touch, RCCG March 2023 Holy Ghost Service Special Song (Hymn). Those who mock prayer are mocking God that hears prayer, dont get angry with the mockers, pray for them because they need the mercy of God. PROPHESIES CONCERNING YOU AND DADDY G.O IN THIS CONVENTION. Phillipians 2:5-11, God has given Him a name that is above every other name wheather in heaven, on earth and underneath the earth. Not only was she able to pay off her debt, she had enough money to live on for the rest of her life. John 8:32, 36. John 1:14. Adeboye, Help for The Helpless [Thursday 4, May 2017]. The third fish requested Gods presence; go with me everywhere I go. His sacrifice revealed the greatest power the world has ever known. PENTECOST 1 / TRINITY -- Father, Just have mercy on me, my family,Your church and my nation, and put an end to this virus. When I raise up the first one, I will tell you what to pray, and you will pray if for five minutes. I then suddenly realise that I also was once in sin like him. John 8:18-19King James Version (KJV) So I turn to God, in the middle of the night. Give Him all glory, give Him all honour, bless Him. God is powerful, called Almighty. When we do, God says: Now that I can do something with!. It easy for God to make you one of the richest people on earth and the condition is simple. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. She said I cannot go because I dont have the money to travel back. 1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. I was sharing briefly for those who followed the Holy Ghost Service on the Internet that I was going to Preach a Sermon first of all based on Exodus 17: 8-15 today before God told me to change the Sermon. It is Gods nature to be self-consistent (Oden). Father, Please grant the requests of all my neighbours. She said, I had been barren, I think twelve years, and the relatives of my husband said I should get out of the house if I dont have a child. The Bible refers to God by different names and each one reveals some aspect of His character and His relationship with us. When the mother and baby shark were hunting and saw a fish with many eyes they went after it because it was beautiful, the fish saw them and swam towards the beach and jumped into a pool of water and laughed at the sharks. You may have a physical weakness or disease that you would like to see God cure. He is the Way: John 14:6., 8:32 & 36 I am the way out of trouble, lock down, barrenness, failure, defeat. Father, Let the blood of Jesus speak for me, and give me victory over all forces of darkness. If you are a backslider cry to Him and say Lord please restore me, I want to come into fellowship with you again. If your best is only one thousand Naira towards the new auditorium, do it. She opened her mouth again, and closed it. Not only is Jesus is the way out of problems, He is also the way to miracles, breakthrough, peace, success, promotion and everything beautiful even to heaven. Discovery Media 2023. MADE GREAT BY GRACE. 6 0 obj People saw her sitting by the wayside and she told them she came out of the car, but they could not believe her. #1 Sermon: John 10:1-10 . THE ALMIGHTY GOD IS OUR LORD (Outline) August 29, 2010 - Pentecost 14 - EXODUS 6:2-8 INTRO: There are many names that describe the only true God. Going back to our question, Can God make a rock too heavy for Him to lift? another answer is that He did: when God-the-Son became a man. She cried to the Almighty The All Sufficient one. OUR STRENGTH AND SONG: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE RCCG FESTIVAL OF LIFE SERVICE, 21ST APRIL, 2023. Your email address will not be published. 91:1, our God is also known to be the "Almighty" which actually derived from Genesis 17: 1: "And when Abram was ninety years old and . Why do we have seven Spirits of God, seven Spirits of God? Because on her right hand she was carrying a child, on her left hand she was carrying a child. The blood guarantees your victory over Satan. But the Lord says I should tell someone here, He said the pain in the neck of your family, will be gone before the end of next week. The son of the president said his father was the greatest because he is the number one man in the country. If you didnt do so, in your own interest, before you leave here tonight, surrender your life to Jesus. God loves sinners. Almighty is another word used in Scripture, always referring to God alone. Give Him glory give Him honour give Him adoration. If you have not opened your own say wait for me. Revelations 12:10-11. << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /ColorSpace << /Cs1 7 0 R >> /ExtGState << /Gs1 The presence of the Almighty will be heavy here. THE ALMIGHTY GOD IS OUR LORD (Outline) He asked God to open the boys eye, and he saw them surrounded by horses and chariot of fire. DADDY G.O: By the time this convention is over the word wonderful will be coming out of your mouth. Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. It is just that one poor is different from another poor. A widow was in debt, and the creditors wanted to sell her two sons to recover their money. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen. As you have already heard, He is able to save to the uttermost. It could be a Summon to Heavenly Host to come and help you Fight, to come and help you remove Obstacles like in Joshua 6:20. lJ&*Jx&jqEWOttvr~SGWV86nx:EZxH?VKAa3~l6&:@?Z~eY8Y2yE`""~Va0j`YJWusuAu0r?mW7jP f^?`p3|[YWN$t+~6yUT7\f)?F=;sM}1q9d:hc9'01[g`/qm!z*E^L"ipwWp#z|2770;wt;DA7#M+qPMq~Ww7e%vi b}[?M~G[bC`I `PTtQ,Aa Audio: A Place To Be Fruitful Pastor Mensa Otabil, Sunday October 10th, 2021, Audio: Lost and Found Part 1 Pastor Mensa Otabil, Sunday Service, January 22nd, 2023, Advertise with DMC Place your advert here: your events and upcoming programs, Audio: Understanding the Conditions for Discipleship: Let Him Deny Himself [Part 2] Bro Gbile Akanni, Bible Study April 22nd, 2023, Audio: True Riches [The Capital that Buys Money] Apostle Joshua Selman, Koinonia Global Sunday April 23rd, 2023, FESTIVAL OF LIFE 2023, UK SPECIAL HYMN (VIDEO LINK INCLUSIVE), AUDIO: MOTHER AND CHILDREN - PASTOR [MRS] FOLU ADEBOYE, RCCG INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONVENTION 2022 DAY 3, Audio: Mental Health Issues Dcn Samuel Adebowale and Dr. Timi Oyebode, RCCG AYC 2020, Day 2, Afternoon Session, AUDIO: WHAT IT TAKES TO ARISE AND SHINE - APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN, RCCG INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONVENTION 2022 DAY 3. Include in your personal requests a prayer for Daddy G.O. God Almighty can fulfill His promises to you Theme: God Of Breakthroughs, LIVE: 81 Hours Marathon Messiahs Praise| JESUS (NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES) | RCCG, LIVE: RCCG February 2023 Special Divine Encounter Evening Service (Day 3), LIVE: RCCG February 2023 Special Divine Encounter Evening Service (Day 2), LIVE: RCCG February 2023 Special Divine Encounter Evening Service (Day 1), LIVE: RCCG February 2023 Thanksgiving Service | Theme: Seasons Of Wonders. Father, In the name of Jesus, every knee against me must bow tonight. As soon as the Lord left, the fish who wanted eyes had eyes all over its body, the one who wanted wings developed wings and the third fish remained as ordinary as it was before. God has claimed us as His own, and He will never let us go. Let Us Pray! NOVEMBER HOLY GHOST SERVICE. He could say this because the grace and mercy of God had washed away all his past misdeeds. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. /Annots 9 0 R >> nb^7ViS(>5E j.I3U@lY4bd_%$O'n6U62|#JN@MAB^Z&!>7!=S#Knt^\7-S4/CNrq-GG=iiFD rt[ Yh)p[=-'hBx[ 6Yo `Ny 7MS7xF1Z!C@ David Taylor 5. Yes. I looked at her It was my turn to weep, but to weep for joy. GENERAL PRAYERS. He can make dried bones live again. Pray it as if you mean it. Bless His holy name. << /Length 17 0 R /N 1 /Alternate /DeviceGray /Filter /FlateDecode >> For the first time in my life, I have become almost a beggar begging for money. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We depend on God; He depends on no one. Praise God from the bottom of Your heart for this unique convention. Even before the sun rises tomorrow give us a mighty testimonies. If not for His grace, some of us would have no roof over our heads. I assure you in the name of the Almighty you will never never never forget tonight. The Lord will fight for you! The Lord loves, eternally. Last week we saw that God comes to Abram identifying himself with a new name, God Almighty, and tells Abram to walk before him and be blameless, both of which are connected to Gods Magnify His holy name. His testimonies are wonderful. Psalm 62:11, God has spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs to God, the real power that makes Him the Almighty. )vuYm[g35]. I will say to the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Jesus!!!. That is flag number two. God is here tonight and He is going to get rid of anything causing shame tonight. 32:17). In Star Trek, Chief Engineer Scottie of the Starship Enterprise frequently complained: Captain, I ken na get no power! Do you ever feel powerless? I know I wont beg you to pray this one. After my wife and I got married, we had the first three children through caesarean operations because the doctor said certain bones were bent somewhere that my wife cant give birth naturally, so we decided to stop after having three children. A man was brought to Ebute Meta several years ago, he had a strange illness; none of his joints can bend and every part of his body was stiff like a rod, he could not bend, get up. Lift your hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy name. 2.The Most high has a secret place, Psalm 27:5, in the time of trouble; in the time like this, He shall hide me in the secret of His tabernacle. endobj Bible in One Year: Romans 4-6, Daniel 2:1-16, Hymn: Sing Hymn 8 Great Is Thy Faithfulness. John 3:16. Ephsians 1:18-22, in verse 21, His throne is far above all principality, power, might, dominion and kingdom. Prayer Point: Father, let Your mercy and grace never depart from my life. Nothing is Gods favorite material to work with (Bolz-Weber).
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