trooper matthew spina

There was an error processing your request. But if Spina does not complete 20 years of service as he plans to do next year, he will not qualify for a state pension until he turns 65. Get it Jan 27 - Feb 1 Customers also search Page 1of 1Page 1 of 1 Previous page nasa challenge coins challenge coin police leo challenge coins becomes available., Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. PLEASE SHARE, THANK YOU. In the video, posted on YouTube Monday, Trooper Matthew Spina is seen cursing at a man who allegedly was speeding on the span also known as the "Q" bridge in New Haven. Imagine over a thousand retirees getting over $100,000 plus benefits for retiring. Low 46F. We have also recently launched a resiliency program to help all our These remarks invite a review of his payroll records at state Comptroller Kevin Lembo's wonderful OpenCT internet site. Threats of harming another Mellekas said troopers, like everyone else, are under stress because of the pandemic. The vote comes after the union, which represents some 850 state troopers, criticized the leaderships handling of Trooper Matthew Spina. Stay up to date with everything Boston. It recorded the following interaction: Spina approaches the passenger door window, and the driver asks Spina why he was tailgating another driver and speeding. State police said they would release more information as it becomes available. Don't Threaten. investigation after being made aware of a troopers disturbing behavior in a Those who challenge government actions for the right reasons could be forever barred from political office unjustly by this law. How the (expletive) am I going to catch a speeder if Im not speeding? he asks rhetorically. Posting on Youtube as "C.O.P. Share with Us. The following list is based on analytics calculated for, specifically the number of times each story was viewed. A recent one reportedly made by a former Louisville officer shows nightclub-wielding cops in front of the flaming skyline of the city where protesters took to the streets after Breonna Taylor was shot to death in a botched police raid. The Yankee Institute for Public Policy says more than 1,600 retired state employees already enjoy pensions that large. He also complains that the state police are understaffed. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Invalid password or account does not exist. This is when the driver said Spina threatened to throw him off the bridge if he ever saw him again. It's probably so he can participate in the part of state government's pension system that has become a racket. The Connecticut State Police Unions leadership has decided to hold a vote of no confidence against high-ranking members of the state police command staff in response to the disciplining of a trooper caught on camera berating a motorist during a traffic stop. Share with Us. NEW HAVEN Connecticut State Police are investigating after a trooper was filmed berating a motorist during a profanity-laced traffic stop on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge, with the trooper barred from interacting with the public, according to the agency. Every Sunday, receive the most in-depth, interesting, and important stories of the week, picked by editors and readers. He spends far too much time thinking about the Boston Celtics. And as cops began equipping themselves and acting more like soldiers, they started minting their own. See our GoFundMe Giving Guarantee. Dont you ever [expletive] with me again.. No wonder state Trooper Matthew Spina hates his job, just as he told the motorist he abused with five minutes of crazed rage during a traffic stop in New Haven two weeks ago, a tirade famously captured on cellphone video, posted on the internet, and viewed internationally. It features a golden relief image of the man whos called himself the chief law enforcement officer of the federal government cradling an assault weapon, looking ready to stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone. Theres no way to take on the legacy of mass incarceration other than to undo it, one step at a time. CT Gov. Once I realized it was a police officer, I pulled my hand back in. Rovella received 681 votes of no confidence from troopers, Eckersley received 682. His views are not necessarily the newspaper's. A seasoned Connecticut Trooper, Matthew Spina, 19 years of service, deals with a driver with 7 prior arrests, some felonies, including violence and harassment. The driver said Spina was right, and Spina responds: I know Im right. He then moves the driver and yells: Sit the [expletive] down. This statement is engraved near the image of the trooper. Who the f--- do you think you are worrying about what Im doing? Spina can be heard saying. The driver is off-camera for most of the video but can be heard answering Spinas questions and obeying his commands. State police union blasts commanders, says it supports embattled Trooper Matthew Spina. All Rights Reserved. DL1-16 new Version 2 Dispensary Container CSP Challenge Coin inspired by Connecticut State Police CT Trooper Matthew Spina. Klicken Sie auf Alle ablehnen, wenn Sie nicht mchten, dass wir und unsere Partner Cookies und personenbezogene Daten fr diese zustzlichen Zwecke verwenden. No wonder state Trooper Matthew Spina hates his job, just as he told the motorist he abused with five minutes of crazed rage during a traffic stop in New Haven two weeks ago, a tirade famously. In 2019, ProPublica found a coin circulating among Customs and Border Protection officers that depicted a mass of people marching under a Honduran flag. If subversive groups can raise $100,000 to post bail for a protester destroying public and private property, surely we can show our appreciation to Trooper Spina's years of service on there frontline dealing with people such as this. The letter singles out Lt. Col. John Eckersley, who heads the state polices office of field operations, accusing him of demeaning his subordinates and failing to publicly defend the rank-and-file troopers he oversees. But his name tag, clearly seen in the video of the I-95 stop, identifies him as Trooper Matthew Spina. You had to be an (epithet) American, said Spina. A letter obtained by the newspaper provided Spinas treatment as an example of grievances against the departments current leadership. We will release more information as it We just wrapped up a shorter-than-normal, urgent-as-ever fundraising drive and we came up about $45,000 short of our $300,000 goal. Be Nice. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Spina says he was running the license plate and asks the driver why he was speeding. It shall cease and desist only when: 1) our elected officials have the courage to change current statutory language on our retirement system, 2) we elect a governor with the political will to change the culture of bureaucracy, and 3) the public is educated on how our unions have hijacked the state Capitol. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. The driver says he was only going 60, and Spina explains the speed limit is 40. You had to be a (expletive) American.. Spina continues to yell at the driver and then appears to start searching the car, according to the video. Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $14.95. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Corporations gave them out to employees. Look at the over-generous pay given to the various college employees. Terms of Service apply. Come on, people. Spina let the motorist go without issuing a ticket. or anything. In a message sent to members on July 14, the organization, which represents around 1,040 troopers and sergeants, said it plans to mail out confidential ballots in the coming days so that rank-and-file personnel can register their displeasure with the agencys decision to place Trooper Matthew Spina on administrative leave pending the results of an internal affairs investigation into his conduct. Unfortunately the State of Connecticut, responding to political pressure, suspended Trooper Spina indefinitely. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Use the 'Report' link on The media has really gone off the deep end. How the [expletive] am I gonna catch a speeder if Im not speeding? Spina yells to the driver. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) A Connecticut state trooper has been reassigned temporarily after a video appeared online showing him berating a driver in an expletive-fueled outburst that derided the general public and expressed how he cant wait to retire. Not today on I-95 as Connecticut State Trooper Matthew Spina goes on a frightening rant . Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. Pension racket may explain state trooper's crazed rage. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? The video shows State Trooper Matthew Spina handcuff the driver, search his bag and stomp his ashtray on the road outside the car. During a traffic stop in May 2020, Connecticut State Trooper Matthew Spina screamed obscenities and placed his hand on his gun while ordering a motorist to get out of the car. lives along with workplace stressors of being on the frontline, Mellekas said. Listen on Apple Podcasts. We are troopers and we will fight back when treated with disrespect, he added. I cant (expletive) wait to be done.. He is not wearing a mask or gloves despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Ive got 14 months I cant (expletive) wait to be done, Spina said. The unions missive alleges that Spinas punishment is politically motivated. It turns out that in at least the last five years Spina has been working so much that his overtime earnings have nearly equaled or exceeded his base annual salary of almost $100,000. We won't share it with anyone else. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies and light rain after midnight. I was following that kid for a reason, and if you hadnt done that (expletive) stupid stunt, Id be with him right now, Spina continues. a tirade famously captured on cellphone video. #MathewSpina #StateTrooper #FilmPolice #Con. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism DL6-08 Heroes of The Highway Version 3 Dispensary Container CSP Challenge Coin Inspired by Connecticut State Police CT Trooper Matthew Spina 23 $24.99 $ 24 . Mellekas called the troopers behavior disturbing and not reflective of state police personnel. Mind your own business and be on your way. At one point during the incident, Spina says: Why am I speeding? program. Nicholas Rondinone can be reached at I am doing my [expletive] job. He then recites a state statute that allows police officers to disobey traffic laws in the performance of their job. Hundreds of Connecticut state troopers voted that they have no confidence in the leadership of Gov. I cant [expletive] wait to be done., The tirade ends with Spina yelling: Mind your business and be on your way. Not surprisingly, Trump broke the mold with a blinged-out medallion featuring an image of Mar-a-Lago as well as a collectible with portraits of him and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un (yours for $100 at the White House Gift Shop). Ned Lamont, according to a letter from the state police unions leadership. Copyright 2023 Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. State payroll records show Spina has nearly doubled his salary in recent years with overtime pay. In the video, posted on YouTube Monday, the trooper is seen cursing at a man who was allegedly speeding on the span also know as the Q bridge in New Haven. We Shamar Walters is a reporter for NBC News' Social Newsgathering team based in New York City. person will not be tolerated. The company, reached through Facebook, said they had designed the coin. 1. Blame the labor negotiators who have enabled this, but the ones who can fix it are the supervisors who are now corruptly approving the overtime (expecting it themselves when they retire), and blame the top managers in the public service agencies, the comptroller, and the fovernor who do not stop it administratively and thereby are complicit in the loss of faith in government. The driver interfered with the Troopers pursuit of a motor vehicle and unknown to Trooper Spina, apparently baited him and subsequently filmed the contact. The spectacles did not survive the weight of the trooper's foot. Thus Spina seems close to qualifying for an annual pension of about $100,000. accounts, the history behind an article. Theres an (expletive) clue to the (expletive) public, what a bunch of (expletives) you are.. At the scene of a domestic squabble, a state trooper wrestled a drunken defendant into his squad car. Even still, that police officer had no reason to do what he did. Breaking news alerts - delivered to your inbox - the minute we put it online. We hold our Troopers to high standards and the behavior displayed in the video is not reflective of the values of Commissioner (James) Rovella or my administration, Mellekas said in a statement. Don't knowingly lie about anyone A seasoned Connecticut Trooper, Matthew Spina, 19 years of service, deals with a driver wi Walt Snyder needs your support for Support Trooper Matthew Spina Trooper Matthew Spina pulled over the driver Monday after he allegedly saw him speeding on Interstate 95 near New Haven. The bigger issue here is whether, now that state government's finances have been devastated by the virus epidemic as well as by pension obligations, and many state residents have been ruined financially, Connecticut can afford a pension system that allows its beneficiaries to use it not just for secure retirement but for a life of luxury. Create a password that only you will remember. We'd love to hear eyewitness I was respectful the entire time and never had hard feelings against the trooper. That part was inaudible. Trooper Matthew Spina, a 19-year veteran of the state police, was seen in video captured by the driver screaming profanities and commands as he orders the man out of the vehicle on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge in New Haven in May. Jette said that Spina had no grounds to pull him over and wants to make sure the officer is held accountable. So how will the state police department handle the Spina case? In this Aug. 7, 2020, file photo, Connecticut Gov. The video also shows Spina making Jette exit the car and briefly puts him in handcuffs after seeing something related to marijuana. Marshals Service, and the U.S. Border Patrol, among other groups, though the coins are never sold as official or authorized.. start bringing in more donations than it ever has. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Low 46F. | Buffalo News. Spina searches a bag inside the car before allowing Jette to leave. Chump Change: Presidents since Bill Clinton have dispensed challenge coins. Middletown, Connecticut - Wednesday, January 29, 2019: James C. Rovella, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, the former Hartford Police Chief who now heads the Connecticut State Police. Youre [expletive] speeding, which also was engraved on the back of the coin. It turned out to be Spina, who then pulled behind the man and initiated a traffic stop. Low 46F. Threats of harming another Trooper Spina, who also served 14 additional years with the National Guard and Army Corp of Engineers, had 11 months to go to receive his earned full retirement. The real question is: How much longer can this corrupt benefit program continue and drive Connecticut to the bottom of states in economic growth before it ends? Keep it Clean. person will not be tolerated. Send help right to the people and causes you care about. While not an excuse, we are Jette said he saw Spina driving erratically in traffic and flipped his middle finger at him without realizing he was a police officer. 1 of 2. Joseph DiVincenzo at Turtle Back Zoo, Flying Above Tornado-Damaged Virginia Beach, UK's diverse communities ambivalent about king's coronation. in at least the last five years Spina has been working so much that his overtime earnings have nearly equaled or exceeded his base annual salary of almost $100,000. Chance of rain 80%.. Chance of rain 80%.. An email seeking comment was sent to Spina on Tuesday. The man allegedly showed. This is even better than it looks. For our troopers, they are dealing with the impact on their personal State paying $12M to settle first case stemming from trooper's distracted driving crash. Commanding officers voiced their disappointment over the incident and Spina, who has served with the state police for 19 years and is nearing retirement, was suspended from the force. sensitive to this and also referred the trooper to our employee assistance Add to cart Version 2. State police have launched an internal affairs The suit claims the laws mandates for the release of public records runs counter to the most recent state police collective bargaining agreement, which allows troopers to prevent their personnel records from being released to the public. Weve been made aware of a profane challenge coin that has the image of Connecticut State Police badge, Brian Foley, an aide to Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner James Rovella, said. The video begins with Spina approaching the drivers passenger-side window. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. 1st Responder Nation, a company dedicated to these types of coins, often used as tokens of appreciation, advertises the coin with Spinas name for $13.99. In 2017, members of the Police Benevolent Association made a coin to raise money for a wounded officer from the 67th Precinct in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. God Bless Our Troops At Home And Abroad . The trooper, Matthew Spina, pulled over the driver, Kevin A. Jette, on Monday after Jette allegedly sped past him on Interstate 95 near New Haven as Spina was pursuing another car for speeding.. The video shows Spina was not wearing a mask or gloves amid the coronavirus pandemic. There are lots of excuses. In the video Spina expresses contempt for the public he polices, and he rejoices that he has only 14 months to go until retirement. This newspaper knew this ages ago but no one in Hartford listens. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, He didn't ticket me because he had no reason to ticket me.. A state police news release said that Raury P. Duffy, 34, of Nathans Lane, was driving with a suspended or revoked license when Trooper Matthew Spina stopped him on an entrance to Interstate 95 . video posted on YouTube, according to officials. Subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily to have our top stories delivered directly to your inbox. States have to go bankrupt in order to legally get rid of the Golden Pension Club. Chance of rain 80%. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. You have permission to edit this article. He was previously a reporter for the Danbury News-Times and the Ridgefield Press. Trooper Matthew Spina from Connecticut State Police appears to have a mental breakdown 14 months from retirement. Kevin A. Jette, age 31, passed the officer, who was pursuing another. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Theres a (expletive) clue to the public what a bunch of (expletive) you are, he says. CT State Trooper Loses His Cotton Picking Mind On Chud Who Flipped Him The Bird, Smashes His Pot And Threatens To Throw Him Off Of New Haven Highway Bridge Trooper Matthew Spina of the Connecticut State Police is in hot water after a rage filled stop in New Haven took a turn for the hardo. Ive got 14 months (to retire). The coin, which includes a state police insignia on the front with words that include every [law enforcement officer]s hero, also includes an apparent engraving of a trooper along with lines from the tirade viewed widely on YouTube. As the incident continues to unfold, Spina yells that it just never ends in this job., Apparently nearing retirement, Spina yells: I got 14 months. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. This ought to tell you why our department, instead of having 1,300 (troopers), has 850 right now. Embattled Tolland strip club reopens after filing appeal The vote comes after the union, which represents. great work of the women and men of the Connecticut State Police and their Dont you ever f--- with me again, Spina can be heard saying as he leaves. The trooper, Matthew Spina, pulled over the driver, Kevin A. Jette, on Monday after Jette allegedly sped past him on Interstate 95 near New Haven as Spina was pursuing another car for speeding. Be Proactive. During a traffic stop in May 2020, Connecticut State Trooper Matthew Spina screamed obscenities and placed his hand on his gun while ordering a motorist to get out of the car. Invalid password or account does not exist. The trooper lashes out at the driver for much of the video. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. In July, the Hartford Courant reported the unions plan to hold a vote of no confidence. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies and light rain after midnight. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. Unfortunately, the coin could certainly erode public trust in police, it is emblematic of the challenges facing police leaders as they try to create change. Coins have been struck to honor an officer who shot and killed four people and commemorate the harassment of a rat who blew the whistle on internal corruption. As the driver attempts to say that he has a prescription, Spina orders him out of the vehicle. Challenge coins are often awarded within the military, police departments, fire departments, and fraternal organizations to recognize outstanding service, but Connecticut State Police officials have said the challenge coin commemorating Spina was produced by an outside company and does not represent the values or philosophy of their agency. Sep 16, 2021 Updated Jan 27, 2022. I am willing to bet Mr. Powell wouldnt be able to cut it. Youre fucked, Spina yelled in a video captured by the driver. Partly cloudy skies during the evening will give way to cloudy skies and light rain after midnight. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. The most important daily headlines from News, Sports, Business, Living, and Opinion. (CBP said this coin was not officially approved.) Another coin for border patrol agents is embossed with a grinning skeleton pointing two smoking pistols; another shows Trump in a CBP uniform with the legend protect the border or close the border.. This article is unfortunate, the kid was definitely doing something illegal, driving erratically. Given the department's habit of concealing or minimizing misconduct by troopers, Spina may receive no serious discipline at all, or the department may delay any discipline until Spina completes the 14 months he needs for his 20-year qualification, thereby making discipline meaningless. the Troopers behavior in the video is disturbing, it is not indicative of the Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Error! Trooper Matthew Spina, a 19-year veteran of the state police, was seen in video captured by the driver screaming profanities and commands as he orders the man out of the vehicle on the Pearl. The group also pushed back against recent calls for reforms in policing. Grow up. Help Mother Jones' reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. The driver interfered with the Troopers pursuit of a motor vehicle and unknown to Trooper Spina, apparently baited him and subsequently filmed the contact. While not an excuse, we are sensitive to this and also referred the trooper to our employee assistance program.. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. employees dealing with this pandemic. in East Haven, On New Haven's Rosette Street, backyard encampment grows, Police: Branford man arrested in Madison watch store robbery, Reported odor in New Haven home prompts investigation, New Haven celebrates $12M state grant to rebuild Long Wharf Park, On Rosette Street in the Hill, backyard encampment largely coexists with neighbors, Former UConn women's basketball star Lou Lopez Snchal sidelined to start Dallas Wings training camp, Why a New York business wants to move its headquarters to Connecticut, Our own little slice of Heaven. Shelley's Garden Center closes after 74 years on Main Street, Chick-fil-A in, Trader Joe's & DQ out as Shelton development seeks fresh start, After identifying Jane Doe, East Haven police seek leads in 1975 killing of teen, Joe Ganim and Justin Elicker each face opponents with plenty of experience inside City Hall. A law enforcement source said the coin has been circulating among state troopers and other police officers. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) A Connecticut state trooper has been reassigned temporarily after a video appeared online showing him berating a driver in an expletive-fueled outburst that derided the. Weitere Informationen ber die Verwendung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklrung und unserer Cookie-Richtlinie.

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