tusd enrollment numbers
New Submission - Torrance Unified School District As you review the information on our website you will discover the many different programs and services that we offer. High School Students work to complete curriculum courses that satisify Arizona State & Tucson Unified School District's 23.0 credit requirement for graduation. USP Section X.A(5)(a)(i), Appendix 86 Mojave Changes & Plans for Changes. Explanation of Responsibilities, V -286 V.G.1.h. 105. TUSD Enrollment; TUSD Nutrition Services; TUSD Wellness Policy; TUSD Enrollment Center; TUSD Open Enrollment; Launch PTA Information; Staff. USP Section VI.G(1)(d), Appendix 75 Copies of Job Descriptions and Responsibilities of All Persons Hired to Family Engagement HR. UHS Admissions SY2020-21 Freshman Class, V-15 2020-21 Language Learning Symposium-TWDL Links, V-17 TUSD Two-Way Dual Language Advisory Committee, V-18 TWDL Make the Move Brochure SY2020-21, V-21 Ex Ed Referrals and Qualifications SY2020-21, V-22 V.G.1.u Students receiving Ex Ed Services SY2020-21, V-23 Annual Goals and Progress Monitoring, V-24 Dropout Prevention Activities SY2020-21, V-25 Support Strategies for English Learners SY2020-21, V-32 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, V-33 Danielson Teacher Crtitical Attributes - Revised 2021, V-35 Multicultural Curriculum Website Page, V-37 Promoting Authentic Projects Teacher Training, V-38 Using Stories to Anchor Math Concepts, V-40 Selecting and Using Instructional Materials with Sensitive Content, V-41 Multicultural Literacy and Cultural Events - Myers Ganoung, V-43 Refugee-Unpacking the Identity of Newcomers PPT, V-62 MASSD Mentoring Collaborations SY2020-21, V-64 MASSD Student Recognition Summary SY2020-21, V-66 MASSD Student Request for Services Online Form SY2020-21, V-67 MASSD Site Online Requests for Services SY2020-21, V-70 Office Stars Language Acquisition Department July 2020, V-74 V.G.1.b (1) Appendix E - AAC SY2020-21, V-75 V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2020-21, V-76 V.G.1.b (3) Appendix G - UHS SY2020-21, V-77 V.G.1.h ALE Policy Manual revised April 2021, V-78 V.G.1.d Policy and Procedure Amendments SY2020-21, V-79 V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, V-81 V.G.1.l Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V-86 V.G.1.p (1) College Mentoring (AASSD), V-87 V.G.1.p (2) College Mentoring (MASSD), V-88 V.G.1.q AASSD - MASSD Academic Interventions, V-89 V.G.1.r AASSD - MASSD Academic Intervention Teams, V-92 AASSD Status Report and Plan Documents, V-93 MASSD Status Report and Plan Documents, VI-01 SY2020-21 PBIS Team Plan Presentation, VI-02 Student Relations Training Schedule SY2020-21, VI-03 VI.G.1.d (1) Student Code of Conduct SY2020-21, VI-04 VI.G.1.d (4) Dean Of Students Manual, VI-05 VI.G.1.d (5) Restorative Practice Facilitator Manual, VI-07 VI.G.1.d (2) Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), VI-08 VI.G.1.d (3) What Works-Rest. 4000 W 227th Street Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 972-6500 x 2550. Terms Of Use|Privacy Statement Tucson Unified School District filed its 2018-19 Annual Report on October 1, 2019. USP Section VI.G(1)(b), Appendix 10 School Movement data and Reasons. USP Section IV.K(1)(c), Appendix 29 Administrative Vacancies and Hires for School Year 2012-13 USP Section IV.K(1)(d)(i), Appendix 30 Administrative Interview Panel Committee for School Year 2012-13. USP Section II.K(1)(j), Appendix 19 Student Assignment Process. Mission Statement. USP Section V.F(1)(j), Appendix 57 Communication Relating to Office of English Language Acquisition Services ("OELAS") Extensions. TUSD shifted enrollments beginning with the 2022-2023 school year online to be more accessible for all families. Certified Teachers are available during regular school hours (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, and Wednesday 8:00 am -2:30 pm) and follow the traditonal TUSD . Enrollment loss as of Sept. 27 compared to last year was 169 students, setting the district at 44,309 students. Enrollment Process - Tustin Unified School District ENROLL NOW - Tustin Unified School District 2. USP Section III.C(1), Appendix 26 Administrators & Certificated Staff HR Data. USP Section IV.K(1)(j), Appendix 42 Teachers & Principal Evaluation Instruments and Summary Student Data. STUDENTS - TUSD COVID TEST RESULTS STAFF - TUSD COVID TEST RESULTS . Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) . USP Section IX.C(1)(d), Appendix 85 Accountability HR Data. TK-6 requests must be received by the school of choice on or before February 1. West Events. Please email our helpful registration team, or call School Community Services at 520-225-6400 for assistance. Simply follow the steps below to apply and we will be in touch. PLC Late Start. Information regarding transfer requests are available at the Student Transfers Office. Tucson Unified School District filed its 2016-17 Annual Report on September 1, 2017. (1) Mentor Volunteer Chart 2015-16, V -221 Hispanic community Council Meetings for May, V -237 Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Week Powerpoint 2015-16, V -239 V.G.1.p. So far this year, 959 TUSD students have opted to go to charter schools a number that is expected to increase to about 2,000 by the time the school year ends, Scott said. to be more accessible for all families. USP Section VII.E(1)(a), Appendix 79 Student Participation in Extracurricular activitiesReport. For the past few years, I've put up a chart of TUSD'senrollment numbers beginning in 2000. 4/20/2022. USP Section V.F(1)(q, Appendix 67 Special Education Data. Tucson Unified School District - Wikipedia Welcome to the Torrance Unified online enrollment application for new students. But in 2015, lawmakers changed the law and required schools to be funded on current-year enrollment, meaning TUSD will have to scramble to make cuts this school year to balance its current budget. Tucson Unified School District 1010 E Tenth St, Tucson, AZ 85719 | 520-225-6000 A Multi-Factored Look At TUSD's Enrollment Decline USP Section IV.K(1)(b), Appendix 28 Recruitment Plan/Retention Plan. 2 stars. Volunteer at a School or with a Committee? MAY. Foster Grijalva Mislead Public, Now TUSD Enrollment Decline To Force If you suspect a child has a disability, you can find information on making a referral or you can speak to someone in Special Education at (714) 730-7301 ext. The mission of the Tustin Unified School District, a learning community rich in heritage and committed to a tradition of excellence, is to ensure that each student optimizes individual achievement through an educational system characterized by challenging and exciting curricula and inspiring personalized instruction, in partnership with our dynamic and involved communities. AASA Exciting New Africana Studies Courses! TUSD Family Welcome Enrollment Center - Yelp Mission Statement. With so few reviews, your opinion of TUSD Family Welcome Enrollment Center could be huge. TUSD - Arnold Launch Preschool | Arnold Launch Preschool USP Section II.K(1)(b), Appendix 11 Student Assignment HR Data. Candidates for the Tucson Unified School District governing board. The enrollment decrease at TUSD is slowing, according to numbers released by the district on Wednesday. Practices, PBIS and Code of Conduct, VI-09 VI.G.1.e Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2020-21, VI-10 VI.G.1.f Site-level Analyses Samples, VI-11 VI.G.1.c Supportive Action Plans SY2020-21, VII-02 Promising Partnership Practices page 46, VII-04 Family Resource Centers Monthly Newsletter Examples, VII-08 FRC Virtual Classes, Workshops, and Events SY2020, VII-09 Talk It Out Flyer and Summary of Services SY2020, VII-11 Guidelines for Family Community Engagement, VII-12 Family Engagement Site Contacts SY2020, VII-13 FACE Trainings and Supports for School Site Staff SY2020, VII-15 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2020, VII-16 VII.E.1.d (2) Family Engagement Parent Survey Results SY2020, VII-17 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities.pdf, VII-18 VII.E.1.c Policies and Procedures Amendments SY2020, VII-19 VII.E.1.d Summary of Family Resource Center Services SY2020, VIII-01 Interscholastics Integrated SY2020-21 Plan, VIII-02 Extracurricular Activity Options Via Zoom, VIII-03 VIII.C.1 Student Participation in Extracurricular Activities, VIII-04 Participation by Activity at 10 Selected sites SY2020-21, VIII-05 Funding Sources for Extracurricular Activities SY2020-21, VIII-06 21st CCLC Grant Participation SY2020-21, IX-02 IX.C.1.a (1) Facilities Condition Index SY2020-21, IX-03 IX.C.1.a (2) Educational Suitability Score SY2020-21, IX-04 IX.C.1.a (3) Final TCI Report SY2020-21, IX-05 IX.C.1.b TCI Summary of Results SY2020-21, IX-06 Resource Index of Instructional Technology Teaching Materials, X-02 SY2019-20 Examination of Desegregation Expenditures, X-03 X.F.1.a-vi NARAs Submitted in SY2020-21, X-04 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2019-2020 Annual Report, II-1 Summary of Lottery Results in Oversubscribed Schools, II-3 II.K.1.f School Magnet Plans (13) SY2019-20, II-5 Magnet SIAP Planning Guide SY2020-21, II-6 Magnet SIAP Planning Template SY2020-21, II-7 II.K.1.m (2) Magnet Marketing Report SY2019-20, II-8 Sample Recruitment Log Borton ES SY2019-20, II-10 Awards, Grants, and Recognitions SY2019-20, II-11 Magnet Theme Visibility Walkthrough Instrument, II-12 Magnet Theme Visibility Scores SY2019-20, II-14 Magnet School Improvement Walkthroughs School Integration, II-17 Express Shuttle Posters and Rack Cards, II-19 II.K.1.a TUSD Enrollment-40th day SY2019-20, II-20 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment - Attendance Status SY2019-20, II-21 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-23 II.K.1.j School Choice Applications, II-25 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, III-1 III.C.1 (1) Ridership Report by School and Grade Level, III-2 III.C.1 (2) Ridership Report by Reason and Race-Ethnicity, III-3 Ridership by Program 6-year Comparison, III-4 Activity Bus List by School SY2019-20, IV-1 Superintendent Mandated USP Position Memo, IV-3 IV.K.1.k Superintendent Focus Groups Findings, IV-4 IV.K.1.d.ii (1) Interview Panel Report, IV-5 IV.K.1.d.ii (2) Interview Panel Report Non-Compliance, IV-6 IV.K.1.e (1) List of Interview Instruments, IV-8 Site Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-9 IV.K.1.g (4) Site Administrative Teams SY2019-20, IV-11 IV.K.1.g (6) Assignment of First Year Principals, IV-12 IV.K.1.g (5) Assignment of First Year Teachers, IV-15 New Teacher and Administrator Induction Agenda, IV-16 IV.K.1.n Mentor Assignments by Ethnicity, IV-17 IV.K.1.m(2) Teacher Evaluation Explanation, IV-19 Professional Learning Communities Guide, IV-21 IV.K.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, IV-22 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY2019-20, IV-23 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings SY2019-20, IV-24 IV.K.1.d.iii Certificated Staff and Administrators, IV-27 IV.K.1.e (4) Hiring Process for Superintendent Leadership Team, Executive Directors, Sr. Director, and Director SY2019-20, IV-29 IV.K.1.m (1) Administrator Evaluation, IV-30 IV.K.1.m (3) Summary Student Survey (District Mean Score), IV-31 IV.K.1.o TSP (Teacher Support Plan), IV-32 IV.K.1.d.iv Certificated District Initiated Transfers, V-1 V.G.1.b (2) Appendix F - GATE SY2019-20, V-2 V.G.1.a ALE 40th day Enrollment SY2019-20, V-3 V.G.1.c. It. TUSD Employee Portal. MSAPGrant2016, II-47 II.K.1.i (1) TUSD Catalog of School (English), II-48 II.K.1.i (2) TUSD Catalog of School (Somali), II-49 II.K.1.i (3) TUSD Catalog of Schools (Arabic), II-50 II.K.1.i (4) TUSD Catalog of Schools (Spanish), II-51 II.K.1.i (5) TUSD Catalog of Schools (Vietnamese), II-52 II.K.1.k Student Assignment Process, II-55 II.K.1.o Web-based Interface for Families, III-2 Guide to Transportation Letters to Parents, III-3 I.C.1 Eligible Ridership by School and Grade Level, III-7 III.C.1 Ridership by Reason and Race-Ethnicity, III-8 Incentive_Transportation_Chart_2015-16, IV-5 Make The Move Participants 2016-2017, IV-6 Hiring Focus Group Email Invite Jan 2016, IV-7 Hiring Focus Group Email Invite May 2016 Case 4:74-cv-00090-DCB Document, IV-11 Practicum-Student Teaching Clearance Form, IV-12 Student Teacher Networking Reception, IV-17 Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Agendas, IV-18 National Center for Education Studies 2011-12, IV-24 Certificated School and District Administrators, IV-25 IV.K.1.g (3) Site Administrative Teams SY 2015-16, IV-26 IV.K.1.g (1) Assignment of Teacher certificated staff, IV-28 IV.K.1.g (4) Assignment of First Year Principals, IV-30 IV.K.1.d.iv - Certificated District Initiated Transfers (DIT), IV-32 IV.K.1.j Teacher Survey Comparative Data by Grade Level 3 year comparison, IV-37 IV.K.1.m(1) Teacher Evaluation Scaling-New Growth Model, IV-38 IV.K.1.m(2) Principal Evaluation Explanation, IV-56 ILA AGENDA 09.03.15 Teacher Support Plan, IV-58 Principal Mentoring Program Agenda 03.02.16, IV-62 2015-2016 LPA Schedule and Syllabus, IV-63 2014-2015 LPA Participants 15-16 Assignments, IV-65 TUSD-UA Ed Leadership Cohort Agreement, IV-66 IGA Masters in Educational Leadership, IV-67 TUSD-UA Ed Leadership Cohort II App List 15-16, IV-69 Solution Tree PLC Training Roster 07.20-21.15, IV-75 Curriculum Service Providers Meeting Agenda 02.09.16, IV-78 SY 2015-16 PLC Rubric Year End Data, IV-79 Administrator Conference June 9-10 Agenda, IV-86 Administrator Conference Agenda July 20-23, 2015, IV-87 Initial List of Exemplar Culturally Responsive Teachers, IV-88 Framework and Rubric for Facilitating Professional Development SY 2015-16, IV-89 Rubric Presentation Agendas CIPDA, CSP, ILA, IV-90 PD Assistance Training Sample Email, IV-94 TUSD Hiring Protocols and Workforce Diversity -USP, IV-98 IV.K.1.a Hire or Designate USP Position, IV-99 IV.K.1.c Recruitment Activities 2015-2016, IV-100 IV.K.1.d.i (1) Teacher and USP Cert Positions Advertised SY 15-16, IV-101 IV.K.1.d.i (2) Admin Job Postings 2015-2016 SY, IV-102 IV.K.1.d.ii Interview Panel Committee-Final 6.15.16, IV-103 IV.K.1.e - List of Interview Instruments and Rubrics, IV-105 IV.K.1.m (3) Teacher Survey by Students (Mean Score by Questions and 7 Cs), IV-10 IV.K.1.n (1) Description of Induction Mentor Program, IV-107 IV.K.1.n (2) - Mentor Assignments SY15-16 Ethnicity, V -3 Gate Participation Three-Year comparison, V -4 Self-contained Qualifying Students and Placement, V -19 V.G.1.j. Tustin Unified School District has an open enrollment policy that allows students to apply to attend a school other than their school of residence. Catalina Online Learning Experience - Tucson Unified School District Descriptions changes GATE Testing and or ID Instruments 1-5-16, V -287 V.G.1.l - Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V -291 V.G.1.t Quality of Education PD Training, V -292 V.G.1.u. Tucson Unified School District Search reviews. This year's enrollment decrease, during the first 15 days of school, is the smallest in . . Tucson Unified School District FY 2016 2017 Adopted Budget for Brichta $1,272,634 | Schumaker . Warrior Workshop Schedule. USP Section IV.K(1)(n), Appendix 47 ALE Data. Lynsey R. Torrance, CA. Danyelle Khmara. MAY. Open Enrollment 2022-2023 Online Open Enrollment and Magnet Applications are no longer available for the 2022-2023 school year. The mission of the Tustin Unified School District, a learning community rich in heritage and committed to a tradition of excellence, is to ensure that each student optimizes individual achievement through an educational system characterized by challenging and exciting curricula and inspiring personalized instruction, in partnership with our dynamic and involved communities. (2) SSMentoringHandbook201516, V -240 MASS Volunteer Survey Meeting Minutes, Sign Ins and Surveys, V -242 Reports and Summary_Fredericks and Hines, V -243 Reading Recovery Proposed Project Plan, V -244 Reading Recovery Training Class Timeline, V -248 VI.G.1.f LSC Time Entry Log 2015-16 Summary, V -268 ModifiedDanielsonEvaluationInst2015, V -270 OyamaCultureandClimateILA.PD10.22.15, V -271 Bren Brown The Power of Vulnerability TEDTalkILA PD, V -276 SQS ASSESSMENTofCultProf email - Calendar SQS Assessment of Cultural Proficiency, V -277 2015-16 CR Observation Tool DRAFT Feb 2nd 2016, V -281 PD Plan Schedule and Outreach SAMPLE, V -284 V.G.1.e. School Enrollment / Inter and Intra-district Transfers Plummeting enrollment costing TUSD millions of dollars it doesn't have TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) The Tucson Unified School District revealed its 100 day enrollment numbers in Tuesday's Governing Board meeting. Family Engagement Surveys, VII-11 Language Accessibility Training May 2016, VII-12 Open Enrollment And Magnet Support, VII-14 Participation In Events Supporting College Enrollment, VII-16 Classes and Workshops Offered At FRCs, VII-18 Evening Reporting Center Notes April 2016, VII-20 15-16 PHLOTE Languages by Enrollment, VII-22 List of Social Service Agencies 15-16 SY, VII-23 15-16 SY List of Translated Documents, VII-27 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, VII-28 VII.E.1.d Analyses Scope of Effectiveness, VIII-1 VIII.C.1. TUSD says while this year is the district's biggest. Contact Us. Welcome to West High School | West High School - tusd.org By setting up an account and/or logging into the Aeries Parent Portal, you agree to abide by District Rules and regulations. (on the 9/14/2012 Buckmaster Show), TUSD had 50,000 students. USP Section IV.K(1)(f), Appendix 38 Retention Assessments, Evaluations, and Plans. Creating a joyful, safeplace for studentsuccess. USP Section V.F(1)(f). Approvals are for one year, and are reviewed each year. If you reside outside of TUSD boundaries, you are required to have an approved Inter-District Permit on file prior to beginning the enrollment process. USP Section II.K(1)(c), Appendix 12 Comprehensive Magnet Program Review. 1 star. USP Section V.F(1)(l), Appendix 59 Fliers & materials for Outreach Meetings. Aeries Parent/Student Portal Registration Guide First to Review. SCHOOL INFO: . TUSD officials: district achieving "a significant reduction in Open Enrollment: TUSD Residents School Transfer Lottery Open Enrollment is for Torrance residents who want to transfer their student to a different Torrance school. Welcome to TUSD Enrollment! | Enrollment USP Section IX.C(1)(c), Appendix 83 Facility & Technology Plans & Actions. TUSD enrollment still falling, but it's the smallest drop in years Enrollment Welcome to Torrance Unified! Use of this system and its services is strictly . Open Enrollment/Magnet Applications - Tucson Unified School District Filter by rating. We hope you find our new online enrollment process convenient and easy to use. ), VI-73 VI.G.1.d Copies of behavior plans, discipline docs-forms, VII-1 School Site Curricular Focus Trainings for Families SY2016-17 Sample, VII-2 School Site Family Involvement - Other SY2016-17, VII-3 School Site Family Engagement Opportunities And Resource Information Sample SY2016-17, VII-4 School Site Methods Used to Conduct Outreach Or Facilitate Family Engagement SY2016-17 Summary, VII-5 Family Resource Centers Calendars SY2016-17, VII-6 Family Centers Promotions SY2016-17, VII-7 School Site Family Engagement Contracts SY2016-17, VII-8 USP Family Engagement School Site Compliance SY2016-17, VII-10 School Site Parents as Partners Staff Training SY2016-17 Sample, VII-11 Family Engagement Trainings and Supports for School Site Personnel SY2016-17, VII-13 Family and Community Engagement Team SY2016-17, VII-14 District Wide Family Engagement Events SY2016-17, VII-15 District Wide Family Engagement Collaboration Report Sample SY2016-17, VII-16 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2016-17, VII-19 Annual List of Available Materials SY2016-17, VII-20 Family Resource Centers Tracking Summary July 2016-May 2017, VII-21 Language Accessibility Staff Training Review SY2016-17, VII-23 Open Enrollment Workshops and Events at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-24 Open Enrollment Outreach and Supports at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-25 Open Enrollment Applications at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-26 CSAC Represented Departments and Members SY2016-17, VII-27 College Enrollment and Financial Aid Supports SY2016-17, VII-29 Classes and Workshops Offered at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-30 District Department and Program Sessions at Family Resource Centers SY2016-17, VII-32 Family Resource Centers Tracking Tool SY2016-17, VII-33 Family Resource Centers Workshop Survey Results SY2016-17, VII-34 SY2016-17 PHLOTE Languages by Enrollment, VII-36 List of Social Service Agencies SY2016-17, VII-38 List of Translated Documents SY2016-17, VII-41 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, VII-43 VII.E.1.d Scope of Effectiveness Analyses, VIII-2 Tutoring Services by funding Source SY2016-17, VIII-4 Extracurricular Coaches Race Ethnicity SY2016-17, VIII-6 Extracurricular Parent Responses SY2016-17, VIII-7 VIII.C.1 Selection of Extracurricular Activities Jkapp, IX-1 IX.C.1.a Facilities Condition Index SY2016-17, IX-2 IX.C.1.b Educational Suitability Score SY2016-17, IX-7 Teacher Technology Proficiency Survey, X-6 Email MTaylor to SMP re Audit Report 013117, X-10 Taylor Email and RN Draft DIA to SMP 053017, X-11 Taylor Email and RN Revised DIA to SMP 062217, X-12 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2015-2016 Annual Report, Informe Anual para el Ciclo Acadmico 2015-2016, #1970 TUSD Supplement to Annual Report Narrative, Notice of Revision TUSD Annual Report SY 2015-16, Exhibit A Revisions to Annual Report Text, Exhibit B Revised Table 4.13 African American and Hispanic Teachers, Exhibit C Revised Table 4.20 LPA Prospective Candidate Pool, Exhibit D Revised Appendix V-26 ALE Programs, Exhibit E Revised Appendix VI-28 Sign-in sheets ISI Training, Exhibit F Revised Appendix VIII-1, Report VIII.C.1 Extracurricular Activities, I-1 ISI-DAEP SEL Progress Report 02.11.16, II-2 SY2015-16 Grade Configuration Change Report, II-3 Analysis of Oversubscribed Schools and Lottery Placements, II-8 SI Official Classroom Observation Form 2015-16, II-9 School Improvement Walkthrough Schedule for Magnet Schools, II-10 Theme Visibility Walkthrough Assessment, II-12 Magnet PLC Schedules and PD Schedules, II-17 2016-17 Magnet Hiring Report 08.10.16, II-18 II.K.1.h Admissions Process, Regulation JFB-R4, II-19 II.K.1.j - School Choice Applications, II-23 Sample Screenshots from Tucson Unified Website, II-27 Press Release Exemplars and Social Media Post Screenshots, II-30 TUSD En Espanol Screenshots Case 4:74-cv-00090-DCB Document 1958-2 Filed 09/28/16 Page 2 of 16, II-36 II.K.1.p - Student Assignment PD Training, II-40 Sanchez Memo to SMP re Integration Initiatives 03.01.16, II-41 Hefner Report on Integration Initiatives 05.18.16, II-42 Board Presentation on Integration Initiatives 052416, II-43 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY1516, II-44 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-45 II.K.1.f (1) School Magnet Plans 15-16 SY.docx, II-46 II.K.1.f (2) School Magnet Plans 16-17 SY, Response to Mendoza RFI #578: II.I.1.g. 2023-2024 School Year Enrollment Dates - tusd.org 17, V-256 MASSD IMPACT Tucson Program 07-30-16, V-257 MASSD IMPACT Tucson Program 04-08-17, V-260 MASSD Mexican American Student Recognition Program Data 9-12 requests must be received by Student Services on or before February 1. USP Section II.K(1)(n), Appendix 25 Student Transportation Data. USP Section V.F(1)(a), Appendix 51 Quality of Education rReport Containing Job Descriptions And Requirements. Top row, from left: Cristina Mennella, Ravi Grivois-Shah, Nick Pierson . The FWEC phone number is (310) 972-6280. USP Section II.K(1)(e), Appendix 15 Magnet School Assistance Program Grant Application. USP Section IV.K(1)(d)(v), Appendix 34 Interview Instruments & Scoring Rubrics. Students requesting an intra-district transfer must request an application from their school of residence (neighborhood school). USP Section IV.K(1)(i), Appendix 39 Teacher Survey Instrument and Summary Data. . Each year, the district submits a report, documenting our efforts for the Unitary Status Plan (USP). Timeline and Steps for Enrollment in Title I Preschool Programs. These TUSD high schools see sharpest drop, rise in graduation rates
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