zanichelli performer heritage 1 soluzioni
3 7 1.5 From Magna Carta to the Peasants Revolt 7.1 Es. 6 1. 2. Towards B2 Es. 3. 2 Nationality: Scottish Mother: Mary, Queen of Scots Ascended to the throne: 1603 Died: 1625 His concept of monarchy: divine right of kings He united Scotland to England and Wales creating Great Britain He introduced: a distinctive flag (the Union Jack), common coinage, a new translation of the Bible He held a conference at Somerset House and achieved a peace treaty with Spain He met the representatives of the bishops and the Puritans at Hampton Court in order to solve the religious conflict between them. 2 7.3 Es. 4. They are the power of love. Ears and eyes are embroidered on the queens mantle. 2 1. what the Geats built for Beowulf They built a (funeral) pyre (line 1). L 2. 2nd section (lines 13-50): The once good tie between Prospero and Caliban has become a master-slave relationship. 4. 2 152.3 Es. Besides introducing two of the main themes of the play, they also help point out the basic difference in the characters of the hero and the heroine. 5. Who witnesses this funeral scene? 3 101.4 Es. Which lines show that Juliet did not realise that Romeo was there at first? 3. The Master and Margarita: 1. novel 2. master 3. traditional 4. background 5. totalitarianism 3. Latinised words: Region, Soil, Clime (line 1), Possessor (line 11). Studia grazie alle numerose risorse presenti su Docsity, Prepara i tuoi esami con i documenti condivisi da studenti come te su Docsity, I migliori documenti in vendita da studenti che hanno completato gli studi. 6 143.7 Es. 3. Performer Heritage Soluzioni Volume 1 APRI Performer Heritage Volume 1 - Con Soluzioni PDF Stampa Apri PDF online In italiano Scarica aperto Performer Heritage Soluzioni Volume 1 risolte insieme alle soluzioni in PDF per insegnanti e insegnanti Performer Heritage Volume 1 Soluzioni PDF APRI italiano Visualizza PDF online Stampa 6 6 1.4 Anarchy and Henry Plantagenet 6.1 Es. Iagos lusty love for Desdemona. Violet words: jealousy corroding Iago Orange words: Iagos desire of revenge Brown words: Iagos plan to manipulate Othello 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 77/239 Blue words: Iagos aim to destroy Othello Highlighted in green: Iagos decision to make Othello mad Lilac words: the rhyme of the final couplet underlines the passage from Othellos madness to Iagos confusion Red dots: litotes Wavy line: metaphor for Emilias honour. In the li just a er the kiss Es. Prospero gave Caliban food, taught him his language and gave him human care. Es. Venice was particularly exciting to the English. Cause: She saw a mouse caught in a trap. Suggestion: The megaliths of Stonehenge are impressive. Link to Contemporary Culture: The individual in society No man is an island Es. 2 1. when the scene takes place; It takes place at night. She had a claim to the English throne she was a Catholic and became the centre of conspiracies against Elizabeth. 5. Does he feel equal to God? Which two important legal principles were specifically laid down in the Magna Carta? He has many of the characteristics of the epic hero: leadership, initiative, a courage which refuses to accept defeat, a willingness to undertake the desperate enterprise to escape from Hell and attack Gods creation, man. What is it compared to? He re-organised the army, built fortresses and planned a navy with longships, and he began the liberation of neighbouring areas from Viking control. rosemary as an antiseptic. 2 139 CLIL Science: Stem cells 139.1 Es. His mission of Christianisation was successful and the cathedral of Canterbury was founded in 602. What kind of work is The Canterbury Tales? The Normans built numerous churches to glorify God and to show their supremacy. A 5. Es. What visions does Faustus see when he looks up to heaven (lines 13-20)? Which line gives the ballad its new title? Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese.. Heritage: study literature with history and cultural insights. 2 61.3 Es. Per discipline STEM. 6. It is an emanation from the a erlife, encountered in our own, returned from beyond the grave, and thus living and dead at the same time. 4. 2 88.3 Es. 5 8.6 Es. 3 Person Description Actions Parents (Ann and Hugh) sitting in front of the fireplace, on the floor Keith sitting on the floor, building a stereo receiver Sammy naked except for a pair of khaki shorts; blond, bronze and blueeyed, good-looking sprawled out on the couch Jade wearing a loose, old-fashioned blouse and a pair of unflattering shorts that reached almost to the knee; she looked chaste and sleepy, her face seemed waxy and blank curled into an armchair, looking at the wall, sitting unnervingly still, holding a ballpoint pen; she had a clipboard wedged between her hip and the side of the chair 1. However, there is the historical context of the folk revival in the 1960s and the desire both to give a message in a song and to emphasise innocence and universal values. 2 82.3 Es. 4 41.5 Es. 3 97.4 Es. How is dramatic tension achieved? Macrocosm and microcosm corresponded to each other in the chain together with the body politic (the kingdom, including its government and citizens). The title Henry VIII was given by the pope because of the attack he wrote on Martin Luther. He was Edward IVs brother and Duke of Gloucester. 10 Even if Romeos answer is uncertain, he has been influenced by Juliet and he is now ready to refuse his name. He complains about the fact that he has to play roles that he does not believe in. 4 The language in the extract is poetic, descriptive, formal and occasionally ironic. Under his rule the Rump Parliament abolished the monarchy and declared a republic, the Commonwealth. J 6. Es. 8. Was this device effective for the Elizabethan audience? She managed to create a popular and majestic image of the sovereign who appeared as the defender of a nation and the preserver of peace. They were innocent adolescents at the beginning, now Juliet is emphasising that their relationship has become responsible and adult. The Book of Common Prayer, mainly prepared by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer. The king raised an army of Royalists and declared war against his opponents, the Parliamentarians. Es. Es. What was Henry VIII like? 1 1. Tick as appropriate. 6. Who was Richard III? 4 It is a dim light. 6. Who will they meet? R 10. 40-49): The king is said to have been stung by a snake while he was sleeping in his orchard, but the ghost explains that this is not true: the serpent is in fact Hamlets uncle, who now rules the country. / She has deceived her father, and may thee (lines 30-31). 5. what the warriors kindled They kindled a huge funeral fire (lines 7-8). Famous for: Dramatic masterpieces such as Tamburlaine the Great (1587), Doctor Faustus (1588-89), The Jew of Malta (1590) and Edward II (1591). He also wonders if he ought to go and make himself available to the hospital. 10 9 1.6 The Wars of the Roses 9.1 Es. 3. The themes introduced in the text are illusion and metamorphosis, white magic and forgiveness. 7. What do you think the other possible motives might be? 2 38.3 Es. B 4. Why? B. Perhaps with this soliloquy Shakespeare was making his own farewell to his art as a dramatist and a man of the theatre. Soil 6. hath equalld 7. bid 8. dwells Es. Why did Milton choose the epic form for his masterpiece? Es. History and Culture, Literature and Genres, Authors and Texts: attraverso queste tre sezioni si sviluppa lo studio dei diversi periodi della letteratura inglese. 2. Both characters nervously listen for sounds which could lead to their discovery. He used different levels of speech and action. This is because no nobleman would have travelled with commoners but instead with their own entourage. Suggestion: Although the Elfin Knight is supernatural, he seems to have found his match, so the girl, too, could have magic powers. Consider picture 3 and explain the reason why this important monument was made. 2 51.3 Es. Why is the power of reason so important? 2. who Othello is speaking to; He is speaking to his soul. The ship is like a strong warrior. 2 94.3 Es. 4 96.5 Es. 7 1. 5. Es. 9 1. death 2. despairing 3. to slow down 4. mercy 5. wrath 6. curses 7. strikes 8. water drops 9. clash 10. limitless 11. ambition 12. pride 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 57/239 Across Cultures: The legend of Faust Es. It is compared to a bird, which emphasises its speed. What was its aim? Juliet is impulsive, personal, direct, artless, practical. Reality Appearance thy self (line 2) hand, foot, arm, face (line 4) any part belonging to a man (line 5) Take all myself (line 12) name (lines 1, 3, 6-7, 10-11, 18, 20) Montague (lines 2-3) rose (line 6) Romeo (lines 8, 10, 15) title (line 10) word (lines 13, 22) 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 66/239 2. What does it show? 6 38.7 TOWARDS B2 38.7.1 Reading and Use of English - Part 6 Es. 2 106.3 Es. 6 156.7 Es. Es. 17-24): The ghost says that if he could reveal the secrets of the a erdeath, Hamlet would be deeply distressed, his blood would freeze, his eyes would start from their sockets and his hair would part. 1 150.2 Es. Alcune soluzioni saranno accessibili attraverso il bot Telegram (tutte quelle dei libri Zanichelli), altre saranno visibili in chiaro sul sito. H Es. 1 89.2 Es. 2 1. 5. 5. 5 5.6 Es. Mercy blesses both those who give it and those who receive it Es. End-stopped lines: Lines 1, 21, 22. They were built to defend people. 1 43.2 Es. What is Chaucers function in the story? 1 Italian or Petrarchan sonnet English or Shakespearean sonnet Number of lines 14 lines in iambic pentameter 14 lines in iambic pentameter Layout 2 sections: the octave presents an issue or a situation; the sestet contains the solution of the problem or personal reflections 4 sections: three quatrains present a theme or three different arguments; the final couplet solves or summarises the problem Rhyme scheme octave: ABBA ABBA sestet: CDE CDE or CDC DCD first quatrain: ABAB second quatrain: CDCD third quatrain: EFEF couplet: GG (wp ndr) Turning point at the end of the eighth line, and the ninth is sometimes introduced by words like and, if, so, but or yet at the end of the eighth line, and the ninth is sometimes introduced by words like and, if, so, but or yet Language full of oxymora full of oxymora and conceits Themes love and desire for a lady who cannot return the poets love love, beauty, decay and art 2.7 Metaphysical poetry 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 55/239 2.9 Christopher Marlowe Es. What are some of the translators that God employs as the author of humanity? 1.3 The Norman Conquest and the Domesday Book Es. The names given to the pilgrims refer to their profession and suggest a society in which work conditioned the personality and world view of each individual. 7 54.8 Es. What language do Othello and Iago use? 65-84): While Hamlets father was sleeping in his garden, as he used to do in the a ernoon, his brother poured some poison into his ear. It was mentioned in a judgment by the Supreme Court of the United States concerning the detention without charge of a prisoner at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. What are the themes of this tragedy? 5 59.6 Es. 1 Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica As recognized, adventure as capably as experience about lesson, amusement, as capably as contract can be gotten by just checking out a books Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica after that it is not directly done, you could assume even more roughly this life, regarding the world. We have the funds for Zanichelli Soluzioni Chimica and numerous book collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. What word reinforces the regal quality of mercy in a ruler in line 30? How do the witches move? To give up his magic powers, to break and bury his wand and to drown his books. 4 1. Es. Temporal and religious powers were thus joined in the figure of the monarch. Performer Heritage Edizione Blu. He uses the adjective rare. Repeated words and phrases add to the emotional intensity of the scene Light blue words: oppositions in which Jessica is connoted positively ((her) flesh, ivory, Rhenish) in contrast with her father who is given negative attributes (thy flesh, jet, red wine). enthroned. 4 46 2.10 William Shakespeare 46.1 Es. B 2. What does Jan tastn find in the deserted house and why does he decide to stay? Lines 33-41. Why is Doctor Faustus an overreacher? 1 1. shields 2. arrow 3. infantry 4. army 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 25/239 1377 Edward III died and the crown passed to his 10-year-old grandson, Richard II 1381 Introduction of a poll tax by Richard II and Peasants Revolt 1453 End of the Hundred Years War against France Es. 6 1. short 2. horror 3. knocking 4. blood 5. look 6. unseen 7. imagine Es. sand churned in surf (line 25) Over the waves, with the wind behind her and foam at her neck (lines 29-30) they convey the idea of a rough sea, whose waves rise high and fearful (lines 25-30). Though Doctor Faustus is regarded as a morality play, it is different from the medieval play Everyman, where Death is a character, God is rigid and vindictive, and the only life possible to reach eternal salvation is the one leading to death. 4 135 T43 The Tyger 135.1 Es. 10 1. Es. 2 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 70/239 Boxes: Antonios behaviour against Shylock: Shylock blames Antonio for scorning him and his race, causing him financial loss and raising his enemies against him. Where do they meet and where are they going? What internal changes did he introduce? What does each image symbolise? It was an age of stability, religious toleration and victory at sea it was the time of entertainment and the rising star of Shakespeare. Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese. 2 142.3 Es. He offers God to burn his books, which represent his knowledge. 4. 5 1. Performer Heritage ti guida in un affascinante viaggio attraverso la letteratura inglese. The restoration of Catholic rituals and heresy laws. Es. 1 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 5/239 34.7 Es. Romeo tries to kiss Juliet. 5 97.6 Es. 2 95.2.2 Es. 3 84.4 Es. G 2. It is also a way of saying that he cannot join in with the communion of good people. then he says that she is a real, flesh and blood woman, not a statue or storybook goddess. 7. Se continuate a utilizzare questo sito, presumiamo che ne siate soddisfatti. D 3. 1 13 1.10 The medieval narrative poem 13.1 Es. 2. 1 50.2.2 Es. Peasants Revolt 19. discontent 20. authority 21. clergy 22. treaty 23. wage war 24. rule Es. F The earliest lyrics were religious in tone, but later they became secular, dealing with love and nature. The Parliamentarians, the kings opponents, prepared to fight back. 3. Non mi fa pi accedere! She is ready to defy his parents and marry Romeo and is resolute in her decision. Sonnet XVIII: the passing of time and the awareness of the transience of beauty; Sonnet LX: the passing of time and the role of art (art defeats death); Sonnet CXXX: love and beauty Es. 2. 10 54.11 Es. His life in prison was characterised by cold, dirt, boredom and lack of human interaction. According to legend, why would a man want to make a pact with the devil? Highlighted in grey:aknowledgement by Caliban of Prosperos power: he submits to him but only out of fear 9. 3 1. wishes 2. marriage 3. request 4. directness 5. supports 6. socially 7. defeated 8. race 9. nation 10. parting 11. foreshadow T23 Iago's jealousy Es. However, this play differs from the conventional comedy because in the end knowledge is not for everybody, but only for the two protagonists and, even then, not completely. 3. Because of the greatness of his subject. The front of the Abbey was not actually finished until the 1400s. Write them down. 2 1. 54-57): Hamlets father was characterised by dignity and the respect of the vow of marriage, whereas Claudius is defined as a wretch. - Test e soluzioni - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 1 - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 2 - confezione 6 CD audio per la classe volume 1 . C 2. T2 Beowulf and Grendel: the fight Es. Official version of the kings death (ll. David does not hate the family; in fact, he is acting more out of a kind of twisted love. 8. They are age, sickness, war and justice. J 5. 1 142.2 Es. 5 Examples of repetition: red red, her her her, If If, be be, wires wires. Line 12 means that what is beautiful/good is also ugly/bad, and vice versa. Es. M 7. Romeo and Juliet is characterised by elements both of comedy and tragedy. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? Makes sure everything you type is easy to read and mistake-free. The repetition of the same initial consonant sound in consecutive or closely connected words. 4 88.5 Es. 5. Es. 2. What does it inspire? It is characterised by a dramatic number of new words, obscure and archaic words, mythological allusions and rhetorical figures. 4 1. Explain your answer. 7 8.8 Es. Literary competence, per scoprire il valore estetico e culturale del brano. 2 135.3 Es. He curses his parents, himself and Lucifer. Is Doctor Faustus a tragedy or a comedy? 1 146.2 Es. 1 88.2 Es. Miltons style is elevated and matches the seriousness of the universal subject of the fall of man; the poet used a new kind of blank verse of sonorous magnificence. 1 95.2 The Way of the World 95.2.1 Es. 6 35.7 Es. 2 58.3 Es. What is a major question in the play? 5 38.6 Es. 8. Everything turns out as he plans until he is finally discovered. 10 Marlowe: 3, 5, 6, 9. Where does the tragedy take place? Contrast between Hamlets father and Claudius (ll. Because he is part of mankind. Explain your answer. 2 153.3 Es. T7 The Prioress Es. 1 READ the text and identify the three parts of Then write a heading to each section. Link to Contemporary Culture: The ballad through time Es. What is Wiglaf looking at from the beach? 2 141.3 Es. 6 135.6 Es. On the other hand, lowerclass people could not afford the expense of such a trip. Mercy is described as light, so and noble. Alfred promoted himself as the defender of all Christian Anglo-Saxons against the pagan Viking threat. The barrow they built is a monument to his values and beliefs, and will represent a moral guide for the Geats in the future. 5. However below, later you visit this web page, it will be . This Latinate syntax creates an elevated style suitable to an epic poem. the power of fate. B2 Exams, per prepararsi agli esami First e IELTS lavorando du testi storici e di approfondimento culturale. Prospero is not a vengeful deity, he typifies good, white magic. C 4. 2 103.3 Es. Heritage: study literature with history and cultural insights, Build up literary competence through scaffolding, Develop language and communicative competences at a B2 level. The picture tells the story of Richard IIs meeting with Wat Tyler. 1 A 5 B 2 C 4 D 1 E 6 F 3 1. Beowulf voyages across the sea with them. What does the girl ask the elf to do? What is the verb? 3. He also called himself Faust junior. Es. No, he is not, since he is talking to the other fallen angels (line 3). 8. The connection with the devil is made clear Highlighted in orange: Shylocks reaction to Jessicas elopement. The descriptions of the pilgrims vary in length, point of view and tone some emphasise what the pilgrim wears, some what he/she does or thinks. What did Edward VI make compulsory? What facts paved the way to the breach with Rome? 8. What others can you infer from the text? The Romans brought their culture, the Latin language and Christianity with them. He raised an army of Royalists and declared war against the Parliamentarians The Long Parliament was purged of 370 Presbyterian and royalist sympathisers. Es. 4. Es. Why is Elizabeth regarded as one of the greatest of English rulers? Italy 5. Monastic chapels became parish churches and the land of the monasteries was sold, so the new merchant class had access to a landed status that had previously been a privilege of the nobility. D 5. What is Shylock forced to do at the end of the play? Because of his origins outside the Western world, Othello is categorised as a Moor, a black man. 4. In turn, Juliet compares their newfound love to light, primarily to stress the speed at which their romance is moving, but also to suggest that, just as the lightening is a glorious break in the blackness of the night sky, so their love turns out to be a flash, a wonderful glow in a dark world. Inns, pubs and theatres were closed down. Mercutio is a friend of Romeo. 2. Marys Counter-Reformation brought the restoration of Catholic rituals and heresy laws. When she was ten, Swat, which was a place of beauty and tourism, suddenly changed into a place of terrorism. 5 143.6 Es. What does Faustus refer to in lines 25 and 26? Created Date: 4 The precise, rich details of the queens dresses. 8. Deutschtraining perfekt 1 Soluzioni; What does line 20 mean? The English ships were faster and better armed than the Spanish ones, so they were able to scatter part of the Armada and get close enough to attack with their cannons. 1 159.2 Es. Identify the line that justifies the title of the text. 6. what Othello is about to do; He is about to kill Desdemona (lines 7-20). 1 157.2 Es. 1 97.2 Es. 8. Anything that was outside the chain was considered to be chaos, madness and evil. 3 1. Why does Faustus, in lines 40-46, wish he were an animal and not a man? He decides not to go to the hospital because Heathrow is outside the area covered by the hospitals Emergency Plan. 4 156 T54 Ode on a Grecian Urn 156.1 Es. The feudal duty of military service was replaced with a tax known as scutage. What are the most important themes of the play? 4 41 2.8 The development of drama 41.1 Es. 1 106.2 Es. He performed Henry VIIIs wedding ceremony to Anne Boleyn. 5 54.6 Es. This is why you remain in the best website to look the amazing book to have. / Macbeth does murther Sleep (lines 28-29). London 7. religious views 8. Charles I: Like his father, he avoided Parliament and ruled eleven years without it. 3 130.2 Es. Death: Sudden, mysterious death in a London tavern. surrey accident today 176 street; Servicios. 3 132 4.9 William Blake 132.1 Es. Possessor 3. D 6. How is love associated with light in this play? 1 99 Robinson Crusoe 99.1 Es. Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton - Performer Heritage - Zanichelli Codice Polite Pari Opportunit Libri di Testo Il Codice, approvato nel 1999 dall'Associazione italiana editori, impegna i . 7. 2. C 6. 3 96.4 Es. the protagonists must fight against external forces that make their relationship difficult, but, unlike the great tragic heroes, they experience no inner struggle. 8 151.9 Es. 2 51 Romeo and Juliet 51.1 Es. 3 59.4 Es. 3. Who kills him in the third act? 8 60 Hamlet 60.1 Es. The narrator does not say her name. The command of the Venetian army is given to Othello. 3 155.4 Es. 4 59.5 Es. Performer Heritage Volume 1. 4. 3 142 T46 Composed upon Westminster 142.1 Es. 1 5.2 Es. 2 55.3 Es. 8. 1 1. pottery 2. raiders 3. breed 4. tin 5. border 6. wheat 7. worshipped 8. barley 9. lead 10. oats 11. plough 12. bridgeable. This was made possible for different reasons: the construction of new roads and bridges improved the transportation of materials urban growth created a diversity of labourers and cra smen ecclesiastical incomes increased as a result of more efficient management and administration. He is jealous of the family, which is obviously a happy and gi ed family contented to be together on this Saturday evening. What are the different attitudes of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to their bloodstained hands? Finally, the murder offstage enabled Shakespeare to throw light onto his characters reactions and at the same time to stimulate the audiences imagination. 4 80.5 Es. 2. 1 91.2 Es. Why would it be impossible to make the shirt? They mourned and chanted some dirges (lines 35-36). Malala - Nobel Prize acceptance speech Es. As a result, Caliban was subdued by Prosperos way of life and civilisation. She seems to be the practical one. Henry VIIs foreign policy was very cautious. Es. J 5. F 5. Anglo-Saxon literature was written by the scops. 7. Es. Why did painters use symbols to portray Elizabeth I? 5. Es. They are huge and massive. They denote his hatred for the Venetians and Antonios bad administration of money Red dots: Shylocks declaration of identity, an identity concerning body and soul Es. 3 151.4 Es. Hamlet is a play of life and death and of mans ambiguous relationship with both. B 5. What were probably the reasons for Shakespeares choice of Denmark as the setting of the play? 1 40 2.7 Metaphysical poetry 40.1 Es. 9 8.10 Es. 4 1. cursing 2. cramps 3. belong 4. resources 5. effort 6. speak 7. civilised 8. rape 9. populate 10. obeys T30 Prospero renounces his magic powers Es. It is a long narrative poem written in rhyming couplets made up of iambic pentameters. Because he created a way of writing which turned around these features: an intense dramatic quality; the use of wit and unusual, intellectual metaphors called conceits; the use of a variety of tone and register. 2 93.3 Es. 2 1. What does he ask for here? You kiss by th book. 3 156.4 Es. He is exiled to Mantua. Sleep no more! 7 156.8 Es. Cromwell also defeated the Scottish Royalists who had crowned Charles Is son, Charles II, King of Scotland. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 82/239 1. What is it like? He was appointed private secretary to Sir Thomas Egerton, one of the highest officials in Elizabeths government, and his prospects of a successful career were bright 16 4. 5. He is jealous of the family, which is obviously a happy and gi ed family contented to be together on this Saturday evening. How do the questions differ from the original version? Music flows mysteriously through the play, enhancing its supernatural dimension. Famous people inspired by Magna Carta include Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68), who cited the Magna Carta principle justice too long delayed is justice denied, and Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), who invoked Magna Carta and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in his defence statement in his 1964 trial. 4. where Beowulfs corpse was laid It was laid in the middle of the pyre (line 5). Grendel breaks into the mead hall at Heorot and fights against Beowulf. Es. Put out the light 6. weep 7. relume 8. heavenly Es. Correct the false ones. 4 81.4 The fire, SCOTT SPENCER 81.4.1 Es. Othello is the Shakespearean tragedy where the tension is sustained for the longest time because it is the only one where the audience is one step ahead of the main character, and must watch his destruction helplessly. 4. An excess of the subjective (lines 16-17). Look at the way Alfred is represented in picture 3 and explain the reasons for his reputation. Some examples: Most sentences are long: lines 23-29. Es. How did Elizabeth encourage overseas exploration? 2 53.3 Es. 2 101.3 Es. He is also full of anger at the unfair way he feels he has been treated, at the way he has not been 2. No, he does not, but he makes her understand that he has been listening to her and tells her that she hates his name, so he must be Romeo. A tax imposed on coastal towns for their defence. It ends with the meeting of Romeo and Juliet and with the couple discovering that their families are enemies. Es. Es. 2017 0222112611 storia-romana-dalle-origini-alla-tarda-antichita-m-pani-e-todisco-fino-al-474-d-c-1; Riassunto biochimica di lehninger; Riassunto Kurose Ross - Reti di calcolatori e Internet. 5 62 T21 To be or not to be 62.1 Es. The cloak is bordered with fur/ermine. They are recurrent groupings of metaphors and similes. 10 97 CLIL Art, English painting in the 18th century 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 12/239 97.1 Es. 12 136 4.10 Mary Shelley 136.1 Es. Charles I was captured in 1648, condemned to death and finally executed. Some of these tasks are difficult and any part or combination of the following would be acceptable. At Shakespeares time wiry was usually applied to black peoples hair. 2 Who inhabited Britain six thousand years ago A population who began to burn and cut down the forests, to grow cereals and to breed cattle, pigs and sheep. What are the features of Hamlets language? 3 101 T36 I was very seldom idle 101.1 Es. During the Civil War the 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 97/239 Long Parliament was purged of 370 Presbyterian and Royalist sympathisers. Cromwell banned Christmas and Easter and replaced them with days of fasting. Why was he expelled from the university communities? Because they created a good contrast between Doctor Faustus, who was associated with the devil, and Doctor Luther, the man of God. It takes place in the universe, which is based on the Ptolemaic system: in Miltons Heaven, God sits on his throne surrounded by the nine orders of angels; the tenth one, who revolted under Satan, has been hurled down into a dreadful realm, Hell, which is below chaos and which is in antithesis with Gods world.
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