bdo wizard succession skill build

Even though I do not list it, you should definitely be starting your lightning combos with back+F! Generally, you take destruction in PVE and Evade in PVP. In PVE you will generally prefer the Domain version as its independent dps, you can fire and forget it. In your PVE addons, you should make sure you always have +% cast speed, +monster damage and +%crit always up. Search results will display posts in increments of 10,000. Faster for me, slower for them. The Wild: Demihumans, The Wild: Kamaslyvia, The Wild: Humans). For your armor, you will make a choice between Damage Reduction or Evasion gear. Marshs Artifact Extra AP Against Monsters, Leshas Artifact Monster Damage Reduction. A frozen enemy MUST be hit with a bound or knockdown if you want to keep them CCed. We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising. For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats on the awakening weapon, such as Human/Species . Unlike preawakening lighting storm, you wont need to precast lighting chain to be able to use lighting storm. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play style! In your PVE addons, you should make sure you always have +% cast speed, +monster damage and +%crit always up. Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. Faster for me, slower for them. In this section my goal is to explain the difference and tradeoff between each one and when you would want to pick each one. totally forgot about the "s-block" alternative and will give this a shot again, tho as far as i can tell it just didn't fit for PvE all that good, still you never know when there is pvp sooowould be usefull i guess. It does better in spots where you can kill packs in one shot and quickly move on, and also has better single target DPS, making it better for spots like Gyfin Underground, and Elvia Quint Hill. PVP: Wizard succession doesnt really have combos in the sense other classes do, as its damaging abilities are also the ones you rotate to keep yourself protected. Similarly, for PVP you should always have +%cast speed up and you should make sure to have -%evasion, +%accuracy available during your combos. Use Multiple Magic Arrows again to refresh the ddons. Here are the PVP addons that I personally use. totally forgot about the "s-block" alternative and will give this a shot again, tho as far as i can tell it just didn't fit for PvE all that good, still you never know when there is pvp sooowould be usefull i guess. The Forward guard mentioned in the tooltip is only before the storm itself starts falling! Even in PVE you will take equilibrium break, as Aqua Jail causes fps issues due to its particles while being cast. Thanks for the guide I really hope that you could clarify this im sure other ppl were wondering the same thing. It is a great weapon for PVX. In PVP its up to personal preference whether you want another burst damage tool, or you want the catch utility of the CC. Lost your password? The skills in the pre-awakening are mostly utility skills, and your main damage dealers will be your Awakening skills. Share your tips and advice related to classes. Note about the instant cast mechanic: If you are just getting started with the succession, you might want to practice by buffering (aka inputting the key combination for the next spell) before the current one has finished. In your PVE addons, you should make sure you always have +% cast speed, +monster damage and +%crit always up. If you are unsure of which to pick, the general answer is to just go with the Damage Reduction set. It is best to use it when the monsters are bunched up together and not waste it on small lone mobs. An enemy in a downed state (bound/KD) cannot be frozen, so you dont have to worry about wasting a CC with Frigid. If you hit them with a stun or stiff then they will NOT get downed after the freeze ends. The main mechanic of succession wizard is that it can greatly speed up up the casting of its abilities by using the key combinations in quick *succession* (no pun intended). However, you will no longer be able to use awakening skills. Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. Generally, wizard and witch successions require a large amount of SP, so you should instead farm as awakening until 1600 SP or so. Offin Tett is a boss weapon alternative. So if you play witch instead of wiz you should try to press S+RMB after as many skills as you can as its a lot of extra dps in PVE. This boss set is the evasion build boss set. For example, you can activate Frigid Fog significantly faster by pressing S+Q after Prime: Voltaic pulse (W+C). An enemy in a downed state (bound/KD) cannot be frozen, so you dont have to worry about wasting a CC with Frigid. This is because it is easy to land those skills at any time, and the slow stacks for a total -47% slow on the enemies. Moreover, I think that putting the short duration addons in Earths response is a really good idea, as you are supposed to use it often to reposition and back attack monsters as much as possible. You can just quickslot it or use it directly after residual lighting. When you craft combos for PVP the following are important to keep in mind. For example, in Stars end you need Burst Damage Combos, while in Sycraia you need Sustained Damage Combos. This means that if you cast earths response and let you character without any other commands he will go some time before his superarmor ends. If you use the key combo too late, the instant cast passive wont activate. You can switch between awakening and succession fairly easily with preset coupons that you get for free. Entry level PVE (1630 SP required), PVP build (1817 SP required). This is very useful as succession has no S-block. It is best to use it when the monsters are bunched up together and not waste it on small lone mobs. Here is a sustained damage combo you can use: Notice that this combo is basically your main burst skills (fire and lighting spell and their flows) interspersed with filler abilities like equilibrium break and voltaic. If you use the key combo too late, the instant cast passive wont activate. You might need to have these duplicated on multiple skills but its utterly critical to have them always up, as they are the most impactful. This is granted by the following passives that you need to allocate for this to work: Luminous touch allows you to instantly cast lighting spells, Burning pulse fire spells, Freezing gaze water/cold spells and magnificent steps earth spells. Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start. You can raise your camera height by pressing the UP arrow button, this will allow Meteor to hit at an even higher range! You can just quickslot it or use it directly after residual lighting. If you are a new or returning player, I would recommend creating a. Kzarka is a boss weapon that you will upgrade your Tuvala weapon into. This allows you more freedom with your movement, and also allows you to instant cast 2 Prime skills by using Teleport > Prime Skill > Ultimate: Teleport > Prime Skill. Wizard (and witch) successions have the unique characteristic of being able to choose between two versions of the same skills. Wizard (and witch) successions have the unique characteristic of being able to choose between two versions of the same skills. The third major question new wizard players have (or any player new to a class) is which addons should I pick?. Show off your character, (Not class specific), [Shai] Triple jump Just hold keys (YouTube short), How to Play Maegu Like A PRO in 1H! Unlike boss weapons, you cannot put caphras into this weapon, but it has a higher base AP. In PVP its up to personal preference whether you want another burst damage tool, or you want the catch utility of the CC. A frozen enemy MUST be hit with a bound or knockdown if you want to keep them CCed. In PVP you want to take the Storm version, it is especially useful in group pvp. Lastly, you need to allocate the Prime: elemental flow passive. The reason is that if you instant cast it the CC comes out almost immediately before the animation even finishes. This means that, unlike awakening, you can cast teleport, use some skills, and then recast teleport. You can use Blizzard/Meteor earlier in the combo if you are at a difficult spot where the mobs dont die fast enough. Combat/Skill EXP Buff List; Gear Guides. We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising. In PVE it depends on whether the monsters you are fighting can be frozen or not. Musa Succession PvE Guide - Skills, Addons, Combos, Gear - NEWBIE FRIENDLY // #Musa #PvE #MusaSuccession. The Succession skill kit enhances your Serenaca skills instead and only has a few awakening skills. ), Prime: Aqua Jail vs Prime: Equilibrium Break. Show/hide full quest's text You should make sure to put some addons on meteor as it is a T3 skill which means it gives you the strongest form of addons and is a quite useful skill in group pvp. PVP tip! I also ask for advice from friends who are more experienced in the class. Of course this class is not really combo based compared to other classes, but the combos you like to use should dictate the addons you pick. Glad you found it helpful. We talk about all the skills, and how I use them on my daily rotations and combos. This means that, unlike awakening, you can cast teleport, use some skills, and then recast teleport. It has extremely high PVE damage but very long CD. These are the skills I recommend putting on your hotbar. The block can be broken if you take enough damage and you will see a blue shield with a number, indicating the % left of the block. 1) lightning (back+f) - you basically do not list the skill at all and i had this as a filler so the CD's work together better. Basically, you group up the mobs and buff yourself/debuff them until they are fully grouped up, and then you unleash your main damage which is your lighting and fire chain combos. While Lightning Spear has very high damage but is completely unprotected. Start the game once installation is complete. | Black Desert Online | BDO, BDO| Ninja Succession| How to play tutorial | Part 1. PVP tip! A frozen enemy MUST be hit with a bound or knockdown if you want to keep them CCed. Also it has some niche uses in PVP by floating people behind their blocks. The focused damages build is usable in pvp or its better in pve ?

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bdo wizard succession skill build

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