business license lookup sacramento ca
AzUSA Business Licensing Division Business License Search Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. California. Plan Review is usually the starting point for opening a new food facility in Sacramento County. Sacramento County Emergency (EMS) Agency is a regulatory entity that ensures that all Advanced Life Support (ALS) responders are properly licensed and certified to give the highest quality care to those in Sacramento County. Colusa County Clerk's Office Fictitious Business Names $114valid for 1 year if massage provider (NOT establishment)with CAMTC certification. View Calaveras County Clerk-Recorder fictitious business name database page with general information and important access links. View City of Pleasanton business licenses, including procedures for new business applications and renewals. 311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311. This license is required in addition to other County business licenses, and is in addition to the State of California tobacco retailer registration. View Elk Grove City Business License Office business license information, including application guidelines, fee information, and online application. Burial Permits for Disinterment page. 916-875-6603 or Start a business in Sacramento County Resources for all businesses Economic Development, Community Planning & Agriculture Current Topics American Rescue Plan Search City of Richmond's business license database by business number, license number, company name or site address. Sacramento County. Online Business License Application Process. The CSLB offers an online tool which allows you to search for licensed contractors by license number, business name, or personnel name. Search City of Leandro database for business licenses by name, date, or type. Alameda Country Environmental Health Environmental Health Records The Food Protection Program includes any place food is sold or prepared for sale. | Report a Problem Service Provided By: Finance700 H Street, Room 1710 (First Floor) Sacramento Countyregulates businesses operating in the areas of the County not located within city limits (theunincorporated area of the County) to promote improved enforcement of ordinances that protect the public and prevent nuisances and neighborhood disturbances. View Arcadia Development Services business license page, including instructions, forms and general information. 95814 (916) 875-9753 or Kern County Clerk's Office Fictitious Business For commercial permits, you need the property address, parcel number, site improvement plans and your payment. Service Provided By: View City of Burbank Community Development business licenses, including location, hours and programs offered. Search Sacramento County, California business licenses, applications by license number, business name, address, or issuance number. If you have any questions regarding zoning compliance, Home Occupation Standards, Use Permits, Temporary Use Permits or Development Standards pleaseemail the Department of Planning and Environmental Reviewvia email atSacPlan@saccounty.govprior to submitting a business license application. Service Provided By: 311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311 or Newborn certificates are available approximately 4 weeks after the birth date. View Citrus Heights business license website for general information including contact information and links to other services. Search City of Richmond city permits & license records for online resources and information. Examples of these activities include street parades, races, block parties, litter clean-up, and covering of nonessential "No Parking" signs to allow parking for special events. Business License All Businesses Are Required To Be Licensed For business license inquiries in the incorporated cities, please use the following contacts: City of Davis: (530) 757-5651, Business License page City of West Sacramento: (916) 617-4645, Business License page City of Winters: (530) 795-4910, Business License forms You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Department of Health Services 7001 East Parkway, Suite 600(Map) Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 875-7468 ore-mail, Immunization Clinic (By appointment only)4600 Broadway, Suite 1500 Window 11 (Map)Sacramento, CA 95820(916) 875-7468 or Search Butte County Recorder's Office's fictitious business name database by registrant name, business name and FBN number. Mooring Permit page. 1106 Madison St., 1st Floor, Oakland, CA 94607. Pleasanton City Government Business License Search Business Licenses will not be issued. View Richmond business license issuing page, including application forms and contact information. View Glenn County business licenses, including instructions, forms and general information. The public can rely on Business Licenses to find information about a business, determine the ownership of a business, or look up violations and complaints against a business. We no longer accept Business License applications in our office, through the mailor the Sacramento County Online Business License application. Call the Business License Unit 24-hour automated phone system at (916) 874-6644 and requesting an application by mail. Search El Dorado Government fictitious business search engine by owner name and file number. City services connect businesses to the resources they need to succeed. The most common activities that require a Special Business License include, but are not limited to, handyman, landscaping/gardening, housekeeping, towing, rubbish hauling, massage, and mobile food vending. update vaccinations for children and adults. Sacramento is a strategic location for many companies - small and large - not only because of its central Northern California location, but also because its the states capital. View Fresno Finance Department business license registration, including instructions, forms and general information. In addition, there are restrictions on the preparation of food, storage of hazardous materials, and other regulations to protect the community and ensure quality of life in neighborhoods. Fax : 530-889-4123. Visitors, customers, or deliveries shall not exceed that normally and reasonably occurring for a residence, including not more than one business visitor an hour and eight a day, and not more than one delivery of products or materials a week. :Would you like toverify a Business License? View Glenn County business licenses, including instructions, forms and general information. Editors frequently monitor and verify . (requires fingerprinting -- see below)Employee Permit (with Special), Fingerprinting for Special License or Employee Permit(one time cost), $32.00 for the business owner, and $74.00 for partners, spouses, or other ownerslisted on the license (Collected by Sheriff's Department in the form of Visa, Mastercard, debit card with a Visa or Mastercard logo, or money order. Seasonal flu shot clinics are conducted View the Alarm Ordinance Bureau page for more information. Some commercial and industrial business activities may require a use permitpriorto operating. Search County of Del Norte public records for official records or fictitious business names. e-mail. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). (Map) Search Alameda Country Environmental Health leaking underground storage tanks information page by online local oversight program records. View City of Burbank Community Development business licenses, including location, hours and programs offered. To report an emergency in progress, call 911. 4500 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841, 4510 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841, Service Directory - List of County Services, Certificates: Marriage, Birth, Official Records, Forms: Building Permits, Property Reassessment, Voter Registration, Business Environmental Resource Center (BERC), Local and Small Business Procurement Workshops Calendar, Economic Development, Community Planning & Agriculture , Agricultural Commissioner & Weights/Measures, Environmental Management - Health & Compliance, Green & Technology - Environment and Sustainability, Report a Business Operating without a License, Agricultural Commission / Sealer ofWeights and Measures, Temporary Food Facilities(Community Events), Agricultural Commission/ Sealer ofWeights and Measures, Economic Development, Community Planning, Agriculture, Business Resources & New Business Assistance. View Fictitious Business Name Search for more information. Are you interested in operating a Short-Term Rental? (Map)Sacramento, CA 95827 visit 311 online Apply. Search Inyo County recorded document database including years 1982 to present. For example: Al's Builders. To learn more, visit theCannabis in the UnincorporatedCountywebpage. View Folsom City Management and Budget Department business certificates, including application form, requirements, renewal, and changes to business notification. For more information, view the Note: All applicants are encouraged to contact the Department of Planning and Environmental Review via email atSacPlan@saccounty.govto determine if the business activities at the proposed business site are allowed under the current zoning code before submitting an application and paying the fee. View Lake County Clerk's Office fictitious business names, including filing, forms, requirements, conditions and fees. You are also required to obtain an annual short-term rental (also known as a vacation rental permit) from the Office of Planning and Environmental Review. City of Richmond Business License Search (Richmond, California) Lassen County Fictitious Business The most commonly recorded documents are: Are Please read the Frequently Asked Questionssection of this website and, if you have additional questions, contact the Business License Unit by emailor at (916) 874-6644 to determine individual license requirements. Motor vehicles and equipment used for, or designed primarily for, commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more, and trailers used for, or designed primarily for, commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes, cannot be parked or stored on any agricultural-residential, residential or interim-residential zoned property except when loading, unloading or rendering service. View Calaveras County Clerk-Recorder fictitious business name database page with general information and important access links. For example: "Mc Donald" and then "McDonald". The license is not a business tax and is not based on business revenue. A California Business License Search provides valuable information on businesses in California. Butte County Recorder's Office Fictitious Names Search Inyo County fictitious business by business name, owner or file number. (Amended 6/95). City of Dublin Business License Search | Report a Problem online application. Service Provided By: You can order in person, by mail, fax, e-mail or Enter the value you want to search for then click on the Search Business button. Toll Free Phone: 888-888-5218. There shall be no products sold on the premises except artist's originals or products individually made to order on the premises. If the name has initials in it, type the initials first with a space between them, and then type the initials without a space between them. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Contact us for information on selling produce at Certified Farmers Markets or what it takes to open a CertifiedFarmers Market. Citrus Heights License Information Service Provided By: Sacramento County Fictitious Business Name Statements are filed in the County's Business License Unit. Noise level at the property line shall not exceed 65 dBA. View City of Richmond Creek business licenses, including business start-up checklist, forms, office hours and contact information. | Contact Us If you have other questions regarding the Flavored Tobacco Ban that takes effect on July 25, 2022, pleaseemail the Business Licensing Manager at Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Search Butte County Recorder's Office's fictitious business name database by registrant name, business name and FBN number. Fingerprinting is required to be completed within 5 business days after filing an application. This can be determined by looking at the burial permit that is with the remains now. Service Provided By: Finance 700 H Street, Room 1710 (First Floor) (Map) Sacramento, CA 95814 916-874-6644 or e-mail You May Want to See. Please click on Links for greater-Sacramento area City and County contact information. Sacramento County. View the 311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311 or It is the intent of the following criteria to reduce the impact of the home occupation to the degree that its effects on the neighborhood are undetectable from normal and usual residential activity. Apply in person at our public counter at 700 H Street, Room 1710, Sacramento, CA 95814, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Commas and periods are not used in the name, but apostrophes are. | Sacramento County. View San Leandro Finance Department business license information, including start up, license renewal and data and contact. Search Pleasanton City Government business license records database by company and owner name, address and telephone number. Special Interest or Personalized Plates. The California Secretary of State business search is available on the government website, or you can conduct a search on a local government website. The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) protects California consumers by licensing and regulating the state's construction industry. How can I lodge a complaint against a business? Elk Grove City Business License Office Business License Search, Elk Grove City Business License Office License Information, Folsom City Management and Budget Department Business Certificates, Rancho Cordova Finance Department License Information, Sacramento City Revenue Division Business License Search, Sacramento Community Development Department Permits, Sacramento County Business Forms & Applications, Sacramento County Business License Search, Where to search for Business Licenses online, What requirements are for starting a business, How to apply for a Sacramento County Business License, How to find Sacramento County business ownership information. Adult-related activities such as escort or introductory service; or figure modeling. Sacramento, If you do not find the license, type the business name again with 1 or 2 fewer characters. 311 or Outside of Unincorporated Sacramento County Areas: 916-875-4311 or A General License isissued to a business after a review of the business activitiesto be conducted atthe specific location (street address) and the land use zoning of the property location. Contra Costa Tax Collector License Information [CDATA[copyrightYear(); Licensing page. Search Alameda County recorded land documents from 1969 to present, and fictitious business names from 2004 to present. Excluding county holidays. Program page. e-mail. An $18.00 late renewal fee will be added to any license renewal received after the expiration date. Looking for a business within the City of Sacramento? The Contractors State License Board receives and processes applications for new contractor licenses; additional classifications and certifications, renewals, and changes to existing licenses; home improvement salesperson registration applications; and maintains the license and historical records of disciplinary actions taken against licenses. 5-26-16.pdf. send us an e-mail. To apply for a new license or to renew an existing license please go to the Citizen Access page. For example, lunch trucks and hot dog carts. If you cannot find the license and you have entered a first and last name, type only the last name. //]]> This is the fee for either a new application or a renewal application. If your search request results in more than 25 names you can click on the "next 25 names" link at the bottom of the page. To perform a California LLC search, navigate to the Business Search page on the California secretary of state's website and select the Limited Liability Company/Limited Partnership Name option. Agricultural Commission / Sealer ofWeights and Measures4137 Branch Center Road Service Provided By:HealthServices7001 East Parkway, Suite 650 View Sacramento County active business license records by record number, business name, location, address, business phone, and license activity. You can choose to use either the basic search feature or the advanced search. program websitefor more information. Those businesses include, but are not limited to: All commercial and industrial businesses are required to meet certain Development Standards (i.e. El Dorado County Tax Collector's Office Business License Search Printable Business License Application (print and fillin). If you do not find the license, then try the search with "The" or "A" at the beginning of the business name. If you have questions, please View the Licensing page. All owners, partners, and spouses listed on the license must be fingerprinted and photographed at the Sacramento County Sheriff's Identification Bureau after the application is processed by our office. Index for more information. View Walnut Creek City Hall business licenses, including instructions, forms and general information. update vaccinations for children and adults. A business operating in a commercial location in Placer County requires a General Business license. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Applications in person at our counter may be paid with cash, check, money order, orcredit/debit card. View the Code Enforcement9700 Goethe Road, Suite A(Map) sunday 12pm-3am. Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. View Alameda County Business License Online Renewal general information for including eligibility and process of online renewal. View Colusa County Clerk's Office fictitious business names page, including instructions on how to file a statement and filing fees. View Livermore City Finance business license information, including tax calculator and application, brochure, report, type, contacts and telephone numbers. (Map) Business licenses include information about the type of business, ownership, and contact information. Can I sell non-nicotine (e.g. If you want to get married, we recommend that you set-up an appointment for your marriage license and/or marriage ceremony. View Azusa Community Development Department business licensing, including department responsibilities, tax rates and contact information. Sacramento Area Sewer District10060 Goethe Road Service Provided By: Assessor3636 American River Drive, Suite 200 (Map)Sacramento, CA 95864-5952916-875-0700 ore-mail. *The fee is determined based on answers to questions in Section II of the application. If your search request results in more than 50 names you can click on the next 50 names link at the bottom of the page. Hayward City Government Business Information You need a General Business License if your business is located in theunincorporated areaof Sacramento County (not in the boundaries of the cities of Sacramento, Folsom, Isleton, Galt, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, or Rancho Cordova), unless your business is one of the very few that are exempt from licensing requirements. If you think a business is operating without a proper Sacramento County Business License, you may contact the County's Complaint Center at 311. annually. Lookup by License Name. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Website Policies & Use View Contra Costa County fictitious business records by business name, owner name, or file number. Contactus. 916-874-6334, South Service Center8239 E. Stockton Blvd, Suite ASacramento, CA 95828North of Calvine Road by CARMAXHours & Location. There shall be no mechanical equipment or operation used which creates or makes dust, odor, vibration or other effects detectable at the property line. Find information about Sacramento County, California Business Forms & Applications including business certificates, certificates of authority, and entity filing requirements. Call our office at 874-6334 to verify that the record is available prior to your visit.View the (Map)Sacramento, CA 95823916-875-5345 or Terms and Conditions. Permits System page. Transportation4100 Traffic Way For more information, view the Perform a free Sacramento County, CA public business license search, including business registries, entity searches, permit searches, and business lookups. (Map)Sacramento, CA 95814 Commas and periods are not used in the business name, but apostrophes are. Apply online: Online Business License Application Business Licensing/FBN questions : (916) 874-6644, email - Mailing address: 700 H Street, Room 1710, Sacramento, CA 95814 Blank License and FBN Statements: Phone Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm. County Service Center - East 5229-B Hazel Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Corner of Madison and Hazel Avenues Hours & Location. | Contact Us Begin entry of your registration number at the left position and don't exceed 8 digits in the numeric license number portion. Building Permits and Inspection827 7th Street, Room 102 916-874-6644 or If the business name begins with "The" or "A", do not type this initially. If you have questions, please Any blank line or unanswered question will cause the application to be rejected and will delay the process. Seasonal flu shot clinics are conducted Glenn County Business License Search View Fresno Finance Department business license registration, including instructions, forms and general information. (Map)Mather, CA 95655-4153 Some businessesrequire either a General Business License or Special Business License; othersrequire both. e-mail. For more information, please see Open BOT Information. If you apply online you will receive a response email with fingerprinting instructions. You will need a General Business License if you are based in the unincorporated area. Are licenses transferable to another person, location or type of business? Perform a free California public business license search, including business registries, entity searches, permit searches, and business lookups. View For questions concerning street trees, trees on public lands or trees along creeks, please call 311. Inyo County Fictitious Business e-mail, Contact us for information and documents necessary for exporting agricultural commodities out-of-state or to other countries., Service Provided By: DCA License Search - Advanced. View Elk Grove City Business License Office business license information, including application guidelines, fee information, and online application. | Contact Us Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. The City of Sacramento applauds businesses with stakes in our community. Building Permits & Inspection700 H Street, Room 7650 View Pittsburg City Business License Division general information page, including office responsibilities, contact information and office hours. Sacramento County requires all businesses that sell tobacco and tobacco-related products, including pipes and other paraphernalia, to obtain a Tobacco Retailer License. The license term is one year. (Map)Sacramento, CA 95814 View City of Dublin business licenses, including instructions, forms and fees. The Sacramento Business Licenses links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Sacramento Business Licenses. Search County of Del Norte public records for official records or fictitious business names. For assistance with applying or renewing your business license certificate, you may contact the HdL support center by email or by phone at (916) 458-4753. HealthServices7001 East Parkway, Suite 650 (Map)Sacramento, CA 95823 Check a Contractor License or Home Improvement Salesperson (HIS) Registration. City of Bellflower Website The Sheriff's Department approves Special Business Licenses after a background review of the owners. Service Provided By: or call 311. Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. //]]> regulates businesses operating in the areas of the County, of the County) to promote improved enforcement of ordinances that protect the public and prevent nuisances and neighborhood disturbances. This search will return up to 100 names. Tobacco Retailer Licenses are required for businesses in the unincorporated area that sell any tobacco products and/or tobacco paraphernalia (such as pipes, papers, rolling machines, and e-cigarettes). Program provides information about immunizations and services available to The Business Entities Section of the Secretary of States office processes filings, maintains records and provides information to the public relating to business entities (corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, general partnerships, limited liability partnerships and other business filings). View Humboldt County Tax Collector business licenses page, including storefront, mobile and special licenses.