dinosaurs that never existed
Also dont put phrases like except maybe some surviving cave dwellers and deep sea creatures , open the door or close it , dont leave it half open. So that would have affected the dinosaurs in the local area, but they also gave us evidence that a lot more happened after the impact that caused most of that extinction. Dinosaurs: Science Or Science Fiction. Yeah I thought the same! All sea life would be fine except for mammals (which need air). 4) Not true, actually it is possible that flat-earth mythology in recent years has been perpetrated primarily by the institution itself in a way to criticize and confuse those who disagree with the official agendas. I cant believe lamestream media outlets dont ever discuss this. The book of Job (KJV Bible) describes behemoth as able to drink up a river and describes its tail as like a cedar (really long and thick, like sauropods). Gemma from Hawaiian Gardens in Los Angeles. Thank you for this article. Paleontologist Darren Naish asked when summarizing the dino, "Did [they] help Tethyshadros to bite at specific food items? Brilliant ! Certain things we have to accept we cannot prove. They suddenly disappeared without reason? That my friends is the million dollar question. Im not a nay-sayer or anything like that. Dawkins, Richard. Anderson, J. F., Hall-Martin, A., &Russell, D. A. None of the displays had actual bones. so much can change geologically and that long time. nuke the entire population and start all over again. In fact, one of the biggest reasons to doubt the theory is that in fact there is no scientific evidence. But that didn't happen because the scientific journal describing the dinosaur called it Tyrannosaurus rex one page before calling it Dynamosaurus imperiosus. Ok no scientists in his right mind would claim to date what they believe to be 66 million years old with method known to be good for no more than 50000 years. Cool, but not true. And in some ways I theorize it is possible, but it seems someone else already thought that too: https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/when-did-dinosaurs-live/what-really-happened-to-the-dinosaurs. What about the almost full skeletons found of various dinosaurs? As in, fiction. Jehovah God knows what He created and didnt and when He did so. When the population of humans gets so large that (they) the ones in charge hit the reset button on all of us i.e. Dinosaurs probably did exist, but not as we know them. Interesting to find out that where they found bones of the large dinosaur that they say could never fly. Thanks to half a dozen of my computer saavy supporters helping scour the internet archive, we have now found and can present Robbin Koefoed's article "The Dinosaurs Never Existed," from his deleted GVENews website. What about Sue, a T-rex skull found? I was thinking I read a lot of right wing non sense on here from the earth is flat, dinosaurs never existed , we were put here by an alien species LOL Proof that evolution is true .. Nutrients provide our body with various types of fuel that create different processes by Show more. Some of your arguments are ones that also have me questioning, like #1 (the meteor wouldnt have affected deep sea reptiles), and #7 (their size would have stretched physics laws). And this isn't the first time for. Biblical creationists believe that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time because God, a perfect eyewitness to history, said that He created man and land animals on Day 6 ( Genesis 1: . Genes, Peoples, and Languages. Carbon dating is not the only radiometric dating method. Not every single dinosaur lived together at the same time for that exact same period of time. I wish this theory wasnt taught in schools and to the public because it supports evolution which is a complete fraud and confuses many Christians and even causes them to question the Word of God. Then, that same kid goes to South America for two years and finds more cave paintings with the same shape hands like in France all done with vegetable matter dye. Expect to hear things like conspiracy theory and other similar liberal ploys and tactics. Several years later, however, Osborn realized he had bungled, and that both dinosaurs were actually the same. Nothing wrong with replicas, unless your original is a replica of something that didnt exist and your purpose of using a fake skeleton is trying to say it did exist even though it never did. There are others as well. Of course, because dinosaurs are very popular, and its cool. Interesting ideas. It would take thousands of years at temperatures colder than thousands of degrees below zero to freeze the ocean all the way down, and even then it probably would not come close to freezing the ocean all the way. I think the whole dinosaur story is a fallacy. In Jehovahs new world on a paradise earth none of these lies about Jehovahs creation will be remembered nor brought up again; read Rev 21:1,3-5. Paleontologist Othniel Marsh . 1. Thank you for your comment! Second, dinosaurs actually have existed in mythology in most cultures for thousands of years. I am unaware of any evidence or reason for absolutely believing dinosaurs ever were alive on earth. Rabbit Problems in Australia. Author reply: Read a book on it then. Perhaps. Has anyone ever looked at the inside of empty crude oil wells/caverns? And man has always been good at making FICTION popular in the world. Were we finally about to learn how these so-called "terrible lizards" could morph into cute little chirpers who live for seed? But for you CO signing for Darwinism can you give me one example of a changing of kinds? But when you believe that dinosaurs were real, you try to do anything to mix them with our world. For example, the Jurassic dinosaur Stegosaurus had already been extinct for approximately 80 million years before the . So technically the T. rex name was published first, meaning Dynamosaurus imperiosus was no more. I do hope your next one tackles the retards who claim the Earth is flat obviously the earth is round. Top 10 Cryptocurrencies 2022: Will 2022 Be The Year For Cryptocurrency? Oceans are still a mystery for most scientists and they have not yet begun to tap into that mysterious world. You'd think if such a creature actually existed somebody would've seen it by now, but that's obviously not the case. And the second point is totally right! The weight of the big ones alone would have prevented their muscles from working. It was missing a skull, so in 1883 when Marsh published a reconstruction of his Apatosaurus, Lamanna says he used the head of another dinosaur thought to be a Camarasaurus to complete the skeleton. Ever since we first started discovering dinosaurs in the mid-1800s, our thirst for uncovering as many of these ancient creatures as possible has proven unquenchable. Today, you dont see any wolves in places where there used to be many; perceived as a threat, they were hunted until every last one was gone. They could have simply been taller humans. According to Bob Strauss, a reporter and author that has three books about science and dinosaurs on Thought.Co said a common reason people believe that dinosaurs never existed is because of religion. I used to believe in dinosaurs. You cant say they were more dangerous because if its all the animals, there were also lions and tigers and polar bears. I am glad you enjoyed the post, although I am not trying to convince or persuade you to believe one way or the other, I am only pointing out the facts. If millions of years of separation between us and dinosaurs doesn't make figuring them out confusing enough, sometimes mischievous humans make things even harder. Jurassic Park 3. The Brontosaurus was gone at last, but Lamanna suggests the name stuck in part because it was given at a time when the Bone Wars fueled intense public interest in the discovery of new dinosaurs. One thing (of many) that really bothers me so much: T Rex, King of the Dinosaurs has tiny little useless forearms and they paint the full animal as a skeleton wrapped in brown or grey scaly spandex. In the Bible, it says that God created Adam and Eve then God created land animals. His evidence for such wild claims were that dinosaur bones exist. 435435435 6 yr. ago. Reality soon crashed the party, revealing that the "missing link" was a forgery, the result of poor Chinese farmers combining bones of entirely unrelated species together and selling the mess as a new dinosaur. Tschopp and his colleagues Octvio . Retrieved from https://www.animalcontrol.com.au/rabbit.htm, Wozney, David. (2009). The first time i saw a full chicken skeleton or a sheep skeleton i had no idea what animal it was. and very well written. Seems more sensible but I can probably find all kinds of explanations out there as to why this probably isnt true either but its the one I would like to hear experts discuss why its not true the most. Do you have an explanation for dinosaur fossils, foot prints, fossilized eggs? The myth of dinosaurs gives evolutionists a good feeling inside when they are confounded by cognitive dissonance that their evolutionary theories have no basis in reality. Dinosaur National Monument is famous for its remarkable dinosaur quarry. It dates back 130 years, to a period of early U.S. paleontology known as the Bone Wars, says Matt Lamanna, curator at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. Dragons do not count as dinosaur mythology. Two years later, the prolific Brown discovered yet another dinosaur, which won the name Tyrannosaurus rex. Still others feel the vertebra is both real and enormous, but it's simply somewhere. Of the small amount of Flood sediment actually . Maybe, they messed up and then to trick Russia into thinking NASA got there first, they staged it to cover up their failure (just like Apollo 13 was a failure, maybe Apollo 11 was also a failure for a similar reason but then it was covered up). Thank god, because T. rex is so much cooler to say than D. imp. The second problem with this theory is the sea dinos. Retrieved fromhttps://www.npr.org/2012/12/09/166665795/forget-extinct-the-brontosaurus-never-even-existed. (2000). Today, visitors have the opportunity to see the bones in-situ, which means that bones have been carefully exposed but left in the ground as they were found. (n.d.). That is just the point, Carlos, carbon dating is useless beyond 40k years, so there is not actually any evidence proving the world is any older. Bones found could be from any number of animals, even extinct animals (such as the do-do bird or sabertooth tiger) that are not giant godzilla lizard creatures. One thing though, I collect fossils from cliff falls on the Jurassic Coast, Dorset, Uk and have found bones from Ichthyosaurs etc. Discovery Raises New Doubts About Dinosaur-bird Links. Im not convinced completely either way at this point, and I loved dinosaurs as a kid (okay, I still do). Did you grow up loving dinos like the brontosaurus and the triceratops? Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090609092055.htm. The real question is, what in the world was going on oh so many years ago? Thank you. So then all the sea dinosaurs would have also stayed in the water. You completely missed the whole point. This was enough for major scientific journals to refuse to publish a paper about Archaeoraptor (a prerequisite to officially naming a new discovery). You have advanced the argument against Dinosaurs very convincingly to me at least. Also we are talking about a past the expanse of which we dont know nor are we physicists or mathematicians. You stated it would destroy all life on earth. Great! I guess they realized they better put the disclaimer that they are all fake and then add on a lie that the bones are elsewhere even though none of the bones exist! Dinosaurs and the Gravity Problem. Its clear that God would have supernaturally made the animals docile during their time on the boat (just like He did with Daniel in the lions den). In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head "coincidentally" in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of Youre going to get a lot of views for that post. What could they have gained from this? If you look hard enough, you can find lots of evidence for aliens from outer space too. Retrieved from https://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/14/dinosaur-deception-dinosaurs-never-existed-dinosaur-fossils-are-hoax-dinosaurs-scie, Your email address will not be published. If You want to be part of Jehovahs heavenly kingdom rule over the entire earth and explore and discover the various forms of creation and not ever again be told lies about it come to know Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ and be drawn to them, read John 17:3; John 6:44; Psalms 37:11,29; and Isaiah 65:17-25. There's literally thousands of fossilised evidence, yet the delusional scam artist Eric Dubay will try to convince you otherwise. You are watching too many movies. How so much pseudoscience is being forced on our kids and if they question it then they not only fail they are ridiculed. Good article and I too hate when things are claimed like its fact when its really just an opinion with a title tagged onto it which gives it any more credibility than if it were a nobody claiming something beyond doubt despite not having any real grasp on how things have always been. It is impossible! Actually what would really happen in that scenario is the same thing that happened before a new multi-billion dollar industry born revolving around a new species (product). And scientifically no bone can last 25 million years buried in the earth. Thus, ever since their discovery in the mid-1800s, hadrosaurs have been depicted with big ol' bills. Pizzagateowner 6 yr. ago. I havent seen that brought up in the comments and it was conspicuously lacking from your article. Now over the course of that 170million years there must have been species that cropped up and lived for a few thousand years, maybe some only hundreds. Not based on the overwhelming scientific evidence. I didnt write the two points you wrote because my comment would be longer, but I agree with you. when we cant dig out our great great grand parents bones (eaten by bacteria) or any other bones of all kinds of animals that had ever lived in this world how can paleontologists dig out clusterred dino bones all over the world. K-Ar (Potassium-Argon) dating is just as flawed and for many of the same reasons. The only "evidence" is a tall tale dating back to 1909. Results of radioactive dating methods, including all methods as well as uranium and others, vary widely so widely that it simply cannot be used reliably as a dating method at all. And last,what if those few real bones were the bones of the nephilim? We do find evidence of man and dinosaurs living at about the same time. Seems like thats the only animal ever fossilized. 1.7M views 9 years ago A huge triceratops skeleton was found in Wyoming! God created the earth and all things that dwell on it, and that was about 6,000 years ago. As we know a fossil can be created in as little as just a few months. The top echelons have all three and the theories just dont click nor are they compatible with basic natural law (bird combined with reptile, e.g.). Also, the American Bison was hunted to nearly the point of extinction. The radiocarbon stopwatch buzzes round at a great rate, so fast that, after some thousands of years, its spring is almost wound down and the watch is no longer reliable. God only destroyed humanity in the Great Flood (minus Noah and his family), but God saved the animals. What about Sue the T-rex skeleton that is purportedly 90% complete and the actual fossils of which are on display in a museum, including a skull complete with earbones? The only problem: The vertebra described has been missing for more than 100 years, and many people think that it may never have existed at all, or at least not as it was described in the first place. This soil is typically deposited in waterways, causing siltation and destroying aquatic ecosystems (Rabbit Problems, n.d.). probably. How long did it take for that specific species to become extinct since its birth? What did exist, however, was somehow even weirder. No, seriously. The creatures in the Bible could have simply been an elephant and a whale. I agree with some and agree with more explanation others. But what about the skulls? In 1979 the correct head was placed atop the museum's skeleton. There were wildfires. His "no dinosaur skeleton has ever been found" is completely erroneous. Even reputable publications like the Washington Post declared "Brontosaurus Still Lives," which wasn't just sensationalism it was inaccurate sensationalism. Cultures all over the world have myths about dragons extending back thousands of years and the word dragon appears in the KJV Bible over twenty times. In the real world, paleontologists have found huge numbers of insects and other invertebrates in. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All radioactive dating works generally the same and none can reliably predict any dates and all have been proven false at some time or another. Even if dinos actually existed at some time period, Jesus would not have been around on Earth at the same time, since we can be fairly certain that everyone can agree that there were no dinos around only 2,000 years ago. That led me to think if there were so many different dinosaurs living for millions of years on Earth, wouldnt a bone or at least a tooth come up someplace where Id been digging? The Bone Wars was the name given to a bitter competition between two paleontologists, Yale's O.C. Shortly thereafter, a professor named Xu Xing found an "Archaeoraptor" tail on another dinosaur at a Chinese institute, proving once and for all the dinosaur was literal fake news. Not like a fish into just a different kind of fish. They couldn't safely dig Kevin out until 2011, and two years later they had their snout. The way the scientists use it is they reject any result that dont fit their billions of years nonsense (which is most results) and only use a rare result that fits their preconceptions. The last time I went there, the guide said the bones were all replicas, & the real bones were elsewhere. However, Im also not going to perpetuate that dinosaurs did exist. Ive been questioning why dinosaurs have been pushed on me since I was a kid 30 years ago. The class "Dinosauria" was originally defined by "Sir" Richard Owen of the Royal Society, and Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. What Happened To The Flagship 7-Inch Tablets? But now researchers are saying it's not a triceratops--that dinosaur never existed. p.s. Hope it helps! Serpent could have been a dragon. Is The Mars InSight Lander Real? The Next Technological Revolution Is Here: Privacy, Security, Blockchain & More. #3 Ever heard of Trex named Sue ? Id rather that be in the textbooks (encouraging people to remember that their brain is just as competent as anyone elses here on this Earth) than any of the complete nonsense Ive read in all of my classes except Communication and Mathematics. Dinosaurs probably did exist, but 65-230odd million years ago? We set about maintaining our race by reproducing. Top 5 Reasons It Could Be A Hoax, Even If Its Not. The two burned through money, and were as much fame-hungry trailblazers as scientists. And I believe they are one of the tools being used to create false ideas about where we come from. "There are stories of either Cope or Marsh telling their fossil collectors to smash skeletons that were still in the ground, just so the other guy couldn't get them," Lamanna tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered. The brontosaurus once ranked along with the T-Rex and triceratops as the most identifiable of the terrible lizards. Dinosaurs are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. They developed radio carbon dating and its limits as well as the age of the dinos. (1994). Bodie Hodge takes issue with this fallacy. The problem with Archaeoraptor is that the ones to expose the fraud were paleontologists. "Two years later," Lamanna says, "his fossil collectors that were working out West sent him a second skeleton that he thought belonged to a different dinosaur that he named Brontosaurus.". Check out: In other words, the existence. Ive seen Stegosaurus drawings from South America, Cambodia and elsewhere. https://www.paleodirect.com/fake-chinese-fossils-fossil-forgery-from-china/ never comment, but have to thank you Ok support that with the specific archaeological evidence dont just leave it at that. It seems like a big business, as you said. Dubbed Archaeoraptor liaoningensis, it supposedly had arms like a bird and a tail like a dinosaur, making it an unprecedented find. That's all he had, but people ran with it. An interesting article John, always enjoy a good alternative to what we are taught. Most likely, a horse or other common animal. There is extensive evidence to prove that both dinosaurs and fossil fuels are real. The earth has existed for millions of millions of years? He was an ordinary farmer,or that is what we know. Dinosaurs did actually exist. My kids know more dinosaur names now then living animals and I am curious why we still push kids to learn about dinosaurs so much. The armor-plated destroyer never existed, and this one meat-eater now had two names. #10 you state 3) If such an event were to occur, it would mean that there would be archaeological evidence of a period of time, perhaps many millions of years, in which no life existed on Earth except maybe some surviving cave dwellers and deep sea creatures. It seems to me that if somebody has enough money ,they can get a dino manufacturated for promotional purposes XD. According to The Telegraph, in 1900 the assistant curator of the American Museum of Natural History, Barnum Brown, discovered what would eventually be called T. rex. They determined a skull found in a quarry in Utah in 1910 was the true. This photograph from 1934 shows the Carnegie Museum's Apatosaurus skeleton on the right wearing the wrong skull. As National Geographic's senior assistant editor Christopher Sloan put it at the time, "this creature is a true missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds." James , Frances C. &Pourtless IV,John A. They like to have something to look at that makes them believe the Earth is millions of years old. Carnegie Museum of Natural History The hostile backlash from that must mean that we really didnt go, using your argument. God would have asked Noah to build a much, much, much bigger boat! Long-Bone Circumference and Weight in Mammals, Birds, and Dinosaurs. Get exclusive free monthly bonuses and content given only to our 150,000+ subscribers community! He then called this armored giantDynamosaurus imperiosus, not realizing he had turned two sets of dino bones into one, like a bonehead. However, in the early 1900s, the Carnegie Quarry was very active and many dinosaurs were removed, studied, and put . (1986). In other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum-head "coincidentally" in the mid-19th century, during the heyday of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. Articles like this cannot go in such depth without devoting a book to each subject. What Killed The Dinosaurs: The Invalid Hypothesis. Forget Extinct: The Brontosaurus Never Even Existed. Thus many larger species may have only lasted a few thousand years. I already knew a lot of what was in this article and more. Besides, Earth is still a mystery, we keep finding always new things and species everyday. "Brontosaurus means 'thunder lizard,'" he says. I want to see the end of this false science before I die. How could they have built such monuments without tools and todays knowledge my bet is they were knowledgeable and that this knowledge has been passed down through the ages. Youve truly convinced me dinosaurs are faked. Since the human life span is much shorter, and writings of humans only go back a few thousand years, it is therefore impossible to have any human confirm the age of any rocks or geological materials, so therefore it is impossible to reliable date anything beyond a few thousand years. Explain how. Well hold on: Scientifically speaking, there's no such thing as a Brontosaurus. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-fake-fossils-pervert-paleontology-excerpt/. Theory of this magnitude can only be disproven with theory/common sense since the details and science are lacking. Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles of the clade Dinosauria. Cam'ron clarified that he isn't claiming dinosaurs never existed, he simply wants more proof. Conspiracy Theory Week: Dinosaurs Never Existed? Cladistics and the Origins of Birds: A Review and Two New Analyses. Check out my other articles why Flat Earth Theory is wrong. However, I dont believe that theory much. Is much stronger than the glass in front of you being fake. Id like to prove these dinos didnt exist because as you stated in the article, the physics makes no sense. But my argument with my friend I said well if there were so many dinosaurs and they lived for soo long here. Outside of birds, it's mostly common knowledge that dinosaurs are totally extinct. Joshua Franzos/Carnegie Museum of Natural History First of all, keep in mind that it is absolute certain and proven historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who lived on Earth. As LiveScience reports, the mokele-mbembe supposedly lives in the Congo, where it feasts on crocodiles, hippos, and even elephants. Just like in the justice system: motive, weapon, opportunity. No real historian worth their salt would deny the fact, unless they were outright lying. Even many Christians have tried to mix dinosaurs and the bible. The React team investigates as conspiracists take to social media to dispel dinosaurs' existence Though the first dinosaurs appeared about 243 million years ago, they remain as prominent as ever today. Awesome article John. What fossils? I often find myself searching for answers. By this I mean that there would be particles of dust and other substances of rock going into the atmosphere and then blocking off the sun, thus causing the earth to freeze over and kill all living creatures on earth ? Lets see what my teacher has got to say about this come Monday. It's impossible that dinosaurs existed because dinosaurs are too big? When one looks into who was involved Erasmus Darwin darwins phenologist grandfather and then phrenology techniques were applied to the skulls of the two supposed cave menwe have no clue what kind of creatures they were. The 'Age of Dinosaurs' (the Mesozoic Era) included three consecutive geologic time periods (the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods). I am merely going to point out that there are more scientific anomalies in the theory of dinosaurs than there are evidence that dinosaurs did exist. All those years I thought they were real bones, but they werent. I have grown to be skeptical of what we are presented with as reality. They are not larger than the biggest dinosaurs, and they live underwater which has buoyancy negating much of the negative impacts of gravity from such a large creature. Ive always looked for dinosaur fossils, but so far I havent found any. Dragons may have existed, as there is historical evidence of dragons throughout the ages. From one of their fake skeletons, here is one of a fake T-Rex skull to use for museums: https://www.prehistoricstore.com/item.php?item=214300. Also a few points to consider (read: keep you awake at night): The ocean probably was not as deep as it is today 100 million years ago. Although the mistake was spotted by scientists by 1903, the Brontosaurus lived on, in movies, books and children's imaginations. Youre asking for a book, while this is a blog article. There was a lot of, even, melted rock in that area. I will check that out next time. We are in construction and dig allot and find all kinds of stuff, but no dinosaur bones. That is my honest take on all of this. Then there's the Tethyshadros insularis, whose beak was almost snowplow-shaped, with a serrated upper beak that was highest in the middle. However, no such archaeological evidence exists. They were "terrible lizards", he said. A man made lie to achieve whatever goal you had in mind for the planet.
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