hartford public schools superintendent
No applications or fees. "Trauma is not foreign to us in Hartford and Hartford Public Schools," the superintendent said, adding that dealing with the trauma is an "extended process.". It will come perhaps at the expense of something else and I think once members see what the other side of that ledger looks like, I think it changes peoples minds about what actually can be done.. District Organizational Chart. I dont have the words I want to say to Se'Crets mom and loved ones that we are all so deeply sorry. As city officials pledged their support for the family and community in the wake of the killing, it also resurfaced painful memories of other incidents in Hartford where young people became the unintended victims of gun violence. Howard Fair Sr., who also lives nearby, called on the community and wondered why there hasnt been more outrage about gun violence. Biography. "I'm a generation removed from that, but there is no grief like a mother's grief," he said. Prior to her appointment as Superintendent, Dr. Torres-Rodriguez was Acting Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Leadership at Hartford Public Schools, where she provided culturally courageous leadership to support the comprehensive improvement efforts of a network of 11 schools. The East Hartford Board of Education appointed Mr. Thomas Anderson, a graduate of East Hartford Public Schools, its new Superintendent of Schools at a special meeting on March 22, 2023. 5003 will be key to securing the funding needed to create conditions that retain high-quality educators. All students in Grade 3 and above will be taking the . GET PARENTSQUARE TODAY! Hartford's seventh homicide of the year was the latest violence to rock the city. A makeshift memorial with votive candles had been arranged Friday morning outside the Hartford public safety complex. West Hartford Superintendent of Schools Tom Moore announced that he will leave the district as of June 30, 2022, and will become superintendent of the Niles Township High School District 219 in Skokie, Illinois. We need a seismic change; our youth need to resolve their conflicts differently. For more resources and services, click here. The West Hartford Board of Education is pleased to announce we have unanimously selected Paul Vicinus to be the next superintendent of the West Hartford Public Schools, effective May 1, 2023. This policy also furthers the Districts mission to support the whole student by creating an inclusive culture in our schools. Acting Superintendent of Schools. Esta poltica tambin promueve la misin del Distrito de apoyar a los estudiantes en su totalidad mediante la creacin de una cultura inclusiva en nuestras escuelas. Registration opens at 9:00 AM. Bronin said the three people who survived the shooting had "extensive firearm involvement and criminal history," and called on them to cooperate with investigators, saying he believed they knew who fired the bullet that killed Se'Cret. Students Succeed on i-Ready Tests. West Hartford is a vibrant community which proudly boasts outstanding schools, talented teachers, and dedicated administrators charged to inspire and support all students in . A tragedy like this ripples outward in a community and affects so many, so to all of her loved ones and friends and neighbors and classmates and teachers and everyone who was a part of her life, we all stand together with you today, and our team at the Hartford Public Schools and our partners throughout the city will do everything they can to support you and the community as a whole, the mayor said. Hartford Public Schools is currently seeking excellent candidates for the upcoming school year and wants to provide the best experience for you. Nuestra diversidad es lo que nos hace ms fuertes, y hago un llamado a todos ustedes para ayudar a crear un ambiente cordial donde todos se sientan respetados, seguros y cmodos siendo ellos mismos. Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez is the Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools, one of the largest urban school districts in Connecticut. She supervised 16 schools, oversaw a turnaround high school through the Commissioner's Network, facilitated construction meetings for two schools . THE 50TH ANNUAL HARTFORD YOUTH ART RENAISSANCE. The idea that youre going to solve a teacher shortage absent any financial asks is absolutely unacceptable, Dias said. The officials also discussed short and long-term plans to promote wellness as well as drug abuse and overdose prevention. Hartford Public Schools. Our aim is to keep as many people, our personnel who are so instrumental in the development of our students as learners. Angie and Rihana are currently receiving training with the robot so they can hold sessions for their sisters and other members of the community. He also said that his organization will continue to advocate for the safety and well-being of the community and push for tangible solutions to address this crisis and are reaching out to the mayor to see what we can do as a branch to help curb this violence in the city. ", "There's just thoughts of loss. District Core Beliefs. Hartford Public Schools serve K-12th grade students and is located in Hartford, MI. BOE Pride in 5 2023 District Improvement Plan. All rights reserved. Education funding has emerged as a point of contention between the two budgets. Estos son algunas fechas, eventos y recursos importantes: Ver la lista de libros para lectura de verano, NUEVO: Consulte el calendario acadmico 2023-2024, Programe el examen fsico de su estudiantes para el aos escolar 2023-2024, Dra. New Hartford Public Schools; Central Office Staff; Name: Title: Location: Antolini School; Central Office, Town Hall; New Hartford Elementary School; . I ask that everyone keep the family, friends, and the entire school community at SMSA in their thoughts and prayers. She also earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Central Connecticut State University. Previously, she covered state politics with CT New Junkie and Hamden with The New Haven Independent. The public auction will take place on Monday, June 26th, 9AM - 11AM at the Dunkin Park, 1214 Main Street, Hartford CT. We're broken.". The most important thing to understand about school choice in Hartford is that all the participating schools are tuition free public schools with open enrollment. Tom Moore, who has been superintendent of West Hartford Public Schools since 2014, was honored Friday as the 2022 Superintendent of the Year by the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS). Superintendent of Schools. Esta poltica tambin promueve la misin del Distrito de apoyar a los estudiantes en su totalidad mediante la creacin de una cultura inclusiva en nuestras escuelas. As a potential supplement to the existing middle and high school curriculum that covers drug and alcohol awareness, additional awareness resources differentiated for younger students will also be identified and recommended for adoption. Although substance abuse is rare in the younger grades, we must explore age-appropriate enhancements to our curriculum and identify new grants to expand our mental health and substance abuse tools and programming., The City Council is dedicated to ensuring that students, families, and schools have the resources they need to keep our kids protected, because no one should have to worry about their childs safety at our schools, said City Council President Maly D. Rosado. Saylor said medical personnel worked hard through the night, but it was evident his granddaughter would not "return from the damage that had been done to her brain. , que sigue las leyes federales y estatales que prohben la discriminacin por motivos de sexo, orientacin sexual, identidad o expresin de gnero. Here are some important dates, events, and resources: Join a Workshop to Build Effective School Partnerships, Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez The district also filed alawsuit that year against Monsanto, the manufacturing company associated with the construction of the school. Moore, 51, a Massachusetts native who graduated from UMass, is an educator at heart, and has worked in West . All students in Grade 3 and above will be taking the survey during the school day, and families of students in all grades are invited to participate as well. Through its partnership with the Local Prevention Council and North Hartford Triple Aim Collaborative, Hartfords Department of Health and Human Services will be a part of prevention training for Out of School Time providers. 5. Advocates said that H.B. I saw the flashes on my wall. Hagan clic aqu para comenzar! In addition to volunteering at CONNECTicut Families, a center for children with autism, Angie and Rihana applied for a grant to purchase a Kebbi Robot, an educational robot that helps children on the spectrum learn facial expressions, body movements, and communication skills. This is not a criticism, not a criticism of what more affluent towns spending on their childrenBut rather, this is a call to action, a call for us collectively to do more, do more for high needs students from high needs school communities.. Police: 12-year-old girl killed in drive-by, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Welcome to the new courant.com: Whats changed, FAQs and more, Hartford man sentenced to 30 years in prison in fatal shooting in 2019, Police: 12-year-old girl killed in drive-by shooting in Hartford; community devastated by this senseless act of violence, FDIC recommends raising insured deposit limit for businesses, FDA approves drug for cats with chronic kidney disease, giving pet owners hope, At least 6 dead after dust storm causes crashes in Illinois, Pot consulting paid Oregon secretary of state $10K monthly; she called CT for info, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Les deseo lo mejor mientras completan su educacin y espero ver a muchos de regreso en las Escuelas Pblicas de Hartford como empleados de tiempo completo el prximo ao. And you just never know when theyre going to be shooting. EVERY DAY. I want to thank our partners in the City of Hartford, state officials, and our local health and law enforcement partners for their support. 0:45. Following this tragic incident, we want to ensure that staff at schools and community youth organizations have access to additional substance abuse awareness, mental health and other professional training services to help them promote student wellbeing. "They left the school like that and it has been sitting there for about eight years.". Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez issued a statement condemning Cataford's remarks, but did not name the nurse, citing privacy concerns. It is so heartbreaking that this is happening. <NUEVO> Da Internacional de la Visibilidad Transgnero. Parents should note that choosing an out-of-zone school may affect availability of school transportation. Michael Bernard, who lives across the street, said he was alerted to the shooting after he heard the gunshots from his apartment. From 2017, her first year as Superintendent, to 2021, the four-year graduation rate for multilingual learners increased by more than 10 percentage points. Mayors, clergy and school district leaders are urging Gov. Wilkerson founded the Vault Project, which intended to create a plan for the abandoned Clark school. Family 'broken' after girl, 12, killed in Hartford drive-by shooting. Hammersley said H.B. Last year, the Hartford Board of Education unanimously approved a new policy on Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, which follows federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. The legislature put in place the acceleration of ECS in 2017. Se'Cret Pierce, in an undated photo. , Dra. Elementary Schools. Police arrestedTyquam Malone on charges of murder and second-degree larceny in the killing. MarkBibbins, a longtime city resident, wondered on Friday why the bystander shootings of young children continue in Hartford. Angie and Rihana will also be featured in an upcoming. "Thank you for being so wonderful to me for 31 years.". This tragedy highlights the urgent need for our city officials to prioritize finding solutions to the issue of gun violenceWe need to see more action from our leaders to protect our communities, particularly our children. Dr. Torres-Rodriguez also taught social and behavioral science at Capital Community College and served students and families at Goodwin Technical High School as a School Social Worker. Investigators Friday afternoon could be seen still searching for evidence at the scene. Aiken Elementary School; . The training will take place in the first quarter of 2022 and will focus on assisting providers recognize the needs of youth as recovery from the pandemic continues. Title: Superintendent of Schools. Haga clic aqu para ver al robot Kebbi Robot en accin. I am so thankful for the student teachers and their commitment to serving our students. Clinical psychologists from Connecticut Childrens hospital were also available for students, families, and staff to offer emotional health support. Todos los estudiantes a partir de 3.er grado respondern la encuesta durante el da escolar; las familias de los estudiantes de todos los grados tambin estn invitadas a participar. Florida officials are threatening to revoke the teaching license of a school superintendent after he criticized Gov. Officials on Friday declined to say if SeCret had any connection to any of the males who were shot. I heard all the commotion, Bernard said. "Toys, chairs just imagine, you're like living in a war country and you have to go and you can't take anything," Wilkerson said. We want to make sure that no one is left behind.. Born in Puerto Rico, she migrated to Hartford at the age of nine. I am so proud of these young women for persevering through the challenging grant process, being positive role models in our District and for pursuing a Capstone project that has such meaning and impact. These buildings are Annie Fisher, Classical Magnet, Global Communications Academy, Hartford Public High School, Environmental Science Magnet at Mary Hooker,Kinsella Magnet (Van Block) and Weaver High School. Florence E. Smith STEM School. 67% of students right now are not fully funded according to their need, according to that formulaHaving the state fully fund what its already committed to, just sooner, is a significant step in the right direction.. New Hartford, CT 06057. Se'Cret's grandfather, Rev. Please see below for some updates from Hartford Public Schools. I want to say to SeCrets mom and loved ones that we are all so deeply sorry, that we are with them today in grief, in prayer and with love, Bronin said, adding that city officials know Secrets grandfather very well. 330 Wethersfield Avenue 4th Floor Among those in the dark were students who attended Clark and other potential exposure sites dating back to when the doors first opened. In recent years, Wilkerson has toured the site where he says people have been living since it is a large building with many warm places to sleep. Were in a war right now. We are working hand in hand with them, our staff, and administrators to ensure the well-being of our students and to safely return them to school. Sam Saylor, spent the night at the hospital with family hoping for a miracle. Expanding Mental Health/Prevention Services. Click To Contact Us All rights reserved. Remember that you can always reach out to one of our many trusted and caring adults for support. 5003 supporters want a full acceleration in Fiscal Year 2025 with maintained funding for districts that would have seen a decline in funding per the schedule. Dr. Torres-Rodriguez has received local and national recognition for her work as a leader in education. Norfeldt Elementary School. 31 de marzo de 2023. La encuesta toma de 10 a 15 minutos en completarse y ser necesario tener la identificacin de la escuela de su hijo (nmero del almuerzo) para participar. La asistencia diaria puede ayudar a que la escuela gane carreras y obtenga premios. The Hartford community is mourning the death of a 12-year-old girl killed Thursday night when she was shot in the head during a drive-by quadruple shooting. In my capacity as a community organizer, weve been researching gun violenceIts very, very challenging to combat something where theres so much of it, I think the best solution that I have at this particular moment is something that weve been working on, is literally getting money to fund better violence intervention and prevention programs in the state of Connecticut.. NEW BEDFORD Superintendent of New Bedford Public Schools Thomas Anderson is headed to his hometown of East Hartford, CT after being hired as superintendent there, East Hartford . All superintendents go through this every winter and every spring, we oftentimes have conversations through our budget process about what to keep, or more specifically who to keep, Osunde said. Hartford Public School families speak a total of 85 languages, and 22% of . Principal McCoy and the staff at S.A.N.D. Another workshop series is now being planned. The gun culture in our country and in my city is out of control, Gale said. Leslie Torres-Rodrguez, Superintendente Angie Echevarria and Rihana Foote, seniors at Sport and Medical Sciences Academy, are working with children on the autism spectrum for their capstone, inspired by their younger sisters who both have autism. Bronin has proposed legislation at the Capitol that would make it more difficult for people with multiple felony gun convictions to be on the streets and said he believed that legislation would have had an effect on at least one of the victims of Thursday's drive-by shooting. (860) 695-8000 The full list of properties as well as the starting bids is available at www.cttaxsales.com. She was also the recipient of the 2019 Connecticut Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (CALAS) Award for Educational Leadership, the 2019 National Brillante Award for Educational Excellence from Prospanica, and she was featured in Women of Distinction by Hartford Magazine in December 2019. East Hartford Public Schools Superintendent's Cabinet Team. Awareness/Education for the HPS Community. "Once the school has tested air quality, there's no efficient manner for conveying the test results to the families they serve.". On the other half of the Capitol Complex union members of the Connecticut Education Association geared up for a lobbying campaign to reintroduce teacher salaries, COVID pension credits, heroes pay and tax credits to the budget conversation after the Appropriations Committee failed to hear H.B. You matter, and your voice matters. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, Superintendent of Hartford Public Schools, talks to the media about a 12-year-old girl who was killed Thursday night after she was shot in the head during a drive-by . Its heartbreaking. A nuestros estudiantes y personal LGBTQ+: sepan que son vistos, valorados y escuchados. Its time for the mayor and police chief to come together and work on finding solutions to this epidemic that is claiming the lives of our babies. Both were taken to a local hospital with injuries. Anyone seeking advice or help in supporting their child through grief and loss can click here for further resources. This bill allows us as a state to deliver the promise for all Connecticut students, for all of Connecticuts children.. Hartford Public Schools. "We found out about the PCBs because someone's funeral is occurring," said Ivelisse Correa-Ojeda, a Hartford resident and one of the leaders of BLM860, referring to her son's father, who died of cancer.
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