heaven and hell testimonies
In an event that he relates to a vision, Bill Wiese, a devout Christian, describes his experience as being plunged into hell. He shook his head and said, I was there when you came back to life. One is filled with power and many other wonderful things and the RCC is all about their dogma and liturgy. moment that God is real-atheists and While we should always rely on the Bible to tell us. I had no idea how much trouble I was in or that I would be forever changed. And I knew exactly how much I had disobeyed in comparison to my biblical understanding. But not all near-death-experiences are that positive. I frantically looked to see who might help me. We dont like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me.. To purchase a copy of the book, https://www.xlibris.com/en-gb/bookstore/bookdetails/818477-hell-fire-is-real. In her experiences, she tells of detailed torture, putrid odors, demons, and a pit of fire. While Jesus was giving me this message, He said My child, look there He showed me beautiful houses which are ready for His children. Hes talking about consequences for the purpose of setting the person on the right track, not eternal damnation. Hell is about a refusal to love God and have a relationship with Him. Famous People in Hell. As such, I dont know if any of these near death experiences are real because the Bible says apostle Paul was not allowed to say what he saw. He was hit by a stray bullet on the head outside a restaurant in Atlanta. Most notably Jesus speaks of all nations coming for the last judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). I've heard many testimonies that supports this man's testimony. Hence, there has been a lot of misconceptions about it too. +HoneyGood Question2nd MaccabeesBut not just thereremember when Jesus Christ established his visible church on earth the Roman Catholic Church he gave it certain authority. I tried to pull back and break the hold it had on me but it was too powerful.Before I could blink, I knew thisit was too late. Before I can enter into worship in a heart-connect way, let alone in spirit and truth (see John 4:24), I have to tell my body, You will worship God. God is graciously allowing people that have died, to return to life, and warn us about hell. It is one of READINESS to forgive. The only leg you have to stand on, is the first part the Bible. Because of the Devil and his disobedience, disrespect, and disregard of God, Hell was created. Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. AMEN!!! It was void of anything good. Nineveh had national revival when it was at its most corrupt. A couple doctors raced over and started working on me. In the text you are quoting he is saying that there is no more sacrifice for sin left because NONE IS NEEDED, its a done deal. I was literally experiencing inside my body the truth I had read in the Bible. Anita Moorjani, a public speaker, was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2002 and was quickly losing her battle to cancer. Although God literally forgave me everything, I chose to refuse to forgive certain ones. She acknowledged the fact that although she claimed to be a Christian, she failed to show the fruit of her faith. But there is no overload shut-down mechanism in Hell. But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! There are many different opinions on heaven and hell, depending on religion and personal beliefs. feelings can come and go, but often we do not control feelings, but we can control how we react to feelings because of this enlightenment but then Teaching magisterium of the church. Then Lord impressed on his heart, I will do what I want to bring your healing. I was there when they took the MRI of your heart. We must choose to forgive, God requires it. There will be those on the Lords left and right. I dont often get words from God but He definitely spoke this to me concerning Trump & Hilary. This one is like none I have ever had relayed to me. Jesus said all those who believe in the Son of Man will be saved. She pulled herself together and ran 100 yards.. He spent time for 100 days in prison due to getting drunk and riding his motorcycle in the 1980s. In his book, he recounts his experience as follows, I began to descend down, down, into a pit, like youd go down into a well, cavern or cave. Fictional ideas and Biblical truths have been mixed and passed down from generation to generation. He saw Christians being tortured in coffins in Hell by demons spearing them with hot sharp spears and hearing them scream in torment. While it is unclear whether Sister Faustinas experience was a vision or a near-death encounter, she describes hell as endless torment, impenetrable darkness, and a terrible suffocating smell. In an event that he relates to a vision, Bill Wiese, a devout Christian, describes his experience as . She was still hanging on to the car., When she saw they were going to hit another vehicle, she let go and fell headlong to the pavement. Each of them had metal plate on their chest that read: I am here for not giving tithes and offerings When I read that, I asked the Lord, Lord how this can be possible, that people are here for this reason? My testimony of how a shark played the violin for me doesn't prove a shark can play a violin #shortsFull Video can be found here - https://youtu.be/p2yQNRVoz. Copyright 2023 Answers for Everyone. The Lord will judge His people. Hebrews 10:26-30. I knew that everything I had read was true. AMEN! Worship and prayer continued around me. Ian wished to return to earth to share his story with those who did not know God. Heaven is utmost exciting; hell is undoubtedly daunting. 3. Some call me a minister. Then he heard a voice say, Jesus I know but you I dont.. Which side you end up on is based on what you did for the least of His brethren!!! If you are unsure of your beliefs surrounding hell, I would encourage you to read more about the afterlife here. Suddenly, Bill recalls seeing a bright light and felt himself rising out of the tunnel through which he had previously descended. This interpretation and reconciliation of these Scriptures/teachings of Christ are confirmed by Matthew 5:23-24, in which Christ instructs us not to make offerings to the Lord God if we know that a fellow believer has a legitimate issue with us: we must seek to be reconciled with our fellow believer (brother) before we make our offerings (monetary, thanksgivings, praises, worship, and so forth) to Him. Honey. The Bible says, "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way" (Ps. In the police report it says they resuscitated me five times. Reverend Hagin shares many descriptions of hell similar to others including intense darkness, unbearable heat, strange creatures, and great flames of fire. Whats the worse that could happen? Some are said to be sheep, and the . I went down feet first. It is God who justifies. It is a medical fact I was dead for 20 minutes in the hospital. Common Myths About Childrens Dental Hygiene What You Need To Know. 4.) Repentance is accepting Gods forgiveness, but His forgiveness was already in place through the finished work of Christ of the cross. They did not tithe properly (other sins were also named, see full testimony for details) .On their death beds, they thought they had done a good job so they did not repent of those things. The feeling in the room was the same as other times that I had been invited to come away with the Lord to visit Heaven. The realization that I was in Hell was unquestionably shocking and beyond hurtful! The idea of hell has been widely portrayed as much as heaven. It is unlikely the earth would be overwhelmed with belief before the end. I experienced many other horrors during this vision, which I talk about further in my book The Hell Conspiracy. If the Biblical way were carried out, thered be less division in the church. She felt an unquenchable thirst as she smelled the intense smell of sulfur. But that is not true. But first and foremost, being a devoted Christian is her most important job. Are you sure that Jesus is about to come back within a few years? You know what? But it is disobedience if a Christian sins against you and you do not do what Jesus said to. I knew all of the scriptures on Hell, how much information was provided to me in the Bible about it, and how those scriptures fit with the rest of the Bible. Too many people! He recalls the feeling of numbness spreading throughout his body. They were joined together in chains.. Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Forgiveness on whose part and repentance on whose part? See Peace and Security and the Antichrist maybe at rollanmccleary.wordpress.com. One of the most important things I knew is that Hell wasnt created because of human sin and we dont go to Hell because of one particular sin. I made the distinction between how Jesus says to handle offences within the church and how to handle those without. Maybe we should all go to church and take our children with us? He looked exactly as I saw Him in my testimony of how Jesus Christ appearing to me. Divine Tradition, 3. But even more, a supernatural knowledge filled in the blanks that I did not already know. Impossible things are happening. Please read Bait of SATAN by John Bevere. He continued to serve God in his adult years, pastoring Rhema Bible Church and founding Kenneth Hagin Ministries. They may have debts that can only be paid by our prayers or their suffering. My eyes met again one-on-one with The Risen Glorified Son of God; Jesus Christ. I would hate for people to experience this for real.. Read the full testimony here. People had nowhere else to go, but hell. For more information, visit xlibrispublishing.co.uk or call 0-800-014-8620 to receive a free publishing guide. About four years ago I cried to God because I felt I could no longer endure to see all evil and unrighteousness which fills this this earth and I felt as my heart would break because of the pain over this. A strict atheist at the time of his near-death-experience, Howard Storm nearly died following emergency surgery. I went to a. 01 May 2023 20:21:00 !, After arriving in Heaven .The Lord then asked me five questions. "I was transported to hell, twice in two . Downloaded 622 times. From Hell to Heaven: One Man's Journey . How horrifying and scary it was. And in the last days it shall be, God declares, Then an astonishing sight met Alec. You OUGHT to have said Lawrence, the metaphor that the RCC uses is that of a 3-legged stool. There may be a huge, miraculous revival of the christian Faith very soon but the revival could possibly be delaying some decades or centuries later. While we should always rely on the Bible to tell us what hell is really like, stories of others can provide us with much to think about. I worked for the evangelism department at the International House of Prayer, now called the Kansas City Evangelists Fellowship (KCEF). John MacArthur wrote an excellent book on this subject. The concept of eternity in Hell is terrifying. I was shocked that it was right there. I cant tell you what that did to me then, or the soberness that it puts in me even today. We all have sinned (see Rom. Oh God, what did I do wrong? I am a Republican, and I have despised Donald Trump since I first knew of him 30 years ago. I was thrashing about, punching them. And Any Christian who doesnt tithe will not be blessed because they love money more than my word. I hate his bombastic way of talking. Providentially, an ambulance was among the vehicles caught in the traffic jam. I dont know how to explain just how panicked I was, although you may understand a bit if youve ever been lost. Don Piper Saw A Magnificent Gate. Christians who do not forgive will not go to hell for that fault, because they are Christians they will go to purgatory until they pay back what they refused to give in this life. I am a practicing emergency physician and have witnessed many deaths and several near death experiences. Jesus mentioned to Alec to pay attention to the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant and instructed him about its meaning. The womans description matched that of my husband. Trump, Clinton, Obama, Putin, they are all the same monster. No it is notthe antichrist is nowhere on this earth yetjust an antichrist system which God is now destroying and exposing. But we reject His mercy when we defiantly harden our hearts (see Heb. will enlighten every single person in Heaven is for Real - By Colton Burpo's Story; Heaven is Real - Ron Pettey; . Quite interestingly, I did not see mansions, cars, designer clothes, banks, millionaires, or billionaires just people and their burning flesh. I will show you the power of the Holy Spirit. Now I am happy to call him my President. Any words he used, would fall utterly short in describing the real glory he saw in the 3rd Heaven. The horribleness and pain in Hell accelerated and continued to get worse. The description he gave is exactly as Jesus described it, he looked up and saw a tiny prick of light in the distance and a voice from above, boomed, One more chance! He found himself shooting up toward the light, until he came to on the bed in the doctors surgery. She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. We cant do anything about that. She saw a fiery pit as she took in her surroundings, screaming in complete agony. Because they would not love and obey God. He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of It is not just people getting saved, Alec adds. I was immediately taken to a place I could not recognize until I heard another voice calling me. Some churches place burdens grievous to be borne upon the shoulders of Christians and Jesus has the answer..read my reply. Our Lady of Fatima said that many souls drop into hell because there is no one to pray for them. That is the Rapture The weeds being gathered up first to be burned! I cant add to what he told me.. The hospital also discovered pneumonia in his lungs, so they placed Alec in an induced coma following his surgery. The Damned were Raptured in the flood. On a November morning in 1998, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes In Hell had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. Perhaps God is answering the many, many prayers of faithful believers begging for His help against the wickedness of the evil that has infiltrated our governments. Park was a gang member when he was in his 20s and 30s in South Korea. People go to Hell because they refuse to be in a relationship with God. So how much more is that true about Jesus? With a person's earthly body out of commission, their consciousness then . It is oly relevant in cases where someone has sinned against you and you confront them and they fall at your feet and ask mercy of you. I didnt believe it then. I knew I was being invited to go in the spirit. Alec was in the coma for three weeks. Moreover a much cited view of the future from Ken Peters, saw a revival occurring post Rapture during the Tribulation. As I screamed, my spirit was also making a sound that deeply hurt my heart and brain while it also panicked every blood cell in my body. He explains in detail his personal experience of what lost souls have to endure in damnation, and what Jesus saved us from. But you say, How have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Just to say also that God has revealed in prophetic words that their will be great grace given to humanity in these times its called the Illumination of It was a miracle she wasnt killed. 30:18 AMP). I could look up and see the lights of the Earth. It won't be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of Godand He is interceding for us.