japanese names that mean poison

"A case of acute renal failure caused by Mamushi (, https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T192065A2035458.en, "Clinical Study of Mamushi Viper Bites in 35 Cases", "Standardization of Regional Reference for Mamushi (, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mamushi&oldid=1145705847, This page was last edited on 20 March 2023, at 14:45. Halima is a name that is quite common in the Middle East but has recently made its way over to North America. Kanji, words and names grouped in various ways for easy access. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Noxious This name is simple and to the point, and emphasizes the dragons ability to emit poisonous fumes and gases. Video of the Day Japanese Pieris (Pieris japonica) MomJunction provides content for informational purposes only. Japanese Name Meanings for English Words - Japan Yugen Culture Japanese Name Meanings for English Words This page contains Japanese names meaning for different words in English, use the search function or press a word to jump to its Japanese name meaning. Black widow Brown recluse Centipede Deathstalker scorpion Fire salamander Gila monster Komodo dragon Lionfish Man o war jellyfish Platypus Snakes Boomslang Copperhead Fer-de-lance Mamba Viper Stingray Tarantula Poisonous Animals Boy. This poison is also famous because it was used to kill Socrates and Theramenes. All words in our system Destroying Angel a highly toxic mushroom with a white cap and gills that is responsible for the majority of mushroom-related deaths. Pestilence This name suggests a wyvern that brings sickness and death wherever it goes. They adopt passion for whole life and always show interest in others for friendship. The name Joben is a Japanese male name and means Enjoy Cleanlies. Keep on reading to find a huge trove of names related to poison, venom, and toxins. has 8 strokes, and is the 1123rd most common kanji in Japanese. Fun Fact: Besides love, Ai can be associated with the kanji for indigo. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Japanese Names That Mean Poison: Doku - This Japanese word means "poison" or "toxic." Hime - This name means "princess," but it is also the name of a highly toxic mushroom that is native to Japan. [3], It is typically an ambush predator that uses its excellent camouflage to hide itself in vegetation or leaf litter. 1 : Gunma They may be inspired by poisonous or toxic substances, such as Poison Ivy or Toxic Waste. They are noble and have urge to live long life with peace. [4] The common name in Japanese is mamushi (). Across all words in Japanese, is used 186 times, read 1 way (with 1 variation). A postgraduate in Human Resources from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, she likes understanding this name means charming or blessed and beautiful. have a colored badge in search results, eg: Many useful words have multiple forms, and less common Oleander a beautiful, pink or white-flowered shrub that contains toxic compounds that affect the heart and nervous system. I travel the world while working from my laptop and try to visit Japan as often as I can. Here's a list of translations. Akumu is a Japanese name for nightmare.. [13] Because the beta-toxin acts pre-synaptically, its effects cannot be blocked or treated by anticholinesterases. Gloydius blomhoffii. Youll find names rich in culture, names with interesting backstories, and others that simply sound stunning. Your email address will not be published. meaning poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite./ meaning island. It is the name of a toxic plant named poisonous ivy. However, it does have other variations in its meaning, according to Greek culture, ivy represents eternity and fidelity. Arabic for "happiness," and Japanese for "flower," Korean for "One, First, Consistency," and Hawaiian for "work, Kana means The One who Has the Power, Powerful, Kei name means Square Jewel, Blessing, Wise, A beautiful cherry blossom, or a beautiful thread, Brilliance; exceptional talent or intelligence towards things, Pongee a soft cloth made from threads of silk, Spinning, Request, Beseech, In Japanese it means black rain. The following two tabs change content below. Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. An additional 5 less common words include but the reading has not yet been categorized. Uburozi is a name of Kinyarwanda origin, meaning poison., Rancor is a name with multiple origins; English, French, and Latin. Grimer This blob-like Pokemon is made of sludge and can emit toxic gases from its body, poisoning anyone who comes too close. In medicine, it has been used in the past as a stimulant, but it has largely been replaced by safer alternatives. Kiyohime. specific demons. Adikarah is one of many names of the Hindu lord Shiva who has a poisonous serpent wrapped around his neck. These names often work great as nicknames or other similar names a toxin might be known as besides its more scientific names. Ango is the Latin word for to choke or strangle, making this title a description of a type of death. The name is derived from the Indian word for night or darkness. Qwilfish This fish-like Pokemon has quills on its back that contain a deadly toxin which it can use to inflict damage and poison its enemies. Velenu is a name of Corsican origin, meaning poison., Lason is a name of Filipino origin, meaning poison., Jed is a name of Czech origin, meaning poison., Obutwa is a name of Ganda origin, meaning poison.. [13] The venom contains an anticoagulant, mamushi L-amino-acid oxidase (M-LAO). Toxicodendron Meaning poison tree, this is the scientific name for several species of poisonous plants including poison oak and poison ivy. Plaguewing This name suggests a wyvern whose wings are covered in a poisonous substance that can spread sickness and disease. For example, a name like Haru means spring, and adding a ko will make it Haruko, which means the child of spring.Two-syllable names that were popular before the 1980s are in trend again. vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba . The name is one of the most popular Japanese names. 4. Acidclaw This name suggests a dragon whose claws can secrete a corrosive acid that can melt through even the toughest materials. It also means 'bees' in Old German. Here are just a handful- their names make great inspiration for names that mean poison. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tagvault_org-small-square-2','ezslot_30',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-small-square-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tagvault_org-small-square-2','ezslot_31',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-small-square-2-0_1');.small-square-2-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Chronic exposure may lead to permanent neurological damage including cognitive decline and memory loss. or Hygaiji (, 'outside the chart'). Venonat This bug/poison type pokemon resembles an insect and comes equipped with poisonous antennae that can inject toxins into its targets. This culturally strong community in Spain has a treasure trove of beautiful names. Bitten victims typically require one week of treatment in a hospital. 6. Suzume This name means sparrow, but it is also the name of a poisonous plant that is native to Japan. In English, this is the equivalent of Ogre, Troll, or Demon. All Rights Reserved. Other meanings of this name include hate, resentment and ill will. Once you have identified any component, search for it in any of three ways: The Kanshudo Component Builder can recognize any of the 416 components listed in the chart below the drawing area. Another cute name derived from darkness is Yami (Japanese for dark). Here are some names that are synonymous to poison: Many people throughout history were poisoners or poisoned. Meaning: Love. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Study, review, create and import flashcards. Your email address will not be published. Camostat). Poison names are names that have a direct or indirect association with poison or toxic substances. Yami This name means darkness or shadow, but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance that is hidden or obscured. Dioxin a toxic chemical that is produced as a byproduct of industrial processes and can cause cancer. Name your baby after an African God or Goddess and wish them prosperity and wisdom for life. Oenone This name comes from a figure in Greek mythology who was said to possess knowledge of poisons and healing herbs. Type the readings of words to build your vocabulary. Graded lessons from zero to 1000 kanji, plus vocab and grammar. Drag kanji to their correct places to complete sentences. In its purest form it appears as a colorless crystal powder with an almond-like odor although it is more commonly encountered in gas form due to its volatility at higher temperatures. Apep an Egyptian god associated with chaos and venomous creatures, particularly snakes. Kanshudo is your AI Japanese tutor, and your constant companion on the road to mastery of the Japanese language. This name is inspired by a toxic plant named Poison Ivy which produces harmful allergens. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. It has a metallic gray color and a bitter taste. One of its distinguishing features is that it refers to darkness in a singular form. Peak Popularity: Ai is not in the top 1,000 names in the U.S. 2. Names that mean poison are commonly inspired by horror, nature and goth culture. Poison Ivy is also the name of a movie and the supervillain who starred in it. GU. A handsome and unique name. Armitox is a name combination of 2 Latin words armiger and to. Armitox means poison bearer. Sure sounds like a force to be reckoned with. Some stunning girl names mean poison. Go right ahead and check these out. As with many other cultures, Japanese girl names have lovely meanings that reflect the positive traits, flowers, and beauty. function search(){var str=document.getElementById('search-box').value.replaceAll(' ','_');;var myEle=document.getElementById(str);if(myEle){window.location.href='#'+str;}else{alert('This name will be added in the future! In English, this is the equivalent of Ogre, Troll, or Demon. Kidera, N. & Ota, H. 2018. (yudokuna) poisonous. Choosing a baby name with a vintage yet modern touch can never go out of fashion. When a kanji is found as part of a jukugo (kanji compound), it is commonly used as a kanji. Estimated Population in Japan : 920 Population Rank : 8699 out of 10,000 entries Other Readings of Busujima () Tokushima, Dokushima, Fusujima, Dokujima Top 5 populations of Busujima () by prefecture Here's a list of translations. Below are some girls' names that may mean poison that you can give to your daughters. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'tagvault_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tagvault_org-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Cyanide is another poisonous substance that has been used in plots of murder or suicide throughout history due to its extreme toxicity when ingested or inhaled. To check its roots, you can use the website, "myoji-yurai.net". They also happen to be one of the most poisonous snakes in the world. Vish is a name of Indian origin, meaning poison. Its a pretty adorable name. This is a list of poisonous flowers . including Japan, so it does not mean that the names are commonly viewed by Japanese people only. Strychnine is an incredibly toxic alkaloid derived from the seeds of various plants most notably the Strychnos nux-vomica tree native to India and Southeast Asia where it was historically used as an agricultural pesticide before its proven high toxicity was discovered. Hime This name means princess, but it is also the name of a highly toxic mushroom that is native to Japan. Lily of the Valley a small, fragrant flower that contains cardiac glycosides and can cause heart problems. SEE MORE. Blewit a mushroom that is considered edible but can cause allergic reactions in some people and is toxic when eaten raw. It originates from India with Sanskrit as its root language. Arsenic is a chemical element that is found in nature and is used in many industrial and manufacturing processes. each have three strokes; has four strokes, If you know the meanings of the components, type any of them in the text area: water (), grass (), mouth () or husband (). A demon is a type of supernatural figure known as a ghost, phantom, or demon in Japanese. In-depth guides to studying Japanese, learning kanji, and using Kanshudo. Venomancer This name combines the words venom and enchanter to create a name that suggests a dragon that can charm and manipulate its prey with its poisonous abilities. Ryu (Japanese Origin), meaning 'dragon kings', is the best Japanese dragon name. The meaning of this Japanese name is "towards the sun.". It is also a famous Japanese last name that means dragon. Hecate a Greek goddess associated with witchcraft and poisonous plants. To get started learning Japanese, just follow the study recommendations on your, Search results include information from a variety of sources, including Kanshudo (kanji mnemonics, kanji readings, Majele is a name of Yoruba origin, meaning "poison." A unique name with such a pretty lyrical tone. Tlaltecuhtli an Aztec goddess of the earth who is associated with poisonous animals and plants. Prolonged exposure to thallium could cause significant damage to the central nervous system leading to paralysis and blindness. In English, this is the equivalent of Ogre, Troll, or Demon. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Gu was an ancient Chinese poison with magical properties that was said . These are considered modern names free from any association with people of the past. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Today, it is primarily used as a rodenticide to control rat and mouse populations. Jona. 2023 I love Languages. You are sure to be amazed at what it has to offer. In some cases, they may be used ironically or humorously, such as in the case of the drink Snake Venom.. [7] There have been case reports of kidney failure,[18] visual disturbances,[19] palsy, and miscarriage in pregnant women. Also, this website is in Japanese language at all. Merizi Merizi is a name of Amharic origin, meaning "poison." This one sounds uniquely beautiful. A postgraduate in Human Resources from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, she likes understanding Born In The Spring; Clear Up; Sun; Sunlight, Spring; Sunny; Clear Up Radiance; Sunshine; Sunlight, Japanese - Sunflower; Facing the sun; Sunny Place, One of many childhood names of Lord Krishna; A pet name of Lord Krishna, Kei name means Square Jewel, Blessing, Wise, German - Powerful Ruler; A variant of Richard, Brilliance; exceptional talent or intelligence towards things, sea, ocean combined with - - (to) that refers to a Chinesee constellation, or " (to) meaning "soar, fly", Hebrew - Lord of my people; It is a variant of name Amiel, Physician and a healer; a beautiful morning, The noble one; filled with radiance and light, A very prosperous person; they are kind hearted. Jhera is a name of Gujarati origin, meaning poison. Quite an unusual, but very pretty name. on these types, see. Rancor means bitter, deep-seated ill will., Spite is a name originating from Middle English, meaning insolence, shame, ridicule, anger.. Jomei. The most popular name for demons in Japan is Yokai. Botulinum toxin a highly toxic protein produced by the bacteria that cause botulism. It is also used as a pesticide and rodenticide. Nidhogg a Norse dragon that is said to gnaw on the roots of the world tree Yggdrasil and spew poison. The name means One Rule, The Righteous One. Water Hemlock a highly poisonous plant with clusters of white flowers that contain cicutoxin, a potent neurotoxin. Tentacruel This jellyfish-like Pokemon has tentacles tipped with potent venom that it can use to poison opponents in battle. Well, what about names that mean poison? Sounds pretty far-fetched, I know. Meaning: Adoration, loyalty and longevity Ryu (Japanese Origin), meaning 'dragon kings', is the best Japanese dragon name. This is a list of poisonous flowers . Halima is the feminine version of the name Halimaka, which means poison-spewing. It is also used in Arabic countries where it means forbearing, gentle and generous. Gelsemium This name is derived from a toxic plant native to Southeast Asia and is associated with death, paralysis, and respiratory failure. [6] Every year, 20003000 people in Japan are bitten by a mamushi. This culturally strong community in Spain has a treasure trove of beautiful names. You may be skeptical, but first, check this list out. It belongs to the genus Taxus and is an evergreen tree or large shrub with dark-green leaves. This name got popular after the luxury carmaker released a hyper car with the name Lamborghini Veneno. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 5 : Ibaraki. Kodoku (, curse poison), also called kod (, curse method), kojutsu (, curse technique), and fuko (, sorcery curse) is a type of poisonous magic found in Japanese folklore. Akira. According to Gloyd and Conant, there is no evidence to support claims that this species occurs in the Ryukyu Islands. Ingesting even two of them can cause serious poisoning in a child. A demon is a type of supernatural figure known as a ghost, phantom, or demon in Japanese. Atropa Named after the Greek goddess of fate, this name is associated with the deadly nightshade plant. There are many girl names that mean poison. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. (kinodokuna) pitiable. Japanese Name Meanings for English Words - Japan Yugen Culture Japanese Name Meanings for English Words This page contains Japanese names meaning for different words in English, use the search function or press a word to jump to its Japanese name meaning. Jobon. This is why you'll find so many cute Japanese baby girl names, inspired by nature, beauty, and general feelings of . A demon is a type of supernatural figure known as a ghost, phantom, or demon in Japanese. Plaguefire This name evokes the idea of a dragon whose breath can spread disease and sickness. Gloydius blomhoffii, commonly known as the mamushi, Japanese moccasin, Japanese pit viper, Qichun snake, Salmusa or Japanese mamushi, is a venomous pit viper species found in Japan.It was once considered to have 4 subspecies, but it is now considered monotypic. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Yara Yara Gawa Kono Yatsufusa Ni Mauku (Japanese). Yurie (ghosts) and oni have played a huge role in Japanese cultures and traditions. Viper is a dangerous snake which is found in most parts of the world. Majele is a name of Yoruba origin, meaning poison. A unique name with such a pretty lyrical tone. Aconite This name is derived from a highly toxic plant also known as wolfs bane and monkshood.. [15], There is an effective antivenom manufactured in both Japan and China. The most effective way to study a kanji, with key words and examples. This flower originated from Japan and is also an ornamental favorite for landscaping. Kumo - This name means "spider," but it can also be associated with the venom of a spider. Eighth Son; A variant transcription is Hachiro, White, Older brother (Japanese) lord, overseer in Hawai. The Dog Demon, a japanese phrase, is also known as the U.S. Parents could assign any meaning they like by adding suffixes to the names. Tsumi This name means sin, but it can also be associated with the idea of a toxic substance that is harmful or deadly. Another reference to this name is the late basketball star Kobe Bryant who nicknamed himself the mamba after the movie Kill Bill. Venomfang This name suggests a dragon whose fangs are coated in a potent venom that can kill its enemies. Ivo/Ivan - yew tree and poison ivy Oakley - poison oak Laurence - laurel Lark/Larkin - larkspur Fox - foxglove Sage - wild-sage Smith - Smith's amanita (mushroom) Jack - Jack-O'-lantern mushroom Cyan/Cyrus - cyanide Dino - dinotoxin Myo/Milo - myotoxin Russell - Russell's viper Caspian - Caspian cobra Lance - Lancehead (snake) Acidbreath This name suggests a wyvern that can breathe a noxious acid that can burn and poison its enemies. Aconitum Adonis Anthurium Aquilegia Arnica montana Asclepias Azalea Belladonna Bloodflower Bloodroot Brugmansia Buttercups Blue cohosh Calla lily Caladium Century plant Cicuta Clematis Crown vetch Colchicum Datura Delphinium Digitalis Dogbane Duranta erecta Euphorbia Frangipani Gloriosa lily Goldenseal Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Viper This name comes from the venomous snake of the same name and is associated with cunning, danger, and deadly force. Solanine is a dangerous poison from the nightshade family. A line underneath a kana symbol indicates low pitch, and a line above indicates high pitch. : 1 word. Rafflesia is a famous flower which is known for its peculiar looks and large size, with some flowers growing up to 3 feet in height. On readings are typically written in katakana. Sawa Tetsuyuki (Japanese Origin) is a great Japanese dragon name. Choosing a baby name with a vintage yet modern touch can never go out of fashion. Venom is a synonym of the word poison and it also means magical charm and potent drug in latin. Himawari (Sunflowers) This Japanese sunflower looks very similar to other sunflower types. Hemlock is the name of a poison which was used in Ancient Greece to kill condemned prisoners. Last Name in Japanese Kanji (Hiragana) : () Meaning : meaning poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite./ meaning island. She also specializes in baby names. Please, Kanshudo tracks your mastery (knowledge) of every kanji, word and grammar point in Japanese individually. Jona. However, the bean-like seeds are especially poisonous. specific demons. Words that appear in the JLPT lists in a different form are indicated with a lighter colored 'shadow' badge, like this: Each Joy o' Kanji essay provides unparalleled depth and insight into a single kanji, and is available as a beautifully presented PDF. Hellebore This name is derived from a poisonous perennial herb found in the Mediterranean region. They are What Are Some Evil Japanese Names? Maboroshi This name means phantom or illusion, but it can also be associated with the idea of a poisonous substance that is hidden or disguised. It is the name of a poison used to kill prisoners who were condemned. Alternative Spellings & Variations: (kanji), (hiragana), (katana) Famous Namesakes: Singer Ai Carina Uemura, poet Ai Ogawa. Garbodor This trashbag like creature is capable of spewing out noxious gas from its mouth and nostrils that can poison any target nearby. The last 6 names are such scientific-like names. Taro, for instance, means 'the first-born male'. Tips: If you believe you've drawn your component correctly but the system is not recognizing it, please: View your knowledge of Japanese vocabulary. Camazotz a Mayan god associated with bats and death. Hanaye or Hanayo: Meaning "flower". Halimaka is a masculine name which means poison spewing. Other meanings of this name include free-willed and independent. For more information, see our comprehensive guide: The Kanshudo definitive guide to Japanese pitch accents, How to prioritize Japanese vocabulary to study, 84 collections of Japanese words by JLPT level, Notice that is made of several components: , Draw any of these components (one at a time) in the drawing area, and select it when you see it, Alternatively, look for a component in the list. poison See Also in English one man's meat is another man's poison Tobacco a plant that contains nicotine, a highly addictive and toxic substance that can cause lung cancer and other health problems. A vertical line at the end indicates the pitch of the next sound in a sentence using the word is different to the last sound of the word. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 My Mom's a Nerd | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Otrova Halima. Japanese - Blossom; Flower; Blessing; Favour, Japanese name meaning Spring Day; Blooming and Flowering, Japanese - Abundant; Generous; Tolerant; Prosperous, Japanese - Rich Child; Magnanimous, Generous Child, Japanese - Long Lasting; Everlasting; From a long story, Japanese - Long Lasting; Everlasting; From a long story; Open Plain; A variant of Hisa, One who has energetic, drive oriented and ambition. it means the God is gracious and Dove bird. These were the divinities who oversaw human life. Some names also reflect the birth order. Beedrill This Pokemon is a bee-like creature with a deadly stinger that can poison its enemies. It is one of the many names associated with Lord Shiva. 5. Motou K, Yoshida A, Hattori S, Ohno M (2003). is read as , one of the on readings. For details of all components and their English names, see the. illusion moon fire dark death sun star dragon water night quiet queen quick quest water kanji components, vocab and name frequency data, grammar points, examples), JMdict (vocabulary), Tatoeba (examples), Enamdict (names), Strychnine tree a tree that contains strychnine, a potent neurotoxin that can cause convulsions and death. The Japanese yew (spreading yew) is native to Japan, northeast China and Korea. Click here for additional information. Its toxicity has made it popular for use as a poison for both murder and suicide purposes throughout history. [14] It also contains the peptide ablomin which is highly similar in amino acid sequence to that of the venom, helothermine, of the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum). Seviper This snake-like Pokemon is capable of using powerful Poison Tail attacks to inject venom into its opponents, poisoning them instantly.

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japanese names that mean poison

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