john dutton yellowstone quotes
And no one who tried it is alive to tell you how poorly that worked out for them." Its a county with no people, no sheriff, and no 12 jurors of your peers., Mister, I dont know you, but if youre wearin that brand, you must be a bad man., Karma comes in all shapes and sizes. There's only devils left." "No one has a right. I did that, too. Now go ruin someone elses day., 13. Then youll probably also enjoy these Beth Dutton quotes or this list of famous cowboy quotes. Beth, "My mother was the spine of this family. Because theyre scared theyll let you down. OGVkYzA3OGU5MDg0YWUxOGQwOWIzNTI5ZmVjNDQyNzcwZjNlYWNlZDgyODM3 Yeah, but you cant sell this. I cant. Rip Wheeler Quotes From Yellowstone. Continue with Recommended Cookies. You would have made a hell of a cowboy., 70. Whatever you point it at. Something kills us all., 51. Blaming yourself arent you? Well, Im not gonna help you with the problem that prevents you from buildin the casino. You go nothin to say to me, son?, 31. There are only devils left., Youre a good man. If I did this to your home, what would you do?, 82. Rip living in the bunkhouse is something you can overcome if thats what you choose to do, Beth., 65. Evenings are for forgetting. 10. This will be all everyone remembers, Jamie. Waddya say? "Be a man about it. N2RiYjdiZWY4ZjJlNGM4MzBhNDE5YWFlM2Y0YzU4NmM2MDU4YmE4ZDg1YTQ0 Theres no word Id rather call you if thats what you want." Baking the perfect cookie using an Easy-Bake Oven from the '90s is pretty much impossible. There are a dozen wranglers down here, or theres supposed to be. There's only devils left." 12. Takes everything weve got. You dont even know the goddamned rules. Love them or hate them, these quotes from "Yellowstone" TV show characters are unforgettable. Quote Ambition is your source for quotes. So who came up with the word doohickey? And the things I regret, I get to do them differently., All the promises Ive made in my life son. Clara:Ive never seen anything like it.John:Well there isnt anything like it.Clara:Wheres it end?John:Well, you cant see that from here.Clara:Cant imagine what it takes to maintain this place.John:It takes everything, Clara. They want him to quit building.. You have to take a right or stop it from being taken from you., 2. Theres always a choice. Even if you wanted to, even if it was a mistake. It's the perfect place holder for when the name of something escapes you, but you still need it. That's it. Every right. Words are weapons now. And if you ever come back here again, Im gonna fill em. John: It's the trash can for everyone who's attacked us. YTIwNzgyOWFjOTY4NjE2NTllY2Y4ODA4ZjY0NWQ5Yzk0MTFmOTExNTQxM2U5 John Duttons enemies tirelessly put him to the test, but he continues to fight for his family and the people of the valley. Like to believe theres a plan to it all, but I dont see a plan., 35. Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise., 2. Beth, "I have been down this road many, many times before, buddy. If your daughters riding a horse, no ones riding her., 2. I never had much luck leadin men and bein their friend. As we speak, theyre raping the land our family has bled into for over a century. You build something worth having, someones gonna try to take it., 17. Then become something that can help me protect this place., 10. "No one has a right. You're in my prison now. Not this one., No one has a right. Just dumpin it right on the damn fire." 1. Maybe it can be different for you., 32. I want you to dig. John Dutton, 51- This fields mine. Todays the day you choose sides., 42. Garrett, "Were with the Yellowstone. ZmFhNGYwZGUxNzI1MTdmZjQzYWY2MmVhZmFlYWM0NWFkYWVkNTA3ZGEzODgx But thats life. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Were with the Yellowstone. Care to send me to heaven before I park your sorry *ss in hell?, 81. He is formidable and ruthless but knows the value of family and life. Im the one safe person in this world that you can turn to, Beth, for anything, and it breaks my heart that I didnt make you know that., 33. Learn More. You can hold her damn hand, Rip., 27. I need you to learn how to use them." And if you ever come back here again, Im gonna fill em. All you do with a daughter is just try to keep her from getting screwed. You realize you aint dead, and youre not gonna die, and you gotta face all the decisions you made. If I did this to your home, what would you do? John Dutton, 52- I cant. No stray dogs." John Whether youve watched Yellowstone from the beginning, or are curious what the show might be about, and wonder if its worth binge-watching (it is), here are some favorite quotes from the characters we cant get enough of, which gives you a taste for the western-meets-modern-day feel of the show. Carl, "Expensive taste runs in the blood." He is the eldest son of James and Margaret of the Dutton Family. Well, happys all I ever wanted for you, sweetheart. Exactly. In fact "doohickey" was already in use by Navy sailors long before it was first documented, which was, according to Today I Found Out's website, in 1914 when it appeared in an edition of Our Navy magazine. 26. 1. I guess everyone thinks Im the dumbest man in the valley. John, "Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise." Im gonna leave these holes just like this, right here in the middle of my field. Beth: What is it? Kayce, "Stubbornness is not a business strategy." No one will mourn your loss, son, because this isnt losing your life; this is quitting it. "Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise." 13. ZGUyZTU4MjhjMGE1YmUzMmEzYzFkY2UwOTgzMThmN2ZmZmMzZDViNzQzMjAz Rip, "I see things in people, and I feel like if I can touch it, even if the rest of the person is rotten, I can take that good thing and make it part of me." It hardened her. Every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you chose to leave it. Im no hotel manager, but that sounds like a good thing to me. Prison teaches you we havent., You ever have a girl look at you and your whole world just stops?, Were with the Yellowstone. I just wanted the control. To kill it means to be meaner than evil., 50. Im just meaner than you., 66. Through the five seasons of the hit Paramount Network series, John Dutton has shared what advice he can while dealing with the chaos and treachery that seems to plague his family, employees on the ranch and seemingly everyone else in the state of Montana. I need you to learn how to use them., If this is gonna be a contest about who can lose their composure the most, I will put this table through the f**king wall. MzYzYjA3ZjBkMzFiMzcwOTFhNzlmNDQxYmQwN2E0MzdjNjdhOGY0MTQ3OGMx M2Q1ZjMyNGZjN2I0NWEwOWEyZGIwN2MyMWVkYTA2YjAyMDQxM2E1NDFjYzU4 But dont worry, Im gonna teach em to ya., 84. Rip, "There aint no such thing as luck, but I sure believe in stupid cause you prove it every f--kin day!" ", Id rather kill a thousand men than shoot another horse., I was born on a dead-end road, honey. But dont worry, Im gonna teach em to ya.. Plus, she'll offer up some sure-fire tips and reveal the four key ingredients that will make your dishes the talk of the church potluck for decades.You can watch it here! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. John, "All the angels are gone, son. Living day to day isnt living, Monica, its surviving, with no regard for tomorrow., 22. An airport right down the street from your casino? Zjk2YzhhYTk1OWRhMmVlNTYxNjk2ODk5NjUzM2FmNmI3Y2UxOTVlZDk5YWMw John, "Hell, nobody can afford the Yellowstone. All the angels are gone, son. So, here are many more classics from the Western survivor. Yeah, that'll do. Here we listed best John Dutton quotes from Yellowstone tv show. 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. We dont share land here., 4. Beth Dutton, played by Kelly Reilly, is the daughter of cattle rancher John Dutton on the hit TV series Yellowstone. Sign up for our free newsletter, where you'll find the latest videos, stories and merchandise.). That fence is mine. [Kisses Johns head] Off to ruin a life., I want a place with no memories, you know? During the third episode of Yellowstone season 2 titled "The Reek of Desperation," John Dutton utters six words at the very end of the episode and fans took to Twitter to ask what he was saying. If you don't know what a doohickey is, then 1. you probably aren't from around here and 2. that's actually pretty fitting because "doohickey" is the word we often use when we can't remember the name of something. A brand isnt some mirror and somebody live up to., 28. Read this, and then do what it asks. Jamie Dutton: Dad, I wont betray you. That's all there is to it." Whether its fighting mad, being taken by surprise (were looking at you Beth Dutton), or cheering their favorite characters on, viewers are captivated by the Dutton family and their ranch hands. I need to know you, or I will never know myself., God sure finds interesting ways to put people out of business., If Im going to lose you, its going to be about what I did, not because I lied to you., The only thing Ive got left is to make a future for my son. He is married to Monica and together they have one son, Tate. (Want to keep up to date with us? You gotta earn it; you gotta live it, and thats what theyll never understand., 30. This looks exactly like what it is: work. John on his victory party, Whens the last time a governor gave you his word? You aint getting cut down next time, cause next time, Im doing it myself. John Dutton, 8- Theres always a choice. Everything by the book. John Dutton, 28- His whole lifes in your hands now, Tate. How you treat him is how his life goes., 49. NWQ5MjkwOTVkNzJjYWFkZmJlMTE5NzNmNWJjODU0NzI2ZTk3N2U4YWJlMjEx With that in mind, we thought we'd share some of our favorite John Dutton quotes in "Yellowstone" so far. Understand?, Makes you wonder the point of it all. It changed my mother. It doesnt change who you are., 40. OTAxOGYzZWZhNTVlYjZhNjEzYWQ5YjY0NzNlODdlOTM3Y2VmMDkyNjgzYmQw Nobodys gonna mess with us." Everything Ive done, its all for nothin., 23. (Bet you didn't know those two things were related.) I need you to learn how to use them." "All the angels are gone, son. Often times, John is the voice of reason -- or at the very least, experience -- among the show's crew, but it isn't all words of wisdom from him. Our goal is to provide our readers with the best collections of quotes on topics like love, life, relationships and more. Answer: Cole Hauser. Now you share it, too., 25. What happens in 30 years, Jamie? Youve outlived your past." At least they admit it. John Dutton, 26- Aw Beth. John Dutton Quotes "Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise." "Your grandfather used to say you can't fix a broken wagon wheel, but you can use the parts to make a new one." "It's the one constant in life. MmQzNGY3MzljMTM1OTdjZTIxYjU4ZjU5YmI2ZWJkZGYwMDliMzUxZDA2MzYz Lloyd, "If men were responsible for giving birth, the human race wouldnt have lasted two generations." You have mine.. Then become something that can help me protect this place. John Dutton, 17- Kayce, what makes you think you wouldnt pass a psych evaluation? John Dutton, 18- I applied for you. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. It will take you that long to earn everyones trust. I dont regret one cent Im committed., 31. Or stop it from being taken from you. John Dutton, 36- No ones alone on this ranch. I know how you feel. NGU0YTYzODhjZmI3NzBhMmNlOGE5OWFkZmJhYjI2NzM3YzI1YWUxNDk5ZDU0 NmNmNDZhYzQzYzIzYWIzYTNiOTY4YWI5ZGM3YjIyOThmZWZmMGNhMDAxMWMx Don't let them ever trick you into thinking differently." 3. But first, be warned of major spoilers for the entire series below. But some of us try real hard to be good., Im going to buy your ranch first - right after you die. John, "Living day to day isnt living, Monica, its surviving, with no regard for tomorrow." Yellowstones main character, John Dutton, is the protagonist of both the novel and the television series. Were the only ones who know it was brief. John, "Its the one constant in life. It might be a bacteria so small you need a microscope to see it. Initially, he and Beth were worried that this was gonna kill him, but luckily this never came to fruition. You have my word., John Dutton: Well, were about to find out what thats worth., 46. Jimmy, "You know, you did something that no one does, Rip. These John Dutton quotes will help you recognize the things worth fighting for in life! Answer: Montana. Season 5 Quotes. Beth, "Youre home. You have a three-to-one debt ratio. I never wanted that office, Beth. During a scene in the show, Dutton walks into a restaurant and orders a steak by telling the waitress to, Pull it outta the cooler, whisper fire to it, and put it on my plate.. You cant reason with evil, son. However, colon cancer isnt the only scare Dutton experiences in Yellowstone. He is the leading man behind the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch empire. Our readers support us. The question we all have to answer, the one that I will look to every day, is You dont need to help it, you hear me?" She arrives in style, giving the other ranch boys a run for their money. If I didnt love your mother so much, Id break it. To kill it means to be meaner than evil., This aint checkers son, this is chess. "All the angels are gone, son. Beth, "I believe in lovin with your whole soul and destroying anything that wants to kill what you love. Words are weapons now. We dont kill sheep, we kill wolves. Why yonder is the most wonderful Southern word, In defense of y'all, a word the whole country can and should use, Get the latest from It's a Southern Thing by subscribing to. defines doohickey as simply an informal word used to described "a gadget," and, amusingly enough, it supplies the word "thingamajig" -- another of the South's favorite nonword words -- as a synonym. Everywhere I turn, son., 79. John Dutton III is a main character on Yellowstone. Now we try to find the balance between them. You coulda jumped in the river. But hurtin yourself never entered your mind, did it? John Dutton, 9- Oh for Gods sake, I know how to swim. John Dutton, 10- That rifle has the power to take a life. John Duttons main promise is that he will never give up control of the ranch to anyone else outside his family. 1. This is America, we dont share land here., 14. It means come live your life with me. I wish she couldve lived long enough for you to recognize that, to know it. It might be a big old bear. Rip, "Theres sharks and minnows in this world, Jimmy, and if you dont know which one you are, then you aint a shark." It wasnt a move. Its the one thing we all share. What do you say we tip the scales in its favor?, You can be whoever you wanna be in this life. I mean I don't need anything else: cigarettes, whiskey, a meadow . Those are your options., You realize you aint dead, and youre not gonna die, and you gotta face all the decisions you made. Beth, "For someone with no spine, youve sure got a lot of balls." So I guess the only question is how cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies to feed ya., 48. You have to take a right. Well, first off, if you're thinking about those bruise-like marks teenagers often wear like a kissing badge of honor, get your mind out of the gutter. This is my home. "Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise." "No one has a right. Theres no such thing as dying of old age. His little heart wasnt strong enough. Hes gonna force you to make a decision that not only determines his future but your place in it." Beth, "No one wants to merge with you. So, here are many more classics from the Western survivor. In this article, we're gonna dive into a collection of the best John Dutton quotes!John Dutton is the rugged patriarch of the Dutton family in the hit TV series, Yellowstone. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. You know that, right?, I never had much luck leading men and being their friend at the same time. No one will mourn your loss, son, because this isnt losing your life, this is quittin it., 47. It lays in a jurisdictional dead zone in a county with a. Someday your sons gonna test you. Read this, and then do what it asks. YzIwY2Y2MWQ2M2RlZjMxYTMyM2E5NzQ2MTRiYzZhYjM4MDAxNTFhNzE0N2Nj Tadalafilkdo is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, it's a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. If youd just prefer to keep reading, then heres some more powerful John Dutton quotes about family. And without her, hes, well, the best of him died with her." Every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you cho\se to leave it. But before I do that, you're gonna tell me why the fuck. I love Montana, but Im doing this for our ranch., My wedding reception was in my living room with thirty people. Just how big is Yellowstone Ranch? If I didnt love your mother so much, Id break it. YTkyODA3YWI0NDZmNDY1NTBjNjlhMDBmNjM0ZmY4MTczYzkzYjY2ZDA5MWYx But were gonna do it anyway., Learn to be meaner than evil and still love your family and enjoy a sunrise., Aw Beth. YzNkMDFlOGJhMWZhNWU0ZTdkNDYwMTRkMjFhMjE5MjNmNmU3OWQ1MmMwMDVi While he never explicitly states his steak order in the show, it appears that John Dutton prefers his steaks to be very rare. Related:All About the Yellowstone Prequel. NDIzNDRjMTJjYmNlYWE2NDg4Y2JiMzQ0ODZiNTQzM2E2ZDI2NTI2MTAwYmM4 Something kills us all. Now go ruin someone elses day., 71. Were fighting to survive., 34. Horses in heaven. MjAxNzJiMjY1NTEwMmFlMjg0MjM1MDI2NGE0ZjFkNzkzZmM1ZjE2NTA3YmRk Whatever you point it at. Rip, "Life is plenty hard. It means that you have me, that Im yours. That'd be the Navy -- and while we can't confirm it was a Southerner in the Navy who said it first, we'd like to think it was. That didn't stop us from trying though. Beth, "I wonder if you can take a guess on what would entice me to take a job doing exactly what my family has been fighting against for a century." No one has a right. Youre my son. While "Yellowstone" is known for all the action that takes place on Dutton Ranch, that doesn't mean it's lacking in unforgettable moments where words are what stick with you, especially when it comes to John Dutton, the family's patriarch. Yellowstone mastermind Tyler Sheridan undeniably has a way with words, and Kevin Costners John Dutton gets to deliver a lot of those killer quotes. I only carry my phone in places with no service, otherwise, that son of a b*tch stays on the kitchen counter., (To RIp) Youre the only man tough enough to take on my daughter., You cant reason with evil. Were about to find out how big a role you play in this family, son. The best Yellowstone quotes stay stuck in your head long after the credits have rolled. John, "The whole worlds a test, son. "I have been down this road many, many times before, buddy. Nobodys gonna mess with us., 11. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204, Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games. I think they call that coveting in the bible., 68. 11. Who plays the role of Beth Dutton, John Dutton's daughter? Baby, I love our man-to-man talks, but we need to set some godd*mned boundaries here. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You gotta earn it; you gotta live it, and thats what theyll never understand. John Dutton, 48- Thank yous not an answer. When it was ours., You know, you did something that no one does, Rip. Not this one., 37. The old yous dead the moment you let it go. John Dutton, 25- All the angels are gone, son. Okay, honey. This is going to be the end of us. or "Where'd that doohickey with the spinning bit go?". What's the word? Don't let them ever trick you into thinking differently." - John Dutton 18. Im just meaner than you., 14. Now go ruin someone elses day. John Dutton, 34- They want you to leave. You just gotta kill em when you find em., You dont get to tell me what to do anymore., I'm not judging. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Hes known for going to extreme lengths to protect his family ranch, his strict code of honor, and a ruthless desire to maintain influence. Yellowstones John Dutton: Top Ten Quotes. Early on in the show, hes diagnosed with colon cancer. So sit back, relax, and get ready to immerse yourself in the wisdom of one of TVs great characters. It also traces Doohickey's origins back to 1915, listing it as a combination of the words "doodad" and "hickey. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. His desire to keep the Dutton family name intact drives much of the conflict during the show, and its great to watch the drama unfold. Kayce, "Should is a useless word, almost as useless as hope." That fence is mine. Killins the one thing everything on this planet does to survive, Tate. You have every right to your land and assets., 11. John, "It wasn't a move. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOWEzY2FhMmJjM2Y0ZmFjNGRiOGNiMDRiMGYyY2Q0ZTA5 And youre about to play it with masters., I think that Im all out of good days son.. And if you ever come back here again, Im gonna fill em. I know who loves me. Theres a dozen wranglers down here, or theres supposed to be. Where the hell have you been?, 86. That you thought Id be ashamed or youd be in trouble for it or whatever you thought. A rejiggered Emmy Awards category is shaping up to be quite the hodgepodge of contenders, now that Schmigadoon!, Apple TV+'s musical-comedy, reportedly will face off against Saturday Night Live . A brand isnt some mirror and somebody live up to., 28. Guess its me today." I know exactly who you are, and dont you ever be sorry for it., 57. Words are weapons now. So sit back, relax, and get ready to immerse yourself in the wisdom of one of TVs great characters. Along with being a formidable businessman, he is also a father and grandfather, willing to do anything for his family. I never had much luck leadin men and bein their friend. Why do all my children have to leave to find happiness?, Its the one constant in life. With additional seasons already in the works, we're sure they'll be more where these came from. You denied the request! John Dutton is clearly a survivor. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Its the one constant in life. You just gotta be sure before you pull the trigger because killins the one thing you cant undo. John Dutton, 11- Jesus. Is it best for the people in this valley? The amount we can learn from televisions most popular character is infinite. Rip, "My tomorrows are, well, theyre all words. So when you close your eyes later, decide what youre gonna dream about., Makes you wonder the point of it all. Dont let them ever trick you into thinking differently., 3. This is America. Its your last chance, but if you blow it, Lloyd. I swear to God Id break it., Im your father, Beth, Im the one safe person in this world that you can turn to for anything. We keep our word in this valley., This fields mine. Dan, "A man who puts a hand on a member of my family never puts a hand on anything else." Learn how your comment data is processed. Im the one safe person in this world that you can turn to, Beth, for anything, and it breaks my heart that I didnt make you know that. John Dutton, 59- Well, there shouldnt be things like that to discuss in the first place. He buried Evelyn on the ranch. See what we mean? I never thought Id say that about you., Do you love him? Its these qualities that make John Dutton such a powerful character. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dont let them ever trick you into thinking differently., Damnit Beth, I never thought Id feel this way about you before, but youve really disappointed me honey. Walker, "God wouldnt let you love somethin' that can't love you back." Okay, honey. For you to be the one to break em what do you think that says to everybody else? Understand?, You think youre winning this game? You build something worth having, someones gonna try to take it., All the angels are gone, son. OTk5NTZlZTA0OTBmZDM3ZDVjNzllMDY3NGIxOThiYjI2NGRhNGJiZDU4Yjdl A lot of work to undo. But there's something about the show's memorable dialogue (and monologues!) he made him swear that the ranch would stay in the family, which is why he fights so hard to protect it. Does he make you happy? We don't share land here. See, we thought it'd be fun to buy a couple Easy-Bake Ovens off eBay and then put Ryan, Liz, Adam and Talia's baking skills to the test to see who could make the best cookie using only their prior baking experience (which we quickly learned amounted to very little in some cases. However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.