kathy rumer botched

We hold them accountable through organizing and direct action which you can help partake in. Do not post otherwise. Though she says her visual and sensorial results were good, Danielles experience in the hospital left much to be desired. I also quite possibly need a lawyer. Her office is still open for business and she still performing surgeries for profit. You all don't know how many times I've had to call my insurance company and then start a 3-way conference call with Dr. Rumer's office. Incredibly unprofessional. Sinai. Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO is a Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist in Drexel Hill, PA. She is affiliated with medical facilities such as Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Delaware County Memorial Hospital. The Mazzoni Center: Kathy Rumer has made generous donations to the Mazzoni Center in the past who remained completely silent in response to a petition to them for a public statement denouncing Rumers litigious SLAPP suit against her own patients. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Express your first amendment right and let them know what you think. Dr. But according to Green, of WPATH, there are no medical boards that specifically certify individual surgeons for gender-related surgeries: I badgered the surgeons to get the societies, like the plastic surgery society, to try to figure out how to make this training part of the boards examination, so you could be board certified, he says. This story has been updated to more accurately reflect the outcome of Hannah Simpsons surgery. Many patients who go to Dr. Rumer for bottom surgery are happy with their results. I'm basically winging it and referring back to old notes as I type it, but I'm not exactly the most mentally sound at the moment. Our goal, of course, is to train more people so that at least in major areas people dont have to travel So theres also that lag time between getting people trained appropriately and getting institution centers [and] hospitals up and running., Cutting down on that lag time to meet the growing demand for gender-affirming surgeries can often mean cutting valuable training corners for hospitals and surgeons. 17 Mar 2023 07:18:01 Jezebel spoke to four others who say they experienced issues with surgeries performed by Dr. Rumer, ranging from allegations of poor post-operative care to construction of their vaginas that left them in significant pain or with vulvas that didnt look anatomically correct. This means no city is safe from her reach. The subpoena demanded I turn over all notes, emails, documents and research referencing Dr. Rumer or her practice. PS: To Kathy Rumer: Consider this your eviction notice. I needed urgent help a year and a half ago. In the highly politicized world of gender-affirming surgery, answers about standard measures of care can be hard to find. We need to stand up for her victims who are too traumatized and afraid to speak out against her. That being said, I feel as practitioners in this very small and new field, we have to police ourselves and maintain standards.. Our sisters at Stonewall would have never accepted Rumer or her allies and neither should we. Below are my current symptons. This level of cruelty against a marginalized community is unbefitting of someone who performatively pretends to advocate for us. Currently, I barely have a fucking vagina. She has not pursued any official avenues of complaint, worried that doing so would make it less likely that another surgeon would take on her case. Despite this, Rumer continues to dodge accountability for her actions, not only have a decades worth of complaints to medical boards, hospitals, and insurance companies fallen upon deaf ears, Dr. Rumer has had a total of four medical malpractice lawsuits against her, all of them resulting in a settlement. Generally, it results in a loss of tissue in the infected area. If you want to put pressure on the heads of Mazzoni individually, working from this list might help. Dr. Rumer's office literally told me to just do the best I can and iodine-douche every 2 days. RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. I don't have a fucking vagina. I'm a 35-yr old trans-woman. I endured months of intense physical therapy and very uncomfortable tests to prepare for revision surgery. Tune-in to the series premiere of Botched this Tuesday, June 24 at 9/8c! Audrina Minto, also known as Arturo Minto, filed a complaint July 2 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul. The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks damages of not less than $75,000, costs, pre-judgment and post judgment interest and other relief. Share The Following Links: Want to effectively spread the word and provide receipts of Rumers wrong doing? 105 Ardmore Avenue. Medicaid sent her to see Dr. Daniel Dugi in Portland, who she says informed her that she was his 12th transgender vaginoplasty patient ever. I used to be able to get to the 4th dot on the medium-size dilator, and the 3rd dot on the largest dilator. Conservative scaremongering against transition-related surgeries have directly led to eight states introducing bills which would criminalize doctors who provide transition care to minors. They've had so many problems processing the correct procedures codes, dates, etc. Dr. Rumers practice filed a libel suit against the anonymous owner of the website in February of this year, named in court documents as John or Jane Doe. She holds degrees in mathematics, engineering and . These meetings are ongoing until a consensus is reached regarding current patient concerns, the goals of the discussion have been addressed, and plans are in place to prevent recurrence, Dr. Dugi writes in an email. And even then, website administrators are sometimes nervous to host negative remarks against a specific surgeon, fearing a potential libel suit. I was like, I need to get a vagina before we have a Republican president, she told Jezebel in an interview in the spring of 2018. Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in the Philadelphia tri-state area who has deep experience with gender reassignment surgery and a practice that is geared exclusively toward transgender patients. You can always catch up on Botched here!. Just prior to publication, Dr. Rumer again declined to comment and through her attorney threatened to add Jezebel to her pending libel suit. Jfc. I'm trying to set up an appointment to see Dr. Jess Ting. These patients experiences and their difficulty finding recourse arent about one doctor. Rumer Willis Welcomes First Baby With Boyfriend Derek . I'm not well. This was my first Reddit post from what was really intended to be an anonymous account. Download PDF. One of the ways we create uniform standards has to be an open exchange of ideas, says Dr. Ting, of Mt. Dr. Rumer has even expressed her own silent transphobia by using a stock photo of an androgynous male model to advertise facial feminization surgery in addition to the rest of the stock photos she uses to mislead people to the outcomes of her surgical results. Nobody in that ward knew how to deal with peoples trauma, she says. The two had spoken on Skype a few months before the surgery but never had an in-person pre-op appointment. Kathy Rumer completely botched this abdominal flap phalloplasty + vaginectomy. Ever hear of HIPAA? Without that key element, insurance coverage questions are left to regional decision boards, often comprised of insurance company representatives and public health officials who may harbor anti-trans beliefs they want to institutionalize. Dr. Rumer is a leading aesthetic & reconstructive plastic surgeon who specializes in Gender Reassignment Surgery. This has been an extremely traumatizing experience for me. So, sorry in advance. And pursuing formal action against the surgeon isnt going to do anything to make up for what happened., I should have done more, she says, but I just had to move on with my life.. It kept accruing secretions and urine and got really smelly and I was scared of the thing for like the first year, they say, until I figured out there wasnt supposed to be hair there.. When Jezebel reached out to request an interview and offered a detailed summary of patient complaints in early 2020, an attorney wrote back suggesting we were conspiring with the unnamed author of a Blogspot site dedicated to exposing Dr. Rumer. Like. and our Visually, if I knew I was going to be butchered to have a botched up look, I should have went to a general plastic surgeon instead of totally wasting my money for a "cosmetic" procedure when what she gave was anything but. Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is trusted by her patients for ethical, high quality care. We all want greater access for trans persons seeking surgery and we do our best to educate and to facilitate better outcomes, says Dr. Bowers, the San Francisco gender surgeon, but Dr. Its the insurance system, its the way people get paid. Such was allegedly the case for Dr. Rumer at the 2018 Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, where the doctor gave a presentation covering several surgeries for transmasculine people. (Like Alexis Lake, these guys are also deserving of some free publicity.) Her team has prescribed medications which could have possibly killed their patient. Her office is horrible at handling insurance. https://linktr.ee/resignrumer There is also a subreddit /r/KathyRumer, Need to radicalize a friend who thinks its possible to beat Rumer via the legal game/system? After learning of its existence, Carlie joked that shes a graphic designer by trade and if she had made the site it wouldnt look so shit.. According to a Jezebel article (which is predominantly about Rumer) It is next to impossible to hold doctors like Rumer accountable. Rumer Cosmetic Surgery. Its an institutional framework that doesnt fit the current challenges, says Green. Tell her staff how you feel. A few days later, Carlie and her mother say they heard from the doctor, who was on vacation and told Carlie she shouldnt be concerned. Sinai. Do You Know of More Individuals or Organizations Who Have Shielded Rumer From Justice? https://jezebel.com/when-surgeons-fail-their-trans-patients-1844774990?rev=1597854733082. With no central database for reviews or information of trans-related surgical providers, trans people often depend on word of mouth between friends, social media, or trans-related message boards for feedback. Cookie Notice A sub for the discussion of surgeries, surgery results, surgeon satisfaction and the costs incurred by transgender people. Without a set fellowship or apprenticeship guideline from WPATH or any other professional body, theres a broad range of standards for surgeries that patients will have to live with for the rest of their lives. Get botched by the butcher, get sued if you speak out.

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