matt rhea speed training program
Every season, a different sport offers an amazing educational opportunity for athletes good enough to play. By clicking submit below, you consent to allow 1080 Motion, Inc. to store and process the personal information submitted above to provide you the content requested. Are they good football players because they are good athletes or are they good athletes because they play football. Huh? They love itthen neglect it. So, we have to look at multiple sources of data to really determine what the limiting factor is and why its not happening as fast as it needs to. He also posted video clips of his athletes going through speed ladders with the hashtag #SlowFeetDontEat. But if an athletes focus is football, especially for linemen, there may be better options than track. And here is the bad part: my football coaches tried to push me out to run track. "It's a computerized system that allows me to apply a very . However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. Very interesting article Tony, which funnily enough I was put onto after seeing Dan talk about it on his email list. When Coach Mike Sullivan began working with younger athletes, he realized that force couldnt be a differentiating factor in their speed development. Despite power being the main priority, the players max strength has ballooned, as well. Our groundbreaking technology is the product of a unique mix of expertise in sports physiology and advanced control systems. the track coach begged me to run track, my response was I play football. I ran 1 year of JC track and hated the fact that I didnt run track in high school. Did you know that the Iowa Hawkeyes are one [], Like every year, the NFL Combine and its main event the 40 yard dash brought excitement, amazement and [], The NFL Combine. By collecting data on his athletes at the outset of training, Rhea then has comparative baselines to guide return-to-play protocols in the event of an injury. Development (Ages 7-10) 4:30p - 5:30p & 5:30p - 6:30p. Matt Rhea Matt Rhea High Performance Director, New Orleans Saints Published Jul 19, 2019 . Well done article. By month 3 there is very little difference in power output between legs, signaling a return to symmetry and power balance during sprinting. Waddle also played basketball. Nothing in the weight room comes close. We utilize a velocity-based training approach focusing on light to moderate training loads at moderate to fast training speeds. Did you know that the Iowa Hawkeyes are one [], Like every year, the NFL Combine and its main event the 40 yard dash brought excitement, amazement and [], The NFL Combine. And since many regard the Barbell Back Squat as the king of lower-body exercises, pushing up your max there must be a surefire way to get faster. The more focus, the more confidence and buy-in I think we see., Copyright 2023 STACK Powered by Stack Sports. Athlete performing a resisted lunge, with Rhea using resisted and assisted lunges as part of his return to play process. In addition, track specifically *improves* these traits. In order to develop more rapid and impactful force production, Rhea first discusses the need to triangulate data to assess limiting factors. Never let today ruin tomorrow. Speed factory was open for business today! Im honored that someone of your status would write such a lengthy response. My 40yd after one year of track in JC 4.4. After checking out the baseball workouts on, browse through the articles and videos below for drills, advice, and motivation from some of the nations top coaches, college baseball programs, and elite athletes. As the son of a coach (my father coached 47 years) and a veteran of 40 years of coaching football, basketball, and track, I believe that football, basketball, and track are incredible athlete-builders. Agreement never leads to new truths! Hi Cam. No grinding. Since youre herewe have a small favor to ask. In addition we share some lessons on team speed, training speed in a large group setting, and even off-ice speed training for on-ice performance by Xavier Roy. Our Performance Running adult athlete program is specially designed by our team to help improve stamina, strength, mobility, address and prevent both chronic and acute injuries, and dial in bio-mechanics. Once our athletes started to see that there was a lot more to a sprint than just your 40 time, I think they start to fully realize how advanced our system is at identifying their limitations and knowing how to address them. Matt Campbell: Early Specialization a Crime Against Youth Athletes, The Common Mistake Behind Many Football Losing Streaks, Why D1 Football Players Are Training With The Triple Jump, Exercises to Make Football Linemen and Receivers More Explosive and Faster on the Field, Increase Your Soccer Speed With 4 Speed Drills, The New Procedure Thats Revolutionizing ACL Surgery and Recovery, The Responsibilities of Parents in College Athletics Recruiting. Wide receiver John Metchie III played lacrosse at a high school in New Jersey. Take your game to the next level with softball drills and workouts at When arguing agility, speed is the tide that lifts all boats. Our science driven programs are challenging, efficient, and effective. No conditioning. Proper nutrition provides athletes with the energy, nutrients and hydration they need to progress in their training and perform optimally. Among the offensive tackles attending the NFL Combine, straight line speed will punch their ticket to the first round, not the three cone drill. Whether or not all strength improvement translates to improvement on the field is debatable, and I would think youd agree. The old adage you cant teach speed or you cant develop speed in guys at this level is just highly inaccurate, says Rhea, the High Performance Coordinator for Indiana Football. Tony retired from teaching chemistry after 38 years in the classroom and has 39 years of coaching experience (football, basketball, and track). Two soft-tissue injuries. Im a huge fan. Its estimated that 70 percent of all ankle, Achilles, knee, and hamstring injuries are non-contact. In the weight room, a players resistance training program isnt based on his position, but his specific neurological needs. and has. Latest sports news, for all pro sports, college sports, high school sports, and more. Thank you. (Alabama Athletics/Kent Gidley) . He ran 10.8 in H.S. But for football players looking to earn a scholarship, track may not be the best choice. The rest of college football will adapt or get left in the dust. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Velocity and Ground Contact for Cricket Bowlers with Steffan Jones, From a performance standpoint, I think most athletes really enjoy seeing performance data. However, dont underestimate the talent he gets to work with. Thats literally what were trying to develop, is the ability of the muscles to contract and relax in a pattern that transfers to sprinting, says Rhea. Within and between athlete va, Ola Eriksrud is not only an Associate Professor at, Resistance training, overspeed, change of directio, Training athletes with accurate, customized and re, Stu McMillan is co-owner and CEO of Altis. Many folks believe the best way to get faster is to get strongerthat if you can lift more weight, youll be able to put more force into the ground and propel yourself from A to B in less time. The athletic recruiting process is a lot like dating, with college coaches/scouts and high-school student-athletes sizing each other up and searching for the right match. Expressing speed is about getting many different muscles to contract and relax at exactly the right times and in the exact right proportions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I hope so. Once youve built up your conditioning, check out some of our advanced volleyball drills and mental techniques. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. Whereas track focuses on positional speed (i.e., going from Point A to Point B in a straight line, except for wide turns), basketball focuses on other qualities needed by the skill football players, such as change of direction and reacting to the movements of an opponent. Check out the pic of their new S&C guy. Some might see the exercise as being too slow to develop speed, but Rhea says exercise speed is just one element of specificity of training. We offer a variety of classes to meet the diverse needs of our athletes. Whether you want to add power to your swing, speed on the basepaths or explosiveness in the outfield, youll need to start with lower body and core workouts designed specifically for baseball players. Within and between athlete va, Ola Eriksrud is not only an Associate Professor at, Resistance training, overspeed, change of directio, Training athletes with accurate, customized and re, Stu McMillan is co-owner and CEO of Altis. One week of poking, prodding, and testing potential talent from head to toe not just figuratively [], This site uses cookies small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. A heavy dose of resisted sprinting, on the other hand, would likely exacerbate the issue. The no-flyweight setting is really smooth and theres not a lot of jerking around from the resistance, so its a smooth jump and they get consistent resistance from the machine.. We will not spam you or share contact information with any 3rd party. Your statement can be made about anything. Actually the guy Im describing is the new *assistant* S&C guy at UT, came from SMU. Pitchers in baseball arent doing steroids to get jacked, they just want to improve capacity, frequency, and recovery. As their muscle coordination improves, their speed times inevitably drop. Football is generally a curvilinear speed sport, so very rarely are you sprinting in a straight line, Rhea says But, there are what I call wiring components on how the brain coordinates speed, and whether its applied in a linear fashion or curved running or field-based pursuit or evasion, a lot of those wiring elements are the same. What happens is that the track coach will often refuse to modify their program, saying they need all their practice time to focus on their track events youre all in, or not in at all! At STACK, youll not only get football-specific conditioning workouts, youll also find strength and power workouts from pros. Matt Rheas work is brilliant and will forever change football in America. The guy who said that should be fired and never allowed to coach again. Connect you with world class coaches. While speed is often represented by a single number quantifying how long it takes to travel from Point A to Point B (such as a timed 40), Rhea prefers to peel back the array of factors between those two points, qualities that reflect not just speed but also key markers of powercrucial metrics since Rhea and IU Director of Athletic Performance David Ballou arent simply training track stars who can stretch the Cover Two on a go route. Unlike the NFL, where the worst teams are awarded the top draft picks, the best college programs get multiple first round picks every year. (As strength coaches are fond of saying, Seven days without weight training makes one weak!) Translated, your promising sophomore fullback on the JV team who was used for blocking and short-yardage situations will be, after track season, at the same bodyweight going into his junior year on the varsity team facing much larger defensive players. Click Here to experience a Free Performance Evaluation Session. In those cases, rather than focusing on resisted work, Rhea might instead individualize their programming to feature more assisted sprinting. The more intrigued they get, the more they focus on what were doing. Matt Rhea, the High Performance Coordinator for Indiana Football, has also found that the muscle recruitment patterns present in unilateral movements tend to be much more akin to sprinting than. The snap in football is just thata split-second, with the first collision at the line occurring in roughly the same amount of time a major league hitter has to connect with a 95 mph fastball. If you know what a number shouldbesay, an internal body temperature of 98.6 for a healthy human beingthen you can apply a mix of art and science toward interventions that will reduce the number when elevated or raise the number when sub-optimal. Yes, Ive read your arguments about strength vs. speed, and I get that you are not a fan of bodybuilders and powerlifters (and now, apparently, cheerleaders). Only about 30% of our training volume over an entire. Athletic Republic delivers on-field success through scientifically based performance training protocols that help athletes learn to move better, get faster, stronger, more powerful and in the best condition possible for their sport. Why? Safety Jordan Battle played basketball and ran the 200 in 22.21. So, were some of the only people our athletes are comfortable about having find their flaws because they know if we can find them, then we can fix them.. Obviously, the next progression from there is some single-leg jumps that we then monitor and measure as they are able to do a more ballistic movement. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Many exercises involve a unilateral component, as Rheas research has found muscle recruitment patterns during a single-leg or split-stance movement are often far different from a bilateral equivalentand usually more akin to whats required during sprinting. Another advantage that basketball and wrestling have over track is the pressure of going head-to-head with an opponent. Classes range from 60 - 90 minutes. Ballou identifies the ability to apply force into the ground with a single leg as the key to a majority of game-specific movements, further stating that One of the lead things that transfers to the football field at the highest level is single-leg movements in the weight room.. 1080 Motion, Inc. will only send meaningful content and communication regarding our services and products. Youll find the basketball workouts and drills youre looking for to take your game to the next level. He provided direction to his clients in areas. Those 16 words could inspire a 5000-word article. 65 320 and run the 40 in 4.85 = first rounder. 247Sports FB Rec Instead, his exploration of other factors led to a program of drills that he also uses to train speed in high-performance athletes. And theres actually quite a bit of difference from athlete to athlete, even in something like a vertical jump. Im extracting data all the time and looking at it to see where the athletes are at, comparing it over time and tracking how theyre developing power in different segments of a run, seeing what their speed actually lookslike.. Weightlifting is not just about producing force, as the sport helps athletes deal with disruptive forces that cause athletes in other sports to suffer injuries. Table 1. Many of the others come from the Clyde Hart camp, where track athletes are trained with ridiculous volumes. Smart choices in when and where to insert exercises, as well as what variations can better improve training outcomes, are a primary goal for coaches. If the kid rejects track, they sign up for the weight room. Ive timed 210,000 max speed sprints in 21 years. 10.67 in the 100m. As the program's Director of Performance Science, he has the linebackers working on offseason speed training. For example, an imbalance in contribution between the hamstrings and quads during the act of sprinting. It will definitely be interesting to see how the college football landscape continues to change with these nuclear powered offenses becoming the norm. Go Get Faster Anyway (A Four-Week Speed Training Plan), Curved Treadmills: Pros and Cons That You Should Know, Top 10 Resistance Band Exercises Athletes Should Use, Five GPS Metrics That Matter (and How to Fill Buckets and Filter Outliers), The Collaboration Between Analysis and S&C Coaches with Jenna Bam, How the Youth Development Model Can Inform High-Performance Speed Training, Cody Hughes: Student-Athlete Preparation Podcast. Rhea regularly utilizes EMG testing to assess how well a players program is addressing muscle coordination deficiencies. So you can focus on showing up, putting in the work, and basking in the glory of gains and PR's. Tap the button below to begin your journey today. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. A Professor of Kinesiology, Rhea uses an avalanche of data points to inform each players prescribed training methods. Select My HYBRID Training Program Now. It was speed training I'd never been on. Basketball is a fast-paced sport that requires explosive strength, top speed, agility and fine-tuned on-court skills. This may be a loaded question, but if you had to choose one track principle to institute in developing football players, what would that be? Safety Daniel Wright ran the 400m in 48.60, high jumped 64, and long jumped 226. I think that type of exercise helps us there. His data-driven system has shifted the Saints' program from a powerlifting philosophy to speed training in an effort to reduce injuries and increase the players' explosive movements on the. Tony Holler is a member of Illinois Track & Field Hall of Fame and Co-director of Track Football Consortium along with Chris Korfist. Ideally, the ratio between how much each muscle group is being asked to contribute to the process is about 50/50. Matt Rhea was quoted in a Stack article, How a Unique Speed Training Program Flipped the Fortunes of Indiana Football, saying what makes him revolutionary: "The old adage you can't teach speed or you can't develop speed in guys at this level is just highly inaccurate." The team recently earned their first Top 25 ranking since 1994. Sprinters who just sprint dont stay healthy. Ive had kids improve by 6.0 mph in four years. Lessons in Defying Gravity with Coach Caryl Smith Gilbert. Those participating in track and field will have verified athleticism and will have special value. Wrestling (along with other martial arts such as judo) develops body awareness and upper body strength, along with being better able to react to an opponents movements qualities not worked in sprinting. Thats an average of 14.3 per year, meaning that on any given Alabama roster, theres probably 57 future NFL players. Alabama director of sports science Matt Rhea speaks with coach Nick Saban at practice Aug. 24, 2021. Alabama doesnt ask a 10.50 sprinter, what do you bench? Indoors, outdoors, speed class is in session on the turf with Dr. Matt Rhea, Athletic Performance Coach for the Indiana Hoosiers football team. Regression analyses run by Rhea on four years of data from high school and college football players found that differences in muscle coordination patterns accounted for nearly 55 percent of the variance in speed at all levels of strength, power and speed.. March Madness and the college basketball season are behind us now. Become a better soccer player through the conditioning workouts, speed training and foot drills on The average track coach comes from a distance background or subscribes to a run-them-to-death, 10200 program. Need I say anymore. Its like Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1080 Motion is a Swedish company serving clients worldwide. Unfortunately, many times the process is not worth trusting. Jaylen Waddle missed most of the season with an ankle injury, but still projects as a first round pick. He has a true love for the practical side of strength training. I cant forgive these meatheads because they are speaking against educational school-based sports. Owners of private gyms in our area constantly tell kids that track reveals speed and does not improve speed. STACK has the volleyball drills and workouts you need to take your game to the next level. With everyone beating the bushes to find the fastest high school football players, the difference will become the training of those athletes at the college level. Whether you want to become a better infielder, develop your bunt technique or increase pitching power, youll find videos, articles and interviews with some of the games top minds to help you become a better player. Rhea launched a consulting company in 2001 and helped NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL teams, International Olympic programs and college athletic departments. Just as an example, if an athlete does a medicine ball throw and their power output is okay but it needs to be improved, then we might move to a lighter and faster and more explosive medicine ball throw.. If you can just envision an athlete doing walking lunges directly toward the machine, that tether is pulling them at a very precise amount of assistance, Rhea says. 60% ran high school track. People in our Feed the Cats and TFC-world have been acutely aware of those rebel talents of the strength and conditioning field who are making a break from the meathead approach to football. The Hands-Supported Safety Bar Split Squat is one example. Our mission was to bring track coaches and football coaches together for the benefit of athletes. Rather, its a combination of resistance training, sprint work, plyometrics and other modalities hes found to be most effective. Copyright 2023 SimpliFaster. With ACL injuries, when the athlete has been released from their rehab protocolsbut are still in a transitional phase before engaging in full, aggressive team trainingRhea also applies the 1080 Sprint for assisted and resisted lunges to challenge the athletes with a specific stressor. Intermountain St. George Acceleration hosted Dr. Matt Rhea as he presented a FREE seminar, "Advanced Concepts in Speed Development: The Difference Between Fa. TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - Alabama head coach Nick Saban announced the hiring of David Ballou as the Crimson Tide's Director of Sports Performance and Dr. Matt Rhea as the Director of Performance Science on Tuesday. How do analysts ensure the data they collect will be beneficial to coaches and players? Dr Rhea has shown that. Without the muscle, they will bounce off their opponents and watch them turn to their teammates and say, Cute kid!. For those athletes who are not so good on one foot, the obvious way to proceed is to give them more single-leg activities. I absolutely love this article. How do you develop the quality on the field and in the weight room? I went to the high school who has put the most players in the NFL and all through H.S. Jonas Dodoo also looks at putting speed in context and Matt Rhea shares a data-driven approach to game speed. Matt Rhea was quoted in a Stack article, How a Unique Speed Training Program Flipped the Fortunes of Indiana Football, saying what makes him revolutionary: The old adage you cant teach speed or you cant develop speed in guys at this level is just highly inaccurate. Also from the same Stack article: Rhea, along with IU Director of Football Performance Dave Ballou, arrived in Bloomington in January of 2018. Just because you want it to be true, doesnt make it true. The athlete is doing the lunge, but its accentuating the stability on the land. The pressure to win leads me to believe the track coach will do whats best for the team, not for the athlete looking for a football scholarship. As the former editor of a youth sports fitness magazine for nearly two decades, Ive interviewed over a hundred successful head high school football coaches from all over the country. Copyright 2023 Rhea Performance Systems, LLC - All Rights Reserved. And its not getting any better in Illinoisin the class of 2021 (131 D-1 football commits), only 39% ran track. 2 Board press, 42 - progress by adding sets until 8 sets are attained, then drop back to 4 sets and add weight. Maximize your sports performance with advice from todays top coaches and elite athletes. Perhaps you remember Ronaldo Nehemiahs football career. Before you can really make those decisions, you need to know what the power output is supposed to look like in the first five yards of a sprint for a football player, versus the power output in the next five yards. To power workouts and games, and to ensure a strong recovery, elite athletes take care to eat properly and to hydrate before, during and after workouts and competitions. Only 44% of those athletes ran track. In addition to analyzing the numbers that make up a sprint, Rhea also examines peak power and rate of force development for jumps, med ball throws, bounds, and other movements. in Fort Lauderdale. You see, Alabama has always recruited the best athletes in the country. And surround you with like minded people who fully embrace the "rising tide floats all ships" mentality. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1080 Motion is a Swedish company serving clients worldwide. Sports performance training is the physical and mental process of working toward specific athletic, performance or fitness goals through a regimented program. We really use a lot of single-leg or split-stance movements. Matt Rhea Director of Sports Science College: Southern Utah University Biography Dr. Matt Rhea is in his first season as the Saints director of sports science after being hired by the team. More importantly, if you train them properly, you can make fast players faster. We will not spam you or share contact information with any 3rd party. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. But what happens when you train those future NFL players the right way? The majority of track coaches in our country are not football people, they are from the cross country world. When I do EMG testing, our players absolutely love looking at their coordination patterns and comparing it to past results. Your email address will not be published. Originally, the college S&C world was not even on our radar. In this session Matt will share his approach and methods for incorporating overspeed training in collegiate American football. Many people share your take on the benefits of wrestling for football players. Squat depth has been debated for years, and as the research and practice evolves, so does the strategy to better program and plan exercises. Check out more workouts and drills in our soccer training video gallery. Firing off the ball. Especially given the Neanderthal state of affairs in many S&C programs. The contract-relax patterns in an exercise like that are very challenging. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Are they fast because they run track, or do they run track because they are fast? For an athlete who is below average or on the lower end of that power production scale, we might give him more resisted running, more heavy resisted running, more resisted running out of a football stance where they have to generate that power very, very quickly as though theyre in a football game, Rhea says, describing athletes that need improvement in the acceleration phase of a sprint. I agree with the value of encouraging high school athletes to play multiple sports, and certainly many successful college football players ran track in high school. Train for wrestling with workouts that provide the explosive strength and power you need to take down an opponent. At 226 pounds, Najee Harris played basketball and ran track in high school. Comparing left to right ratios in single-leg movements is also something that I see as a great value of the 1080 Sprint. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. DO LESS, ACHIEVE MORE. The new Illini S&C guy goes by the name of Tank. Tank got married in a college weight room. The conventional resistance training group performed full-body resistance training 2 days per week, including the following exercises: Back squat, lunges, step ups, cleans, chest press,. Starting CB Josh Jobe ran 10.90 in the 100m, 21.56 in the 200m, and ran on a super-fast 41: 40.97. In basketball, if you slack off, your teammates will quickly get on your case. Small Group Training Schedule - Offered Monday thru Friday / Year-Round. Quarterback Mac Jones will also likely get picked in the first round. with 1yr under me he ran 10.4 and 20.8! Wrestling- 4%. Thanks for reading, Dan. The light force production makes it laughable as speed developer. By comparison, since 2017, Texas produced 3209 Division I football players. Too many football coaches see the game through the lens of hard work and high effort, not the lens of maximum velocity and high outputs.
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