newfoundland towns with funny names
Here are more of Canadas most romantic getaways. Our own hearts nearly exploded as each sign appeared. After writing this article I'm super interested in learning more about the origins of our town and village names in Canada. The park doesnt have a monopoly on this moniker, however: over the years, there have been no fewer than 17 different communities in Newfoundland with this name. Perhaps someone used this island to get on the wagon back in the day. Discover the haunting stories behind Canadas most famous shipwrecks. 231, which, of course, begs the question: where are the other 230? New Brunswick is rife with town names originating from Indigenous languages, making their maps endlessly interesting. I'm kind of terrified to see them, since I was sweaty and inarticulate the entire time, but I promise to share them nonetheless. A Tamil Lunch, an Education in Chutney + a Video! It has, after all, been very good for tourism. Wed been told their fish and chips are hefty, and upon seeing this sign. Dock on Little Bay Islands. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Little Paradise We checked into the Orient Hotel, and I discovered my room overlooked a golden-domed mosque. Whereas many of the articles on this site areshared via social media anywhere from 30 to 300 times, this one broke the internet, with 3.3 thousand Facebook shares (plus more on Twitter), and so many fun comments from peopleall over Canada. [2] Little Bay Islands is its smallest municipality by population, and Brent's Cove is the smallest municipality by land area. Blow Me Down is a small fishing community located on the tip of the Port de Grave Peninsula. Learn more about the most amusing city names around the world. You can eat better than any Viking at the Norseman Restaurant, which serves up lobster, scallops, steak, and lamb just a few minutes down the road from LAnse aux Meadows. Saskatchewan is cheeky too! Now, Radville is a flat oasis, where the views extend for miles. [1] Newfoundland and Labrador has 278 municipalities, including 3 cities, 270 towns, and 5 Inuit community governments, which cover only 2.3% of the province's land mass but are home to 90% of its population. Eugene Smith, who left his home of Ireland for Barrie, Ontario, in 1830, named this hamlet after Thomas Moores classic novel, Utopia. Some of them have really interesting histories! With a population just over 100 clustered around a soaring grain elevator, Eyebrow claims to be the perfect little town on the prairies. If that raises an, erm Eyebrow, check out the positively charming images on the towns website. The Battle Harbour Historic Trust maintains the buildings, runs cultural programs, and preserves much of the once humming community as a living museum. Were not sure exactly what situation the military was referring to at the time, but Snafu served as one of two forest fire crew camps in the Yukon in the 50s. Hopefully the name delivered a cautionary message to future motorists. Though the town was actually named after the Roman god of fire, it is now known as the Official Star Trek Capital of Canada. The vernacular of Newfoundlanders is rich in unusual words, sayings, and expressions, so much so that many people believe the province has a language all its own. And the format? Named after homesteader Conrad Paquin, Radville is a proud prairie town. Dont miss these great day trips from Halifax. Either way, if youre driving north on Highway 97 to Prince George, keep your eye out for this quiet community and its infamous town sign. If you cant make it to the blueberry festival, the Country Corner restaurant and gift shop serves up legendary blueberry crisp (seriously, do not wear a white shirt while eating it). Thats when the Southern Shore Dinner Theatre is in full swing, combining food, humor, history, and theater in a memorable performance. Legend has it, this community is named after a nearby hill in the shape of a parabolaor, if youre more imaginatively inclined, an eyebrow. The historian M.F. The province consists of the island of Newfoundland, as well as Labrador, which is located on the mainland bordering Quebec. Village on Fogo Island. Here, you can observe traditional skills and crafts (like ax throwing and yarn spinning) and sit back in a chieftains chair while brandishing a sword. and then tell you hellbe dere dreckley. In the community of Kings Point, check out the striking Kings Point Pottery. The best-known story of how this Oxford County hamlet got its name is that a local innkeeper would sing Yankee Doodle to his patrons, but they all misheard the lyrics. For more little-known landscaping trivia, check out this roundup of fascinating Canadian geography facts. These are just a few of the most historically popular and famous Newfoundland names and the stories behind them. In Brigus, we discovered our hearts delight (blueberry crumble), our hearts content (diner fish and chips), and our hearts desire (toutons, always toutons). [3] The prerequisite to undertake these actions is the preparation of a feasibility report, which includes a requirement for a public hearing. Yes, the colours said Newfoundland, but the womans Mona Lisa smile screamed cheeky, which is exactly what I wanted to convey. Newfoundland and Labrador has 278 municipalities, including 3 cities, 270 towns, and 5 Inuit community governments, which cover only 2.3% of the province's land mass but are home to 90% . If you remember the first Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, youll know where this tiny Saskatchewan village got its name. READ ALSO:8 Tim Hortons Fails That Are So Relatable They Hurt. After meeting up and hitting the road with my World Nomads' Passport and Plate crew, we finally arrived in Kandy, a city with Bogambara Lake at its centre. But the truth is that its 100 percent Newfoundland. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. This list celebrates . [3], Newfoundland and Labrador has 270 towns that had a total population of304,895 in the 2021 Canadian Census. One theory suggests that it comes from the popular French surname Quidville. Comfort Cove The town was suitably renamed in honour of its fertile farming land, though the name hasnt helped the population much: Fertile currently has zero year-round residents. This meansyoure a pal, not a roosteror worse. This name, despite its connotations, has nothing at all to do with any type of sexual device. Leading Tickles It is made up of Labrador, the mainland portion of the province, and Newfoundland, the island portion. Another historian, E.R. [8] Newfoundland and Labrador's largest town by population is Conception Bay South with 27,168 residents and the largest by land area is Baie Verte with 371.37km2 (143.39sqmi). then added an order of scones with jam and scalded cream, because why the heck not? Cond Nast Traveler does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ), Saint-Louis-du-Ha! And, most importantly, in my opinion, Trinity is home to a small restaurant called Oh My Cheeses. Blow Me Down can boast high winds, but this is the wettest place in Canada. Any information published by Cond Nast Traveler is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. Newfoundland Place Names That Will Make You Blush, Our Favourite Nova Scotia Beach: Cleveland Beach, The Imps Motorcycle Display Team from London, England The Stars of the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo (Family Fun Halifax). The name is rumoured to come from the fact that hunters used to use the area to dress animal carcasses. Here are 10 unforgettable day trips from Montreal. This tower of blueberried goodness takes its namesake fruit very seriously. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Youll want to check out these great day trips from Calgary. [3] It also provides opportunities for towns to annex areas, and establish or alter their boundaries. A few weeks ago, I boarded a tiny but powerful Harbour Air seaplane, and watched as the stunning view of Coastal BC passed below me. The place names I mentioned werent actually funny, but kind of dirty: Virgin Cove, Tickle Cove, Conception Bay, Muddy Hole and of course, Dildo. After an afternoon exploring the coast, peaking through tunnels, and taking in Brigus beautiful architecture, we needed to refuel, and really considered getting another crisp at the Country Corner. It is not known exactly how the river originally got its name, but it would probably be safe to assume that it was because someone had come upon it by chance. Touring Vienna brought us past many historic sitesthe Opera House, countless Viennese cafes, Roman ruins, Holocaust memorials,as well as this more contemporary love is love set of stoplights. It's actually a reference to an Earl of Cardigan. (Also bears the distinction of being the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its name. The shop sells many Newfoundland cultural relics, including cookbooks, hand-knit sweaters, and jams. Stop the press! Harbour Grace was a pirate town (and hometown of Stanley Cup champ, Danny Cleary). Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, a UNESCO world heritage site, is home to an accurately preserved 565-million-year-old seafloor that contains fossils of the oldest complex life forms on earth. In 1763 Captain Cook was appointed marine surveyor and sent to map the Newfoundland coastline. In others, resettlement was forced without community consultation or cultural considerations in the case of many Inuit settlements in Labrador. The imagery is like something out of a strange dream, but Salmon Arm actually refers to the huge concentration of salmon that used to found in the southwest arm of B.C.s Shuswap Lake. Today, the community is home to 100 residents and the Utopia Conservation Area, 50 acres of land where the towns century-old gristmill can be found. Founded in 1905 in preparation for the arrival of the railroad, Bawlf was named after Nicholas Bawlf, president of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. We ordered the fish and chips and werent disappointed. Oderin Island has long since been resettled. And that's not much better than Bitter End, Tennessee, or Hurt, Virginia, whose names make most people want to avoid them. Dont miss these other quirky roadside attractions across the country. There's also . Though the exact origin of some of these place names is known, for many this information has been forever lost to history, and the best we can do is make an educated guess based on legend, folklore, and oral tradition. No one can quite confirm where the most infamous funny Canadian town name actually comes from, but, befitting of Newfoundlands rich folklore, there are countless colourful stories. In Spring 2016, I published an article on Family Fun Canada, titled Newfoundland Place Names That Will Make You Blush.Whereas many of the articles on this site are shared via social media anywhere from 30 to 300 times, this one broke the internet, with 3.3 thousand Facebook shares (plus more on Twitter), and so many fun comments from people all over Canada. St. John's occupies an area of 446.04 square km, was . Brigus was established in 1612 by English, Welsh, and Irish Settlers, and the name comes from Brickhouse, an old town in England; its charming to note how the Newfoundland accent took ownership of the original name. A fish weir, in case you didn't know, is like a boat lock system used to trap and catch fish, pictured above. Thanks to TravelAwaits reader Natalie, the villages along Green Bay South have hit my travel radar. Looking past the funny name, with an old church parish dating back to the middle ages, this little town is must visit. North Mexican - A term from Americans that conflate Canadians with Mexicans, because it borders the US to the north. The first coffee house appeared in 1685 and quickly gained popularity, thus beginning a long-standing cultural tradition. . Glen, Your email address will not be published. Her blog, TurnipseedTravel, focuses on cozy, affordable travel adventures and was named one of the 100 most influential travel blogs in the world by the White House in 2014. It is believed that it was during this surveying expedition that Cook gave, for his own amusement and presumably that of his crew, Newfoundland some of its stranger and more amusing place names. You'd better not forget it.". You might know this one from the Feist song! (In case you were wondering, the original Climax owed its curious name to a chewing tobacco company.) What's with the Prairies naming places after body parts? Place Names of Newfoundland and Labrador 1. Where this Trans-Canada Highway rest-stop got its name isnt especially clear, but considering Gooby was a common last name amongst Newfoundlanders in the 1800s, its possible it was christened by two Goobies themselves. In an interview Friday, Pretty said he noticed from his very first photograph that the iceberg, in an area of the province known as Conception Bay, had online potential. They were eager to pitch in and talk about names I hadnt mentioned, or how they couldnt wait to get back home for a visit. Will they snort or crack a joke you've heard a thousand times? [2] Fifteen of those towns are in Labrador. Did anyone mention Joe Batts Arm a real place often quoted by Joey Smallwood in his speeches. Newfoundland and Labrador. Every August, Brigus welcomes thousands of people to the communitys annual blueberry festival. Comments, especially heartfelt ones, are internet goldand the hallmark of true audience engagement. Punkydoodles - Near Waterloo Ontario Dave and I may have to take a road trip to see this! The most Irish island in the world. Salmon's don't have arms, British Columbia, are you high? Legend has it, a local innkeeper always sang Yankee Doodle which went through some sort of strange broken telephone and came out as Punkeydoodle on the other end. Find out the best places to see dinosaur fossils in every province. Here are some common Newfoundland sayings, decoded! For years, the community was also home to a miniature village! Thank you, rural Newfoundland, for your pretty towns with endearing names. 2023 Readers Digest Magazines Ltd. - All rights reserved, Next, discover 10 bucket list experiences on, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), By Rosie Long Decter, (with files from Marissa Miller). Filled with fish and crisp, we were ready to start exploring the picturesque town of Brigus. a small town in Oregon that changed its name for a year to receive $100,000, computers for its public schools, and other financial . Welcome to Newfoundland's Grand Banks Genealogy site. Top 120 Cities in the World with Funny Names. Cond Nast Traveler may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Stop the press! If this particular shrub was running rampant throughout the rest of the province, perhaps it would be notable for its absence in this area, but it is not. This just sounds like one of those very practical town names. Funny words that correspond to some of the world's most funny city names. Another stupidly cute name from P.E.I!!! The name was particularly fitting given that the community was established so that CPR trains could stop for water near the Moose Jaw river. Someone says Bolivia, and salt flats appear. [3], St. John's is Newfoundland and Labrador's capital and largest municipality by population and land area. Blow-me-down Mountain was found on maps drawn by Joseph Gilbert, who surveyed the area before Cook. These days, Vulcan has fully embraced its inevitable sci-fi connection, boasting a replica of the starship Enterprise and a bust of Spock himself. As the name implies, it specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches. No word on the sweater of choice for its residents, but this former shipbuilding town is now home to Canadas smallest lending library. Leading Tickles. Another townname that is a lot less weird once translated. Find out the best things to do in Banff (besides skiing). That might sound like a riddle, but the three scenic towns are indeed huddled together, taking their name from the heart-shaped harbour they share. LAnse aux Meadows was surely a stunner of a town around 1000 A.D. when it was North Americas premier Norse settlement. The owners also operate bed and breakfast style accommodations and vacation rentals at the Valhalla Lodge. Check out more attractions along Newfoundlands west coast. Ha!apparently the only town in the world with two exclamation points in its namesits at the top of Quebecs Temiscouata valley. Did I get people talking? Ur-in Saskatchewan! Another says that it is derived from the Latin que de vide, which means "that which divides". List of municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador, a province of Canada, Articles related to municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador, List of municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Mount Carmel-Mitchells Brook-St. Catherines, Small Point-Adam's Cove-Blackhead-Broad Cove, St. Vincent's-St. Stephen's-Peter's River, List of census agglomerations in Atlantic Canada, List of communities in Newfoundland and Labrador, List of designated places in Newfoundland and Labrador, List of population centres in Newfoundland and Labrador, "Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, 2021 and 2016 censuses 100% data", "Population and dwelling counts: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions (municipalities), Newfoundland and Labrador", "Newfoundland and Labrador Municipal and Inuit Community Government Directory", Newfoundland and Labrador: Municipal and Provincial Affairs, Newfoundland and Labrador based companies,, Municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Lists of populated places in Newfoundland and Labrador, All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 02:21. You can experience a glimpse of this powerful industry by going on a fishing excursion from the island. Seen everything the Big Smoke has to offer? Plan accordingly and stay safe! Kimmel loved the name of the town so much, he became the honourary Mayor of Dildo. Helen Earley is an award-winning lifestyle and travel writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Check out 25 essential experiences on Vancouver Island. The salmon may not swarm there anymore, but these days the city has another claim to fame: boasting the worlds largest treble clef (it stands more than 13 metres tall)! But as an Anglophone who has the sense of humour of a twelve year old, this one is fun. We want to inspire you to explore new destinations, discover new experiences and savor the journey. By, ducky, me son, andmloveare terms you will hear all the time, tacked on to the end of most sentences, as terms of endearment. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Some say it comes from a French word for the islandile deauor a Spanish word for the bottom of a boat. This cliff that is a UNESCO heritage site and home to a museum of Blackfoot culture. Here are more hidden gems of Ontario that are worth exploring. In some cases, economic decline and geographic isolation, combined with heavy-handed government pressure, left locals with no real choice but to move. Born in Ashton-under-Lyne, England, in 1843, Charles Drinkwater was the first corporate secretary of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and the namesake for this Saskatchewan village. Murphy. Celebrate with wine and the friends who cheered you on as you wrote your proposal. Irish settlers originally named this municipality the Parish of St. Malachy, after a 12thcentury Archbishop. For me, the feature photo, showing a woman cradling a cup of tea outside a colourful house, was key. But then you straighten your spine: "This is the name of my home town. Passau is a small city sitting at the confluence of three rivers: the Inn, the Ilz, and the Danube. [2] The province's newest town is George's Brook-Milton, which incorporated on May 8, 2018. It is a priority for CBC to create products that are accessible to all in Canada including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. "Wawa," is the Ojibwe word for "wild goose.". Even just for the jokes alone, it's well worth a visit. Secondly, locals tell of a fisherman named Jerry who, while carrying his boat over the coast, was caught by a gust of wind and blown down a hill, busting up his nose in the process. Our epic, 7-hour train journey from Kandy to Bandarawela took us high into the mountains. These acts give them the power to enact local bylaws and the responsibility to provide local government services. Published April 29, 2023 11:58 a.m. PDT. Google Analytics cant tell you that Goldie Parsons, who comments from Toronto, is originally from Glovertown, Newfoundland, or thatLynn Rowsell used to know a fishing spot called Old Maams Crack. There are many ways to go about choosing a name - their build, adorable faces, or silly little quirks. All that really matters is that people from Dildo are known as Dildonians. The text was brief (Buzzfeed-style) and the photos, provided by Newfoundland and Labrador Tourismwere stunning. Others say that it is a reference to the Holy Trinity. Some other noteworthy nomenclatures include: There are also a number of great place names that people have, for one reason or another, elected to change. Located on Battle Island off the coast of Labrador, Battle Harbour is nine miles from the next closest community by boat! Italy is a neatly-laid vineyard. A Dildo, N.L., man's photo of a phallic iceberg in Newfoundland's Conception Bay was getting laughs across the globe on Saturday. The second thing about the Newfoundland article is that it had a mildly salacious element. Following its heyday in the 30s and 40s, Cheddar emptied out, as Haliburton took off as a popular cottage destination and the roads began to bypass Cheddar. A few months ago, this was our dilemma: when one of the main points of our book is that its impossible to singularly define Canadian food culture, how do we attempt to visually define that same culture within an 11x8 inch space? Check out 10 national parks every Canadian should visit. It is not know for certain how Trinity got its name, but the topic is one of much speculation. Trinity was used as a filming location for The Shipping News and The Grand Seduction. I don't know, it's where we have to portage the cranberries. Battle Harbour was once the salt cod capital of the world. After a quick stop in Melk we arrived in Vienna, a city famous for its coffee culture. Chimney Tickle. And it has been! Bollard Town: C : PSM : Bolster Cove: C : STB : Bona: C : PSM : Bonalds Island: B: Vac . Nice. Cow Head is a small community, population 475, on Newfoundland's Great Northern Peninsula. The full name for this community is the Rural Municipality of Happyland no. One evening, a local family Kolitha, Deepthi, Chamodi, and Dilumi hosted me for a cooking lesson and dinner. Named after the main character in the novel, The Sunless City by J.E. The term has also been known to refer to a pin placed in a rowboat that attaches to the oar. There's a certain magic to the descriptive, hilarious, and occasionally very weird place names in Canada's Newfoundland. As previously mentioned these are but a few of the many colourful, interesting, and often amusing place names, both past and present, of Newfoundland communities. In fact, to keep up with demand, the town is currently fundraising to build a local wedding chapel. He had two home bases in Newfoundland: Harbour Grace and Oderin Island. Like saucy place names? The third and most colourful theory purports that the name comes from a Madame named Kitty Vitty who operated a "house of ill repute" in the area. Heres my first of a series of posts Ive been writing for them, which Ill be sharing here once a week. Check out 10 Canadian road trips everyone should take at least once. It is made up of Labrador, the mainland portion of the province, and Newfoundland, the island portion. They are an extension of the living room, a place where people can spend hours reading, writing, meeting, or working. Tilting, Fogo Island/Photo Courtesy of Newfoundland and Labrador. If one should wish to plan a visit to this beautiful little village in Trinity Bay, one may want to plan it around their annual summer festival, from which the visitor can take home a souvenir t-shirt proudly proclaiming: "I survived Dildo Days". When locals speak, its with a lilt not found anywhere else! Check out your home province below! This list celebrates towns and cities with names worth a second look, a smile, and a smirk. Here are 10 caves in Canada that are worth exploring. Newfoundland and Labrador is the ninth-most populous province in Canada, with 510,550 residents recorded in the 2021 Canadian Census, and is the seventh-largest in land area, with 358,170 km 2 (138,290 sq mi). This funny Canadian town name only has dark undertones if youre assuming it has English roots. As you may have read earlier, I travelled to Sri Lanka this past June as part of World Nomads' Passport and Plate program with Intrepid Travel. This, however, is not the case in Red Head Cove. The communities embody the warmth and friendliness that Newfoundland is known for, and you wont be in the area long before you have some new friends. The red, yellow, white, mint, peach, and bright blue buildings look darn good on camera. These Small Towns in France Are Straight Out of a Storybook, 13 Best Cape Cod Hotels, From Falmouth to Provincetown, The Most Beautiful Places in Portugal, From Douro Valley Vineyards to the Islets of the Azores, Exploring France's Enchanting Villages With My Father on a Seine River Cruise, In Northern Canada's Desolation Sound, Salmon Is Everything, 14 Best Airbnbs in Boston, From a Beacon Hill Townhouse to a Charlestown House Boat. The bilingual 1,500-person town was settled mostly by homesteaders from Quebec and is now renowned for its public murals. If ever there was an apt occasion to use those adjectives, its now. Amde E. Forget was born in Marieville, Quebec, in 1847, but as the Queens representative of this prairie province, he was a natural namesake for this Francophone town. One of the first villages incorporated in P.E.I., Crapaud is a popular stop-over for travellers on the Trans-Canada Highway. One of the best things about Newfoundland is finding towns that look like perfectly preserved movie sets; bright-coloured houses and white picket fences dot picturesque harbours, and theres usually at least two freshly-painted wooden churches. After hanging out with geoducks and oyster seeds, it was time to toast the shellfish industry in the Comox Valley. There's a certain magic to the descriptive, hilarious, and occasionally very weird place names in Canada's Newfoundland. This seems very unlikely however, as the town appears on early Portuguese maps as Bay de St. Cyria. The meaning is pretty straightforward, though, if you speak Maliseet. a town in New Jersey, USA. Although, perhaps this really is just referring to an eagle spreading its wings, guys.
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